mybiblelessonhristian science quarterly™ jan. 20–26...jan 26, 2014  · no. 207 from the...

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY MYBIBLELESSON © 2013 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY TRUTH Visit Jan. 20–26, 2014 SUBJECT Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth. Golden Text Psalms 119:151 . . . ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. 4 . . . the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth. 9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. 10 The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. 11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. 1 Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integ- rity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide. 2 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. 3 For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. Responsive Reading Deuteronomy 32:3 ascribe, 4; Psalms 33:4 the word, 9–11; 26:1–3 2 0 1 4 ® ® Christian Science Quarterly™ Jan. 20–26 myBibleLesson Section One: Hide and seek? When you seek Truth, nothing good can hide! Page 2 Section Two: Don’t go anywhere without your GPS (God Positioning System). Page 3 Section Three: Be honest— it’s so powerful! Page 4 Section Four: Walk the talk by proving your faith through works. Page 5 Section Five: Searching for solutions? Truth is the answer to all problems. Page 6 Section Six: Stand up for Truth wherever you are. Page 7 Section Seven: Don’t forget to be grateful. Page 8

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Page 1: myBibleLessonhristian science quarterly™ Jan. 20–26...Jan 26, 2014  · No. 207 from the Christian Science Hymnal. She de-scribes “[s]eeking and finding” “[i]n that sweet

christian science quarterly myBiBlelesson © 2013 the christian science publishing society TruTh Vi s i t Jan. 20–26, 2014

s u b j e c t

Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth.

Golden Text Psalms 119:151

. . . ascribe ye greatness unto our God. 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.  4 . . . the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.  9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.  10 The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the

people of none effect.  11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.  1 Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in mine integ-rity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide.  2 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.  3 For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. 

Responsive Reading Deuteronomy 32:3 ascribe, 4; Psalms 33:4 the word, 9–11; 26:1–3

2 0 1 4


christian science quarterly™ Jan. 20–26


Section One: Hide and seek? When you seek Truth, nothing good can hide! Page 2

Section Two: Don’t go anywhere without your GPS (God Positioning System). Page 3

Section Three: Be honest— it’s so powerful! Page 4

Section Four: Walk the talk by proving your faith through works. Page 5

Section Five: Searching for solutions? Truth is the answer to all problems. Page 6

Section Six: Stand up for Truth wherever you are. Page 7

Section Seven: Don’t forget to be grateful. Page 8

Page 2: myBibleLessonhristian science quarterly™ Jan. 20–26...Jan 26, 2014  · No. 207 from the Christian Science Hymnal. She de-scribes “[s]eeking and finding” “[i]n that sweet

christian science quarterly myBiBlelesson © 2013 the christian science publishing society TruTh Vi s i t Jan. 20–26, 2014


1 | Jeremiah 10:10 the (to :)

he Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: 

2 | Jeremiah 29:13, 14 (to :)

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: 

3 | Psalms 86:10, 11 I will, 15 thou

For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.  11 I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.  15 thou, O Lord, art a God full of compas-sion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. 

4 | Psalms 42:2 (to :), 11 hope

My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God:  11 hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. 

5 | Psalms 9:9, 10

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. 

1 | 254:10–12

When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, He directs 12 our path.

2 | 241:23–24

One’s aim, a point beyond faith, should be to find the 24 footsteps of Truth, the way to health and holiness.

3 | 285:32

It is essential to understand, instead of believe, what 1 relates most nearly to the happiness of being. To seek Truth through belief in a human doctrine is not to un- 3 derstand the infinite. We must not seek the immutable and immortal through the finite, mutable, and mortal, and so depend upon belief instead of demonstration, for 6 this is fatal to a knowledge of Science. The understand- ing of Truth gives full faith in Truth, and spiritual un- derstanding is better than all burnt offerings.

4 | 471:23 The

The author subscribed to an orthodox 24 creed in early youth, and tried to adhere to it until she caught the first gleam of that which inter- prets God as above mortal sense. This

The test of experience

27 view rebuked human beliefs, and gave the spiritual im- port, expressed through Science, of all that proceeds from the divine Mind. Since then her highest creed has 30 been divine Science, which, reduced to human apprehen- sion, she has named Christian Science. This Science 1 teaches man that God is the only Life, and that this Life is Truth and Love; that God is to be understood, adored, 3 and demonstrated; that divine Truth casts out supposi- tional error and heals the sick.

5 | x:22–23

The divine Principle of healing is proved in the personal experience of any sincere seeker of Truth.

1tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

But you, O Lord, are a merciful and loving God, always patient, always kind and faithful. Psalms 86:15—Good News Translation

fear: honor; respectforsaken: abandoned; desertedrighteously: morally; justlyorthodox: traditional; strict and doctrinal suppositional: hypothetical; assumed as true, regardless of fact

You are great. You do wonderful

things. You alone are God. . . . I will follow your

truth. Give me a heart that doesn’t want

anything more than to worship you.

—Psalms 86:10, 11 New International

Reader’s Version


Explore Mary Baker Eddy’s poem, “Mother’s Evening Prayer,” Hymn

No. 207 from the Christian Science Hymnal. She de-scribes “[s]eeking and finding” “[ i ]n that sweet secret of the narrow way.” What does “sweet secret” mean to you?

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6 | 117:27

27 Truth is a revelation.

7 | 11:27

27 Prayer cannot change the unalterable Truth, nor can prayer alone give us an understanding of Truth; but prayer, coupled with a fervent habitual 30 desire to know and do the will of God, will bring us into all Truth. Such a desire has little need of audible expression. It is best expressed in thought and in life.

8 | 298:22–30

Spiritual ideas lead up to their divine origin, God, and to the spiritual sense 24 of being. Angels are not etherealized human beings, evolving animal qualities in their wings; but they are celestial 27 visitants, flying on spiritual, not material, pinions. Angels are pure thoughts from God,

Thought- angels

winged with Truth and Love, no matter what their indi- 30 vidualism may be.

9 | 566:29–7

The Old Testament assigns to the angels, God’s divine 30 messages, different offices. Michael’s charac- teristic is spiritual strength. He leads the

Angelic offices

hosts of heaven against the power of sin, Satan, and 1 fights the holy wars. Gabriel has the more quiet task of imparting a sense of the ever-presence of ministering 3 Love. These angels deliver us from the depths. Truth and Love come nearer in the hour of woe, when strong faith or spiritual strength wrestles and prevails through 6 the understanding of God. The Gabriel of His presence has no contests.

6 | Psalms 25:4, 5 (to :)

Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.  5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: 

7 | Psalms 91:1, 11

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.   11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 

8 | Daniel 9:9, 10, 19 (to 3rd ;), 21, 22

o the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him;  10 Neither have we

obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets.   19 O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do;   21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.  22 And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. 

9 | Daniel 10:18, 19 (to 1st .), 21 I will

Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,  19 And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.  21 I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince. 

10 | Isaiah 30:21

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. 

2tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

TIf you

wander off the road to the right or the left,

you will hear his voice behind

you saying, “Here is the road.

Follow it.”

—Isaiah 30:21 Good News Translation





oblation: sacrifice; offeringunalterable: unchangeablefervent habitual desire: earnest, constant longing; sincere, persistent yearningaudible: able to be heardetherealized: airy, light, and delicatepinions: wingsoffices: jobs; assignments; tasksprevails: overcomes

Page 4: myBibleLessonhristian science quarterly™ Jan. 20–26...Jan 26, 2014  · No. 207 from the Christian Science Hymnal. She de-scribes “[s]eeking and finding” “[i]n that sweet

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11 | John 1:17 grace

race and truth came by Jesus Christ. 

12 | Luke 18:9–14

And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:  10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.  11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.  12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.  13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.   14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. 

13 | Philippians 4:8 brethren

brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

10 | 2:16–17

Goodness at- tains the demonstration of Truth.

11 | 8:1–2, 10–18, 28–30

1 A wordy prayer may afford a quiet sense of self- justification, though it makes the sinner a hypocrite.

If a man, though apparently fervent and prayerful, is impure and therefore insincere, what must be the 12 comment upon him? If he reached the loftiness of his prayer, there would be no

Aspiration and love

occasion for comment. If we feel the aspiration, hu- 15 mility, gratitude, and love which our words express, — this God accepts; and it is wise not to try to deceive ourselves or others, for “there is nothing covered that 18 shall not be revealed.”

We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way 30 only can we learn what we honestly are.

12 | 3:32–5

While the heart is far from 1 divine Truth and Love, we cannot conceal the ingrati- tude of barren lives. 3 What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace, expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds.

13 | 453:16–17

Honesty is spiritual power. Dishonesty is human weakness, which forfeits divine help.

Knowledge and honesty

14 | 261:4

Hold thought steadfastly to the endur- ing, the good, and the true, and you will bring these 6 into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts.

3tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

extortioners: people who try to gain money or favors by intimidation and/or violencetithes: taxes (usually equivalent to one tenth of one’s posses-sions or one’s income) paid to a religious bodyapparently fervent: seemingly earnest or eagerloftiness: noble, uplifted natureaspiration: high desirebarren: empty; unfruitful; unproductiveforfeits: gives up; loses

Finally, brethren,

whatever is true, whatever is honor-

able, whatever is just, whatever

is pure, what- ever is lovely,

whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence,

if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.

—Philippians 4:8 Revised Standard



INGREEK, a parable is literally, “a throwing alongside”;

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15 | 94:17–18

The progress of truth confirms its claims, and our 18 Master confirmed his words by his works.

16 | 52:23

The high- 24 est earthly representative of God, speaking of human ability to reflect divine power, prophetically said to his disciples, speaking not for their day only but for all time: 27 “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;” and “These signs shall follow them that believe.”

17 | 582:1–2

1 BELIEVING. Firmness and constancy; not a faltering nor a blind faith, but the perception of spiritual Truth.

18 | 12:10

It is neither Science nor Truth which acts through blind belief, nor is it the human under- 12 standing of the divine healing Principle as manifested in Jesus, whose humble prayers were deep and con- scientious protests of Truth, — of man’s likeness to 15 God and of man’s unity with Truth and Love.

19 | 135:21

21 It has been said, and truly, that Christianity must be Science, and Science must be Christianity, else one or the other is false and useless; but neither is unim- 24 portant or untrue, and they are alike in demon- stration. This proves the one to be identical

The unity of Science and Christianity

with the other. Christianity as Jesus taught it was not 27 a creed, nor a system of ceremonies, nor a special gift from a ritualistic Jehovah; but it was the demonstration of divine Love casting out error and healing the sick, 30 not merely in the name of Christ, or Truth, but in demon- stration of Truth, as must be the case in the cycles of divine light.

14 | James 2:14 (to 1st ?)

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? 

15 | Matthew 9:35 Jesus

esus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every

disease among the people. 

16 | John 10:23–25, 37, 38

And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.  25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.   37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. 

17 | John 14:12 (to 1st ;)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; 

4tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

Locations where some of Jesus’s healings took place.

Sea of Galilee





Nazareth •

Cana •Nobleman’s son healed

Nain •Widow’s son raised from the dead

Healed woman with issue of blood and raised

Jairus’s daughter

• Loaves and fishes

Jesus walks on water


Healing of the demoniac man



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conscientious: thorough; careful; principled; showing care and precisionritualistic: supportive of formal ceremonies and routineJehovah: a name used for God in the Old Testament; see LORD GOD in the Glossary of Science and Health, p. 590





n Se


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5tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

18 | John 8:32

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

19 | Acts 3:1–9

ow Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.  2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was

carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;  3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.  4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.  5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.  6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.  7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.  8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.  9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God: 

20 | viii:12–15

12 The question, What is Truth, is answered by demonstration, — by healing both disease and sin; and this demonstration shows that Christian healing con- 15 fers the most health and makes the best men.

21 | 358:13

Christian Science is neither made up of contra- dictory aphorisms nor of the inventions of those who scoff 15 at God. It presents the calm and clear verdict of Truth against error, uttered and illustrated by the prophets, by Jesus, by his apostles, as is recorded throughout the 18 Scriptures.

22 | 162:4–9

Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of Truth, which invigorates and purifies. Christian Science 6 acts as an alterative, neutralizing error with Truth. It changes the secretions, expels hu-

Truth an alterative

mors, dissolves tumors, relaxes rigid muscles, restores 9 carious bones to soundness.

23 | 130:26–3

If thought is startled at the strong claim of Science 27 for the supremacy of God, or Truth, and doubts the su- premacy of good, ought we not, contrari- wise, to be astounded at the vigorous claims

All evil unnatural

30 of evil and doubt them, and no longer think it natural to love sin and unnatural to forsake it, — no longer imagine evil to be ever-present and good absent? Truth should 1 not seem so surprising and unnatural as error, and error should not seem so real as truth. Sickness should not seem 3 so real as health.

24 | 142:31

Truth 1 is God’s remedy for error of every kind, and Truth de- stroys only what is untrue. Hence the fact that, to-day, 3 as yesterday, Christ casts out evils and heals the sick.


from his mother’s womb: since birthask alms: beg for moneyconfers: brings forth; gives; imparts

contradictory aphorisms: inconsistent sayings scoff: mock; scorn; sneerinvigorates: strengthens; rejuvenates; energizescarious: decayedcontrariwise: conversely; in the opposite way



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Think about it—the Christ’s healing power effectively resolves any problem. Truth is the ultimate remedy, no matter how challenging a situation seems to be.

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20 | Acts 5:12 (to ;), 15–21, 25, 27, 28 (to ?), 29, 34, 35, 38 Refrain, 39, 42

nd by the hands of the apostles were many signs

and wonders wrought among the people;   15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.  16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation,  18 And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison.   19 But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said,  20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.  21 And when they heard that, they entered into the temple early in the morning, and taught. But the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought.   25 Then came one and told them, saying, Behold, the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the temple, and teaching the people.   27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, 28 Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?   29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.   34 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;  35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.  38 Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:  39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.   42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. 

25 | 452:22–23

When the spiritual sense of Truth unfolds its harmonies, you take no risks in the policy of error.

26 | 97:22, 29

It requires courage to utter truth; for the higher Truth 24 lifts her voice, the louder will error scream, until its in- articulate sound is forever silenced in oblivion.

Christianity is again demonstrating the Life that is 30 Truth, and the Truth that is Life, by the apos- tolic work of casting out error and healing the

Christianity still rejected

sick. Earth has no repayment for the persecutions which 1 attend a new step in Christianity; but the spiritual recom- pense of the persecuted is assured in the elevation of ex- 3 istence above mortal discord and in the gift of divine Love.

27 | 367:17–9

A Christian Scientist occupies the place at this period 18 of which Jesus spoke to his disciples, when he said: “Ye are the salt of the earth.” “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill can-

The salt of the earth

21 not be hid.” Let us watch, work, and pray that this salt lose not its saltness, and that this light be not hid, but radiate and glow into noontide glory. 24 The infinite Truth of the Christ-cure has come to this age through a “still, small voice,” through silent utter- ances and divine anointing which quicken and increase 27 the beneficial effects of Christianity. I long to see the consummation of my hope, namely, the student’s higher attainments in this line of light. 30 Because Truth is infinite, error should be known as nothing. Because Truth is omnipotent in goodness, error, Truth’s opposite, has no might. Evil is but the 1 counterpoise of nothingness. The greatest wrong is but a supposititious opposite of the highest right. The 3 confidence inspired by Science lies in the fact that Truth is real and error is unreal. Error

Real and counterfeit

is a coward before Truth. Divine Science insists that 6 time will prove all this. Both truth and error have come nearer than ever before to the apprehension of mortals, and truth will become still clearer as error is self- 9 destroyed.

6tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

was one of the most distinguished teachers of Jewish Law. He was a

Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (the su-preme religious court of the Jews). Gamaliel was also the teacher of Saul of Tarsus (Acts 22:3), who became Paul the apostle.


doctor: (archaic) teacheras touching: concerninglest haply ye be: so that you are notcounterpoise: counterbalance; that which balances something of equal weight






The WesternWall

in Jerusalem is a remnant of the

wall that surrounded the Jewish Temple’s

courtyard in Peter’s day.







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28 | 192:27–29

27 We walk in the footsteps of Truth and Love by follow- ing the example of our Master in the understanding of divine metaphysics.

29 | 510:9

9 Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose “light shall we see light;” and this illumination is re- flected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn 12 away from a false material sense.

30 | 225:3

3 Truth makes man free.

21 | I John 2:21

have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 

22 | II John 1:1–4

The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;  2 For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.  3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.  4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father. 

23 | Psalms 119:30 (to :), 45 (to :)

I have chosen the way of truth:   45 And I will walk at liberty: 

7tHe bIbLe Section scIeNce and HeALtH with Key to the Scriptures | Mary Baker Eddy

enlighten: illumine; inspire; inform; free from ignorancematerial sense: a sense of existence as in and dependent on matter

II John is a short letter—it could fit on a single sheet of papyrus.










; SA



: BA


’S B







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REMEMBER TO THANK GOD that you walk in Truth—and are free.



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FRONT COVER PHOTO AND BACK PAGE ATTRIBUTION: Sharon Eschenroeder: squirrel Self-Pronouncing Holy Bible, mod.: walker

All nonattributed graphics, photos, and digitally modified images by mBL staff.

Pearl Hint: Good things happen when you take a stand for Truth.

we have hidden an image of a pearl [ ] somewhere in the pages of mybiblelesson.

It makes sense to CLIP ’n’ SAVE

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thirsteth for God

One time, Mary Baker Eddy spoke with one of her students, Abigail

Dyer Thompson, about the importance of keeping a good record of healings. Read We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1, p. 149, to see why.


I’m off to buy pet

food !

Christian Science Sentinel teen editors Jenny Nelles and Jeff Ward-Bailey want to read about your experiences. Write your ideas down here, then e-mail Jenny and Jeff at [email protected] and [email protected].

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“bc” stands for “before Christ,” which is the English translation of a Latin phrase referring to the birth of Jesus. All dates labeled “bc” happened before Jesus’s birth. “ad” stands for anno domini, which is a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of the Lord” in reference to Jesus. All dates labeled “ad” happened after Jesus’s birth.







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BIBLE INFO:TRANSLATIONS: All Scriptural quotations used in the text of myBibleLesson are taken from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, unless otherwise indicated.

The following are verbally equivalent translations used for In Other Words. These translations tend to use the oldest available and most recently discovered manuscripts to translate the literal meaning of the text word-for-word.Amplified Bible: Scriptural quotations marked Amplified Bible are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

Contemporary English Version: Scriptural quotations marked Contemporary English Version are taken from the Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.

New International Version: Scriptural quotations marked New International Version are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

New Revised Standard Version: Scriptural quotations marked New Revised Standard Version are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Revised English Bible: Scriptural quotations marked Revised English Bible are taken from the Revised English Bible © Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press 1989.

Revised Standard Version: Scriptural quotations marked Revised Standard Version are taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The following dynamically equivalent translations are used for In Other Words. These translations attempt to convey the thoughts expressed in the text in common, everyday English.Good News Translation: Scriptural quotations marked Good News Translation are taken from the Good News Translation in Today’s English Version—Second Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.

New English Bible: Scriptural quotations marked New English Bible are taken from the New English Bible © Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970.

New International Reader’s Version: Scriptural quotations marked New International Reader’s Version are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version®. Copyright 1996, 1998 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

New Living Translation: Scriptural quotations marked New Living Translation are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The following paraphrases are used for In Other Words. These are not literal translations, rather they attempt to present to modern readers the text’s tone, rhythm, and ideas as its earliest audiences might have experienced it.The Living Bible: Scriptural quotations marked The Living Bible are taken from The Living Bible, copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The Message: Scriptural quotations marked The Message are taken from The Message, copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.