my log word version

My Log If Fairy Tales exist Shannon Williams

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My Log

If Fairy Tales exist

Shannon Williams

Page 2: My log word version

Monday 15 th September

In our group we have decided to use the Btec music students where they will use their own written music, which they also composed. We chose to use Esther because we feel her music fits our ideas of what we would like to incorporate into our video and it will be easier with copyright because we have the permission to use the singers music instead of using a well-known artists music which would make it difficult for us to reach out to the artist and get their permission.

We decided to create a music video, we thought that a music video would be better for us to do rather than the other options at hand – we then researched different genres of music, We thought a slow, romantic love song would be a suitable genre for the skill set of btec student, since majority of the songs Esther has written would fit this genre.


The videos we thought would be appropriate for the theme and style we would like to create where; Emotions – Destiny's child, So sick – Ne-yo and 6 degrees of separation – the script. They all used similar techniques.

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Researching the music videos we are inspired by, we discovered that although these music videos where released at different era’s the music videos all can relate with one another because of the similarities in editing which then confirmed our ideas of using this style of editing because it seems to be something the viewer’s enjoy since that style of editing is still on going.

Wednesday 17 th September

After doing some home research we came together as a group and discussed our findings.

I choose to research what goes on behind the scenes and why certain concepts and ideas where used.

Home research

Researched video(behind the scenes) – Trey Songz heart attack

Behind the scenes video usual last 2- 4 minutes. Usage of props (i.e the car) signified they where a “real” couple not too

glamorous or fabulous – everything was kept pretty simple, from the costumes to the choice of background to the shots used throughout the video.

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Researched video (notes) – Wrecking ball

The Wrecking ball swinging and knocking the wall down, represent how when you allow people into your life a lot of your walls to come down to allow you to trust the person and that’s when you can get hurt; building up the walls that allow you to get stronger – is what the wrecking ball represents.

The Kissing and licking of the props (sledge hammer) shows intimacy and how she is responding with them looks as though she is in love, even though we can clearly see it’s destroy the place, she still holds on this is a metaphor of her relationship, she is singing about and how it’s destroying her. Use of real rubble and wrecking ball was done to create realism. Nudity signifies weakness.

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Researched video (notes) – Beyonce best thing I never had

The lyrics of the song relate to the women of the world, every girl can look back in there life and say “Thank god I never god I never got with them”.

Opening scene was used to create intimacy. Fantasy wedding

Thursday 18 th September

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Since I am the editing our music video I decided to look at the different aspects of Ne-yo –so sick, Destiny's child – Emotions, The script – 6 degrees of separation. After doing so I made a list of the techniques they used.

Close ups Black&White Split screen Panning Me and simi began to plan for our proposal. We used a combination of

both of our research to create a structure for our proposal, using powerpoint. *insert powerpoint screenshots*

Wednesday 22 ND September

Me and Simi presented and created our proposal since Summaya was absent. *insert video*

Wednesday 29 th September

Me and simi, watched through our proposal we presented to the class and made sure we included everything we wanted to share with the class. Simi finished off the storyboards she had drawn up in the previous lessons, while she did this I made sure the storyboard fitted with the ideas we had originally had .

Costume ideas, we decided to keep the costume simple; Esther is to be wearing all black with her hair out and me and Christian who will be the acting in the video will be wearing anything, our costume is not that relevant.

We added more to our log. Arrange what we wanted to say to Esther, to inform her of what he role


Thursday 6 th October

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Story boards and test plans

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hThursday 9 th October

We had received a copy of the lyrics and began to analyse them, after doing this we had begun to re think a lot of our original ideas, simply because what we had didn’t quite work. I had asked Esther to send us a demo of the track via WhatsApp. After hearing the track and being able to hear the melody, we began to adapt our storyboard.

Analysed Lyrics – If Fairy tales exist.

Verse 1-When we were young we read those books – A wide angle which then turns into a close up of Christian and Shannon reading a fairy tale book.That told us just how love should lookCinderella found her king, Sleeping Beauty got the ring – over the shoulder shots of the couple reading the fairy tale and turning the page.Oh we didn’t know a thing – shots of Esther singing

Pre-chorus-And even though you walked out of my heart You still hold that missing partBut you left me – Wide angle, panning, 180 rule and shot reverse to show the couple arguingDon’t let me go.

Verse 2-Never had a happy ever after – Using a stylize transitions we will fade from the chorus to the 2nd verse.‘Cause after a while I didn’t matterAt the stroke of midnight, you were gone out of my sight – Shots of Esther singing

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Oh just like the speed of lightPre-chorus-And even though you walked out of my heart – Each transition within the video turns as though it is a page in a book.You still hold that missing partBut you left me Don’t let me go

Bridge-I’ll never know why you walked out like that – BIG argument with couple as the music increases in intensity, this argument will be a follow on from the one they had earlier.But here today I need to face up to facts ‘Cause your gone, you left my heart with a crackYeah you’re not coming back, you’re not coming backLove ain’t like on TV – Shots of Esther singing Heartbreaks come and go constantlyBut you, yeah you go to meOh why can’t I see

Chorus-Fairy tales they don’t exist – We then go back to the scene where the couple are reading the story but his time, it is just Shannon reading the book.But I still wish for one last kissYou’ll always be my once upon a timeI know you’ll never be mineAs long as fairy tales don’t exist – The story book closes “the end.” Then that’s the end of the scene. The camera slowly zooms out on Esther into darkness If only they did exist Chorus-

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Fairy tales they don’t exist – We then go back to the scene where the couple are reading the story but his time, it is just Shannon reading the book.

Monday 13 th October

Test shots *insert vids. Say what we will be using for the actually thing*

Tuesday 14 th October

On Tuesday outside of lesson – Esther, Simi, Christian, Summaya and I, had a meeting about the composition and the creative ideas we had for Esther's song.While recording the instrumental of the track, we began to get a range of ideas; Esther also gave her input as well. Esther suggested the video should be more of a fairy tale which meant we would have to change the original structure of the video

The following few weeks we focused on log work, Digi pak research, editing test shots and creating our own digi paks.

Digi pak research*look pon summayas blog*

Tuesday 4 th November

We decided to meet up outside of lesson to begin recording the original track Esther had written, with the help of Christian who also plays the leading male role in the video, we used the music facilities in school to produce the song. Christian helped us create the instrumental since we were unsure of how to use the equipment needed to record Esther.

Thursday 6 th November

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We was given time within the lesson to work on finishing our music video, since Summaya was absent that day and Esther wasn’t in school because of consortium (Lessons at a different school) – Simi and I worked alongside Christian and began to edit the track.

Monday 10 th November

We created a shot list of what we would like to record on the following day. Our shot listed was for the footage of our behind the scenes of the music video/making of the track, so we included a lot of close ups because we felt as though the usage of close allows the views to feel as though they are with the person in the shot, it acts as metaphor we’re allowing the viewers to have access to something they wouldn’t usually have the opportunity of seeing.

Tuesday 11 th November

We had all planned to come into school and work on the track because it was still incomplete, we also saw this as a chance to get some more filming done since Esther was free on this day, we had planned a shot list of everything we would like to get done, by doing this we felt a lot more organised. Esther decided she wanted to add backing vocals/harmonies to her original track as she felt as though something was missing – we filmed the process which after later discussing what we would like to do with the content we had got from today – we thought it would be a good idea to add some of the shots to the official music video as well as the behind the scenes.

Thursday 13 th November

We completed the track and began thinking of new ideas for the music video – after hearing the finished song we felt as though some of our original ideas wouldn’t fit the style of the song. In the other half of the lesson we focused on exam preparation.

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Thursday 20 th November

Monday 20 th November

I was a bit behind on my log so I spent a few hours updating it and making it more informative, I then began to research magazine covers as we would soon be making our own.

Magazine research I choose to look a music based magazines such as; Vibe, Billboard, Q, Music and Rolling stones.

I liked this cover because it’s simple, it shows the artist and there instrument – the artist looks presentable and not exposing any of her body, which is another reason I was attracted to this cover however I don’t think this cover is suitable for 15-18 target audience this cover is best suited for the older consumers.

This cover is a lot like something I would like to create for our own magazine cover it is quite similar to the “Music” magazine cover however I think the bright bold colours and the font make this magazine cover more suitable for our target audience.