moving beyond the bed – one woman’s journey out of her bed following femur fracture

Moving beyond the bed – One woman’s journey out of her bed following femur fracture Margaret Goodall, Eleanor Barrett

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Post on 18-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine

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Margaret Goodall Specialist Worker, Occupational Therapy, Explore (P53, Wednesday, NZI 5 Room, 4.30-5)


  • 1. Moving beyond the bed One womans journey outof her bed following femurfractureMargaret Goodall, Eleanor Barrett
  • 2. 2 This presentation is dedicated to the memory of one lady who exceeded all expectations
  • 3. 3 San Fillipo Syndrome Mucopolysaccharidoses III Genetic, autosomal recessive Lack of enzyme to break down glycosaminoglocan heparin sulphate. Build up of sugars in brain and other organs. Management of symptoms
  • 4. 4 Effects of San Fillipo Syndrome for Jean Normal development to age 2- 6 Learning delay and regression Speech delay and regression, decreased swallow Stiff joints Over production of mucus respiratory infections Urinary tract infections Congestive Heart Failure, Enlarged liver and spleen Sleep disturbance Behavioural challenges
  • 5. 5 Why was Jean in bed? Series of chest infections and hospital admissions Spontaneous fracture of Right Neck of Femur Changing body shape and contractures Spontaneous fracture of Left Shaft of femur
  • 6. 6 Jeans Priorities 1 to have some social interaction 2 to have a shower 3 to be comfortable and pain free particularly in bed.
  • 7. 7 Our objectives Maintain lung health. Maintain skin integrity. Maintain available joint range of movement. Safe working practice for staff Comfortable seating and mobility Maintain personal hygiene
  • 8. 8 Comfort in bed
  • 9. 9 Seating comfort and mobility In conjunction with Wheelchair outreach clinic Comfort over postural support Flat as possible for transfers Able to be transported in van Issued with Regency Care Chair
  • 10. 10 House design Level Family Bath access room room shower Jeans roomKitchen/living area Patio and garden area
  • 11. 11 Bed to wheelchair transfers Pat slide with 3 staff Chair did not go completely flat Not comfortable for Jean Staff levels Staff safety Technique to be used occasionally
  • 12. 12 Lateral transfer difficulties The Regency Over reaching for chair reclined to lateral transfers. the full extent
  • 13. 13 Sling Options Orthopaedic Consultant consent Sling options remain in semi-reclined position, maintain hip position flexion and abduction and external rotation at hips Ease of positioning and removal
  • 14. 14 Sling choice Sling tried in first instance
  • 15. 15 Jeans sling
  • 16. 16 Hanger barsH- style hanger bar X- style hanger bar
  • 17. 17 Choice of hoist Minimise number of transfers Staff numbers needed to transfer Space to move Mobile vs Gantry Access to shower
  • 18. 18 Shower options Swap bedrooms Widen current doorway to bedroom Add new doorway from bedroom to lounge Extra gantry track in bathroom Different shower trolley
  • 19. 19 Jeans shower trolley Short shower trolley fits through doorway into bedroom for transfers
  • 20. 20 Meeting Jeans priorities Jean was Able to get out of the bedroom and join in with others in the lounge, Having regular showers As comfortable as possible in her bed and wheelchair
  • 21. 21 Achieving our objectives Maintained Jeans lung health. Maintain her skin integrity. Staff working safely Maintained available joint range of movement. Comfortable seating and mobility. Access to social interactions Improved her personal hygiene