mystara magazine articles

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  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    Dragon MagazineThis file is an outline of the material describing D&D/ Mystara related articles in Dragon magazine.

    Issue Notes

    93 Preie!" #$ %ourney to the oc'

    9( Preie!s" )*( #oo' of Marellous Magic+ ,- #lade of engeance

    9 Preie!s" *M( 0arthsha'er+ 19 2aage *oast

    9$ Preie!s" #9 *astle *ald!ell and #eyond+ D&D Master ules 2et

    99 Preie!s" )* Dragon Tiles II" eenge of usa'+ *M Mystery of 2no! Pearl454 Preie!s" )* Master DM6s 2creen+ 12- Thunderdele Mountain

    45( ecent releases" 145 ed )rro!+ #lac' 2hield+ *M 7here *haos eigns+ M4 Into the Maelstrom+

    Planned for ne8t year" D&D Immortals ules 2et

    45 Preie!s )* Player *haracter ecord 2heets+ #45 Night6s Dar' Terror+ *M Tree of :ife

    45 Preie!" M- engeance of )l;ha's

    45$ Preie!" Dungeons and Dragons 2et " Immortals ules

    459 2eeral articles of generic interest" *ustomised classes for ,D&D+ 7ar Machine article

    445 Preie!s" 144 2aga of 2hado! :ord< IM4 Immortal 2torm

    44- )rticle inde8 for all ;rior issues< Preie!" D)4 )dentures in #lac'moor

    443 Preie!" )*9 *reature *atalogue

    44 Preie!s" D)- Tem;le of =rog+ M3 T!ilight *alling

    44 Preie!" 14- 2'arda6s Mirror

    44 Preie!" IM- 7rath of ,lym;us

    44$ Preie!" D)3 *ity of >ods

    449 Preie!s" *M$ 0ndless 2tair< >az 4 >rand Duchy of ?aramei'os

    4-5 Preie!" M( =ie *oins for ?ingdom

    4-4 Preie!" #4@9 In 2earch of )denture+ D)( Duchy of Ten

    434 Preie!" >az 0les of )lfheim

    43- ,rc 7ars game Alater included in >az 45B

    433 Preie!" >az D!ares of oc'home

    43( ,rc 7ars errata

    43 Preie!" >az Northern eaches43 Preie!" >az $ =ie 2hires

    439 Preie!" >az 9 Minrothad >uilds

    4(4 Preie!" >az 45 ,rcs of Thar

    4(3 Preie!" >az 44 e;ublic of Daro'in

    4( Preie!" >az 4- >olden ?han of 0thengar

    4( Preie!" #44 ?ing6s =estial

    4($ C)round the 7orld in 3 :eelsC @ )rticle summarising and hy;ing Mystara/?no!n 7orld setting

    Preie!s" TM4 7estern *ountries

    Da!n of the 0m;erors bo8ed set

    4(9 Preie!" TM- 0astern *ountries

    45 Preie!" P*4 Tall Tales of the 7ee =ol'

    44 Preie!" #4- ueen6s Earest

    4- Preie!" P*- To; #allista

    43 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4" CG;+ u;+ and a!ay @@ across the ?no!n 7orldHC 49(" Ny8mir44+ 49" )l;hamir 4+ 2ulamir 45+ -+ 2udmir 3+ -+ -+ ertmir 4+ (

    Ne! monster descri;tion" *estian gobbler

    4( ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -" CInto the mountains+ to meet !ith ... doom.C 49" ertmir +

    4+ 4$+ Tsalmir $+ 44+ 4$

    Ma; of oyage from 2undsall+ )l;hatia to ,ceania

    Ne! * s;ell" 2hi; =light

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 3" CTo see' out ne! life and ne! ciilisations.C 49" Tsalmir 49@

    )ndrumir 44


  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    P*3 2ea Peo;les

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? (" C*a;ture+ surrender+ and @@ deathC 49" )ndrumir 4-+ -(+ -+

    -$+ *y;rimir 4

    Ma; of oyage from %ungle *oast to *estia

    Ne! monster descri;tion" Eeldannic 'nights and

    their officers

    )rticle about s'ills in ,D&D games

    Preie!" DD)4 )rena of Thyatis4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? " C)s they fed on a nation+ so !ere they cursed6. 49" *y;rimir

    45+ 4+ 4$@-4+ -(+ -

    Ne! monster descri;tion" )batu of arellya+ Nag;a

    Preie!" >az 43 2hado! 0les

    4$ CThe Mightiest of DragonsCarticle

    Ne! monster descri;tion" Dragon s;irit

    ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? " C) culture !ith a different sense of taste.C 49" Eastmir (+ @$+

    4+ 4+ -

    N6dJat!a racial descri;tion

    49 Preie!" Eollo! 7orld bo8ed set

    45 CG;+ )!ay and #eyondCarticle

    ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? " CThe Princess )r' aims for the stars.C 49" Eastmir -@0imir


    >eogra;hical su;;lement" Myoshima

    Modified race" a'asta of Myoshima hae 56 infraision

    Nations" Myoshima+ aJahstan+ ?om;or@Tha;+ 2elim;ore+ Malacayog+ and 2urabayang

    Preie!" DD)- :egions of Thyatis

    44 G;+ )!ay+ and #eyond errata

    ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? $" Coyaging do!n under @@ and insideHC 49" 0imir 4@4$+ --@-+

    #urymir 4@+ 4-+ 49+ -+ Ny8mir + 4-+ 4+ 4+ 49+ -4@-

    Ma; of transition from outer !orld to Eollo! 7orld

    Monster descri;tion" ulcanian sloth

    &)" D) *ity of #lac'moor cancelled

    ?nights of )ir K ?nights of 7hite Dra'es

    >lantri *ity ma; scale error

    4- ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 9" C:and+ ho... 4- o6cloc'HC 49" Ny8mir -+ -$+ )m;himir 3+ + @

    4-+ 4@4$+ --

    ,ostdo' gazetteer

    Preie!" E7)4 Night!ail

    43 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 45" CThe eturn of Dar'ness.C 49" )m;himir -3@-+ -$+ 49"

    )l;hamir 4+ 49@-

    Ne! monster descri;tion" Night dragon Alesser and greaterB

    4( ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 44" CThe return home... almost.C -555 )l;hamir -@-$+ 2ulamir 4@


    NP* descri;tions" Ealdemar of Eaa'en

    0cbashur Talasar

    Ne! monster descri;tion" 2'y !yrm Alesser and greaterB

    Preie!" E7)- Nightrage

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4-" C)n ancient reelation.C -555" 2ulamir -+ 2udmir 4+ 49+ -5+

    -+ -

    NP* descri;tions" MyoJo ?atamura+ Nabonidus aman+ )boombe+ daughter of MananJary

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 43" C7here dreams of chaos reign.C -555" ertmir 44+ 43+ 4+ 4+

    -$+ Tsalmir 4@

    0merondian gazetteer


    Preie!" E7)3 Night!ail

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4(" CThe s'y dragon unleashed.C -555" Tsalmir $@4-

    Thothian 0nchantment descri;tion
  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    NP* descri;tions" )shari 2unlil

    amissur Lumrulim

    Tarias of )rogansa

    :eo of :e Neriens

    &)" 7ar Pu;;ies

    Gndead P*s

    4$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4" CThe last Aand firstB hour of the Princess )r'.C -555" Tsalmir

    4-+ 4+ 4+ -5@--49 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4" C*ons;iracies !ithin cons;iracies.C -555" Tsalmir -3@-+ -$+

    )ndrumir (+ $+ 4-+ 4(@49

    2ind gazetteer

    2ind ma;

    45 )rticle" C=rom Eatchling to Immortal >uardianC

    ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4" C2er;ent Peninsula eisited.C -555" *y;rimir 4-+ 4$. -(@-$

    Fadlom gazetteer

    Fadlom ma;

    2ind ma; errata

    Preie!" DD)3 0ye of Traldar

    44 )rticle" 7ho6s 7ho )mong Dragons

    ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 4$" C2lagoich )ffair.C -555" Eastmir 4+ 3@+ 45+ 4@4$+ -(

    ed 2teel and related matters

    Ma; of southern *ity 2tates NP* descri;tion" 1erdon+ Nadu'@2im

    &)" Peo;le6s Tem;le

    Princess )r' Aarticles and bo8ed setB

    Preie!" E74 2ons of )zca

    4- ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 49" CEuleHC -555" Eastmir -@-$+ 0imir 4

    *innabryl6s Dar'er Gses

    Ma; of northern *ity 2tates and southern Eule

    &)" :izard man



    Nag;a and arellyans

    Ma; errata

    G;coming ;roducts Preie!" >az 4( )truaghin *lans

    43 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -5" Caman6s Eoliday Eome!or'.C 0imir More on Eule

    #ozdogan AImmortal Patron of Deceit+ 2;here of ThoughtB

    Eosadus Asame as MasterB

    &)" 7ar; s;eedC in s;ace

    Ne! D&D rule sets

    Name of Mystara and its moons

    7rath of the Immortals

    Dot0 ma; errata" 7endar and Denagoth

    2;ell of Preseration

    :ist of ;lanned su;;lements"

    E7r4 2ons of )zca

    E7r- ?ingdom of Nithia

    E7r3 Milenian 0m;ire

    E7r( Milenian 2ce;tre AadentureB 2ind


    Eeldann =reeholds

    4( ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -4" C2aage #aronies.C 0imir @45

    Monster Descri;tion" 0rrant 2oul

    Northern 2aage #aronies" Ma; and >azetteers


    Preie!" D&D ules *yclo;aedia

    E7- ?ingdom of Nithia
  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? --" C)rsenic and old mantillas.C -555" 0imir 4-@4+ --

    2outhern 2aage #aronies" Ma; and >azetteers

    a;ier mastery table


    Preie!" DD)( Dymra' Dread

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -3" C2hootout at 2outh >ulch.C -555" 0imir -(+ -+ -$+ #urymir 4+

    3@+ $

    *la! Peninsula" Ma; and >azetteer *imarron 2i8@2hooter

    Dec' ;lans for light Eeldannic 7arbird

    4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -(" C:ords of forest.C -555" #urymir 4(@4$+ -5

    obrenn" Ma; and >azetteer

    *lasses" Druid+ Druidic ?night+ and #ard

    &)" )truaghin *lans

    =22 #eagle

    %ourney to oc'

    )nnouncement of u;coming ;roducts



    Preie!" uest for 2iler 2!ord

    4$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -" C,f blood and steel.C -555" #urymir -3@-$

    0usdria" Ma; and >azetteer 0len class ariants



    =uture ;roducts

    Dragon breath


    Neutral ;aladins

    2ouls and s;heres

    49 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -" C) glass of !ine and a shaggy dog story.C -555" #urymir -$+

    -554" Ny8mir 4@3+ @45

    enardy" Ma; and >azetteer

    Monsters" :u;in and tortle

    Preie!" Dragon6s Den )denture Pac'

    4$5 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -" CTo death and bac'.C -555" Ny8mir 4$@-5+ --+ -3:imbo and afterlife

    Ma; of #ellayne

    Preie!" )ssault on aen6s uin

    4$4 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -$" CIn the eyes of the cat.C -555" Ny8mir -(@-$+ )m;himir 4@

    >azetteer of #ellayne

    2aage *oast *oats of )rms

    :u;in and a'asta P*s

    &)" )irshi;s

    eersing 1P bonuses/;enalties

    D&D Psionics/)D&D conersions

    *ancelled and u;coming ;roducts

    Missing )l;hatian data

    :anguages and ethnic grou;s

    D&D rule clarifications Preie!" Thunder ift

    4$- ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? -9" :ettersH 7e get lettersH

    &)" More creature P*s


    2tar Tre' ins;iration

    Iron!ood s;ell clarification

    Nor!old gazetteer

    =irearms in D&D ANoHB

    Ealdemar6s ;rincely title

  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    Mystara ma; and continental drift

    E7- errata

    Nithian armour and !ea;ons

    0thengar !ea;on mastery suggestions

    )*9 reision Au;comingB

    Preie!" >oblin6s :air )denture Pac'

    4$3 ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 35" C7eb of 7izard@?ing.C -554" )m;himir 44+ 43@4

    Eerath" Ma;+ >azetteer+ and *oats of )rms )raneas as P*s

    Preie!" 7rath of Immortals

    4$( ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 34" :etters+ lettersH More lettersH

    >azetteer calendars

    Ma; issues

    >eneral ;hiloso;hy and rules issues

    Discussion of arious nations

    Preie!s" E73 Milenian 0m;ire

    2!ord and 2hield

    4$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 3-" C2ilence of the lizards.C -554" )m;himir -3@-+ )l;hamir (+ $@

    44+ 43+ 4(

    Pro;hecies of doom

    Death of )liana Nyraiel confirmed

    2uamous ?ingdoms" Ma;+ >azetteer+ and *oats of )rms :izard@'in as P*s

    Preie!s" P*( Night Eo!lers

    Tainted 2!ord AnoelB

    Eaunted To!er )denture Pac'

    4$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 33" C:ords of shade and hue.C -554" )l;hamir 4@-4

    7allara" Ma;+ >azetteer+ and *oats of )rms

    *hameleon Men as P*s

    Preie!" )*4545 Poor 7izard6s )lmanac

    4$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 3(" The ;ostal deluge continues

    *lerical *reate =ood table

    ,ther rules clarifications

    Dominions and retainer costs

    Mystic orders A,chalea+ Dun!ic'+ and :hamsa in >lantriB

    Preie!" E74 Milenian 2ce;tre4$$ ,F)>0 ,= TE0 PIN*022 )? 3" CThe return home.C -554" )l;hamir -@-$+ 2ulamir 4

    0nd of Princess )r' series

    Proof of absence of ra'asta in )l;hatia

    %ibar" Ma; and >azetteer

    Phanatons as P*s

    4$9 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire"

    :anguage mishmash

    =ate of )lfheim inhabitants

    P7) errata

    0conomics+ ;o;ulation+ and food

    495 0cology of )ctaeon

    ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" obrenn and )steri8

    More economics" Po;ulation gro!th

    illages Deforestation


    Preie!s" ?night of Ne!ts

    =all of Magic

    Dragon6s Tomb

    494 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire"Military organisation


    Preie!s" DM- *reature *atalogue

    =all of Magic
  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    49- ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" CThe 2ting and the 2unC

    Nimmur" Ma; and >azetteer


    0rrata for ;reious issues

    Preie!" age of a'asta

    493 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire"


    49( ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" Day of Dread Asee P7) II for 4544 )*B


    #ene'ander6s Manifestation =orm

    >reen 2limes

    *harm effects of dead charmers

    Preie!" In the Phantom6s 7a'e

    49 eie!" Dragon6s Tomb

    49 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" Dar' %ungle ,rcs" Ma; and >azetteer

    49 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" )nnouncement of )D&D A-0B conersion

    Information about ;ost@7otI )l;hatia+ Minaea+ Flaruam+ and >lantri

    2tats for cha'ram and bullroarer 'nife

    Preie!s" *ham;ions of Mystara

    =all of Magic

    499 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" =antasy heraldry Aincluding magic ;o!ersB Preie!" )*4544 P7) II

    -55 ?no!n 7orld >rimoire" )rm of Immortals" Ma; and >azetteer

    0e6aar and 0ndu's as P*s


    Preie!s" ?aramei'os" ?ingdom of )denture

    Mystara Monstrous *om;endium );;endi8

    CThe *olour of MagicC

    -5 ?aramei'os EoH" #lac' 0agle #arony

    :ocal goblinoid tribes+ including mystics

    -5 Magic of ?aramei'os" ?ra'atos and ?aramei'an 2chool of Magecraft

    2;ell Primer Adu;licated in ??o)B

    eie!" =antasy 0m;ires AMystara com;uter gameB

    Preie!s" ?aramei'os" ?ingdom of )denture

    Monstrous *om;endium" Mystara );;endi8 Dragonlord of Mystara AnoelB

    -5$ Mystara *D adenture ;reie!s" ?aramei'os" ?ingdom of )denture

    Mystara Monstrous *om;endium );;endi8

    Eail the Eeroes *D adenture

    Night of am;ire *D adenture

    Poor 7izard6s )lmanac A)D&D -0 ersionB

    -59 Preie!" Eail the Eeroes

    -45 Preie!" ed 2teel

    -44 Preie!" )*454- P7) III Anot fully identified in magazineB

    -43 Preie!s" Player6s 2urial ?it

    DGN>0,N M)2T0 AB 2urial ?it

    -4 Preie!" >lantri" ?ingdom of Magic

    -4 #azaar of the #izarre

    Preie!" 2aage #aronies-4$ Preie!" Mar' of )mber

    -49 Preie!" Dragon'ing of Mystara AnoelB

    --- Preie!" Dar' ?night of ?aramei'os AnoelB

    --3 Preie!s" %oshuan6s )lmanac

    -- Preie!" Dragonmage of Mystara AnoelB

    -34 Preie!s" #lac' essel AnoelB

    2aage *oast *am;aign #oo' Aincorrectly listed for saleB

    -3- C0n >ardeHC

    2ecret ;ass fighting techniues for 2aage *oast s!ashbuc'lers
  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    2aage *oast free do!nload Astill aailable in -555HB

    2orcerous 2i8guns

    =irearms aailable in 2aage *oast but not in ?no!n 7orld

    -33 ,n 7ings of 0agles" A>eneric rules for )ariel/0e6aarB

    -3 :u;ins of Mystara

    =ree 2aage *oast do!nloads

    -3$ 7ot* T2 ta'eoer =)" Mystara still dead+ but all dead game !orlds are under reie!.

    -39 2)>) for arious game !orlds+ including Mystara-(5 0rrata for lu;in article in issue O-3

    -( a'asta of Mystara

  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    D&D/ Mystaran Articles in Dungeon Magazinesby Daid ?eyser

    Issue #1Volume I, Number 1 (September/ctober 1!"$%V%N 'M%, '%D&D adenture+ 4@( characters of leels 4@3

    7ritten by" )nne >ray Mc*ready)rt!or' by" alerie aluse'=orest/hills+ tem;erate( ;agesDescription)7hile traeling off@road through the !ilderness+ the characters ha;;en u;on a grou; of reclusie eles+a troublesome treant+ and ir'some stirges.

    Issue #*Volume I, Number * (No+ember/December 1!"$%%- A .A%S', '%0D&D adenture+ @$ characters of leels 4@37ritten by" obert #. >iacomozzi and %onathan =. 2immons

    )rt!or' by" Mar' Nelson*oastal+ tem;erate to sub@tro;ical-5 ;ages

    Description)*haracters set sail for the fabled coastal city of ?oralgesh+ laid to ruin more than si8 decades ago bythe gods.

    Issue #Volume I, Number (May/2une 1!"3$.45% 6I' M7VIN 6IM57, '%D&D adenture+ @45 characters of leels 4@37ritten by" )ndre! Mc*ray

    )rt!or' by" oger au;;=orest+ tem;erate ;agesDescription)) halfling fugitie needs the heroes6 hel; to elude an eil magic@user and his orcish thugs.

    Issue #Volume I, Number (2uly/August 1!"3$.%S 8 '% -4.-% SA% 9 -A. 10

    D&D adenture+ -@$ characters of leels (@457ritten by" Merle and %ac'ie asmussen

    )rt!or' by" %im Eollo!ay%ungle/2!am;/2te;;e/*oastal+ tro;ical to tem;erate-( ;agesDescription)The character6s e8;edition to the >reat North!ay is interru;ted by an encounter !ith ?allot+ the tortlesage+ !ho needs hel; escorting his brood safely to their ancestral hatching grounds.

    Issue #3Volume II, Number 1 (September/ctober 1!"3$.%S 8 '% -4.-% SA% 9 -A. *D&D adenture+ -@$ characters of leels (@457ritten by" Merle and %ac'ie asmussen

    )rt!or' by" %im Eollo!ay*oastal/2te;;e/uins+ tro;ical to tem;erate4$ ;agesDescription)This adenture details the ichland Trading Post+ a community and fortress on the edge of the!ilderness+ and three lost ruins in the >reat North!ay.

    Issue #!Volume II, Number : (2anuary/8ebruary 1!""$D2INNI;S .IN, '%D&D 2olo adenture+ leel 3 elf character7ritten by" ince >arcia

    )rt!or' by" Daniel . Eorne

  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    *ity/Desert+ arid44 ;agesDescription)In DGN>0,N6s first solo adenture+ Moonstone the elf must free a dJinni tra;;ed inside a magical ring.

    'SS'I- AM5I, '%D&D adenture+ (@ characters of leels 3@7ritten by" andy Ma8!ell

    )rt!or' by" 7anda :ybarger*oastal/2eaborne+ tem;erate ;agesDescription)The characters hear rumors of a ghostshi; ;laguing the ;ort city of ?oll.

    Issue #1*Volume II, Number (2uly/August 1!""$A '% S-% -A..D&D adenture+ 4@3 characters of leels -@(7ritten by" ic' 2!an

    )rt!or' by" Michael 7rightEills/Mountains/=orest+ tem;erate9 ;agesDescription)The P*s are lured into a friendly game of s;ottle.

    Issue #1:Volume III, Number 1 (September/ctober 1!""$8 N%SS AND NAINS0D&D adenture+ 3@ characters of leels $@4-7ritten by" andy Ma8!ell

    )rt!or' by" Paul %auays*ity+ any climate4$ ;agesDescription)The city of 2;ecularum is in an u;roar+ and the heroes must trac' do!n the sinister source of the eiland mayhem.

    Issue #1/April 1!!1$MAND%N;S M%A'SD&D 2ideTre' adenture+ 3@ characters of leels (@7ritten by" )llen arney

    )rt!or' by" %im Eollo!ay)ny !ilderness+ tem;erate- ;ages

    Description)The heroes are ambushed by %as' Manden and his gang of brigands.

    NI' 8 8%A.D&D adenture+ for a single 4st@leel character7ritten by" Mar' :ucas

    )rt!or' by" %im Eollo!ayTo!n or ural+ tem;erate ;agesDescription)) mysterious 'iller threatens the inhabitants of *rellar6s Trading Post.

    Issue #:/April 1!!*$IS% 8 '% A55%70D&D adenture+ (@ characters of leels 4@37ritten by" andy Ma8!ell

    )rt!or' by" Peter *lar'eIsland/*oastline+ teme;rate to sub@tro;ical44 ;agesDescription)The local mariner6s guild !ants to build a lighthouse on an island once ;o;ulated by ;irates and eilcultists.

    Issue #:!Volume VII, Number : (2anuary/8ebruary 1!!:$84NAIN 8 '%A', '%D&D adenture+ (@$ characters of 4st leel7ritten by" )nn Du;uis

    )rt!or' by" *harles DoughertyPoster Ma; by" Michael 2cottuins/)ny !ilderness+ tem;erate to tro;ical44 ;agesDescription)The characters e8;lore a ruined tem;le containing a fountain !ith legendary healing ;o!ers.

    Issue #

  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    Description)Earfur >lumtoes6 boo' of loe ;oetry has been stolen by a female bard named hiannon.

    Issue #ary ,6*onnell & :ucya 2zachno!s'i

    )rt!or' by" Daid Day,cean/Desert/subterranean+ arid to tro;ical-- ;agesDescription)) desert ;rincess is 'idna;;ed by a loe@struc' beholder.

    Issue #1Volume I@, Number : (2anuary/8ebruary 1!!$6I?' 8 6IND?.A, '%D&D 2ideTre' adenture+ (@ characters of leels 4@37ritten by" 2te;hen %. 2mith

  • 7/26/2019 Mystara Magazine Articles


    Mountains+ any climate3 ;agesDescription))denturers hear rumors of a mysterious old s;ellcaster !ho d!ells in a cliffside cae on 7indcragMountain and decide to inestigate the legend.Issue #:

    Volume I@, Number (May/2une 1!!$

    %%@A;S %ND%AV.D&D adenture+ (@ characters of leels (@7ritten by" *hristo;her Per'ins

    )rt!or' by" *harlie Par'erPoster Ma; by" Michael 2cott:a'e/forest+ tem;erate4 ;agesDescription)#andits seize %ustheart *astle and erect an im;enetrable shield around the structure.To liberate the castle+ heroes must first get ;ast the magical shield.Issue #