morning message - princess frederica home · use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3...

HOME LEARNING Reception 20/05/20 Morning Message Good morning, Happy Wednesday everyone! We hope you are all having a great week. Have you been enjoying the activities set? Let’s start today off with a riddle: You might slip or squelch, And go down with a thud. I am very dirty. What am I? You will find the answer to today’s riddle at the bottom of the home learning. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Ms Mulry and Ms O’Sullivan Today’s Picture

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Page 1: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’




Morning Message Good morning, Happy Wednesday everyone! We hope you are all having a great week. Have you been enjoying the activities set? Let’s start today off with a riddle: You might slip or squelch, And go down with a thud. I am very dirty. What am I? You will find the answer to today’s riddle at the bottom of the home learning. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Ms Mulry and Ms O’Sullivan

Today’s Picture

Page 2: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Writing The picture above is of street graffiti. Have you seen graffiti before? What do you think graffiti is? Is it art or just mess? Use the internet to help you find out what graffiti is. Can you find the name of a famous graffiti artist – e.g. Banksy? In your red books, have a go at drawing your own graffiti picture and write about what you drew.

Reading and Phonics Reading: Read the words and sentences below. Fill in the gaps and circle the correct answer.

Page 3: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Phonics Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’ ‘come’ ‘some’ ‘just’. Parents and carers, say the following CVC and CVCC words to your child and encourage them to spell the word by sounding out aloud – e.g. you say sun and your child says s-u-n, sun.

sun pat run him tent spin glad Blending exercise: Parents and carers, read these words out to your child. Can you write these words onto your white board? Underline the digraphs in each of the words.

Parents and carers, say these words to your child and ask them to clap out the sounds they hear - e.g. s-t-ar (3 claps).

Activity: Look, cover, say and write these two tricky words: ‘was’ ‘you’ Read the following sentence:

The frog swam across the pond.

Can you use the following words to change the sentence you just read?

dog jumps

flair trail cream clown

star creep


brown stair

Page 4: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Maths Today we are going to be reviewing previous learning by counting on and counting back. You will need a number line to 20 (or a ruler) and some counters to help you. Look at each picture and answer the questions.

Look at picture 1 to the left. Ask your child

these questions:

How many trays are on the shelves?

How can you count them?

How many more are being added? (2 on


Can you count on to find out how many there

are now? (14 add 2 more)

Are there more or fewer trays than before?

(You had 14 trays, then you added 2 more,

now you have 16 trays. There are more

trays than before)

Look at picture 2 to the right. Ask your

child these questions:

How many trays are on the shelves?

How many trays are taken away? (1)

Do you need to count forwards or

backwards? (Backwards because it says

‘taken away’)

Are there more or fewer trays than before?

(You had 16 trays, you took 1 away, now

there are 15 trays left. There are fewer

trays then before)

Page 5: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Use your number line and counters to recreate the scenarios above. Start on 10 and count on. Discuss and explore with your child why you count forwards for more and backwards for less. Some children may be able to use this knowledge to explain why they do not need to count again from 1 when adding one more or finding one less. Discuss why totals get larger or smaller when adding or taking away. In your red books complete the following (you can draw this into your red book or print it if possible).

Challenge: You have 12 cookies, but your mum eats 3. How many cookies do you have now? Are there more or fewer cookies now? You see 11 butterflies in the park. 2 more join. How many butterflies do you see now? Are there more or fewer butterflies now?

Page 6: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Physical Development

Page 7: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Topic Work ( for the week)

Creative Task 1 Make a bright and beautiful insect using a toilet roll and some card. You could make a whole hive of bees or an army of caterpillars. Or perhaps you’d like to make a mixture of lots of different types of insects. Be creative and have fun! If you can, we’d love to see what you create on your 2Simple account.

Task 2 Can you bake something delicious this week? We have loved baking bread, cakes, doughnuts, brownies and cookies since school has been closed. Maybe you could try to bake something too! We can’t wait to see what delicious creations you come up with. Task 3 This week we’d love for you to create some rainbow art. The rainbow has brought lots of happiness into people’s lives during these hard times and has become a symbol of joy, hope and unity. Use the internet for inspiration or look at the pictures below:

Page 8: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Task 4 Cut a paper plate in half and turn it into a dinosaur by adding a head, legs, arms and other features like spikes and a tail. Can you make your favourite dinosaur?

Task 5 Make your own dinosaur eggs and then watch them hatch! You will need:

Baking soda



Cling film

Food colouring

Small plastic dinosaurs (or anything else you think might hatch from an egg)

Pipette or another type of dropper When you’re ready to make your eggs, you can find the instructions here:

Page 9: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

Understanding the World As well as the tasks below, we have set you a new 2Do on Purple Mash. Take a look and give it a go. Task 1 Go on an outdoor scavenger hunt in your garden or local park. How many items can you find?

Task 2 Have you ever heard of recycling? We recycle paper and food waste at school and you probably recycle plastic and glass at home too! What do you already know about recycling? Watch this video to find out more - Recycling is important because it keeps our planet clean, saves energy and stops rubbish ending up in landfills. This week, we would like you to make a big effort to help your parents and carers with the recycling. See what you can learn about

Page 10: Morning Message - PRINCESS FREDERICA HOME · Use your sound mats to practise all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Practise reading your new tricky words of the week: ‘have’ ‘like’

recycling and saving our planet on the internet or in books. Maybe you might come up with some ideas on how we could do more to save our planet at school. Task 3 Take a look at some old photographs with your family. Maybe you could find some pictures from when you were younger, or perhaps you might find some photos of your parents when they were little! Talk about how you have changed and what is different now that you are older. You could stick the pictures into your red book and write a sentence about what you discussed. Task 4 This week at school, we would have been reading Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. Do you have this book at home? If not, you can listen to it here - Would you rather live with the Tyrannosauruses or the duck-billed dinosaurs? In the book, the T-Rex ate other animals and the duck-billed dinosaurs ate plants. Can you find out what some other dinosaurs liked to eat? Task 5 Ask everyone in your family what their favourite thing about themselves is. Maybe if your parents or siblings are struggling to think of something, you could help them by telling them what you like about them. What is your favourite thing about yourself? Write a list in your red book of all the brilliant things that make you special.

The answer to today’s riddle is…