my personal philosophy of human being

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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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1. Man and woman are created in the image of god. The book of Genesis sates; And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that exists upon the earth. All we are abut reflections of Gods goodness. 2. Man is both a material and spiritual being. Man cannot and should not be understood simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism. Man has soul that reflects his spirituality. It is in this unity of body and soul that man is separated from other creatures of god. Man body is for the consumption and satisfaction of material goods. Man soul is for the satisfaction of his divine being it is his gateway towards his creator.3. Man exists as a unique and unrepeatable being. No two man is the same, every individual has its own distinct characteristics. Every man is different, by the way he acts, thinks and moves. He is totally a distinct individual from his ancestors, though they may have shared the same bloodline and genes. Being a unique, man makes his own destiny, although outside forces (school, community, church, family) may affect his decision making capabilities.4. Male and female are two different individuals of equal dignity. All is fair in love and war, so is man and woman who have equal rights. They may be different in physical characteristics but they are complements: man and woman complete each other mutually, not only from a physical and psychological point of view, but also ontologically. It is only because of the duality of male and female that the human being becomes a full reality. It is in their union that God has entrusted not only the work of procreation and family life, but the creation of history itself. The woman is a helper' for the man, just as the man is a helper' for the woman!5. The human person cannot and must not be manipulated by social, economic or political structures. Liberty and freedom is the most essential ingredient of a human life. Take it away and you took his sense of direction, his sense of being. Man should be given his own choice to do things he want do, of course in cognizance with the rights of his fellowman. He ought not to be manipulated or enslave to things or works that is detrimental to his being. 6. The exercise of freedom implies a reference to a natural moral law, of a universal character, that precedes and unites all rights and duties. Mans exercise of his rights, freedom and liberty is not absolute. He has to take caution in dealing with nature and with his fellowmen. Tampering with nature will not only result to physical imbalance of his environment but also will be disadvantageous for his own survival. 7. The human person is essentially a social being. No man is an island. Man is created born fit for society. Man is the creator of society. It is with his interactions with his fellowmen that he finds satisfaction for his being.8. Persons with disabilities are fully human subjects, with rights and duties. Like normal persons, persons with disabilities enjoys the same rights, freedom and liberty. Although their disabilities my delimit their movement, their way of life, the society should fill this gap by giving persons with disabilities partiality when it comes to the enjoyment to the facilities of the society. 9. Man is a rational being. He is capable of reasons. In fact, it is his reasons that makes him at the top of the animal strata. He is the author of rules and measures - laws. These laws, which induced or restrained his fellowmen from acting, is the singlemost unifying and critical bond to a just and orderly society. 10. Man is both a subject and a citizen. A subject has no share in the government. Their status or class in the community is determined by their birth if they are born craftsman or slave, then they remain the same. A citizen has a special characteristic and that is he shares in the administration of justice. The salvation of the state is the business of a citizen. A citizen should know how to govern like a free man, and how to obey like a free man.11. Men are all equal and independent. Whatever rights any man enjoys, he also grant the same as due to all the rest. The laws of nature are immutable and eternal: what they forbid can never be lawful; what they command, can never be unlawful. For pride, ingratitude, breach of contracts (or injury), inhumanity, contumely, will never be lawful, nor the contrary virtues to these ever unlawful, as we take them for dispositions of the mind, that is, as they considered in the court of conscience, where only they oblige, and are laws. The enjoyment of ones rights should be in accordance to the rights of others.12. Each man put his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will. It is the greater good for the greater majority that is followed consensus to take place. But these consensus among the majority does not inviolate the rights of the minority. Special precautions are undertaken so as not to sideswept the inherent rights of the minority. 13. Man has human rights. It is embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, followed my most nations 9exceptions are the savages like that of Sudan). Basic of these rights is the right to live and the freedom of expressions. 14. The nature of Human Beings is basically good. Given the choices of right and wrong, moral and immoral, human being will choose the path to righteousness and morality. Wrong decisions may be a result of a situation as is affected by past experience of the person. Immoral conduct may be the only a fruit of social interactions. By the nature of guidance and counseling, man is brought to realize that his wrongdoings and immoral acts need to be corrected, only and only if he allows himself to be corrected. It is only his own free will choice, not force by anyone, that this realization of his good nature will come into actuality.