my diary of divine dreams and jibankrishna or diamond the holy ghost chapter 40

JIBANKRISHNA (DIAMOND) THE HOLY GHOST AND MY DIARY OF DIVINE DREAMS JIBANKRISHNA OR DIAMOND THE HOLY GHOST AND MY JOURNEY TO PURE CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH DIVINE DREAMS Chapter -1 Part 1 INTRODUCTION : He who awake in those that sleep. The person who fashions desire after desire, That indeed is the pure. That is Brahma . That indeed is called the Immortal . On it all the worlds do rest; And no one so ever goes beyond it. ( Katho Upanishad : 5.3 ) A brief note about Diamond: In the year 1893, a new era in the spiritual world has begun when a child was born at Howrah Town near Kolkata(Calcutta), India. From his very childhood divine realizations began to manifest within his body. At 12 years 4months age Vedic Truth revealed within him with the appearance of God-the-Preceptor in his dream and thereafter numerous realizations started within his body with ultimate result of visualizing ‘Atman’ or Divine Soul or God in him as mentioned in Upanishads. As a result, according to Upanishads he was being seen in dreams among innumerable people irrespective of religions, sex and age in many parts of the country though without his knowledge . Afterwards they came, narrated their dreams and identified him.

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Chapter 40 Atma is devoid of any crime 187. 3rd November, 1976. Wednesday, Before going to bed at night, I had one question in my mind—what will happen if I do any crime? With this thought I went into a trance and saw that different types of crimes were coming to touch me. Instantly I went on thinking—well all these cannot touch me! Then and there I felt that my life force in concentrated form had reached my cerebrum and I had no body sense. During that period I realized that no such crime would touch me and then suddenly with a great jerk of my head I woke up.[This realization taught me a lesson that no crime could touch me].Achievement of the state of ‘beyond attributes’ 188. 5th November, 1976. Friday, Early morning dream: I was observing a good number of bunches of big white brinjals (Egg plants) and thinking with admiration—oh! What lovely brinjals! I also intended to pick up those brinjals.Then I saw that Madan Koley, a devotee of Jibankrishna was limping and going somewhere with injured legs. Then the dream went off. [The first scene indicates that the seer has attained the condition of a pure soul . The second scene shows that the seer is going to have a minimum physical attachment. Here white brinjal means beyond all attributes and Madan, according to Hindu religion is the God of lust].Realization on sense of ‘oneness’ and blessing of Holy Mother or Primeval Power189. 7th November, 1976. Sunday. Early morning dream: I had gone to the residence of Jitendra Nath Bairagi, a devotee at Howrah. His brother told me that his elder brother fell sick some days back. I noticed Mr. Bairagi lying on bed and began to weep after seeing his condition . Mr. Bairagi also began to weep. I started passing my hand on Mr. Bairagi’s legs. He narrated many of his dreams to the seer. As I was patting my hands on the legs, it seemed to me as if I was patting my hand on the legs of Jibankrishna.After a while I saw my mother who told me to put off the dresses as Mr. Bairagi had an infectious disease. So in spite of my unwillingness I had to put on new dresses and then I woke up.[This was the third time I saw Mr. Bairagi in dream and a great attraction for him grew up in me for which I went to Mr. Bairagi in reality and got his article on his first meeting with Jibankrishna with realizations . Besides this the dream indicates my future picture when I shall feel other devotees as Jibankrishna in reality . jibankrishna once said, ‘A day will come when you will meet any of my devotees or any other persons who has seen me within themselves, you will see me instead of them.The next scene indicates that I will have more and more new realizations by the blessings of Adya Sakti in future. Indication of Descent below waste 190. 10th November, 1976. Wednesday. Early morning dream: A huge and a very high rise building l was seeing. I was going upwards inside the building as if I would take a class of the students, but could not find the room. Then I reached the top floor, but could not find anybody. From there I looked up and saw the blue sky and then noticed that in the opposite direction the steps went down. I saw a student named Kanai standing at the bottom. I went down and after a conversation with him again went up. While going up, looking down my head whirled due to the extreme height. After a while I crossed Kanai and stepping down to a lower zone saw a floor where I found the class room full of students and entered there to take the class. The dream then went off.The dream is an indication that the austerity of the descent within the seer happened in embryo . The huge house is a symbol of the body of the seer with great spiritual capacity. Kanai is the name of Lord Krishna who had austerity in descent up to his waste. Here the seer crossed down Kanai wh




Chapter -1 Part 1 INTRODUCTION :

He who awake in those that sleep. The person who fashions desire after desire, That indeed is the pure. That is Brahma . That indeed is called the Immortal . On it all the worlds do rest; And no one so ever goes beyond it. ( Katho Upanishad : 5.3 )

A brief note about Diamond:

In the year 1893, a new era in the spiritual world has begun when a child was born at Howrah Town near Kolkata(Calcutta), India. From his very childhood divine realizations began to manifest within his body. At 12 years 4months age Vedic Truth revealed within him with the appearance of God-the-Preceptor in his dream and thereafter numerous realizations started within his body with ultimate result of visualizing ‘Atman’ or Divine Soul or God in him as mentioned in Upanishads. As a result, according to Upanishads he was being seen in dreams among innumerable people irrespective of religions, sex and age in many parts of the country though without his knowledge . Afterwards they came, narrated their dreams and identified him. Simultaneously, further realizations used to happen within him and the number of people seeing him in dreams, trances, meditations and even in physical body began to increase. Such phenomenon, was mentioned in Upanishads, but without citing any proof. But we are quite fortunate to witness such phenomenon in our life. Seeing such man in dreams the seer gets his body purified, his thinking and feeling purified, he gets him as his God-the-Preceptor who guides him in the spiritual world in dreams throughout his life, he sees God’s light, he gets himself transformed into God and finally he sees the descent of God assuming the form of a man in him. But all these happenings come to pass through sheer grace of God. Such phenomenon was narrated in Svetasvatar Upanishad like this: 1) Who is the face, the head, the neck of all,/Who dwells in the heart of all things,/All pervading is He and bountiful,/Therefore Omnipotent and kindly( (Shiva). (3.11)

2) Thou art woman. Thou art man. / Thou art the youth and the maiden too,/ Thou as an old man totterest with a staff./ Being born, Thou becomest facing in every direction.(4.3)

Again Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned like this: The seer sees not death,/Nor sickness, nor any distress./The seer sees only the All,/Obtains the All entirely.(7.26.2) And Katha Upanishad has mentioned about this man or Purusha like this:He who awake in those that sleep. /The Person who fashions desire after desire,/That indeed is the Pure. That is Brahma. /That indeed is called the Immortal./On it all the worlds do rest. /And no one so ever goes beyond it. (5.3)

But the most striking feature is this, that even after his demise in 1967, he is still being seen by countless people not only in our country but in different parts of the world in dreams as well as in physical body either knowingly or unknowingly.Katha Upanishad has remarked on such immortality thus:

When are liberated all, /The desires that lodge in one’s heart, /Then a mortal becomes immortal, /Therein he reaches Brahma.(6.14)

The era of Diamond reveals that a man may see all the sportive forms of God with all His attributes in dreams, and becomes Brahma to be united with each human race bearing Love for each other and be united in a Point which is the first occurrence of its kind in the world history.

Chapter 1 Part 2

Diamond’s version on divine dreams

Both Chandogya and Brihad Aranyaka Upanishads have dealt with divine dreams. They are of opinion that realizations and manifestations of God in dreams are purer and finer than in an awakened condition of the body….

Joseph was engaged to interpret the dreams of the Pharao in Egypt. God spoke to Moses, ‘Henceforth I won’t come and talk to you in person, but I will convey my command in dream.’ In Buddhism the arrival of Buddha in the world sprout out of a dream dreamed by Maya Devi, the mother of Buddha, who dreamt a white elephant, coming from the heaven, entered her womb and in normal course Sri Buddha was born.Sri Ramkrishna’s father in the present era also dreamt that ‘Raghubir’ ,the household deity, appeared and told him that he would take his birth as a son to him. The Old Testament is full of divine dreams. Mohammed dreamt that he was carried in a chariot of seven horses to Heaven near Allah and from Him he received instructions and command….God is in the inside of the human body. He, out of mercy to man, manifests Himself in words within the man and thereby He makes him His own chosen man through the words and becomes his guardian and Preceptor….

Somehow or other, to see God and to realize His sportive forms in dreams was a lost chapter. Sri Ramkrishna has again given life to it(in the nineteenth century) and established it….Susupti is profound sleep. At the outset, as well as at the end of sleep, realizations appear, but neither during the sleep, nor in the full awakened condition. Such realizations are reckoned as realizations in Susupti or profound sleep.

In all the four states of life,viz: (1) Waking;(2) Dreams;(3)) Profound sleep or Susupti and (4) Turiya or Supreme conscious existence, there are different realizations of God’s sportive forms in the body. There are some lucky fellows who see God in all these four states of life. Some again see the sportive forms of God in the three states; (1) Waking,(2) Dreams and (3) Profound sleep. There are some who see God in the two conditions:: Waking and (2)) Dreams. Some again see God and His sportive form in dreams only. In dreams the seer gets his body purified, his thinking and feeling purified, he gets his God-the-Preceptor, he sees God’s light, he gets himself transformed into God and finally he sees the descent of God assuming the form of a man in him. But all these happenings occur through sheer grace of God.

What is God-the-Preceptor- Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) role on human body

Jibankrishna says: God-the-Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says, ‘you will attain God-head’. God in the body takes this unknown or by gone human form selects you as a bridegroom, in other words, makes your body a play ground for his blissful and joyous sports.

He teaches you the whole course of ‘Rajyoga’–the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seven planes into the Supreme Bliss………..Without attainment of God-the-Preceptor, a devotee is not lucky enough to see God in various states in him; nay, not only this, but he will not get the least response of God in him.

Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) says, ‘Without the bliss of God-the-Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress’. This upward progress means the upward motion of the life power in a man, that is waking of life power and her march in the seventh plane without the attainment of God-the-Preceptor, the life power does not wake up. There cannot be any realization without life power being wakened up.

The attainment of God-the-Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God-with-Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheer mercy.

Chapter 2 Part 1


It was the month of March-April,1959. One evening a friend of mine named Nisith took me to a gentleman at Kadamtala, Howrah (West Bengal,India). Without any hesitation we entered into his room. He was reading a book, lying on his cot. I was introduced with him by my friend. I realized that my friend was familiar to him though I never knew about it. The gentleman asked about my whereabouts and after some conversations both of us came out with great peace in mind unknowingly. I came to know that his name was Jibankrishna (Also known as Diamond as a writer of the book ‘Religion and Realization’).

I was only 18 years old at that time and couldn’t fathom who he was, but with an unknown attraction I started going to him often.

One noon time, along with my friend I was sitting on the cot of Diamond who also sat beside us. During that time no one was in the room.. After some conversations he suddenly told me, ‘See my boy, for some years you will be totally engaged with your carrier building and studies and have to face hazards. But later on you will

have to come back to this spiritual world and as days pass on, you will be approaching towards Higher Self and perfectness.’ While he was saying these words, he was patting on my back.

It was another day’s incident. There were many aged devotees in the room. It was about 3p.m,. A conversation was going on regarding my carrier. Suddenly Jibankrishna told the aged persons indicating me, ‘See, what is the necessity of having huge amount of money! A man’s life is quite sufficient with an earning of Rupees 300/- to 400/- per month (During that period it was sufficient). I am saying that he will be blessed by God in all respects – Yes, I am saying it.’ While uttering these words, he was in ecstasy.

I was only listening to him but could not understand its significance. I realized after many, many years when my life was destined as per his forecast.

Meanwhile, a new thing has developed in me. I started dreaming in various ways. During those periods I had no ideas about the significance of such dreams. But after long years I came to realize that these are divine dreams which are completely different from Freudian dreams and Upanishads have mentioned about such dreams thousands of years ago. I realized that these dreams show the progress of austerity of the seer through spontaneous upward movement of the life power within the body.

So a new era thus started in me revealing a new concept of Religion which is quite different from the traditional ones dealing with only human being who carries God within his body and nowhere else.


I was born and brought up in a large joint family(As used to be found in our country long time back and still I

live in a joint family though small in volume). I have learnt from my elders how to share a good thing with


I am blessed that in young age I got the blessings of God within me and got Him as my God-the-Preceptor who

has been guiding me as well as controlling my life since my young age. The same mentality is still working and

so I have become restless to share the Truth achieved by me with the whole human race. I feel from the core

of my heart that I am only a human without any race or religion. We have seen and learnt from the Holy Ghost

Jibankrishna or Diamond how people of all religions, casts and races have seen him within them ultimately

being transformed into perfectness achieving the highest degree of divinity which is the birthright of every

human being.

Yes, the whole philosophy of life is changed and so in spite of so many allurements of life, honor and

recognition of my professional life I could ignore all these by the grace of God. We have realized that God is

nowhere else but within our body by seeing Him within us. We have realized that this human body is the

Temple, Church or Mosque.

I have seen and still I am seeing how myriads of people are growing sense of Oneness after getting

Jibankrishna as their God-the-Preceptor in dreams, trances and even in reality. All these incidents and

experiences of innumerable people I have recorded in my fifteen books after compiling from different diaries

numbering nearly twenty thousand pages since 1976.

This is amazing that all these incidents were indicated through my dreams beforehand. Now I have understood

the sayings of Jibankrishna when one day he said, ’Dreams will control your life’. This has become true in my

life and not only with me but this is applicable to all human beings. A man will realize this when he will get God-

the-preceptor as he will control the seer and guide him throughout his life.

Chapter 2 part 2

My Divine Dreams: My divine dreams started at the age of 18 in 1959 after getting Jibankrishna or Diamond as my God-The-

Preceptor in dream. I came in contact with him in 1959, but after 3 years got detached due to my higher studies.

After long 13 years he again appeared in my dream forecasting about my future life which came true in my

waking life in the long run. Since 1959, I have innumerable divine dreams numbering 730 till now which still

continues, covering a wide range of aspects. All these dreams are recorded date wise which may be of great

interest to research workers in future and will be realized how divine dreams change a human life from animal

passion to divinity, transforming a man to Brahmahood ( Supreme Being) which is a birthright of every human



My divine dreams cover the following aspects:

1. Dreams indicating my own progress of austerity under the guidance of God-the-Preceptor. The numbers of

dreams are above 500.

Divine dreams always indicate how is your progress in austerity within yourselves. The life power is in every

human body. It has always the tendency of going upwards to reach cerebrum or 7th plane to be transformed into

God This is a spontaneous process and is called Rajyoga. No exertion is needed to be transformed into Supreme

One or Brahma. When God-the-Preceptor appears within you by His grace, He will guide your spiritual life.

What progress you have made will be revealed in dream. This may be either symbolic or real which is more


2. Indication of increase in brain-power through different dreams. Numbers are 40.Increase in brain power is

indicated by seeing innumerable people in dreams, by seeing far future and past, or experiencing advance

science. All these experiences I have in my dream.

3. Annihilation of space. Number of dreams are many. In dreams when the seer goes to another place, it

means that there is annihilation of space. In dreams I have gone to many foreign countries without going there

in reality. This is the example that the whole universe is within a human brain.

4 . Near and after-death experiences, based on spiritual aspects showing esoteric conditions of the body. In

some of my dreams I was on the verge of death or crossed the region of death and again came back to life by the

grace of God-the-Preceptor. Touching death point is called Jada Samadhi and crossing death region is termed as

Sthita Samadhi which means merging in infinity to gain more power (Complete transformation into God).

5. Vision of important persons like international and national politicians, film stars, players etc showing effects

either on them or on waking world.

6. Vision of Hindu gods and goddesses, Great Prophets like Lord Christ, Mohammed, Sri Chaitannya, Sri

Ramkrishna etc. Numbers are above 10. In many of such dreams my previous births were shown, though, this

has the explanation like this - Past, present and future are merged in human brain. As and when necessary, these

may reveal through dreams in pure consciousness. The same character governing genes of Mr X of the past may

dominate in Mr Y of the present, and so, it is seen like that. In Vedanta there is no rebirth.

7. Out-of-body experiences, though quite different from clinical experience. Actually we explain like this- In

all divine dreams Soul gets separated from the body and shows His sportive forms to the seer in the form of a

person who attained Godhood in his life time. This has been mentioned in Upanishads clearly.

8. Repetition and narration of previous dreams within a dream. Numbers are above 18. Many times I dreamed

that I was narrating my previous dream to my God-the-Preceptor very distinctly in a dream, either seen long

before or seen recently. This is an indication of advanced brain power.

9. Vision of past through dreams: I have quite a number of such dreams on either far past like Prehistoric age,

Vedic age, scenes of old Testament etc.

10. Vision of far and near future: What will happen within a few days was shown to me in my dreams. For

example, many incidents happened after I dreamed the same scene in my dream. But more amazingly, I have

experienced telepathic conversation with my expired mother, extra-terrestrials, journey by light speed

spaceship, world after 10000 years and strangely, solution of Stephen Hawking’s information loss theory in

dream. Besides these I saw many future visions numbering nearly 100.

11. Merging of dream and reality: In my dreams it happens many times that what I was dreaming happened

simultaneously outside whenever I woke up. Sometimes it was vice-versa. This condition is mentioned in



Chapter -3

My first out of body experience It was an evening in the month of Sept-Oct, 1956. The place was Durgapur of West Bengal

state in India. I was at that time a 14 years boy studying in class-x. I was on the portico of our Quarter.

Suddenly my eyes became closed, I fell into a trance and gradually lost my body sense. It seemed to me that my

soul coming out my body was approaching towards infinite galaxy. Everything including earth, stars etc were

out of my mind and reached a void zone. All on a sudden I got back my sense but could not fathom what it was.

After long 20 years passing through innumerable realizations, I realized that I had a jada Samadhi at that time.

In such a state the seer stands at the junction of death and life. Anybody at this state generally crosses the door

of life and enters death world. But if he has the blessings of God he returns which happens in my case.

Later on I came to know that this was the initiation of my divine life which flourished by the achievement of

God-the-Preceptor who always guided and taught me throughout my life in the spiritual world.

After coming in contact with Diamond my divine dreams started since 1959.

Appearance of Sri Ramkrishna in dream and vision of my previous birth 1) In my first dream in mid 1959 Sri Ramkrishna Deva appeared and seen sitting on a cot in a hut. The dream

then went off. I woke up, slept and dreamt that Sri Ramkrishna was lying on a floor being attacked by

cancer( In reality it happened). The house was a two storied and seemed to be unknown. Sri Ramkrishna was

giving his blessings on numerous devotees and then turned towards me as if with an intention that whatever I

would want he was going to give it. But I wanted nothing and kept silent. All on a sudden I saw the Holy

goddess Kali at the door in place of Sri Ramkrishna and then again was transformed into Sri Ramkrishna. I

narrated this dream to Diamond and he interpreted that It showed my previous birth.

However, the striking feature was that, in the year 1966, when I was posted in Govt service, I had to go to

Kashipur Udyanbati(garden house where Sri Ramkrishna was staying being attacked by cancer and here he

showered his blessings on all devotees) for some advisory work on agriculture. Being there, I got surprised after

seeing the house. The same house with same doors and windows he saw in my dream in 1959.

After long years I realized that as the whole universe including past, present and future is within our brain and

whenever required, it flashes in dreams. Thus annihilation of time and space occurs.

My first achievement of God the Preceptor

2) In the last part of 1959, I saw Diamond first in my dream. He was seated on his cot at his residence. This was

my achievement of God-the-Preceptor in the form of Diamond who guided and taught me numerous lesions on

yoga throughout my life as will be revealed gradually .

My second experience of near-death condition

3) In the year 1964, in my dream, I felt a snake bite and realized that the death was knocking at the door.

Surprisingly, I felt no pain. When I was on the verge of death, suddenly my dream went off and I woke up.

[The meaning of this dream was realized after 10 long years when I understood that this was a touch of ‘Sthita

samadhi’ when the scattered life-power within a human body gets collected and assembled in the cerebrum and

it gives the touch of death , though, by the grace of God-the Preceptor the seer. Overcomes death to attend a

new and higher spiritual life.

Then there was a long gap for eight years. When I had no realizations except being busy with my service

followed by research work.

Then in the year 1972, one dream completely changed my way of life and this will be an interesting story in the

world of divine dreams.]

Indication of my future

4) It was sometime in February-March, 1972, One night I saw in a dream that one of my uncle I was telling me,

‘you will make revolution in Agriculture; Here the dream went off .

[Firstly, I couldn’t grasp the real meaning. But after four years, the meaning flashed in me like this; in

microcosm Agriculture means to cultivate a human body (land). After cultivation crops are produced. So, after

cultivation of the body by God, innumerable realizations are grown within the body. The inner meaning is that

in future the seer will have numerous divine realizations by the grace of God.]

Then came the day which became the turning point of my life.


Chapter 4

Forecast of God-the-Preceptor about me in dream

5) March 3, 1972. I dreamt that I had gone to one of my friend’s house at Howrah Town (near Kolkata) to

collect the 2nd and 3rd part of a book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (written by Diamond based on his personal

realizations). But they said that they had not a single book. So I came out and aimlessly roamed here and there

and unmindfully reached the residence of Diamond where; I found Diamond sitting on his cot in his room.

Seeing me he only uttered without asking anything: Hey! You will write the 2nd and 3rd part of ‘Dharma-O-

Anubhuti’. Then and there the dream went off.

[I gave no importance on it, But within 2-3 days some urge appeared in my mind to find this book. Strangely, I

had no idea that book was already written by Diamond. I thought, I might have to write this book. As days

passed on, some force began to arise within me for Diamond and gradually my mind began to change from the

worldly affairs towards the world of Diamond where I felt that the true religion means the spontaneous

evolution of life power within a human body to be transformed into God.

Thus a new divine life began in me together with my material world and was bloomed with innumerable strange

and unique dreams enriching my mind and thoughts .

After several years when I had undergone & various realizations, I realized what was its real meaning. I realized

that my God-the-Preceptor wanted to say that in future I would have various realizations mentioned in the 2nd

and 3rd part of ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’. Because’ to write; means fixation of the affects of realizations within the


Note: In real life, this actually happened when I had experienced many realizations as mentioned in the 2 nd and

3rd part of the book as will be revealed in many of my dreams later on.]

Vision of the future ascent and descent austerity

6) May2, 1972: I dreamed early in the morning that along with my two-three friends I was swimming in a

pond. I defeated others and reached the other side of the pond and again came back to the starting point. The

dream then went off.

[Five years later after having experiences of lots of ascent and descent realizations, I realized that this dream

revealed that I would have a fast course of austerity of ascent and descent in future. ]

Vision of my future

7) May3, 1972: Early morning dream: A girl was seated in front of me, as if she would be married to me. I felt

very upset. All on a sudden I observed that Sri Ramkrishna was sitting behind the girl with a sweet smiling face

having an affectionate look on me. I had nothing but looking at him helplessly. Suddenly he took a paper and

wrote on it that my marriage would be cancelled. Then the dream went off.

[The dream could not be followed for a long time, but gradually the effect of the dream came in my life in a

way that the feelings for ritualistic marriage was eradicated from my mind and so ultimately remained


Vision of Goddess Saraswati or Deity of Vedic knowledge

8) May 9, 1972, Noontime dream : I was looking at the idol of Goddess Saraswati . All on a sudden to my utter

Surprise she came out of the idol in flesh and blood and sat in front of me. I asked her, ‘Mother, what is called

knowledge’? Though she answered but I could not remember after my dream went off.

[ Saraswati is considered in Vedas, the symbol of vedic knowledge—The knowledge of knowing ‘self’

The dream indicated that in future the seer will gain knowledge of own self.]

Forecast of God-the-Preceptor about himself

9) May13, 1972:

Early morning dream: I saw the sky overhead, full of moonbeam light and a flock of illuminating birds flying

beneath the sky. I had been observing these scenes from a 2-storied house. The ocean was seen in front of the

house. Suddenly I observed that Diamond was sitting in front of me, showing me with his finger the scene and

saying, ‘Hey! Look! Look!’ Then he turned round sitting in a different posture. Within a moment some-body

came to him. I looked at him and found that he was my father, Diamond told me, ‘I am the greatest from Moses

Period. I shall live for another ‘one and half thousand years’.

Then my father bowed down to his feet and he gave his blessings putting his hand on my father’s head. The

dream then sent off.

[ Spontaneous revelation appeared in me in the following ways:

(a) The light was seen in the fourth plane of the body.

(b) Sky is seen in the fifth plane during austerity.

(c) Here God-the-Preceptor gave his own introduction; among all the great religious teachers Diamond had

experienced the highest order of austerity though basically all are same in class.

(d) The seer’s father also received the blessings of God the-the-Preceptor, though indirectly. ]

Appearance of God-the-Preceptor

10) 18th May, 1972, Thursday , Early morning dream ; I have gone to Calcutta University Science College at

Ballygunge, Calcutta. One of my friend gave me an address and said, ‘Sri Jibankrishna (Diamond) is staying

there’. Hearing this, I almost rushed to that house and saw Diamond sitting there. Seeing me he asked, ‘Why

have you not come so long’? I gave my excuses and then my dream went off.

After a while again I felt asleep and saw in the dream that Diamond was sitting in a room on the 1 st floor. I sat

beside him and he gave me the book ‘Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita (Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) and said ,

‘Read it’, I started reading and then the dream went off.

[ Here God-the-Preceptor gave company to the seer for his satisfaction and consolation due to his long

Detachment with Diamond in reality. ].


Chapter 5

Shower of blessings of God—First experience

on merging of dream and reality – Realization of Vedanta

11) May 22, 1972.

Early morning I saw in a dream that there was a heavy shower which continued for a long time. I woke up for a

moment and though that it was really raining outside and so I decided to sleep again. After a while, when I

woke up again saw with surprise that there was no sign of rain outside. The dream was so vivid.

[(a) Here the shower signifies the blessings of God which was showered upon the seer . (b) The seer

experienced the merging of dream and reality. This has a reference in Upanishads that both dream and reality

are identical.]

Realization as per the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti

12) 4th June, 1972, Sunday.

What was felt during my dream was realized after I woke up. I felt that for the whole night God-the-Preceptor

held my hand and both roamed here and there.

[This realization was mentioned by Sri Ramkrishna as, ‘God-the-Preceptor is as if a companion, holding the

hand of the devotee and roam’. This is also mentioned in the Bengali book’ Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ written by

Diamond like this—God appears to the devotee as God-the-Preceptor and roam with him holding hand (vide

dream no 5) ]

Realization as per the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’--

Dream and Reality are identical – Realization of Vedanta

13) 12th June, 1972, Monday, Early morning dream ; I was dwelling on the top floor of a huge building .I was

stepping down from the top floor observing innumerable number of rooms, steps and lanes inside the House

which was beyond imagination. After stepping down for a while I felt that I lost my track to get up. Suddenly I

noticed that an unknown person standing beside me, pointed out my way to the upstairs. I looked up and found

that the steps lead to my dwelling place in the top floor. I then returned to my own room. Here the dream went


After a while, I again had a dream and noticed a beautiful hilly town. People were seen walking on roads.

Suddenly a herd of cows was seen on the road. I stood on one side of the road and surprisingly went on thinking

that I was dreaming but everything seemed so real! Then my dream went off.

[ The revelation of the 1st scene appeared thus : Large building signifies the huge capacity of the seer’s

cerebrum . Rooms are the brain cells, lanes signify channels from the root of spinal chord to the cerebrum.

Loosing tracks means that during upward movement of the life force towards the 7th plane of the cerebrum

sometimes gets out of the channel being diverted from the main channel ‘Susumna’ nerve which is the main

path towards Godhood within the body . At this moment God as unknown person keeps the seer in the right

track which the seer experienced in this dream.

The 2nd scene signifies that the seer had a realization of Vedanta where dream and reality are described as

identical. At the same time the seer experienced the same realization as mentioned in the book ‘Dharma-O-

Anubhuti’ No 881 : “ There is no difference between dream and reality. The devotee who has got pure

consciousness realizes this”. (vide dream no 5 ]


Chapter 6


14) 23rd, June, 1972, Friday . Early morning dream: My friend Nisith, younger sister Prakriti and younger

brother Malay and I went out for a walk. While walking, I was narrating my dreams to Nisith and here the

dream went off.

[The dream was revealed to me thus : Prakriti is the symbol of Nature , Malay denotes gentle breeze and Nisith

means nirguna or dark which means infinite . My dreams will remain in dark and in due course of time these

will spread like a gentle breeze in nature or in the world.

After 20 years my dreams are being published in Bengali magazine and after 38years being translated is

published in different websites.]


15) 24th June , 1972 , Saturday , Early morning dream : I had gone to Diamond and saw someone reading

Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna . In between reading conversation was also going on. Devotees were coming and

going . One known lady was also seen in the crowd. She was seated along with others on open corridor outside

the room.

As soon as I saw the lady, it appeared in my mind that when woman folks began to come, Diamond might not

be alive more.

However, Diamond seemed to be very bright. After a while when I bowed down to him with great devotion he

patted my head and body with great affection and here the dream went off.

[In this dream the seer was being blessed by God-the- Preceptor and afterwards a great peace persisted in his



16) July 15, 1972. One early morning when I was just waking up with half consciousness , I felt that someone

was lying on my body longitudinally putting his whole body weight on me, I got a bit chilled as it was so vivid,

but did not move . When ultimately I got back my full consciousness, I was surprised and thought, Ah! It was

Diamond himself who was lying on me and for nothing I got nervous!

[This was a very significant dream indicating my future when many of the qualities of God-the-Preceptor will

penetrate me in future.]


17) July 17, 1972. While traveling in a bus I experienced a realization in a trance --- a one storied building

with a gate on the right side for entry to the house. There I saw a woman standing at the gate with her two hands

kept on the gate as if she was the keeper of the door. She had long hair, complexion not so fair with very large


I was thinking that she might be a tantrik . Suddenly I saw with my surprise that she allowed me to enter the

house. As soon as I entered into a room, I noticed, a 7—8 years girl with long heirs up to her feet was leaving

that room . Then my trance went off.

[The trance signifies thus : Unless the Holy Mother or this body allows , One cannot enter the 7 th plane to see

God or ‘ Atman’. There is a possibility that in future the seer may visualize ‘ Atman’ or ‘Self’ .


18) July 20, 1972.

At noon one day I had a dream. Swami Vivekananda was seated on a cot, His head was clean shaved. I was also

seated in front of him though, without conversation. Meanwhile the dream went off.

[Here Swami Vivekananda means Rajyoga . The dream indicates that the seer will have Rajyoga within him in


(Note- It came true.)


19) 27th August, 1972. Sunday.

Early morning dream --- I was in a room seated on the floor for meditation. A wooden platform of small size

was kept in front of me .I fell in meditation for a while within the dream. The meditation suddenly went off and

I saw a small lump of divine light in the shape of a curved thumb gradually moving upward from the platform

and fixed in air in front of my eyes. Then the scene vanished.

In the next scene I saw myself inside a room adjacent to the previous room seen in the first scene. It was packed

with quite a number of people. One unknown person among them told me ‘You have seen your father’s Atman’.

Here the dream went off.

[The divine light in the shape of curved thumb has been mentioned in Upanishads as Atman or Soul, which was

visualized by the seer. Father’s Atman means the Atman seen by the primordial man on earth some thousands

and thousands of years ago. Vedic Rishis used to visualize God in their dreams in the form of their father and so

they always used the term ‘Father’. Here unknown person denotes God who is always unknown except His

grace. Plat- form symbolizes the cerebrum where God is seen.

This dream is the confirmation of the previous dream seen on July-August, 1972 (dream no 17). The

visualization of the Soul or Atman or God in the form of light is described in Maitri Upanishad ( 6.38) like this-

“Of size of thumb or span within the body,

A light of twofold or threefold brightness,

This Brahma who is being praised,

The Great God – He has entered in all beings”!]


Chapter 7


20) 3rd September , 1972, At noon I had a dream—A known monk of Sri Ramkrishna order had come to our

house .After some conversations he told me, ‘Sri Ramkrishna Deva told me through a dream that after entering

the College, you will have non-addiction of woman and wealth’. Here the dream suddenly went off.

[Diamond used to term Atman Visualization as matriculation pass in the spiritual world. Accordingly, the seer,

after visualization of Atman (dream no 20) has passed matriculation examination and is going to enter College


Detachment of woman and wealth means the seer will have no addiction for these two in his future life.]


21) 16th September, 1972.

Early morning dream: I was standing alone on a place. Suddenly a serpent jumped on my back and sticking all

alone my spinal cord gradually opened her fan on my head. Without any fear I stood still. And then the serpent

moved away and jumped on the ground in front of me.

After this incident I went to Diamond and saw a number of devotees seated around him. I felt that I went to him

after a long gap. One of the devotees was reading Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna and Diamond was giving

explanations as he used to do in his lifetime.

Diamond was seated on his cot and I also sat on the floor in front of him. After a while Diamond started

conversation with me.

Me –See, as I did my Ph. D. course, so I was deprived of your company and missed such a great phenomenon.

Diamond—No, No, my boy! It is good that you have got a footing.

Me—When I used to come to you long time back, I was a bit immatured. I could not under- stand you and your


Diamond—See, it matters little. You know that you were a teenager at that time and it is a natural habit for that

age. Don’t worry for that.

Meanwhile I noticed that everybody was leaving the room one by one. Diamond came down from his cot and

sat on the floor in front of me. He was looking very joyous. I thought that I had been chatting with him for such

a long time, let me tell him that I was incapable of doing meditation. But I felt very uneasy to beg something

from him as this was my natural habit in reality also.

Another thought came in my mind that he had expired 5 years ago, but looking so joyous and rejuvenated!

Moreover I was having him in front of me, so why should I need meditation?

Then I told him, ‘so long I did not come to you, I should never do such mistake. The Puja holiday is knocking at

the doo, I shall come to you at noon and stay full time’. He gave a sweet smile and said, ‘Yes you do that’. The

dream was then off.

[The first scene indicated that kundalini, in the form of snake is awakened within the seer.

The second scene indicated that all the happenings happened in the real life of the seer are being wiped out by

God-the-Preceptor from the seer’s mind through consolation.]



22) 6th December, 1972, Wednesday .

Early morning dream : I had gone to Howrah town (adjacent to Calcutta where Diamond used to reside) . But

with a great surprise, I noticed that most of the old buildings had been demolished substituted by new ones.

Everything was looking attractive with lakes, gardens, modern architectural buildings . I went on thinking that

henceforth I should stay here permanently.

However, I also noticed that the lane where one of my friend Nisith (who took me to Diamond in reality) used

to reside became widened and I was sitting in a Doctor’s Chamber just at the entrance of the lane (in reality it

was so). Suddenly I saw that Diamond came and sat beside me. I began to read Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna so

that he could hear it : I had also some conversations with him in between reading. Diamond looked very joyous

and I felt very happy seeing him after a long gap . But I was feeling guilty for having a long gap of meeting him

(which happened in reality). So I asked him, ‘well, since I left you, you must have forgotten me’ !

Diamond—What are you saying! Why should I not remember you!

Me—You have never seen me within you in trance, then I am not your close associate!

Diamond—Oh, No! No! Who said this to you!

While saying these to me, he continued patting on my body. Meanwhile he went out to the corridor. I kept

sitting holding the book in my hand. Suddenly I noticed that my elder brother was also seated there However, I

thought that before Diamond’s departure, I should pay my salute on his feet . But at this moment suddenly I

woke up and thought that the dream remained incomplete. Let me sleep again to see the last part of my dream

and so I slept again and saw in the dream that Diamond again had come to me in the same place as before. This

time he was standing on the corridor (as he did in the previous dream) and continued our conversations.

Me—You know that I had a dream. Diamond came forward and said, ‘Say , what you have dreamt’. I narrated

the same dream seen in my first dream and asked, ‘well, is this dream signifying my reflection of mind’? With a

smiling face he said, ‘I shall say something to you’. But he did not say anything and went away. The dream

went off.

[Firstly, the dream was a corroboration of the serial number 811 of the Bengali book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’

written by Diamond based on his personal reflections . (Vide dream no 5).

Secondly, this was the first experience in dream where I narrated the previous scene in the next one.]


23) 9th December, 1972. Saturday. Early morning dream: I had gone to Diamond at Kadamtala, Howrah. He

was then seated on his cot. I entered into the room and sat on the floor. There were many other devotees sitting

on floor. Conversations were going on. Later on all except one went away. That person was unknown to me.

Diamond came down from his cot and sat on the floor in front of me. Then he took a piece of paper and told me

to sign on the paper. It seemed as if he wanted to make a will for the seer. However, I signed on the paper. But

it seemed to be a bit wetly and soft. Diamond asked me, ‘can you take a good dictation’? I said, ‘Yes’. He then

started giving dictation in English and I also started writing: with a hard pencil . I noticed that the unknown

person was sitting, there as if he was the witness.

I said to Diamond, ‘How wonderful is your English’! But I noticed that due to softness of the paper, the writing

seemed to be hazy. Diamond began to scold me for this. So I told him, ‘It is a hard pencil, that’s why it is hazy.

Wait, let me bring a pen’. But suddenly I woke up and thought, ‘Oh! This is an incomplete dream, let me sleep

again to see the last. So I again slept and said to myself in the dream that I had already completed taking the

dictation with a pen .

Scene changed. I was now seeing that God-the-Preceptor and I was living together in a house and I was taking

advice from him though nothing could be remembered after dream.

At the last moment in the dream I observed that he was going to take a bath. After completing the bath he wore

clothes putting off his towel. I asked him, ‘Have you taken bath’? He said, ‘Yes’, I told him,’ then I am now

going to take my bath. And I went to take my bath. Here the dream went off.

[The dream is very significant as this indicates that in future many realizations of Diamond will be experienced

by the seer. Will is given to son by father. It means that all the wealth of father will be enjoyed by his son .Here

wealth means spiritual wealth.]



24) August. 1973.

Early morning dream: Sitting alone I was thinking to leave my physical body with the thoughts that I have achieved the truth in my life and so I have no demand in my life. Suddenly Diamond appeared before me and said, ‘why are you thinking like this my boy? God will perform so many works through you in future’? With these words he disappeared suddenly.

[The dream supports the saying in the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ page 21— ‘God-the-Preceptor’ gives blessings to the seer and says, many things will happen in your life’.


25) August, 1973.

Early morning dream : Diamond suddenly appeared before me and said, ‘see, they (other devotees who used to gather in one devotee’s residence to have spiritual discussions on Diamond) have become diverted . Since now I often appear before them in their dreams’. Here the dream went off.

[Amazingly, a new phase started within the devotees . After a long gap they started dreaming Diamond frequently and became rejuvenated.]


26) August, 1973 :

Early morning dream : I saw many devotees having spiritual conversations between them . One of the devotee named Narayan was seen carrying a Bengali magazine (on Diamond) in his hand. Then the dream went off.

[The dream signifies thus: Seeing many devotees in the dream indicates increasing brain power. Another aspect is that a sense of attractions is growing within the seer for other devotees].


27) August, 1973.

Early morning dream : I saw many devotees sitting in a room with Diamond . I sat in front of Diamond who was looking pale and thin . Suddenly a lady entered the room and went near the self of the wall to drink water in the glass kept for Diamond. I noticed that everybody was annoyed. But the lady ignoring all, wanted to drink water, and at that moment very surprisingly her hand with the whole body started shivering and some water fell on the body of Diamond. She immediately started popping the water from his body. Diamond wanted to prevent her, but she didn’t listen to him. When Diamond scolded her, I took her out of the room. The dream went off.

[In reality, women folks were not allowed to enter Diamond ‘s room. Whenever anybody wanted to do this, she had this similar experience. But strangely, the women folks always used to dream Diamond without seeing him in reality and later on they identified him from outside without his knowledge. ]


28) 16th September, 1973.

Early morning dream: One patient was brought to a hospital for admission accompanied by two men. The patient was crying due to pain and one of his companion went on weeping putting his head on the patient’s chest . Suddenly I saw another devotee Jiten Chatterjee started reading the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (written by Diamond). After a while the patient became calm. The companion who was weeping also started listening to him. Another companion said, ‘How sweet is the name of Sri Ramkrishna ! These words should be announced by loudspeaker. All troubles and shocks will be vanished .The dream then went off and I woke up.

After a while I again slept and dreamt a nice hilly place . I was standing on the road for a bus.Marriage ceremonies were going on in two to three places. Hymns were being uttered. Two little girls were observing the ceremonies from behind. But all these could not touch my mind. Being unconcerned I was waiting for the bus and then went to the bus terminus. My dream went off and I woke up.

But again I fell asleep and this time dreamt that one of the devotee named Raghunath Sen was playing a tape recorder listening to devotional songs. When I woke up I felt a great peace and joy in mind.

[ The dream signifies thus :

1st dream : The patient is seer himself who in reality was greatly disturbed in his working place and became upset. Diamond’s book converted his hazards to peace and divine joy.

2nd dream indicates that the seer will be devoid of any ritualism in real life.

The 3rd dream indicates that in future the seer will lead a pure and simple life through continuous spiritual practices].

(Note: In the long run these came true in the seer’s life).


Chapter 9


29) 27th September, 1973.

Early morning dream: Diamond took me to the topmost room of a house. I observed that the room space had

the capacity for only two persons. Diamond made me sit in front of him and started giving me spiritual

teachings. When I woke up I could not remember anything.

[The dream indicated thus: Top room is the 7th plane of the cerebrum which is the place of God. During

austerity, God-the-Preceptor comes to the seer and teaches religious aspects. Nothing could be remembered .It

means all the lesions remained within the seer as dormant and in due course of time these will be manifested.]


30) 18th October , 1973 . Early morning dream : I was seated in a room alone having that some ghosts were

present in that house . But I did not show any attention to it . ‘Suddenly a word ‘Narayan’( the top deity of

Hindus ) began to emerge from my mouth and noticed that the ghosts disappeared . After a while the name of

‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond’s real name ) was uttered from my mouth automatically and then I woke up .

[The meaning of the dream appeared thus: Room - Body; Ghost - old prejudices. They disappeared with the

name of God. It means when a man gets God within him all his old prejudices disappear. Ghost does not exist

outside. It is within each and every human being. They are seen within the body and after projecting outside a

man sees Ghost outside.]


31) 19th October, 1973. Early morning dream: Diamond and I was living together in a house. I was

sometimes sitting, sometimes lying beside Diamond as if he was so intimate. I was passing my time in this

manner and then at one time I noticed my other three brothers sitting with Diamond. Once he was talking to my

elder brother and I exclaimed, ‘Oh! Diamond already passed away! How and what way they would take him’!

At this moment my dream went off.

[The dream indicates thus: Firstly the seer is having a close and continuous company with God-the-Preceptor

and secondly other brothers are having grace of God-the-Preceptor through the seer in an indirect manner.]


32) 26th October , 1973.

Early morning dream: I saw a tall young man of about six feet high and having a very strong built man in front

of me . He were a ‘kaupin’ (a small piece of cloth as is used by village Indian wrestlers) and stood inside a hut

as if he was going to leave the house after taking ‘Sannyas’(monk life ) . It appeared to me, was he Chaitanya

Deva ? Suddenly somebody said within him, ‘He is Sri Chaitanya Deva’. I continued looking at him for a long

time and then the dream went off.

The dream revealed thus:

1) To see Chaitanya Deva means visualizing pure consciousness in the loving form;

2) ‘Kaupin’ indicates detachment from worldly affairs;

3) In one way the seer’s previous birth was seen.

4) It was annihilation of time. This whole universe is within a human brain including past, present and future.

Any moment these appear in a pure mind of a human being.

Sri Chaitanya Deva was a prophet in Bengal 500 years ago and was the founder of Vaisnaba cult . Actually his

figure was same as seen in the dream as described in books. Traditional sketches do not match his figure.


33) 30th October, 1973.

Early morning dream: I was dwelling in a house with Diamond .Sometimes we were in a gossiping mood,

sometimes he was taking bath. At one time I shared the milk from his glass and drank the whole milk. After

taking bath Diamond entered his room and my dream went off .

This was the second time I spent such a long time with Diamond in my dream.

[This dream has reference in the Bengali book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’—‘God-the-Preceptor’ teaches. He will be

present in the causal body and it will appear to the seer that God-the-Preceptor is always with him .In the causal

body the realization will appear and the seer witnesses’.

Here drinking milk means special knowledge about God will be revealed in the body of the seer. Sharing milk

from Diamond’s glass indicates that the seer will share the special knowledge attained by Diamond in future.

Ref : ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ 705—“the attainment of special knowledge starts from seeing the universe within

the body and ends with seeing the ‘manikin’ within the body followed by endless sportive forms of God to

‘Absolute’ and vice-versa”


Chapter 10


34) 30th November, 1973.

Early morning dream : Diamond was seated on a stage with a packed up auditorium . He had been explaining

Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita book (Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna).

The dream then went off.

[The dream indicates that in future ‘Religion and Realisation’ (Yogic explanation of Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna)

will spread all over the world . Here auditorium is the symbol of the world.]



35) 14th December , 1973 .

Early morning dream: Diamond had come to my house passing time with me I was feeling extremely happy. At

night I saw that a big cot was covered with a white cloth and kept ready for both of us .We were having a

continuous conversation. Once it appeared in my mind to ask one question which frequently used to appear in

waking condition that just like a dream Diamond should give me accompaniment in waking life also and

whenever any opportunity would come, I should ask it in my dream .So to-day that opportunity came. But

surprisingly whenever I was going to ask this question, it appeared to me. Oh! Where was the difference

between dream and waking condition! This dream seemed to me same as waking condition! So why should I

ask him such silly question? At this moment the dream went off.

[This is a realization of the merging condition of dream and reality which will be permanent within the seer in

future life. This realization has reference in Upanishads.]


36) 27th January, 1974.

Early morning dream: I was seated somewhere . Suddenly my body began to shake severely and I lost my

control over my body. Then within a moment my body became still. After sometime when I came to a sense, I

realized that my life force moved upwards to the cerebrum with immense force, putting me to Samadhi

condition (Profound meditation merged in God).

But instantly it came in my mind that Diamond discarded Samadhi and all on a sudden the names of

‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond’s name) and ‘God’ used to be recited from my mouth . Gradually I became normal

and thought, ‘when Diamond discarded Samadhi, so why should I accept Samadhi? There are numerous phases

beyond Samadhi. Then I woke up.

[This dream will have its effect on the seer in the long run when he will have innumerable realizations above

Samadhi stage.

Sri Ramkrishna also said to Swami Vivekananda (Naren), ‘Naren, cross the region of Samadhi’.]


37) March, 1974.

Early morning dream: I saw Diamond standing in-front of me. He was looking very bright saying to me, ‘I

shall appear before you after the monsoon. Then the dream was off.

[The meaning is not clear.]


Early morning dream: I had gone to Diamond. He was telling me to sit down and read Gospel of Sri

Ramkrishna. I noticed that another devotee Arun Ghosh also was seated there beside Diamond. Diamond was

patting on his back and I continued reading Gospel. Then the dream was off.

[ The meaning reveals thus :

(a) The blessings of God-the-Preceptor are showered on Arun Ghosh and the effect is observed soon after this

dream when he will have a number of remarkable realizations through dreams .

(b) During different phases of austerity the seer can see the conditions of other devotees and these are called

the bubbles of Brahmagyan .

Ref : Dharma-O-Anubhuti 758—Endless bubbles of Brahmagyan—sportive forms of Ascent (Agam). (Vide

dream no 5.)]


Chapter 11



39) June, 1974.

Early morning dream: I was looking at the sky. Suddenly a huge image of Jesus Christ up to bust appeared in

the sky covering its major portion. It was so living and wonderful! Then the image disappeared, and the scene

was off.

In the next scene I saw that on the top of a hill there was a plateau and Jesus Christ was seated on an open place.

I had some conversations with him. In the mean time I saw that Arun Ghosh along with some other devotees of

Diamond had gathered there surrounding Jesus. They were listening to His teachings with rapt attention.

After sometime, with great curiosity I asked Arun Ghosh . ‘What a strange thing! How did we come to Jesus

Christ’? He said, ‘From era to era we use to come with ‘these prophets’. At this moment the dream went off.

[The dream is self-explanatory. During advancement of austerity these previous births are seen, though it can be

explained like this in microcosm: The whole universe including past, present and future is within Atman or

great soul. Atman is within the human body. So the whole universe is within the human brain. At any time this

past or future may reveal in a pure and divine body. Another strange thing happened recently that I saw in a

website a photograph of ‘BEATTITUDE’- A hill-top where Jesus gave his sermons to his disciples. And with a

great surprise I noticed that the same scene I saw in my dream so long ago establishing the fact that the whole

universe is within our brain.]



40) 7th July, 1974.

Early morning dream: A huge building with a large room was visible. There was another room inside that large

room. Suddenly I saw that Diamond was entering that room. He wore a Punjabi and bowed to somebody with

folded hands. I also bowed to him with folded hands. Diamond was clean shaved. He came to me putting off his

Punjabi. I noticed that he was looking very strong. He then sat in front of me.

I said to him, ‘see, during my boyhood I used to come to you frequently. Then twelve years had passed and I

completely forgot you. One day I saw in a dream that I went out for searching the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’

2nd and 3rd part and went to my friend Nisith’s house, although I did not know that these two parts had already

been published’. With a great astonishment Diamond was hearing my narration.

Then I continued, “then I went to you at Kadamtala and you said, see, you will write Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ 2nd

and 3rd part”. After hearing this he expressed his great surprise and told other devotees, ‘see, how strange is it’!

How strange’!

Thereafter he gave me some papers with some writings on these and said, ‘write all these fairly’. I start writing

with a pen but noticed that some writings were not clearly understood, I asked Diamond about these hazy

writings and continued writing after hearing his corrections . The dream went off.

[The dream has a reference in the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ No 969 – In the devotee’s body God-the-

Preceptor shows his sportive forms and the seer observes it.

The dream has several meanings:

1) In future all the writings about Diamond will be fairly performed by the power of God;

2) ‘Paper’ means body; ‘Writing’ means realizations and sportive forms, hazy writings are hazy realizations

which will be corrected by God-the-Preceptor.

Ref: ‘Dharma-o-Anubhuti’ No 938 – ‘The sportive forms which will happen are already described’. Here it is

described in the seer’s body’.

3) In dream the seer narrated the real facts happened in his life and dream seen on, 1972 (dream no 5)

indicating the expansion of the seer’s brain capacity.]

[After a while, the dream came true when the seer had to take charge of the publication of the magazine on

Diamond and continued for long years.

For next 35 years this came true in the life of the seer with innumerable realizations.]


41) 14th July, 1974.

Early morning dream: I was having a deep conversation about God with some devotees of Diamond. After a

while when I came out on the road I met Diamond . When he heard about my frequent meeting with the

devotees, he said to me, ‘See, this is very good. Continue such meeting as this will create a permanent effect of

your realizations within you. After saying these words, he disappeared.

In the next scene I saw that along with many devotees I was passing time discussing about spiritual aspects in

one our devotee’s house and thus the whole night was spent. The dream then went off.

The dream reveals thus: God-the-Preceptor is giving power to the seer to spend his whole life with such

spiritual practices and as a result all his realizations through dreams will produce permanent effect on him.]


42) After the previous dream a peculiar incident happened. Almost every night I used to see in my dreams

different devotees either in a group or single and having spiritual discussions most of the time.

[These dreams signify in both ways:

1) Attraction and fellowship grow up in both sides and thus sense of oneness is subject to grow within us.

2) Seeing so many persons at a time in dream increases the brain power of the seer.]


43) August, 1974.

Afternoon dream: One devotee Arun Ghosh was seen to sing , ‘Worship Jiban Krishna, recite Jibankrishna etc’,

while listening, the dream went off.

[Regular spiritual practice through dreams increases the spiritual power of the seer.]


44) The same night I dreamt that I was spending the whole night with devotees.

[ Seeing devotees so frequently in dreams increases the brain power of the devotee . ]


45) September, 1974 .

A realization in waking condition: For 4 to 5 days, a peculiar of bliss had been passing through my mind. Some

tines I used to feel that I was merged into a fog of bliss with soothing light falling into the ocean of divine joy.

[This realization indicates the gradual development of the seer in spiritualism.]


Chapter 12


46) 16th October, 1974.

Early morning dream: I had been sitting with many devotees along with Diamond and listening to his yogic

interpretation with rapt attention. Gradually night came and it was 8-30 p.m. So I was on my way to home. But

after going to a certain distance, I again felt urge for Diamond and through, why I was leaving Diamond! I

should stay with him longer time. So I again started going back to Diamond. When I came nearer to his house .

I noticed that a little girl was following me so long . She told me that should go somewhere and I should

accompany her. But I told her to go away. When she didn’t listen to me, I drove her out and reached Diamond’s

house. I saw that one devotee Arun Ghosh was coming out and others had already left. Here the dream went off.

[The dream signifies that in future the seer’s mind will remain concentrated on Diamond and any sorts of

obstacles will be removed from his path towards Truth. ]


47) 25th October, 1974. At mid-day I had a trance and saw that my head had been transformed into Diamond’s

head and all on a sudden my head began to jerk like Diamond’s Samadhi stage.

The jerk was so severe that my trance went off and even at that stage my head went on jerking. Then I sat on

my bed after being normal.

[This realization corroborated Diamond’s saying, ‘you will gradually be transformed into me in the spiritual




48) 1st November, 1974. Time : In between 10 p.m. – 10-30 p.m. While I went to bed, I fell in a trance stage.

During this time while I was going to turn from right to left side, I suddenly felt that somebody hit on my head

with a twig full of illuminated leaves and instantly I saw that my brain became full of innumerable number of

illuminated cells for a moment. The whole incident happened in the twinkling of an eye and I jumped up on my

bed still visioning the illuminated brain cells for a few seconds . Ultimately the vision left.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see that nothing happened in reality . The vision was so realistic.

[ It was a realization mentioned in the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’(Written by Diamond) page 74-vision of

‘Chaitanya’ or supreme consciousness –“Red light suddenly flared up in the cerebrum”.



49) 7th November, 1974. Early morning dream: A beautiful hilly area was visible with the river ganges

flowing at the base. On the hill top Diamond and I was seated only. For hours together Diamond continued to

give me spiritual advices.

Then the scene changed and I saw a house. In that house a devotee Arun Ghosh and I was seated in front of

Diamond who had been giving advices to us for a long time. Then we packed up the mat and left.

Again the scene changed. Now I saw that I along with many devotees had gathered in one devotee’s residence

for spiritual discussions. Arun Ghosh narrated one of his dreams while I narrated the first scene the same dream

to everybody and thereafter the dream went off.

[First and second scenes corroborate the saying of the book ‘Dharama-O-Anubhuti’—God-the-Preceptor

teaches the seer Rajyoga. But the teachings could not be remembered it means that these remain dormant within

the brain and in due course of time manifest within the seer.

The third scene signifies that the brain power of the seer is increasing gradually.]



50) 23rd December, 1974. Early morning dream: Diamond was giving me spiritual advices and I was noting

down on a paper. This continued for a long time and then the dream went off.

[This dream is alike that seen on 7th July, 1974 (dream no 41). The meaning is that in future the seer will

experience numerous sportive forms of God-the-Preceptor and these will become permanent within the seer’s




51) February, 1975. Early morning dream: In a multistoried building the seer was standing on the top floor.

There was a step above it with a narrow hole. I was having a conversation with one of my senior friend named

Biswendra who was on the other side of the hole . I had in my mind to go to the other side of the hole. But it

was so narrow that it would be impossible to go through the hole. I went on thing how to go to the other side.

Suddenly the scene changed and I found myself on the other side of the hole . I couldn’t fathom how this strong

incident happened. However, I saw, there was a long corridor and quite a number of people sitting on the floor

were having meals as if due to a ceremonial occasion. When everybody finished their meals I came down and

the dream went off.

[The dream indicates thus: Both sides of the hole indicates individualism and universalism. As the whole

Rajyoga process is spontaneous, the seer was transferred from individualism to universalism where Biswendra

was talking to the seer and numerous people were having meals. Biswendra means universal and taking meals

means realizations.

It is clearly indicated that in future the seer will experience universal realization.]

Chapter 13


52) February, 1975. Early morning dream: In a huge building I get up with a great trouble to the roof top and

then got down through the steps of another side. The dream went off.

[Within a human body during austerity of ascent, the life force progresses from the root of the spinal cord to the

7th plane through Susumna nerve to visualize God and then descent starts when the life force descends from the

7th plane.

Here building means the body; rooftop is the 7th plane. The dream indicates that the seer had realizations in

ascent and next he will have realizations in descent during austerity.]


53) February, 1975. Early morning dream: I was seated in a room. After sometime my look fell on the door

and noticed that so long I was seated, Diamond had been standing near the door with a great affectionate look at

me. And then he went away, His look was so charming, so affectionate that could never be forgotten. I then

look up.

[The dream revealed thus: During the phase of austerity in ascent, the mind and body pass through many

hazards and tough situations as revealed in dreams in many ways. During this phase God-the-Preceptor protects

the devotee and remove the irritations of his body,]


54) March, 1975: Early morning dream : I noticed that the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ was kept in front of me . As soon as I opened the cover, the first saying ‘Dvaita-Advaita-Bibarjitam’ (Devoid of Dualism and non dualism or One) was noticed. While noticing this, I suddenly woke up with an echo ‘Dvaita-Advaita-Bibarjitam’ inside my brain.

[The dream corroborates the saying No 1063 of Diamond’s book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ - ‘One - Advaita, Dualism - Dvaita, No sense—Devoid of any sense’.

This has manifested in embryo form within the body of the seer and in future may be manifested in reality. (Vide dream no 5)]


55) April, 1975: Mid-day dream: I was living in a house. I saw that a small elephant was behaving in an un-restful manner on the ground floor. I went to the top floor and with a pistol I shoot the elephant who gradually became senseless. The dream then went off.

[Surprisingly the dream had a great effect on the sublimation of the seer’s un-restful mind persisting for some days. Here elephant symbolizes mind. The dream also reveals that during different phases of austerity the supreme power within the body always protects the seer from all hazards through His sportive forms in dream.]


56) 27th April, 1975. At night I had a dream: A huge open field with Paths around it was visible. On one

side on the roof of a house I was standing along with some devotees.

After a while Diamond came and I took my seat with one devotee Ramkrishna Ghosh and Diamond . At this

moment I saw that another devotee Ravi Ganguly was coming with a gorgeous procession from the opposite of

the field. He came to Diamond and started taking to him in a very devotional manner. But it was so showy and

exaggerated that Diamond became greatly annoyed. One time, when it exceeded the limit, Diamond held the

neck of Ravi and dashed him on the ground. Ravi became senseless.

I noticed that Diamond began to slap on his cheeks and the scar marks of the fingers. appeared vividly on

Ravi’s cheek. I only went on observing these incidents and at the same time one story mentioned in one old

religious book of the Hindus was appearing in my memory. It was also described in the Gospel of Sri

Ramkrishna where it was described that Sri Jagannath of Puri (India) [God in the form of Jagannath] slapped on

the cheeks of one devotee Pundarik Vidyanidi and the sears appeared on his cheeks.

Jagannath did it for Pundarik’s lesions. Just at this moment the dream went off.

[The dream indicates three aspects:

i) The condition of Ravi Ganguly was revealed to the seer, as during the phase of austerity in ascent

other’s spiritual conditions are revealed to the seer. This is termed as bubbles of ‘Brahmagyan’.

ii) Ravi Ganguly’s previous birth was revealed.

iii) Through the lesson of other God-the-Preceptor is removing the emotional feelings with exaggeration

from the mind of the seer. Religion is not emotion, it is reality with proof.]

Chapter 14


57) 16th May,1975. Early morning dream: I noticed that someone at the residence of one devotee

khagendra Ghosh was announcing in a louder voice, ‘Some people who will come here will burst to death, some

will face brain paralysis. But Khagendra was not visible at that moment. After a while I saw an old lady falling

senselessly on me . An automatic recitation of Sri Ramkrishna’s name began to come-out of my mouth, and at

this moment my dream went off.

[The dream indicated the growing spiritual power of Mr. Ghosh and at the same time of the seer, through

indirectly.“The dream corroborates the saying no 758 of ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’—the condition of other devotee

will be revealed to the seer during his phases of ascent.]



58) 17th May,1975. Early morning dream: Along with Diamond I was drinking tea on the dining table.

Diamond was clean shaved wearing a punjabi. While drinking, he suddenly told me, ‘See, there was a cause that

you were detached from me during your student life (It happened so in reality). I became eager to listen to the

cause from his mouth. But he did not explain anything and at this moment the dream went off.

[* The dream did not reveal anything at that moment. Perhaps in future it will reveal.]

(* After long years , I realized that it happened due to the fact that God will perform His work through me by

recording so many facts .and my research experiences will be useful to perform such work, otherwise my life

would have been like any classmates or Colleagues living a luxurious life .’]



59). 2nd July, 1975. Early morning dream: I was seated face to face with Diamond. Another devotee

Arun Ghosh was also seated beside me. I felt that Diamond again came back to me after he departed. But all of

us had conversation and sat with full concentration of mind.

After a long time the scene changed and again I saw Arun Ghosh whom I told , ‘I have seen you in my first

dream’. Here the dream went off.

[ The dream corroborates with saying no 93 of the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ –The mind of yogi becomes

concentrated in the body and so with ‘Gyani’ and also ‘Devotee’. Whoever is blessed by God attains this


Another significant aspect of the dream is that by narrating the previous dream within the next one the increased

brain power of the seer is indicated.]



60) 4th July, 1975. Early morning dream: I saw in front of me a tree bearing wood apple like fruits at 1east

3-4 times bigger than the normal one. I immediately picked up one from the tree .And while holding this fruit in

my hand, my dream went off .

[This dream corroborated with the saying of the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ page 24 .

Such type of realization eradicates the ego-consciousness of the seer and is similar to that of Diamond.]


61) 20th July, 1975. Early morning dream: I saw myself in a class room with tables and chairs along with a

cot. The room was packed with students. Diamond was seated there answering the questions of the students. I

was only a spectator.

All on a sudden, a boy whistled intentionally. I thought who made such idiotic job! Then and there Diamond

glaring at the culprit pushed him out of the class being greatly annoyed. While Diamond came inside the class

room, I threw bricks at the boy and drove him out of the field. The class again resumed and I woke up.

[The dream shows that anybody showing deviation will be punished by God-the-Preceptor It is applicable to

the seer at the same time.]



62) 10th August, 1975. Early morning dream: I was standing on a very beautiful place. The sea was visible

at a far distance. A river was flowing a little bit away from me. A devotee named Indranath was standing in

front of me. I requested him to go there. After a while I noticed a flat boat resting on land in front of me . I

stood on it and it automatically started moving on the land . It carried me to a boggy place and thereafter to the

river which joined the sea. It was really a very exciting experience. The boat gradually carried me to the

junction of the river and the sea . I shouted with joy, ‘The sea! The sea’! Then a huge ship was seen in the sea

and I boarded up there. I saw that quite a number of sailors from different Countries of the world were singing a

song ‘Hail the ancient Truth-the jewel man .Jibankrishna …….’ I saw myself conducting the whole music like a

bandmaster as on encouragement to them . The song continued for a long time and then the dream went off.

[The dream carries some meanings:

(i) A boat sails on the water not on dry land-it means impossible things will be possible within the body of

the seer. This is in microcosm. In macrocosm, many impossible things may happen in the world by the action of

Diamond in future.

Here the life force reaches the ocean i.e. cerebrum. This has a reference in ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ No-258-

Kundalini Penetrating through the body reaches the ocean of eternal bliss—the cerebrum . (Vide dream no 5) .

(ii) In the long run the name and action of Diamond will spread throughout the world among different nations,

religions as has happened in India and the seer may have a role in this aspect.]

Chapter 15



63) 11th August, 1975. Early morning dream: At a devotee’s residence intense spiritual conversations and reading were going on. Many devotees and I were present there. Then the dream went off.

[Regular spiritual practices both in dream and reality increase the brain power with spiritualism.]


64) 15th August, 1975. Early morning dream: I was walking on a village road along with Diamond and my school mate Nisith. Diamond wore a dhoti and Punjabi (Bengali common dress) and had a chitchat with me like a very intimate friend, sometimes joking with me. Once he asked me a question. As my answer was not liked, he said, ‘No, it is not so. It will be like that.’ Then he told me the right answer. After I woke up, couldn’t remember the answer.

[In a human life God in the real friend and the seen experienced it. Moreover, long and continuous accompaniment with God-the-Preceptor is increasing the spiritual power of the seer.]


65) 11th September, 1975. Midnight dream: I felt a peculiar sensation in my brain on the back side as if an operation was going on. I was paralytic though had a half sense. In this condition a thought came in my mind that I should not feel nervous and be calm and quite. At this moment a recitation of the name ‘God’ used to be uttered from my mouth. Then I woke up.

[ Even after my waking up, the word ‘God; used to continue from my mouth throughout the day. At the same time a continuous feeling used to persist as if same changes happened in my brain in reality.]


66) 13th November, 1975. Early morning dream: I realized that Diamond again came back to his worldly life after his demise and I was having a long conversation with him. I came to know that he had become incapable of giving yogic interpretation on Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna due to his old age and he used to give accompany to the devotees for a short period. So I decided to leave my present responsible and hectic job to have a long accompaniment with him. Here my dream went off and immediately I woke up I saw in a great surprise that I had been transformed into Diamond fully in a half conscious state. Then gradually as I got back my full consciousness this sense faded away.

[ The dream and the realization has two aspects: * Firstly , I may have to leave the job to devote more time after Diamond’s work and secondly in reality I shall acquire the attributes of God-the-Preceptor . ]

( * After nine months, the dream came true thus : I left my responsible post and took a school reaching which enabled me to devote more time after editing the magazine and having more spiritual practices with devotees inspite of having more scopes for teaching in universities and top posts in other organizations . )


67) 14th November, 1975. Early morning dream: Some of the devotees had come to my residence for lunch on some occasions. There was enough arrangement of meals and everybody relished it . At a certain moment I observed that one of the devotees Raghunath Sen lied on the floor with great fatigue.I felt very sad seeing this sight. Here the dream went off.

[The dream indicates two aspects. One is that all the devotees are having their own plenty of realizations now-a-days and secondly, Raghunath’s present condition is revealed through my dream. And practically he is passing through great troubles in his real life.

During progress of austerity in ascent (upward movement of life power) other’s conditions are revealed through dreams to the seer.]

ACHIEVEMENT OF FEARLESSNESS 68) 17th November, 1975. Early morning dream : Maharaj Kumar of Burdwan (West Bengal ) had come to me for some reason ( In real life he is known to me ) . Though I had seen him twice in dreams having conversations on the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’, I ignored this matter. This time also I saw him talking on the same matter but I ignored as before. But within a short while it appeared to me, well! his name is Abhaychand ( He who is devoid of fearlessness ) ! So does it indicate something for name-sake? Immediately I thought that

Diamond had also the same experience in his dreams seeing a devotee ‘Abhay’ for 4 months. He interpreted it as his achievement of fearlessness.

Instantly a hymn of Upanishad came in my mind –‘Abhayam Boi Janaka praptosi’ (Janaka, you have gained fearlessness’—saying of Rishi Jagyabalka to king Janaka who gained ‘Brahmagyan’ or knowledge of Supreme one ).

There continued this recitation from my mouth without my control and after a while I woke up. But throughout the day during my working hours in the office this hymn continued and gradually faded away.

This dream corroborated the saying 426 of the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’—‘I alone exist’ and in future it will be established in the seer’s body. ] (Vide dream no 5.)

Chapter 16


69. 19th November, 1975 . Early morning dream: I was staying at our original residence of Santipur town on the 1st floor .I felt that some ghosts were also residing there. Suddenly the light became off. I got down to the ground floor feeling nervousness. But instantly I thought that I should go to the 1st floor to verify the matter . At the same time the recitation of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond’s real name) was coming out of my mouth—spontaneously. All on a sudden the lights were on at the 1st floor. Out of curiosity I went to see what happened and observed one unknown man sitting in a room. It seemed to me that all the men sitting on the 1st floor were dead. The continuous recitation of the word ‘God’ went on and then my dream went off.

[The dream signifies thus: Dead persons—old prejudices. With appearance of God within the body all these prejudices are removed.

It also reveals that in future, this residence will be a place for religious practices about Diamond and it came true after 9 years. Here Lots of people saw Diamond in dreams.]


70. 20th November, 1975 . Midnight dream: I saw some notorious type boys standing in front of me . I explained to them many things about Sri Ramkrishna and Diamond. Lastly I told them; ‘God is within your body’. I noticed that all were listening to me with rapt attention. I finished my lecture and instantly realized, ‘Oh! So long Diamond was giving the lecture instead of me! The dream went off.

[The dream may have the effect in reality within the seer in future, whenever he says these words to anybody, they may see Diamond within them. But I never felt to experiment it.]


71. 21st November, 1975. Early morning dream: I saw a large crowd sitting in a big room and I was also seated in front of them with fixed mind within myself. I felt that everybody was looking at me . I realized the reason. Then a familiar person named Manindra Nath Brahma started explaining to them about my very high status in the spiritual world. I felt embarrassing and thought why this person suddenly narrated my spiritual condition to these people! Instantly it became clear to me that the name of this gentleman is Brahma (Supreme One) and he was confirming that I had achieved Brahmahood (being united with the Supreme One).

The first scene here became off and the next scene opened with a boat carrying many companions of Diamond including me. I suddenly noticed two to three fishes swimming in the river Ganges just like pets. I was feeling a divine consciousness in one of the fish and also felt that I was that fish. With a great pleasure I was swimming in the river. But at the same time I was having this feeling that at the same time how could I swim in the river as a fish and was present here! How was it possible! Then the dream was off.

[Fish represents Atman or Soul, as in the 3rd plane Atman is seen as Fish . Here the soul is playing in the ocean of bliss. Here soul and body are separated.]


72. 23rd November, 1975.

In the early morning I had a dream . A bettlenut was placed before me . I took it in my hand and shook. It sounded like ‘khat-khat’. I was surprised hearing such type of sound and instantly it revealed in me that Sri Ramkrishna had mentioned (in Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) such sound as separation of ‘Soul’ from the body and to teach me the bettlenut was kept in front of me. The dream then went off.

[The dream clearly indicates that the seer’s ‘soul’or ‘Atman’ is separated from the body through God’s sheer grace . The dream is also self-explanatory.]


73. 24th November, 1975.

At noon in trance I saw a huge monument. Sometimes it seemed to be vertical column, sometimes a monument. I began to count the number of stories and finished with seven. I realized that this monument was signifying the seventh plane of the human body and I was visualizing in such a way. At the top I saw the open roof and above it the clear blue sky. The trance went off.

[The trance is self-explanatory God-the-Preceptor teaches on such a manner within a dream or trance.The roof signifies the cerebrum and the sky signifies infinity within a human body.]

Chapter 17


74. 25th November, 1975.

Early morning dream: Diamond had come to his ex-dwelling place at Kadamtala, Howrah Town along with 2-3 companions. One unknown person came to me and said that Diamond was in search of me. I promptly got prepared to go to Diamond and within a very short time started for Diamond. Here the dream went off.

[To start for God-the-Preceptor means advancement of austerity or progress of life-force towards the dwelling place (i.e., cerebrum) of God.]


75. 5th December, 1975.

Last night dream: I saw someone was playing a khol (An indigenous drum) and I was singing a devotional song with a Khanjani (An indigenous musical instrument with two small metal discs). At this stage the dream went off.

[The dream reveals instantly like this; The devotional song by the seer indicates that in future he will have many realizations in his descent condition of austerity.

Note : In future actually the seer had experienced innumerable realizations in descent.]


76. 7th December, 1975.

Late night dream: I was standing in front of the laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India at Calcutta, my ex-working place. Suddenly 3-4 young boys stood in front of me. One of them, a very strongly built body, came behind me and tore the back side of my shirt. The torn portion was hanging and I charged the boy. He said, ‘it was already torn, I tore the rest’. I caught him with an intention to punish him. But as soon as I caught him, all my grudge was wiped out and a feeling of love grew in my mind. It seemed to me as if the boy had long been familiar to me. The dream here went off and just at the moment of awakening, these words flashed in my brain. ‘Sadhana (austerity) of descent’.

[An unnatural feeling of divine joy used to play in me for a long time throughout the day, as an effect of the dream and realised that this dream was a corroboration of the previous dream.]


77. 8th December, 1975.

Early morning dream: I was spending my time with many companions of Diamond in an unknown place , Discussion and reading of Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita were going on there . Sometimes I was roaming casually here and there . In one place I observed a magician playing magic. From there I went to another place

and saw Anath Mondal and many other companions of Diamond reading books on Diamond (Jibankrishna ). I sat there and the dream went off. This dream revealed the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna –‘After achievement of God the seer casually roams around the town for enjoying amusements’.


78. 9th December, 1975.

Early morning dream: I was spending time at Debkumar Choudhury’s residence where Kathamrita reading is going on—including enjoying snacks. After a while I saw myself in an unknown place and how I was present there was unknown to me. The place seemed to be of prehistoric age - a boggy place with dense forest. Suddenly an unknown voice entered into my ear—this is a place of prehistoric age. I was surprisingly thinking—I am now in prehistoric age! Then I climbed up a tree and reached a height of 6’-7’. Suddenly I noticed two creatures—half man half monkey, were observing me with great astonishment. Again the unknown voice told me, ‘These are Ape man’. Then all on a sudden the tree carrying me began to fly in the sky. It went on passing so many houses, places as well as time. I was enjoying this experience with great joy and fun. After some time I observed that it took me back again to the residence of Debkumar Choudhury.

[The dream revealed the annihilation of time and space to the seer. Revelation of long past also indicates the powerful brain faculty and at the same time dream indicates one probability that the existence of human race was present from time immemorial.

DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL PASSION 79. 11th December, 1975.

Early morning dream: Very forcefully I was saying to one of my friend named Debasish—‘see, destruction is coming’—this sentence was uttered repeatedly by me without my own consciousness. When I came to normalcy, it seemed to me that some other force was talking through me. The dream went off. [The dream revealed that the effect would come internally indicating the destruction of animal passion within the body of the seer.]

Chapter 18


80. 14th December, 1975.

Early morning dream: The outer lining of my coat was torn, although the inside was alright. I went on thinking whether this could be repaired.

Meanwhile a tailor came and took me to his shop for repairing the coat. I noticed that the shop was new, very big and sophisticated. The tailors of the shop saw the bottom portion of the coat and told me that the bottom portion should be cut up to the waist length and accordingly they took my measurements. One of them then showed me different types of cloths for lining on the outer surface of the coat. I told them, ‘these are costly and very glazy. I don’t want these cloths. Give me cheap, plain and simple cloths for the outer lining’. After saying this I left the shop. Just at that moment when the dream was going to be off, the figure of Diamond wearing a Punjabi appeared before my mental eyes.

[Here the tailor means God who takes the measurement of the human body. The coat was to be cut up to waist level, this means the seer will have realizations in descent up to waist. The cloth for outer lining is plain and simple and cheap—it indicates that there will be no outward shows of the seer in future.The appearance of Diamond means that he himself was the tailor.]

RETURN FROM DEATH OR MAHAKARAN 81. 17th December, 1975.

Early morning dream : I was going out of my house to commit suicide and my mother also was running out of the house to find me out . After a while I found my dead body lying and my mother was crying. But with a surprise I found myself alive and here the dream was off.

[This dream revealed that the seer had a feeling of Sthita Samadhi (Death) or Mahakaran as depicted in Tantra Sastra. This return from death may give the seer in future more spiritual powers as he came back from Nirguna or infinity.


82. 21st December, 1975.

Early morning dream: I saw a huge and unlimited open space as if there was no end of it. A huge building was seen in the midst of it .It seemed as if this building belonged to me. There was a good gathering of Jibankrishna (Diamond) followers inside the building and reading of Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita (The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) was going on with discussions. At the end of discussions everybody was prepared to leave and I went out to see them off . The most prominent figure amongst them seemed to be Indranath Mukherjee.

At this moment it seemed as if an attack was going to be performed by robbers on the house . I started going back to the house to protect my family members and immediately after entering my house I noticed that the robbers surrounded the house . I took all the members to a zigzag tunnel underneath the house which was familiar only to me . Then and there the police men came and shoot the robbers to death . The dream went off .

[The dream reveals thus: Robbers mean animalities; Police—Good brain cells; Big house means the big brain capacity of the seer . During different stages of austerity animal passions try to attack the seer in different ways, but the Holy Ghost protects him.


83. 26th December, 1975:

Early morning dream: Many companions of Jibankrishna (Diamond) were seated in a room . Among them Anath Mondal and Ananda Mohan Ghosh seemed to be prominent . Somebody said, brother Ananda will be returning to Kanpur to-morrow, so he should read Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita’ (The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna). Thereafter Anath Mondal started singing devotional songs . Here the dream went off and after waking up with a great surprise I heard that Anath Mondal was singing the same song which was sung by him in the dream.

[This dream reveals that the feeling will be established in the seer in future when there will be no difference between the dream and waking condition—this was a realization of Vadanta.

In the long run the seer has achieved such realization on many occasions.]


84. 3rd January, 1976. Place: The Agri-Horticultural Society of India .

In reality the annual flower show was going on in the Society. At present I had to stay at the garden as in-charge of the Society to conduct the Show. At night when I slept, I saw a dream. In the dream the same flower show was going on, but at the same time spontaneous uttering of the word ‘Jibankrishna’ was going on in my body. The whole body was full of joy .At this moment the dream went off . Throughout the day even in the midst of the show the same joy persisted in my body followed with the same uttering of the word ‘Jibankrishna’.

[Here the same realization was reveled in the seer where there was no difference between dream and waking condition.

Chapter 19


85. 4th January, 1976. Place: The Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Kolkata .In reality during this time the seer was the in-charge of the Society. The flower show was going on and heavy work pressure was persisting on me, but in spite of that I had an early morning dream : Someone had come from Jamshedpur accompanied by another unknown person. That first gentleman was explaining to me about Satchidananda stages and cited the example of Anandamayee Ma. Losing my patience I said -what ‘bliss,bliss’ you are talking about? This is ‘Sat’, which is transformed into bliss in the cerebrum through Yoga. We have met such person in our life whom thousands of people have seen in their dreams’. While talking, I realized that I had lost my own sense and had been transformed into the form of my Holy Ghost (Diamond). At the same time with a jerking of my head I had fallen into Samadhi. But even at this Samadhi stage I was hearing faintly the conversations and a perpetual bliss covered my whole body. But very shortly as soon as I got back my consciousness, I realized - Oh! This is becoming an outward show! But I became incapable of controlling myself. The gentleman with a great astonishment continued to watch me. Here the dream went off.

[Even after the dream with a heavy work load the seer enjoyed such bliss throughout the day. The blessings of the Holy Ghost is pouring on the seer]


86. 5th January, 1976. Dream at noon: I had been transformed into a 5-6 years old boy and seen myself playing cricket with my friends of the same age group.

[The dream indicates that the seer’s behavior will be like a boy as Sri Ramkrishnadeva says, ‘Iswar is alike a boy’ i-e, the attributes of Iswar (God) have become prominent in the seer.


87. 8th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: Someone with folded hands was paying homage to me and my head suddenly began to jerk due to the exertion of the life force within the body . With this Jerking I woke up and noticed that my head was still shaking.

[The dream indicates that to the seer there is no difference between dream and waking condition .]


88. 9th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: Some Vaishnabas were seated in a place discussing about Diamond ( Jibankrishna) among them . I was only listening to them without making any comments. At this moment one companion of Diamond named Biswanath Chatterjee began to tell them about Diamond and the dream was off.

[The dream gives some indication that in future Jibankrishna philosophy will be spread among the people irrespective of cast and creed and religions. Though it happened in his life time, now this is spreading recently to a large extent.]


89. 11th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: A huge building was seen on a vast land and Diamond was seated on its first floor . I was also seated in front of him. Diamond seemed to be in a very joyous mood and discussion were going on among us . Suddenly I noticed that many ladies were seated near him for listening to his advices. I took my

mouth near the ear of Diamond and said that lots of ladies were seated nearby. But he did not give any importance to my remarks and continued to be seated with a smiling face.

I again said, ‘but is it not following the old tradition’? He said, ‘It matters nothing’.

Then I asked, ‘well, you have discarded the term ‘Netaresam’(not for all), but it is seen that this spiritual development does not follow in every body, although your image is within every human body, but in a dormant condition. So why this is not manifesting’? Then he told me many things, the sum and substance of which revealed to me that gradually and slowly the brain power of human race would be developed and his image would bloom accordingly within the human body.

However, after all these conversations, I had in my mind, Oh! When these opportunities have come, I should not miss it, I should tape all these words uttered by Diamond’. So I took a tape recorder kept in my custody and noticed Sri Indranath Mukherjee (Diamond’s companion) sitting nearby. I told him, ‘I shall keep the recorder behind you and tape all his conversations so that it is not visible to him .’ With these words I thought that the batteries should be changed and so I opened the recorder, putting new batteries in proper place . But as soon as I wanted to tape Diamond’s words, the tape did not work. ‘Oh sheet’! with these words and with great annoyance I left that place . Then I went to a known person named ‘Ajit’, took meal and again returned to the previous house, but in another block where Diamond was present. I spent some time with Diamond. Here the dream went off.

Again I fell asleep and dreamt the same house where I saw many devotees sitting there. When I described my previous dream to them, one of them made a comment, ‘the dream indicates the condition of Indranath Mukherjee’.

In the same dream the scene again changed –I had gone to my native place, Santipur. There I went near my house. There were buildings all over, but surprisingly without any human being. It seemed to me that the whole world was without any human being, and I was the only one person in the whole world. Unmindfully I was roaming here and there continuously singing on the name of ‘Jibankrishna’ in the tune of ‘Baul’ song. The meaning of the song was thus—‘Jibankrishna pervades everywhere and everything’. With this song I was merged into a perpetual bliss and it seemed to me as if the song was enveloping throughout the universe. The song continued for a long time and then the dream went off. While awakened I noticed that tears were pouring on my cheeks, the body became half paralyzed. But overcoming all these I got up from the bed.

[The 1st scene indicates that the Holy Ghost removes all the barriers. Second part indicates that many obstacles may come in future.

The 2nd scene indicates also the future scene of the world, where ultimately the philosophy of Jibankrishna will dominate everything and also the life of the seer will be dedicated only for Diamond.

(It came true in the long run. The seer recorded Jibankrishna’s sayings and many other aspects with publication of many books and in spite of many obstacles he could overcome all the hazards.)]

Chapter 20


90. 15th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: I saw a huge bird gradually descending below from the sky. Its eyes were glittering with light and seemed to be a hunting hawk. I. thought, if it would attack me I would resist with a rod. So I took a rod in my hand. But it did not do anything to me, it only sat on an open place without looking at any direction. The dream went off.

[ Here the huge bird is the symbol of Atma . It descends—means there will be descent in austerity within my body in future . I have a rod in my hand—here, rod symbolizes ‘Kundalini’. With the help of ‘Kundalini’ the austerity is performed within the body of a human being.]


91. 16th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: A devotee Khagendra Nath Ghosh of Sainthia was talking to me. But Mr Ghosh seemed to be shorter than the actual height in reality and the face also seemed to be a bit different. What were the conversations, I could not remember later on. But it seemed to me that the mental abnormal condition which was prevailing in him in reality was still persisting.

[After some days the seer came to know that still Mr Ghosh was going through some kind of mental abnormality. During the period of austerity these kinds of realizations reveal in the dream of the seer.]


92. 18th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was going somewhere by a plane. An unknown man was accompanying me . After a long journey a beautiful view of the earth was visible – Beautiful houses, roads etc. The unknown man said—‘This is Japan’. I was having a joyous look underneath and was flying here and there, observing the Japanese people roaming and walking along the roads and paths.

Lastly I noticed myself at Khagendranath Ghosh residence . His sons specially the eldest son offered me some kind of foods and here the dream went off.

[The dream indicates the annihilation of time and space at the same time.]


93. 20th January, 1976.

Early morning dream: The scene opened with some Vaishnava Vikshu(Monk) with whom II was singing the song ‘Jai Satyn Sanatana, Manus Ratan Jibankrishna.’ (Hail the Eternal Truth, the Manikin Jibankrishna.)

But instantly the thought came in my mind —‘Strange! There is so much difference between my social status and theirs, still I am not feeling any hesitation in singing a song with them’! They and I am the same and one’! Here the dream was off.

[After long 2 years the meaning was revealed that this dream indicated about the coming descent in austerity within the body of the seer.]


The previous night a thought came in my mind —well, sometimes the mind becomes downwards, whether it hampers anything in me! with this thought I went asleep. At dawn at the time of waking up I heard an oracle—‘Ajo Nitya Swaswata…’ which means Atma or Soul is not destroyed, or harmed, it is eternal etc. The Sanskrit hymn has been echoed in my brain throughout the day and then disappeared at night.

[The doubt in the mind of the seer thus disappeared by the grace and teaching of the Holy Ghost.]


95. 31st January, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was seated at the Laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Calcutta. At this time my research guide Dr. Tarun Bose came and asked me, ‘Are you drinking the cow milk’? I nodded my head with support.

Then I entered into the office room. My friend Debasish who seemed to know about my spiritual life asked me, ‘Dipak, have you got Katho Upanishada . I want to know about cow’s milk’. I said, ‘Yes, I have got it’. Saying this, I entered into the laboratory and from my locker I took out the Upanishadas. While turning the pages of the part Katho Upanishada it seemed to me as if I had been changed into another self. Some kind of peculiar sensations used to play in my body as if the truth of Upanishada was revealing in my body.

Then I said to Debasish, ‘There are Yogic explanations about all these, I shall give you later on. With these words the dream went off and the Sanskrit hymn used to be echoed in my brain, ‘Yama Baisa brinute tena lavya’ (He attains Godhood who is blessed by Atma — Kathopnisha). I could not understand its meaning.

[In the morning I opened Upanishada and with great surprise found all these hymns in Katho Upanishada including cow’s milk .

Now I have realized that nothing is a bar to anyone’s spiritual life when he is blessed by Atma or God.

The dream also indicates that everything of this universe is in the human brain, as confirmed by the fact that the seer did not know that the hymns were in the Katho Upanishada.]

Chapter 21


96. 5th February, 1976.

Late night’s dream: Along with other devotees I was seated in a room of Diamond, the Holy Ghost. Discussions were going on at night it was finished. Everybody was returning home including me. On road somebody told that Jibankrishna (Diamond)ordered for purchasing something and the balance money had to be returned to him. I said. ‘Well, I shall go to him’, and so I went to Diamond. I saw him putting off his Punjabi after a short walk for taking rest. I was scared of telling him from taking a rest. So I sat outside and thought how I would place this fact before him. Suddenly with great hesitation I told him, ‘Someone has returned the balance 5paise to you, so I have brought it’. Hearing this he uttered, ‘well done! See, if even 1 paisa or 2 paisa is to be paid to anybody, never keep it due’. Then touching his head on floor I returned home.

[The dream shows that the Holy Ghost always gives teachings to a blessed devotee through dreams.]


97. 8th February, 1076. At night on bed, there was a spontaneous utterance of the word within me ‘Bhagawan’ (God) and then automatically it stopped and then continued with the word ‘Jibankrishna, Jibankrishna’. During this time I was in a half conscious state but at the same time it revealed in me - the word ‘Bhagawan’ is the traditional and imaginary while Jibankrishna is a man and this is the truth! That’s why his name is repeatedly .uttered eliminating the prejudices from my mind.

After this incident, I went asleep and dreamt that somebody was threatening me. At this moment the word ‘Jibankrishna’ spontaneously continued to be uttered in me. I became fearless and dominated them. After a while when I woke up, still the word ‘Jibankrishna’ continued to be uttered in my brain for a long time and then gradually with the advent of time it disappeared.

[Diamond used to say—‘the stage of ‘Manus-tatva’ ( Human cult) is higher than that of ‘Bhagawan tatva’and the dream indicates that the seer will attain this state in time and in due course he will also attain the state of ‘Fearlessness’.


98. 24th February, 1976.

Early morning dream: Many companions of Diamond were seated in a room . Among them most prominent figure was Mr. Mrityunjay Roy, while others could not be remembered . Mr. Roy was narrating one of his dream—He was converted into a doll of salt and went for measuring a sea, but again came back without being melted (This has been described by Sri Ramkrishna deva in Kathamrita). While Mr. Roy was narrating this dream he became very emotional. Then someone bowed down to him.

Throughout this time I was seated and listening to the narration. –Here the dream went off.

[ The dream indicates that in future the seer will thrive after the experience of Ascent and have the experience of descent.]


99. 29th February, 1976.

Early morning dream: An old companion Mr. Indranath Mukherjee, and I was going somewhere, but with a very unconcerned manner.

As soon as the dream went off and I woke up, the Sanskrit hymn ‘Brahmanandang paramasukhodang’ continued to be echoed within my brain making me plunged into joy. Afterwards even on road the same state continued. This gradually faded away during working hours.

[The dream reveals that the condition of bliss has become permanent in the body of the seer.].


100. 3rd March, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was seated in a room where Jibankrishna had come back to me after his previous life. I was overwhelmed with joy for his coming after a long gap and was not willing at all to leave him. He was seated in front of me. Mr. Arun Ghosh was also seen sitting among us.

Jibankrishna was reading his Bengali book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’(Religion and Realization) loudly and was falling frequently into ‘Samadhi’. Seeing this Mr. Ghosh and I became alert and went sitting straight as because we were listening to Jibankrishna in a half lying posture. Suddenly I noticed someone pointing us not to be alert and be relaxed as we were before. Then I saw my youngest cousin sister named Prakriti (Nature) wanting to read an essay on Sri Ramkrishna Deva . But astonishingly she seemed to be a male to me. Then I said, ‘No, it is not needed as because he is reading ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ and the reading will be disturbed’.

After this incident still Jibankrishna stayed with me for a longtime. Then the dream went off.

[(a) The first seen indicates the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna ‘when one is blessed with the Holy Ghost, he gets a pillow to have a comfort’---Here the seer has got that pillow; (b) The second scene indicates like this—in future the femaleness may disappear from the seer’s body, but it may be conditional and lastly, within the seer only ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ will persist and there will be no need of Sri Ramkrishna Deva’s Kathamrita or The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna.

Chapter 22


101). 8th March, 1976. Early morning dream : I had reached a distant past ages—a period of Buddhists, with Buddhist caves and temples. I was roaming here and there aimlessly.

The scene changed—now I was sitting with Mr. Bhabani Bandyopadhaya, a companion of Jibankrishna in a room. He was asking me, ‘well, do you weep in a dream’? I answered, ‘I have a special stage in a dream—that is a condition of samadhi’.As soon as I uttered this, instantly I fell into ‘Samadhi - a condition of fully Godhood with a divine joy. After returning from this condition I wanted to say the same thing and again I fell into the same condition. At last being in a normal condition, I said, ‘yes, I shed tears but that is completely different—that is the shedding of tears of love’.

The scene again changed—now I was approaching to my previous agricultural school at Vidyanagar of 24-Parganas (South) via Diamond Harbor Road by Bus. There I saw Mr. Indranath Mukherjee, a companion of Jibankrishna in my previous quarter where I used to stay long time back for my research work on Horticulture. It seemed to me as if Mr. Mukherjee had been staying there since time before. He was seen cooking something. I took chapattis from him and ate.

After a while I was roaming here and there and went on thinking—oh! Jibankrishna had spent some days here and Mr. Mukherjee also enjoyed with him! It would have been a great pleasure to me had I accompany him here!

Again the scene changed—I was now present at Mr. Mukherjee’s house at Makardah, Howrah. There I met many of my relatives who had recently come to the house . Suddenly I noticed that Jibankrishna had come there as if he would spend days with me . A feeling was also persisting within my mind, as if Jibankrishna had come back to stay with me after his demise. I became overwhelmed with joy and was intending not to leave him. Jibankrishna was seated near me along with my father. After some time Jibankrishna had gone somewhere for a work and I noticed that my father was seated with meditation.

After Jibankrishna came back he went on discussing with me on many spiritual topics. By the way he suddenly told the seer, ‘see, before I leave my previous physical body, you flashed in my mind’. With great surprise I asked him, ‘How is it possible? For so many years I am off from you (From 1962 onwards till his demise), and how you can remember me! Besides, there is a similar incident when for when for months Dilip (Mr. Dilip Mitra, a devotee) could not come to you and when he came to you, you couldn’t remember him’. With a smiling face he answered—‘No, No, it is not like that’.

Then I asked him, ‘well, now you are appearing before us in dream after your demise, can it be possible in future that you would appear before us in physical body as because this strange phenomenon never happened before in the spiritual world’! He answered—‘Yes it is possible’.

After a while, he gave me an enamel cup saying, ‘Give me water in this cup.I went outside with the cup and noticed that it was dirty. I took another glass, washed it thoroughly and filled with water, entered the room and handed it over to Jibankrishna with a posture of kneel-down . He, with his hands shivering just like he used to take water in his life-time. I wanted to take it from his hand, but he told, ‘No, I myself is going’. But when he came out again I told him to hand over the glass to me. Then he handed it over to me.

Jibankrishna then entered the room along with me. Then I observed that Jibankrishna was playing cards with my father and uncles, but in an unconcerned manner . After a while I sat with his mouth shut. Meanwhile somebody entered the room. He began talking to Sri Jibankrishna, but when he became a bit rough during talking I became furious and told the gentleman, ‘what he did, it is right’. When he gentleman turned his head to see who made these comments, I angrily said, ‘I have told it, who else would say’!

After a while Jibankrishna gave me a dose of hoemeopathic globules saying, ‘Tell your mother to take this medicine’. Meanwhile my mother entered the room and Jibankrishna told her, ‘Mother, I have given you this medicine, take it into your mouth’.

After this I had a long accompaniment with Jibankrishna though nothing could be remembered after the dream went off.

[Throughout the day it seemed to me as if I had a long accompaniment with the Holy Ghost in flesh and blood, the dream was so realistic!

The dream indicated many aspects:(a) The seer had an experience of Samadhi in the causal body;(b) The Holy Ghost gave the seer a long accompaniment removing all his grievances;(c) He showered his blessings upon the relatives of the seer through him ;(d) The Holy Ghost is forecasting and confirming that in future the human race will see him in flesh and blood.

In recent years remarkable changes are observed in my mind —whenever I say something on Jibankrishna, his existence is felt within the body, as if he is talking, not I. This seems to be the after effect of innumerous dreams happening within my body.

Many incidences are happening after a long time where people are meeting him in flesh and blood body.]

Chapter 23


102. After the previous dream I saw a statue of Napoleon and thought—oh! What a brave hero he was! He could not care any sort of obstacles in his life!

[After this dream, a new feeling came in me—Nothing seemed to be obstacles to me. Perhaps the attributes of Napoleon were stamped into me as because to see somebody in dream means his attributes also falls on the seer.

As days passed, there were many changes in me—the feelings of irritations were removed and a sense of calmness was coming.]


103. Mid week of March, 1976.

The day Mr. Dhiren Mondal, a companion of Diamond came back from the residence (Sainthia, Birbhum District) of Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh, another companion of Diamond, I had a dream at night –I was going to Mr. Ghosh’s residence and as soon as I went nearer to his residence, I was in ecstasy and the words ‘Bhagawan’ ‘Bhagawan’(God) used to be uttered spontaneously from my mouth . As soon as I entered the house of Mr. Ghosh, I said to myself, ‘Oh! I have not brought anything with me. I have come with only one cloth’! Hearing this Mr. Ghosh began laughing and said, ‘Don’t worry’ it doesn’t matter’. Then what happened, I couldn’t remember after the dream went off.

[Here the dream indicates that the seer is reaching a superior stage in the spiritual world where he is becoming devoid of any materialistic matters and his sense of God is persisting in his body always.]


104. 31st March, 1976 . Early morning dream : Mr. Indranath Mukherjee, a companion of Diamond, during discussions with me, was saying, ‘I shall only eat and sleep, then let anything be happened (in the spiritual world) . Dream went off .

[ The dream shows the condition of Mr. Mukherjee confirming the effect of the saying of Sri Ramkrishna Deva .’I shall eat and sleep ------- .It means the spiritual manifestation will come automatically, nothing to do . The effect also may come to the seer .]

VISION OF OTHER’S CONDITION 105 . 3rd April , 1976 . Early morning dream : Mr. Dhiren Mondal, Diamond’s companion, was standing in front of me and his left cheek swelled with ‘Bhava; (ecstasy) . The dream went off.

The dream indicates the stage of another devotee which is generally seen by a seer during his period of austerity---as the past, present and future—everything is within the human body . As and when necessary anything can be seen in dream or realization .

EMOTIONAL SYMPTOM 106 . 4th April , 1976 . Before going to bed at night, I was seated on my bed with legs hanging from the bed . A song appeared in my brain ‘Banophool Dole…’ (a devotional song ) and continued. Gradually symptoms of ecstasy with body hairs straightening and divine joy appeared in my body . The body began to swing with emotion, eyes closed and the existence of the Holy Ghost Jibankrishna became prominent , This stage persisted for a long time and then I went on sleep . Even after the night this condition persisted for two more days and then disappeared .

[This condition seemed to be the after-effect of the dream seen on the previous day where a symptom of ecstasy appeared in Mr. Dhiren Mondal . It explains that attributes of a person seen in the dream may appear within the seer provided his body is pure and receptive .]


107. 5th April, 1976. Dream at mid night: Along with Mr. Ramkrishna Ghosh, a companion of Diamond I had gone to the residence of Mr. Ghagendra Nath Ghosh at Sainthia, Birbhum District. Then all of us came together to Kolkata . Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh accompanied by Mr. Ramkrishna Ghosh went out somewhere . After a while they came back to me. The dream went off.

[In dream this type of accompany with other devotees off and on has got some good effects on the seer, as, long time back, in a dream such accompany pleased Jibankrishna and he said to the seer’, ‘Look, you are mixing with the devotees (in the dream) in such way—this will be good to you and the effect of dreams will be permanent within your body’].


108. 9th April, 1976.

Early morning dream: Mr. Indranath Mukherjee and I were going to the residence of Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh at Sainthia. Mr. Dhiren Mondal said, ‘I shall also go’. So I waited for him at the time of their departure . But ultimately news came that he would not be able to go as he fell in an accident. Hearing this I became gloomy. But after a while he came and said, ‘It is nothing, the accident is not serious’. In spite of that he was unable to accompany us and the dream went off .

[The same thing happened in reality—Mr. Mondal, due to some unavoidable circumstances couldn’t accompany us for Sainthia, although I was completely unaware that Mr, Mondal decided to go with us to Sainthia.

This phenomenon, i.e., seeing the past or future in a dream is possible because the whole universe is within a human brain including past, present and future. Whenever necessary, this can be seen in dreams.]

Chapter 24


109. 14th April , 1976.

In reality Mr. Indranath Mukherjee and I were staying at Mr. Ghagendra Nath Ghosh’s house at Saintha. At noon Mr. Mukherjee was reading the book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’(the Bengali version of the book ‘Religion and Realisation’ by Diamond picked up in the Street’). I was listening with great attention, and fell in trance. Then suddenly the face of my youngest aunt appeared hazily in front of my eyes, and it became gradually distinct. Then the trance was off.

[The name of Aunt is ‘Kalyani’ which means who creates goodness. This means the seer will have the blessings always by the body or ‘Adya Sakti’(The oldest power or another form of the goddess Kali’). Here the figure of a human face appeared before the seer, which means the seer is devoid of any prejudices of old religious traditions.]


110. 16th April, 1976. Place: Sainthia (Birbhum Dist).

Early morning dream: Khagendra Nath Ghosh was saying --For sometime nobody will see him ( Jibankrishna) in dream. I said, ‘how is it possible’? Still he said, ‘No, that will happen’. Here ended the dream.

[In recent days, Khagen Ghosh was being frequently seen in dream by the seer . Khagendra means ‘Garura’,(a mythological hero of the Vedic era and his great activities have been described in Purana mythology.Ultimately he got the boon of ‘Narayana’ or ‘Bhagaban Vishnu’ to become his Sarathi and was placed on the top of his Chariot) . The dream indicates that there is a possibility in future that the seer may achieve the attributes of ‘Garura’.

In reality after 17 years, in a dream(21/9/93) the seer was really transformed into Garura and was announced by an oracle that the seer had become ‘Garura’. This means that the seer will achieve the attributes of Garura.]


111. 18th April , 1976 . After returning from Khagendra Nath Ghosh ‘s house at Sainthia, I had a dream at night—Different types of figures of woman folks were passing by in front of my eyes. I was observing all these with thoughts that during the period of austerity these types of allurements come to the life of a seer! But immediately I ignored all these and thought. ‘let these come and hang it’!

Thereafter he began to have discussions with one of my friend named ‘Siddhartha’ and then went to a house to see a known person named Bimala Kinkar whom I saw being trapped in some women folks . I was in a hurry to go to Taltala to meet Jibankrishna’s companions, so I started and went to a far-off house where I found Jibankrishna living in that house. I complained to him about the annoyance made to me by woman folks. Hearing this he came out of the house with a glaring and hard looking eyes. This expression revealed to me that he took charge of me with protection against all allurements. With a great relief I started for Taltala and here the dream went off.

[The dream reveals that during the period of austerity many such allurements will come but by the grace of the Holy Ghost all will be removed. The same condition came in the life of Gautam Buddha during his period austerity when he was known as Siddhartha In dream the friend Siddhartha explains the name-sake.]


112. 22nd April, 1976.

Early in the morning when I was in a condition of waking up, suddenly the figure of Mrityunjay Roy appeared before me in trance and then disappeared . Before this vision in the dream I had been to Arun Ghosh’s residence where Dhiren Mondal was also present.

[Here the trance indicates that the form of the seer’s figure may retain forever.] In recent days some realizations in reality appeared in me:

(1) One day I had gone to Taltala. The day was cloudy. After sitting in the room for a while. I fell in a drowsy condition, my eyes began to close from time to time and it seemed to me as if something was happening in my brain, as if my brain was covering the whole outer world and everything was within my brain. This condition became clear when I came outside and was walking on the road. In a place some people were quarreling with each other and the seer with the same condition prevailing in the room felt as if they were quarreling within his brain—both outside and inside became simultaneous to him . This condition persisted for two more days and then became normal.

[After about two years of this realization the seer realized that this condition was described in Upanishad—the universe is within Atma orSoul. Whatever happens inside, simultaneously it occurs outside being projected by the seer. The seer had the same realization.]

I had another realization in another day in reality—After waking up in one morning, I felt that the name ‘Jibankrishna’ was automatically coming out of my mouth. After a while the name ‘Jibankrishna’ began to come out of my body like flowers pouring everywhere. A feeling of great calmness came in my mind. The previous realization was also experienced by Jibankrishna in his early years.]


113. 24th April, 1976.

Today again I had a realization in reality. After waking up, I felt that my eyes had become the eyes of Jibankrishna or Diamond the Holy Ghost. This condition persisted for a long time.

[This realization indicates that in future the seer will see everything in the eyes of Diamond.]


114, 26th April, 1976.

Early morning dream : I got the information that Diamond had come again after his demise to his residence at Kadamtala. Many people were going to meet him. My father had already gone to him and made comments after returning, ‘Oh! What I saw! I never thought of it’! Saying this he was about to go for another work, but I prevented him and started talking about God to him. I also noticed that my friend Nisith Bairagi,(who took me to Jibankrishna in early life had also gone to Diamond. I asked him, ‘Were there any of his companions’? He said, ‘all new people’. I asked, ‘Had he recognized you. As because he had returned after so long years’? He said, ‘Yes he recognized me’. Again I asked. ‘How did you see him’? He answered, ‘Just like a boy, there was no sign of old age’.

After this conversation, I thought whether Arun Ghosh had gone to him, because he was supposed to go . But immediately some thoughts came in my mind—‘If I go to him, I shall remain there forever, I shall not go anywhere’. But again I thought—‘Oh! Afterall Jibankrishna is our own man, of course I have to go to him, but I have to go to office to-day’! But instantly I said to myself—‘Hang it! Let everything be left, I shall go to him and remain forever’. While thinking all these, a sense of hilarity was playing in my mind and body, as because Jibankrishna had again come back after his demise, just like the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But ultimately I could not see him. The dream went off.

[ Here the dream indicates that the seer, in future may lead a life with Jibankrishna only Furthermore such long lasting and frequent accompaniment of the Holy Ghost is giving new spiritual energy to the seer and a feeling is always playing in his mind— a sound ‘Jibankrishna’ is emerging not only from his body but also from the whole universe. This type of feeling along with a continuous hilarity persisted for a month and then subsided down.]


115. 27th April, 1976.

Early morning dream: I saw a very peculiar scene: A Marwari lady residing in a house in front of our residence came at the edge of their roof and suddenly dived with her head downwards. Then and there I heard a cracking sound of her head and body. Many people witnessed this incident but I sat unconcerned and emotionless. Here the dream went off. I woke up. But for a long period this cracking sound persisted in my ear. [ Here the Marwari lady represents money which is detrimental to Yoga . Therefore, the Holy Ghost will eliminate these hazards from the life of the seer so that he may have scopes for more spiritual realizations.]


116. 29th April, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had gone to Khagendra Nath Ghosh’s ( Diamond’s companion) house . In the next scene I observed a huge mound. I went to the top of the mound and then through the other side I began to get down and reached a point from where the place was very steep. I did not dare to get down with a fear that I might slip down. I waited for a few moments and saw many young boys at the base. Suddenly I noticed that a path for going down was automatically made and I went down immediately.

[The dream indicates that the passage for descent (Nigam) becomes automatically clear for the seer for which he will have more and more realizations in descent during his austerity.]


117. 1st May, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was severely undergoing vomiting and loose motion. Some people took me to hospital. I am surprised why did they take me to hospital! It seemed that I was attacked by Cholera. The Doctor came and gave injection. Thereafter I was released from the hospital. Here the dream was off.

[In reality also I had loose motion and feared about Cholera. But afterwards the condition became normal.

When new spiritual phases come this condition comes as it came in the life of Jibankrishna on 3rd June, 1958, when the individualism entered into universalism in him . Here in the seer there may be a change in his spiritual condition and moreover his restless condition gradually comes down to calmness.]

Chapter 26


118. 3rd May, 1976.

Early morning dream: I am scolding a familiar person as he is giving a wrong interpretation on religion. My facial appearance was completely changed, My entity seemed to be like God. Meanwhile an unknown person came and said to me, ‘You have become God, still why are you saying in this manner’? But I did not listen to this and continued to scold that person and then the dream was off.

[The dream indicates the condition of the seer that he has achieved the God –hood as is confirmed by an unknown person or God Himself.]


119. 6th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: A very huge building was seen. I used to reside at the top floor of that building . Some people came carrying a locker for me to keep in that room. When I was going to enter the room, I felt the existence of a ghost in the room. At the first instance I became a little bit frightened, but ultimately I overcame it and entering the room began to scold the ghost to get out of the room. While scolding spontaneous uttering of the word ‘Jibankrishna’ use to occur within my body. Then the ghost gets out of the room. Here the dream is off.

[The dream indicates that all the past prejudices which are symbols of ghost are eliminated from my mind and more and more new realizations will occur in future ]


120. 7th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: I got the news that Diamond (Jibankrishna) had come again to his residence at Kadamtala, Howrah. It seemed even within the dream that the Holy Ghost appeared again after his demise. I was living in my old residence at Kadamtala (When I used to reside from 1953 to 1962 when Diamond was alive and used to reside near our house). As soon as the news came I prepared myself for going to Kadamtala.At the time of going out it seems to me—Oh! It was out of my knowledge that Diamond has come! Otherwise I would have gone earlier. However at about 5-45 p.m. I had gone out for Diamond. As after long years I was going to his place, I cannot just remember where was the exact lane, but notice that the road is blocked in front. So I again came back and as soon as came near the lane, as if somebody pull me inside the lane and put me in front of Diamond’s room. There I saw Sudhindra Nath Sinha and Indranath Mukherjee sitting inside the room . There were no other devotees. Mr. Mukherjee was reading Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita and Diamond was sitting on the floor near the door. I noticed that still then no arrangement was made for the cot and even his luggage did not reach. I was thinking that after so long years he had come, would he recognize me! But as soon as I reached the balcony and stood on the lane, Diamond exclaimed, ‘Oh! Come, come!’ Mr. Mukherjee said to Diamond indicating me, ‘He is having plenty of realizations’. Hearing this Diamond said, ‘Oh! It is quite obvious that he is having plenty of realizations. He will have more and more realizations in future—He will have more!’ Hearing this my body sparkled. At this moment I noticed that Diamond’s body became much stronger. When, standing on the lane I touched my head on the balcony, with great affection Diamond touched his hand on my head and poured his blessings upon me. Mr. Mukherjee then made me a place to sit. Both of

them then had gone inside the house for some purposes. After taking Kathamrita (The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) I was going to start reading but failed to find out the same chapter which had so long been read by Mr. Mukherjee . Diamond said, ‘Well, let it be’. Then he started telling spiritual conditions of others. At the first instance he told me about Sudhindra Nath Sinha—‘Well , you look after Sudhin’. I informed him about his family trouble going on at present (In reality it was so). I said, ‘See, brother Abala (Mr. Abala Kanta Dutta) sometimes becomes depressed and then again becomes alright’. He said, ‘He is not supposed to be in such condition’! Then he spoke about Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh of Sainthia, Birbhum, ‘Once I told him to come to Calcutta, but he did not do (In reality he said to Mr. Ghosh to reside at Calcutta). I became more curious about hearing many other’s spiritual conditions from his mouth, but suddenly the dream was off.

[In this dream the spiritual conditions of some devotees are revealed to the seer by the grace of God-the-Preceptor and at the same time the blessings of the Holy Ghost pour upon the seer indicating his achievement of more and more realizations in future.]

Chapter 27

Increase of spiritual power 121. 9th May , 1976. Early morning dream: In the first scene Mr. Khitish Roychoudhury and Mr. Arun Ghosh were seen. Discussions on spiritual aspects were going on with them. Nothing more were remembered. In the second scene, I saw myself walking with Mr. Arun Ghosh at Dalhousie square area on their way of returning from the Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala, Calcutta. Thereafter I became alone and stood at a place. Suddenly I saw a very fine thing coming out of my body and fell on the ground. I went on observing the thing and thought that this was a poison and came out of my body. Suddenly a voice was heard saying ‘This is also called metal poison. Then the scene changed.

In the third scene it was observed as if I ordered for my pajama (loose trouser made of thin cloth) in a tailor’s shop, and so I went to the tailor’s shop whether it was made. But the tailor showed me a very colorful pajama. I said, ‘this is not my pajama’. At this time my elder brother came there followed by the owner of the shop. I told the tailor about this matter but at the same time thought—‘oh!’ I have not given them the order for a pajama, then why should I come here!’ So I came out. The scene again changed and in the fourth scene I was hearing the voice of my elder brother saying that I ate hot chilies. Then and there elder brother said, ‘It is not enough’, Hearing this I woke up. Every scene has got meaning: The first scene indicates that the seer has got continuous practices on spiritualism; the second scene indicates that factors detrimental to spiritual advancement are being removed from the body of the seer; the third scene shows that the body of the seer is not yet ready for realizations under the waist; the last scene indicates that the spiritual power although has been increased within the seer, yet more realizations will occur within him as is said by his elder brother or God . Jibankrishna depicted elder brother as symbol of God as mentioned in the book ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna’.

Fixation of spontaneous recitation ofJibankrishna’s name in the brain

122. 10th May, 1976.

To-day as soon as I woke up early morning, spontaneous recitation of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ (Diamond) used to occur in my mind. During work it used to be stopped temporarily but as soon as I was off from the work, it used to continue and lasted for the whole day even during conversations with others. It stopped before going to bed at night. This condition shows that the seer need not do anything with self exertion. Everything is spontaneous.

Accompany with devotees and spontaneous spiritual practices

123. 14th May, 1976. Early morning dream: Many devotees have come to my house. The prominent figures were Anath Nath Mondal and Arun Mukherjee. Both of them could not come during a gathering in reality and so I was a bit worried. After a while the dream went off.The lacking in reality is thus fulfilled in dream, of course in the spiritual world.

Indication of achieving new realizations

124. 15th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: During sleeping I turned from left side to right side. At the moment I fell into a half awakened condition, suddenly I felt a bursting sound inside my head as if the cork of a soda water bottle was opened. For a moment I felt a slight nervousness, but immediately controlled myself. Thereafter two to three consecutive sounds were heard. Then I fell asleep. The dream signifies that some new cells in the brain have opened up for future realizations.

Indication of high potentiality of brain powerand realizations in Ascent during Austerity

125. 17th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was climbing up a hill top by a vehicle pulled by a number of horses. After travelling for a long distance I reached the hill top. That place was covered with fog. The vehicle stopped there. Then I climbed down to the other side and reached a house. But the owner of the house was unknown to me. Everything there was unknown to me. The dream went off. The dream shows that the potentiality of the seer’s brain power has become very high as indicated by the horse-power. The fog indicates ‘Paramatma’ or Supreme Being and climbing down indicates that the seer in future will have the austerity in Ascent.

Accompaniment with devotees and spiritual practices

126. 24th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: Many devotees e,g, Khitish Roy Choudhury . Arun Ghosh, Dilip Ghosh etc. had come to my house. All of them were on the roof . Dilip Ghosh seemed to be highly delighted. Everybody was enjoying with devotional songs and reading of the books Kathamrita etc. Here the dream went off.

The seer is enjoying the spiritual practices even in dream as in reality.

Chapter 28

Indication of Mass Austerity and Realizations

127. 25th May, 1976.

In the early morning just at the moment of awakening the face of Sri Khitish Chandra Roychoudhury appeared in front of me and then vanished. The realization indicates that in future the seer may have the experience of universal austerity as ‘Khitish’ means universalism.

Allurement of women folks 128 . 26th May, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was traveling on a bus. Suddenly a married woman sat beside me very intimately. I felt very uneasy. She was talking to another man. Then when she was going to talk to me, she felt that I was not her husband. So she suddenly got up and went away. With a sense of relief I sat quietly. The dream went off. . The dream shows the future life of the seer when there will be many allurements in his life but by the grace of the Holy Ghost all will be removed. [In fact, the dream came true in the life of the seer.]

Receiving the blessings of the Holy Ghost 129. 27th May, 1976,

Early morning dream: First I saw Dhirendra Nath Roy and many other devotees. Then I saw that my Holy Ghost stood beside me. I was realizing that this was the second life of the Holy Ghost after his demise. The place was my working place in the garden of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Kolkata. The Holy Ghost was saying to me so many things and I went on listening to him fixing my eyes on the earth. We were on a very easy mood. Suddenly I felt, oh! Why I had fixed my eyes on the earth! I should fix my eyes on the Holy Ghost and listen to his sayings and this would serve the purpose if I only looked at him. Realizing this I went on looking at the Holy Ghost and listening to his words. The Holy Ghost was saying all about yogas and I was asking questions now and then, though nothing I could remember after the dream. After a while the Holy Ghost came to my house. Near a door of a room he was half lying resting one of his hand on the cheek. I was also seated near his lap. Once my legs unintentionally touched the Holy ghost’s body but I did not mind for it as I was feeling myself like a child to him and his dearest one. At this moment one of my uncles came inside the room and then left the room taking something in his hand. I felt hurt thinking why my uncle remained emotionless even after seeing Jibankrishna! Thereafter one of my aunty entered the room and I noticed that a thin net cover blocked the eyes of the Holy Ghost (In reality the Holy Ghost used to describe this phenomenon that whenever any woman folk used to come before him his eyes used to be covered with a very thin net cover). Then my aunty left the room.

After a while the Holy Ghost expressed his willingness to accompany me for lunch. I saw that my mother entered the room with a plate full of food and the Holy Ghost said something to her. Then he sat for eating. I said to my mother that I also would take some food. My mother gave me a bowl of paios (a sweet dish made with rice, sugar and milk). But surprisingly the Holy Ghost took the bowl from the seer and started eating the paios. I observed that he was cherishing paios along with bread. After finishing the dish he said to me, ‘I shall sleep with you’. I went on thinking that this is a blocked room, how he would sleep with me! But the Holy Ghost did not listen to me and decided to sleep with me and here the dream went off.

The long dream shows that the Holy Ghost has a great fascination for the seer and continues to teach the seer all about yogas.

Merging of dream into reality 130. 30th May, 1976. Place: Makardah, Howrah. It was 4A.M. Mr. Indranath Mukherjee was reading the Bengali book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (Written by Jibankrishna or Diamond)), 3rd part after finishing Sri Ramkrishna-Kathamrita. Sometimes I was falling into sleep and sometimes I was in the awakening condition . During this time I was hearing the reading of Mr. Mukherjee. Then once he fell into a deep sleep and had a dream—I went out of Mr. Raghunath Sen’s residence at Taltala after long discussions with many other devotees as usual practice and came towards Esplanade. Mr. Mukherjee was accompanying me and reading very loudly ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti‘. I was hearing this loud sound and thought—Oh! Why he is reading all these things so loudly among so much crowd ! But Mr. Mukherjee continued reading near my ears. When I again woke up, I was hearing the reading of Mr. Mukherjee inside the room. Again I slept and again I had the same experience as before and wherever I was going Mr. Mukherjee continued reading near my ears. At last when I woke up finally, I heard that Mr. Mukherjee still was continuing reading the book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’. I realized that what Mr. Mukherjee was reading in reality the same thing I was hearing even in dream.Thus both dream and reality merged inside me which is a symptom of a very highly powerful brain power.

Chapter 29

Indication of Realizations in Descent state of austerity

131. 4th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: A very high water tank was seen and from the top a chain of innumerable human beings both known and unknown was hanging with heads down, just like the bats hang . Each man is holding the legs of another one and so on. The end of the chain is not traceable. Standing on the ground I became astonished seeing this peculiar thing The dream then was off.

After 2-3 days the meaning flashes in my mind —well, does it not show that the traditional religion of human race is just opposite to our new concept of religion? Again after a long time another meaning came automatically that this might indicate that in future the seer will have austerity in Descent.

Blessing of Dasmahavidya (Ten forms of goddess Kali) andconversation with goddess chamunda

132. 6th June, 1976.

At night I had a trance. Suddenly I heard the voice of an old woman, although she was out of vision. It seemed as if she was saying, ‘Jibankrishna (Diamond) saw me as Chamunda (Another form of the goddess Kali). It appeared to my mind, then why Jibankrishna could not trace her through his mind focusing in every direction within the brain ?( It happened in reality. In 1960, Diamond or Jibankrishna had a vision of Chamunda). Suddenly it seemed she was telling, ‘my origin was not in the seventh plane but from the lingasarir ( Annyamay kosha or 1st, 2nd and 3rd plane as it seemed to the seer within the dream). I have different forms. Which of these you want to see? I answered through my thoughts (Telepathic language)—I shall see the figure of Kalyani( the last figure of Dasamahavidya). Here the trance was off. It was noteworthy that all the conversations were through telepathic language.

After 8-10 days I saw in a letter of the late Dhirendra Nath Roy on the occasion of Jibankrishna’s vision of Dakshayani (Dakini) that in Lakshmi Tantra different forms of the goddess Kali are described and their origin is in Annyamaya Kosha(Sheath) or 1st, 2nd and 3rd plane and the last form is Kamala which denotes goodness. This vision makes the seer to achieve control over five elements.

Here in the trance of the seer the goddess Kali in the form of an old woman was pleased with the seer and gave him a boon to see the last form, which according to Lakshmi Tantra might be fruitful in his life in future in any way .

Vision of other’s condition 133. 10th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had gone somewhere at Sainthia of Birbhum District where Mr. Khagendra Nath Ghosh, a devotee of Jibankrishna. It seemed as if Mr. Indra Nath Mukherjee was also accompanying me. As soon as I went to the house, Mr. Ghosh opened the door himself. I noticed that Mr. Ghosh had become very normal . Dhiren Mondal and Debkumar Choudhury, other two devotees were also present there. After a long conversation I came back and the dream went off.

[In reality Mr. Ghosh was passing through some brain abnormalities and became normal at present which was unknown to me. Through dream the real condition was revealed to the seer.]

Stability of ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ in the body

134. 16th June, 1976.

Just in the pre-awakening condition from sleep in the early morning I was hearing someone’s voice uttering continuously the sound ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’. While hearing this sound I woke up.

[The realization indicates that the effect of the sayings of the book ‘Dharma O Anubhut ‘ is going to be stable within the seer (as per dream no 5)]. Stability of the Realizations in Ascent state of Austerity

135. 17th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was climbing up on a hill through a hilly path . Nobody was found anywhere. The path was rough and muddy. After a distance it was pitched. I crossed that part and reached the hill top. At this moment I noticed that a married woman was standing beside me. It seemed as if somebody was with her. She told somebody pointing me—‘He has come to such a long distance place! It seemed that she had accompanied me up to this place just to help me, but I did not notice her and ignoring her I looked at the top and saw the path was very inaccessible. In spite of that I began to climb up with great difficulty and near the peak through a passage I at last reached the peak. I saw the sky only and felt a great pleasure. Looking on the other side of the hill I noticed a paved platform and a temple-like house.

The scene changed and saw myself talking to one of my friend named Debasish. At that moment I received a photo and with great astonishment I said to my friend, ’look, this is the photo of the scene! Which I experienced a little while ago in my dream’! Saying this I looked and looked on the photo with great surprise and went on thinking—Well, this is that path, then pitch road and then the stiff slope!

Just at the moment of awakening, it flashed in my mind—Oh! This was the path which I saw in a dream on 17th May, 1976! That was the same scene; only I went by a cart pulled by many horses.

[ After many days the seer realized that this scene denoted the internal condition of the seer—the path and roads indicating different spiritual nerves, the hill top indicating the seventh plane or Sahashrar, then climbing down meaning the descent of ascent and photo indicated that this was established in him and now he will have the experience of descent as he climbed down through another side of the hill.

Chapter 30 Accompany with devotees

136. 19th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: I saw myself spending my days at a place like Makardah, Howrah with Ananda Mohan Ghosh and Anath Nath Mondal, two companions of Jibankrishna. Then the dream went off.

[The dream again signifies that the seer is continuously having regular spiritual practices even in dream.]

Indication of controlling the spiritual world in future through the Holy Ghost

137. 20th June, 1976.

Noon time dream: I was going on saying—‘In future the days will come when we shall control the spiritual world through any of his (Jibankrishna) sayings being either transformed into him or having his entity. While saying this I noticed the same scene happening before me and I saw myself wearing a necktie and doing the same thing. The dream ended here.

[It is not known how this dream will be effective in future.]

Indications of merging of Atma or Soul and Paramatma

138. 21st June, 1976.

Early morning dream: In the first scene the inside and outside reproductive organ of a woman were visible.

In the second scene I saw Arun Ghosh, a devotee telling me, ‘Do you analyze your dreams’? I answered, ‘I only think of my dream and it will serve the purpose’.

In the third scene I saw Abala Kanta Dutta. In the fourth scene one of my relatives seeing my palms said, within a year you will be married. The dream went off.

[The first scene indicates that the mystery of nature may be exposed to the seer in future ; the second scene indicates that the effects of the dreams may be established in the body of the seer; the third scene signifies the establishment of the entity of ‘Shiva’ or oneness in the seer and the fourth scene means that in future the seer may have the experience of the unification of ‘Atma’ and ‘Paramatma’ within him as marriage means the unification of ‘Atma’ and ‘Paramarma’ according to Jibankrishna.

Accompaniment with the devotees

139. 22nd June, 1976.

Early morning dream: I saw Sourindra Bhattacharjee, a companion of Jibankrishna having a conversation with me at the edge of a pond for a prolonged period and then the dream went off .

[The seer is having continuous spiritual practices both in reality and dream.]

Extinction of the consequences of previousactions and gaining the entity of the Holy Ghost

140. 24th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: our house was attacked by robbers. But I put everybody in a safe place and through a tunnel underneath the house I reached the Police headquarter, took the police officer on a car to the house and here the scene is changed.

In the next scene the voice of Jibankrishna was heard in a tape recorder. But after a while I was astonished that the voice of Jibankrishna was changed into my own voice. Here the dream went off.

The first scene signifies as such : Robbers mean the consequences of previous actions ; Police means the extinction of the effect of work. The seer will achieve the effect of dream.

The second scene signifies that there is no separate entity of anybody—only Jibankrishna’s existence is there in the spiritual world. In future there is a possibility that the seer may achieve the entity of jibankrishna in the spiritual world.

Vision of other’s condition

141. 26th June, 1976.

Early morning dream: A very sickly and thin person is seen lying on the floor—as if on the verge of death point. Everybody feels sorry after seeing him. But after a while I was feeling -Oh! This man is Raghunath Sen! (A close companion of Jibankrishna), I was going on thinking—Oh !He was so healthy previously and now he is in such a pathetic condition! After a while the patient has become free of disease as if has returned from the death point, and then has turned his face. I also had a sigh of relief and here ends the dream.

[Here in the dream the present condition of the devotee has been revealed and in reality he has been passing through a very miserable condition both financially and mentally . But the next part shows that I shall be relieved from all these conditions and this really happened in my life within a very few years.]

Future indication of publicity of the seer’s dream.

142. 26th June, 1976.

Early morning: Dhiren Mondal, a companion was reading my dreams very loudly and then the dream went off .

[The dream corroborates a dream as seen by the seer on 23.6.72 which indicated that once the dreams of the seer would be gaining publicity in future.

This dream came true after ten years when the dreams are published regularly in a magazine and then since 2010 these dreams are regularly published in different websites.]

Chapter 31

Achievement of dispassionate condition

143. 3rd July, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had gone to Jamshedpur and roam here and there. Then I went to a house full of many persons. I sat among them. My bag was kept in front of me. It was full of many articles amongst which some were for hobby. After a while the meeting was closed and while I was going to take my bag I noticed that it was stolen. A known person named Nirmalya was found in front of me. I told him to search for my bag but he did not pay any attention to this matter. Then I saw Dilip Mitra, a companion of Jibankrishn (Diamond). I took him to be accompanied. I had the feeling in my mind that those fellows (Nirmalya etc) had no intimate relation to me, they never bothered for me, but on the contrary these persons (Dilip etc) were my own. Then while going

out, one of my shoes was stuck to the mud. I took out that shoe, but instantly thought—Oh! What am I going to search for! We can have nor anybody neither any wealth! That is why the bag was stolen!

In the next scene I saw Dwijendranath Roy of Ghatshila, a senior companion of Jibankrishna. After a while I saw a child sitting on the shoulder of a man was paying his homage to me with folded hands. With astonishment I was thinking—such a small child, how could he learn to pay homage in such a way! There after the dream went off.

[The dream signifies thus: The first scene shows the dispassionate condition of the seer; the second and third scene signify the ‘Dwijatwa’(The state of Supreme Cult) and ‘Debatya’(The state of Divinity) conditions of the seer.]

Blessings of the Holy Ghost poured upon

144. 4th July, 1976.

Noon time dream: I was standing on a bus stand waiting for the bus. At this moment I noticed that Anannda Mohan Ghosh, Diamond or Jibankrishna’s companion was seated on the bus . I opened a paper to read what Jibankrishna had said in dreams to the seer. After the dream was off I forgot the sayings.[The dream indicates that the blessings are always showered upon the seer from the Holy Ghost.]

Vision of the Universe and experience on origin of life 145. On 4th July,1976, after the previous dream in the evening in trance I had the following experience:

I started approaching towards the outer space. I crossed different spheres and then the blue color earth was seen, which ultimately disappeared. Then I reached a void zone. Gradually I reached a zone just like a condensed fog. At that time I lost my body sense and felt myself like a point merged in that dense fog. A feeling was playing in me like this— This is the place for the origin of life! It is called Ether! Then gradually I began to gain full sensation, feeling for the earth. Coming back to full sensation, I began to think—was it an imagination or was it a realization?

I was in confusion for some moments and then at night before going to bed it flashed in my mind that it was the realization of ‘Viswarup’(Universe in God)—I saw the whole universe in me and had the experience of ‘Jara Samadhi’—a condition when the seer becomes a point only. The dense fog was the father’s semen which is the place of origin of life—It is in microcosm. In macrocosm Scientists opine that ether in the outer space is the origin of life.

Realization of Paramatma

146. 10th July, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was going with Dhiren Mondal (A companion of Jibankrishna) by train to his town Bangaon. But in the dream I felt that the town was Basirhat instead of Bangaon. After traveling for a long time we reached Basirhat. The town seemed very beautiful with nice houses. We came to a spot with buildings on both sides of the road. Looking on the left side I noticed that through the gaps of the buildings there were steps sloping down to a very distant place. I also observed that the steps merged into a dense, endless inaccessible

foggy area with a non traceable base. Its top was also sky high. The scene was beyond any imagination. I was thinking—such an ocean of fog! Then thoughts came in my mind—How will it be, if I go inside this! Suddenly I felt, I had already gone inside that zone, but simultaneously I also saw myself standing on the road. It seemed to me as if I had fallen in a very unearthly situation with no sign of life anywhere and only my sense was roaming inside that zone. After a while I gained my full sense and went to another place. The dream continued but nothing was remembered later on. As predicted in a previous dream seen on 21st June, 1976 that within a year the seer would get married which in yoga meant that there might be a possibility for the seer to have the realization of unification of ‘Atma’ with ‘Paramatma’, this dream confirmed the same. Here in yoga fog means Paramatma with whom the seer got united.

Chapter 32

Revelation of other’s condition and indicationof numerous realizations 147. 12th July,1976.

Early morning dream: The religious master Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath was seated in a house. On the basis of a question on some realizations he tried to find out its explanation in a religious book drastically. I was seated enjoying his helplessness in this matter. Ultimately he could not find it out.

After a while somebody gave him food and he put these in a cloth bag just like the priest do during worships.In the next scene I saw brinjal plants yielding plenty of brinjals and I began to harvest the brinjals and filled the baskets. There were both large and small size brinjals, although big sizes were more. Iltimately I completed harvesting and the dream went off.

[The first scene shows the status of the so-called religious masters proving their very poor knowledge on spiritualism and also their greediness on earthly affairs .

The second scene indicates that in future the seer will have numerous realizations.]

Revelation of own and other’s spiritual status

148. 30th July, 1976.

Early morning dream: In a huge and open hall Mr. Iswariprasad Goenka, a well known Industrialist (very much known to me) was seen seated. Conversations with me were going on. Meanwhile it was noted that some other persons were also seated in front . Looking properly at them they were identified as some devotees like Indranath Mukherjee, Arun ghosh, Abala kanta Dutta etc . One of them was explaining something about Jibankrishna to Mr Goenka and his body was jumping . At first he seemed to be Arun Ghosh, but then I realized that he was not Arun Ghosh but Indranath Mukherjee and I was surprised to see him in such a condition which was beyond imagination. Meanwhile seeing an aeroplane in the sky Mr. Abala Dutta was going to say something about the plane, but Mr. Ghosh said, ‘let it go’. I also said, ‘we cannot withstand such type of talks’. Saying this I sat with full ecstacy. After a while when I got back my full sense, I saw everybody lying on floor except Mr. Goenka who was

massaging the legs of Arun Ghosh . Then while Mr. Goenka wanted to massage my legs, with folded hands I said, ‘I am poorest of the poor, why massaging my legs’? Here the dream went off.[The dream indicates the esoteric conditions of everybody.]

Stability of ‘Brahmagyan’ or Supreme Cult within the body

149. 3rd August, 1976.

Early morning dream: I went somewhere with some of my students. There one unknown boy gave me a ripe mango of huge size. I began to eat it and went on eating as if there was no end of it. Then ultimately I threw out the very thin stone.Then I got a custard apple. I ate a portion of it and then distributed to others. The dream was off.

[The dream indicated that ‘Individualistic Brahmagyan’ has become stable in the seer’s body . Huge mango means the huge intensity of Brahmagyan(Supreme cult) ; very thin stone means the minimum ego sense of the seer—that means the livelihood will be as minimum as required in future ( Sri Ramkrishna said).Custard apple contains many seeds which in future, through the seer many people will gain spiritualism.

Accompaniment with the Holy Ghost and Devotees

150. 9th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: The dream opened with the scene of Jibnakrishna’s room at Kadamtala, Howrah . He was seated on his cot reading a book. Some other devotees were also present in the room amongst whom only Indranath Mukherjee was recognized. I was feeling a great enjoyment seeing Jibankrishna. Even after the dream this sense of enjoyment persisted for a long time.

[The dream was an indication of increasing brain capacity of the seer as well as growing sense of oneness with others.]

Descent of Divine Consciousness up to the waist

151. 12th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: In the first scene I saw a huge endless open space and I kept on walking through that space to an unknown place.

In the second scene I saw myself going to Jitendra nath Chatterjee’s house (a devotee), but it was situated at Shyambazar unlike the reality.

Suddenly I observed that the narrow canal existing near Shyambazar became full of Ganges water up to the brim and was converted into a much wider canal. The Ganges water running from Bagbazar Ganges river filled it up. Seeing this beautiful scene I became overwhelmed with joy saying ‘Oh! How nice!’ In the last scene I saw a room where some devotees e.g., Ananda Mohan Ghosh, Raghunath Sen and I was seated. Brother Raghu was saying on the basis of a dream of Dhiren Mondal in which he saw God, ‘As we are mixing with each other, otherwise except Anath (Mondal) and Arun (Mukherjee) others would have been diverted, Here the dream went off.

[The first scene indicated the huge capacity of the seer’s spiritual brain power as symbolized by a huge open space

The second scene means thus—the capacity of the seer’s ‘Susumna’ has become increased where the divine consciousness in the form of Ganges water has come down to the waist as Shyambazar depicts Shyam or Lord Krishna whose divine consciousness came down from Sahasrar or cerebrum to the waist. Here water cools the body. In a previous dream divine consciousness was seen in the cerebrum in the form of sparkling light.The last scene is coincided with the reality as there goes on a regular assembly of many devotees at the residence of Raghunath Sen.]

Chapter 33

Avatar Lila (Sportive forms of Avatar)

152. 13st August, 1976.

Early morning dream: Just before awakening from sleep I noticed that somebody held a white paper in front of me. On it I noticed a number ‘888’ along with a sentence which I could not remember. Then I again fell asleep. After rising from the bed. I could only remember the number but not the sentence.

Thereafter I thought—well let me check the book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ and let me see what is written against ‘888’! As soon as I opened the book, strangely I found at the first instance the same number where it was written—from ‘Nitya to Lila’ and Lila to Nitya’ and this short sentence, I could remember was written on the paper seen in the dream (Nitya – Absolute; Lila – Sportive forms of God).

The explanation is given in the book in the following way—these realizations are seen after Avatar Lila . The seer realized that he passed through various realizations of Avatar Lila in dreams and it is the confirmation .

Stability of previous austerity

153. 15th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: First I saw a devotee named Bhabani Bandyopadhyaya and began to describe to him about some of my own dreams. Meanwhile Arun Ghosh, another devotee came there and described to Mr. Banerjee about a dream of mine dreamt on 8.3.’76 in which I had the experience of Samadhi. I also described about my another dream in which I had an experience of ‘Sacchidananda’ (Eternal bliss) condition and then the dream went off.

This type of dream confirms the stability of the condition gained in previous dreams as those are being corroborated by narrations in later dream.

Stability of preaching capability in seer

154. 16th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: The scene opened with a huge hall which was filled up with many young ones and a Christian Monk was supposed to deliver a lecture. I was also present there. The Father, looking at me started saying ‘We can only preach, what you have got to preach? Hearing this I became agitated and said, ‘Who are you to preach? Who preaches? God preaches. God is within you. You are a man. So man becomes God’. While saying this to him, I observed that he could not talk at all. When I repeated these sentences, the Father became depressed and saying good bye left the hall. With a great joy I left the hall.

The dream indicated the future of the seer, when he will utter ‘God is in the body’ to anyone, even he is oppositionist, he will not say a single word against the seer, and on the contrary, he will be converted . In addition, the Christian world may, in future take the cult of Jibankrishna i.e., they will realize that God is not in heaven in the sky but within the human body.

The future indication of gaining the entity of Jibankrishna . 155. 16th August, 1976.

After the previous early morning dream, it was 6-30 A.M, I was seated on my bed and the words ‘Entity of Jibankrishna’ suddenly flashed in my brain. I was seated with closed eyes, gradually fell into trance and heard the voice of jJibankrishna from a far distance ‘You will get my entity, you will get my entity’. These words were repeated several times and then I got back my sense. Even the whole day my mind did not come down from the cerebrum.

Company with the devotees and spiritual practices

156. 17th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: One old well reputed Doctor named Kripanath, very much known to me with great affection hugged me and then took me to his residence entertaining me with delicious dishes.

The scene changed . I saw myself in Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala, Kolkata where many devotees were present. Khagen Ghosh with bearded face was also seen there, but did not utter a single word. Then he began to read his own exercise book written with his dreams. After he finished reading, I asked him, ‘Where will you take your food?’ He said, ‘I shall take my food at Hotel. I cannot take it in anybody’s house now’. The dream went off. The first scene indicates that God has His best blessings bestowed on the seer as ‘Kripanath’ means who poures His blessings i.e., God.

The second scene shows that the seer is continuing regular spiritual practices even in dream like reality through constant accompaniment with devotees.

Gaining the power of preaching

157. 18th August, 1976.

Early morning dream: I met Jibankrishna, but how I did met, could not remember although the residual effects of joy lasted long.

After a while I saw myself saying some words on Sri Ramkrishna Deva to somebody from the core of my heart and with the sweetest voice. After I woke up from sleep, went on thinking with great surprise—How strange, I cannot say like this in reality!

However, the dream indicates that the seer will have the power of speaking of God and preaching in future, though the seer has not any intention of taking all these achieved in dream.

Chapter 34

Accompany with devotees and spiritual practices

158. 19th August - 9th September, 1976.

(a) Early morning dream: I was going towards the residence of Raghunath Sen’s residence at Taltala. After reaching there I saw a room outside and another inside unlike the reality. In the outside room Debkumar Chowdhury, a devotee was reading Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita. There I saw Arun Ghosh and many others . From there I entered the inside room which was the original one like reality. There I saw many old devotees who used to go to Jibankrishna regularly at Kadamtala, Howrah . The dream then went off.

The dream establishes the continuous spiritual practices of the seer.

(b) I was having accompaniment with two devotees named Anath Nath Mondal and Arun Mukherjee at the residence of Indranath Mukherjee at Makardah, Howrah. While having conversation with them, another devotee, named Arun Ghosh entered the room with vegetables in a bag after shopping. The dream went off.These regular accompaniment with various devotees both in dream and reality increases the spiritual power of the seer, as said by Jibankrishna long time back.

Gaining the blessings of the Holy Ghost - Continuity of dream

159. 5th September, 1976.

Early morning dream: Within the dream it seemed to me that Jibankrishna had again come back to life after his demise and was residing at his previous residence at Kadamtala, Howrah. I was having a sense of great joy. Finishing my works very fast I started for Jibankrishna . The time was 9A.M. After reaching in front of Jibankrishna’s house, I noticed that cleaning operations were going on after Jibankrishna;s fresh arrival . Dilip Mitra was cleaning the floor with a broom . As soon as I entered the room, Jibankrishna, with a very happy mood said to me, ‘Oh, you have come! After so many years you have come!’

With my head placing on floor paid his regard to Jibankrishna and placing his hand on my head poured his blessings . After a while jokingly he said to me, ‘For so many years you have forgotten me, how do you feel now’! In the same manner i answered, ‘Now I am feeling how difficult task it is’! However, Jibankrishna was looking very strong and robust. After this nothing was remembered and the dream temporarily went off.I again fell asleep and had this dream—This was the second day after the first day’s visit to Jibankrishna by me and this time the visit would not be temporary but permanently to stay with Jibankrishna. A bed was ready in his room. Meanwhile I noticed that my next brother Asit and eldest nephew Sanjay were present on the verandah. I thought whether I would bring them to Jibnakrishna, but instantly it came in my mind, he might be

disturbed, because this was his bed time . Again it appeared in my mind, that they had come to him and this would serve the purpose. The scene changed.

In the next scene I saw Khagendra Nath Ghosh, a devotee, but this time he was without beard and moustache and was seated. Seeing him I went on thinking — Oh! Ultimately he had been here! Good grief ! Then I said to him, ‘at last you have come to us, it is good, otherwise you have gone through so much austerity. Had you not come to us , You would have some defects. Besides this in one of my previous dream Jibankrishna said to me with a great disappointment—‘I told Khagen to come to Calcutta, but he didn’t (In reality he said it long time back to Mr. Ghosh to come and settle at Calcutta for his service, although Mr. Ghosh was already had his family at Sainthia of Birbhum District) . After this the dream ended.

Attack of animal passion

160. 7th September, 1976.

Early morning dream: In the first scene I saw myself lecturing to an unknown person about Jibankrishna continuously.In the next scene, I saw as if I would go to a house. It seemed to be a boys’ hostel. When I started for the house, thought that I should take some milk. But somebody said, there was no necessity as plenty of milk were available there. Still I started with a glass of milk, when I covered a little bit distance, saw a clock of goats came over me. I began to drive them out with blows on them. One of them suddenly bite on my buttock. I dropped the glass and tried to get rid of the goat and with blazing sensation on my buttock I woke up. In reality the same feeling of animal passion revealed in the dream. It was a very tough experience to tolerate this kind of feelings, but with the grace of God-the-Preceptor all these hazards are being removed. The first scene of the dream indicates the growing power of the seer to tell anybody about Jibankrishna , although the seer has no attraction for this power.

Chapter 35

Attaining the power for preaching and editing ‘Manikya’ magazine

161. 10th September, 1976.

Early morning dream: The scene opened with a place alike Bagbazar area of Kolkata. After traveling in many places I reached there. I was carrying a book on Jibankrishna on my hand. I saw two boys there and being asked explained about the existence of God in human body and then narrating about Jibankrishna. The boys understood everything.

Next scene: Thereafter I had gone to a devotee Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala of Central Kolkata, although the house seemed to be a different type. There I saw the room was full of Jibankrishna’s devotees. Jibankrishna was seated on the cot with some devotees. I also sat on the floor. I had in my hand the manuscripts of the coming issue (10th year 2nd issue) of the tri-monthly magazine ‘Manikya’. One by one I handed over each topic of the magazine to Jibankrishna and after scrutinizing he returned the topics to me and I also kept the

manuscripts with proper arrangements . Once when Jibankrishna was scrutinizing the topic ‘Vision and Realization’ written by Amar Bose of Bagbazar, someone from my backside told me to sit on the cot . I said, ‘If I sit on the floor. I shall see him face to face and it will be convenient for me.

However, after a while, the meeting came to an end. I had in my hand the whole bunch of manuscripts corrected by Jibnakrishna. Everybody was going out . I asked Indranath Mukherjee, ‘Will you go to Makardah (one of his residence where many devotees assemble and spend nights from time to time)? He answered that he would not go there but spend the night at Raghunath Sen’s residence at Taltala.Thereafter when I came outside, a Marwari boy and his wife repeatedly request me to go to their house, but what I said could not be remembered later on.

From outside I could see Jibankrishna. I thought, when to-morrow is Sunday (even in reality this was so), I shall not go to Makardah, specially when Jibankrishna is here . I can come to him to-morrow also. At last when I came on the road, I heard that Raghunath Sen was playing Jibankrishna’s voice on a tape recorder and the dream went off.

The 1st scene again revealed that in future the seer might have the capacity for preaching about Jibankrishna, though the seer has no attraction on these powers.

The second scene indicated that the seer has gained the power of editing the magazine ‘Manikya’ through his God-the preceptor and whoever will read this magazine spiritual power will be bestowed on him.

Teaching of the Holy Ghost

162. 11th September, 1976.

In reality today was Saturday. I had to go to my school before 10A.M. as the students had their examination.I had an early morning dream—I had gone to one of my friend Debasish’s quarter at Alipore where I saw the meals were being ready for me. But as it might be late, so I started for my own house. There was no Bus, so I went on walking and reached a house near a lake at Lake Town. This was slightly a distant area from our own house. Jibankrishna used to dwell at that house. So I went inside that house and observed that the room was full of devotees. I was seated near Jibankrishna. Only two were new persons, the rest were his old devotees .While Jibankrishna was saying something, one of the new person began to say something but instantly his body responded due to awakening of ‘Kundalini’ within him . But Jibankrishna did not say anything. I observed that due to shaking of his body the mat became a bit dislodged. So I wanted to rearrange it properly . Seeing this Jibankrishna also gave a hand to it. There was a pillow on my left side, I kept it beside Jibankrishna .After some time one devotee said, one nun of Sri Sarada Math came here once.

Hearing this Jibankrishna got annoyed and said, ‘Who, a woman?’ I also got annoyed and angrily said. ‘What, a women in this room?’ Another devotee said. ‘She was brought through a letter and she was also interested. Hearing this Jibankrishna said to me, ‘They will get nothing, all are the den of prejudices’.At this time I noticed that the time was11-30 A.M. I thought ‘Oh’! I am late for the school’! So with a little bit hesitation I said to Jibankrishna, ‘I am late for going to school’. Hearing this he hastily said, ‘Go, go quickly’! But I said, ‘No, no, I am not so much late’ and so I started for my home . But then I thought, ‘Already I have become late, so what is the use of going to school now’! With these thoughts I went home, had my lunch and again started for Jibankrishna . It was noon time then and reaching there I observed that Jibankrishna was sleeping at the room of the top floor and so I went on waiting for him . The dream went off.Here God-the-Preceptor was teaching the seer and at the same time, it was an indication of his future when he would live a life only on Jibankrishna or the Holy Ghost.

Chapter 36

First time confirmation of visualization of God

163. 15th September, 1976.

Early morning dream: First I saw Bhabani Prasad Bandyopadhyaya, a devotee, who was describing to me some of his dreams.

In the next scene I saw myself at Lake Town but without any buildings. There were only open spaces and water bodies. I felt a great joy seeing these open spaces and saying to myself—I have seen God and I have kept myself seated! With these in mind with great joy I uttered continuously the word ‘Bhagawan’(God), ‘Bhagawan’ and went on walking and walking without any outward sense.

Even after waking up the word ‘Bhagawan’ used to be uttered internally for a long period and my body and mind became full of joy. The dream indicated that this was an automatic confirmation about the seer’s seeing of God so that he has no doubt in his mind.

Accompaniment with the Holy Ghost and devotees

164. 21st September, 1967.

Early morning dream: It was raining and I stood beside a wall somewhere. It seemed that Deb kumar Chowdhury, a devotee was also standing beside me. I had an umbrella in my hand and opened it. I noticed one old person standing beside Mr. Chowdhury. After some time giving proper attention I realized that the old gentleman was Jibankrishna himself. When the rain stopped I closed the umbrella and noticed that Jibankrishna was no longer there. The dream ended.

In dream also the seer is undergoing the accompaniment with the Holy Ghost and his devotee.

The Holy Ghost with blessings

165. 22nd September, 1976.

Early morning dream: A huge auditorium was seen where a function would be held. I was present there along with a large number of audience. Suddenly an unknown boy asked me about religion, but instantly I noticed that. Jibankrishna from behind came forward, wrote something on a paper, and gave it to the boy and then told me, ‘Do you understand, I wrote it’. Then nothing was remembered and the dream went off.

The dream indicates that whenever the seer will say anything about religion to anybody, he will be guided by the Holy Ghost and there will be spiritual development within the listener.

Accompaniment with the Holy Ghost

166. 23rd September, 1976.

Early morning dream: For a long l time I had a company with God-the-Preceptor although I could not recapitulate the conversations. Only the effect of joy retained for a long time. In dream such long accompaniment with God-the-Preceptor is increasing the brain faculty of the seer for more and more realizations in future .

Blessings of the Holy Ghost for achievement of austerity on ‘Manustatwa’ or human cult

167. 25th September, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had a prolonged accompaniment with God-the-Preceptor. A part of that time was only remembered— In a room Jibankrishna was seated with a book kept in front of him. Some other people were also seated though they could not be remembered. I was seated in front of him. Jibankrishna was explaining something from that book. Then pointing out a portion of the book asked me, ‘will you say what does it mean’? Instantly I answered, ‘This means ‘Manus’(Human being)’. As soon as he heard, he roared with an expression ‘Ah’ and then with a very affectionate tone said, ‘Well my boy, did God give His blessings upon you without any cause? He would do something though you in future, that’s why you have such realizations and conception .After this he again started explaining, but all explanations were concentrated only on human beings. The dream then went off.

The dream indicates that the seer has attained the highest stage of the austerity which is even higher than the Godhood as because human being is the Supreme One and the Truth and nothing else.

One thing is being clear now to the seer, that such long company in dream with the Holy Ghost is increasing the conception as well as brain faculty day by day changing thus the mental world of the seer.

Increase of the spiritual power

168. 28th September, 1976. Place: Makardah, Howrah.

Early morning dream: Just at the awakening condition from night sleep I heard an oracle ‘Paramau Briddhi’, ‘Paramau Briddhi’(lingering of longevity).

It is an indication that the seer will have increasing spiritual power day by day as this is correlated with longevity according to Jibankrishna, who had almost similar oracle while he was at Puri during 1962-63. The oracle was thus, ‘Paramau lombi Ho gaya’(Hindi), that means the longevity has become increased.

Chapter 37

Experience of Lila to Nitya---Nitya to Lila (From sportive forms toAbsolute and vice versa)

169. 2nd October, 1976.

Early morning dream: The scene started with my school compound which had become much larger than it was in reality as if a huge palace and having multi-stories. I was practicing up and down on the staircases. Once I saw myself going upwards, not through the staircases, but with the help of the retaining wall of the staircases just like a monkey and ultimately I reached the room at the top floor. There I saw a photo hung against the wall. I went nearby and noticed that the photo was of an old man sitting and with a child on his lap. I went on watching the photo and it came in my mind that this was the photo of Jibankrishna and at the same time the child was also Jibankrishna. But again I went on thinking that I had never seen such a photo of Jibankrishna of his childhood, although there was a young age photo . Just at this moment the dream left and I woke up and simultaneously it flashed in my mind that both the figures of the photo were of Jibankrishna.

The dream reveals thus: To go up to the rooftop means from Lila to Nitya—Ascent; Child Jibankrishna on the lap of old Jibankrishna means from Nitya to Lila as he explained of child Lord Krishna on the lap of Mother Joshoda in his Bengali book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’.

Retaining of Mahabayu in the cerebrum or seventh plain

170. 4th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I reached the roof top of a house and saw a huge Monkey seated there. Then I got down keeping the monkey on the roof top after closing the door from inside and the dream went off.The dream indicates that some high-pitched mind may come in near future.

Attaining the power of editing ‘Manikya’ magazine .

171. 5th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: In a room Mr. Binay Mukherjee, a devotee was arranging the matters for me to publice in the magazine ‘Manikya’. But after a while I noticed that Mr. Mukherjee was transformed into Jibankrishna and he was arranging innumerable matters for ‘Manikya’. Amongst them besides the diary of Mr. Mukherjee ‘Binay Satak’ there were other matters which he kept separately and the rest suitable matters for publication he handed over to me. The dream went off.

This is the third dream in which I saw Jibankrishna relating to the magazine ‘Manikya’. This means that in future under suitable conditions Jibankrishna’s power will be acting through the seer for publication of ‘Manikya’;

Another significant matter happened in this aspect; After a long gap the diary of Mr. Mukherjee had begun to be published in the magazine. Not only so, many new matters also were added for the magazine.

Accompaniment with the devotees and gaining the sense of oneness

172. After the previous dream (5th October, 1976) for 4-5 days every day I had dreams in which I had the accompaniment with a number of devotees of Jibankrishna.

This signifies thus: On one side the seer has been gaining the attractions for the devotees with growing sense of oneness and on the other hand he is gaining increasing brainpower by seeing so many persons inside his cerebrum as explained by Jibankrishna.

Second time confirmation of seeing God

173. 10th October. 1976.

Early morning dream: I was narrating to Arun Ghosh, a devotee of Diamond about my visualizing God and at the same time its process also. After waking up I could not remember how I saw God.

On 15th September, 1976, I had the 1st confirmation of seeing God in a dream and this has become the second time. The process was not remembered, that means it is not required by the seer.

Revelation of Oneness

174. 12th October, 1976 .

Early morning dream: I saw Abala Kanta Dutta, sitting in front of me . He went on saying ‘ I am being transformed into Jibankrishna—I am being transformed into Jibankrishna’; Saying this he actually was transformed into Jibankrishna and the dream went off.

Once Jibankrishna said, ‘one day will come when you will see any human being who has seen me in realization, instead of him you will see me and the reciprocal will happen and this will bring oneness in the world’. His saying reveals thus in the dream and it means Jibankrishna’s forecast may come true in the seer in future.

Chapter 38

Revelation of other’s condition

175. 13th October, 1976.

Early morning dream Abala Kanta Dutta, was having his bath in the river Ganges and saying something to Arun Ghosh . From a distant place I was hearing this . I was realizing that Mr. Dutta was having ‘Ecstasy’. I was thinking whether I would request Mr. Ghosh to stop him Meanwhile Mr. Ghosh said, ‘Well, Anath(Mondal—a devotee)was asking whether you are now relieved from sexual feelings . I answered, ‘no, still now it is persisting to some extent’. The dream here went off.

The dream reveals again to the seer the conditions of other devotees as well as himself and shows that during the period of austerity many obstacles come as it came in the life of Lord Buddha, but ultimately these are removed by God-the-Preceptor.

Achievement of Eternal Bliss

176. 15th October, 1976.

Just at the moment of waking up in the early morning my father’s face (Amrita) appeared before during my half sense condition and then faded away.

This visualization reveals that the seer will achieve ‘Amritatva’ or spiritual immortality.

Removal of mental accusation

177. 16th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had sores on my body due to Chicken Pox and all were on the way of drying. Some were beginning to be detached from the body. At this moment the dream went off.The dream indicates that all the mental accusations are thus removed from the body. During these days some changes are observed—As soon as the name of ‘Jibankrishna’ appears in mind, the whole body becomes horripilated with delight. The mind gradually becomes introvert but with a great joy. In addition, a continuous recitation of the name ‘Manus’(‘Man’) is appearing in mind frequently . Is it the physical effect of the dream seen on 25-9-1976?

Achievement of apathetic condition

178. 18th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I saw Mr. Jiten Bairagi, a devotee in front of me. This was the second time I saw Mr. Bairagi.

‘Bairagi’ means apathetic to worldly interests. So to see Mr. Bariragi means the seer is having this condition of apathy.It confirms the present mental condition of the seer which he is passing through, i.e., he actually has no worldly interests and sometimes is having a state to leave the body through yoga . This condition was described by Jibankrishna as an apathetic condition which may come to the seer having austerity through different phases.

Having lessons about the condition of yoga

179. 20th October, 1976.

I had a question in my mind—whether trance is a condition of yoga. I had a sleep in noon time and I had a trance. At this moment I myself was announcing, ‘This condition is included in yoga—this is yoga’, and then my trance went off.

The question is thus solved and revealed automatically within the seer through realization.

Afterwards this was corroborated by the sayings of Jibankrishna, recorded in a diary, where he described the trance as a yogic condition.

Accompaniment with devotees

180. 21st October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I had gone to Makardah, Howrah (Where many devotees assemble from time to time to discuss about sayings of Jibankrishna) and reading his book. There I saw many devotees like Deb Kumar Chudhury, Ramkrishna Ghosh etc having spiritual discussions. Here ended the dream. Due to illness I could not go to Makardah along with other devotees in reality. But in dream I experienced the same accompaniment with devotees.

This kind of accompaniment with devotees increases the brain power of the seer and at the same time injects the feeling of ‘oneness’ with others.

Vision of unnatural scene and advanced science

181. 22nd October, 1976.

To-day is Dewali. In the night I had a dream. The scene opened with a vast open space. There I was seated with some devotees like Dhiren Mondal, Arun Ghosh, Abala Kanta Dutta etc. It was complete dark at night. While I looked at the sky, it was deep dark without any stars . Suddenly an unusual scene was seen in the sky as if it had been turned into a screen just like movie screen and the figures of the seated persons were observed in the sky covering the whole sky. It seemed to me as if I had been visualizing a movie in the sky. Whatever they had been acting beneath, the same picture were flashing in the sky i.e., the same scene of moving hands & talking to each other, laughing of Mr. Dhiren Mondal had been observed in the sky . While with great surprise I was observing this scene in the sky, Arun Ghosh asked me, ‘What are you seeing’? I pointed out the scene in the sky to him, but nobody could see this. I became surprised and asked, ‘strange! You are not seeing anything?

After a while I observed that the whole scene suddenly vanished and the sky was glittering with innumerable stars. Here the dream went off. This dream remained hazy to me.

[After a long time it flashed in mind that this dream indicated my increased brain capacity quite different from others and showing possibility of advanced science in future when human being will be able to discover such machine producing such effect.]

Chapter 39

Reality and dream are identical

182. 23rd October, 1976.

Early morning dream: Arun Ghosh brought the cream of milk for feeding me. I told him to keep it as I would eat it after sometime due to my hastiness for going to Mr. Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala where many devotees used to gather frequently for spiritual discussion. In the mean time Mr. Ghosh asked me what was the reason for my absence at Makardh on 21st October, where many devotees gathered. I answered that due to illness I could not go there (In reality the same thing happened). Then the dream went off.

Here the dream and reality all became identical which is the realization of Vedanta.

Hints for removal of Nature’s obstacle 183. 25th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was saying something about Jibankrishna to my father and a great force was coming out from my inside. Suddenly one of my sister named Prakriti (Nature), who had been standing beside unnoticed, was about to say something and my lecture was obstructed. I got furious and with a great snub, blew on her face loosening some of her teeth . I then said, ‘While saying anything about Jibankrishna such type of obstructions would result such consequences. After a while when again I met his sister said to her, you should not make such type of obstructions and if this happens I would even kill you’, although there was no anger in my mind during that time. The dream indicates that no obstructions will come during my austerity in future.

Vision of Future and elimination of doubt about previous dream with narration

184. 26th October, 1976.

Early morning dream: The first scene was Mr. Raghunath Sen’s room at Taltala, (where regular spiritual discussions are being held among the devotees) Kolkata .At this moment one of my old school mate(1956 A.D) Atulesh by name came and was seated and with a great respect began to listen to Jibankrishna’s sayings. I became too much astonished and then watched that many of my College mates also had come there and listening with great regard to the discussions about Jibankrishna, and then I woke up.

I again felt asleep and this time saw in dream discussing with many devotees about Jibankrishna and narrating to someone about the vision in trance seen on 4th July,1976 in which my life was transformed into a point . The listener asked, ‘How did you feel at that time’? I answered, ‘I was transformed into a point without any body-sense. There was no world and nothing else in the sense’. The dream then went off.

In reality I had a doubt about my previous vision in trance about Viswarup Darshan (The whole Universe in the body) whether it was an imagination or real spiritual visualization, but in dream God eliminated my doubt . This is the way the Holy Ghost teaches the seer.

The dream also indicates that in future the philosophy and influence of Jibankrishna will spread among school and college students.

[ It happened when innumerable students at Bolpur, Birbhum District began to see Jibankrishna in dreams .]

Visualisation of Future

185. 31st October, 1976.

Early morning dream: I was going somewhere by bus. Meanwhile one unknown fellow sat on a sit after 2-3 passengers beside me and began to recite the name of ‘Jibankrishna’. Hearing this I became astonished and went on thinking—He is a quite unknown person, how he could know the name of Jibankrishna! Then again it

came in my mind—no! There are so many persons unknown to us, where Jibankrishna has become manifested without our knowledge.

With these thoughts I had in my mind to talk to the person, but the fellow got down from the bus and the dream went off.

This dream indicates that in reality this may happen in future. [In the long run it happened in many occasions.]

Accompaniment with devotees and spiritual practice

186. 2nd November, 1976, Tuesday.

Early morning dream: I had gone to the residence of Khagendra Nath Ghosh at Sainthia, Birbhum, District(West Bengal) accompanied by Dhiren Mondal, a devotee and my next brother Asit, But very few conversations were held between Mr. Ghosh and me . Once he said, he saw in one of his dream that my elder brother’s wife was licking something in a bowl. I said that he saw the same dream. However I told Mr. Mondal that I would return the next day and he also agreed. Then I woke up.

[In dream the seer has in this way regular practice about spiritualism].

Chapter 40

Atma is devoid of any crime

187. 3rd November, 1976. Wednesday,

Before going to bed at night, I had one question in my mind—what will happen if I do any crime? With this thought I went into a trance and saw that different types of crimes were coming to touch me. Instantly I went on thinking—well all these cannot touch me! Then and there I felt that my life force in concentrated form had reached my cerebrum and I had no body sense. During that period I realized that no such crime would touch me and then suddenly with a great jerk of my head I woke up.

[This realization taught me a lesson that no crime could touch me].

Achievement of the state of ‘beyond attributes’

188. 5th November, 1976. Friday,

Early morning dream: I was observing a good number of bunches of big white brinjals (Egg plants) and thinking with admiration—oh! What lovely brinjals! I also intended to pick up those brinjals.Then I saw that Madan Koley, a devotee of Jibankrishna was limping and going somewhere with injured legs. Then the dream went off.

[The first scene indicates that the seer has attained the condition of a pure soul . The second scene shows that the seer is going to have a minimum physical attachment. Here white brinjal means beyond all attributes and Madan, according to Hindu religion is the God of lust].

Realization on sense of ‘oneness’ and blessingof Holy mother Mother or Adya Sakti

189. 7th November, 1976. Sunday.

Early morning dream: I had gone to the residence of Jitendra Nath Bairagi, a devotee at Howrah. His brother told me that his elder brother fell sick some days back. I noticed Mr. Bairagi lying on bed and began to weep after seeing his condition . Mr. Bairagi also began to weep. I started passing my hand on Mr. Bairagi’s legs. He narrated many of his dreams to the seer. As I was patting my hands on the legs, it seemed to me as if I was patting my hand on the legs of Jibankrishna.

After a while I saw my mother who told me to put off the dresses as Mr. Bairagi had an infectious disease. So in spite of my unwillingness I had to put on new dresses and then I woke up.

[This was the third time I saw Mr. Bairagi in dream and a great attraction for him grew up in me for which I went to Mr. Bairagi in reality and got his article on his first meeting with Jibankrishna with realizations . Besides this the dream indicates my future picture when I shall feel other devotees as Jibankrishna in reality . jibankrishna once said, ‘A day will come when you will meet any of my devotees or any other persons who has seen me within themselves, you will see me instead of them.

The next scene indicates that I will have more and more new realizations by the blessings of Adya Sakti in future. Indication of Descent below waste

190. 10th November, 1976. Wednesday.

Early morning dream: A huge and a very high rise building l was seeing. I was going upwards inside the building as if I would take a class of the students, but could not find the room. Then I reached the top floor, but could not find anybody. From there I looked up and saw the blue sky and then noticed that in the opposite direction the steps went down. I saw a student named Kanai standing at the bottom. I went down and after a conversation with him again went up. While going up, looking down my head whirled due to the extreme height. After a while I crossed Kanai and stepping down to a lower zone saw a floor where I found the class room full of students and entered there to take the class. The dream then went off.

The dream is an indication that the austerity of the descent within the seer happened in embryo . The huge house is a symbol of the body of the seer with great spiritual capacity. Kanai is the name of Lord Krishna who had austerity in descent up to his waste. Here the seer crossed down Kanai which means the seer had the descent up to waste and will have further austerity. Through him the student community will have spiritual manifestation according to their body capacity.

Chapter 41

Experience on feeling of ‘Oneness’

191. 12th November, 1976. Friday.

Early morning dream: I was going somewhere accompanied by 2-3 devotees, talking with each other . Suddenly a middle-aged lady was noticed and looking around it was noticed that the place was like the market area of Kadamtala, Howrah. Then after reaching near Bantra Public Library, I noticed more devotees accompanying me. I got the news that Jibankrishna again came back to Kadamtala after his demise. However, hastily I was going to Jibankrishna’s house, and noticed that the Lady was still following me talking with 2-3 unknown persons. I walked advance and with surprice noticed that now I was going on a very big flat van-riksaw full of all the devotees of Jibankrishna. could not understand how all the devotees were accommodated on the rikshaw! Among the devotees I could only remember the faces of Hirendra Chattopadhyaya and Bhola Mukherjee and besides the devotees there were so many unknown persons on rikshaw. Just reaching at the entrance of Kedar Deuti Lane where Jibankrishna used to live, all the devotees got down from the rikshaw . My heart was palpitating with great excitement and joy and when I wanted to pay the rikshaw-van fare, Arun Ghosh wanted to prevent me from paying, but without listening to him I was going to pay 4 nos of 10 paise coins hastily but as one coin dropped down I handed over the three coins to Mr. Ghosh for payment. Just at this moment the dream went off as I woke up suddenly.

The dream means thus: To go to the Holy Ghost means the austerity is continuing; to carry all the devotees and unknown persons indicates the spiritual capacity of the seer; to pay 30 paise for fare means the devotees and innumerable people seeing Jibankrishna within them will have austerity of 30% capacity and in future and through me Jibankrishna may manifest in innumerable people. The lady is Adyasakti or Holy Mother with the help of whom the effect may come.

Forecast about the future of the seer

192. 15th November, 1976. Monday.

Early morning dream: I saw in front of me one of my friend named Siddhartha and Sudhindra Nath Sinha a senior devotee of Jibankrishna. Siddhartha was asking Mr. Sinha, ‘Can we take wine with food?’ But Mr. Sinha addressing me said, ‘No! No! So many things will happen in future through you’. Hearing this I thought—what are ‘so many things’? With these thoughts I woke up.

The dream indicates the future about the seer.

Vision of Future about the seer

193. 16th November, 1976. Tuesday,

Early morning dream: I was distributing curd among many people including my elder brother and then the dream went off.

The dream indicates the future of the seer that through him lots of work of Jibankrishna may be done for the benefit of human being.

Spiritual practices through company of devotees

194. 17th November, 1976. Wednesday.

Early morning dream: I had a long accompaniment with Ashim Biswas, a devotee, although no facts were remembered later on after waking up.

It means that such frequent accompaniment with devotees in dreams will have an infinite effect within the seer in future. Jibankrishna once said in his previous dream long time ago. ‘See, this is very good that you are having such company with devotees. The more you will have such company, the more you will get practical effects of your dream’.

Here Ashim means infinite.

Rule with an iron hand by the Holy Ghost 195. 19th November, 1976. Friday.

Early morning dream: A room was seen, almost alike the room of Sri Jibankrishna at Kadamtala, Howrah, but much bigger than it and full of so many devotees. It was four or 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Jibankrishna was seated there. At this moment Khitish Roychoudhury entered the room. Seeing him Jibankrishna said, ‘Oh Khitish, you have come ! come, come, let us sit at the Verandha! Saying this he started coming to door, Khitish was still standing near the door. Seeing the motive of Jibankrishna it seemed to the seer as if he intended to do ‘Saakti’(spiritual hypnotism by touching the body) on Khitish. But he said, ‘no, no! I don’t need it! Then Jibankrishna was seated at the Verandah. Many other devotees including me were seated inside the room and some in the Verandah. Jibankrishna was looking very strong and bright without any sign of old age as he would be now 83 (In reality he would be so), which seemed to me in the dream. After a while he was in deep meditation and sitting near the door two devotees began to chat with each other, sometimes having jokes also. Seeing this I was becoming irritated thinking whether I would say something. Jibankrishna’s meditation was off and with a great anger he slapped on the back of one of those two devotees who was joking much virulently. That devotee immediately left that place getting frightened and another one shivering with a great fear was seated like a good boy with shedding tears. At this time I was awakened.

Here the dream indicated two aspects: the condition of Khitish was revealed that he is beyond emotion and devotion. The condition of the seer was revealed through another one that under any condition the seer will be controlled under the stern rule of the Holy Ghost.

Chapter 42

Indication of the publicity of the seer’s dreams

196. 22nd November, 1976. Monday,

Early morning dream: Indranath Mukherjee, a Jibankrishna’s companion, sitting inside a room was reading very loudly the manuscript of my dreams and Dhiren Mondal, another companion, was listening to it. At this moment the dream went off.

This was the third time that the indications about the publicity of the seer’s dream were revealed through dreams . The first one was on 23.6.72 and the second one on 26.6.76.

Elimination of the consequences of ‘karma’(actions)

197. 23rd November, 1976. Tuesday,

Early morning dream : A room similar to that of Raghunath Sen at Taltala, Kolkata was seen where many devotees were seated. Dilip Ghosh, a devotee was saying to someone, ‘Blessings of God are bestowed’ after elimination of the consequences of action’. Hearing this I said,‘what is this! The blessing of God is first and after that comes elimination of action.’ this theory was prevelant in the previous Hindu religion. , but in the era of Jibankrishna this has become the reverse, as like Induction and Deduction’. Mr. Ghosh kept silent and continued to listen to me. Here the dream ended.

The dream indicated the condition of the seer that he has achieved this condition.

Accompaniment with devotees and indicationof the seer’s future

198. 25th November, 1976. Thursday.

Early morning dream: A big pond inside a park was seen. Indranath Mukherjee and I was standing on one side of the pond. A number of fishermen were catching fishes with their nets and quite a number of fishes were trapped in their nets. I noticed myself standing in the water on one side of the pond where the depth of the water was a bit low, though the water was dirty. As I had my shoes it was not touching my feet . But suddenly a little bit water entered into my mouth and I vomited all the water instantly .From there both of us went to Raghunath Sen’s house, had our meals and then I found myself alone . However, from their I went to the house of Iswari Prasad Goenka, an Industrialist and well known to me. He was a very religious minded man. There I had my meal and Mr. Goenka was seated in an adjacent room waiting for me. I had a bunch of exercise books which contained the matters about Jibankrishna, as if I had gone there to read these before Mr. Goenka . After finishing the meal I went to Mr. Goenka’s room where he was waiting . But what a wonder! As soon as I opened the pocket, it was noticed that there were no exercise books, instead of that it was full of the seeds of varieties of season flowers . So I said to Mr. Goenka, ‘what to do! Take out the Bengali book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’, let me read it. He said, ‘ I have read it already’((In reality he took from me the Bengali book ‘Dharma-o-Anubhuti’ written by Jibankrishna based on his personal realizations). But I said, ‘leave it, yet I shall read it, and I read it every day’. Saying this I woke up.

The dream indicated that in course of austerity the seer may have many obstacles, but all will be eliminated by the grace of God . Besides, to eat means to have many realizations—Here ‘ Iswari Prasad’ means the grace of Almighty God—He had offered meals—means the seer will have innumerable realizations during his austerity . Varieties of seeds also denote varieties of realizations which are in seed form within the body of the seer and may in future be manifested within him.

Attaining the power of preaching

199. 26th November, 1976. Friday.

Early morning dream: I saw myself in a very large open field, full of quite a number of people, where some blackboards were kept. I was explaining to them on realizations and the next steps and so on by writing on the blackboards. Then the dream went off.

Writing means the realizations will be permanently settled within the body of the seer. Another meaning of the dream is that the seer is having the power of preaching, although the seer does not want to accept it.

Spiritual practices with accompaniment of devotees

200. 29th November, 1976. Monday.

Early morning dream: The dream opened with the room of Jibankrishna at Kadamtala, Howrah, where many devotees like Indranath Mukherjee, Khagendra Nath Ghosh, Dhiren Mondal etc.were present.

In the next scene I saw that I had gone to Khagendra Nath Ghosh’s residence at Sainthia of Birbhum District and had long conversations with him. After a while I woke up.Seeing so many devotees in the dream the brain power of the seer is also increasing with regular spiritual practices.