myth presentation


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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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  2. 2. We need myths that will identify the individual not with his local group but with the planet. Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth Star Trek mythology fulfills this need, and more by helping us see what is possible for human kind as a race. Star Trek is the most prominent and viable modern mythology for several reasons. It has become so engrained in western psychology, and the technology we are seeing today may be a by-product of inspiration from minds like Gene Roddenberry. Mythology, in order to be an effective means of delivering higher goals for the conduct of those who believe in its strength, has to teach a better way of being human. Looking at the longevity and popularity of the series, with all of the possibilities presented to us becoming acceptable and attainable the closer we get to the future, it becomes apparent that western civilization has accepted and incorporated this mythology into our culture.
  3. 3. WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE When we watched this episode in week 2, we looked at the context of this episode in terms of human response to power, and whether that could be a corruptive force. Philosophical themes of this nature, which make us consider eternal questions concerning human potential, were the status quo for Star Trek. This was especially due to the influence of modern humanist philosophy, reaching its height in the 1960s. All valid mythology systems contain philosophical branches as the means to teach different groups, but the roots are always in our need to emulate an archetype this seems to be how our minds are created to gain wisdom. The archetypes presented in Star Trek are timeless, and ancient truths are re-told in modern form, cloaked in a context that is more palatable because it is on another level and portrays humans in a god-like (but without inherent supernatural abilities) manner in their advancements.
  4. 4. VULCAN MYTHOLOGY The Vulcan race was portrayed as having a strong historical connection with mythology. Much of this was borrowed from classic Greek mythology, with the name Vulcan meaning God of Fire. This name was chosen to symbolize that this had once been a very passionate and war- like race, that nearly destroyed itself. The Vulcans overcame this flaw by becoming highly rational beings, and developing meditative and other techniques to subdue their volatile emotions. They were portrayed as being superior to humanity to an extent, and certainly seemed to feel that way, except for Spock, who was half human.
  5. 5. SOCIAL ANALOGIES DERIVED FROM MYTH Some of Star Treks greatest moments were when the writers portrayed pressing social issues, such as race and gender inequality, in a format that was almost allegorical since it was set in a completely different context. Much of classic mythology follows this pattern of storytelling using improbable and unbelievable situations, to speak of taboo subjects, which are usually based on ignorance. The goal of mythology is to teach us proper conduct, but in a way that appeals to our inner child, who instinctively knows when it is hearing the truth.
  6. 6. MYTHOLOGY AND SYMBOLISM Although the symbol which we now easily identify with Star Trek has evolved over time, it presents a valuable tie with the mythology itself. Mythology is heavily based on symbolism, and humans still respond strongly to symbolic images, regardless of context.
  7. 7. ELEMENTS OF MYTHOLOGY: THE HEROES The heroes of Star Trek are very recognizable to most people, especially Kirk and Picard, who represent the epitome of heroism within the context of their culture and environment. They, along with the members of their crews, demonstrate some of the highest forms of human evolution, including tolerance, justice, desire for peace, and supreme mental discipline combined with moral fortitude. Some of these heroes have followed the classic Heroes Journey path, especially Kirk. He was an imperfect hero, whos flaws were portrayed as something which kept him human, with passions and desires. In terms of embodying a classic hero figure, none of these people would necessarily be someone we would emulate, but we can look up to them and admire their ability to make the tough decision, and do the right thing on a consistent basis.
  8. 8. ELEMENTS OF MYTHOLOGY: THE VILLAINS The villain element is very prominent in Star Trek from the original series through the latest blockbuster film installment. While it is not necessarily the heroes (captains & crew) prime directive or divine purpose to vanquish the evil that exists in the universe, it is an important aspect in retaining our essential humanity while facing of the unknown. The god-like, all powerful type villain is seen in the character Q, and to a lesser extent in the Borg Queen. Both of these beings do not seem evil in the traditional mythological sense, but they do prey upon what they perceive to be human weakness. In both instances, the heroes prevailed against seemingly insurmountable odds, by the virtues of courage, brotherhood, and steadfastness.
  9. 9. DARMOK: A TRIBUTE TO THE CROSS-CULTURAL IMPORTANCE OF MYTHOLOGY In this episode of Star Trek the Next Generation, Picard encounters a race of beings so firmly entrenched in mythology, their language is entirely based on metaphors derived from it. Picard relates to an important member of this race while they are both forced to work together to defeat an evil foe. By actively incorporating mythology, the creators of Star Trek have, since its inception, managed to successfully promote the continuance of certain important precepts found in ancient myth-based belief systems, while creating a new paradigm for future generations. As with most aliens in science-fiction, the Tamarians [Star Trek characters] serve as mirrors for ourselves, reminding us of the importance of myths, metaphors, and storytelling in our lives while demonstrating how ingenuity, determination, and receptiveness can help defuse conflict, bridge gaps, further understanding across different worldviews. Source:
  10. 10. Works Cited: Campbell, Joseph, and Bill D. Moyers. The Power of Myth. New York: Doubleday, 1988. Print. "Of Myths and Metaphors: Star Trek TNG's Darmok." Ekostories. 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 27 June 2015. Where No Man Has Gone Before. Star Trek: The Original Series. NBC Sep. 22 1966. Television. Darmok. Star Trek: The Next Generation. NBC Sep. 30 1991. Television.