movement x with ido portal_ 11 things i learned from idoelite athletes

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  • 8/10/2019 Movement X With Ido Portal_ 11 Things I Learned From IdoElite Athletes


    E A ( H T T P : / / E L I T E A T H L E T E S . B E / M E D I A / )

    T R A I N I N G F A C I L I T Y ( H T T P : / / E L I T E A T H L E T E S . B E / E L I T E - A T H L E T E S - T R A I N I N G - F A C I L I T Y / )

    B A S K E T B A LK A M P E N ( H T T P : / / EL I T E A T H L ET E S . B E /C A M P S / ) S H O P ( H T T P : / / EL I T E A T H L ET E S . B E /C A T E G O R Y/ S H O P /)

    B E L G I U M G O T G A M E ( H T T P : / / E L I T E A T H L E T E S . B E / B E L G I U M - G O T - G A M E / )

    G E T U I G EN I S S E N ( H T T P : / / EL I T E A T H LE T E S . B E/ G E T U I G EN I S / ) C O N T A C T ( H T T P : / / EL I T E A T H L ET E S . B E /C O N T A C T / )


    Last weekend I went to Oslo to experience the teaching of Ido Portal (

    fref=ts) in his Movement X Seminar. Ido is a peculiar guy to say the least. I have been following the training

    industry for quite some years now but have never encountered a person like him, whether its his own array of

    skills as a mover or how he talks holisticly about movement. Im not going to share all of my notes and the

    specifics I learned here because theyre almost 20 pages long, but will share some of broader lessons I picked

    up during Idos teaching.


    Here are 11 lessons I took home from 2 days of Ido Portals teaching:

    1. Always look for a teacher.

    As they say in business: theres always a guy.

    Ido told us about how he started looking for a movement teacher as a 23 year old. He was frustrated with the

    way movement was being taught and decided to start traveling all over the world to look for this movement


    He never found one. What he found was a lot of specialists: he found guys who knew a lot about gymnastics

    OR strength training OR olympic lifting OR hand balancing, but never one who could teach him about the

    whole shebang; the holistic concept of movement.

    Ido has decided to dedicate his life to becoming that person he was once looking for himself. He admits that its

    an impossible challenge, but still one worth making a lifes work.

    2. There is no wrong movement. There is lack of preparation and lack of


    Ido talked a lot about so-called wrong movement: ways in which we are supposed to not move. For example

    think of walking and landing on the side of your feet instead of on the ball of your feet. A lot of athletes twist

    their ankles by landing or changing direction with their feet in an awkward improperly aligned manner.

    A great question that Ido demanded us to reflect upon here: If we know this is going to happen to us, shouldnt

    we, then, prepare our bodies for these situations???

    Ido does. And he developed a process he calls The Corset for it that allows you to progressively strengthen all

    the soft tissue in the body. Check out the video below to realize how preparing the body with wrong

    movement could mean for example no more ankle sprains:

  • 8/10/2019 Movement X With Ido Portal_ 11 Things I Learned From IdoElite Athletes


  • 8/10/2019 Movement X With Ido Portal_ 11 Things I Learned From IdoElite Athletes


  • 8/10/2019 Movement X With Ido Portal_ 11 Things I Learned From IdoElite Athletes


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