my experiment

The myExperiment approach to Open Science David De Roure Carole Goble Jiten Bhagat Don Cruickshank

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MyExperiment è un social network all’interno del quale è possibile cercare flussi di lavoro scientifico resi pubblici, ma anche proporre, condividere e svilupparne di nuovi, al fine di creare delle comunità e sviluppare relazioni. La presentazione illustra la visione di My Experiment sull' Open Science


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The myExperiment approach to Open Science

David De RoureCarole GobleJiten BhagatDon Cruickshank

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Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Virtual Learning Environment

Technical Reports


Peer-Reviewed Journal &

Conference Papers

Preprints &


Certified Experimental

Results & Analyses


Data, Metadata Provenance WorkflowsOntologies

Digital Libraries

The social process of Science 2.0

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Sharing pieces of processSharing pieces of process

Carole Goble and David De Roure, Curating Scientific Web Services and Workflows, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 5 (September/October 2008) Carole Goble and David De Roure, Curating Scientific Web Services and Workflows, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 5 (September/October 2008)

Page 4: My Experiment is… “Facebook for Scientists”...but

different to Facebook! A community social network Fine control over sharing A federated repository A gateway to other publishing

environments A platform for launching

workflows Open source (BSD)

Started March 2007 Closed beta since July 2007 Open beta November 2007 Go to to

access publicly available content or create an account is...

myExperiment currently has 1400 registered users, 120 groups, 540 workflows, 147 files and 44 packs

myExperiment currently has 1400 registered users, 120 groups, 540 workflows, 147 files and 44 packs

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“Do I want my Science associated with a medium like this?”

Page 11: My Experiment is…

User Profiles Groups Friends Sharing Tags Workflows Developer interface Credits and Attributions Fine control over privacy Packs Federation Enactment

myExperiment FeaturesmyExperiment FeaturesD




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Ownership and AttributionOwnership and Attribution

The most important aspect of myExperimentDesigned by scientists

The most important aspect of myExperimentDesigned by scientists

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Packs allow you to collect different items together, like you might with a "wish list" or "shopping basket"

You can collect internal things (such as workflows, files and even other packs) as well as link to things outside myExperiment

Your packs can then be shared, tagged, discovered and discussed easily on myExperiment

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Exporting packsExporting packs

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24/5/2007 | myExperiment | Slide 16

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Google GadgetsGoogle Gadgets

Bringing myExperiment to the iGoogle userBringing myExperiment to the iGoogle user

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Taverna PluginTaverna Plugin

Bringing myExperiment to the Taverna userBringing myExperiment to the Taverna user

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PREFIX rdf: <>PREFIX myexp: <>PREFIX sioc: <>select ?friend1 ?friend2 ?acceptedat where {?z rdf:type<> . ?z myexp:has-requester?x .?x sioc:name ?friend1 . ?z myexp:has-accepter ?y . ?y sioc:name ?friend2 .?z myexp:accepted-at ?acceptedat }

All accepted Friendships including accepted-at time Semantically-Interlinked

Online Communities

SPARQL endpointSPARQL endpoint

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1. Fit in, Don’t Force Change2. Jam today and more jam

tomorrow3. Just in Time and Just

Enough 4. Act Local, think Global 5. Enable Users to Add Value6. Design for Network Effects

1. Fit in, Don’t Force Change2. Jam today and more jam

tomorrow3. Just in Time and Just

Enough 4. Act Local, think Global 5. Enable Users to Add Value6. Design for Network Effects

Six Principles of Software Design to Empower ScientistsSix Principles of Software Design to Empower Scientists

1. Keep your Friends Close2. Embed3. Keep Sight of the Bigger

Picture4. Favours will be in your

Favour5. Know your users6. Expect and Anticipate


1. Keep your Friends Close2. Embed3. Keep Sight of the Bigger

Picture4. Favours will be in your

Favour5. Know your users6. Expect and Anticipate


De Roure, D. and Goble, C. Software Design for Empowering Scientists, IEEE Software, Volume 26, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2009, pages 88-95.

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e-Laboratory Lifecyclee-Laboratory Lifecycle

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Workflow Monitoring

Event Logging

Social Metadata

Annotation Service


User Registration

Distributed Data Query

Job ExecutionNaming and Identity


Text Mining

Research ObjectManagement

Assembling e-LaboratoriesAssembling e-LaboratoriesExample Core Services

An e-Lab is a set of components and resources An open system, not a software

monolith Utility of components

transcends their immediate application

We envisage an ecosystem of cooperating e-Laboratories

What are the e-Lab components and services?

What are the Research Objects?

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Workflows and Services


Social by User Community



Self by Service Providers

seed seed




refinevalidate seed

Content Capture and CurationReuse and SymbiosisReuse and Symbiosis

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myExperiment provides social infrastructure – it facilitates sharing and enables scientists to collaborate in order to compete. Reputation and incentives.

myExperiment has growing community and growing content Supports Taverna, Trident, UsefulChem, ... Team working on Kepler, Meandre next Community added WSVLAM, GWorkflowDL, ... Scale makes discovery more difficult and easier! Could share R, matlab, statistical models, spreadsheets

We are targetting how we believe research will be conducted in the future, through the assembly of e-Laboratories which share Research Objects

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David De [email protected]

Carole [email protected]



The myGrid Family, National Centre for e-Social Science,CombeChem, Scientific Workflow Community