my reason to relay

My Reason to Relay I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life because I want to make a meaningful difference in the fight against cancer. Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either through their own personal battle or through someone they love. My sister Annette was diagnosed when she was only a freshman in high school. She missed out on a lot of those fun times that everyone gets to enjoy who don't have to fight cancer. She never complained and went on to graduate. She continued to fight and was a survivor for over 30 years before she finally passed due to the long term toll the terrible disease and its treatments took on her. I'll always admire her for her tremendous courage. My Uncle Jack and Aunt Carol also were stricken with this terrible disease and each lost long battles to it. A friend of mine's little daughter is battling cancer right now. I could go on but won't, we all have personal experience. Take a moment to pause and think about how cancer has affected your life or that of a family member or friend. Every day, the American Cancer Society is helping us stay well by preventing cancer or finding it at its earliest, most treatable stages. They assist families in finding the best resources to help their friend or loved one deal with a diagnosis and their journey to get well. The American Cancer Society is also rallying communities (like ours!) through events like Relay For Life, to fight back and find cures for this disease. Please join my team or make a donation to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together, we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone?s life! THANK YOU for helping in the fight! Joe Jclarke43 dani3242 Yeah, it’s personal. 6 tables 2 across front 1 in middle for lemon shakeups

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: My Reason to Relay

My Reason to Relay

I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life because I want to make a meaningful difference in

the fight against cancer. 


Almost everyone has been touched by cancer, either through their own personal battle or through someone they love.

My sister Annette was diagnosed when she was only a freshman in high school. She missed out on a lot of those fun

times that everyone gets to enjoy who don't have to fight cancer. She never complained and went on to graduate.

She continued to fight and was a survivor for over 30 years before she finally passed due to the long term toll the

terrible disease and its treatments took on her. I'll always admire her for her tremendous courage.



My Uncle Jack and Aunt Carol also were stricken with this terrible disease and each lost long battles to it. A friend of

mine's little daughter is battling cancer right now. I could go on but won't, we all have personal experience. Take a

moment to pause and think about how cancer has affected your life or that of a family member or friend.

Every day, the American Cancer Society is helping us stay well by preventing cancer or finding it at its earliest, most

treatable stages. They assist families in finding the best resources to help their friend or loved one deal with a

diagnosis and their journey to get well. The American Cancer Society is also rallying communities (like ours!) through

events like Relay For Life, to fight back and find cures for this disease.

Please join my team or make a donation to help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and

more birthdays. Together, we can help make sure that cancer never steals another year of anyone?s life!

THANK YOU for  helping in the fight!




Yeah, it’s personal.

6 tables

2 across front 1 in middle for lemon shakeups 1 in back for food prep 1 for hand-washing and utensil washing 1 for food coolers