mvrpc informational booklet 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    Shaping the Future

    information booklet

  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    Shapingthe Future

    The Miami Valley Regional Planning

    Commission (MVRPC) is a voluntary

    association of numerous local governments

    and non-governmental organizations

    surrounding Dayton, Ohio. It serves as the

    common ground where area partners come

    together to give life to the visions that will

    ultimately serve the common good. Though

    our Region is made up of diverse entities,

    each with unique qualities, we know we are

    united by our similarities.

    Together, we comprise one community

    the Greater Miami Valley Region and we

    have the same desire to be proper stewards

    of our resources, encourage balanced

    growth, and create a better tomorrow

    for ourselves and generations to come.

    Together public and private partners are

    able to collaborate and develop strategies

    that will improve lives and create an

    environment of economic vitality throughout

    the Region.

    one region2

  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    enCouraging balanCed growth to Create a better tomorrow

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    one region

    CollaboratiVe strategies that imProVe the quality of life


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    visionTo serve as regional stewards, creating a

    vibrant community, vigorous economy and

    healthy environment.


    MVRPC strives to foster collaboration amongcommunities, stakeholders and residents

    to advance regional priorities. MVRPC is a

    forum and resource where these regional

    partners can identify priorities, develop

    public policy and implement collaborative

    strategies to improve the quality of life and

    economic vitality throughout the Miami Valley.

    valuesWe recognize that the people of the Miami

    Valley are linked and enriched by both the

    things we share and the things that make

    us unique. We take pride in our diverse

    communities that are bound together in

    a larger Region of shared values by ourhistory, our spirit of innovation, our economy

    and our environment. We appreciate

    the need to balance growth across the

    Region, to provide better planning and

    incentives to preserve natural resources

    and to work together to creatively address

    regional concerns while retaining local


    functional areasMVRPC performs variou

    activities, including air q

    transportation, land use

    Geographic Information

    As the designated Metr

    Organization (MPO), Mfor transportation plann

    Miami and Montgomery

    the communities of Car

    Springboro in northern W

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    one region

    transportation planningWhether youre cruising on the freeway,

    enjoying the Regions scenic bikeways,

    crossing one of the Miami Valleys manybridges or just taking a leisurely stroll,

    chances are the Miami Valley Regional

    Planning Commission played a part in

    allowing you to get around town easier andquicker than ever before.

    As the areas planner for metropolitan

    transportation, MVRPC develops plans thatensure the continued successes of this

    Regionplans that enhance this areas

    competitive position, promote integration of

    systems, stimulate the economy, improve

    your own personal mobility, and preserve

    our environment.

    On a regular basis, MVRPC solicits our

    member jurisdictions for applications for

    federal transportation funding. Various typesof funds are available based on project

    type. They include:

    Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality(CMAQ) funds which can be used for

    specic improvements that help reduce

    trafc congestion and/or improve air

    quality in certain counties;

    Surface Transportat

    funds which can be

    maintenance or new

    on federal-aid roadw

    Transportation Enha

    funds which can be

    enhancement of a trasuch as landscaping

    facilities, scenic beau

    restoration of historic


    Planning that enhanCes the areas ComPetitiVe Position


  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    Job Access/Reverse Commute (JARC) funds which can be used for projects

    that assist welfare recipients and eligible

    low-income individuals in accessing jobs

    and other employment-related activities,as well as reverse commute projects

    transporting those in urban areas to

    suburban-based jobs; and

    New Freedom (NF) funds which canbe used for new public transportation

    services and service alternatives beyond

    those required by the American with

    Disabilities Act (ADA), and assistingindividuals with disabilities, including

    transportation to and from jobs.

    The two primary responsibilities of MVRPCsTransportation Program are the development

    of the Long Range Transportation Plan(LRTP) and the Transportation Improvement

    Program (TIP), also known as the ShortRange Transportation Plan.

    Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

    is a long-range (25+ years) strategy andcapital improvement program developed

    to guide the effective investment of

    public funds in multi-modal transportation

    facilities. The plan isupdated every four (4)

    years, and may be amended

    as a result of changes in

    projected federal, stateand local funding, major

    improvement studies,

    Congestion Management

    Process plans, interchangejustication studies, and

    environmental impact studies. The Plan

    provides the context from which the

    Regions Transportation ImprovementProgram is drawn.

    Transportation Improvement Program

    (TIP) is a more detailed, four-year

    transportation capital improvementprogram that is updated every two

    (2) years. The Regions Long Range

    Transportation Plan is monitored and

    implemented through the TIP process.Specically outlined in the TIP are the

    Regions highway, bikeway/pedestrian

    and transit improvements that arefederally and/or state nanced. Before

    local jurisdictions can move forward with

    any proposed project implementation or

    construmust rs

    and app



    Board o


    Providinby incre

    options for the Regions

    residents is the goal of

    Transportation efforts uMVRPC. Those underse

    benet from the coordin

    occurs throughout the R

    helped expand transpoand worked to make it e

    to cross county lines.

    Additional transportatioinclude promoting alter

    as biking, ridesharing, t

    and walking, all of whic

    drive less, live more pMVRPC embraces.

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    one region

    land use planningUnderstanding that transportation issues

    and land use practices are closely tied

    together, and are greatly impacted by eachother, the Miami Valley Regional Planning

    Commission emphasizes sustainable

    growth philosophies and better integration

    of land use planning and transportationplanning. MVRPCs Regional Planning

    Program oversees an in-depth, regionalland use planning initiative entitled Going

    Places: An Integrated Land Use Vision for

    the Miami Valley Region.Working withvarious regional stakeholders, this initiative

    promotes advancing a shared future land

    use vision, represented by a conceptual

    2040 regional growth framework for theMiami Valley Region.

    a shared Vision of future land use

    Generally accepted prSustainable Growth inc

    Provide a variety of tr

    including pedestrianand automobiles

    Develop walkable c

    Strengthen and direc

    towards existing com


  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    Take advantage of compact buildingdesign and include a range of housing

    choices and opportunities

    Mix land uses throughout the community

    Foster distinctive, attractive places with a

    strong sense of place

    Preserve open space, farmland, natural

    beauty and critical environmental areas

    Encourage community and stakeholder


    Make development decisions predictable,

    fair and cost-effective

    Sustainable Growth strategies emphasizethe redevelopment of existing communities

    and preservation and protection of natural

    countryside and farmland. They are not

    anti-growth, but rather, sustainablegrowth strategies that just make common

    sense and allow a region to be sustainable.

    The Regional Planning Program also houses

    the Geographic Information System (GIS)team. GIS is essentially used to manage,

    analyze and visualize various aspects of

    natural or manmade features of the Region.

    It is also one of the keycomponents of MVRPCs

    Planning Support

    System that provides

    a vital operatingfunction in conducting

    planning activities for

    communities who share

    a common groundthroughout the Region.

    Further, MVRPCs GIS

    program provides a

    leadership role in theRegion by coordinating

    and implementing

    various GIS activities to

    share data, information,knowledge, and technical

    expertise with local governmentsand the general public.

    As part of the Regional Planning Program,

    MVRPCs Resource Center is a designated

    Census afliate of the States Department

    of Development and, as such, receivesrelevant Census information. MVRPC

    receives publications and CDs, as soon as

    they are released by the

    and makes information public, free-of-charge,

    electronic format. In admost current data from

    Resource Center also h

    data dating back to 195

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    one region

    CollaboratiVe strategies that imProVe the quality of life


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    environmental planningWhether its regarding the air we breatheor the water we use, MVRPC plays a part

    in helping the Miami Valley meet the

    standards established by the U.S.

    Environmental Protection Agency.

    Air Quality Planning

    The Clean Air Act, and subsequentamendments, require that the Regionhas a plan for protecting and improving

    the air quality in the Miami Valley.

    MVRPC is responsible for recommending

    elements of the Regions portion of theState Implementation Plan for air quality

    attainment. Since transportation planning

    is at the core of the MVRPC mission,

    and vehicle emissions are signicant

    contributors to the overall air pollutionsituation in the Region, MVRPC addresses

    this issue from a number of directions.

    Both the Long Range Transportation Planand the Transportation Improvement Plan

    must each conform to the regional air

    quality plan. This means the plan may

    not cause or contribute to a violation ofa national air quality standard. MVRPC

    regularly evaluates the emissions effect

    of our transportation plans in a processcommonly known as conformity analysis.

    As the name implies, the transportation

    projects must conform to the Regions

    air quality plan. Also, MVRPC encouragescommuters to use alternative

    transportation such as

    biking, ridesharing, takingtransit or walking, as ways

    to improve the Regions air

    quality. On the public health

    front, MVRPC coordinatesclosely with the Regional

    Air Pollution Control Agency

    and issues air pollution

    advisories on days whenair pollution concentrations are expected

    to be at unhealthy levels. Residents areasked to modify their behavior especially

    on these days to reduce air pollution andprotect their health.

    Water Quality Planning

    In accordance with the Water Pollution

    Control Act amendments of 1972, MVRPCmaintains the Areawide Water Quality

    Management Plan in

    Designated Water Qufor the ve-county Mia

    This Program is not ju

    but a series of linked

    studies, and maps thaRegions


    and groand rec

    for addr


    Treatmethat are



    providepart of the Program. Th

    providing centralized in efcient manners. T

    Region is well-known water resources, and

    diligently to protect th

  • 8/7/2019 MVRPC Informational Booklet 2011


    One South Main StreetSuite 260Dayton, Ohio 45402

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