move over email there's a new game in town

Move Over Email: There’s A New Game In Town Presented to: Access Group

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Page 1: Move Over Email There's a New Game in Town

Move Over Email: There’s A New

Game In Town

Presented to: Access Group

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Introduction 3

Evolution of Email

Social Media 10

Blog 20

Measurement 24

Question & Answer 28


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Marcel Media

Marcel Media is a certified Google partner and a full service, interactive

marketing agency specializing in Search Engine Marketing and Social


We provide creative and customized marketing solutions such as Pay Per

Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Interactive Facebook

Applications, Conversion Optimization, Website Development and Web



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About Kelly Cutler

Kelly Cutler is the CEO of Marcel Media,

a Google Certified interactive marketing

firm specializing in Search Engine


Kelly’s achievements include serving as

the first woman president of the Chicago

Entrepreneurs’ Organization, instructing

at the University of Chicago and DePaul

University, and speaking on industry topics

across the country.

And two kids.



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Move Over Email…

Mark Schmulen, general manager for social media at Constant Contact

said, "Of all channels, e-mail marketing and social media go hand in

hand, getting your customers to share your message with friends is

the most effective way to grow your business.”

A study by Forrester showed that of 500 million e-mails sent, those that

included options such as share on Facebook or Twitter, generated a 30%

higher click-through-rate (CTR) than emails without these components.

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Evolution Of Email

Email Marketing strikes many as old-fashioned. New marketing

techniques like Social Media, blogging and mobile marketing are

drawing attention. Some people say email marketing is dead, we say

email marketing has evolved.

•Subscribers below age 25 prefer SMS to email (social media

updates are fed to users through SMS and social messaging)

•30% of subscribers change email addresses annually (social media

profiles remain the same)

•21% of email recipients report email as spam, even if they know

it isn’t (push versus pull marketing)

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The Value Exchange

Good email content deepens your relationship with your audience through:

• Effective subject line writing (getting your messages opened)

•Distinctive voice (getting those messages read)

•Delivering quality, niche specific content your prospect needs

• Inspiring your audience to share the content online (promoting referrals

and word-of-mouth).

Email provides you the most direct line of communication for conversion, which

could be anything from signing up for a newsletter, requesting information about

financial aid services or liking your Facebook Page. Integration is the key to any

successful marketing campaign.

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How to Optimize Email with Social Media

Your Blog strengthens your personal brand becomes a centralized hub you can

control in giving you that valuable online exposure.

• Provide an Incentive: “Like” our Facebook page and get $500 dollar credit toward student


• Promote opt-in URLS: Tweet out or post updates with rich resources and link to pages that

have opt-in sign up forms for your newsletter.

• Two-Way Promotion: Promote your email or newsletter on your social media profiles and

visa versa. Inform your Twitter followers or Facebook fans about a special offer that’s only

available to newsletter subscribers.

• Make it Easy to Sign Up: Build out a Facebook app or welcome page that points to a variety

of resources including a form to sign up for your newsletter that is embedded into your page.

• Drive the Call to Action: Direct subscribers to highly optimized landing pages like blog posts

that have a wealth of information, resources, and access to contact us forms.

• Optimize Email for Mobile: Over 65 million users have Facebook for mobile

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Social Media

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Twitter provides an easy outlet for daily interaction with Students and

parents of students.

Tweets are a great way to provide informational resources, activities, and

programs students can attend to learn more about Financial Aid at the


You can offer a range of college news, well wishes, announcements, student

congratulations and retweets of positive messages, pictures and videos.

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UConn Financial Aid Tweet Feed

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Your college Facebook page can act as a gateway to other social media

streams, with news, pictures, videos and posts from your school blog.

Examples of Content:

• Calendar reminders

• School functions

• Guest speakers and lectures

• Celebrations

• Helpful resources for new students

• Academia announcements

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Facebook Apps for Colleges and Universities

• Set the tab as the Facebook Welcome Page.

• Fan-gate the page to help increase “likes”.

• Incentivize referrals and users can win money towards tuition or a gift card

if their referral signs up.

• Promote the “share” functionality that allows visitors to post this app page

to their personal Facebook wall and newsfeed.

•App also allows users to send the application to their personal contacts

through direct Facebook messaging (new feature).

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Bowling Green State University

Facebook Financial Aid Page

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Social Media Revolution

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Tips To Increase Social Media Engagement

•Give fans something exclusive & reward super fans

• Let fans help create the offer

• Be concise-posts should be 80

characters or less

• Posts that occur outside of

business hours increased

engagement rates by 20%

• Facebook engagement has three peaks:

Early morning (7 a.m. EST)

After work (5 p.m. EST)

Late at night (11 p.m. EST)

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Google+ Fact Sheet

• 3 most important features for business:

• Sparks (what’s trending)

•Circles (allows for segmentation of content)

•Hangouts (chat live with up to 10 people and stream it)

• Has the potential to be more authoritative then a Facebook “like”

• Google+ is now open to brands


• Google+ is not another social destination site and will continue to enhance

synergy between search and social

• Google+1 can currently be embedded into any owned digital asset

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Google+ & Social Search

•Currently Google does not have access to Facebook data, so it is possible a “+1” could

be more authoritative than a “like.”

•Circles provide marketers with the ability to segment their network out into a social

database that will allow for hyper customization and targeted messaging.

•Integration: a user could “+1” a paid search ad, then the brands Google+ page

appears and the user is prompted to join the brands page, they receive rich, branded,

and highly targeted content, and ultimately that brand will have an influence on that

users search experience.

•“+1” generates a “earned” impression and your sites content will benefit from

Google’s indexing of these social search signals.

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The blog should be the catalyst or hub for all your information and

resources all social media and email marketing should lead students

back to your blog.

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Best Practices For Blogging

• Become and Industry Expert

• Always Add Value

• Be Consistent (post 2-3 blogs a week)

• Syndicate blog posts on social media sites

• Highlight blog posts in email communications

• Create unique and helpful content

• It isn’t always about self promotion

• Provide solutions

• Know your audience

• Incorporate dynamic content and multimedia

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Social Plugins For Your Blog

• Like Button: One-click share functionality

• Send Button: Allows your users to Facebook message

your content directly to their friends.

•Recommendations: Gives users personalized

suggestions for pages on your site they might like.

• Live Stream: Lets your users share activity and comments in real-time

as they interact during a live event.

• Facepile: Displays the Facebook profile pictures of users who have liked

your page or have signed up for your site.

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What Are Your Social Media Goals


• Full Time Students

• Continuing Education

• International Students

•Student Services

• Provide Customer Service

• Financial Aid

• Admissions


Keep in touch with your graduates and provide them updates

on events, fundraising opportunities, and upcoming news

and developments.

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How To Measure Your Social Media Success

Understand Your Metrics: A conversion can consist of a mailing list or an

RSS subscriber, a user signup, or a phone call.

Identify Benchmarks

•Facebook likes


•Content Shares


•Links back


•Time spent on page

•Average page views per visitor



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Social Media Resources

• Klout:


(Integrates well with Google Analytics and link tracking tools like


• Social Mention:


(provides monitoring and auto responders)


(Uses an algorithm to map out the social web)

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Kelly Cutler

[email protected]

Thank You!
