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Session 2, April 11, 2015 Session Transcript

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Session 2, April 11, 2015

Session Transcript

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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[0:00:00] Nicholas: Hello everybody and welcome to class number two of The Mystical Principles of Healing

Course. Let's once again acknowledge that people from all over the world now are gathering together from maybe 30 countries. So some people, it's your morning; some people, it's middle of the day; some people, it's the evening; some people, it's the middle of the night. A very warm welcome to all of you as this community really starts to form.

Hopefully you've had time since the last session to digest the content. I had an interesting

time because as a so-called senior student, at first I thought Thomas is just going over the basics again and then I started listening more carefully and now I've listened six or seven times to the first class, and each time it gets deeper and deeper and deeper. So I won't make that mistake again of thinking I've heard what Thomas is saying.

A couple of new points before we start the class with Thomas. First of all, on this session

and from now you'll be able to ask Thomas a question in the second half of the class without your camera. So if you don't have an internet strong enough or if you prefer not to be seen you will still be able to ask a live question. Also we're introducing a new feature for people who don't have strong enough internet to come live onto the class. You can ask a question by writing. There's a form on the live course session. I'll be looking at all of those questions during the class and I'll choose one or two to present to Thomas during the Q&A and the others Thomas will look at between this class and the next one.

Once again a very warm welcome to everyone. Thomas is in a studio in Berlin. My great

pleasure now to hand over to Thomas to start the class and I'll be with you again later. Thomas: Thank you Nicholas. Hello everyone. Here we are, Module 2. After the last introduction to the course last time, as we most probably every time, we will

have more practical meditative entry into each module, and then we will have some theory and then we will see how we digest this theory into our practice in our life because many people here are working with clients every day so there is a beautiful possibility to practice.

Today I want to introduce something that on the one hand seems very simple but on the

other hand might be also often very confusing, which is the term of energy. In this course we will talk a lot about energy. Before we go into our meditative exploration of today's intro-meditation I want to introduce this term a bit more to see maybe there are different definitions but here is the one I'm working with, so it's good to know what I mean when I say ‘energy.’ Sometimes we use this term but we might not be always fully clear actually what it means.

Last time I said that when we explore our own life, when we explore our own experience

of our life, we are exploring everything in a way through our perception. Our perception is being interpreted by many functions that I have wired in myself throughout my life and hopefully and potentially also by my future intelligence.

[0:04:57] But the key of the spiritual or every developmental journey is that we are exploring our

journey while we are already in it. It's not that any one of us could step out of the journey and say: "Oh that's what it means to live a human life." The fact is that every one of us is in it. It's like as if you are in the film and you are trying to find out what kind of film you are in, but you are an actor or an actress in the film and you are trying to find out: "Okay,

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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what's the movie and how has the movie been made? And who actually made the movie?"

The whole spiritual journey is looking to find out through inner and outer science, like the

mystical as we said and the scientific approach, to reveal basic principles of life. The fact that we are in it means we are always in movement. Krishnamurti already apparently said it - that one thing is clear: there is one thing that doesn't change, which means that everything is changing all the time.

In the meditation I can see this, and we will do this in a minute. I can see actually that

everything that I'm aware of somehow is moving. Either it's moving very slowly or it's moving very quickly like a thought. A thought is a very quick experience. It's fast.

But actually, information – however physical or however subtle it is, it's constantly subject

to change. Some of the change takes a long time. Some of the changes are short. But actually everything that I am aware of - as awareness - is changing, which means that when we use the term energy, and that we'll use it very often, then we are talking about the effect of the movement of our life - the effect of the movement of our life.

One effect of the movement of my life is that I am living through a physical body. Another

effect is that I have emotional experiences, I have an emotional body. Another one is that I have a mental experience so I have also a mental body. But my physical body is actually not talking in the same language or movement as my mental body. My mental body is much quicker. I can change things in my mental body much faster than I can change things in my physical body.

So we will explore today some of the basic principles that I think that we need to

understand, and cognitive understanding is part of it, but really understand through a kind of taking in, taking in, taking in, contemplating it, until I can [break in audio] and the energy needs to discharge itself in order for the ball to rest again.

My life motivation is energy in movement. When I get up every morning and I get out of

bed, something motivates me hopefully to get out of bed. So energy is already moving - in my dreams, in my thoughts, all the time I'm moving.

So we want to use the term energy as movement. It's like music. When you go the

philharmony, as we said last time, and we listen to music, and you listen to music, it means that you attune to the movement of the music.

So imagine when you listen to music you really let your perception follow a movement.

That's how we're going to relate to energy. When you tune in with your own body in the meditation that we are going to do now or when you tune in with the body of someone else, when you tune in with the emotional experience of someone, when you tune in with the mental experience of someone, when you tune in with the spiritual experience of someone, with social structures, however - with companies, whenever we start to perceive subtle information, we are listening to movement.

[0:10:10] Energy is a description for movement, and intelligence is energy in action as well, so it's

a similar term. So my intelligence is not static. My intelligence is something that's moving moment to moment and expressing itself moment to moment.

So whatever reaches its original movement is energy or intelligence in its highest

possibility. When my energy is really free to express itself, I will feel a natural sense of

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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happiness. If my energy is reduced - and in the healing work we look a lot at the reduced movement, in the trauma for example, trauma is a strong reduction of the original movement. So we will feel a tension because the whole rest of my organism is actually moving and one part of my being is frozen. It's a slow train and fast train, and in between the trains there's a rubber band. If the rubber band gets too tense, I feel it as tension in my body, I feel it as tension in my feelings, in my thoughts, in my social interactions.

This tension is going with me actually every day. Many people come to us because of

exactly that tension, that we feel a tension in our being and between ourselves and the world that is hard for us to digest.

So when we use the word energy, every time we say energy, we are talking about a

change, something that's moving, something that's changing, something that has different levels of changing or change. There are different levels of movement. It means that the energy is changing either very slowly or is changing quickly, but all of it is in a movement. Like the whole universe since the Big Bang is moving. There are more coherent patterns, structures [break in audio] railway system.

But basically even if it's very dense, it's still changing. It's not going to stay the same. Just

the time that it needs and we will talk a lot about time in the process. We will explore what does it mean: time, and what does it mean: time for healing, does healing really need time? For this we will use often this term.

So not to forget: every time we mention energy, it's something that I can attune to.

Movement is not static. I'm not looking at something static. I'm aligning with the movement. It's like listening and you follow the music. You follow the first violin of an orchestra. You follow the piano of an orchestra. So there are many instruments, there are many sounds, but I want to follow one. So listen to your physical body and to your organs. I want to listen to one, although there are many. So your body radiates through many organs subtle information. I want to be very specific. When I check your energy, I want to find the one that I need to feel because there is an imbalance.

How I do that is I align with the movement. I'm not tuning in with something static. I'm

tuning in with something that's moving. For our work this is a significant thing: to release my mind and my world perception from fixed things, like that everything is subject to change and healing is often the restoration of the original movement that a human being finds back into its original movement, into its essential movement. We will explore this later.

But the term energy is important for me for the meditation today, and then the next time

as well because I want to train, I want to do like an issue on meditations where I suggest a certain path in the meditation, and then to use the next two weeks to train this in our daily life, and then to come back with the abilities, difficulties, insight and then to refine it.

[0:15:15] Great! So that's just for the beginning and then we will continue with the rest later. So if you want, you can just sit with an upright spine. We will go on a journey together

and we use attunement to movement in different variations to train our ability to attune. Just remember again, attunement means we are - it's like an instrument that we are attuning to, which means we join a movement. Attunement is: we join a movement, and that's what we're going to do now.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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If you want, you can close your eyes and just let your awareness drop for some moments just into the simplicity of sitting - the simplicity of sitting. Every time you exhale, you let your awareness drop deeper into the body sensations.

When I turn my awareness to the inside, I immediately see: wow, actually, there's so

much [more] information than is in my regular waking consciousness. When I'm busy with my life with the external world, out of good reasons, I dim down my inner world experience, which is also good to do because we have to be aware of our external life. But which also means that actually I want to be able to use all the information that there is if I need it. I don't have to do it all the time, but if I need it, I need to be able to access it. So when I tune in with my movement of my breath, my body posture, maybe immediately I see: wow, there are areas in my body that are very easily accessible. There are others where it takes some time for information to appear. I keep it in this dropping movement and I dive into the ocean of sensations that my inner world consists of.

So as I dive through my breathing, I'm aware of the way I'm sitting. I can also become

aware of the areas where I feel a lovely streaming movement and the areas where I feel like patterns of tension. Just explore my physical body as flow and movement and holding and tension. I see some areas are more tense. Some areas are more open.

I can also attune to the movement and then I will feel the joy of life energy moving.

Everywhere in my body where this is streaming and I tune in with it, there is also kind of a joyful underlying quality that comes with streaming movement.

[0:20:10] And then I tune in with the more dense or tense areas of the tension patterns in my body,

and I see if I can do that with as little resistance as possible. I could say yes to the tension, with the curiosity. Maybe it's even a bit uncomfortable to do that. I'm becoming a friend of one of the tensions that I focus on.

I explore it already with the eyes of change or movement. One part of my body is moving.

Another part of my body is reduced in its movement. And then from there, let's play a bit with the physical body first and let's say, okay I want

to become more skilled in accessing every little detail of my body. So my interior competency, my inner body competency, means that I can access the information of every part of my body.

We start with bones. So choose a bone in your body. It will be good to choose maybe

one that is a bit bigger. And to do what we started with. See if you can attune to the quality of the bone so that my perception can notice the uniqueness or the unique energy of the bone, the unique movement of the bone. Play a bit with attunement like you're looking for a radio station with your radio receiver until the music is clear. Find the right density until you get a real clear feeling, or maybe even an inner image in the feeling of that bone. If you can see the bone and you can feel the bone and have two channels of perception joining.

If that's too hard, let's start with just sensing the bone. Once you get an impression, stay

with it. Stay concentrated with that perception… Stay concentrated with that perception. See if you can stay with the quality of a bone without losing it by thinking of something else, by being distracted from the exterior world, or whatever. Let's see if you can stay concentrated with the bone.


The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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Every time my mind wants to think about something else, my concentration stays with the

bone. And then I change and I feel into any bigger muscle in my body. I choose one muscle and

I tune in with it. I feel it. And I see if there is a subtle difference in feeling a muscle and feeling a bone. And actually how do I change, what kind of function do I use to change from a bone to a muscle? How do I switch. It's the process of switching. I can go forth and back and play a bit with the switching. It's the switching.

See if you can stay concentrated with the switching or with either one of them. If you start

thinking about other things, come back. If you want to experiment you can also see if you have an inner image in the body sensation. If that’s too hard you can just use body sensations.

You feel the difference in the tissue. Of course there's a rational difference but what's the

experiential difference – what is the subjective perception that is different between a bone and a muscle, a bone and a muscle?

Great. And then you let go of this. Let your perception - let go of it. You can exhale a

moment. And then you choose an organ in your body. Choose an organ and do the same thing. Attunement as you listen to a unique instrument that plays a melody. Every organ has a unique melody, has a unique feel to it. Feel it until the perception gets clearer. If it's harder at the beginning, everything is fine, but stay with the beginning of the perception, even if it's not clear right away. It doesn't matter at all.

Let the first perception concretize. Let it expand. Keep listening, listening, listening,

listening. [0:30:00] Now, you just change to another organ for a moment. You switch to one other organ…

The same thing, you set the intention. You let the first impression appear. You have a first impression - you dive into it and you let it expand. You listen to it and let it expand, until the first attunement opens up to a whole field of information.

If your mind jumps around, let it do its movements. Come back to the perception. And then we let go of it. Exhale for a moment. And then let's tune in with our brain. Let's

see if I can get a feeling of my brain. Is there a way to the subjective perception… Once we have our first impression, let the impression intensify. Listen to it and let it

expand. Even if you doubt at the beginning, if it's imagination or perception, don't worry. Let's drop this for a moment and stay with whatever is the first thing that arises, and you trust the first impression, and then you listen to the first impression and let it become more clear.

If you want, you can also include your spine, your spinal cord, and just feel what's the

difference when we tune in with our nervous system. We feel our nervous system. We can also see if there are certain qualities like activation, relaxation, tension. Just stay

for a moment concentrated. [0:35:00]

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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Then slowly you can let go of it again and take a short rest. Take a breath. Let your whole perception system relax. Enjoy the spaciousness that appears when we let go of perceptions, like there's a lot of inner space.

And then we just continue with one more thing, which is our emotional landscape, and we

now see when I switch from my physical body to my emotional world, what's actually the difference and how do I switch. Of course, on the one hand, everything is connected. On the other hand, I changed something in my perception to only tune in with my emotional bandwidth. I can see if my emotional body is open, if it's more contracted. Certain qualities are open or contracted. If I feel very inclusive of my emotional world or if I'm being selectively inclusive or partly exclusive or selective, especially with emotional states like fear, anger or shame.

I give myself a moment to just rest in more refined awareness, my emotional state. I got a

first impression and now I let the first impression expand. I can play a bit with what's the difference to my physical sensations if there is at all.

And then I can let go of my emotional landscape and come back to the inner

spaciousness. Just for a moment I get that feeling of my mind, my mental landscape, and to see what's the difference if I feel my mental state, the state of my mind.

[0:39:55] I can let it go again and just get a feeling of us as a group. There are so many people

worldwide. But at the same time attune to the same or similar purpose, motivation, intention.

So let's get a feeling of us, even if it sounds maybe abstract at the beginning. In the

subtle world we are not that far apart. In the world of perceptions, we are not that far, we are not that separate. I can get a feeling of my Sangha, my group of studying, researching, practicing.

Again, do the same thing. You set the intention. Intention gives a first impression. Trust

that first impression. Let it expand by listening to it, feeling into it deeper. Feel that field that holds so many qualities, so much competency, feeling power,

intelligence, different competencies. There is a subtle connection where we are all contributing to that subtle field. We're feeding it and benefiting from it.

And then I can let go of that as well and just become aware of awareness itself.

Awareness is aware of the collective perception as well as of my mental perception, my emotions, my body. There is awareness itself witnessing presence, timelessness, simplicity. I'm aware of the fact that I've perceived. Let's just stay with that awareness.

[0:45:00] Just resting with awareness, as I'm aware of my thought processes, my feelings, my

body sensations. Keeping a spaciousness which more and more turns into a burning magnetic presence, emptiness, where I'm just here in a very profound way.

And to allow that presence in a way to stay as we slowly come back. Take a deep breath,

feel our body. Good! Great! So we are going, like we did today, to choose one bandwidth of our

experience and we will explore it deeper and deeper. And then use now the two weeks,

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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and I'm sure there are some people in the course that are very skilled and trained to be perceptive of body functions, body structures, physical structures, and there are some people that are using and practicing this less.

In order to come more and more to the same page, even if that's already something that

we are using anyway, include in our practice for two weeks and I will always give some new things to practice in order to see that on the one hand I can have more knowledge about healing arts and about different aspects of our psychological but also our spiritual development. I can become more and more of a tool, an alive, living, walking tool or ability of healing. So I can have the meta-perspective and the knowledge and I can become more the energy itself.

So we are going to explore more and more how that works, what that means, and how

these inner acrobatics - like to become an acrobat: an inner acrobat of consciousness in a way, so that in my interior, my interior is becoming more and more fluid, less and less fixed in my own experience, so that I can easily and more skillfully attune to whatever level of the being of myself and another person, a group, a social structure, a cultural structure, a kind of an organizational structure, because I'm able to host the dimension in myself clearly.

[0:49:57] We said I think last time that one of the functions of listening is that I can have - like you

in me as clearly as possible, like the moon as a reflection in the lake in the middle of the night, in the still water. So that my energy field is so open and flexible that I can have more and more possibilities of life, possibilities of the body's emotional worlds, experiences, mental capacities, spiritual levels of development, kind of represented in myself with less and less interferences, which creates understanding, compassion, love, and ultimately sends out a very strong impulse of healing.

So in my practice I want to - of course, and we all know how important it is to release and

integrate my own contractions, traumas and conditionings in order to be an as big space as I can become. We have seen last time that we said there is consciousness itself: witnessing awareness that's the subject of our spiritual practice. Therefore the meditation practice is so important for our work, because I need to have more and more moments as witnessing, more and more moments as witnessing consciousness itself. So that witnessing becomes actually an underlying current in my life. Many people experience this when they give sessions, when they work with people. So this quality becomes stronger. Sometimes when we are involved in our own life, it goes more to the background because the identification gets stronger.

But eventually we want this to be an underlying current 24/7. That's the best. Therefore

the meditation practice that we suggested last time is very important. But then, now, today, we want to go into the anatomy in a way of the energetic system to

see what are the skills that I believe we need to develop in order to skillfully dive into and to accompany - help evolve - certain energetic conditions, conditions or structures. Energetic conditions means that they are, like the physical layer, the life-energy layer, the emotional layer, the mental layer and so on. I will discern them for the purpose of learning.

Of course they are all always connected. They are not separate anyway. But for our

exploration we will separate them for some time, in order to practice just one bandwidth intensively, and then another bandwidth intensively so that we can combine them at the end into a holistic life.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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So I want to start, and I think we are all aware of this that these three main bodies of experience: our physical experience, our emotional experience and our mental experience, seem so clear to us. But actually what I see all the time and I'm sure many of us see all the time is that this synchronicity of these three stages of experience, although we all take them for granted. Which means evolution developed through the physical sphere, through the emotional sphere and the mental sphere, and came up eventually right now with the rational layer, the scientific layer of life, our neo-cortex, and all the higher functions, but actually how synchronized and grounded are these higher functions in and through my emotional and my physical experience?

So a lot of the work that I see that is being done in therapy, for example, is to

resynchronize those three levels, so that we literally have again a coherent message or information sent out through our cognitive functions, emotional functions and physical body functions. We all know how good it feels if we get a coherent message, and we all know how much tension gets transmitted if those three elements are not synched up.

[0:55:00] For the start, I want to today draw a few things, and I'm going to start with this right now.

So I will change the screen now to a piece of paper and then I will just - for you to have also some of my high artistic outputs. People who know it know that I am not the artist in the family. But for now I hope you see now a piece of paper.

Let's say we talk about energy. Energy is like a comet, a comet happily flying through the

universe. So the comet is flying that way and it has a tail of dust, a tail of dust, let's say. It has

another tail layer of dust and it has another tail layer of dust and maybe another one. So let's say essential energy, what we call here in this work essential energy, here we

call it essential… This is also - this equals our soul energy. That's our core motivation. In the center of our spine in the central nervous system, there is our core motivation. That's the energy that incarnates and I will draw another drawing afterwards as an illumination of what I mean with incarnation, with coming into life.

But the central channel holds the essential energy of our being, and this creates a

movement. As we said: the soul is not a thing. The soul is an impulse. It's a movement. It's a spark of the Big Bang that is incarnating into life, that's coming into life and creating a form. I will close this for a moment and open another one.

When energy comes into life… some people know this drawing already. Here is our

happy human being. As I said, I'm not the skilled artist in the family but I do my best. It doesn't look like, I know. So that is our soul that incarnates and that incarnates through a karmic layer. I will explain this more, what this means.

So the new - this is also called potential - dives into hundreds and thousands of years of

life. The insight which is the new spark, the soul, is an impulse of light that dives into the structures that human consciousness built up through hundreds and thousands of years of life. At the end, eventually, we start growing, we start developing, and we find ourselves in this life.

But for our work it's very important that here is potential and here is structure. In the

mystical teachings, we call the sphere of the human being the translation of potential, potentiality, into structure. My physical body here is already a structure. My emotional body is a structure. My mental body is a structure. Society is a structure. All the people

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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that I know - is my cultural contribution - is a structure. Companies that I build, the work that I do in the world, what is it? I need structures to manifest myself in the world. So it starts with the closest, which is my body, my emotions and my thinking, but it's also what I create in the world.

[1:00:03] The realm of the human being in the mystical teachings we would call the translation of

potential in the structure; the divine realm we will call where from nothing something appears. So when from the sea of all possibilities energy appears and something gets born, as we said last time. Like the Zen circle, something is being born and needs to fulfill its energy in order to return eventually into nothing. That's the Zen circle and the Zen circle is open, because here, intelligence is being exchanged. Every human system is open as long as it's alive. It needs to breathe. Most of them need to eat. Most of them are wired by external impulses. My brain is composed out of so many things that I absorb in the world.

How I think, I think sometimes that it's so unique, but actually I'm resting on the giant of

hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution, and I call it ‘me’, which means I think often what I think is unique, but eventually it's not that unique. First of all, many other people also think that way. Secondly, I am just taking on what life already developed anyway before me. My emotional system is not so unique. Maybe it has a unique coloring but it's not so unique at all. Life tried it out from many lifetimes already, and maybe there it more or less worked or not. We don't know.

But the Zen circle, and I know that's not a beautiful circle, but I hope your imagination can

bring this into a circle, we will work a lot with this - that from nothing, as we said last time, from emptiness as the Buddhists call it, from the sea of all possibilities, from the underlying playground of reality, something appears and is being born. It fulfills its cycle because it needs to discharge the energy that it has. My soul has an energy, and the energy is what motivates me every day to do what I do. The more I come closer to what I really feel is my core motivation intelligence, the more happy I will be to do what I do every day. I will say: "Oh, I am in my place. I am living the life that I want to live."

So actually the Zen circle represents an open circle, which means an open system, and

we will come back to what it means: an open system. The comet is this Zen circle, the central line. The central energy is basically the Zen circle. The comet flies through the universe in a circular way.

Here we have the human being, and we have the human being growing, developing. But

inside a human being the soul's impulse is growing through the structures of consciousness: the physical structures, the emotional structures, the mental structures, society structures, structures of different lines of intelligence - artistic, scientific, cognitive, moral, ethical, intuitive, whatever.

But eventually the spiritual journey wants to take me beyond the soul, and here is

another. You will get all these also as images because we will return to them again and again. We could say basically that here is the Divine, the divine realm. Here is the soul, and here is the persona. And there are downward energy streams and there are upward energy streams.

[1:05:00] We will work with these three dimensions. The persona is actually again divided into a

physical, into an emotional, and into a mental structure. But we will work with the three

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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dimensions. These are the three big dimensions that we want to explore because we need them for the healing practice later. We see that they are not separate.

As I said, everything that I draw here, everything that I share here is not the way it is, but

it's the way how we look at it now. Everything that I draw here is not the way it is. That's very important for me. It's the way how we look at it now. Let's take this as a kind of hypothesis for this course - that even if we structure certain things in order to explore them, in order to find out more about them and about their essence, after all, all those things, of course, are not separate. They are even not two. They're all not two all the time.

But for our exploration it's very important to dive into them specifically and also to take

the concepts that we use here as temporary concepts in order to have the fun of exploring something, and then also be able to let them go again, because maybe we will find better functional concepts that describe whatever we want to describe later in a better way. So it's not "this is the way it is" thing but it's more like this is the way we look at it for now - because it's helpful. But actually it's subject to change and to evolution. For me it's important to say that so that we keep the freedom of movement in the concepts themselves.

So energy - now I want to come back to this first, to here, to this one. So when the comet

is moving then the movement generates different streams of energy. So my soul incarnates and one stream of energy that it expresses is a physicality. The more physical something becomes - look at the table in the room that you're sitting in, if there is a table (if not, use the chair or the sofa or whatever. Something will be in the room). In the most physical dimension we say the table has a high level of structure and has very little dimension of free energy. So the table is actually changing quite slowly by itself because there is only little free energy. The higher I go or the less dense things are, the more free energy - which means potentiality to change - there is.

Again, it might sound a bit abstract at the beginning but I think it will make sense very

quickly. We said the human dimension is the translation of potential, which is free energy, into structure. That's evolution. The interplay between energy - I can show this here again. I think this is here.

When the soul equals the potential, that's my life's potential. The structure is the structure

that I anyway need to go through. We all need to learn to walk. We all need to learn to speak. We all need to develop our emotional systems. We all need to learn thinking to a certain degree. So there is a given process that I anyway need to run through in my evolution.

[1:10:00] But that's the structure that human life has already developed. That's not really new. It's

going to be updated continuously but there is a dimension that is not new. At the same time, in my life I'm bringing also an update, a potential update. This potential update is represented through free energy potential, here.

So the more structured things are… structure has a coherence. The table wants to stay

the table, and my body wants to stay the body, and I'm happy that I, after this call, can coherently and hopefully coherently walk out of the studio that I sit in and all the cells in my body will stick together as they did when I came here. That's a very helpful function.

Another helpful function is that I didn't need to learn to walk this morning because I can

do it already. My brain has a wired function-structure to walk, and we all know that.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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So the structure has a gravity, but for the healing work that's an important thing. I need to know that the more a trauma is already fixed in the structure and maybe after the generation that it has been passed on in a country where there has been a war, and the next generation has the trauma as well as an encoded traumatic information and wired symptom in the body… For me that's important because the more it's structure, the more I need energy to dissolve it. Again: the more something is structured, the more higher energy I need to melt it in order for it to become fluid, in order for it to evolve.

So in order to change the table that is here I need more energy to destabilize the

structure, in order for it to have another potentiality to become something new. So for the table I'm happy that the table stays the table, but the hardwired trauma, I am not so happy if it stays a trauma because then it continues to create whatever it continues.

So if there are physical symptoms in the body and something has been already

manifested in the body, I need some sort of energy to melt the structure because the structure wants to stay what it is. Therefore the earlier I catch the trauma, the earlier I catch whatever the conditioning, the hardwired stuff, the more potential to become something is there. The longer it exists the more it's already something. It became something.

That's also important for my aging process because aging is exactly that. The free energy

starts to manifest and maybe not everything from my life's potential will manifest because some things might not manifest because they are too stuck. But the stagnation of my body, the longer it exists, will more and more want to stay what it is. We call this kind of gravity: the gravity of structure.

Structure has a coherence and it's great for us. All the functions that we learn and that we

need to use again and again, it's fantastic because we can rely upon them. If you create a company and you want to rely on the people that you work with do the work that is needed and are responsible, and you want to rely on the therapist-client relation because you want to rely that the therapist is still there when you need him, and that there is a trustworthy structure there. So we want to rely on structures, but actually that's also the main thing that we are working with - are hardwired structures or any kind of structures that create symptoms that we suffer from.

[1:14:50] So in the mystical work, we are looking: ‘okay, how and where do I find the energy, the

appropriate energy that helps me to dissolve the structural symptoms in order for them to be able to move again?’ We will go much deeper with this later, but this function is very important if we talk about mystical healing or spiritual healing, because there are different higher levels of consciousness that hold the resources to help me in the more personal dimension to change the course of my life, in order to flow and evolve into a new dimension.

Let's just rest for a moment and see. We talked about many things and I will come back

to them again and again and expand those things, but these are basic terms that I use all the time. Therefore I want to introduce some of them today and next time in the next sessions for us to have the basic framework, that we can start to work with, because not everybody that joins this work heard those things before, and we will need these images or these metaphors all the time.

Let's just rest a bit with one thing that I said - that the human dimension is to translate

potential, and the potential is a new insight. The potential is the soul that incarnates like the intelligence that I come with into this life. But every moment, the inspiration that I

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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have and I suddenly get something new, that's what drives innovation. That's what keeps me inspired in meditations and suddenly I have insights and I realize something that I didn’t know before.

When we talk with each other and we have such an inspiring dialogue that we both go

out from this dialogue and like our neurons are gleaming: that's the energy that gets me excited about new things. That's when I say something and I know what I said right now is new, it's spontaneous. I've never said this before and I am surprised that I say that.

That's already like one aspect that shows me the progress of my spiritual practice, which

is that I say more and more things that I am surprised by about myself. So an evolving life, an evolutionary life, when I can say that my life is developing, then I have to have more and more moments where I say things or suddenly know things that I didn't know before. I need to surprise myself more and more often. That's when I can say I am on track. I am establishing and living in a deeper and deeper connection to something greater than my persona in my personal life.

Of course, that's a fantastic function because every company, every human being, every

relationship, every social context loves to have this quality more and more, and I believe that the spiritual practice shows us actually how to have this not randomly but trained as a competency. So the potential, the potentiality is the future, is what I can become, and the structure is the hardwired past that I have already expressed as the newspaper of yesterday. That's what I already wired in myself. These are the developmental stages that I went through. This is the gravity that creates a tension with the future.

[1:20:00] As a human being, I will live a lot of my life in the tension between potential and structure.

As I said, structure is crystallized energy. The more physical it becomes, the less free energy it has, the higher we go in the development, the more free energy it has. So it's faster changing structures.

But there is the future potential and the structure, which is actually already crystallized

past, and in between is the evolutionary tension that gets me motivated to do what I do every day.

Maybe we just let this rest a bit with us before we go to the Q&A portion of this call. But I

think that's a core principle that we work with. As we said, there are very positive aspects to structure. Structure is not good or bad. We just need to know how to work with it. And there is always a potential sleepiness in the structure because the structure wants to stay the structure. I need to know this in the healing work because there might be a progress in the healing, and then suddenly it looks like it drops back into what it was before because structure has a gravity. Addiction patterns, thought patterns, traumatic patterns passed on transgenerational from our parents: they have a gravity. In order to change them we need to overcome the gravity. As we all know, it's hard in our own lives sometimes to really change one pattern radically so that it doesn't come back.

Once we understand the dynamics of structure and how structure has a gravity and how

the future is becoming, but it's potential. It's not yet sure that it really will become what it wants to become. It's a potential.

Often people come with a strong tension that they feel a strong potential, but actually

when they look at their life, their life is much more smaller than potential, they feel. And that inside there's a lot of feeling of what can be but actually outside: that's just in a much smaller version actualized.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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We will explore more and more how the waterfall of manifestation is working, so what the

mystical principles tell us about how from energy structure is being created and of course how we can reverse the process. So in the healing work I sometimes say if you take a spoon, a group is actually a spoon, and what we do when we work with like higher consciousness is we take the spoon, we lift it up. It's like as if it's getting hotter and hotter. The heat is rising. The spoon becomes fluid. Then the spoon can be changed and then it comes back and cools down and is a different spoon.

We will talk about this process more, but that's how we can use the higher consciousness

as a very free energetic impact in order to work with very substantial structures - to speed up the process of change through basically our future. So we use the future to rewrite the past. This will be one of the things that we will learn and practice a lot: how we can actually have access to this higher consciousness and how we can use it in our own life and in the work with other people, so that we can benefit from that higher dimension in our daily life.

Just at the end of this portion of the call, let's see. I know that's a lot of information but as

Nicholas said: all the modules are designed for not only to listen to it once but to listen to it more often, and to take - to inhale it again and again, because we will see more and more details in it.

[1:25:00] Let's just sit for a minute with potential and structure. So what is your own understanding

of potentiality, free energy, what we are becoming, what human beings are becoming, what bigger cultural movements are becoming - and structure: crystallized energy, crystallized potential, gravity, wanting to stay, where life wants to stay what it is. My pattern, my thought pattern, my fear pattern, my addictive pattern, my pattern that I make from you once I know you in relation wants to stay what it is, and where do I know from my work is the correlation between becoming the future - and the past, structure.

We can explore up until the next talk. When we tune in with our life, in everyday life, and

I'm sure many people here have the opportunity every day to explore a bit, okay: when I look at the person, how do I get access to the free energy, to the intelligence that wants to manifest, and how can I attune how much of this potential is manifested, and what does actually manifest mean? So when I see a person: the index of free energy and structure, and how much structure is dynamic or too rigid? Dynamic structures are great because they are subject to appropriate change. But when structures get too dry, there are side effects.

So when I tune with a person, is there a healthy amount of structure? Is there too little

structure? Or is there too much structure which means the whole life becomes too fixed. And what is actually the healthy balance between free energy? Because only free energy means that I cannot ground my life. I cannot bring my life on the road. Too little free energy means that I'm not inspired. I don't actually know where I should go. I don't actually know what I should do with my life.

A healthy balance means that I'm very inspired, but I have the ability to manifest my

inspiration as my life. So the rubber hits the road, but the driver is inspired. So that's a cool combination. In the spiritual practice we actually want this combination to be that way, because a too weak structure cannot hold the power of the spiritual development, and too little free energy doesn't want to spiritually evolve. So we want to have a very good balance, and we will have to look at this balance because that's what many people

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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come with. My responsibility is to see who are the people who cannot do a spiritual practice - or only in a reduced form - because they don't have the structure.

So that's a very interesting topic. I think we will talk much more about that. But we will take it now, we will let it sink, and then next time we continue from here and

we will go now into the Q&A portion of this call. Maybe before we do that, let's have just a moment of silence to take this in and ground this information and see what resonates for you or what doesn't resonate for you, what leaves question marks.

[1:30:10] As you know, you can also write your questions and we will look at them. Some of them,

we can answer here. Some of them I might include in the next calls. Some of them, we might answer differently.

And also to take this information to take the things that are clear for you, the insights that

you have around this, the difficulties that you have with it into your triads or a group of six, and especially in the professional groups of six with like-minded people from your profession - to explore those principles: how they apply in your unique profession, because that's also interesting and that's also what we want to clarify in this course more and more. So how do we apply this in different medical, psychological, bodywork, coaching professions, and all the others that we offer? What is the specific application in the different streams of working, and see what are the insights that we come up with?

And at the end to see also that maybe you can - we'll talk about this next time more, but if

you want to, you can also be mindful of the field that we create, because there are so many professionals, there are so many people who carry the intelligence of healing in themselves. This is a great resource that stands in all our backs, which means that when you do healing work and we are connected in a field, it supports me and vice versa. So there is a kind of a subtle field of consciousness where when we are mindful of it we actually support each other, and our collective intelligence is increasing our individual competencies.

Let's be mindful of this until the next two weeks and then we talk about this more. Thank

you very much for listening here. It will take us a few moments to switch over to the Q&A portion, and I think Digo will give the instructions.

Digo: Thank you Thomas. Thank you everyone. We've now concluded with the teaching portion

of the second session of today's course. We will now move on to the Q&A segment of today's session.

If you would like to raise your hand and ask a question during the Q&A, you can do so by

clicking on the popup menu found on the lower left corner of your omNovia screen. If you have trouble seeing it, please maximize your window.

Once you click on the popup menu, you can raise your hand by selecting the little blue

person icon with their hand raised. If you are chosen to come on and ask a question, you can do so and accept the Adobe Flash permission settings that you may have to do and then select the camera and microphone that are best for your system and then click OK. If you've already done this in a previous omNovia technology orientation, then your settings should be saved and you can just click OK.

We will now take a short break and when we come back, Nicholas will come and address

written-in questions before we start with the live questions. To submit a written question

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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there's a forum on the live course sessions page within the online classroom that you can use.

Thank you and see you all in a few minutes. Nicholas: Thank you all for really fantastic questions. Many of them are very big and very profound

questions and I'm quite sure they will be addressed in one way or another during the course. Thomas will read all of the questions, so I'm going to just choose actually what seems like a simpler one to begin with, Thomas.

Someone wrote obviously relating to the initial meditation, which so important in terms of

the competencies. He or she writes: "In terms of tuning in, is there any meaning to the fact that one might experience one side of the body much better than the other?"

[1:35:10] Thomas: Yes. There is a meaning to this. Of course, on the one hand it can be that simply in the

original setup of our nervous system there are stress and tension patterns stored in our nervous system that create this effect. The other thing is that in the energetics, like in the perception of our left side and our right side, we would say that the feminine and the masculine energies that live through us and they live through us also through our roots, so through our fathers and mothers, and the ancestral lines. So it's like we would say when you know where you come from, you know where you go to, which means that if you integrate and you make peace with where you come from, it contributes a lot to the fact that you have a direction in life because you know where you're going to.

So the whole integration work that we are doing in order to integrate our past and what

the Jewish mystical traditional call "tikkun": the energetic correction or to open the fixed energy into a new evolution. So if we go through this process we actually liberate our potential. In a way we are going through the symptomatic levels until we reach the core, the essential core of the fixation in order to open it.

So sometimes when this masculine/feminine balance is out of balance, then we also

might experience one part of our energetic system stronger or weaker than the other part. So this imbalance shows itself in a kind of half-sided like ‘low energy symptom’. So it can be both. It can be just a symptom of like another trauma that affects the functioning of my nervous system, but it can also mean that there is truly an imbalance or there is somewhere an energetic hole in my ancestral line that creates this symptom in my current life experience now, so that one side of my body feels less energized.

Because often if in the ancestral lines one part is missing, there is an energetic hole. This

hasn't been integrated. We'll talk later in the course more about this - what it actually means if somebody leaves the body and if this happened in the past and it hasn't been properly integrated how this affects today my life. So there's a lot of science, mystical science around that. One of the symptoms is that I feel weaker in a part of myself and this might, for example, be part of my body. I'm sure that these are just two possibilities of this symptom but I think these can be two of the main reasons.

Let's give some other questions a chance. Nicholas: Thomas there are some questions related to what you said about energy, free energy

and structure. I'm also interested to know because, for instance, most of the people I work with in the corporate world, there is more structure than free energy, there are questions about how do you work with someone who has too much free energy and not

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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enough structure? So what is the practice that they would need to work with in order to build more structure?

Thomas: Yeah. The fact that we have not enough structure means that in the incarnation process,

like some aspect of the incarnation process didn't happen properly, which means that when the soul is being attracted, actually the soul is being attracted also through the lovemaking of the parents, of course, but also through the love of the parents.

[1:40:00] So the parents are an energetical field. Of course there's the structure of the mother;

there's the structure of the father; and then there is like a relational field and the three: the structure of the mother and the father, plus the relational field, is actually the base that the new soul lands in. And then there are stages of landing.

So when people come to us and we see that the structure is actually too weak for their

practice, we sometimes even stop the spiritual practice, or people keep only a very light form of spiritual practice and we look how the grounding aspect which consists out of safety, security, consistency, trust in relation. There are many aspects of this in the collection of energy, so that a system needs to be able to collect energy and to hold energy.

The system needs to be open to release energy, but if the collection of energy doesn't

work, people experience for example that they don’t earn money in their life, or they even earn a lot of money and they lose money all the time because the system doesn't learn to hold energy. So some people have leaking energy structures so that they either feel constantly depleted on an energetic level or an emotional level. Or the financial or the property level - like where we reflect our most structural grounding - is too weak and then we constantly deal with existential things. And then we need to learn how to collect - to create a vessel that collects the energy properly and holds it.

And then from there we can evolve again. So for some people it will actually be a strong

bypassing to do a spiritual practice which actually takes the energy higher if the structure is too weak. Then we need to first support the incarnation process that didn't properly anchor the energy in the structure, and once it's really anchored and ‘in’, then we can learn how to evolve it forward. But if we don't see this then it might end up with severe side effects or, what often happens, it might end up in people being less and less doing a spiritual practice and being less and less able to live their life in society.

But if I decide not to go to a monastery or to a cave, and we do such a practice and we

don't respect this, it's not a responsible practice. The practice needs to include the grounding because we want people to be more effective in life, not less effective in life. Otherwise the spiritual practice becomes the bypassing. Therefore we tend to have a knowledge around structure and see that whenever I go higher, and this is for every one of us like that, when we go higher in our spiritual practice we need to go deeper into the grounding in order to anchor the whole higher initiation or inspiration of insight and openings. They need to be anchored even deeper, in life.

Otherwise we actually open more higher energy levels, and then we have the feeling of

being less grounded. And then we hear sentences like: "Ah, if the world just had more conscious people, then it would be much easier." No, no, no. Then we're already into pathology. We don't need a world with more conscious people. We need just to be more grounded in order to be able to anchor our higher awareness within the world that we are in - to stay functional. And then if I choose out of an inner impulse to retreat, and to live

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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my life somewhere else because I have freedom to do that, that's great, but not because I'm not able to live my life.

So we need in a way to find out what's the correlation between free energy and structure,

and we need to support a building of a structure that is healthy enough to hold the higher spiritual insights, but not only spiritual insights to hold inside like the speed of our modern marketplace. Like even if I have a structure I will burn out one day because my substance will not regenerate enough in the challenges of the modern life: the connectivity, the internet, constant SMS, less and less time to relax, more and more time and activity.

[1:45:03] So with a weaker structure, I will not be able to regenerate my substance, and we will talk

about substance and life energy more. So I will actually reduce my own life substance until I cannot function anymore. This is a totally non-sustainable lifestyle. At least everything comes and there are many more symptoms, but just for now, these are symptoms where we need to build structure. We need to be able to create consistent relationships, consistent trust in relationships, safety, security, the ability to hold energy and not to disperse energy, and so on.

Nicholas: Great. Thank you. That's such a rich topic. I'm sure we'll be exploring that much more.

Thank you. Digo I think you're ready to bring some people on with some live questions. We will go

past the hour because we have that delay with the technology. So over to you Digo for now. Thank you.

Digo: Thank you, Nicholas. Questioner, you're live on the air. Questioner: Hi Thomas. You may have already answered my question but at the beginning of the

class you spoke about energy as being original movement. I'm interested to know how that relates to free energy and potential. Are they the same thing? How are they related?

Thomas: As I said at the beginning: energy is movement, and we have also like physical energy or

we have life energy - like chi, the Chinese medicine chi, like life energy, or we have also like emotional energy. So there are different levels of energy in the subtle perception. So I can sense your emotional dimension. I can sense your mental dimension. I can sense your physical dimension. All of them, your body right now radiates physical information, emotional information, mental information, and your higher levels of consciousness.

What we are interested in now is to say: ‘okay, the energy that drives your life is essential

for you, first of all.’ In the spiritual practice we want to see if people are mainly identified with physical, emotional and mental perceptions. So we want to open this system to at least what we call the soul perception, which is our higher potential, what we can develop in this life. This is the energy that when you live up to your highest potential and you say: ‘wow, Thomas, I wake up every morning with a yes. I arrived in the place (which is not a place, which is a movement) I arrived in the movement that I feel really coherent with my life. I wouldn't want to change my life with anybody because that's the right place for me.’

That's what I would call the soul's energy that creates all the other ones. The soul's

energy incarnates in a physical structure, in an emotional structure, in a mental structure and so on. But we want to see that eventually your physical energy will be synchronized with your soul, your emotional energy, your mental energy, so that our whole bodies are synchronized as one movement. That's what we would call authenticity.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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The soul is basically the potential for this lifetime, for your lifetime in this lifetime. That's what we call the soul. The soul holds the information. Some people call the soul whatever, the higher self - there are different words for this. But basically it's the information that drives your life. So it has through your birth connected to this dimension that we call earth and being a human being and that motivates you every day to keep this core together. This comes with your main interests.

So what you're really interested in is connected to your soul's energy. Some people come

with a very strong coloring of that in the cognitive scientific dimension and the artistic dimension. Some of them come with a very strong coloring of the spiritual aspect.

[1:50:04] So then our main interest will be with spiritual exploration. Our main interest will be

scientific, whatever. So the soul equals in a way the free potential that you have in this lifetime. Because we

could say: ‘okay, Questioner could do many things, but in fact Questioner is not doing all the things that are possible. So you could be an artist, you could be a scientist, you could be a car mechanic, you could be potentially yes - but that's not true for you. You wouldn't want to choose these things even if potentially you could be that.

Your soul - there's really a coloring that comes. So the potential has a color and it already

predetermines your life path. But if you live up to it this will be what makes you happy. Some of it is already manifested in your life and some of it is waiting to be actually downloaded, as we call it, or to be updated. The more we update ourselves, we call it in this work like you have needs that your body has, you have needs that your emotional life has, you have needs that the intellectual life has, but you have needs that your soul has. Once your life is synchronized with your authentic spiritual practice you actually manifested your soul needs as well. So you have enough of the practice that your soul needs, which means that your inside and outside and up and down will be more synchronized.

So the potential free energy for you is connected to a specific coloring of you. It's not

anymore everything is possible: it's a free energy that is according to your core intelligence, to your innermost creativity. That's how God expresses itself through you. That's not anymore like every human being. It has already a specification.

One could say that your soul has a specific code. There is a cosmic address that is

connected to your uniqueness. Once this code is fully actualized it would say you will wake up in the morning and you say: ‘yes, I am living my life. I don't have the feeling that there is a kind of a leftover or there is something that stays that makes me bitter because I didn't live it. I have the feeling I'm living fully.’

And then in the spiritual practice, but this we will not go in to now, is that in the spiritual

practice we don't want to stop there. We don't want to stop at the level of the soul. We want to use the soul as a kind of stepping stone towards the Divine, because the soul is actually like a spark from a campfire. When you sit at night at a campfire and you see there are sparks or flames or particles that are still burning. So the soul is like such a spark and it reminds us of the original fire, of the original creation.

The higher we go the more energetic life becomes, or the more hot. It's like plasma.

Plasma is very hot and then the worlds cool down and then become the worlds that they are now, and the higher we go in our spiritual practice the more potentiality actually we access, which means that also the higher abilities of the spiritual practice that we saw in

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

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different masters and different saints and sages is because we are less fixed to one possibility, so we are actually more open to higher dimensions. This would mean we could even increase what my soul is limited to. It's not anymore limited in a kind of true enlightenment experience. Then I go beyond my soul. So there is a higher realization of it.

But for many people it's already such a healing when they feel synchronized with their

soul, with their deep soul, so that's already a big step for many people. Questioner: Thank you. Thomas: Thank you Questioner. Questioner: Yes. Thank you. Digo: Our next question is from Questioner. Questioner you are now live on the air. [1:55:05] Questioner: Hi Thomas. Thomas: Hi. Questioner: I'm wondering if this would be an appropriate time to bring in a personal circumstance to

the teaching, because I have a question that kinds of comes through a dilemma I'm in. I'll be very succinct with it.

Thomas: Okay go ahead. I will tell you if it's possible to answer it now profoundly. Tell me. Questioner: Last fall I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease which is an inner ear affliction which is

very destabilizing, and I've been focused a lot on the physical, and getting the symptoms stabilized, to discover that there's some now cognitive impairment because of how the eyes are now tracking to keep the balance system.

What I'm also noticing is that when I'm out walking and physically moving, it's as if I don't

have anything wrong. It's when I sit down and try to concentrate like I'm looking for work that I just hit this wall and the anxiety and the existential and all the emotions of like ‘I can't do it’ show up.

So my question is it's clearly that there's some kind of free energy, something that my

soul is wanting to come through and manifest in this time, but now my physical and cognitive capacities don't allow me to do what I've done in the past, which is scary but it's probably a gift. Yet I'm not able to find that kind of inspiration that's stronger than this overwhelming sense of emotional, physical and cognitive impairment I guess I would say. So I'm not sure where to look but it seems like it's in that track somewhere.

Thomas: I think in this case, I would say that it's a bit of a different question because at least in

these few minutes when you talk to me, it seems like that there is like… for some time in your life you could function well because like a bigger part of your own internal experience wasn't so much in your awareness. Let's say there was one part that was more numb, and this gave you the chance to function and do your work and be professional in your own profession.

And then I think you started like a deeper exploration in your own consciousness

evolution, and it started to show you how much actually you didn't feel. So you started to reclaim and reclaim and reclaim territories that were numb before.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

Page 20

So in that process I think it's not that you cannot do professional work anymore, but I

think you are hitting a deeper traumatized place which feels like a block. But it's not yet as conscious as it can be in order for you to not experience it only through a symptom. When I hear about this Meniere's disease that you described, for me it feels that actually in the base there are many more fears than you are fully aware of. I see streams of fear come up in your base, and one of the symptoms is to contract a big part of you in order to avoid a very strong intensity of those fears.

One part is also connected to your balance system and to your ears and basically to your

third eye because the third eye energizes the eyes and the ears. So the third eye, when there is something that is too hard for us to see, we might contract the third eye and it creates around the eyes a block. I think this is the symptom of this block - is what you described as this balance problem. But actually I believe the work that needs to be done is to uncover this layer of fears that I see. For me it looks like a steam in your base that constantly comes up.

[2:00:08] So you can tell me how you relate to this constant stream of fears, but I think if this would

be looked at deeper and you can relax there more my sense is also that the block that you experience here would also relax, and then maybe this would even disappear, this symptom. But it's about some base fears that are not integrated that cause this tension that you experience.

So that's how it looks to me. Just let me know what you hear when you hear what I'm

saying. Questioner: It feels right because when I get into the absolute full experience of this, what feels like a

conundrum, that the terror is so intense. It will run for three or four days and I can't sleep, and it exacerbates all the symptoms. It's hard to navigate. I guess I just need to find the right kind of therapy for it because I can't hold it on my own. It's too overwhelming.

Thomas: Right. And I think in this case, it will need like very good support but a support that comes

on a very profound level of trust. Because in order to be able to let go and feel the true content of these fears: it needs a lot of safety. I think you need to feel safe and get the transmission of a warm base. This is what I think this warm base will give you, because without the right container we cannot open our deepest traumas. It needs a holding and an external safety to create this internal safety. There is something that really needs this warmth and the step-by-step and the trustworthy continuous movement to - even what you feel right now, the part that gets touched right now deeper inside - there's a strong longing to be able to exhale fully, relax. I think it will need a good support system to open this. I don't think that you should do this on your own, not at all.

Questioner: Thank you. That's very helpful. Thomas: And if you want maybe someone from our team that is on the line now - I don't know how

we will do this technically but there are some members or mentors here with us. Maybe after this call, after we finish talking, maybe they can connect to you and you can see what can be a mutual solution for you.

I don't know. Do you have like a therapist that you go to or can go to now to take care of

this together?

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

Page 21

Questioner: There's somebody I've targeted that's an Ericksonian hypnotist that also does EMDR which has to do with how these eyes are pumping around to trigger up the trauma and kind of unwinding that. I haven't reached out because I wanted to find out about this cognitive piece. I'm getting some tests next week. But I can see I need to do that.

I'm open to other modalities. That's the one that just seemed to be most applicable to

where I am right now because this is deep-in-the-subconscious stuff. Thomas: I think also like I see some trauma release work. I think it's not so much the kind of

therapy but the base: someone that you can trust. Because I think often it can be that there will be breakups with people that you work with, because if you come closer to this, you might project your mistrust outside and leave the context. I think that's very understandable because it hits a deep fear and I think only somebody that has a warm base and radiates this warm base to you can help you to open this, so that there is enough trust that it stays, that there is a continuity in that process.

[2:05:00] Questioner: Yeah, I hear you. The pattern is apparent. Thomas: So maybe you can talk to someone from our team after this interaction and maybe find

out together what are good steps so that we follow this through right now, when you are already here on the line. I don't know if we can make this work out technically but we will try. I hope the right person will hear this now.

Questioner: Thank you. Me too. Thank you Thomas. It's really great that you're doing this course. Thomas: I'm also happy about this course and thank you for your contribution. Nicholas: Thank you Questioner 1 and thank you Questioner 2 for what you brought. That was

actually a kind of preview as well of how as we go deeper into the course Thomas will work with students on the course, and we may even have some extra sessions for that. But for now thank you, and we'll make sure that we're in touch with you straight away after this class.

So thank you Thomas for another wonderful, wonderful class. Just a few practical

announcements now. For those of you in the US, you may already know, but if not: Thomas will be doing three public programs in late April, April 27th in Washington, April 28th in Vancouver, and April 29th and 30th in Seattle, and you can find more information on the events page on Thomas's website.

Very importantly for our course, the process for forming study groups and triads will be

announced on Tuesday. It's been immensely complicated trying to figure out how to do this, but we think we found a way now. Everyone will receive an email on Tuesday about this. This will be a very important part of the course, as will be the mentoring groups. So if you haven't joined a mentoring group please do so soon.

This is really just a very important part of creating the community together, and we can

already feel it I'm sure, and this will become a stronger and stronger feeling of community, and as Thomas mentioned at one point - how each of us working will actually more and more be able to draw on the collective energy field of this community. This is a very, very real phenomenon. We actually had a call recently with all 14 mentors for two hours joined together, and we feel a very strong community amongst us in terms of our support of you. Thomas will also work with us regularly during the course.

The Mystical Principles of Healing, Session 2, April 11, 2015

© 2015 by Thomas Hübl. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Thomas Hübl.

Page 22

So we have 700 students as the final total, I think 703, which is a remarkable number, and it's very exciting to be with you all on this extraordinary journey. Our next class is in two weeks' time. This is the time that all the remaining classes will be. There will be some homework which will be posted both on the Facebook page and will be emailed to you.

For now, thank you all very much indeed for joining us. Have a very good two weeks and

we look forward to seeing you again in two weeks' time. Bye for now. [2:09:04] End of Audio