moving targets: harnessing real-time value from data in motion

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The Briefing Room

Moving Targets: Harnessing Real-Time Value from Data in Motion

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Host: Eric Kavanagh

[email protected] @eric_kavanagh

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  Reveal the essential characteristics of enterprise software, good and bad

  Provide a forum for detailed analysis of today’s innovative technologies

 Give vendors a chance to explain their product to savvy analysts

  Allow audience members to pose serious questions... and get answers!


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Parmenides and the Truth of Now

There is no tomorrow

There is no yesterday

There is only today

There is only now

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Analyst: David Loshin

David Loshin, president of Knowledge Integrity, Inc, is a thought leader and expert consultant in the areas of data quality, master data management, and business intelligence. David is the author of numerous books and papers on data management, including the “Practitioner’s Guide to Data Quality Improvement.” David is a frequent speaker at conferences and in web seminars. His best-selling book, “Master Data Management,” has been endorsed by data management industry leaders. David can be reached at [email protected], or at (301) 754-6350.

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Datawatch began as a BI tool and has developed into a visual analytics platform

  The platform provides visual data analytics and discovery on any type of data, including streaming data

  The suite of products are Datawatch Desktop, Datawatch Server, Datawatch Report Mining Server and Datawatch Modeler

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Guest: Dan Potter

Dan Potter is the Vice President of Product Marketing at Datawatch Corporation. In this role, Dan leads the product marketing and go-to-market strategy for Datawatch. Prior to Datawatch, Dan held senior roles at IBM, Oracle, Progress Software and Attunity where he was responsible for identifying and launching solutions across a variety of emerging markets, including cloud computing, visual data discovery, real-time data streaming, federated data and e-commerce.

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VISUAL DATA DISCOVERY & STREAMING DATA New Technologies for Real-Time Analytics

Dan Potter Vice President, Product Marketing

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NASDAQ: DWCH Pioneer in real-time visual data discovery and self-service data preparation

Global operations and support §  US, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Singapore, Philippines

Extensive global customer base §  93 of the Fortune 100 §  12 of the 15 largest financial institutions

Embedded and resold by leading vendors

About Datawatch

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Visual Analytics Platform For Any Data at Any Speed

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Where Do Real-Time Streams Come From?

•  Internet of Things •  Machine data / log files •  Web clickstreams •  Enterprise applications •  Human generated •  Commercial data

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Streaming Visualization Examples

Capital  Markets  §  Transac'on  Cost  Analysis  § Analyze  market  data  at  

ultra-­‐low  latencies  § Momentum  Calculator  

Fraud  preven2on  § Detec'ng  mul'-­‐party  fraud  §  Real  'me  fraud  preven'on  

e-­‐Science  §  Space  weather  predic'on  

§ Detec'on  of  transient  events  §  Synchrotron  atomic  research  

§ Genomic  Research  

Transporta2on  §  Intelligent  traffic  

management  §  Automo've  Telema'cs  

Energy  &  U2li2es  §  Transac've  control  

§  Phasor  Monitoring  Unit  § Down  hole  sensor  monitoring  

Natural  Systems  § Wildfire  management  § Water  management  

Other  § Manufacturing  

§  ERP  for  Commodi'es  

§  Real-­‐'me  mul'modal  surveillance  §  Situa'onal  awareness  

§  Cyber  security  detec'on  §  Emergency  Evacua'on  

Law  Enforcement,    Defense  &  Cyber  Security  

Health  &  Life  Sciences  

§  ICU  monitoring  §  Epidemic  early  warning  §  Remote  healthcare  


Telephony  §  CDR  processing  §  Social  analysis  

§  Churn  predic'on  § Geomapping  

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Visual Data Discovery

•  Easy for users to author, customize and share

•  Interactive exploration & visually filter results

•  Quickly identify anomalies and outliers with large or in-motion datasets

•  Rich palette of visualizations for static and time series data

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Visualize Any Data at Any Speed

Stream                Rela2onal            NoSQL                      OLAP              Warehouse          Hadoop                Content  

Connect,  Federate,  Visualize  

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Data Architectures Evolving

Database   Distributed  or    Hybrid  Database  

In-­‐Memory  Database  

Streaming  Analy'cs  

Faster  Speed,  Faster  Insights  

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Data  at  Rest  

Limitations of Traditional BI

Database   Distributed  or    Hybrid  Database  

In-­‐Memory  Database  

Streaming  Analy'cs  

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Data  at  Rest  

Streaming Data Visualization

Database   Distributed  or    Hybrid  Database  

In-­‐Memory  Database  

Streaming  Analy'cs  

Page 20: Moving Targets: Harnessing Real-time Value from Data in Motion

Datawatch Streaming Data Visualization

•  Connect directly to data in motion •  CEP (IBM Streams, Informatica Rulepoint, Tibco Streambase) •  Hosted IoT platforms (Amazon Kinesis, PTC ThingWorx) •  Message Bus (Informatica UltraMessaging, WebSphere MQ) •  Operational Intelligence Systems (OSIsoft Pi)

•  Purpose built data model optimized for both caching and persistence

•  High density visuals with rendering in milliseconds



Take  Ac2on    

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Time Series Data •  Traditional BI only looks at buckets of

time •  Day, week, month, year

•  Streaming data is a continuous and has different requirements

•  Second, millisecond, nanosecond •  Time windows •  Time slices •  Playback

•  Complete situational awareness •  Now (streaming) •  Intra-day •  Historic

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Predictive & Advanced Analytics

•  Connect to R (Rserv) and Python (Pyro) servers

•  Transform using R and Python

•  Many use cases in IoT (e.g. predictive maintenance, smart logistics, clinical pattern detection etc.)

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Modeled  and  transformed  for  analysis  

Complex File Formats

•  Sensor and machine data often in multi-structured format •  Need to transform, enrich and prepare data

•  Almost no metadata •  For example, wave form visualization from JSON arrays

stored in MongoDB and streaming


Log  Files  



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Real-Time Geospatial & Location

•  Real-time (stream) plotting •  Street-level geo maps or

custom SVG files •  Time-series playback

Healthcare  Retail  



Page 25: Moving Targets: Harnessing Real-time Value from Data in Motion

Customer Challenge

Dozens of risk management systems generating data silos of operational information

Server based solution to visualize integrated risk information in real-time to identify trends and anomalies

Analyze patterns in physiological data that may detect and eventually to predict deadly clinical events

Visualize large volumes of streaming, unstructured data from multiple devices in real-time

Improve yield production and enhance machine reliability in contact lens manufacturing process

Flexible visualization solution highlighting production line yield, leading to a 2% yield increase and 750,000 additional units produced

Real-World, Real-Time Examples

Process and visualize billions of streaming trades per day for leading surveillance and compliance platform

Fully embedded visual data discovery solution that delivers a single consolidated real-time view of trading across venues

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Page 27: Moving Targets: Harnessing Real-time Value from Data in Motion

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Perceptions & Questions

Analyst: David Loshin

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Brie%ing  Room  02-­‐17-­‐2015:  Considerations  for  Streaming  Analytics  

2015-­‐02-­‐17  David  Loshin  

Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc.  loshin@knowledge-­‐  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350     28  

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Technology  Convergence  &  Stream  Analysis  

•  Discovery  &  Streaming  Analy'cs  employs  a  number  of  key  evolving  technologies  beyond  the  expected  “repor'ng  &  analy'cs”:  –  Data  virtualiza'on  and  federa'on  –  Text  parsing  and  text  analy'cs  –  Seman'c  models  –  Real-­‐'me  data  inges'on  –  Event  stream  processing  –  Embedded  rules  for  monitoring,  no'fica'on,  and  alerts  –  In-­‐memory  processing  –  Visualiza'on  

•  Con'nued  improvements  in  these  technologies  will  automa'cally  improve  the  quality  and  speed  of  real-­‐'me  stream  analy'cs  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350  



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Future  Direction  of  Connected  Devices?  

•  More  “things”  will  be  networked  –  Who’d  a  thunk  that  thermostats  

would  be  in  the  first  wave  of  smart  devices?  

•  Networked  “things”  will  be  gegng  “smarter”  –  More  &  beher  resources  at  the  

device  •  Increased  open-­‐source  

standardiza'on  –  Including  the  hardware!  

•  Increased  ease  of  programmability  expands  the  community  of  developers  –  A  12-­‐year  old  can  program  this  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350  



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•  The  volume  and  variety  of  human-­‐generated  content  will  con'nue  to  explode  –  This  will  require  increased  analy7c  intelligence  for  parsing  and  filtering  

within  the  network  

•  Par'al  analy'c  computa'ons  can  be  pushed  out  to  the  devices  –  Move  the  applica7on  to  the  data,  not  the  data  to  the  applica7on  

•  Alerts  and  no'fica'ons  base  on  the  results  of  intermediate  analyses  can  provide  advantage  in  mul'ple  ways  –  The  same  data  streams  can  feed  a  wide  variety  of  consumer  communi7es  

•  Streaming  analy'cs  will  become  relevant  at  the  personal  as  well  as  the  business  level  –  Enable  personalized  algorithmic  stream  blending,  analysis,  and  

monitoring/no7fica7on  at  the  mobile  device  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350  



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Questions  to  Explore  

•  What  has  predicated  the  growth  in  demand  for  analyzing  streaming  data  in  recent  years?  

•  What  are  the  types  of  streaming  data  that  are  most  frequently  subjected  to  analysis?  

•  What  are  the  features  of  your  product  that  have  been  most  valuable  to  your  customer  community,  and  why?  

•  How  does  your  product  help  business  users  dis'nguish  relevant  streaming  content  from  the  “noise”?  

•  Can  you  share  some  insight  into  how  your  tool  uses  in-­‐memory  processing  and  manages  data  in  memory?  

•  What  fundamental  differences  do  you  see  between  the  ability  to  enable  analysis  of  human-­‐generated  content  vs.  machine-­‐generated  streaming  content?  

•  Can  you  share  thoughts  about  external  constraints  that  prevent  the  best  opportuni'es  for  using  streaming  analy'cs  and  discovery?    

•  What  do  you  see  as  the  next  hurdles  in  enabling  business  consumers  in  adop'ng  discovery  analy'cs  for  streaming  data?  

•  Who  are  the  compe'tors  and  what  do  you  see  as  the  advantages  your  tool  provides  over  your  compe'tors?  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350  



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Following  up…  

•  www.knowledge-­‐  •  •  •  If  you  have  ques'ons,  comments,  

or  sugges'ons,  please  contact  me  David  Loshin  301-­‐754-­‐6350  loshin@knowledge-­‐  

©  2015  Knowledge  Integrity,  Inc  loshin@knowledge-­‐  (301)  754-­‐6350  



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