mystikway magazine 30

Working with Spiritual Mandalas How to choose love over fear inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Eating for ENlightenment and more... Speaking words of wisdom We are the Gods - Part 4 Samhain & Beltaine A Druids Tale

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The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in, but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon and focuses on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience. The path of the Mystik Masters.The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in, but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon and focuses on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience. The path of the Mystik Masters.


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Working with Spiritual Mandalas

How to choose love over fear

inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Eating for ENlightenment and more...

Speaking words of wisdom

We are the Gods - Part 4

Samhain & Beltaine

A Druids Tale

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Contents 3 Welcome to issue thirty

4 Samhain

5 Beltaine

6 Project Avalon Update

7 The White Springs in Glastonbury

8 Samhain Ritual

10 We are the Gods - Part 4

12 Samhain The night that ghosts walk

14 Speaking words of wisdom

18 Working with spiritual Mandalas

22 Mystik Way Healing Link

23 Inspired writing - Harmony

24 Tarot - The Pentagram Spread

26 Card of the Month - Death

28 Poem - Darkness into Light

29 Spellbound - Book review

30 How to choose love over fear

34 Animal and Plant of the Month

36 Magical Herbs - Clover

37 Artwork by Christine Carlson

38 Enlightened Living and Eating

40 A Druids Tale

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | [email protected] DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, Kirsty Mellor, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele, William C. Snider, Christine Carlson, Ama’ritday, Sherry

Working with spiritual Mandalas | 18

Animal of the Month | 36

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or £1 to help us with our running costs.

Cover: Ed Mystikmaster

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Welcome to issue thirty

The wheel of the year has turned yet again, we are now fast approaching Samhain/Halloween when the Veil between the Worlds grows thin. A time to remember and respect our Ancestors, not just

blood relations but all those that have gone before us….The Visionaries, the Pioneers, The Dreamers, they who have led us to where we are now on the Path.

Whilst writing all the introductions for the magazines I realise that they are all about celebration & quite rightly so because we should always make a concerted effort to make life one long celebration. It indeed should be an Adventure, always seeking something new & exciting, to turn even the mundane into something Magikal.

So here at the Mystik Way like small children we are already planning our Samhain/Halloween ritual & party, as we hope you are also. Have a wonderful spiritual & magical time with loved ones and friends.

Many new articles are in the pipeline including Druidism & Paganism, plus Crystals & Crystal Healing….watch this space.

Always remember that Life is a Joy a wonderful Adventure.



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Samhain (all Hallows)

Halloween as it is now known across the World is an Ancient Celtic Festival….it marked the end of the year, when the Darkness took over from the Light. The name Samhain means “summers end”

and the onset of the dark winter months, all the crops & vegetables were harvested to be stored along with the vital Herbs, fruit, nuts & berries so as to keep the villagers from starvation/illness. The Herds were returned to the village & sheltered against the harsh winter. Most importantly, Meade & Ale were brewed in great abundance (beer was also known as bread)

Now the Veil between the two Worlds was at its thinnest, ceremonies & rituals were conducted by humans to make contact with those who had departed to the Other World. To the Ancients it was New Year & celebrated with Great Festivities, offerings were made to the Gods….rituals & purification rites took place to invoke their help for the year to come….Great feasts & merry making throughout the eve of Samhain echoed across the countryside. During the eve of all hallows all departed spirits (good & evil) would once again walk the earth for an evening.

Celebrate by holding a party with loved ones and friends, create a lavish feast with good food and drink…decorate your house & altar with seasonal plants, fruits, berries….invite the departed to come warm themselves by your fire…..share your abundance with the knowledge there will be more next year.

Samhain Blessings.


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In the southern hemisphere it is time for the fire cleansing Pagan festival of Beltane, the warmth of the Sun returns…Gardens are blooming & the trees in the countryside are now appearing a vibrant

leafy green. The long dark nights are getting lighter.

It is a time of clearing & burning away the old dead branches/foliage, cutting away the old so the new can grow and flourish which we can apply to our own lives…A huge Wicker effigy of a man is built out of that dead wood & foliage, people gather together to feast and make merry. As the day light fades into the night & the Moon rises the Wicker man is set ablaze, everyone gathers around eager to place their wishes for the coming year into the fire, there is drumming, singing, dancing, fire jugglers per-forming as the great feast gets under way & this will continue long into the early hours of the morning as they await the return of the sun.

Beware as it is a time of fertility also, many new lives are created this night, a night of passion. In Pagan times it was a time to choose & make love to your new found partner…a time of Lust as many would sneak off into the woods for a while.

To celebrate & bring those new vibrant energies to you, Light a fire, invite friends for a feast/party & make a ceremony out it by writing your wishes on paper & burning them in the fire, you can also write your problems & fears down and see them vanish forever in the fire. Make it a vibrant ritual by having many bright coloured flowers around the house, yellow, red &purple, ladies wear a ring of flowers in your hair.

A truly wonderful ritual & ceremony, very energising & cleansing as well as being great fun. Enjoy to the full.



Southern Hemisphere Celebrations Beltane a Fire Festival

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Project Avalon progress update

To refresh everyone’s memory, proj-ect Avalon is about turning my

courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Veg-etable Mystikal haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Ritu-als, Meditations, Music & Man-tra…to be true to the ways of the Old Path.

Well the date on the calendar says it is Autumn, but here nature says otherwise as we are enjoying an Indian summer, only a few of the trees are starting to turn to their Autumn colours, the evenings are calm & balmy with the plants all loving every minute of it. We are now on our fourth gallon (24 bottles) of Blackberry wine and all just from the small bush in my courtyard, which incidentally has found its way from two gardens away. The Sage & the Rosemary smudge sticks are nothing short of pure Magik.

And old friend has given me a great tip, all the peppers & herbs he grinds in an old coffee grinder when fully dried then stores in small glass jars thus storing/saving ready for use in the kitchen, totally organic as well. Also I have started to dry and grind the herbs for burning on charcoal which I find gives off a far more natural aroma. Well it appears that I am very much learning by trial & error as I go along, with a great deal of intuition added for good measure.

All preparation is now underway for the dark winter months, we are stocked up on herbs, wine, vegetables, we have a great bread maker called James (even makes bread rolls using beer) So winter ritual and party time begins….

As I write this I have just started a gallon of El-

derberry & the berries are from exactly the same tree as the one I have made the Elderflower wine from earlier this year.

Please let me know if you have any great idea’s regarding organic gardening etc or if this project has inspired you to try something similar.

Samhain/Halloween Blessings.


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Opposite the well known Chalice Wells in Glastonbury is a well house containing the

wonderful waters known as The White Spring. The water is called white as it contains cal-cite – unlike the waters of chalice well which are red and contains iron. The White Spring is contained within a cavernous well house which was built by the Victorians. There are a series of pools contained within which have been built according to Sacred Geometry. The Spring sits along the Ley Line known as the Michael Line – a straight line which goes from Penzance to Great Yarmouth (UK), following the path of the sun on the 8th of May. The White Spring is a healing and energising place well worth a visit if you are end up in Glastonbury. You will find the White Spring situated along one of the main entrance roads to the Tor – Well House Lane.

I have made the pilgrimage to Glastonbury

several times in the past few years but have only made it to the White Springs for the first time in May this year. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I entered the door in to what ap-peared to be darkness, but was greeted with an energising, candle-lit, cavernous watery haven. Whilst you are there you can gaze into the water, step into the pools, or even bathe in the healing springs. I chose to sit and enjoy the energies of the pools and the building with a meditation – I felt calm and cocooned and particularly connected to the element of water! The spring is perpetually flowing so the sound of water flowing within the pools and around the building brings a beautiful and enchanting dimension to this sacred place. A must do on the pilgrims list.

White water springs Glastonbury ( Avalon ) Somerset England has reopened, for details and contact.

The White Springs in Glastonbury by Jenny Spirit

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Samhain Ritual

We are between the Worlds, Beyond the Realms of Time.

When Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow meet as One.

After the End and before the Beginning, comes a time when the Veil is

Thin. Listen to the Ancestors calling, Open the Door and let them in.


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Samhain Ritual

We are between the Worlds, Beyond the Realms of Time.

When Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow meet as One.

After the End and before the Beginning, comes a time when the Veil is

Thin. Listen to the Ancestors calling, Open the Door and let them in.


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In the previous issue’s I discussed the reasons behind this statement & which

I will discuss much further. For several millennia this has been known to an elect few, alas the few who wished to keep it secret and used for entirely selfish purposes,(known as corporations/banks/world leaders) Also there are the select few as opposed to the elect few who know of this but have kept it secret merely because they would not survive if they revealed such truths, so the secrets were shrouded in symbols such as the original Mandala’s & Tarot cards, passed along by word of mouth via Ritual & ancient Mystikal writings. Alas like Chinese whispers they have either been embellished or totally miss-read somewhere along the timeline or even completely bastardised deliberately.

My aim here is to unravel and de mystify them thereby revealing this simple but powerful knowledge to all. As I mentioned in previous issue’s we are in general only using about one fifth of our brain/mind power, seeing only again about one fifth of what is really there before us. I will also be talking of ways we can rectify this.

One of the most obvious is to clear the mind/brain of all the erroneous rubbish, a de clutter a bit like wiping a computer disc

clean & re programming it. So that clear one pointed thinking is the first step & this can only be achieved by focusing on intention, but also we must make clear our intention & not have a series of jumbled thoughts, the best way to achieve this at first is to write them down in a very clear & precise way then spend a short while each day focusing your intent on a given subject you have written. The most powerful way of focusing intent is of course through the practise of magik ritual which in itself is a discipline, concentrating the mind & the will on a certain subject thereby stilling the mind from the everyday mundane trite rubbish that serves us no good purpose whatsoever. These are subjects that can be easily sought out by finding a teacher via the internet or other sources or if you wish contact me via the facebook page.

Once you have spent some time training with these disciplines you will the begin to understand what I am attempting to convey when I state “we are the Gods” your brain, mind & emotions will become under your own control not the control of the masses thereby assisting you in one pointed thought. Your thoughts will no longer be jumbled & chaotic, you then find that each thought/feeling will start to manifest in the physical reality very quickly, assisting you in realising that is why your past chaotic thinking brought you a

We are the GodsPart four

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chaotic physical reality. Then the God power within you will start to awaken.

The most powerful tool you have after the mind is your voice, as sound is vibration & that affects the energies around you. The tone of your voice & the way you conduct your speech has great power, so a gentle but firm tone with feeling, not loud or fast will send out the correct signals to the Universe. When you have your thinking under your own control this will come quite naturally to you, thus drawing more positive power and energy & the more this is practised the more you will become in complete control of your life & all that surrounds you.

Next issue I will elaborate more on the clear thinking and speech practises, also go into more detail of evidence pertaining to why we are the Gods. If you would like further information on these practises please contact me through the Mystik Way page or group.

I am strong, mighty and with the immortal fire. I am the voice of the eternal Gods upon the Earth even though I be clothed with the body of flesh.

Blessings on your quest to find the Divine within you.


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Deeply magical, the festival of samhain is officially the start of the sacred energetic

year. This wonderful festival honours all those who have gone before us, it is held on October 31st-November 1stin the northern hemisphere and April 30th-May 1st in the southern hemisphere.

On this sacred night the dead walk alongside us. They move through our memories, inspire our dreams take hold of our imagination and illuminate our paths.

This night is known as Halloween in America and the U.K,the day of the dead in Mexico, and in Christian beliefs all saints day, but too white magic practioners it is known as samhain-the time when the dead teach us that what has passed can instruct us beyond death; that those living can communicate with those who have gone from this incarnation, if we just listen watch and look out for and stay aware of the signs. It is about honouring loving and respecting those who have passed-and realising that our loved ones are still with us, and that our soul is eternal!

This Celtic tradition has led to many superstitions, which have been exaggerated and made terrifying, which they are not! This really is a time to honour our ancestors to seek out their advice and insights, to reconnect with souls that are no longer with us. Samhain is about taking time to respect death and to revere life, and to honour the memory of friends and family who have died and to celebrate their life and our love for them.

This is the night when the veils between the two worlds are at their thinnest, it is easy to slip into madness delirium and a trance like state, at this time, it is important to steer clear of any substances before partaking in any rituals. Your samhain would not be complete without a ritual. A positive way to use energy to remember all those who have gone before, friend’s mentors, relatives and even people you

have never meet who have inspired you greatly. This is the night to remember and honour there teachings.

You will need.

2 blue candles

1 white candle

1 charcoal disc and fire proof dish


Some samhain incense

25 sea pebbles

Cast the circle and call in the quarters, goddess, and god as you would normally do

Place the 2 blue candles in the western quarter of the circle, this represents the gateway to death, and place the white candle in the east.

Light the charcoal, then the blue candles and face the gate way saying

“Ancestors of blood, ancestors of spirit you are honoured here, I call my beloved dead to the gateway, only those who wish me well may enter”

Sprinkle the incense onto the charcoal disc.

Name friends or relatives who have passed this year say out loud

“I remember (name) who………..I want to say this to you……..”

For each person place a pebble near the white candle, next remember those who have passed away before this year and then groups of people who you wish to commemorate.

When you have finished and the pebbles are heaped around the white candle light it saying

Samhain The night that ghosts walk

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“ All are mourned, remembered and honoured”

Say Farwell and close the gateway before you release the elements etc. You may keep the white candle burning in remembrance, return the pebbles to the sea the following day!

On a symbolic and physical leval,3 days before samhain represent the triumph of dark over light and that winter is approaching. It is another chance to celebrate the natural earths harmony of seasonal transition-there is no good no bad no dominance, there is the light and the dark and the shades in between, and all have a part to play in our lives. Summer can be just as bad for the earth as is winter.

For health and wealth and life we must keep turning and changing, flowing in and out without the sun we cannot see our shadow without the dark we cannot see the stars. All life comes from the marriage of dark and light, it’s what makes our journey called life so mysterious and rich in its lessons to be learnt along the way. Don’t be frightened of the dark as it will always be balanced with light!

Samhain is the time of the crone energy the old woman aspect of the goddess, the divine

midwife who brings us into life and helps us to cross over into death. A guardian of sacred thresholds, she also spins and weaves wisdom and helps us to cut our life’s threads. Because of this she is sometimes known as the spider or represented by a web. The crone is strongly connected with psychic abilities and the ability to walk between worlds. Call upon the crone at samhain to help with areas of letting go, releasing negativity, New Year’s resolutions, and super natural signs and for celebrations. Ask that she may protect you and keep you safe in the dark winter months to come.

Finally don’t forget that it’s perfectly magically correct to enjoy the spine tingling of samhain. Get together with a group of friends, watch horror films until dawn, drink cider (those magical apples) munch on corn on the cob, play bobbing for apples, light candles, wear black or dress up, share scary stories and get ready to shiver. This night comes once a year-get into the spirit and face your fears because even death can enrich your life!

With love Kirsty Mellor x

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“…this we ask of you ere you leave us,

that you speak to us and give us of your truth…

Now therefore disclose us to ourselves,

and tell us all that has been shown you

of that which is between life and death…”

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Where to Turn?

In the grand scheme of things, many of us live in uncertain times. In the past, and in some cultures now, the quest for wisdom led to only one place, one book, one voice. Religious authority and dogma would dictate the advice that followers should adopt. In some ways this made things easy, as the seeker could escape the burden and responsibility of choice.

People often ask, what is the difference between ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’? One answer is that ‘spirituality’ does not adhere to a single text or authority. The last Pope called this ‘relativism’, and warned of its dangers. How, he argued, could morality be pure when someone could consult different sources and decide which advice they preferred? Would this not lead to

people simply mixing and matching wisdom that suited their own desires, instead of keeping those desires in check?

These questions are part of the journey of spirituality. Individuals must seek and find a variety of sometimes conflicting advice, and then must decide which path to take. Freedom to do this can be frightening – the certainty of ‘one answer’ is replaced by a multitude of voices, all of which or none of which might be right for us.

So where should we turn? Answering that question would take forever, and would never be able to take into account all of the wonderful variety of people reading these very words. I can, however, recommend two sources of wisdom – one old and one new – that have provided this writer with invaluable advice and comfort. It will be for you to decide whether they speak to you enough to seek them out, and whether their words sit well with you.

Telling Us Of Ourselves

Both of these texts follow the same basic structure. The author speaks through an individual who is asked to speak their wisdom on different questions offered by a gathered crowd.

Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet & Paul Coelho’s Manuscript Found in Accra

Speaking words of wisdom

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Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet & Paul Coelho’s Manuscript Found in Accra

Speaking words of wisdom by James Middleditch

The more famous of the two is The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. First published in 1923, this sensitive Lebanese author’s work has become known as a ‘secular bible’, and anecdotally, many people keep it as such, referring to it in times of trouble and saying how different sections and quotations are useful at different times of their lives. Readings are often used in both religious and non-religious ceremonies, especially at weddings and funerals, which is testament to the power of the words and the poetic quality of the writing.

Paulo Coelho’s Manuscript Found in Accra has been published this year, the latest work from this prolific contemporary spiritual writer. The Biblical connection is perhaps even stronger here, as Coelho explains how he has translated sections of a text that may have been rejected from the Bible as we know it – a gospel that did not fit the ideological demands of the time.

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The biggest difference between them is in the questions that are asked by the people, and thus the topics that the speaker covers. In The Prophet, the questions are very simple, often beginning with ‘Speak to us of…’, followed by one or two broad key words. In Coelho’s Manuscript, the questions are more subtle and complex, and so the two books become perfect companions to each other, and anyone who has ever loved The Prophet will find the Manuscript both familiar and new.

While there are religious elements and a Biblical style to both, they do share at their heart an extraordinary and spiritual idea – that the wisdom spoken, while channelled through one voice, comes from the people themselves. It is their own truth reflected back at them, purified into poetry, using symbols, metaphors and allegories to make the most complex ideas simple and beautiful.

Orphalese or Accra?

The questions asked of the speakers of Ophalese and Accra are about…

The Prophet Manuscript Found in AccraLove & Marriage Defeat

Children RecoveryGiving Solitude

Eating & Drinking Feelings of UselessnessWork Fear of Change

Joy & Sorrow BeautyHouses & Clothes Choosing a DirectionBuying & Selling Love

Crime & Punishment Choice & FateLaws & Freedom SexReason & Passion Division & Unity

Pain & Self-Knowledge EleganceTeaching The Need to Work

Friendship & Talking LuckTime Miracles

Good & Evil AnxietyPrayer & Pleasure The Future

Beauty LoyaltyReligion When All is Lost

Death Enemies

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Orphalese or Accra?

The questions asked of the speakers of Ophalese and Accra are about…

The Prophet Manuscript Found in AccraLove & Marriage Defeat

Children RecoveryGiving Solitude

Eating & Drinking Feelings of UselessnessWork Fear of Change

Joy & Sorrow BeautyHouses & Clothes Choosing a DirectionBuying & Selling Love

Crime & Punishment Choice & FateLaws & Freedom SexReason & Passion Division & Unity

Pain & Self-Knowledge EleganceTeaching The Need to Work

Friendship & Talking LuckTime Miracles

Good & Evil AnxietyPrayer & Pleasure The Future

Beauty LoyaltyReligion When All is Lost

Death Enemies

If It Sits Well…

Wisdom on all of these topics can be found in the pages of these books. Some of it is challenging, and may awaken new ideas and feelings in you. Some may move you to tears. But the most comforting thing is that reading the words comes with no obligation – if it sits well, then follow the advice – if not, let it pass you by. Don’t be afraid of this freedom; it is a privilege that not everyone in the world enjoys. Enjoy the possibilities that a multitude of voices offers; it is forging a path where there is none laid down until your own footsteps have trodden it.

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by Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

A Mandala is a picture which has been created for Meditation, which creates a

sense of tranquility and can sometimes contain a specific spiritual meaning. These pictures were often based on symmetrical geometric forms, arranged to provide a complex symbol which can be meditated on, both to focus the spiritual consciousness and sometimes to elaborate particular spiritual ideas. Mandalas have been used in many different cultures and spiritual traditions, and were employed by Carl Jung as part of his approach to a spiritual-based psycho-therapy. They work by using images to connect directly with our sub-consciousness, thus bypassing the intellect and enabling a deeper revelation of spiritual awareness, connecting us directly to deeper, hidden aspects of our psyche. They can either be used in meditation to centre the consciousness to a achieve deep sense of relaxation, resulting in altered states of consciousness, or can, by focusing the mind on one idea or concept, allow our inner consciousness to search for deeper meaning which elaborates more fully the concept depicted. By meditation on a Mandala, we can not only obtain a deeper state of consciousness, but we can obtain greater enlightenment.

One of the earliest examples of a Mandala was the spiral pictures created by our ancient ancestors. These were carved or drawn on rocks, creating complex patterns which mark places of great spiritual importance. For them,

these pictures were symbols for the wonder of creation, and represented a way of centering magical power at a specific geographical location where they could reach altered states of consciousness, and link with their gods and ancestors. This pattern of decorating spiritual sites has continued throughout history and many temples in different spiritual traditions have been decorated both inside and out with complex sculptural patterns, writings and pictures.

A good example of carved Mandalas, are the complex symbolic patterns created on the Mayan Temples, which portray their philosophy and the nature of their gods. Similar highly carved exteriors are to be found on the Temples of Southern India, where the principles of Tantra are graphically portrayed. Mandalas have also been painted on the floors of temples, and traditionally a Masonic Temple based on the Temple of Solomon has a black and white patterned floor. Roman Villas and Temples also had highly decorated mosaic floors based on geometric patterns, which contained depictions of their gods and mythical figures.

In the Hindu Temples of India, complex Mandalas are formed from coloured sand on the floor of the temple to celebrate particular festivals. These are based on complex geometric patterns and are a focus for devotion for those attending the festival, and these


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Mandalas are ceremonially destroyed at the end of each festival. The Alchemists of the Middle Ages also created complex pictures based on a system of symbols which depicted the process of transforming base matter into gold, and these were used by alchemists as a pattern for spiritual development.

As part of my magical practice, I have over the years painted many Mandalas. I use them for meditation and spiritual reflection, and have painted them in many forms, sometimes as Meditation Cards, but also as Decorated Cards to act as an Altar Cloth when I am performing particular rituals. Recently I have painted a large Mandala on a square sheet of vinyl flooring to lie on the floor of my Temple. Every Mandala I paint has a spiritual message, and uses symbols to represent different spiritual principles, and very often they are based on geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry), and include pictures of items used in my rituals. The Mandala shown in the picture was painted specifically for this article, and includes many ideas taken from the art of Sacred Geometry.

Explanation of the Meaning of this Mandala

This Mandala is based on a large, Midnight Blue Square at the centre of the picture. This represents the Void, the Unmanifest of the Kabbala, from which all creation was formed, and it gives birth to the Grey Circle of the Manifest World, represented by Keter on the Tree of Life. The Void can be seen as the Womb of the Great Mother which gives birth to all of Creation. Keter, the Grey Circle, gives form to creation which is depicted traditionally by the (Four-sided) Square. The Green, Yellow, Red and Blue Square (the colours of the Elements) represents the Ethereal Realms of Spirit Consciousness, and the Dark Green Square represents the Physical Universe, Humanity

and Mother Earth. The Square contained in the Circle represents Matter embraced by Spirit, and the two squares form the Eight-sided Star of the Occult (Secret Hidden Teachings), which also relates to the Cycles of Life on this Planet in the form of the Four Seasons and the Eight Festivals of the Celtic Year.

At the top of the Mandala, the Green Triangle situated in the North represents the element of Earth and relates to Midwinter. The Yellow Triangle situated in the East represents Air and relates to Spring. The Red Triangle situated in the South represents Fire and relates to Midsummer and the Blue Triangle situated in the West represents Water and is related to Autumn. These four colours represent the Equinoxes and the Solstices, and the four points of the Dark Green Square relate to the Fire Festivals of Imbolc (Man - Aquarius), Beltaine (Bull – Taurus), Lammas (Lion – Leo) and Samhain (Eagle – Scorpio). These four Angelic Figures are known as Cherubim, and provide protection during ritual, and remind us of the four quarters and the protective nature of the square.

The Circle inside the Dark Green Square relates to the Forces of Nature shown symbolically by Triangles, which express themselves through the Signs and Planets of the Zodiac. The Triangle represents the Trinity of male/female/holy child, and in the Kabbala the spiritual synthesis of Keter divides into the male god-forms of Hochmar and the female god-forms of Binar. Like the columns of the Tree of Life (force, form and equilibrium) the sides of the triangle remind us of the spiritual truths of the positive, negative and neutral forces in Creation.

The upward-pointing Red Triangle representing male force (Spirit) is balanced by the Blue Triangle pointing downwards representing female form (Matter), to form the Six-Pointed Star – the Hexigram, which balances Spirit and Matter. The Six-pointed

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Star is a symbol of Human Spirituality, whereas the Five-pointed Pentagram is a symbol of Human Physicality. The Four Triangles in the centre form a Twelve-pointed Star, which represents the Pattern of the Year and the Signs of the Zodiac. Each Sign is shown as a coloured ray emanating from the Star, and these rays are depicted at the base of the picture.

The central coloured Circle contains a Silver Five-pointed Star – the Pentagram, the symbol of Man and the Physical World, along with a second inverted Black Pentagram, sometimes used to represent negative magic, which together gives us the Ten-pointed Star. In the Mandala, this Star emanates the coloured rays of the Planets of Modern Astrology, and these are also depicted at the top of the picture.

At the very centre of the picture is shown a Seven-pointed Star (Spirit) representing the Monad (Spark of the Divine) to remind us that humanity is comprised of Spirit and Matter. In spiritual development, we bring spiritual consciousness down into ourselves, and in so doing Square the Circle.

I have tried to explain some of the many meanings contained in this Mandala, and you may have found it difficult to comprehend. If that is so, you have at least gained a picture of the complexity of the meaning of a Mandala, and if you wish – you can study each part - step by step - for greater enlightenment, and meditate on this Mandala as a symbol of the nature of Creation.

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls.

This is our mission….our work.



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We draw close to you in love and harmony, bringing peace and joy of the communion of spirits, in the joining of the two worlds. Harmony and balance is needed around you, as you seek to develop your spiritual selves and seek to make a closer link with us. Without it, it is not only difficult for us to come close to earthly conditions, but we do not wish to experience the harshness again.

We encourage you to live your lives in an harmonious way, blending and attuning yourselves with those of like minds of your family and friends, so that when we come close to help and guide you, we are able to blend with your energies and make ourselves known.

Many on your earth wish to live in challenging and disruptive conditions, and that is their choice. Avoid these people and circumstances when you can, and if you cannot, surround yourselves with our protective love, so that you may remain serene, untouched

by the behaviour of others, looking in on the situation – just as we do. In this way, you can remain outside of the turmoil, the selfishness and the destructive power which will always be at variance with the love of the Great Spirit, as well as all those who come close to teach you and guide you along the spiritual pathway of unfoldment, and those family and friends who continue to love you and help you from our side of life, and will always wish the best for you.

Trust us, that we may guide you in all circumstances. Trust in your own knowledge and the integrity of your own soul, so that harmony can prevail in your home and environment, and then we can continue sharing that loving energy between the two worlds, and the bliss of that harmony.

As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

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The Pentagram Spread is based on an interpretation of the influences of the Five

Elements on the affairs of the Querient. It presents a picture of the stage of spiritual development that the Querient has reached, and depicts their future potential. The Meaning of Card Positions and Interpretation of Elemental Influences

1. Upper Right Card – BLUE (WATER) – Their Emotional Nature and potential psychic ability.

2. Lower Right Card – GREEN (EARTH) – Their Practical Nature and physical needs.

3. Lower Left Card – YELLOW (AIR) – Their Thoughts and way of thinking and learning.

4. Upper Left Card – RED (FIRE) – Their Enthusiasm and the way they use their energy.

5. Top Card – SILVER (SPIRIT) – How they think spiritually, and their current path of Spiritual Development.

6. Centre Card – A General Summary of the spread and the path of future development.

This spread works particularly well using the cards of the Major Arcana, as they represent various stages in the process of Spiritual Development.


Example of a Typical Spread and Reading

Take the cards of the Major Arcana and shuffle them face down, thinking all the time of the nature of your Spiritual Journey. Deal Five Cards from the top of the pack. Place them face down one at a time in the positions 1 – 5 as described, to form the shape of a Pentagram. Then reshuffle the pack, and cut once – to reveal the Sixth card, which is the Outcome Card, and this should be placed face down in the centre of the Pentagram. Now turn the cards over in order, and read their meanings, including a summary of the spread at the end.

CARD 1 (Water) – DEVIL – You have strong emotions and are prepared to explore the most difficult aspects of spiritual development. Your deepest emotions are connected with the powers of nature and procreation, and you have a deep interest in Natural Magic.

CARD 2 (Earth) – CHARIOT – The spiritual quest has become the major aspect of your physical life, as you strive to reach your full spiritual potential. You know that you are on a spiritual journey, and that this will continue. You also need to use your intuition to direct the future pattern of your life.

CARD 3 (Air) – JUSTICE – You have a keen intellect and are fair in your judgments. You also have a strong will and have deeply held values. When it comes to learning, you have an enquiring mind, and are often found reading spiritual books.

CARD 4 (Fire) – FORTUNE – Your energy levels fluctuate, and your enthusiasm is stimulated by the ever-changing pattern of your spiritual journey. You

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have reached a stage when you can relate equally to both the good and bad fortune in your life.

CARD 5 (Spirit) – STAR – You have high spiritual ideals and your spiritual journey is the most important part of your life. This is the basis of your existence, and you have probably explored many spiritual traditions and developed your innate psychic gifts.

CARD 6 (Outcome) – HANGED MAN – Your spiri-tual journey means that you spend time on your own in meditation and working rituals, and you have sac-rificed some aspects of your life in order to pursue your spiritual studies. It is apparent that you have great determination and are not put off if things get difficult, for you are able to accept life’s challenges and maintain a serene attitude at all times.

To elaborate this Outcome, and to interpret the area of life that was being influenced by the

Hanged Man, I drew another card. This card was the MAGICIAN, and this confirmed that it related to magical practice and inner spiritual development.

If I relate this reading to myself, as that is how I have drawn the cards, then the outcome in clear – that my future spiritual development will primarily be driven by private magical study, and I should also spend more time on meditation and inner spiritual reflection.

FOOTNOTE – For those familiar with the Kabbala and the Tree of Life – the positions of this spread can be related to the following spheres of the Tree of Life. 1. Hesod, 2. Netsac, 3. Hod, 4. Gebura, 5. Keter & 6 Tifaret – providing a deeper meaning for each of the card positions.

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Tarot card of the monthDeath (Transformation)

As it is Samhain or as it is more commonly known now as Halloween, this card is very appropriate. The Death card of the Tarot very rarely means death of the physical body, instead it refers to great change in our lives or the fact change is indeed needed to progress. Certain aspects or possibly all aspects that need to be cleared, those things or ways that no longer serve any positive purpose in our lives, outworn idea’s and habits. The idea of change usually brings fear to most people as we tend to want to stay within our comfort zone, but the death card is showing us to step outside of that & very often when we do so find that is just what was needed.

It can sometimes also refer to dramatic change way beyond our control, for example outside influences. The answer is to accept the changes and go with the flow believing that it will no doubt in time bring about better

conditions & circumstances.

Key words…..Transformation in all aspects, mentally, physically, spiritually. Cleansing, death of the old worn out ways, dramatic change ready to bring about the new. Letting go of fear of the unknown.


Card is from the Thoth Tarot Deck by A.Crowley

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Darkness into LightIn the darkness of many events that destroy trust Lifting the shield that for some will combat and fight Hidden by many veils to disguise their sheer lust Appearing to one of importance and delight With Integrity and trust we know what is right No matter how heavy the issue or the strife Beams of light shed truth and revive us back to life

Given the choice to move towards something meaningful Temptation may shift intentions of how to be Do not waiver shifted by Ego’s push and pull With each choice we must engage with integrity Coming from the from the dark we open our eyes and see Failing to match our actions we shall not succumb As all that we work so hard for we will become

Alma De La Cruz Gossman ~ Oceanside, California © November 21, 2011

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SpellboundA new spell binding novel by bestselling author & our very own witch Jennifer Adele

“We always think we will have more time… and then it runs out…”

Vera Norton is only a young girl when her ancient friend and neighbor, Lillian Thompson, dies, leaving her emotionally wounded and incredibly vulnerable. With little parental supervision and a brother who couldn’t be more opposite of her in every way, Vera is left reeling and spending a lot of time with the one permanent figure in her life, a large oak tree at the center of the Thompson gardens, a tree that is at the epicenter of Ve-ra’s world. However, when Lillian’s strange sister, Elizabeth, moves into the Thompson house next door and takes over the property, the curious and horrific really take hold. This then catapults Vera into an adult life of magic and mystery, love and dangerous obsession, ghostly encounters and supernatural apparitions, curses and spells.

Can Vera reclaim the life she knew and the tree she loved, an odd tree that is central to her exis-tence? Can Vera override a Fate that stalks her and stares at her with red ember eyes, a Fate that seems determined to destroy her? Can a curse be broken and age-old spells unbound?...

Full review by the MystikMaster in the November issue of the Mystik Way, as I am reading a signed copy by the lovely lady at the moment.

For details & to order a copy

Author of “Spellbound” and “The Haunting of Willow Tree Court” ... Novels of magic and mystery.

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by Peta Panos


How to choose love over fear

“Every human thought, word, or deed is based on fear or love. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards,

harms. Love is the energy, which expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares, heals. You have free choice about which of these to select.”

- Neale Donald Walsch

The essence of a happy and fulfilled life is inner peace and personal empowerment. Living in

the present and from a heart space supports you in attracting positive experiences.

Whilst we experience many emotions on a daily basis, when it comes right down to it - there are only two basic emotions: love and fear, and it is your choice (and your choice alone), which state you choose to live in. Ideally, we would all like to stay grounded in the love state permanently and although that is unrealistic, the good news is that you can easily move from a fear state back into love once you are able to recognize that you have slipped into fear. Fortunately, love is the more powerful

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Love State

(Being in adult/soul energy + living from your heart = a higher vibration)

You know you are in adult/soul/love energy when you hold no judgment for yourself and those around you. This is the energy of inner peace and unconditional love, understanding how the universe/energy works and trusting it (not being attached to the outcome). You use words like ‘I know’, `I feel’ and `I accept’ and your mind chatter is kind and loving.

To recognize what it feels like to be in love energy, remember an occasion where every-thing felt right - you felt very peaceful and calm and every-thing fell into place with ease – that is love energy. Deep breathing puts you back into love energy. Love state emotions include: bliss, happiness, inner peace, joy, being positive, contentment, acceptance, grace, gratitude, calm, wisdom and compassion.

Fear State

(Being in child/negative ego energy + living from your head = a lower vibration)

When you feel restricted, constricted, limited can’t see solutions for the problems, you don’t know what to do and feel frozen in fear and scared of the unknown, you are in the fear state. Fear affects every aspect of our life, especially our health. It wastes our time, holds us back and drains us.

You use words like ‘I think’ and ‘what if ’, your words and mind chatter are negative, judgmental, manipulative, controlling and your shadow side comes up. This is the energy of conditional love and trying to control the outcome. You have a million thoughts in your head, all designed to throw you out of love energy and sabotage your life. When you react in anger, you are in negative ego/fear. Shallow breathing keeps you in fear.

Fear state emotions include: anger, hate, depression, aggression, irritation, annoyance, sadness, grief, judgment, anxiety, lack and victim. There will be times when you feel and recognize fear-based emotions and choose to “be” in them for a while.

This is a natural and valid part of the human experience too and when you are ready, know that you can also choose to step out of them (even with grief and sadness) The time spent in each emotional state is up to the individual and it should also be said that great personal growth and realizations can be found at the depths of these states.

The ego is often a misunderstood concept. Your positive ego is your self-esteem, confidence and self worth -your greatest motivator and driver. We need positive ego to get us out of bed each morning. It is the negative ego that strives to control, is arrogant, judgmental and seeks approval and this is the aspect of the ego that is rooted in fear.

Remember that your negative ego is designed to trip you up and push your buttons. When your buttons are pushed and you move into fear, you miss the opportunity of mastery so once you understand the two states and begin to recognize them, you are able to shift your mindset back into the love state and live a more peaceful life. Fear is nothing more than the boundary of your comfort zone and living a full and exciting life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

The key aspect to changing your state of being with intention is to first realize that it is possible. We can control our emotions by taking responsibility for them and remember that our feelings are a result of our thoughts. No-one can “make us feel” a certain way and although we cant control what other people do, we can control our reaction to them and their actions by shifting our perspective. When some one “makes you” angry for example, look at what your underlying fear is and be grateful that this person has drawn your attention to a fear or shadow belief you have about yourself, giving you the opportunity to integrate this aspect of yourself. (More about shadow next month)

Remember that your thoughts are electrical and your emotions magnetic. When your thought are coupled with the corresponding emotion, the combined energies become electro-magnetically charged, amplified and activated to attract more of the same. If you are not enjoying what you are feeling, then you can shift your perspective by changing your thoughts.

Ways of moving into love energy:

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Try these exercises as a stand-alone or combine them for a deeper connection.

a. Ground yourself – take a few deep breaths; close your eyes and visualize a big tree in front of you. Touch/hug the bark/trunk, look up into the full canopy and smell the earthiness. Now imagine thick roots growing out from the centre of your feet down into the centre of the earth and wrapping around a huge rose quartz crystal. Now see a grounding cord coming from your Sacral Chakra (for women)/ Base Chakra (for men) and going deep into the earth. Feel any negativity and fear drain through the grounding cord into the earth.

b. Centre yourself - Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and centre yourself (find that quiet place inside where you are calm) repeat to yourself: I am 45 (your age) as thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them and let them go. Once your thoughts become stilled and you are calm and at peace then ask yourself ‘what do I know??’ If what comes up is hurtful, damaging and negative you are still in negative ego. Love energy is about self-love, acceptance and can only be positive. When you move into love, answers and guidance comes easily and you will KNOW what to do.

c. Connect with your soul - Sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out to relax. Imagine in the air around you is your soul; you can almost feel it touching your skin, brushing against you. Breathe in deeply, and with each in-breath, breathe in more of your soul. Keep breathing in soul with each in-breath until you feel every cell in your body vibrating with soul energy. Now take your mind to an area between your heart and your solar plexus chakras. Imagine there is a violet flame there. When you have this flame – enlarge it until it covers your body completely. Keep breathing slowly and steadily. You are now in soul/love space. If you have any fears show them to soul and let soul show you its reaction to the fear. If you have any questions, ask soul and wait for the

answers. Soul will show you wisdom, love and compassion. When you have finished being in this awesome space, thank your soul. Slowly take a few more deep breaths, and when you are ready, wriggle your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and open your eyes.

d. Connect with Source – Imagine a pillar of gold light come down from source surrounding your physical and energetic bodies. The pillar of light continues into the earth too. Feel the unconditional love energy filling up your body and aura and any negativity and fear dissolving into the gold light. Know that all is as it should be, you are guided and protected.

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings.

Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: [email protected]

Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

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If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation of $1 or £1 towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button.

Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy.

Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.

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Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Cat The cat... perhaps even a black cat... is this month’s nature awareness feature and totem an-imal. And, even though most would recognize a brief symbolic overview, cat lore and symbolism is so rich and diverse it is impossible to go over it in its entirety, even in an article such as this. But, let’s look at some of the highlights anyway.

The cat is well known to most for its indepen-dent character and agile mind and body. Watch a cat do just about anything and it’s almost like a privilege just to see them walk or leap or bask. In Egypt the cat was a type of supreme being; the divine mother of all cats was the goddess Bast, who was an earth mother and a deity of abundance and magic. The Greeks associated cats with Artemis and the moon. Cats were then also associated with the Roman counterpart to Artemis, Diana, who was known for mysti-cism and agility, although she did also have her hounds.

For people who carry with them a cat totem, or who are choosing to temporarily work with this energy, the cat first and foremost encour-ages agility in both body and mind. And, this is a great month for some cat energy work. You will certainly be challenged with new ideas and places to go. One of the gifts of the cat totem that goes along with the challenges, as a sort of helpful trait, is a clearer perspective on all things presented to you. This spirit helper is resource-ful, strong, and fearless as a manifest energy pattern. If you are working metaphysically with the cat, examine the colors, character traits, and behaviors of your spirit guide. Everything about it will reflect in your own life. Colors, character traits, and behaviors are all symbols that when analyzed can bring forth remarkable truths that may have been hidden before.

When a cat becomes predominant in your life then magic, mysticism, and abundance come alive! So, if a black cat crosses your path this month, do not consider it a bad omen. Instead, the cat is bringing you many blessings along

with a magical perspective and independent awareness.

Symbolism: agility of mind and body, mysticism, magic, independence, nocturnal cycles, lunar energies, abundance.

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Pumpkin A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae, which also includes gourds. It commonly refers to cul-tivars of any one of the species Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucur-bita moschata, and is native to North America. They typically have a thick orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, con-taining the seeds and pulp. Pumpkins are widely grown for commercial use, and are used both in food and recreation… and they are very popular throughout the month of October as a symbol of Halloween/Samhain, as there is a strong con-nection in folklore and popular culture between pumpkins and the supernatural.

References to pumpkins date back many cen-turies, in fact. The name pumpkin actually originated from the Greek word for “large mel-on” which is “pepon.” “Pepon” was nasalized by the French into “pompon”, and then the English changed “pompon” to “Pumpion.” Shakespeare referred to the “pumpion” in his Merry Wives of Windsor. And, eventually, American colo-nists changed “pumpion” into “pumpkin.” The “pumpkin” is referred to early on in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater and Cinderella.

As for more of its indigenous history, Native Americans dried strips of pumpkin and wove them into mats. They also roasted long strips of pumpkin on the open fire and ate them. The origin of pumpkin pie occurred when the col-onists sliced off the pumpkin top, removed the seeds, and filled the insides with milk, spices and honey. The pumpkin was then baked in hot ashes and thought of as a representation of the harvest season. And, it is this plant that acts as the predominant nature symbol for the month of October.

Symbolism: harvest, abundance, prosperity, happiness, solar energy, magic, mysticism, en-chantment, protection.

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by William C. Snider

Clovepart of Chinese and/or Western herbalism. In these diets clove is considered a “warm-ing” spice used counteract the cold from yang. Eugenol is the essential oil derived from cloves and is a main ingredient for many of the non-culinary uses.

The following list is what cloves have been associated and used in: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, impotence, vaginal discharge, as a laxative, as an anti-oxidant, in tooth-paste, as an anti-coagulant, as a source of manganese, omega 3 fatty acids, and vita-min k. This list is not all inclusive but just an example of its wide spread use and applica-tions.

This article is not medical advice. As with all medications and supplements, please consult a doctor before using in quantities unknown to your body.

By Wil Snider

References: The world’s healthiest foods:


Medline Plus:

CLOVE-a natural local anesthesia

It is now officially autumn and mulled or spiced cider, chai and various other foods

and drinks come to mind. I have decided to do three traditional spices for these winter months. Clove will be the featured herb for October. Nutmeg in November and allspice will be featured in December.

The history of clove has been documented for about 4,000 years. It was found in urns in Syria, dating to 1721 BC. A Chinese emperor had subjects chew on cloves to freshen their breath before speaking to him. Its Roman roots give us the name. Latin clovus means nail, which is what the evergreens dried flower looks like. It was originally grown on the Spice Islands exclusively until the age of imperial-ism and competition found other areas of the world to grow the herb.

In the area of culinary delights, clove has been used to spice anything and everything from meats to sweets and even cigarettes and cigars. The strong aroma and flavor was also used to cover the smells and tastes of foods starting to decompose. It does have anti-bac-terial qualities so it could have been used as a mild preservative.

As with all the other herbs featured, the main focus is its non-culinary uses. Clove is a part of the Indian Ayurvedic diet and is used as a

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Artwork by Christine Carlson “Familar Magic”

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Preparing ourselves and our space

To set the stage we can decorate our altars, tables and homes by using the different Symbols of Samhain: Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns, Besoms, Fire , and Candles.

Our homes and our bodies are temples, Anoint the air and yourself with the aromas of: Heliotrope, mint, nutmeg.

Be mindful to wear black robes for ritual. Orange and gold, the fire colors of the sun, is traditionally used, attracting sunlight to the Wheel of the Year. Dress in a manner signifying light, don a glittery robe or headdress is also appropriate. The old Celtic art of Face painting can be practiced as well and glitter can be added to the paint.

The vibrant Colors of Samhain - Black, orange, white, silver, gold - Are everywhere use your imagination, listen to the divine wisdom that comes from within, connect to the Sacred and collect all the bounty that is available to use in celebration! Blessed Be!

Greetings once again Lovely Ones! Ama’ritday here, wishing you Bright Blessings as we trance the wheel.

We have had a beautiful season and are preparing for the end of summer or Samhain (The Witch’s New Year - Oct 31st or Nov 1 depending on your tradition). This is the day we honor our dead. The veil between the worlds is lifted temporarily, making communications with our spirit guides, ancestors, as well as departed family and friends easily achieved through sanctifying ourselves, our spaces, offering thanks and holding space for whatever wisdoms come through from the Divine.

This time is used to go within and study the darkness that prepares us for new life, integrating our lessons from the year’s harvests, finally sowing and preparing those seeds (intentions) for fruition. Death through Rebirth and so it is….

Enlightened living and eating


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Not to be forgotten, the Herbs of Samhain:

Mugwort, allspice, broom, catnip, deadly nightshade, mandrake, oak leaves, sage and straw. These can be used in medicine, culinary, ritual and spell work. Ask your inner guide what you need this Samhain…

The Flavors of Samhain

A Divine sampling of -->The Flavors of Samhain<--can be found here but this is a basic list: Turnips, apples and apple cider, gourds, nuts, mulled wines, beef, pork, poultry, ale, bram brack (dark loaf or cake made with dried fruit), corn, mugwort tea, pumpkin, squash, and colcannon

For a little sweet in the festivities:

Persephone Sorbet Or as I call it Goddess Nectar! Ingredients: 1 ½ cups water 1 bag rosehip-hibiscus tea 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup light corn syrup 1 cup pomegranate juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Directions: In a small saucepan, heat the water to just below boiling, and steep the tea bag for five minutes. Remove the tea bag. Add the sugar and corn syrup, and then stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside and cool to room temperature. Stir pomegranate juice and lemon juice into cooled syrup. Freeze in ice cream machine according to manufacturer directions, about 30 to 40 minutes. Yield - 1 quart of sorbet Notes: Several brands of rosehip-hibiscus tea are commercially available, but you can also blend your own and put the loose tea in a tea ball. Pomegranates are sacred to the goddess Persephone, who returns from Hades to join her mother Demeter each year at the spring equinox. This sorbet comes out a beautiful rosy-red color that adds a festive touch to Samhain or Ostara feasts.

I’m of Latin descent I celebrate The Day of the

Dead, November 2nd and in Mexico it is a National holiday. For the week preceding the Festival, Death is viable everywhere, in the form of fantastic decorations of skulls and skeletons.

In the bakeries, you will find decorated loaves in the shapes of men, women, children and animals. These fancy breads are ‘ofrendas’ or offerings to the departed loved ones. Placed on elaborate Day of the Dead altars in every home, these gifts are offered to those who have crossed over, along with the favorite foods of those who are thought to visit on this day. Elaborate receptions are held to welcome them and offerings of food are first given to the dead, and then the living may feast, celebrate and commune. These celebrations also included visits to cemeteries and parades in honor of the dead.

The souls of small children are called ‘angelitos’ and they arrive earlier, on October 31st. These little souls are given toys and sweets and parents light fireworks to guide their lost children.

The Day of the Dead custom is recognized by the Catholic Church, but their Pagan beginnings are hard to hide.

No matter where you are on your spirit journey, know you are where you are supposed to be. Enjoy everything! It is meant for our growth. The wheel turns the same each year -Mother grooves with no help, no instruction, SHE just is. Let’s take a page out of her book and listen to our cycles and rhythms and re-occurring patterns so that our healing can finally begin! Namaste!

May your October be rich and vibrant and your Samhain be filled with wonder and amazement, and May your heart, mind, body and spirit be filled to overflowing with love, joy, peace, grace and ease!

Until next month, with love for all of you!

Ama’ritdayMy website:


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I am a member of the British Druid Order, at the moment I am a student Bard (story teller)

The bard is both a creative artist and a custodian of lore and tradition, a scholar, poet, composer, performer, musician, storyteller, historian. To these traditional roles, we may add the visual artist, actor, playwright, dancer and, yes, even the humble web-designer. The central principle of the bardic path is communication, chiefly through word and sound & hope one day to be fully fledged Ovate (healer) Druid, but it is a long soul searching but empowering journey & a responsibility not to be taken lightly it can take 12…15 years to qualify !

I am compelled to tell you a little of my perception of our faith & hopefully clear up.

Some common misconceptions about our beliefs, our spirituality, where it comes from how we achieve it, why we stand on the side of a hill drumming or shrouded in secrecy in our woodlands while the World sleeps. We need no church or clergy to contact our divinity. We connect instinctively & intuitively to the earth & to each other, the elements the seasons, the

rising of the sun & the phases of the moon. We are a nature religion we worship the raw power of life & death & the sheer beauty of our world.

Through which we access in the old British language the spirit of inspiration is called Awen, literally the flowing spirit. We always protect our mother earth & her inhabitants. Providing healing & support for your community & our kin. We are privy to ancient knowledge some of which can date back 25,000 year’s pre Christendom.

The Bard is a shamanic journey starting from the beginning going back to your child hood, similar to psychotherapy. The only way forward is to clear away old negativity to allow for growth renewal & healing & in doing so you feel fulfillment & peace. So learning some basic skills such as humility, empathy, filling our hearts with the mysteries of our ancestors & in that gaining a pride & respect for our country our heritage & lineage

The Ovate. The ovate is a seer, combining mental and spiritual discipline with the intuitive gifts of the bard, seeking through awen-inspired vision to understand the flow of events, past, present, and future. A primary

A Druids Tale

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ovate skill is divination, seen in its literal sense as communication with the divine. Another is healing, the ovate practice of healing drawing on an understanding of the flow of spirit, the will of the gods and the nature of human destiny.

My personal journey started as a Christian/Anglican I was in the choir, i devoutly read my bible most evenings & was confirmed by the Bishop of Rochester. I studied religion extensively then over the years & regular spiritual encounter’s became wiccan, then heretic, having always been a spiritual person, I have sought solace in many places but none have rested my soul & given me a true sense of belonging & connection as standing under an ancient tree sheltering me from the outside world. No price has to be paid, no tests of sinner or saint, just acceptance because we are all one. Respect for all things man or beast is an integral part of our understanding of nature.

My name is Sherry I live in west sussex. nr, City Chichester UK. I am known by local authorities for my practices ….I have a garden full of healing plants & herbs…. I practice Tarot,

Healing meditations (shamanic drum) Crystal healing, Psychic development circle Wicca days learning skills of the craft.

The beginnings of a new Grove flourish locally, celebrating life, baby naming, hand fasting. (pagan marriage) & passage of death.

Blessed be.


If you would like to learn more about the Druid way of life, contact Sherry on her website.

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back. We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download.

Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month.

Please email me on [email protected]

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which

beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at [email protected] your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 plus shipping.

Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers - Get one custom made!

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Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire.

We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop - Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.

After a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee

shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reason-able prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies…


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE

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...Issue 31 will be out in November 2013

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. A donation of only $1 or 1 Pound will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide and grow this platform for spiritual growth.