mri guided prostate biopsy

MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy HarmJan van Klaveren Jordy Oudhuizen Tom van Slingerland 17042014

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MRI  Guided  Prostate  Biopsy                      

Harm-­‐Jan  van  Klaveren  Jordy  Oudhuizen  

Tom  van  Slingerland    17-­‐04-­‐2014  

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•  Prostate  Carcinoma  •  Current  Examina9ons  •  MRI  Guided  •  Risks/Follow-­‐up  Care  •  Gleason  Score  •  TRUS/MRI  Fusion  

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Prostate  Carcinoma  

•  22%  of  all  male  cancer  pa9ents    •  >65  years:  6,87  out  of  1000  males    •  15-­‐64  jaar:  0,60  out  of  1000  males    


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Risks  for  prostate  ca.  development  

•  Age  –  >65  years  

•  Hormone  regula9on  –  Testosteron  

•  Hereditary  –  50-­‐100%  more  change  

•  Food  –  Calcium  and  dairy  products  

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•  95%  consists  of  Adenocarcinoma’s  

•  Slow  rate  of  development  

•  Painless  Complica9ons  

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Cause  for  examina9on  •  Metastasis  in  bone  9ssue  (Pelvis/Spine)    •  Dysfunc9on  of  the  prostate  

–  Difficult  urina9on  –  Urine  dripping  –  Weak  flow    –  More  frequent  urina9on  

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Current  Examina9ons  

•  Clinical  •  Urologic  •  Ultrasound  •  TRUS  (transrectal  ultrasound)  

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Clinical  Examina9on  

•  Rectal  toucher  –  Irregulari9es  –  Asymmetrical  prostate  –  Lumps  

•  Blood  examina9on  –  PSA  (Prostare  Specific  An9gen)      

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Urologic  examina9on  

•  Rectal  toucher  –  PCA3-­‐  /  urine  examina9on    

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Urologic  Examina9on  

•  PCA-­‐3  has  a  superficial  detec9on.  Medical  imaging  and  biopsy  show  accurate  loca9on,  nature  and  malignity  of  the  cancer.  Prostate  cancer  oden  excists  of  various  Gleason  Grades,  therefore  precise  determina9ons  is  important  .  See  the  Gleason  Grades  slide  for  more  informa9on.  

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•  Transrectal  Ultrasound  

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   TRUS  Biopsy  

•  Randomised  TRUS  Biopsy  •  Consists  of  12  biopsies  

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MRI  Guided  

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Prepera9ons  before  examina9on  

•  An9bio9cs-­‐  Ciproxin(500  mg).  Addi9onal  dose  when:  –  Endocardi9s  (a  inflamma9on  of  the  inner  heart  lining)  –  Gene9c  abnomali9es  of  the  heart  –  Cadiomyopathy    

•  Food  is  not  allowed  4  hours  prior  

•  Ejacula9on  is  not  allowed  4  days  prior    •  Pauze  An9-­‐clofng  medica9on:  

–  Acenocoumarol  Sintrom  mi9s®  –  Fenprocoumon  Marcoumar®  

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•  Common  MRI  contra-­‐indica9ons  •  INR  >2  

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MRI  sequences  prior  to  MRI-­‐biopsy  •  T1  •  T2  TSE  •  Diffusion  (DWI)  •  Dynamic  Post  Gadolinium  T1  •  Post  Gadolinium  T1  3D    

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MRI  sequences  prior  to  MRI-­‐biopsy  

•  Ader  administering  Gadolinium  a  dynamic  T1  sequence  will  take  place.  Prostate  carcinoma’s  characterise  themselfes  with  rapid  vascularias9on  and  distribu9on  of  contrast  fluid.  Difference  is  seen  in  the  wash-­‐out  of  the  cancer.  

 •  The  SPC  (space)  will  be  performed  next.  Isometric  voxels  allow  

mul9planar  reconstruc9ons  showing  the  loca9on  of  the  cancer.  

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MRI  sequences  

•  T1  •  T2  TSE  

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MRI  sequences  

•  Diffusion  

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MRI  sequences  

•  Post  Gadolinium  T1  •  Post  Gadolinium  T1  3D  

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Prostate  biopsy  by  MRI  •  Prepera9ons  •  Placing  needle  guide    

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Prostate  biopsy  by  MRI(2)  

•  Localisers  •  T2  trufi  •  T2_TSE  sag+tra  •  DYNA  CAD  

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Prostate  biopsy  by  MRI(2)  

•  First,  localisers  will  be  preformed    •  Second,  a  sagital  T2  TRUFI  sequence  will  provide  a  more  accurate  

overview  for  planning  the  following  sequences.    •  Ader  the  T2  TRUFI  a  sagimal  and  axial  Turbospin  Echo  will  be  

preformed.  These  sequences  will  be  sent  to  DynaCad  for  accurate  calcula9ons  on  needle  placement.  

 •  The  probe  will  be  put  in  place  and  every  movement  of  the  neelde  

will  be  followed  by  two  SPACE  sequences  (axial,  sagimal)  for  showing  the  loca9on  and  direc9on  of  the  needle.  

 •  Biopsies  will  be  taken,  ader  every  sample  (x2)  a  SPACE  squence  

with  needle  in  place  will  be  preformed  to  determine  the  loca9on  of  the  needle.  

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Prostate  biopsy  by  MRI(2)  •  Probe  placement  •  Take  sample  •  T2_tra  follow-­‐up  

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Prostate  biopsy  by  MRI  

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Advantages  MRI  biopsy  

•  High  accuracy  when  taking  samples  –  Abnomal9es  well  visible  in  rela9on  to  TRUS  

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Advantages  MRI  biopsy  

•  Bemer  Contrast-­‐/Spa9al  resolu9on  •  Less  Biopsies  •  Less  False  nega9ves  •  Less  risk  for  complica9ons  •  Extra  certainty  for  the  pa9ent  with  a  persistent  PSA  and  false  

nega9ve  TRUS  

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Disadvantages  MRI  biopsy  

•  Ar9facts    •  Claustrofobic  pa9ents    •  Common  contraindica9ons  

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•  Infec9on  (acute  bacterial  prosta99s)  –  More  likely  with  previous  unknown  prosta9ts  

 •  Bleeding  in  urethra  of  bladder    •  Rectal  Bleeding  

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Follow-­‐up  Care  

•  Hospitalisa9on  not  necessary  

•  No  ac9vi9es  and  48  hours  no  cycling  

•  Possible  temperature  rise  

•  Possible  Bloodloss  –  Small  bleeding  2  weeks  –  Reproduc9on  system  up  to  4  weeks  possible  


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Gleason  Score  

•  Determines  the  malignity  of  the  prostate  cancer  

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Gleason  Score  

•  The  Gleason  Score  is  build  from  two  Gleason  Grades.  The  first  Gleason  Grade  is  given  to  the  most  appearing  type  of  tumor.  The  second  Gleason  Score  is  given  to  the  second  most  appearing  type  of  tumor.  

•  Gleason  Score  =  Gleason  Grade  type  tumor  1  +  Gleason  Grade  type  tumor  2  

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•  TRUS/MRI  fusion  imaging  

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TRUS/MRI  Fusion  

•  Increase  in  detec9on  of  mostly  anterior  and  central  situated  prostate  ca’s.  Current  random-­‐biopsy  methods  foresees  in  detec9on  of  mostly  dorsal  situated  cancers  in  the  periferal  zone.  

 •  Decrease  in  the  detec9on  of  indolent  lowgrade  prostate  ca’s.  These  

lowgrade  ca’s  don’t  metastasise  oden  en  cause  herefore  no  death.  These  lowgrade  ca’s  are  less  visible  on  MRI-­‐images  and  biopsy  of  these  ca’s  is  not  nessecary.  Due  to  accurate  biopsy,  histological  differenta9on  of  the  hetrogene  ca’s  will  be  more  accurate.    

 •  Decrease  in  number  of  samples.  Aimed  biopsies  apply  to  2  samples,  

where  randomised-­‐biopsies  apply  to  10-­‐12  biopsies.