my driving school - study buddy - road signs · 3 mds study buddy – road signs - ben grobler 082...

1 MDS STUDY BUDDY – ROAD SIGNS - BEN GROBLER 082 895 6503 | My Driving School - Study Buddy - Road Signs 1. This sign shows you that …. A. No motor cars may drive there. B. No Taxi’s may drive there. C. You may not park your motorcar there. 2. This sign shows you that ….. A. You can use that part of the road if you wish. B. You must use that part of the road. C. There is parking for motor cars there. 3. This sign shows you that ….. A. You may not drive there between 06h00 and 09h00. B. You are only allowed to drive there between 06h00 and 09h00. C. You may not park there for more than three hours. 4. This sign forbids ….. A. Mini busses to pick up passengers. B. Mini busses to drive past that sign. C. All motor vehicles to drive past that sign. 5. This sign shows you that you must ….. A. Turn left at the stop sign. B. Stop and then turn left or drive straight on. C. Stop, but if you want to turn left, you can use it as a yield sign. 6. This sign shows you that there is a ….. A. Curve to the right ahead. B. Temporary obstruction right of the road. C. Temporary detour to the right.

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Page 1: My Driving School - Study Buddy - Road Signs · 3 MDS STUDY BUDDY – ROAD SIGNS - BEN GROBLER 082 895 6503 | 13. Road marking RTM3 in the sketch ….. A. Are lines that indicate



My Driving School - Study Buddy - Road Signs

1. This sign shows you that ….

A. No motor cars may drive there.

B. No Taxi’s may drive there.

C. You may not park your motorcar there.

2. This sign shows you that …..

A. You can use that part of the road if you wish.

B. You must use that part of the road.

C. There is parking for motor cars there.

3. This sign shows you that …..

A. You may not drive there between 06h00 and 09h00.

B. You are only allowed to drive there between 06h00 and 09h00.

C. You may not park there for more than three hours.

4. This sign forbids …..

A. Mini busses to pick up passengers.

B. Mini busses to drive past that sign.

C. All motor vehicles to drive past that sign.

5. This sign shows you that you must …..

A. Turn left at the stop sign.

B. Stop and then turn left or drive straight on.

C. Stop, but if you want to turn left, you can use it as a yield sign.

6. This sign shows you that there is a …..

A. Curve to the right ahead.

B. Temporary obstruction right of the road.

C. Temporary detour to the right.

Page 2: My Driving School - Study Buddy - Road Signs · 3 MDS STUDY BUDDY – ROAD SIGNS - BEN GROBLER 082 895 6503 | 13. Road marking RTM3 in the sketch ….. A. Are lines that indicate



7. This sign shows you …..

A. The road turning to the right ends ahead.

B. You are not allowed to turn right here.

C. There is a T-Junction to the right.

8. This road marking shows you that you must …..

A. Look out for school children.

B. Stop.

C. Yield to all users of the road and possibly also trains.

9. This sign shows you that there is a …..

A. Obstruction left of the road.

B. Detour to the left.

C. Sharp curve to the left ahead.

10. Arrow A in the sketch shows you that you …..

A. Can turn left or move straight on if it is safe.

B. Can still change lanes if you want to go straight.

C. Must turn left from that lane.

11. If you see this sign you know that …..

A. Vehicles with a mass of 10 tons and less may not drive there.

B. Vehicles with a mass of more than 10 tons may not drive there.

C. That section of the road can only carry vehicles that weigh up to 10 tons.

12. When you see road marking (a) in the sketch, you …..

A. Know it is a lane reserved for emergency vehicles.

B. May not park there at all.

C. May not park there, because it is parking for ambulances only.

Page 3: My Driving School - Study Buddy - Road Signs · 3 MDS STUDY BUDDY – ROAD SIGNS - BEN GROBLER 082 895 6503 | 13. Road marking RTM3 in the sketch ….. A. Are lines that indicate



13. Road marking RTM3 in the sketch …..

A. Are lines that indicate another traffic lane.

B. Are lines where pedestrians can walk.

C. Show you that you may stop further than the front one of the two.

14. What does this sign show you?

A. Dangerous conditions for the next 100 km.

B. You are not allowed to travel faster than 100 km/h at night.

C. If you cannot see for more than 100m in front of you, switch your lights on.

15. This warning sign shows you that …..

A. The road is ending ahead.

B. Potholes are to be found on the road ahead.

C. The road on which you are driving is going to change to a gravel road.

16. When you see this sign …..

A. Look out for roadworks where tractors operate.

B. Know that only agricultural vehicles may drive there.

C. Be on the lookout for agricultural vehicles that may be on the road.

17. When the robot is red and the green arrow flashes to the right, it shows you that …..

A. Only pedestrians may walk.

B. If you want to turn right, you may go.

C. All traffic must turn right here.

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18. This marking shows you that only ….. may park there.

A. Construction vehicles.

B. Motorcars that load or unload goods.

C. Goods vehicles that load or unload goods.

19. What does this warning sign show you?

A. A concealed entrance to the left is followed by one to the right.

B. A number of sharp curves ahead.

C. The road winds ahead.

20. This sign warns you that …..

A. There is a robot ahead.

B. There is a compulsory stop ahead.

C. You are now entering an urban area.

21. This sign warns you that the road …..

A. Has many curves.

B. Is slippery when wet.

C. Surface is damaged.

22. When you see this sign you must …..

A. Know that this section of the road is for the use of pedestrians only.

B. Give right of way to pedestrians who would like to cross the street.

C. Stop, because school kids might cross the road.

23. This road marking warns you that …..

A. The freeway ends ahead.

B. Roads cross ahead.

C. There is a level crossing with one railway line ahead.

24. This road marking shows you that …..

A. The road surface is uneven.

B. Traffic may not overtake or cross it on either side.

C. It is a line reserved for busses only.

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25. This warning sign shows you that …..

A. There is a possibility of floods ahead.

B. The road ends because of water ahead.

C. There is a low water bridge ahead.

26. This sign shows you that …..

A. The freeway ends.

B. The road narrows from both sides.

C. There is a narrow bridge ahead.

27. This sign show you that you …..

A. Must turn right at the next road.

B. Will get a one-way road to the right.

C. Can expect a sharp bent to the right.

28. This sign warns you that there is …..

A. A marked pedestrian crossing ahead.

B. Possibly school kids close to or on the road.

C. Possibly pedestrians ahead.

29. This sign shows you that …..

A. You must drive there.

B. You can drive there if you wish.

C. That area is for motor vehicle taxi’s only.

30. This sign prohibits you from …..

A. Using that section of the road during certain hours.

B. Parking there between 09h00 and 16h00.

C. Stopping there at certain hours.

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31. This road marking shows you that …..

A. You are not allowed to pass another vehicle there.

B. The lane splits into more lanes in the direction of the arrow.

C. A line is going to begin which prohibits you from passing.

32. When this sign is illuminated, it shows you that …..

A. There is an unguarded level crossing ahead.

B. There is no throughway there.

C. It is a lane used for traffic coming from the front.

33. This sign shows you that …..

A. The road ends.

B. You are not allowed to enter there.

C. The entry is for ambulances only.

34. This road marking shows you that only ….. may park there.

A. Busses.

B. Business vehicles.

C. Mini busses.

35. All road signs with a yellow background, like this one, are ….. signs.

A. Temporary.

B. Tourism.

C. Warning.

36. What is the difference between the road marking on the left and the one on the right?

A. There is no difference between the two and both show you that you may not pass other vehicles.

B. The one on the left shows you that you may not pass other vehicles, while the one on the right shows

you that you may not drive over it to turn into a yard or anything else.

C. Both shows you that you may not pass other vehicles, but you will find the one on the left on all roads

and the one on the right, on freeways only.

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37. Road marking GM1 in the sketch below …..

A. Shows the lanes for road users.

B. Divides the road into two sections.

C. In only found in a parking area.

38. This sign shows you that …..

A. Only motor vehicles may not pass each other.

B. No motor vehicles may pass each other.

C. There is a bridge ahead where only one vehicle at a time can cross.

39. This sign shows you the …..

A. Maximum speed allowed at night.

B. Recommended speed when your lights are switched on.

C. Distance to the next town.

40. What does this sign show you?

A. You may not drive slower than 50 km/h.

B. You may not drive faster than 50km/h.

C. This sign is applicable for 50m.

41. What does this sign show you when it flashes?

A. The police have a blockade ahead.

B. There is danger on the road ahead.

C. There is a robot ahead.

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42. This sign shows you that …..

A. There is a road with two lanes ahead.

B. You are not allowed to drive there without permission.

C. A freeway starts.

43. This sign shows you that the road …..

A. Winds for 12km.

B. Winds for 12km from there.

C. Is slippery for 12km.

44. What does this sign show you?

A. Stop and drive on when it is safe to do so in the sequence that the vehicles stopped at the stop lines.

B. Make sure that it is safe, wait until all traffic has departed and then drive on.

C. It is the same as a yield sign and you can proceed slowly without stopping.

45. What does this sign show you?

(i) You may not turn left there.

(ii) You may not turn left ahead.

(iii) There is a one way to the right ahead.

A. Only (i) is correct.

B. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

C. Only (ii) and (iii) are correct.

46. This sign shows you that …..

A. You must be on the lookout for cyclists.

B. It is a special lane for cyclists.

C. No cyclists are allowed there.

47. This sign …..

A. Shows you that there is a hospital ahead where you must not make noise.

B. Shows you that you may not pick up people.

C. Prohibits you from using the hooter.

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48. This sign shows you that you …..

A. Must only drive straight on.

B. Will get a freeway ahead.

C. Will get a one-way road ahead.

49. What does this warning sign show you?

A. A railway line intercepts with the road you are travelling on.

B. A 4-way stop will be found ahead where the roads cross.

C. Roads cross ahead and other vehicles from the side must stop or yield at the intersection.

50. This sign shows you that there is a …..

A. Curve to the right ahead.

B. Obstruction to the right of the road.

C. Detour to the right.

51. This road marking is a …..

A. Pedestrian crossing where you must stop for pedestrians.

B. Chevron that indicates a curve to the left.

C. Painted island where you are not allowed to stop.

52. When you get to this road sign, you must …..

A. Choose to turn left or right or drive straight on after you have stopped.

B. Be ready to stop and turn left or right.

C. When you want to drive straight on, ignore it because traffic from the sides must stop.

53. This warning sign shows you that …..

A. There is a low water bridge ahead.

B. There is a possibility of a flood ahead.

C. The road ends because of water.

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54. This road marking shows you that only ….. may park there.

A. Municipal busses.

B. Mini busses.

C. Motor cycles.

55. What does this warning sign show you?

A. The road on which you are driving is going to change to a gravel road.

B. The road is ending ahead.

C. Potholes are to be found on the road ahead.

56. What does this sign show you?

A. The road temporarily narrows from both sides.

B. The freeway temporarily ends ahead.

C. Only one vehicle can pass through the obstacle ahead.

57. When you see this sign you must slow down because …..

A. The surface of the road is uneven on the left-hand side.

B. There is a dual railway line track in front.

C. There is a motor gate on the left-hand side of the road.

58. This sign warns you that …..

A. There are speed bumps in the road.

B. The road is uneven.

C. There are potholes in the road.

59. This sign shows you that you …..

A. Can expect a sharp bent to the left.

B. Must turn left at the next road.

C. Will get a one-way road to the left.

60. This sign shows you that there …..

A. Is two-way traffic ahead on the one-way road you are travelling on.

B. Are two lanes ahead in different directions.

C. Is two-way traffic at the following road that crosses the road you are on.

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61. What does this warning sign show you?

A. A railway line intersects with the road that you are traveling on.

B. A 4-way stop will be found ahead where the roads cross.

C. Roads cross ahead and you may have to stop or yield at the intersection.

62. This sign is found at a …..

A. Dangerous place where roadworks is being done.

B. Traffic circle where right of way is applicable.

C. Sharp curve to the right.

63. This sign warns you about ….. ahead.

A. Roads which cross.

B. A railway crossing.

C. A first aid post.

64. This warning sign are normally found at …..

A. Traffic circles in urban areas.

B. A school or park where children can possibly be found.

C. Freeways.

65. This sign warns you about …..

A. A sharp curve to the left.

B. A sharp curve to the right.

C. A dangerous obstruction on the side of the road.

66. This sign shows you that …..

A. Traffic in this lane must not drive faster than 60 km/h.

B. Traffic in this lane must not drive slower than 60 km/h.

C. Traffic in this lane will have to stop 60m ahead.

67. This sign shows you that …..

A. Your cellular phone will receive a SOS message 500 meters ahead.

B. There is a SOS call station 500 meters ahead.

C. 500 meters ahead there will be a phone available to call family and friends.

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68. This information sign …..

A. Shows the number of the exit on a freeway.

B. Shows the number of accidents that has taken place at that exit.

C. Shows the distance to the next exit on a freeway.

69. This sign warns you that …..

A. You may not drive faster than 80 km/h if your vehicle’s headlights are not switched on.

B. There will be a photographer 80 km ahead.

C. Your vehicle might be photographed at a speed trap if you exceed the speed limit of 80 km/h.

70. This signal shows you that …..

A. You must stop.

B. You must be on the lookout for road works ahead.

C. You must reduce speed and drive slower.

71. Which one of the following is correct when encountering this sign …..

A. Maintain speed and continue driving.

B. Decrease speed and give right of way to vehicles on your left.

C. Decrease speed and give right of way to vehicles from your right.

72. When encountering this sign …..

A. Expect the current road to be a dead end.

B. Stop at the end of the current road.

C. Do not park your vehicle at the end of the current road.

73. What does this warning sign tell you?

A. Expect concealed driveways ahead from the right.

B. You should keep to the right when driving on the current road.

C. Expect concealed driveways ahead from the left.

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74. This sign tells you …..

A. There is a gentle curve to the left ahead.

B. You may only travel in the direction of the arrow.

C. There is a sharp curve to the left ahead.

75. Which one of the following statements are correct when encountering this sign?

A. You should maintain a speed of minimum 20km/h for the next 2 km.

B. You may not exceed 20 km/h for the next 2 km as the road is winding.

C. The road ahead is slippery for 2 km.

76. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. The current two lanes become one ahead.

B. The road narrows from both sides ahead.

C. The road narrows to the middle ahead.

77. This sign tells you to …..

A. Turn left if safe to do so.

B. You should keep left.

C. Only turn left ahead.

78. This sign warns you about …..

A. Road works for the next 300m.

B. Men at work.

C. Expect delays for 300m.

79. This sign indicates which of the following?

A. No parking caution.

B. No parking.

C. No parking for goods vehicles.

80. This sign indicates:

A. No entry.

B. The road ends ahead.

C. Vehicles prohibited.

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81. What does this sign indicate?

A. You may turn left.

B. You may not turn left.

C. Turn left at your own risk.

82. This sign indicates that …..

A. Parking is only allowed during the specified times.

B. Parking is not allowed during the specified times.

C. Parking is always allowed.

83. This sign indicates that …..

A. Pedestrians may walk here.

B. Cyclists may cycle here.

C. A and B.

84. This sign warns you about …..

A. Pedestrians ahead.

B. A marked pedestrian crossing is ahead.

C. Runners are on the road ahead.

85. This sign indicates …..

A. There is a pedestrian crossing ahead.

B. There are pedestrians ahead.

C. Pedestrians must walk there.

86. This sign indicates …..

A. The road is a one way in the direction of the arrow.

B. You may proceed right.

C. You must proceed right.

87. This sign shows you that …..

A. There is a robot ahead.

B. You should be aware of the temporary robot ahead.

C. There is a police check point ahead.

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88. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A winding road.

B. A damaged road.

C. A slippery road when wet.

89. This sign tells you to …..

A. Slow down.

B. Slow down, proceed if safe.

C. Slow down, come to a complete stop before the sign.

90. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. The beginning of a dual carriage way ahead.

B. A side road junction ahead.

C. A two way stop ahead.

91. This sign tells you that …..

A. There is an unguarded level crossing ahead.

B. There is a train station ahead.

C. There are trains ahead, slow down.

92. This sign indicates …..

A. Trucks with a mass exceeding 3 tonnes may not turn left.

B. Trucks with a mass of 3 tonnes may turn left.

C. Trucks with a mass exceeding 3 tons, turn left at own risk.

93. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A one-way road ahead.

B. Two lanes beginning ahead.

C. None of the above.

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94. This sign tells you to …..

A. Decrease speed, give way to traffic on the road that you are approaching and proceed when safe to

do so.

B. Stop, give way to traffic on the road that you are approaching and proceed when safe to do so.

C. Stop.

95. This sign tells motorists to …..

A. Yield at the double rail crossing ahead.

B. Yield at the single rail crossing ahead.

C. Stop at the double rail crossing ahead.

96. This sign tells motorists what about the speed limit?

A. They may exceed 60km/h if safe to do so.

B. They may not exceed 60km/h.

C. None of the above.

97. This sign shows you that …..

A. You may not drive there unless you have special permission.

B. There is two-way traffic ahead.

C. There is no entry allowed.

98. This sign tells motorists …..

A. Cyclists are not allowed.

B. Be aware of cyclists in the area of the sign.

C. Cyclists only.

99. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. Immediate danger, to the left.

B. Immediate danger on the right.

C. Detour to the left.

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100. This sign warns of …..

A. A sharp curve chevron from the left.

B. A sharp curve chevron to the left.

C. A hairpin bend.

101. This sign indicates …..

A. The end of a dual roadway ahead.

B. A sharp junction ahead from the right.

C. A sharp junction ahead from the left.

102. This sign indicates …..

A. That heavy vehicles should engage a lower gear.

B. All vehicles should engage a lower gear.

C. All good vehicles should engage a lower gear.

103. This sign warns you that …..

A. The road takes a sharp turn to the left.

B. The road takes a gentle curve to the left.

C. You must turn left ahead.

104. This sign tells you what about the speed limit?

A. The maximum speed for the current road is 50 km/h.

B. The minimum speed for the current road is 50 km/h.

C. You must not drive below this speed limit.

105. This sign tell you …..

A. The minimum speed on this road is 60 km/h.

B. The maximum speed on this road is 60 km/h and your vehicle may be photographed by a camera if

you exceed the speed limit.

C. A and B.

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106. What does this sign tell motorists?

A. They may not park there.

B. They may not stop here.

C. They may stop here.

107. What does this sign tell motorists?

A. They may not make a u turn here.

B. Only make a u turn if necessary.

C. They may make a u turn only if it is safe.

108. What does this sign tell motorists?

A. They may not park here.

B. They may park here.

C. They may park here for a time not exceeding 2 hours.

109. What does this sign warn motorists of?

A. People ahead.

B. Pedestrians ahead.

C. Children ahead.

110. This sign tells motorists to …..

A. Yield at the single railway crossing ahead.

B. Yield at the double railway crossing ahead.

C. Yield because it is a lane for traffic from the front.

111. This sign tells motorists to …..

A. Proceed cautiously.

B. Keep left.

C. Keep right.

112. This sign warns motorists …..

A. A dual carriageway begins here.

B. A new lane begins here.

C. The left lane ends here.

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113. This sign warns motorists of a …..

A. Winding road ahead, first right then left.

B. Winding road ahead, first left then right.

C. Windy road ahead, proceed cautiously.

114. This sign warns motorists of .....

A. A sharp turn right.

B. A gentle turn right.

C. An obstruction on the side of the road.

115. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. Obstructions in the road ahead, travel at no more than 40km/h.

B. Speed bumps ahead, travel at no more than 40km/h.

C. Uneven roadway, travel at no more than 40km/h.

116. What does this sign illustrate to motorists?

A. They should stop immediately.

B. They should stop immediately before proceeding right.

C. They should stop immediately and not turn right.

117. What does this sign illustrate to motorists?

A. They may have their vehicle towed away if they park here.

B. They may park here only if they have a permit.

C. They should not park here.

118. What does this sign illustrate?

A. This area is reserved for busses.

B. You may only park here if you drive a bus.

C. A and B.

119. What does this sign illustrate?

A. There is a police blockade ahead.

B. Only police may proceed ahead.

C. Police station coming up.

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120. What does this sign illustrate?

A. The left lane is coming to an end in 150m.

B. Another lane joins from the left in 150m.

C. End of dual roadway.

121. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Vehicles in excess of 10 tons allowed.

B. Vehicles in excess of 10 tons not allowed.

C. Goods vehicles in excess of 10 tons not allowed.

122. This sign illustrates …..

A. Busses are not allowed.

B. All trucks are not allowed.

C. All goods vehicles are not allowed.

123. This sign illustrates …..

A. There are falling rocks ahead.

B. Rock blasts ahead, drive carefully.

C. Falling rocks ahead be careful, particularly after heavy rainfall.

124. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. You may not turn left here.

B. Sharp curve to the left.

C. You may turn left ahead.

125. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A safe place to park their vehicle.

B. The fact that they will have their wheels clamped if they park here.

C. The fact that they may park here on weekends and public holidays.

126. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A winding road for 30 km.

B. Sharp bends ahead, do not exceed 30km/h.

C. Hairpin bend ahead, do not exceed 30km/h.

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127. This sign warns you of the following …..

A. Hairpin bend ahead.

B. Sharp right turn ahead.

C. Gentle curve to the right ahead.

128. This sign warns you of …..

A. A railway crossing ahead.

B. Concealed entrances ahead.

C. A staggered junction ahead.

129. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Motorcycles are not permitted.

B. Motorists are not permitted.

C. Unauthorised motorcycles are not permitted.

130. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Winding road ahead.

B. Sharp bends ahead.

C. Combined curves ahead, first to the left.

131. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Diversion and addition of lanes in 120m.

B. Diversion and addition of lanes for 120m.

C. Diversion and addition of lanes for 120km.

132. This sign tells you …..

A. Tow away zone for motor vehicles only.

B. No parking and a vehicle tow away zone.

C. No parking for goods vehicles, else they will be towed.

133. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. No parking and a vehicle tow away zone.

B. No parking of goods vehicles, else they will be towed.

C. Tow away zone for all vehicles except for permit holders.

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134. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. This area is reserved for taxis only.

B. Taxi’s permitted.

C. This area is reserved for taxis with meters only.

135. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. People ahead, vehicles travel at 40km/h for 15 km.

B. People and vehicles ahead for 15km, vehicles travel at 40km/h.

C. People and vehicles ahead, vehicles travel at 15km/h.

136. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. You should slow down if you plan to exit the freeway.

B. Directs you to the nearest freeway exit.

C. You should decrease speed.

137. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. The end of a dual carriageway.

B. The beginning of a dual carriageway.

C. The beginning of a new freeway.

138. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. The end of a dual carriageway.

B. The beginning of a single carriageway.

C. The end of a single carriageway.

139. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Winding road for 1.5km. All vehicles drive cautiously. Heavy vehicles engage low gear.

B. Winding road for 1.5km. All vehicles drive cautiously.

C. Winding and steep road for the next 1.5km.

140. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Access allowed for all goods vehicles between specified times.

B. Access allowed for all vehicles between specified times.

C. Aces allowed for goods vehicles only.

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141. What does this sign tell you?

A. The right lane is coming to an end in 200m.

B. Traffic will merge form the right in 200m.

C. None of the above.

142. When encountering this sign …..

A. A driver may exceed 40km/h.

B. A driver may exceed 30km/h.

C. All of the above.

143. This sign illustrates what?

A. Trucks crossing, proceed carefully.

B. Heavy vehicles ahead.

C. Trucks only.

144. This sign illustrates …..

A. Minor roads to Sea Point and the city.

B. Main roads to Sea Point and the city.

C. Side road to Sea Point and the city.

145. Which of the following is correct when encountering this sign?

A. Pedestrians may walk here.

B. Pedestrians may only use the opposite sidewalk.

C. Only authorised persons may use this sidewalk.

146. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. The road ends soon.

B. Bumps in the road ahead.

C. Potholes on the road ahead.

147. This sign tells motorists that …..

A. There is a train station ahead.

B. There is a railway crossing ahead.

C. There is a guarded level crossing ahead.

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148. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. Yield immediately.

B. Come to a complete stop when a pedestrian can be seen.

C. Give pedestrians who would like to cross the road, right of way.

149. What does this sign tell motorists?

A. Hooting is permitted.

B. Hooting is not permitted.

C. Hoot if traffic is moving slowly.

150. Which of the following is correct when encountering this road marking?

A. Do not drive or park on this painted island.

B. You are allowed to overtake another vehicle.

C. You should slow down.

151. This sign indicates …..

A. You may only turn left then right.

B. You may only turn right then left.

C. You must be ready to stop and turn left or right.

152. This sign indicates …..

A. There is an arrestor bed 500m to the left ahead.

B. There is a check point 500m to the left ahead.

C. There is a police stop 500m to the left ahead.

153. This sign indicates …..

A. Only one vehicles at a time may pass through the obstacle ahead.

B. There is a bridge ahead.

C. There is a narrow bridge ahead.

154. This sign indicates that …..

A. Motor vehicles must drive there.

B. Motor vehicles may not drive there.

C. Motorists should be aware of other vehicles.

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155. This sign indicates …..

A. Reduce your speed and approach cautiously.

B. You have right of way.

C. Other vehicles have right of way.

156. This sign indicates …..

A. You must proceed straight ahead, do not exceed 50 km/h.

B. Motor cycles mat not drive slower than 50km/h.

C. Motor cycles should not exceed 50km/h.

157. This sign illustrates …..

A. There is a one-way road to the left.

B. You may drive in this lane.

C. You should be aware of oncoming traffic from the left.

158. This sign warns you of …..

A. A low water bridge ahead.

B. Floods ahead.

C. Speed bumps ahead.

159. This sign tells motorists to …..

A. Only park here if you drive a bus.

B. Only park here if you drive a taxi.

C. Only drive here of you drive a motor cycle.

160. This sign tells motorists …..

A. Only vehicles with an axle mass less than 2 tons may drive here.

B. Vehicles with an axle mass greater than 2 tons may not drive here.

C. A and B.

161. This sign tells motorists …..

A. The slowest speed you may drive.

B. You may not exceed 50km/h.

C. You must drive for a minimum distance of 50km.

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162. This sign indicates …..

A. Only trucks are allowed.

B. Only goods vehicles are allowed.

C. Only mini busses are allowed.

163. This sign tells heavy motor vehicle drivers …..

A. They may not overtake each other.

B. They may not drive next to each other.

C. They are not allowed to stop.

164. Vehicles that carry ….. are not allowed here.

A. Gas.

B. Oil.

C. Hazardous substances.

165. This sign indicates …..

A. Rickshaws are not allowed.

B. Animal drawn vehicles are not allowed.

C. Animals are not allowed.

166. This sign indicates that this area is reserved for …..

A. Disabled persons parking.

B. Vehicles transporting disabled persons.

C. Handicapped persons.

167. This sign tells a driver that …..

A. A dual roadway ends ahead from the left.

B. A dual roadway begins ahead from the left.

C. The road narrows from the left ahead.

168. This sign warns motorists …..

A. There are obstructions on the road ahead.

B. An uneven road begins ahead.

C. A gravel road begins ahead.

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169. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. Immediate danger, pass to the left or right.

B. Immediate danger, pass to the left, then right.

C. A staggered junction from the left and right ahead.

170. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. Speed bumps ahead.

B. A gravel road ahead.

C. An uneven roadway ahead.

171. This sign tells motorists that …..

A. The maximum speed in the right lane is 60km/h.

B. The maximum speed on this road is 60km/h.

C. They should not exceed 60km/h in either of the lanes.

172. This sign indicates …..

A. There are crossroads ahead.

B. There is a crossroad on a priority road ahead, you may have to stop or yield at the intersection.

C. There is a secondary crossroad ahead and you must stop or yield.

173. This sign warns motorcyclists of …..

A. Motorcycles of over 125 cc are not allowed.

B. Motorcycles of under 125 cc are not allowed.

C. Motorcycles of under 125 cc are allowed.

174. This sign indicates …..

A. There are crossroads ahead.

B. There is a primary crossroad ahead.

C. There is a crossroad on a non-primary road ahead, you may have to stop or yield that the intersection.

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175. This sign indicates …..

A. Pedestrians ahead.

B. Pedestrians are not allowed ahead.

C. A pedestrian crossing ahead.

176. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A sharp curve ahead.

B. A winding road ahead.

C. A hairpin bend ahead.

177. Any road sign with a yellow background are …..

A. A warning sign.

B. A temporary sign.

C. A regulatory sign.

178. What does this sign tell motorists?

A. They must be aware of goods vehicles ahead.

B. They must be aware of trucks ahead.

C. They must be aware of slow moving vehicles ahead.

179. What does this sign warn motorists of?

A. No overtaking ahead.

B. Use caution while overtaking.

C. A tunnel ahead, no overtaking.

180. This sign tells motorists to …..

A. Be aware of loose stones ahead.

B. Be aware of an uneven road ahead.

C. A and B.

181. This sign warns motorists that …..

A. The road is narrowing ahead.

B. A sharp turn to the left and right ahead.

C. A dead end ahead.

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182. This sign warns motorists …..

A. A dual carriage way begins here.

B. There is a sharp junction ahead, to the right.

C. There is a sharp junction ahead, from the right.

183. This sign indicates that this area is reserved for …..

A. Taxi’s.

B. Mini busses.

C. Emergency vehicles.

184. This sign indicates that this area is reserved for …..

A. Taxi’s.

B. Mini Busses.

C. Tour Busses.

185. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. A sharp right turn.

B. A sharp left turn.

C. A gentle left turn.

186. What does this sign illustrate to motorists?

A. They should stop immediately.

B. They should slow down as they are approaching a crossroads ahead.

C. There is a hospital ahead.

187. This sign warns motorists of …..

A. The current road narrows from the left ahead.

B. The road ends soon.

C. The road ends from the left.

188. What does this sign warn you of …..

A. There is a side junction ahead.

B. There is a T-junction ahead.

C. A and B.

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189. What does this sign illustrate?

A. Only cyclists are not permitted ahead.

B. Only cyclists are permitted ahead.

C. Only motorbikes are not permitted ahead.

190. What does this sign illustrate?

A. Only busses are permitted.

B. All busses are not permitted.

C. Only bus drivers are not permitted.

191. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Drive cautiously and slowly as there are concealed roads ahead.

B. Drive cautiously and slowly as there are sharp curves ahead.

C. Unauthorised vehicles are not allowed.

192. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Motor vehicles are not allowed.

B. Motor vehicles are not allowed to drive here.

C. Motor vehicles are not allowed to park here.

193. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Hairpin bend ahead.

B. Sharp curve to the left ahead.

C. Gentle curve to the left ahead.

194. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Motorists are not permitted to stop here between specified times.

B. Motorists are not permitted to stop here.

C. Stop here at your own risk.

195. This sign shows you that …..

A. Motorcycles are not permitted.

B. Motorcycles only are permitted.

C. None of the above.

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196. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. You may not turn right here.

B. A sharp right turn ahead.

C. Only turn right if safe to do so.

197. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Optional stop ahead.

B. Road block ahead.

C. Traffic control stop ahead.

198. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Trucks weighing in excess of 3 tons may not drive in the right lane.

B. No trucks may drive in the right lane.

C. None of the above.

199. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Drive cautiously.

B. Drive slowly and be cautious while driving.

C. Drive as slow as possible.

200. This sign illustrates which of the following?

A. Directs you to the nearest male/female toilets.

B. Directs you to the nearest male/female.

C. This direction for females, and some males.

201. What does this sign indicate?

A. This part of the road is reserved for taxis.

B. You may use this part of the road if you are driving a motor vehicle.

C. None of the above.

202. When encountering this sign …..

A. Stop, and drive on when it is safe to do so.

B. Stop, and drive on when it is safe to do so, in the order that vehicles stopped.

C. Stop, and drive on, in any order.

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203. This sign shows you that ……

A. Trucks are not allowed to enter.

B. You may not enter here.

C. The road ends ahead.

204. This sign shows that …..

A. Vehicles with a mass of 10 ton and less may not drive there.

B. Vehicles with a mass of 10 ton and more may not drive there.

C. Vehicles with a mass of more than 10 ton may not drive there.

205. This sign shows that …..

A. You may not park here between 06h00 and 09h00.

B. You may not drive here between 06h00 and 09h00.

C. You may not park here for more than 3 hours.

206. This sign tells motorists that …..

A. Stop, but if you want to turn left, you can treat it as a yield sign.

B. Stop if you want to turn left.

C. Stop, then you must turn left.

207. This sign tell motorists that …..

A. You must turn right at the next street.

B. You may turn right at the next street.

C. Turn right at the next street if you need to.

208. This sign tells motorists that …..

A. You may turn left at the next street.

B. Turn left at the next street if you need to.

C. You must turn left at the next street.

209. What does this sign forbid?

A. Midi busses to drive past.

B. Mini busses to drive past.

C. Busses to drive past.

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210. What does this warning sign show you?

A. Coming up is a concealed entrance to the left followed by one to the right.

B. Coming up is a concealed entrance to the right, followed by one to the left.

C. Coming up is a concealed entrance.

211. When you see this sign you must slow down because …..

A. There is a shallow drift up ahead.

B. There are obstructions on the road up ahead.

C. There is a motor gate to the right-hand side on the road up ahead.

212. This sign shows you that …..

A. There are potholes ahead.

B. There are speed bumps ahead.

C. There is a drift ahead.

213. This sign shows you that …..

A. There is an end of a harbour wall ahead.

B. The road ends because of water.

C. There is a low water bridge ahead.

214. This sign indicates that …..

A. You must be on the lookout for agricultural vehicles that may be on the road.

B. You must be on the lookout for tractors that may be on the road.

C. You must be on the lookout for roadworks ahead.

215. What does this sign indicate when it is flashing?

A. Reduce your speed an approach cautiously.

B. There is danger in the road ahead.

C. Police blockade ahead.

216. This sign indicates …..

A. The road turning to the left ends ahead.

B. There is a T-junction to the left ahead.

C. No left turn.

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217. This sign shows you that …..

A. No right turn.

B. The road turning to the right ends ahead.

C. Really, this question again?

218. What does this sign show you?

A. Conditions are dangerous at night.

B. You may not drive faster than 60km/h at night.

C. You may not travel here at night.

219. The purpose of road traffic signs is to regulate traffic in such a way that traffic flow and road traffic

safety are promoted.

A. True.

B. False.

C. False, it is designed for traffic officers to make money.

220. Regulatory signs …..

(i) Regulate and control the actions of road users.

(ii) Prohibit or command road users to perform certain actions.

(iii) Disobeying a regulatory sign is an offence and is punishable by a fine or imprisonment or both.

A. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

B. Only (i) and (ii) and (iii) are correct.

C. Only (i) and (iii) are correct.

221. Warning signs alert road users in time to dangerous conditions on or next to the road.

A. True.

B. False.

C. False, but is only true if there are dangerous conditions.

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222. Guidance signs …..

(i) Are used in aid of a road user.

(ii) If the message is short the sign is small.

(iii) If the message is complicated, the sign can be large.

A. Only (i) is correct.

B. Only (ii) and (iii) are false.

C. All of the above are correct.

223. Information signs …..

A. Supply general information to a road user.

B. Are triangular.

C. Are round.

224. Road markings regulates, control and warn traffic by …..

A. Defining carriageway and traffic lane limits.

B. Directing it in a specific section.

C. A and B.

225. Traffic signals …..

(i) Regulate vehicular traffic.

(ii) Regulate pedestrian traffic.

(iii) Regulate animal traffic.

A. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

B. Only (i) is correct.

C. All of the above are correct.

226. Although regulatory signs are usually round, there are exceptions, such as …..

(i) The octagonal stop sign.

(ii) The triangular yield sign.

(iii) The diamond shaped pedestrian priority sign.

A. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

B. Only (i) and (iii) are correct.

C. All of the above are correct.

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227. A road sign with a yellow background is a temporary sign. Typical circumstances under which

temporary signs are used include …..

(i) Roadworks, maintenance and building sites.

(ii) Collision scenes.

(iii) Temporary traffic accommodation or control.

A. Only (i) and (iii) are correct.

B. Only (ii) and (iii) are correct.

C. All of the above are correct.

228. A warning sign is usually shaped as …..

A. Triangular.

B. Round.

C. Square.

229. Command signs will always have a red circle around it.

A. True

B. False

C. I have no idea.

230. De-restriction signs will usually have …..

A. A red cross through it.

B. A red background.

C. A red outer circle on it.

231. The purpose of guidance signs is to help you with …..

A. Your navigation by giving early indications that you will soon reach a particular place.

B. Knowing the distance to the next town.

C. Confirming that you are driving on a particular road.

232. The colour of tourist guidance signs are usually …..

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Brown.

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233. Freeway directional signs …..

A. Are usually white.

B. Are usually green.

C. Are usually blue.

234. When the driver of a motor vehicle comes across a diagrammatic sign …..

(i) Make sure in time that there is a big enough gap in the traffic to merge with other traffic.

(ii) He should yield to other traffic, which might merge.

(iii) Merge as soon as possible, safely.

A. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

B. Only (i) and (iii) are correct.

C. All of the above are correct.

235. Road markings …..

A. Are usually affixed to a pole on the side of the road.

B. Are usually painted on the road surface.

C. Are usually affixed as overhead signs.

1 A 21 B 41 B 61 C

2 A 22 B 42 B 62 B

3 A 23 C 43 A 63 A

4 B 24 B 44 A 64 B

5 C 25 B 45 A 65 B

6 B 26 B 46 A 66 B

7 A 27 A 47 C 67 B

8 C 28 A 48 A 68 A

9 C 29 A 49 C 69 C

10 C 30 C 50 B 70 A

11 A 31 C 51 C 71 C

12 B 32 C 52 B 72 A

13 B 33 B 53 A 73 C

14 B 34 A 54 B 74 A

15 C 35 A 55 C 75 B

16 C 36 B 56 C 76 B

17 B 37 A 57 C 77 C

18 C 38 B 58 A 78 A

19 A 39 A 59 B 79 B

20 A 40 A 60 A 80 A

Correct Answers

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81 B 121 B 161 A 201 B

82 A 122 C 162 B 202 B

83 C 123 C 163 A 203 B

84 B 124 A 164 C 204 A

85 B 125 B 165 B 205 B

86 A 126 C 166 B 206 A

87 A 127 B 167 A 207 A

88 C 128 C 168 C 208 C

89 C 129 A 169 A 209 B

90 B 130 C 170 C 210 A

91 A 131 A 171 A 211 C

92 C 132 B 172 B 212 B

93 C 133 C 173 B 213 B

94 A 134 C 174 C 214 A

95 B 135 A 175 B 215 B

96 B 136 A 176 C 216 A

97 A 137 B 177 B 217 B

98 B 138 B 178 C 218 B

99 A 139 A 179 C 219 A

100 B 140 A 180 A 220 B

101 C 141 A 181 C 221 A

102 A 142 B 182 B 222 C

103 A 143 A 183 A 223 A

104 A 144 B 184 C 224 C

105 B 145 B 185 B 225 A

106 B 146 C 186 B 226 C

107 A 147 B 187 A 227 C

108 C 148 C 188 B 228 A

109 C 149 B 189 A 229 B

110 B 150 A 190 B 230 A

111 C 151 C 191 A 231 A

112 C 152 A 192 B 232 C

113 A 153 A 193 B 233 C

114 A 154 A 194 A 234 A

115 B 155 B 195 B 235 B

116 C 156 B 196 A

117 A 157 B 197 C

118 C 158 A 198 C

119 C 159 C 199 B

120 A 160 C 200 A

This study material is a work in progress. It is being updated from time to time as legislation change and new

information becomes available. Please email us if you find any mistakes or have suggestions. We are aware that it seems

that some questions are repeated, however there are some minor word changes that could make a statement true or false.

Some questions seem illogical, or you might think that more than one answer is correct. This is done on purpose to prepare

you on what to expect in the actual exam. This study material is free for all and a copy may be requested from us

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