mozambique scientific summer internship. (autosaved)

1 (Cover Title& Inner Title Page Format) Business Familiarization Report on Mozambique Scientific LTD By: Helton Coroa III Semester MBA Reg.No MB130052 Guide Prof. Shivraj Project Report submitted to the University of Mysore in partial fulfillment of the requirements of III Semester MBA degree examinations 2011 B.N Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri Mysore 57006 (Prepared by B.N Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences)

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(Cover Title& Inner Title Page Format)

Business Familiarization Report on Mozambique Scientific LTD

By: Helton Coroa

III Semester MBA

Reg.No MB130052


Prof. Shivraj

Project Report submitted to the University of Mysore in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

III Semester MBA degree examinations – 2011

B.N Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences,

University of Mysore, Manasagangothri

Mysore – 57006

(Prepared by B.N Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences)

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Research questions

1. What is Mozambique Scientific Segmentation strategy?

2. What are the employee practices?

3. What is their composition of Sales?

Research Strategy

In order to answer the questions mentioned above, I will be using a combination of;

Interviews - As the company is relatively new; it doesn’t have much of an online

presence, Interview would be the most convenient way, to gather the specific information

to answer to the specific questions mentioned above.

Observation – This part would be beneficially especially during the recommendations

section, as I combine my practical experience in the company with my theoretical

knowledge, to suggest potential improvements in the company.

Data analysis techniques

In terms of data analysis tools, Quantitative techniques such pie charts will be used in order to

find a particular share, such as sales and their major buyers.

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List of Abbreviations

B2B - Business to Business

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility

LEM - Mozambican Laboratory of Engineering/ Laboratorio de Eng. De Moc.

CFM - Railroads of Mozambique/ Caminhos Feroviario de Mocambique

NGO- Non- Governmental Organization

TVM- Television of Mozambique / Televisao de Mocambique

STP- Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

USP- Unique Selling Proposition

HR- Human Resources

CBD - Central Business District

MD- Managing Director

OP- Operations

FIFO - First One In First One Out

LIFO - Last One In First One Out

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

OAS - Office Automation System

SNS - Social Network Services

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7

1. Company Profile ................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Vision & Mission Statement ............................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Our Values .......................................................................................................................................... 8

1.3 CSR ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Company Structure ....................................................................................................................... 9

1.5 Company Hierarchy .................................................................................................................... 10

1.6 Clients ............................................................................................................................................... 10

1.6 Suppliers ..................................................................................................................................... 11

1.8 List of Mozambique Scientific Products ........................................................................................... 12

1.9 Composition of Sales ......................................................................................................................... 13

1.9.1 Composition of Sales to the Private sector ................................................................................ 14

1.9.2 Composition of Sales to the Public Sector ................................................................................. 15

Chapter 2 - Marketing ................................................................................................................................. 17

2.1 Segmentation..................................................................................................................................... 18

2.2 Targeting ........................................................................................................................................... 18

2.2.1 Types of Exhibitions/ Trade Fares ............................................................................................. 19

2.3 Positioning ........................................................................................................................................ 19

2.3.1 Durability ................................................................................................................................... 20

2.3.2 Assistance .................................................................................................................................. 21

Chapter 3 - Human Resources .................................................................................................................... 22

3.1 Training ............................................................................................................................................. 22

3.1.1 Internal Training ........................................................................................................................ 22

3.1.2 External Training ....................................................................................................................... 22

3.2. Marketing Training .......................................................................................................................... 24

3.2 Retention Policies ............................................................................................................................. 24

Chapter 4 - Operations ................................................................................................................................ 26

4.1 Cycle time ......................................................................................................................................... 26

4.2 Inventory Control .............................................................................................................................. 27

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4.2.1 Classification of Stock ............................................................................................................... 27

4.2.2 Storage ....................................................................................................................................... 27

4.3 Inventory Problems ........................................................................................................................... 28

4.4 Vendor Selection ............................................................................................................................... 29

4.4.1 Brand .......................................................................................................................................... 29

4.4.2 Pricing ........................................................................................................................................ 29

4.4.3 Delivery Time ............................................................................................................................ 30

Chapter 5- Information Systems ................................................................................................................. 30

Chapter 6 - Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 31

6.1 - Company Structure ......................................................................................................................... 31

6.2- Training ........................................................................................................................................... 32

6.3 – ERP ................................................................................................................................................ 32

6.4 –Marketing ........................................................................................................................................ 33

6.4.1 – Potential Improvements .......................................................................................................... 34

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 35

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................... 37

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Table of Figures

FIGURE 1- COMPANY STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................. 9

FIGURE 2 - COMPANY HIERARCHY ............................................................................................................................... 10

FIGURE 3 - COMPOSITION OF SALES ......................................................................................................................... 13

FIGURE 4- COMPOSITION OF SALES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR ...................................................................................... 14

FIGURE 5 - COMPOSITION OF SALES TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR ....................................................................................... 15

List of Tables

TABLE 1- SUPPLIERS ................................................................................................................................................. 11

TABLE 2 - CONSUMABLES ............................................................................................................................................ 20

TABLE 3 - EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 20

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Chapter 1- Introduction

1. Company Profile

Mozambique Scientific ltd was established in September 1999, with the sole

objective of assisting laboratories.

In addition to this, it has Maputo as its registered headquarters.

Moreover, besides having its headquarters in the city of Maputo, the company has

an office in the city of Beira, Mozambique 2nd

largest city situated in the central

part of the country.

The company was founded by three individuals, namely Mr. Wing & Mr. Marcos,

both Mozambican nationals and Mr. Gert, a South African.

In addition to this, the company has a total of 18 employees across Mozambique.

Although, it’s a business that operates in the procurement of Medical/lab

equipment, its employees constitute a diverse workforce from diverse academic

backgrounds such as, management, social science, medicine and other areas.

The company operates predominantly as B2B business.

With hike in demand, the company decided to supply scientific equipment with a

wide range of applications, such as Clinics, Schools, Industry and Investigation.

In 2010, Mozambique Scientific established its Pharmaceutical division.

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1.1 Vision & Mission Statement

The workforce is of outmost strategic importance.

Guaranteeing the partners & clients the best technological solutions that

are financial viable.

The desire to grow sustainably in order face globalization, with the help

of companies with sound reputations, in order to add value and a


Immensely proud in the contribution of scientific development of the

country to the market by providing one more solution by offering

specialized equipment and services.

1.2 Our Values

Teamwork is of outmost importance.

Implementation of sound commercial practices.

Confidence and integrity in our operations

1.3 CSR

Emphasis’s on primary health care and schools by providing diagnostic

equipment and teaching science.

Re-enforcement of diagnostic capabilities of health centers.

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1.4 Company Structure

Figure 1- Company Structure

Managing Director

Marketing Technical Director

General Coordinator

Adminstration & Finance

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1.5 Company Hierarchy

Figure 2 - Company Hierarchy

The Beira Branch managing director is Clara Toy.

1.6 Clients

Ministry of Health/ Health centers

LEM (Mozambican Laboratory of Engineering)

University of Eduardo Mondlane - Department of Veterinary,

Engineering, Medicine and Science.


University of Zambezi

Private Clinics

Seck Wing Fone

joao Chauque

Marcos Mabasso



Alice Chauque

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As explained earlier the company operates a Business-to-Business (B2B),

meaning that the majority of Mozambique Scientific Clients are other

businesses1.With, the majority of the clinics being situated in Maputo.

On the other hand, the remaining clients are spread out across the country in

provinces such as Gaza, Tete, Nampula, Zambezia and Manica.

In addition to this, the majority of the clients are NGOs, whom purchase

Mozambican Scientific’s equipments as explained earlier.

In 2012 the company was awarded with the International Star for Quality in


1.6 Suppliers

Table 1- Suppliers

Origin: Company:

China Lord


Japan Arkray

Sweden Hemocue

Spain Selector

U.S.A Radiometer

According to company personnel, China and Japan constitute the biggest

suppliers to Mozambique Scientific.

1 According to the company’s personnel, 90% of business is conducted with clinics, while the remaining 10% is

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Other suppliers include,






1.8 List of Mozambique Scientific Products

Bio - Chemic (Humid - Semi Automatic):

Bio - Chemic (Dry- Automatic):

Spot -Chemic (Ringe / Cholesterol):

Centrifuge :

Hematology Analyzer:

BC 2300-

BC2800 -

Diagnostic Imaging System

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1.9 Composition of Sales2

Figure 3 - Composition of Sales

As seen from the above illustration, the major source of the company’s business

derives from the private sector which is 75%.

On the other hand, if we were to break down the Private sector in order to find

their major customers or clients we would observe that;

2 The figures mentioned above are rough estimates given by the company staff from the time of Mozambique

Scientific inception.





Private Public NGO

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1.9.1 Composition of Sales to the Private sector

Figure 4- Composition of Sales to the Private Sector

As seen from the data, Clinics constitute 90% of Mozambique Scientific business,

leaving the remaining 10% being distributed among Universities, Industry and

Pharmaceutical Companies.

4% 2%


90% 94%

Private Sector

Universities Industry Pharmaceutical Clinics

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1.9.2 Composition of Sales to the Public Sector

Figure 5 - Composition of Sales to the Public Sector3

Mozambique Scientific sole client is the Ministry of Health. The Ministry buys

Mozambique Scientifics equipment; distributes the equipment among the

government institutions such as;

Labs (veterinary and Agronomy)

Technical Institutes (Medical Institutions)

In short, the Ministry of Health essentially operates as a gatekeeper, after

purchasing, it distributes to its institutions.

In Regard to the NGO’s, their customers can either be the Private and Public


In short the NGOs can either furnace private and public institutions through


3 By Public sector we mean schools, Hospitals, Technical Institutions and laboratories.


Public Sector


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However, to summarize the company’s sales pattern it isn’t linear, according to

the company’s marketing department, sales varies drastically;

According to them, the private sector, specifically Clinics is a regular client

buying constant quantities over a period of time.

However, in regards to the public sector and NGO, the buying behavior is a little

bit uncertain. This is because at times public and NGO abstain from buying up to

several months. On the other hand, when they do buy, it’s in volume, which

allows Mozambique Scientific to mitigate for the months that the public sector

and NGO’s didn’t purchase from them.

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Chapter 2 - Marketing

In regards to current marketing campaigns, the company predominantly

concentrates on;

TV advertisements

Newspaper (s)

The company strategically focused on these two types of medium, to take

advantage of Mozambique relatively low rates of coverage of other media


With TVM, Mozambique’s national TV station which roughly covers roughly 40-

50% of the national territory, the company ensures that the majority of the

population, hence, interested individuals viewing their advertisements4.

Moreover, this wasn’t a direct advertisement by the company; the advertisement

was done by their partner.

The other media that the company has utilized is newspaper(s), predominantly the

newspaper named Noticias. This newspaper has a greater coverage in comparison

to the TV stations present in the country.

However, recently their campaigns have decreased; hence, Mozambique

Scientific is depending solely on their current client base.

4 The percentage of TV coverage presented is rough government estimates.

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2.1 Segmentation

In regards to Segmentation, the company has the following STP strategy.

Its Segmentation Strategy is basically explained in the introductory phase of this

project, which basically is;




Thus, having the private sector as its primary market, this constitutes 75% percent

of their sales.

Furthermore, within the private sector Clinics being their biggest customers with

90% of their sales.

While the public constituting about 5% and the Ministry of Health being their

biggest costumer.

While, the NGOs constituting about 20% of its yearly sales volume.

2.2 Targeting

In regards, to their Targeting the company utilizes a series of exhibition to target

the 3 groups identified during the segmentation process. Furthermore, they have

three specific exhibitions to target the mentioned groups.

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2.2.1 Types of Exhibitions/ Trade Fares

Health Fare - a health fare/ show/exhibition to display the company’s products.

Commercial - This is Maputo largest fare, where companies of various sectors go

and display their goods and services to interested parties.

Technological – This is a fare to showpiece the latest development in equipment

in the field of medicine.

2.3 Positioning

In regards to positioning, according to Mozambique Scientific, the company puts

an emphasis on;


Pitching (presentation)

Through Pricing, offers the most reasonable with an emphasis on staying


Moreover, Mozambique Scientific differentiates itself on three parameters from

its competitors;




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In terms of quality, Mozambique Scientific selects the best possible suppliers they


Table 2 - Consumables






Table 3 - Equipment




The brands/ companies mentioned above are the best in their respective fields,

which help Mozambique Scientific, sustain their growing reputation.

To some sort, Mozambique Scientific USP comes through the usage of these

world re-known suppliers and brands in the medical industry.

2.3.1 Durability

Since, the Suppliers utilize highly reputable suppliers, it only logical that their

products have reasonable warranties on their equipment; because of these

warranties, Mozambique Scientific has the confidence of the city’s largest clinics.

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2.3.2 Assistance

Although, their after sales service isn’t thoroughly developed, some efforts are

present; it’s reactive not proactive. At this moment, their impetus is mainly to sell

their equipment. By a reactive process, I mean that when there is a problem with

the equipment, the costumer calls and informs them of their difficulties.

There is no monthly inquiry about the equipments performance. In other words,

after sales is not yet prioritized.

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Chapter 3 - Human Resources

The HR department is managed by the administration. As mentioned in the in the

introductory phase Mozambique Scientific consists of 18 employees.

However, its Maputo office consists of about 10 employees5.

3.1 Training

Moreover, in regards to training, although the administration is in charge, every

department is in charge of training in their respective department.

The technical department is in charge of the technical aspects of the business, this

is both internal and external.

3.1.1 Internal Training

By internal we mean, training of Mozambique Scientific own technicians, here,

the company has a chief technicians that trains other technicians in the art of using

the equipment that they supply.

3.1.2 External Training

However, by external training we mean training Mozambique Scientific Clients,

Such as doctors or technicians in the medical industry.

5 This is the number I have counted, their might more as some staff might be on leave or sick.

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After the equipment is purchased by a Mozambique Scientific client,

Mozambique Scientific will send out their technicians to train the client’s

technicians in the usage of the specific equipment. Factors in implementing equipment

However, before implementing the equipment Mozambique Scientific will ensure

that certain conditions are met.

Climate - Considering Mozambique temperature, the environment can’t be

too hot or humid. This could prove detrimental to the life expectancy of

the equipment. So Mozambique Scientific advises on optimal conditions

in order for the equipment to function properly.

Power back - Mozambique Scientific will ensure that the client has

adequate power back capabilities. Furthermore, if the company has

problems with power fluctuations, the company could risks damaging the

equipment life expectancy. In addition to this, if the there are fluctuations

in electricity, the client risks in becoming unproductive as constant outage

in electricity will be present.

Well equipped - their lab must be well equipped order for their systems to

complement each other,

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3.2. Marketing Training

The company predominantly conducts internal training this predominantly

consists of experience sharing in the form of;



On the other hand, according to the administration department employee turnover

and Absenteeism are virtually none existence.

Due to the company, being new, with few employees, employee grievances are

discussed more openly, hence become less likely to leave.

However, if an employee does miss it’s due to emergency, such as family issues,

sickness or due to force majeure.

3.2 Retention Policies

Mozambique Scientific is predominantly focused on the motivation and

improvement of Morale of its staff.

They include the following;

Pay – Although the company is relatively small and growing, the company

tries to offer competitive and above the market compensations in order to

retain and attract potential candidates. Furthermore, the pay serves to

subsidize the cost of rising transportation especially for employees that on

the outskirts or satellite cities surrounding Maputo.

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Fuel subsidy - Since Maputo is the capital of the country both being it the

financial and cultural capital, with Maputo City center being the CBD, the

living expense to commute to the CBD, is relatively high and distances

great. So the company subsidizes fuel for employees who own a vehicle.

Environment - The Company ensures that associates have the best possible

surroundings; the company provides meals for its employees, in order to

prevent loss of time in commuting to a nearby restaurant and further; help

employees save money.

Informal Structure- The relationship between the MD is very much

informal, the MD and owner mingles with employees. Furthermore, the

door of the owner, is always open, meaning that employees are free to

walk in when in doubt or in need of a specific information.

Financial Assistance – The Company offers loans to its staff at 0% interest

rate at flexible payment dates, to help employees in meeting a particular


In regards to keeping track of performance, this is not performed by the

administration; this is performed by the owner of the company. Unfortunately, the

criteria for tracking performance are unrevealed.

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Chapter 4 - Operations

4.1 Cycle time

Mozambique Scientific cycle time, we refer to the point where are the order is

taken to the time it is delivered to the customer/client.

In short, it is the time products remain in the company until it’s delivered.

However, according to the company staff cycle time vary greatly depending on

the location.

However, if the order is done in Maputo, the orders can be dispatched within 24

hours regardless of the location in Maputo.

If outside, Maputo city the orders can take longer due to;

Type of product – as products maybe chemicals and a special type of

documentation is required so that the courier processes the package.

The courier – at times the company is highly dependent on LAM, because

it is the Air freight carrier that operates in the country. So, if they don’t

operate, due to any sort of reason the package will be further delayed.

Conditions of the Road – the state of the roads, if the roads are in goods

conditions, it’s more likely that the package will be delivered on time.

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Stock levels - is a big factor, if the product is in stock, then product can be

delivered much faster. On contrary, if the item is not in stock, the

delivery time is much greater.

4.2 Inventory Control

In terms of inventory control, Mozambique scientific doesn’t utilize a dedicated

software, for controlling its stock.

Its procedure is basically semi-computerized, semi-computerized because, the

company utilizes Microsoft Excel with a combination of manual counting.

To be more specific, the company will manually count how much they have as

stock and then input it into excel. So every time is stock deducted or added (sold

or bought), a user needs to manually input the data.

4.2.1 Classification of Stock

The way Mozambique scientific classifies the stock, is basically by description.

This could be by;



4.2.2 Storage

The consumables are stored cooled open glass fridges, which makes the products

visible from outside, before the door is opened.

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4.3 Inventory Problems

Since, its inception the company hasn’t faced major inventory problems such as;



However, a problem Mozambique Scientific has faced in the past is the problem

of removing expired products from its inventory.

The way, the company solved this problem, is by adopting a FIFO and LIFO


To be more specific, Mozambique Scientific used a LIFO. When the company

buys a consumable, it dates the manufacturing date; then stores it according to it

(manufacturing date and year).

In other words, in stores the products in lots.

If a product happens to in stock with expiry date nearing, the company slashes its

prices or it gives it away, to a medical institution which is in need.

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4.4 Vendor Selection

The supplier selection is based on the following criteria;



Delivery Time

Vendor relations

4.4.1 Brand

As explained in a previous chapter, the reputation of the supplier is of the outmost

importance, In some cases Brand, means quality, to put it in short, the better the

quality the more reputable the company.

This is an important aspect for Mozambique scientific as this is seen important to

their strategy, utilizing highly reputable brands in order to achieve competitive


Furthermore, by using a combination of highly recognized brands and their best

products the company, Mozambique Scientific standing rises among local


4.4.2 Pricing

Mozambique Scientific, procures, highly reputable vendors that offers particular

products at competitive pricing that fulfils a particular need.

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Mozambique Scientific does this by, operating as HMO or in other words

Gatekeeper, meaning that when an interested party makes an enquiry about

particular equipment(s), the company (Mozambique Scientific) will source that

particular equipment from a particular vendor and then sell it to the enquiring

party when the particular equipment arrives.

Mozambique Scientific skips intermediaries; thus keeping prices low, when

selling their products to local companies.

4.4.3 Delivery Time

From the time of enquiry to delivery can take up 6 months that is desired product

is a certain type of equipment such as the Biochemic (Automatic) or any other


Chapter 5- Information Systems

In terms of centralized systems such as ERP, the company has none; the

company’s system is predominantly manual.

In other words, Mozambique Scientific operation is paper based. Anything ranging from product

sales to list of suppliers is recorded on paper.

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Chapter 6 - Recommendations

To start with, Since Mozambique Scientific is a relatively a new company; there

are certain areas that can still be improved the include areas such as;

6.1 - Company Structure

I believe that the structure is still not defined; I’m talking about the positions

below the managing director. Through my observation, I felt that information

was too centralized and that when certain information regarding a aspect by the

business to a staff member, they didn’t have the answers and the questions were

pushed down to another staff member and in the hope they come up with answers.

In order to fix the mentioned problem, I would recommend a combination of

training and decentralization.

Furthermore, I believe employees situated on the upper level of the hierarchy are

knowledgeable on the businesses traits. However, employees situated in the lower

levels don’t fully have the information on what the business does.

I believe by having a company orientation to new employees and having more

frequent meetings, so that all employees can stay updated would be beneficial to

company reduce information asymmetry.

Moreover, I believe that the company should clearly define the reasonability of

certain employees as at times I observed that some employees are not clear on the

their role and other staff members.

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6.2- Training

I believe the company should adopt a more holistic and professional approach to

training. The training programs I have observed aren’t sufficient to sustain,

Mozambique Scientific in the long-run.

Although, some OAS are being utilized, I believe that a comprehensive training

should be given to utilize packages such as excel who useful in analysis, with the

package the company can categorize the vendors, clients, perform calculations

such as margins, forecast, analyze trends (the best selling products and least

selling products) etc.

This will help the employees save time and increase their productivity

6.3 – ERP

In addition to this, along adopting OAS packages, the company would also benefit

an ERP system. The reason why I suggest this, it’s due my observation of the staff

having difficulties in pooling information when required. Furthermore, their

traditional way of doing things, usually is when a prospect or interested calls to

enquiry about a particular product, this usually involves letting the costumer wait,

while another goes to the inventory room and check if the particular product in

stock, this can take up to 7 minutes6.

With an ERP, a staff member could just input the enquired subject into the ERP

system, while keeping the waiting for to the client to a minimum, which could be


6 The 7-8 minutes mentioned was a rough estimate. I’m not implying it usually takes 7-8 minutes to get back to the

costumer, but on that instance it did.

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Hence, the company will reduce waste such as unnecessary movement and

waiting time7.

6.4 –Marketing

The most crucial part of the company, from what information I got from the staff,

I believe that their marketing strategy to be very vague. By vague, I mean not

clearly defined except for their segmentation.

However, the Targeting and Positioning is still lagging behind. Nonetheless, the

targeting strategy in comparison to the positioning is still much better defined8.

In order to bridge the gap, the company should do a more in depth analysis of




My belief is that the company still adopts a selling approach and instead of a

customer centric and belief that the company is suffering from myopia, they

assume that since they sell specialized equipment, costumer will keep buying

from them.

Furthermore, the company should also analyze their competitors with a thorough

SWOT analysis followed by a strategic canvas to map their capabilities with

others, in order to determine why clients prefer them over the competitors or vice


7 By unnecessary movement, I mean walking down to the inventory room and back up; by waiting time, I mean,

the duration the customer waits on the line, until the staff replies to particular inquiry. 8 Mozambique Scientific focuses on Niches, providing a few specialized equipments.

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6.4.1 – Potential Improvements

The company should do more personal selling going to more businesses or

institutions that might require their products, instead of waiting to potential

customers to come to them, in short the company should be more proactive.

Create brochures

The company should create brochures (E- brochure) in order to raise visibility of

their company and offer it in public events


Although, their website is up and running I recommend them to remove the names

of their suppliers and links because of the following reasons:

A competitor might copy the same equipment and other product that

Mozambique Scientific has, just looking at the supplier.

A potential customer might bypass Mozambique Scientific and deal

directly with the supplier and hence, potentially causing a lost sale to the


After Sales

Mozambique Scientific should put an emphasis on After Sales, not only

concentrate of selling their products; the purpose of the after sales is creating a

relationship with the costumer, which would help Mozambique Scientific in the


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Social Media Presence

One beneficial suggestion for Mozambique Scientific, the company to join a

Social Network such as linked in. There company could like minded companies

and see what they are up.

Furthermore, Mozambique Scientific could create a following of only interested

buyers. The advantage of LinkedIn would be that it only targets professional or

companies in their respective field; hence, create a following.

Unlike other SNS such as Facebook, Facebook is usually more strenuous in

filtering interested parties, unless Mozambique Scientific engages in Facebook



To conclude, Mozambique Scientific is probably the most innovate and unique in

terms of product offerings, as the market that they operate in is currently

unexplored. To some extent the company has a type of first-mover advantage over

other companies in a similar industry.

Nonetheless, from an operational aspect, the company has great potential for

improvement especially in terms of;

Organizational structure, in which roles, information flow and responsibilities

could be more defined.

The company should be more thorough in terms of analysis; they should know

how much of a particular product they should, when, to whom and which sector.

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With this information the company can create a database with all the profiles of

the costumers and determine certain factors as to why sales has increased or

increase during a particular month or year; thus, individually customize their

marketing and create a long-term relationship (CRM).

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Chauque, A. (2014, 7 20). Administration & Finance. (H. Coroa, Interviewer)

Chauque, j. (2014, 7 21). Marketing Head. (H. Coroa, Interviewer)

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