mount vernon signal.. (mt. vernon) 1904-07-08 [p ] ·...

i r I S Y < J 1 < 5OOOOOO Cash Giwen Awy to Us rs of S LION COFFEE We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee Not only will the LionHeads cut from the packages be good as heretofore for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers but In AddifiOI tQh R gul r FA Premiums the same LionHeads will entitle you to estimates in our 5600000 Grand Prize Contests which will make some of our patrons rich men and women You can send in as many estimates as desired There will be TSJO cAT CD6rrrEg1l S The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St Louis Worlds Far the second relates to Total wakingtioooooo 1 Grand First P i I I Five LionHeads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a 2 cent stamp entitle you in addition to the reg ¬ ular free premiums f one vote in I r Ito contest i WORLDS FAiH CONTEST Vhat will be the total July 4th attendance at the St Iocl Worlds Fair At ChlcagoJuiy IlS93t ho attendance was WZ7 For nearest correct estimates received ii YooIsou Spice Corn wiltI next nearest etc etc as follows 1 First Prize S2GOOOO 1 Second Prize lOOOCO I 2 Prize J5OOOO cacti 100000 5 Prize 20000 lOOOCO 10 Prizes 10000 r looooo 20 Prizes 6OOO- 6O 100000 Prize 2OOO- 25O 100000 = Prizes 10OO 2SOOOO 1800 Prtxe 500 900000 2139 PRIES TQlAI S2OOOOOO CONTEST 427g 9 Distributed to the Public aggregat 4500009 In addition to which we give to Grocers see particulars LOH GQFFEE eases making s grand tots of 5000000 COMPLETE E5ETASLED PAKTICyLARS BN EVERY COF LION COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE TOLEDO OH5O SNeartiebted Clerk Do you Lsolmaly swear t speak the truth I t e whole truth cud noihiiig hut I j the truth so help you Brown Great Gscsars defense Ghost no the lawyer for tile I G OHlC To The WORLDS FAIR A I I t I STLOIJIS 5 7 THErc f i J > HENDERSON ROUTE p The Line That Is iji Comfortable sBeyoud a Doubt 1 FREE i RECLINING Ii i OARS fiOPFICIAL ROUTE KO- RKENTUCKIAN TO ST LOUlSa ASK for Our Rates Geo L Garrett Trav PassrAgt L J Irwin Passr Agt LOUISVILLE KY i Exces i Io SmoKing Affected MyIearp So I Had To Sit Up To Breathe Dr Miles Heart Cure Cured Me There is notliing tJiat a more deleter ious effect upon the cardiac or heart nerves than the excessive use of tobacco Pain end oppressivefeetingin throat discomfort from sleeping on the leftd side and sraothenn spells st nijht when sufferer lias to tit up in bed to breathe are i t the most common symptoms of a weak heart Ii Smokers who led symptoms and who do not understand their meaning should be warned in L =e by the following experencec II was creatly troujded with I ot the heart tiuel think to excessive smoking IOnwritijiztoyoirfor advice 1 was directed r to dcludeti v Nervine anil Nerve and Liver 1ills together with bathing etc I faithfully followed the 1 directions civen j nd am pleased to say Lhatf o my curds complete and perroanent d Iftre use of your eThcHies 1j I was rp nen eras 1 could n t her ry JJnd I f till end suEcrol greatly fioai severe pic around the hesrt Many tires at Uiht f j Mould l e forced to assume d sitting jwsturt to get my breath and for the time it theuin 4 inmy cafe 1 can checrfaiiy Dr Miles Heart Cure Kestoftit5vcNervincaud t other remedies all suffcreis from heart or I nentae troubles Yours truly UirjAll HALT Dothan Ala 4All dhisr rsts stir and guarantee fleet Lot te Drililes Remedies Send Iwok ion Nrrvnin anI Heart Di ease Address Id Pr Miles JMedical Co Eltiart lit f c ICall our I I P8E81DEK73AL What will be the total Popular cact for President vote for combined at tho election 1901 la 1395951 tweet voted for President For nearest co- rrct estimates received In Woolsoij Spice Cos office Toledo 0 on or before Kov S 1S04 we will civc first prize for the nearest cor- rect estimate second prize to the next nearest ote etc as follows 1 First Prize 1 rocondPrlse 2 PrIzes ssoooo 100000 G Prises 20000 10 Prizes 10000 100000 20 prizes 5000 GO Prizes 2OOO 2 5O Prizes = lOOO 1800 Prints 500 2139 SEIZES TOTAL S20OOOOO PZE427 Siig 5000 in j PACKAGE CO QEPT M Im has recommend OMIJSSIONEBS HALE ROCKCASTLBCIKCUIT COURT KsI TITJoIes others I lff > AfainstoJ v m George Harkly ttc5Def ty By virtue of a judgment and or ¬ der o sale of RockcastJe circuit court rendered at the May term thereof 1904 in the abovecase foi the sum of to W H Jones 4251 j M R Jones 4517 C Cand U G Williams 2391 total 11259 with at the rate of 6 per annum from the 6th day of July 1904 until paid and 7500 costs shall proceed to offer sale at the courthouse in Mt Vex non Ky at the highest at public on Monday the 2 5111 say of July between the hour t > f 9 oclock a in and 4 oclock p xi ibeing county court day upon a tcieditotsix ing property towit A certain tract of land in Rozkcastle county Ky and ed as ifLocated Roundstone creek in Rockcastle1 county Ky and bounded as On the North and South b V the lands oLHarrisand Chenault oil HellryHamlin ands of Wilson Williams and con ¬ t ining 60 acre more or less Or aufficient made sums of so praaJ tJ bet For the purchase the pur chasar with approved surety or se ¬ curities must execute bond bear ¬ s ofalc force and efltct ofa judgment idderwillThe prepared to comply with these termsl M PENNINGTON xc R c c COMMISSIONERS SALE ROCKCASTUV CIRCUIT KY W H Riddel Against PltftI James Riddel Ky virtue of si ju I f sale Itockcastle circuit court JcnI ton a i Ifetion eek to offer for sxtiat the cpurt house io Mt VernonKy to the highii Monltl1aythe ouril a in and 4 clOck p inbeing court St3uponjt credit of six months the r followIng tfescrilxid property tofvit A tract of land situated in Rockcastle county TCy on the waters of Kpundstone crsok and bounded as By tfia1 Conway iand lands formerly owned by Joseph Me clary JohhRoynQlds and Uolwjrt dell and isthis same land RiI Julia A latejulis A IstheirVir c r Li Printed blanks toI on found every Lion Coffee Pack ¬ age The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of acknowledgment to you that your es tfmateis recorded VOTE Vote candidates Novembers lOOOelecHou S26OOOO 100000 eca 100000 100000 1OOOOO 250OOO 900000 shall Clerks CONTEST CHAIR General interest per- cent herein bidder auction located bound follows fol- lows money pride COURT oclock county certain Sthe vote isI n A LaSs lived at the time of her death and contains loCi acres more or less CXI 1 A Lak W II iiddeW leaving toa sold 91 acres moiii or less 01 sum cient thereof to produce the sums of money orJered to ba marla I For the purchase price the punch as i er with approved surety or securities j musteseeuts bond bearing legal in tcrest from tha day of sale until ptt and having the forc3 and effect ora judgment Bidder wilt he prepared to coQii ly promptly with these terms if PEN I GTON M eRe c J COMMISSIONER S SALE ROCKCASTLE Ciucurr COURT KY olin Gadd > etc by John Penning on GuardiaPtff I EquityEx icrDy of sale of Rockcastle Circuit Court rendered at the Slay term thereof l1Ol I shall proceed to offer for salseat the court house door in Mt Vernon Ky to thehighest bidder at public auction on Monday the 25th day of July 1904 Iwtween the hours of 9 oclock uorm and 4 oclock p mhingcount v court dayupon a credit of six months the following described prop rty towit tIeA ie county Ky beginning at a stake in Clear creek in line of A W Stew ¬ arts 2lr acres and corner of lot No thence with lino of same Nt59at4 poles across county road jn all 44 J poles to a beech on high bank of road E23 poles to a small hickory with pointers OSSQEnO poles to atone ile between two branches corner of otNoin line of El acre tract of John hold thence with same NUT E4 poles and 3t feet tostoneplle in patch between two whiteoaks and buckeye JN10 W10 poles toapoplar stump just below a spring corner also toJ J Berry thence with his line N86 WJS2 joles crossing county roadtp a stake in Clear creek cornet to AV1 Stew ¬ arts 03 c fi le beginning containing 28 acrep r sufficient thereof to produce tte umnsofIuoney so ordered to ba made For the purchas3pricej thepurchasf er with aproved or s curitIco ulustexccute paidI ai jto M PENNINGTON c R c ov QUI4110NSAN1ANSWiITc > TIi I ed Mrs M Peuniiigtou f ran swers r 1St There was no less than twen ty present Cofrectfethfeif ueces 1i y > r Y try c as2nd b dach f i s 1 QUAIL Plenty of rain and crops are lok inrtery well Oats are extra jgld I Mrs Squire Cummiu has been very sickMrs Wilmoth Elder is improving slowly Mrs Nain n j Cress has a very severe case of malaria fever IWheat harvest is about over end Logan Hasty has the brag cr p of this country ronsisjing if 18 acres t The best we ever saw in the oUt ty owing to the number of acres UKAD Mr Nathan Farri aze 71 died ofa complicition of diseases W H Bought of Wade Proctor 4 steers at 1250 each S Mojr gao bought of John T Hnr> t 3 steers at 20 and of John Thomp ¬ 5I j been gathered by Craigs Morgan and Brown cbn sistingin round numbers of about 600 at a valuation of about 1800 Pretty good for the Western part Rockcastle and a small putif I Palaski I We now have a daily mail from eLick diilv utah is a great thn for this cannily I Walker Owens who his been attending med a1 college at Lou isville for the past 4 years iris re urn el home a whalesiuled dos- S 4 tor and will loc ti Qjr the river I MARRIED Dr Smith and Miss Dessie Riddle daughter of John Riddle Walnut Grove were mar- ried ¬ on June 29th A K Gooch officia lug j Well the people seem to he weLt pleaded on this side to know we are to get a primary to settle time contest for th2 nomination of candidate for Congress and sa they are all going to time polls C iert itill stands largely in the lead in the Brown Precinct and well wager you that it srill stands I conntedI JOHN J CARROLL 0 jA CANDIDATE FOR APPELLATE JUDOK OK THIS DISTRICT Hfm John DCarrollof New Castle one of the best known law yersln tho State has announced as candidate for Appellate Judge in this District subject to the action of the Democratic party Mr Car rolls friendsespeciallY in the lef I professionhave for a long titne desired to see him on the bench of he highest court in the State He has held several offices of trust anti honur and in all of them acquitted himself with credit When quite a young man he served two terms nthe Legislature was a member o f the Constitutional Convention and one of the throe commissioners appointed by the Governor to revise the statute laws of the State to con ¬ form to tile changes made by the constitution and was for three years chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee He is t Kentuckyf C des Carrolls Kentucky Statutes law books tha are in general use and that may be found in the office of every lawyer in the State A man of high in t grity great industry with an ex tensive and accurate knowledge of t helaw and in the prime of life his large circle of friends believe he would make a splendid judge f Trimble Democrat 3rd Give theparthiples formed from Is 4th In multiplying 25 x 25 why does it give a product of 0625 instead of 625 5th He commanded James to study Parse James j 6th He commanded that the the lesson be studied I 7th What office does that per In in this sentence what part of peecb is it and bow parsed I know that he is ah konest man 8th Those who came to laugh p remainedto sing Parse words a nder quatationsI gtli han irresistable force comes n contact with an inmpenetrableob b- jt ect what will be the result ioth Does the sun warm or heat ih < earth directlyt i itb Who were th seven c wise men of Greece when did they and why so called is th What Is the length of a navitieal or seaman S mileI Don t laugh at a girl because she feap rick f you might marry her somet ay then you 4 be glad of it i u u s s lASIQRIA i lThe Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beeR use for over 30 cars has borne the signature of >7 a f and has been made under his per Sonal supervision since its infancy S I Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and fi Justisgood are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare- goric ¬ Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee t destroys Worms anti allays Feverishness It cures Dlnrrhoia and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach Pond Bowels giving healthy and natural sleen The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Frie- xUCASTORIA GENUINE ALWAYS Beflrs the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THe CENTAUR COHY 11 UURy liTREET rORot cITY i h 6 FRENCH LJCKand C WEST BADEN Springs In the highlands of Indianaa two hours ride from Louisville there flow wonderful healing waters that youd spend hundreds of dollars to enjoy if they were in Europe A recent visitor from Philadelphia who formerly went to Carlsbad every year said I do not see why anyone goes to 1Europe for medicinal waters The water is as beneficial and the scenery and surrqunding country the air and the opper tunitics tor recreation are better the hotels and all accommoda ¬ tions are much finer at French LickWest Baden Springs and this gentleman is a native of Switzerland The splendid wooded hills with the coo invigorating air of these highlands where one can es joy rambles in thft depths of the forest or rides and drives among the numerous bridle paths and road- ways ¬ afford pleasure for those who desire rest and quiet while at tl e splendid and exilerating casinos one can have all the entertain9 mint and social pleasure possible atthe most fashionable resorts ON THEMONOMROUTE For booklets telling all about the woters Hotel Rates and full information write E H BACQN DP A Louisville K- ywrNcrnsrcR FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS 1Itsnotsentimentthat makes the most successful shots shoot I Winchester Factory Loaded Shells Its the re suits they give Its their entire reliability even¬ ness of ± jaltemand uniform shooting Winchester Leader shells loaded with smokeless powder are the best shells on the market Winchester Repeater shells loaded with smokeless powder are cheap in price but not in quality Winchester New Riyal black powder shells are the favorite black powder load on the market on account of their shooting and reloading qualties Try either of these brands and youll be well pleased They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT TilE BPK OF AVT VERNON MT VERNON KY OPENED 1900 I CAPITAL STOCK 15000 CC WILLIAMS PRES JAS T ADAMS VICEPRES W L RICHARDS CASHIER A R FURNISH ASST CASH DIRECTORSC C Williams Geo Livesay A T Fish S H Martin Rod Perry J E Houk We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful atter tion is given collections entrusted to us Our friends and patrons are invited to call when in town Phone No 55 Commissioners Sale ROCKCASTLE CIRCUIT COURT KY Thomas S Barnett II Equity By virtue of a Judgment and order of sale of JRockcastle Circuit Court rendered at the Way term thereof 1904 in the above case I shall proceed to offer for sale at the court house door in Mt Vernon Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday theI a m mooIng countYcourtday upon credit of six months the following described propertyTtowit- On > he North by the lands of W W COffey and John Dotson OJL tha Est y thelands of of W A Coffey on he south by the lands of JsephlsIe Gee and Jim Brown an 1 on the West- y the lands of Lee Coffey and con ¬ taiIis16acresmoreor lesu Or euftl leat thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made J For the purchase pride the pur ¬ chaser with approved r ty prsecu rities must execute bond bearing f8aleunijtilpai ct fa judgmentj Bidder will be- reparOlfto comply promptly with erma w MPEN JN9ToWM C B 0C0M35 DeWitts Little Early Risers The pill that will will fill the bill Without a gripe f To cleanse the liver without a- quiver Take one at night DeWitts LittleEarly Risers are small easy to take easy and gen ¬ tIe in effect yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed For quick relief from billiousness sick head ¬ ache torpid liver jaundice dizzi ¬ ness and all troubles arising from an inactive sluggish liver Early i Risers are unequaled Sold by Chas C Davis the druggist NOTICEAll parties owing me for the year 1903 are earnestly re ¬ quested to call and settle same These accounts should have beenj settled January i 19n4 at least and I think I have been very pa- tient in waiting all this time Please o neat onceJ AWOOD jun 3 2m Orlando Ky The woman witha large mouth has one advantage over her less favored sisters she can talk and be Mssed at the same time i MADE YOUNG AGAIN ere of Dr Kirgs NEw Life < PiUs each night lox to weeks has put me in my teens t cain writes D H Turner of Dernpseytown Pa Theyre the best in the world tor Liver Stomach and Bowels gripeOnly C C Williams ATTORNEYATLA MT VERNON KY ofThe I givento Phone No 80 ML MYERS FIRSTCLASSI WORK OFFICE OldMain the C C Williams residence PHONE No 73 Will be in office at BRODHEAD every MONDAY noon till Tuesday noon J C McCLARY Undertaker Embalmer Complete LINEof Caskets lobes c Orders by Telephone attend- ed promptly Stanford Ky The VERANDA HOTEL JOSEPH COFFEY PROPR Stanford JyS- peciallyeql1ipped for traveling men Sample room on first floor bathrooms free to guests RATES 200 p er day W M Francisco MONUMENTAL WORKS Brodbead Ky C Granite and Marble Monuments and Tombstones ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS = SATISFACTION GIVEN Frifh HofeTBR- ODHEAD KY GEORGE JETER PROP Headquarters for Traveling Men Good Sample Room Livery Attached The patronage of Rockcastle citi zens specially desired > Miller House HUGH MILLER PROPRIE- TORHeadquarters I for Commercial Men arPorter at all trainsa MT VERNON DIRECTORY COURT CALENDAR Monday ¬ QUARTERLY CorRT Fiist Mon ¬ day in each month CIRCUIT COURT Second Mon > day in February Fourth Monday Septernber MT VERNON POLICE COURT Third Mondjjy in each month CHURCHES Service it the Christian OsurebPreach ¬ inglsttt3ri Sanduj j at 11 a m and At 730 pm i7iay choo9I0 a ma evl11 Sunday PrayelMeetiugEveryl hursdI11730 p a lire cordially Invited to attend air services the4th Third4atiirIay chooi at 9a am Sunday rare meeting on Tuesday eights- MASONIC Monslay9am ¬ No14G3IEETS at 2 ro m 1 st MACCABEESV K OT MTxNTNot meets evesylaa- mid 3rd Monday at 730 p m JASEHOUKCG- CHAbCDAYlSii K v 5 Ct

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Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon) 1904-07-08 [p ] · have always given our customers but ... the same LionHeads will entitle you to estimates



Y < J1

< 5OOOOOOCash Giwen Awy to Us rs of

S LION COFFEEWe are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee Not only will theLionHeads cut from the packages be good as heretofore for the valuable premiums wehave always given our customers but

In AddifiOI tQh R gul r FA Premiumsthe same LionHeads will entitle you to estimates in our 5600000 Grand Prize Contests which willmake some of our patrons rich men and women You can send in as many estimates as desired There will be

TSJO cAT CD6rrrEg1l SThe first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St Louis Worlds Far the second relates to Totalwakingtioooooo

1 Grand First P i

I I Five LionHeadscut from LionCoffee Packages and a2 cent stamp entitle youin addition to the reg¬

ular free premiumsf one vote inI r Ito contesti WORLDS FAiH CONTEST

Vhat will be the total July 4th attendance at the St IoclWorlds Fair At ChlcagoJuiy IlS93t ho attendance was WZ7For nearest correct estimates received ii YooIsou Spice CornwiltInext nearest etc etc as follows

1 First Prize S2GOOOO1 Second Prize lOOOCOI 2 Prize J5OOOO cacti 1000005 Prize 20000 lOOOCO

10 Prizes 10000 r looooo20 Prizes 6OOO-6O

100000Prize 2OOO-25O 100000=Prizes 10OO 2SOOOO

1800 Prtxe 500 9000002139 PRIES TQlAI S2OOOOOO


427g 9Distributed to the Public aggregat 4500009 In addition to which we giveto Grocers see particulars LOH GQFFEE eases making s grand tots of 5000000



SNeartiebted Clerk Do you

Lsolmaly swear t speak the truthI

t e whole truth cud noihiiig hutI j the truth so help youBrown Great Gscsars

defenseGhost no the lawyer for tile

I G OHlCTo The




THErcf i J> HENDERSON ROUTEp The Line That Is

iji ComfortablesBeyoud a Doubt





ASK for Our RatesGeo L Garrett Trav PassrAgtL J Irwin Passr Agt




Io SmoKing AffectedMyIearp

So I Had To Sit UpTo Breathe

Dr Miles Heart CureCured Me

There is notliing tJiat a more deleterious effect upon the cardiac or heart nervesthan the excessive use of tobacco Pain end

oppressivefeetinginthroat discomfort from sleeping on the leftdside and sraothenn spells st nijht whensufferer lias to tit up in bed to breathe are it the most common symptoms of a weak heart

Ii Smokers who led symptoms and whodo not understand their meaning should bewarned in L = e by the following experencecII was creatly troujded with

I ot the heart tiuel think to excessive smokingIOnwritijiztoyoirfor advice 1 was directed

r todcludetivNervine anil Nerve and Liver 1ills togetherwith bathing etc I faithfully followed the

1 directions civen j nd am pleased to say Lhatfo

my curds complete and perroanent dIftre use of your eThcHies 1jI was rp nen eras 1 could n t her ry JJndI f till end suEcrol greatly fioai severe pic

around the hesrt Many tires at Uiht f jMould l e forced to assume d sitting jwsturtto get my breath and for the time ittheuin4 inmy cafe 1 can checrfaiiy DrMiles Heart Cure Kestoftit5vcNervincaudt other remedies all suffcreis from heart or I

nentae troubles Yours truly UirjAllHALT Dothan Ala

4All dhisr rsts stir and guarantee fleet Lotte Drililes Remedies Send Iwok

ion Nrrvnin anI Heart Di ease AddressId Pr Miles JMedical Co Eltiart litf




P8E81DEK73ALWhat will be the total Popular cact for President vote

for combined at tho election 1901 la1395951 tweet voted for President For nearest co-

rrct estimates received In Woolsoij Spice Cos office Toledo 0on or before Kov S 1S04 we will civc first prize for the nearest cor-rect estimate second prize to the next nearest ote etc as follows

1 First Prize1 rocondPrlse2 PrIzes ssoooo 100000G Prises 20000

10 Prizes 10000 10000020 prizes 5000GO Prizes 2OOO

2 5O Prizes = lOOO1800 Prints 5002139 SEIZES TOTAL S20OOOOO

PZE427Siig 5000in j








AfainstoJ v mGeorge Harkly ttc5Def ty

By virtue of a judgment and or ¬

der o sale of RockcastJe circuitcourt rendered at the May termthereof 1904 in the abovecase foithe sum of to W H Jones 4251 jM R Jones 4517 C Cand UG Williams 2391 total 11259with at the rate of 6

per annum from the 6th dayof July 1904 until paid and 7500costs shall proceed to offersale at the courthouse in Mt Vexnon Ky at the highest atpublic on Monday the25111 say of July between the hourt> f 9 oclock a in and 4 oclock pxiibeing county court day upona tcieditotsixing property towit

A certain tract of land inRozkcastle county Ky anded asifLocatedRoundstone creek in Rockcastle1county Ky and bounded as

On the North and South b V

the lands oLHarrisand Chenault oil

HellryHamlinands of Wilson Williams and con ¬

t ining 60 acre more or less Oraufficientmadesums of so praaJ tJ bet

For the purchase the purchasar with approved surety or se¬

curities must execute bond bear ¬

sofalcforce and efltct ofa judgmentidderwillThe prepared to comply

with these termslM PENNINGTON xc R c c



Against PltftIJames RiddelKy virtue of si ju I

f sale Itockcastle circuit court JcnItonaiIfetioneek to offer for sxtiat the cpurt

house io Mt VernonKy to the highii

Monltl1aytheouril a in and 4

clOck p inbeing courtSt3uponjt credit of six months the r

followIng tfescrilxid property tofvitA tract of land situated in

Rockcastle county TCy on the watersof Kpundstone crsok and bounded as

By tfia1 Conway iandlands formerly owned by Joseph Meclary JohhRoynQlds and Uolwjrtdell and isthis same land RiIJulia A latejulis A


r Li

Printed blanks toIon found

every Lion Coffee Pack ¬

age The 2 cent stampcovers the expense of

acknowledgment toyou that your es

tfmateis recordedVOTE

Votecandidates Novembers







interest per-cent















A LaSs lived at the time of her deathand contains loCi acres more or lessCXI 1

A Lak W II iiddeW leaving toasold 91 acres moiii or less 01 sumcient thereof to produce the sums ofmoney orJered to ba marla

I For the purchase price the punch asi er with approved surety or securitiesj musteseeuts bond bearing legal intcrest from tha day of sale until pttand having the forc3 and effect orajudgment Bidder wilt he preparedto coQii ly promptly with these terms

if PEN I GTON M eRe cJ


ROCKCASTLE Ciucurr COURT KYolin Gadd > etc by John Penningon GuardiaPtff IEquityExicrDyof sale of Rockcastle Circuit Court

rendered at the Slay term thereof l1OlI shall proceed to offer for salseat thecourt house door in Mt Vernon Kyto thehighest bidder at public auctionon Monday the 25th day of July 1904Iwtween the hours of 9 oclock uorm

and 4 oclock p mhingcount v

court dayupon a credit of sixmonths the following described proprty towittIeAie county Ky beginning at a stake

in Clear creek in line of A W Stew ¬

arts 2lr acres and corner of lot Nothence with lino of same Nt59at4poles across county road jn all 44 J

poles to a beech on high bank of roadE23 poles to a small hickory withpointers OSSQEnO poles to atone

ile between two branches corner of

otNoin line of El acre tract ofJohn hold thence with same NUT E4poles and 3t feet tostoneplle in patchbetween two whiteoaks and buckeye

JN10 W10 poles toapoplar stump justbelow a spring corner also toJ JBerry thence with his line N86 WJS2joles crossing county roadtp a stakein Clear creek cornet to AV1 Stew ¬

arts 03cfile beginning containing 28 acrep

r sufficient thereof to produce tteumnsofIuoney so ordered to ba madeFor the purchas3pricej thepurchasf

er with aproved or s curitIcoulustexccutepaidIaijtoM PENNINGTON c R c ov



ed Mrs M Peuniiigtou f ranswers r

1St There was no less than twenty present Cofrectfethfeif ueces

1i y > rYtry cas2nd bdachf i


1 QUAILPlenty of rain and crops are lok

inrtery well Oats are extrajgldI Mrs Squire Cummiu has beenvery sickMrs Wilmoth Elder isimproving slowly Mrs Nain n

jCress has a very severe case ofmalaria fever

IWheat harvest is about over endLogan Hasty has the brag cr p ofthis country ronsisjing if 18 acres t

The best we ever saw in the oUtty owing to the number of acres

UKAD Mr Nathan Farriaze 71 died ofa complicition ofdiseases

W H Bought of Wade Proctor4 steers at 1250 each S Mojr

gao bought of John T Hnr> t 3

steers at 20 and of John Thomp ¬5Ij been gatheredby Craigs Morgan and Brown cbnsistingin round numbers of about600 at a valuation of about 1800Pretty good for the Western partRockcastle and a small putif


PalaskiI We now have a daily mail from

eLickdiilv utah is a great thn for thiscannily


Walker Owens who his beenattending med a1 college at Louisville for the past 4 years iris reurn el home a whalesiuled dos-

S 4tor and will loc ti Qjr the river

I MARRIED Dr Smith and MissDessie Riddle daughter of JohnRiddle Walnut Grove were mar-ried


on June 29th A K Goochofficia lug

j Well the people seem to heweLt

pleaded on this side to knowwe are to get a primary to settletime contest for th2 nomination ofcandidate for Congress and sathey are all going to time pollsC iert itill stands largely in thelead in the Brown Precinct andwell wager you that it srill stands





Hfm John DCarrollof NewCastle one of the best known lawyersln tho State has announced as

candidate for Appellate Judge inthis District subject to the actionof the Democratic party Mr Carrolls friendsespeciallY in the lef

I professionhave for a long titnedesired to see him on the bench ofhe highest court in the State He

has held several offices of trust antihonur and in all of them acquittedhimself with credit When quitea young man he served two termsnthe Legislature was a membero f the Constitutional Conventionand one of the throe commissionersappointed by the Governor to revisethe statute laws of the State to con ¬

form to tile changes made by theconstitution and was for threeyears chairman of the DemocraticState Central Committee He ist KentuckyfC des CarrollsKentucky Statutes law books thaare in general use and that may befound in the office of every lawyerin the State A man of high int grity great industry with an extensive and accurate knowledge ofthelaw and in the prime of lifehis large circle of friends believe hewould make a splendid judgefTrimble Democrat

3rd Give theparthiples formedfrom Is

4th In multiplying 25 x 25why does it give a product of 0625instead of 625

5th He commanded James tostudy Parse James j

6th He commanded that thethe lesson be studied I

7th What office does that perIn in this sentence what part of

peecb is it and bow parsed Iknow that he is ah konest man

8th Those who came to laugh p

remainedto sing Parse words a

nder quatationsIgtli han irresistable force comes

n contact with an inmpenetrableob b-

jtect what will be the resultioth Does the sun warm or heat

ih< earth directlyti itb Who were th seven c

wise men ofGreece when did theyand why so called

is th What Is the length of anavitieal or seaman S mileI

Don t laugh at a girl because shefeaprick f you might marry her sometay then you 4 be glad of it i

u u

s s


lThe Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beeRuse for over 30 cars has borne the signature of

>7 a f and has been made under his perSonal supervision since its infancy

S I Allow no one to deceive you in thisAll Counterfeits Imitations and fi Justisgood are hutExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ofInfants and Children Experience against Experiment

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare-goric


Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee t destroys Wormsanti allays Feverishness It cures Dlnrrhoia and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach Pond Bowels giving healthy and natural sleenThe Childrens Panacea The Mothers Frie-


Beflrs the Signature of

The KM You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 30 Years


i h 6

FRENCH LJCKandC WEST BADEN SpringsIn the highlands of Indianaa two hours ride from Louisvillethere flow wonderful healing waters that youd spend hundredsof dollars to enjoy if they were in Europe

A recent visitor from Philadelphia who formerly went toCarlsbad every year said I do not see why anyone goes to

1Europe for medicinal waters The water is as beneficial andthe scenery and surrqunding country the air and the oppertunitics tor recreation are better the hotels and all accommoda ¬

tions are much finer at French LickWest Baden Springsand this gentleman is a native of SwitzerlandThe splendid wooded hills with the coo invigorating air of thesehighlands where one can es joy rambles in thft depths of the forestor rides and drives among the numerous bridle paths and road-ways


afford pleasure for those who desire rest and quiet while attl e splendid and exilerating casinos one can have all the entertain9mint and social pleasure possible atthe most fashionable resorts

ON THEMONOMROUTEFor booklets telling all about the wotersHotel Rates and full information write

E H BACQN DP A Louisville K-


1Itsnotsentimentthat makes the most successful shots shoot IWinchester Factory Loaded Shells Its the resuits they give Its their entire reliability even¬

ness of ±jaltemand uniform shooting WinchesterLeader shells loaded with smokeless powder

are the best shells on the market WinchesterRepeater shells loaded with smokeless powder

are cheap in price but not in quality WinchesterNew Riyal black powder shells are the favorite

black powder load on the market on account oftheir shooting and reloading qualties Try either ofthese brands and youll be well pleased They are






DIRECTORSC C Williams Geo Livesay A T FishS H Martin Rod Perry J E Houk

We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful attertion is given collections entrusted to us

Our friends and patrons are invited to call when in townPhone No 55


Thomas S BarnettII Equity

By virtue of a Judgment and orderof sale of JRockcastle Circuit Courtrendered at the Way term thereof 1904in the above case I shall proceed tooffer for sale at the court house doorin Mt Vernon Ky to the highestbidder at public auction on MondaytheIa m

mooIng countYcourtday uponcredit of six months the following

described propertyTtowit-On > he North by the lands of W W

COffey and John Dotson OJL tha Esty thelands of of W A Coffey onhe south by the lands of JsephlsIe

Gee and Jim Brown an 1 on the West-y the lands of Lee Coffey and con ¬

taiIis16acresmoreor lesu Or euftlleat thereof to produce the sums of

money so ordered to be made JFor the purchase pride the pur¬

chaser with approved rty prsecurities must execute bond bearing

f8aleunijtilpaict fa judgmentj Bidder will be-

reparOlfto comply promptly witherma w


DeWitts Little Early RisersThe pill that will will fill the bill

Without a gripef To cleanse the liver without a-

quiverTake one at night

DeWitts LittleEarly Risers aresmall easy to take easy and gen ¬

tIe in effect yet they are so certainin results that no one who usesthem is disappointed For quickrelief from billiousness sick head ¬

ache torpid liver jaundice dizzi ¬

ness and all troubles arising froman inactive sluggish liver Early

iRisers are unequaled Sold byChas C Davis the druggist

NOTICEAll parties owing mefor the year 1903 are earnestly re ¬

quested to call and settle sameThese accounts should have beenjsettled January i 19n4 at leastand I think I have been very pa-

tient in waiting all this timePlease oneat

onceJAWOODjun 3 2m Orlando Ky

The woman witha large mouthhas one advantage over her lessfavored sisters she can talk and beMssed at the same time


MADE YOUNG AGAINere of Dr Kirgs NEw Life<

PiUs each night lox to weeks hasput me in my teens t cain writesD H Turner of DernpseytownPa Theyre the best in the worldtor Liver Stomach and Bowels


ofTheIgiventoPhone No 80



OFFICE OldMainthe C C Williamsresidence

PHONE No 73Will be in office at BRODHEADevery MONDAY noon till Tuesdaynoon



Complete LINEof Casketslobes c

Orders by Telephone attend-ed promptly

Stanford Ky


Stanford JyS-

peciallyeql1ipped for travelingmen Sample room on first floor

bathrooms free to guestsRATES 200 p er day


Brodbead Ky C

Granite and Marble Monumentsand Tombstones


Frifh HofeTBR-


Headquarters for Traveling MenGood Sample Room

Livery AttachedThe patronage of Rockcastle citi

zens specially desired



TORHeadquartersI for

Commercial MenarPorter at all trainsa




day in each monthCIRCUIT COURT Second Mon >

day in February Fourth MondaySepternberMT VERNON POLICE COURT

Third Mondjjy in each month

CHURCHESService it the Christian OsurebPreach ¬

inglsttt3ri Sanduj j at 11 a m and At730 pm

i7iay choo9I0 a ma evl11 SundayPrayelMeetiugEveryl hursdI11730 p a

lire cordially Invited to attendair services

the4thThird4atiirIaychooi at 9a am Sunday raremeeting on Tuesday eights-


Monslay9am ¬

No14G3IEETSat 2 ro m


MACCABEESVK OT MTxNTNot meets evesylaa-

mid 3rd Monday at 730 p mJASEHOUKCG-

CHAbCDAYlSii K v 5
