montana post (virginia city, mont.) 1869-01-22 [p...

.AP :i'ORl'ED) FOR TIlE POST. tmtatesship,. Albany. Ja•,. 17.-The Repblican legisla- tive cauce last night moimatedil Uov. Fea- tin for U. S. •r.ator. on the s,.cad ballhot. Fenton l ecetvilu 52 votes and Morgan 40. 'hi raga. J:sn. 17.- rb-t Ntebraka Repbli. 'ien LIt.lative caucus on Friday ight re- saltul in no choaie for eSa.tor, lt ipton received the highiet vote. AulSsta. ( •e ) Jan. 17.-The Senatorsn ud Reprsentatives from Kernwec. (Morrill', cuaty) who votel for Morrill in the Senato- rial conotet. publish a card saying Ilamlin re- cmtved 7 of the 14, vote . They regard has nomination as valid and will vote for him for Senator. Morrill arrived on datarday, ac companied by Semator Sprague. Qe.eral Newrs. New York, Jan. 17.-The firm owning tbh nilk recently seied for as attempt to evade the duti.w. have orffred $5,00 to hve the goods re.ored. The Secretary of the Trem- urn har the matter under coridneralaon. Letters from Warsaw my cash of arms of reery decrnptios are paua throlgh that city on the way to the DmneUai provasems. In must cases they are followed by wagon loads of munitions, to be distrihbted among the Oreeks and Christian papulettlo of the Turkish Empire. A Ministerial order from St. Petersherg has obliged owners of real estate, who have been already driven from Lathusia. Poland, and compelled on that account, t• sell land at a low price and leave their new place of settle- ment and emigrate westward on the boeders of Vistula. Washington, Jan. 17.-The Agricultaral Department publiabh the eattmates of the corn sad cote crops of the past veer. In corn there has hee ase increase oe 187, 00m buhels over last year. This does sot ilstude the Pacific tate, which are aot favorable to the pro•luction of corn. The estimate gives the rttal product of 2,386,00 ales of eot- ton, and thia is believe to be below rather than above the actual yield. A Washington special aysy the Predest will soon great pmrdom to Dr. Madd. a mr a 1r584 wa040 mm1a0 ami. New York. Jan. 17.-Thb Herld's WaihW ingto specials state that on Frnday, last, the President snt to the Seate tke treetie with ireat Britain on the Alirmma claims and the rt;hts of naturalizd citllzo, sad questions artsing out of the joint occupation of Sea Jun. bhe Alabama treaty i concluded .ubstantially on the original tewru preaoted by our Governmeut. s soon as the ttretv was receivsl in the Senate it was referred to tho Commnitt* on For•ag Relationas nd or- dared printed in coufidence for tbh ue of the Senatp. The committre meets on Ta'-n day. , t, when the mtter will be considredJ. The naturalisation treaty, it is underatod, conepdes on the part of Great Britain that n:aturalize{ citizens shall enjoy the same rights in that country ms native citizens. Tre Bauterm Treable. Paris, Evening Jan 17.-The Confelrene as on the point of closing its smions. It re- coummt nds Grrce to accept *o much of the Turkirh ultimatum as re-ulU in the I retan I affairs, and refer the case of the o(flcr at Syria to the decisions of the courts. It promise that Turkey will withdraw the last point in her ultimatum touching the ubserva- ioin of international law. The conference niinutins the poliry of strict non-iatervem- tion.I The latest advices from Athens show that preparations for war actively going on tn ;ll parts of Greece. 'ihe bank- (of Athens have loaned the gor- ern.ient twenty milllions of dollars for wr I purpo•e.. Lonlon, Jan. 17.--l•petchbe from thel Past rlepi~t a difliculty has ariesn between Turkey al1i Persia. l6turbances have bro- ken out upon the e.-tern frontier of A.iatic rurkey lIetwee the Persians an.l Turkey, which led t t he wittdrawal of the Turkish amhbalador for Tehan. Sance these occur- rencrs Persia has hel-n lmasing troopi on the north-we-tern frontier. Alabama Claims.• Pretesol. New York, Jan. 17.--The says the nrticles of treaty on the Alabama claims are eicht an number and substantially as follows: Article 1. The two Governmntsagree toI the settlement of all claims and diference which have arisen since the convention of Article 2. Provides a Commisson of four person-, each Government beisg entitled to two repreentatives. This Commision to agree upon a'plan of settlement. Article 3. Provides that the majority of the Commission shall d•ecide any qulston in- volved. Article 4. Provides for cases of disagree- ment of the Commission. In such an event the two Governments shall choose an umpire. The President of the United States shall act for the United States, but the umpire selected shall not be qualified nless confirmed by the Senate. Article S5. Provided in the event of a ref.- sal of the umpire to decide the question, it be settled by lot in presence of the Commis- sion. Article 6. Exclude from the Jurisdiction of the Commission all cases arising from claims which have been adjudlicated by Courts of Admiralty. Article 7. Provides the claimants shall frst prove, if they are British subjects, that they preserved strict neutrality during the war, sad 1 did not aid the South. Article 8. The sesions of the Commission bhall be hell in washington. Seruatortal ]lee.teas. ::. Lous,. Jan. 19.--iPe. Car! Schbr wasr• elected Senator to-day. The Democrats voted { for John .. Phelps. Lansing, Mich.. Jan. 19.--Z. Chandler wars re-elected Senator, receiving the entire lie- publican vote. St . P1aul, J:,n. 19.-Alexander Ramsay was I elected unanimously by the Republican vote, I with one exception. Augusta, Me., .an. 19.-Hannihal Hamlin. was elected tenator. Wilmington, Del.. Jan. 19.-Jas. A. Bay• raid wa• elected t"unator, to serve till March 4tb. llis ,on, Thomas Bayard. was elected for th, full t nrn of •-i years, afterward,. CL.LA, ,. J:,:.. t.--The Republican caucus of the N tt•-ka: Le,-i-lature up to tiis time Lave fatll.i in the nomination of a Senator. Ti't. i a.-b the l, gha-t ote: GIov. Blutler next. 1hdian.hpllas, J.a. l9.-TLe Logislature falled t. tlectareratt,r. In the rertateumg- back receivrl 22' rtes and llenlricks, 19. •etIering. 9: n' election. In the House Cart•tck receiv, I ;n vote`, Hendricks, 45; -carteriii.7; n:. . 1-ection. Tbhe two House .netv t-:,.vornl,w in Jlnst coll.m .:Lion to Vote igain. ti-aeral RIapublican- refuie to vote .or Cumbatk on account of a proposition nade ly Loin to Gyv. Blake.r tlt .pring not to. Secome a car didate agairst faker 1, r tGov- ,rnor if 'he latter "oull u.-e hia atfliu"'t.ce to ecur. hi, c:. dlate's election to the S."nate. .rhn propisal laker denounced .o corrai t ,:1,d Iandcezt. I,. crr"t-ponidence between BLa- .er aind ('omback wrs read In the Senate, vhereup,,n the S-nate pare•d a resolutioe d."- laring Cjianbtck' contract disblaoruble. .everal mne,',ere refu-e to sustain the c.acu.- ominati n. Boetor., Jan. 19.--Eanaer was re-elected oastor to-d:y almost withoet opponition. . lbany. J.n. 19.--•Keua E. Fenton was, lected .- natur. Li , Ca -- mtrs'. 'of 4al Teleraph 3i3ll. The Rom.. Advev..e to elie Rail A memorial was preeetntl asking remo- val of the political disabilities of a. - I e intendi•ns of Insane Asylums in the ,"uuth. Referred. Sherman. from the finance Committee, re- ported a bill lCalisang coin contracts. The second sectina appropriates $140,0tO,0)O from the customs receapts naneally to pay aterest and reduce the principal of the publie debt. It is said the amount is to be is lieu of the inoking fund, provided in the act of Feb. 25, 1862. Section three provides for the exchange of greebecks i. sarm of not less thas $60 for boeds payable is cosi, redeemable in tea, and payable In forty years, bearng Are per ce•t. tetrest and exemlpt from taxation. Section four provides for the iaus of gold notes, bear- ing interest payable ca demand. Section ive se4hrise the National manks to slse any amouni ot ootes wishost interest, payable ta cila, not so ecned 65 pr cet or tbe gov- ernment heds deposited as secerity for their circulation. meru• which were ,rdered printed with the bill. Washington, Jan. I8.-The Preident snt Sthe Senate to-day, hie reply to the resolu- tion requesting a ooy of any amnsty proc- m-tioa issued since the lst meeting of Con- rw: also to state by what authority of law a was made. lie says the authority is set :t forth in the proclamation itself, which declarec it was issued by virtue of the power and authority vested in the President by the Co'•-tution, article 2, section 2. Washington, Jan. 18.-Uovsa.-Among bhe bill introduced was one by Pollard, pro- viding for the isse of United States bonds ad for a free system of National banking. - Van Horn, a bill for the construction f a line of telegraph between Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washig- to, auder direction of the P. O. lepart- meat. By Beaks, the exemptio of the manutfac ur•er of printed uawspapoer from tax. By Bibgham, to admit Mssissippi to repre- itation in Congrfs. My Garteld, Axing the number of Brigadier merals at cirgt. rvilege after March 4th, next. Holman ofered a resolution that o far- her subsidi.- ought to be given by Congress, either in bunds or money, to r.ilroad or other corporatluns. or to promnote local Pantrpri- e.;, but that the whole reources of the country ought to be applied to pre at necas tiee isn uch manner as will relieve the peo- pl* from the burtheau of taxation. iteolved, hat "*gaata of Phblic land to curporations rouht to be discontinued, and the whole fa ach lands ought to be held as a sacred trest, o secure homesteads to actual ttlers, and for no other purpo•w whatever. lHolman uoved the lrpritp qu.etion, which was secondJe. Tlr first reolution was adopted. es.s 90, says 67. T'e recond resolution war id on the table, ye10 a, ~ . 4 nays, as it .ould interfere with soldier's bounty. The apprupriatiou hill was pa-ed with the amendment rporte.l by the committee. .'GATR.-llirlan mnde a lengthy prsuonal explanation in reply to chargot in nwcpaperr by a correspondent. The Senate coonidered the bill to regulate he duty on copper. Adjourred. Boutwell gave notice that on next Satur- lay he would call no the proposed Consitta- ioual aleundmment in relation to uffrage, and ry to bring them to a vote on the following Tuediay. Butler, from the Committe on Approp-ai- tious, report~l the Indian appropriation bill. It was made the o!wcial order for Monday next. 1louse went into Committee of the Wholi on the Leislative, Executive, and Judicial appropriation bill. After coutideration for some tiume the Committee rose and Farnsworth made a personal explanastian in regard it ewspapwr strictures on his course in rel.tion to the payment of Wells, FPrgo A Co. on their mail contract. '.djournmld. ••a-ingtu, Jan. 'v.- ••ate.-4.oro•t pr.eused a memorial of citisuns of Wa•ting- tow Territory agliain the submwieon of the ownership of dan Juan Island to arbitration. Abbott introduce.l a bill to grant land in aid of the cos.struction of a railroad through Missouri anl Kansaal to the Pacific. Thayer oE•red a constitti iional ananudment to prevent the daefranchisement of any citi- -en on accomat of color. iReolutiun laid on the table. llaoue.-- li offered a rwolution to print three hundredl thouLandu capirs of Cultllisa- sioaer Weller' report. Kelley opposed the r.slution, anil de- nonucedl Welles' stateLiUents a falsed , delulve, and damabing to the country. The debate was continuedl by talrirell, Jeacks, Butler, Morehead and Eli. The reaolutioa was anally adped, and IThe lase reuamed causll•dratiui of the bill to preserve the pacrity of electlons in the Teritoiies. Phelps offered an amendment providing for the represetation of minoritie. Rejected. 48 to 116. After considerable debate, the bill peated 61i to 66, and the Honse p.roeeded to depose of the buians on the pSpeaker's table. The Senate bill graIting lands and right of w-ay to the Denver Pacific Railroad was ta- -ken up. Price offered an amendment, that no subsidy in bondb be .ined for .nore than fifty-four milee of roadwt. Maynard inquired whether the bill could be considered under the resolution adopted ye- tirday. The speaker said that was a matter for the House to decide. Pric- remarked the House might as well IAht a battle as to sulidies on this bill as on any other. Srevral otheraamendments were offered, in- - eluding two providsag the lands should be sold only to actual ettlerm. Washbbrne of Illinois, made an elaborate I spech iu oppuLition to the bill, alter which, without turtiher action adjourned. The bill finally pa~-ed illd the Senate went into executive s.etonuzs atd soon afer adjourned armwau armwwwu amwrw rqwawuUwsy. New York, Jan. l14.-liv order of FsLke, Lb. l.rg.r Sabbath School whicb 6aJ lat for a long timr at 'kikes Qera Hlom e. wita lock'ed uut ya..arJ..y. Con 1.iniiaitory reacotu- liuns were l:t--a I y tioe schuo4 whall &a-em- blodi on thte de.walla. Geerarl .''ewe, Jun. 19.-ih"" throe Ark insa LUldLler en couccLted bly C')U't Itrtial .,f outraging a white woman, K -re .h',t by Mu- ZPOLce ot the court rinrtial ti-dtay. Lnnci-a,.r Janl. 1'.-TI.,' fall MJall r(ilr-tte hoj..- tha Enehi-b 1'arliamet.t will not i.utfy the Alabam:a treaty it lth (.f the recognition of the Soubthrn C.nfed-ra cy It a bhllheerent is to be opt-ned. Mr. Stt~vrvua I"id sat in tl. icHuusae baas user. reizularly assigned to li.nerau Butler. i 1, " ia!ttmr (6ccu1JirN. it ablt- ter nlet i..i la,.t seeajou, leul Mr. Stevebs alv r" , .cfuull,..4 a it s ntar the speak- era t k but it is said that Mr. Stevruu, on Ider death- bedl. rtequested Mr.i Blutler nigtht retain the seat, aud his wishes have lbert rericrt4d Photographing on enaweled leather has bet-n successfully accomplished in l'kiladellphiY. B EVITIZlES. The L.onintille ('ouri'r-J.,,,rnl calls cold-biloo, d murders in Kentukv "un- '!appy affairs." The "ilachelor's Roost" is the name given to a Lousekeeping society in the West. Hnrace (reelev toiWl an aulience in Montreal that "tiere wasone thing in the U'nited States he had no desire to ite, and that was President." An exchange says tersely ot a noted Texan rudian, that. " Through the en- ergy of a sheriff he now ornaments a rustic graveyard." Mr. B. Carpenter is painting a por- trait of Horace Greeley, as he appears in the editorial room. for the Tribune Association. Benjamin Monroe, of Waterbury, Ct., quietly adds to the published warning against harboring his wife, that he left her to save his life. Lorenzo Dow defined death bed re- pentance to be burning out the candle of life in the service of the devil, and blowing the snuff in the face of heaven. Mr. Jenckes proposes as extension of time for the operation of the bankrupt law, and hopes to get it through Con- gres. by the aid of Slouthern members. Adams county. Illinois, with a voting population of ten thousand, has been granted ninety-six divorcee within a month. John Paul calls bootblacks "those lit- tle sons who shine for all; and answers the query. What are the wild waves saying V with "Let us spray.' Aggassiz's lectures at Cornell Univerl ity next year will be upon geology. Mr. Cornell think* the 'niversity will finish 5,000 students in the next twenty years. Pattsburg and its " suburbs," one of whico contains fifty-six thousand in- habitants, has a population of one hun- dred aud ninety two thousand. From 1777 to 106, 10..577 criminal re- aeived executive clemency in New York State. We are afraid that the quality of this mercy has been struined a good deal. To make little boys' trowsers tlat, when you isake a suit of clothes for them. fintish the coat first, and by so doing you will make the trousers last. It is the only way the thing can be done. lMrs. Aiken. of Iowa, has just ihead of her husband. for the first lime in fifteen years. lie went to Calitornia, leaving an Aiken void. which he now proposes to come beck and till. Iondon is growing so rapidly that its population will is,n 1w 4.000.000. The metropolitan polico, of 7.800 members. have to control and patrol a district of thirty wiles in diametei. BrtIk I'omeroy thus compliments the editor of the Siun: "Mr. Dana is not of our Ib*lief. but he is a good neighbor, a good rilizen. a good editor, and the best vel.cilweitiit in the city." Maoby Clarl, born I Jun.e, i•4, iteL, in Richmond. recently. aged one huas dred and twenty-one years aid six nonthc. li wia a wagon driver during tie Revolutionary war. In velocipeding, as n skating. he who hesitktes is l, t. The secret of safety is equilibrium. and that. at first. r only to be gained by boldanes and speed. Motley lives in Dr. Warren's odd house on Park street, Boston. He has ceferred finishing his "Thirty Years War," and is engaged in lecturing and the writing of historical paperl . 'iThe Empenl'rr of Rusda looks more olese than two or three years ago. His crlule.ncy is attributed to the coat of cmail which hi. is said to wear con- stantly since BIerezowskv ttempted to she|.t f!hi1t. 'T'he greatest grain growing State in the, Southweet will ew, in five yeors, say Its feruers, Missia.silgi. They are near- Iv all determin'ed to ablcndoa cotton P;lant i ng. Mr. e.'tz'. iropriet,,r of a hotel in Zanee•rille, Ohio. died suddenly of apte plexy, lately, while chamtieinr, with hi cane, an old vagrant who had stolen his overcoat A Washington correspondent says the President is in favor of immediate spe- ie paynnents. Wihen the trumpeter as desired to, play loudier, he replied, 'Yu1 otSv 'louder. I•suder.' hut var is the rind.' "--fLr•At, Pst. -•hen the announcement of the re- sult of the Pr.sidential ele tion was mad.e in Egypt. it was in this wise: (ieneral (irant has been named Preasi dent, to-wit: of the Shieks.. And Alcafaks has been named Second Preei- lent." The battle ground of Spottsylvania Is now overgrown with rough underbrush and scrub pine, which is fast covering tie marks of war. The long succession of earthworks traon which tirant's army forced General Lee, hardly 300 feet p)art. ant nearly ,lliterated. A .Miines~ta lPosttmaaster. wLo wished to retain his office, :on being asked by P-stm•ate-r cIgeneral landall whether he had not ,,•j*No'd Mr. J"hanson's "policy." *rplied: "'No sirer.e, and I want you to understanl that I can change my poli- tic. as tast as you. and when I can't keep up, I'll resign." Th' '. lebrated artesian well of S-. Louis has reached a depth of unearly .OKN) tee.t, and is still going downward. No one knows whlt n the chase will IH. al-andon.,*l: it ha. ,•eru k:-p.t up -or rather d cwn- •ay a and night, for two e' ars an- i ',or., :. th,. rate' t thlree fet p'r dsy. Se,lil blocii ot Italiian ruijidl tir C oe4rt Lull. ueveu tent oue iucL long. an.1 thrre1 tle-t \V-u incl~ea w.Ue, with iteavv ziacuuldinga at the t/.+, aril bottuul. and a ric carved wreath of oatken leaves, is the naonututnt which is p'iaced uver tht grave of Jatrme Buchanuan. Yehico ,:.b u h'r like :x bow, At.-I lookL. %Lrel .tiP:i. 'e' i U on ed, Like bump 'of buff 11." It fIIl xwjh r bzliud .m rlioot, Itfl w bhud dywun .he goes fora. to -chlool, ' And unxk the children laugh mad play t To fled her tach a fool. Tn. teaclhr, chocked. ir -ildeac tureu, His bluhbuig face he wails, And Mary then ho wvxcked learns It i- to bear tatee tales. IB f kruptcy Notice. Case No. 39. 111l~ is tb, Ive Notier that on the 5th day of SJameary A. . It*1. a Warmrat i Bakkruptcy Mw Ihsued iagasit the rtate of J. I Oallowy,. I in tlli Co•ntv of Lewis & Clarke, andi Terr•*ory .,f Mtu.ea. who has been adjdgedl a I;nakrupt un hi ow| petition; that the payment of any .. bts and telivery of Ian property be- to mseb Itakrnpt. to him. r for his ass. ald the transfer of any tinr•erty by him ar fr. i •idden by law: that a meeting of bhe creditors of be amid Bnkrupt. to prove their debts and to hLooo one or • Assieaes of his estate, will be bell ai a I'ourt of aakruptey. to be holIeo at the i U' ort room, in Virgiala C'tv, Montms. -for- Theo,. Muly. Regisr. on the .?lh day of Voblruary A. . I).Ii. at 10n 'clak. A. M- NSil. IIOWIF. U. . Marshal (as Messeger) for the Istriel t n Montam• Ttrritnry. tWu. Chumaonruo H•liitoo fr Petitioner. Ja!l Baurrrumptey Netlcr. Case No. 43X) 'lS is to give Notte that on the 7th day of SJasuary A. D. Itti, a warrant is Beakreptey wa isued agailut the estat of Mun e Heesebma of ll-hIra. i the Coasty of Lewis & Clarke. adI Territ.ory of Montama. who be beas adjldld a Bankrupt n his one petitltkm that the paymeut of say debts Lad delivery of any property belsmging to su.b Bmkrnptl to him, or for his us, aud the trasfer of say property by hi awre forbiddl b I law; that a meetilg of the ceed. Itors of the sad Bi krupt, to prove t heir debts a•d to ehouso uns or mor Aslg•es of hi estate. will be held at a P.ert of Bankruptcy. to be holdsa at the U. t. Court room ls Virginia City. l.oltan:a Iwtore The,. Masly. IReq. Rl. Reg e. the .wl -lay of Marub A. D. I;.I, at :t o'clock A. M. NEIL HOWIS, IU. 8 MaMsal (as M• g ) for the District omoasto TerritorT . Wo., & T,oole IolitorM for Petwtomer. J'l Bamunrruptr Notice. Cae No. 22. In the .HStpem Couart o. the Territory of Moutam -I.n Itakrulptry Ia the mtter ol Samuel Aehwrb,-Bakrupt. P.ku•sTho Muay, .. E., Register. rfo the Creditors of the ahive name!l Bankrupt. 1 Thk. Notine; tha tko imai Bekrpt Mb tIed hi Pitition in id Supreme Court fkr a disehare fmron ll bhi drbt., adl that msai Court h ap polatre the fret day of May. A. D. 160., aM .0 'elouok a. . .. if Itha day, hakme the mid Regteisr, at the Court Klom. un Wallae street, s the City of Viriela, Cousty o(Mtadi•m. i msid Terlary. as the time ad plae whom awd w s you may afnrm and show ause, if any you habe. why the prayer of amid ipjtitum sholul ot be granted. By urder ot the Court. made the 7th day of Jan- nary. A I) 1M. LIUCIUS R. PBCK. Cl'k. mid slepr*m Court. W F. Chadwick. sulieitr fr e I'tiioer Ja2I Oan krupery NWefee. Cae No. t3. In the l•preme Ceort of the TerrHrity of Mouta -In laakrutcty In thl mattr of (ilom R. Thomas-Baukru|t. rItefoe be,. Moly, Ieq.. RgIlCter. T I the Crleditio of the abue namie Bnkrupt ; Take Noteie; that the said Bakrupt ba filed his petifion in sail Supreme Cort. ftr a dierbare frnmw all his *tebe. and that sd4 Cort h ap- isntel the third day .o May. A LD Itlt. at 10 I,'nloek A M. ,of that day. belure the said Refr r. at the tourt rnio. on Walleae reteet is the City of Virgiuia. County ol Madlia*. In sid. Territory, a the time and pl.. whbe and where, you may at- trnm. asm show oause, if any yo have, why the prayer If sali IPeri•u .. ould not be grumtel. l•y .nlter ,ofth Co.nrl mal the 9th day of Jan nary. A DI IWOll. l.UCIUt . PECK. CIk. said lSureme Court. W. F Chadwick. Att.wmnev f.r Petitioner. Ja4I Ca.. No. 32. Im the Supreme Cert of uthe Territcry .t Mu' tmsa-la Bankrupeey. Im the maser td TheL. P. Ames.--amLkrusjs "fnie Theu. meay. Kq. Regieer. -p) the Crdilsa of the alr.e sameol BaLkrep. I Take NuMes, that the aid B1ekrLpt has /Jle his petit•um i said Sapreme Comt ta a dis.rge -bu. all his debhts ad that said Coast hem ap- puted the 6th day of May. A. D. 1019 at 10 *iuetk A. M. *o that day hbaoes the said egister. at tihe Curt rouem on Wallase treet. ia tae 'ity of Vfrgiata. C.etmt , .. If Mais Is amd Territory, as th timu alnd p . whoe and wher, yao mya atteed and show emase if any you have. why the prayer of said petti.n should ,t be graAed.. *By rde r ua the Couer made the 9th day d Jan.- ar y A, D. Ile0. LUCIUS 5. PECK. C'k,. said Seuprmse Court. W. '. Chadwlk sodtlit*.r Sar Petristia. J1lt iBakru'pte NotSee. Case No. 3d. In the Sul.remta .art .I the Territory of Mum- twese-l Iansirullty. In the wealter of Lmuis Iteusijh, and Eugrne e. thne Tb".. M•tmy. Not. Rgi.ter: iN) the ('r• of th* nharve .ameut Beask Sru|e.; Tlak N.So*r•. that the t sa1. akrtpts have. tiled their Iwtiti".u inll *•l laprertu. O•mrt fr a dirhu*arg ftam a I their lebtb. andl tuhat wi Court hasm Iapltuatl th 5Jth day ia May. A. II. I4, % at lo 'e.urk A. M. of that 'lay labefre the saitd kl ter. lat the, ct.ert rom, aon Wallaes Street. aI the O(ty of 5 irgiuia. Couely of Mealisee in said Territoery, a tim.. aid place whet, and where. ron may attend ml wndl sbw Manse. if amy you have, abhy the*prayert 4said shoul nu ha e grantel. t•y order of the Court smae the :bh day of Jam. ,a•ry A. l). l#t LUCIIl~- 4. PECK. CI'k. said 8tlaen.. Ceourt W . F Cho k. ali, itr f..r I'rtitmhrnr. J~il iammkrpter N.tlkee. Case No. 26. In the rtuprenat*e Caourt otf the 'Territory ol M eetaca -inu lankrupl•cv. In tlw •eatter .,f s.hml.tan Star Bankrupt. Itef."e. The... Bufmy , E. Regester. T ) them 'vedlitors .( tlhe hnae nametl Ntkrept ; Tale Noti•e, tiha the said ejt Ilkrat has i1ed his Petitin.. in said lulreme C"uart, for a discharge fhm all his debts, ald the' said Court hem appulat ed the fourth day of May AD I 11tt, at 10 u o'l.k, A M. of that day, lefore the said tRegter, at the Court ras. um Wallaee stree. is the City of Vir- gitnia C•a.ty Madwlison. in said Territory, as the time mud place, wheerad abe .bse, you may atteel, aml show c•usoe. if amy you have, why the prayer of s•il Petitiao should a no t.e ranted. By order of the Coaurt. nmal the 9th toy ,of Ja. sn-y, AD L t :rt LICIUtI8 S. PECK. C01', said lulre.s Court. lHenry N. Il•k.*. s.lilitor tor Petitloner. J2l1 BELAN GK& & ALLEN, sILVZR now rrT,. DIEEIR L.OcH)E ('OUNTY. MONTANA. )~,s rn u. GENERAL MERC•'IIA NDIE A well l..te l.t t K. k .f (ir•rerir., HARDWARE, SADDLERY. A:'. :.- - t.w 1. T t r. "" y PI'r, o'.,.r- OUTFITTING HOUSE. sn ls p.r ;.",r l..l*.. VCl.hly. Jal:slitwet Miners' Exchange Saloon LOU:IS CLS.iRF.Y, F.oruLer.:y ., tle. Latayette Brewery. IIROPILIETOI. Next Lu r above the, Crystal Pi l:ee. MIain :. rT ll E 1 u b 'rr it e r 'iw* - ii , r. a h, i t - ,ld t -n d a .t Seastuuers l, a I the ilblie .e.. erally s ."" o- i me. ,t hat litweral .err. me t.m m ':.a whi., " . was taturtn l rat tiln t ,l| dstant 1, I. -:.q :hat lhey ay lwayms mn4tia. at Lis tlw rstabli•hbraut, the beat ciars. u , In *r atnd 1i -or .,t ,t* ry leser •Ftion t", bte .. uL. I the e.i•U or-. iotr sl:lto ._ tL In •_LA RIY. Statutes of Montana, Fn K.:e at thi . - HELENA IOIIEY LOTTEIY; HIRI) IIDRAW1.. a February J. 1 LR(D. ONLY 5400 TICKET IN TIES OCLASS! SUE MIlE TO ENES SEVEN fl ETS. I LOOK AT THE LIST OF PRIZES! i" K as *M-.............iN es a s ............... l M N " " a.............. ie 7. Prim... *5,ee *14) EACH IN CURRENCY This Lottey is a pmmmmmwt Iu.6uletmm, and e dummdmg tb.. - .wY inm. .say, 5... ofm~ prim .. .we., drew log. TW3WTW P33 CENT. I. 6 redmd fmas tesh Priub to defay pm.... mmd the duawlag tab.. plum pinmm..e of slit .6mm. md I. pehm. For fur. thu fp.tb i seduce LEON LOS. Geminl Agmct. Hle.m H. T. Puet 06.. m.: Wish pwmhiuu. w. rukiro H Ikum &t b urioia & GlI.Sm4 Jb H MI r. PayM Hasadim- Nish Stglr; Mali & ! t. al ml Ha.l.m. Tlmhimkto be W l Dner Leftu at tim Smutt Bminui VIHaa rmC11 IT. smpl & Coit 3!. m C. J.hem; 3m 0mb-. Week-y 3gw,.. O6m; Ummume. Smit & Gmuemur; Dom." inmClty. Iimvh &sris & Dimmmud CtY. W. GR$UAL OWPIC5-Opera. Wmil Purde & Cue .6... Hldem.. H. T *.mtldmwtd II =p I 1 . tI I Ia i'fI I ! Iti 4- *r u 0a tJ gIi S * -r U, N. N U ~Ii Ic *fA *m1 N ~- IsE 1 0 .; u HAIR RESTORATIVE. ,I /ElSVlt FIIIANIb. tOw FP'n,"h Barrh-. at I):.&- PJn,.nd City. :s a r."rpr..l .I rr.l.r* lair I., th.. .atatl an will tire scurity tha L. air, will .(raw n all it. naturtrl btaaty maut I:tla r. r ui.. chasrt a ill be :nua. Ier.iv idialg . u.t..'r.. r ill iv.*- rwltt city that t'." w.,g* tRill be paidt 6.r it ta." hair is reeturla. Mr F. Wiil give "urr3y trtu fifty ti. iw." tb..uusae l ultar, tMa urli:. "., i:e rise ct**a be hair will ae in all it. '.atmral lnuzria,- y.. d ia raera wueld Only ask aeeI.t, tciat L *.'*:rrc h a Iay if tba jIob is aatlss. .. ry All kind. .. t a-rh Ieloagiag ta the trad.e will t "" ... mte iu a, mWanner o wal-eat the aim *-.t a.. X 3. I did net wia ti pt h i-ti Itty b.t" itwas to Lb. public anti I had aaciafa'tu. ,v ide :c.* that I ruhid accompaha what I claia.,l Hat it.g dim. ao in saomt extreaw eases I man . r reed.- wito y -ad to tamintw sad would eak the ai.M~.ia 4t ro ate with acadl. nest d.a.r r. tin What Ciwear Hotel. J'itlPUI FRLANI Diamn M T. pA.i.: : wly sltnrWpt N.t6ee. CAes No. 423. e Oems of thl Tstmsey of Maims.- Is Is the satter of IM3 sad rtee•s.-Uakrupts. r.rNesr sad 3alrksl of measa. Ce, 'ru is to give Nottee that - the 4th day of SJamry A. D. Idl, a wmenmt is Baakrptry a ised .me of the Sevenm Co•rt of the Terri try of Montaam against the tatse of Ellis aad Buhbs,, a .- paetamemblp eempeand o James K. I1I, d f met ms t eseary of Lewis an Clarke. and Triinry f Morueas: te..e 3lli, t thacty of Usr Ftmese in te atsrLof Call. ilthis the paymsn ot say de bes, amd the _•seery of aey property belo•gisg to said fank .pts. to them, or bs teir me. mad the trams of ay po y by said Uakm p. are fMblddaa by -:aw asd tht a meeting of the Creditors of mra -bcrpts. to prove their dehbs aml to oboose mie or m•i• easiises of their sate, will be bold at a Court of Dakraptey, to be bolm at the Cert Hrs, i i thCie s Virgilsa. Cuoaty of Madison and Territory eo Meaml beee LTho. sy. eg Pminer -i MDsarptsy er mid T•-s--r-y. sa lb ith day e PFmebrary A. D. 18U. at 1I ".leak A. M. NEIL HOWIr. U. 8. Moshsal (as Messege) Ir said T't'y. Davis, & It emer,. ad Woolbhk & Teele Asys yef Potitleemr. Jaidwtt Boots and h oes WHOLESALE RETAIL, Leather Findings AND watse... DsS, verse cu, W•T. .. wly D. H WSTroW. L ook at these Pricees For Usele.m WALTEAI WATCEI ! The P. . Bartleft me.wmet. with gutr jewels. -eem.meer Dle.., Paseut a ent r p. Pawel aMyt Pi. s m.. and all other cale improveimest ia mseld 3 s. Cle Silver HetI O Car with The same to 4 em. ee 30. In 1 us. eas.e 33 eoi. The Walthm Wealh CA mwome.t, with eont Jewek. ChLuromgmr Dales... Patest Dut Cap• Palest Ishaty P lais. e . . 3 os. am.s, with GadJelets. Seet. The -a. I 4 e( a Is 3•u. ease ~3Seoia. The Appleoes. Taey & Co. m•emet. with eatra Jewel., Chrmemeier BaLes., Patee Duest cp Paet Saty Paiu.k, a. is 3 o3 rm, Golo Joits @31 egls. The samelb 4 ai. me, 837. Is5 a. $40 ela. P. i. artlet( Watdb i Ii o. 18 kalrt GOe.l Meuadi C.r UA rei Wa•tham W.erk mWY a he ti Is haret Geld MeetIle emse 64 "as. A I l.y 4i+ Ct. Waeh, le21 a. It karat A-y addi weight at $1 pe pwo., or e0 per m.o extra. We will tem aoy . the abeve by Wells PeFrgo e C.o. apeem, wiih bll to ealltt on delivery an d p. er lbe pivilege c ezamlar the Wath beforet exprew chairge however, beb pa1( by the paeha.s r. Bot if the aemamt of the prie oft the Waieh i remitted to as with the oder, we will prepay the exprere ebsrgre to Sa hrroser ereege. In Sendilg money, draft a. Wells Farge Ce. are preferred We wnh it ditietly eaderseut that thee Wa B!oe are the very bert, with all the lates l. provemes'. aml that they sare I. ierfet rmeaiag will eheeange it, or etued the meey. 1'lem Utabi thaSt yes sw this is the MOSTA" A HOWARD & CO., S Jewel.e all d t veremiths, 619 e Broadway N. Y. One Block above the Metropolitaa Hotel. Every cue visittig New York bs invited to call at our etablish menrt. I" order that all may ddreill hase with ulldec we io it atteati. tC. the lollowD ig: Oe of Well. Fargo l CI.. H4 Broadway Now. YorkaOct. t. It. We an. cheerfully cummeud Miner.. Howard & Cu., No 619 hlreadway Now York, is oar friends, as a reliable sad treetworthy drm, with aweuraece that all orders eat them will have faithful land prompt atteetlos. C. GODDARD, Trees. For Wells Fargo & Co. And we al.o refer to I W Raymoml. Esq. Va. Praeeac. it C loward Esq. time Vrasieeoe T Beattler esq.U 8 Mist. See Franciseo. W 8 H•hart Esq. V irgisia City. Nevada. sov4wtt 6 PERH)R IMITATION GOLD HI'NTING W ATC0HES! The Oroidw Watcb FACTORY lb R411) Ciars a n .ly-dwtuverei tion, known naly to wlrrwrrw. preriirly liik 1c.-id in .I'earaa. krcring it. ruin, a+ Irno . aoesn, and am wil flninh..tas t(n' ber C(..l.t ,.n-. Ttee. Watch.. art in llntitn:, ct.n.. toad, at our own Facrtoy. Rum thhI..t In.ttrinal. of lb latIe.: and mead .ayle.. are je.weied and wI: Snaibed. with a view In th. heet resuit in regard to wa ned tihee. For Apwptae durability and time. they bhre ovetr Inen aquahewi by Watch.. cseting fiv tina .. uan."h. E.u h ntt watrasster l by spwcial ecrr?.flctw t, I..ap PCPIIralt( lim. prin. *15 U".ettemen. end L..wnie' Dire. Y."r this emall aum ano nm.- .m. h...ean e...Ilet Watch. qaw in epreerans. ans a. au n .4o tone as n.11 laln'Etrtin liSl)i). Al... sa Watcbhof xtrstne auA Saupeaior Ieii"A, for $20. E' 1 .i.I is nMearaurtra m .ui. t .'.ti C g Ei " Al..... I r .2bainrl, as w.'tll ,.,.d ... :n.., of i, , 1 tro"m JIt..i_' w.tus. andi 1',. . lii. t :sil ia tltt ni nvlv. r t is.v part of the luitr I trtw ha ':AIrrs. II~tlu .".t n".t }r" sr )C: withi theold r a ti.; ril'i IU teri.:rl Le th g ."1 ar.-,ls' I by thos Iatprin.. I' trtotaier t u'ts' p~'' allthe bIxjrs-oc..nhT' m- JA~&. l-~ 1' t''" fR$ At ... r t ..r w, twgtes Wat. vrn v. f"r cdcrty.1 " "I' -'Sui . rL.L~rtyd Vatrn. sh~ ...... "1 ..", g!, .. r u :a'. .. ",n at: 'I " 6 'rlufan l.t t" t!h."I Io'S gVettit~ . ntlioa psru...n. at sitt. ... .s,,s,.i, u asnl sm-.o:, lio '..:eb... I.r nl,- rrlre r..tlug tbru, t., . tirm.tle 'a atcli.m. iu n ill' ! t.'tey are soi A{"t '.. i a state. In...! l.aitivaiy that w." ewpuin. A ealt .,:.. t t:.' %o . ne ,S5. ! .s *.r tan no.+" i lrsu ... i .,.-,.rty 'be-. rrr.f-- ,tS!iIn. art fatle. '('ha r .. ,Loin-- O t1 1r:. teesa"r. .n. !.." utbiatnuil h. ..'-'i r".u. ,...s iar E. F. PIHELPS, AUterney at Law. Inamaacek, MW. T., W ILL praetice iail thernu atrt ols therrritur,. anl pay epecial attenti n t lith ruInIsrOtio. atv.' i t4-LiL 108 WORK (W I[VERY I)1''IIIPTII)N ft neatly ans E&Hzraititaluy en.! MM at 1!- ifti...

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tmtatesship,.Albany. Ja•,. 17.-The Repblican legisla-

tive cauce last night moimatedil Uov. Fea-tin for U. S. •r.ator. on the s,.cad ballhot.Fenton l ecetvilu 52 votes and Morgan 40.

'hi raga. J:sn. 17.- rb-t Ntebraka Repbli.'ien LIt.lative caucus on Friday ight re-saltul in no choaie for eSa.tor, lt iptonreceived the highiet vote.

AulSsta. ( •e ) Jan. 17.-The Senatorsn udReprsentatives from Kernwec. (Morrill',cuaty) who votel for Morrill in the Senato-rial conotet. publish a card saying Ilamlin re-cmtved 7 of the 14, vote . They regard hasnomination as valid and will vote for him forSenator. Morrill arrived on datarday, accompanied by Semator Sprague.

Qe.eral Newrs.New York, Jan. 17.-The firm owning tbh

nilk recently seied for as attempt to evadethe duti.w. have orffred $5,00 to hve thegoods re.ored. The Secretary of the Trem-urn har the matter under coridneralaon.

Letters from Warsaw my cash of arms ofreery decrnptios are paua throlgh that

city on the way to the DmneUai provasems.In must cases they are followed by wagonloads of munitions, to be distrihbted amongthe Oreeks and Christian papulettlo of theTurkish Empire.

A Ministerial order from St. Petersherg hasobliged owners of real estate, who have beenalready driven from Lathusia. Poland, andcompelled on that account, t• sell land at alow price and leave their new place of settle-ment and emigrate westward on the boedersof Vistula.

Washington, Jan. 17.-The AgricultaralDepartment publiabh the eattmates of thecorn sad cote crops of the past veer. Incorn there has hee ase increase oe 187, 00mbuhels over last year. This does sot ilstudethe Pacific tate, which are aot favorable tothe pro•luction of corn. The estimate givesthe rttal product of 2,386,00 ales of eot-ton, and thia is believe to be below ratherthan above the actual yield.

A Washington special aysy the Predestwill soon great pmrdom to Dr. Madd.

a mr a 1r584 wa040 mm1a0 ami.New York. Jan. 17.-Thb Herld's WaihW

ingto specials state that on Frnday, last, thePresident snt to the Seate tke treetie withireat Britain on the Alirmma claims and thert;hts of naturalizd citllzo, sad questionsartsing out of the joint occupation of SeaJun. bhe Alabama treaty i concluded.ubstantially on the original tewru preaotedby our Governmeut. s soon as the ttretvwas receivsl in the Senate it was referred totho Commnitt* on For•ag Relationas nd or-dared printed in coufidence for tbh ue ofthe Senatp. The committre meets on Ta'-nday. , t, when the mtter will be considredJ.The naturalisation treaty, it is underatod,conepdes on the part of Great Britain thatn:aturalize{ citizens shall enjoy the samerights in that country ms native citizens.

Tre Bauterm Treable.Paris, Evening Jan 17.-The Confelrene

as on the point of closing its smions. It re-coummt nds Grrce to accept *o much of theTurkirh ultimatum as re-ulU in the I retan Iaffairs, and refer the case of the o(flcr atSyria to the decisions of the courts. Itpromise that Turkey will withdraw the lastpoint in her ultimatum touching the ubserva-

ioin of international law. The conferenceniinutins the poliry of strict non-iatervem-tion.IThe latest advices from Athens show that

preparations for war actively going on tn;ll parts of Greece.

'ihe bank- (of Athens have loaned the gor-ern.ient twenty milllions of dollars for wr Ipurpo•e..

Lonlon, Jan. 17.--l•petchbe from thelPast rlepi~t a difliculty has ariesn betweenTurkey al1i Persia. l6turbances have bro-ken out upon the e.-tern frontier of A.iaticrurkey lIetwee the Persians an.l Turkey,which led t t he wittdrawal of the Turkishamhbalador for Tehan. Sance these occur-rencrs Persia has hel-n lmasing troopi on thenorth-we-tern frontier.

Alabama Claims.• Pretesol.

New York, Jan. 17.--The says thenrticles of treaty on the Alabama claims areeicht an number and substantially as follows:

Article 1. The two Governmntsagree toIthe settlement of all claims and diferencewhich have arisen since the convention of

Article 2. Provides a Commisson of fourperson-, each Government beisg entitled totwo repreentatives. This Commision toagree upon a'plan of settlement.

Article 3. Provides that the majority ofthe Commission shall d•ecide any qulston in-volved.Article 4. Provides for cases of disagree-

ment of the Commission. In such an eventthe two Governments shall choose an umpire.The President of the United States shall actfor the United States, but the umpire selectedshall not be qualified nless confirmed by theSenate.

Article S5. Provided in the event of a ref.-sal of the umpire to decide the question, itbe settled by lot in presence of the Commis-sion.

Article 6. Exclude from the Jurisdictionof the Commission all cases arising fromclaims which have been adjudlicated by Courtsof Admiralty.

Article 7. Provides the claimants shall frstprove, if they are British subjects, that theypreserved strict neutrality during the war, sad1did not aid the South.

Article 8. The sesions of the Commissionbhall be hell in washington.

Seruatortal ]lee.teas.

::. Lous,. Jan. 19.--iPe. Car! Schbr wasr•elected Senator to-day. The Democrats voted {for John .. Phelps.

Lansing, Mich.. Jan. 19.--Z. Chandler warsre-elected Senator, receiving the entire lie-publican vote.

St. P1aul, J:,n. 19.-Alexander Ramsay was I

elected unanimously by the Republican vote, Iwith one exception.

Augusta, Me., .an. 19.-Hannihal Hamlin.was elected tenator.

Wilmington, Del.. Jan. 19.-Jas. A. Bay•raid wa• elected t"unator, to serve till March

4tb. llis ,on, Thomas Bayard. was electedfor th, full t nrn of •-i years, afterward,.

CL.LA, ,. J:,:.. t.--The Republican caucusof the N tt•-ka: Le,-i-lature up to tiis timeLave fatll.i in the nomination of a Senator.Ti't. i a.-b the l, gha-t ote: GIov. Blutlernext.

1hdian.hpllas, J.a. l9.-TLe Logislaturefalled t. tlectareratt,r. In the rertateumg-back receivrl 22' rtes and llenlricks, 19.•etIering. 9: n' election. In the House

Cart•tck receiv, I ;n vote`, Hendricks, 45;-carteriii.7; n:. . 1-ection. Tbhe two House.netv t-:,.vornl,w in Jlnst coll.m .:Lion to Voteigain. ti-aeral RIapublican- refuie to vote.or Cumbatk on account of a propositionnade ly Loin to Gyv. Blake.r tlt .pring not to.Secome a car didate agairst faker 1, r tGov-,rnor if 'he latter "oull u.-e hia atfliu"'t.ce toecur. hi, c:. dlate's election to the S."nate..rhn propisal laker denounced .o corrai t ,:1,dIandcezt. I,. crr"t-ponidence between aind ('omback wrs read In the Senate,vhereup,,n the S-nate pare•d a resolutioe d."-laring Cjianbtck' contract disblaoruble..everal mne,',ere refu-e to sustain the c.acu.-ominati n.

Boetor., Jan. 19.--Eanaer was re-electedoastor to-d:y almost withoet opponition.. lbany. J.n. 19.--•Keua E. Fenton was,

lected .- natur.

Li , Ca -- mtrs'.

'of 4al Teleraph 3i3ll.

The Rom.. Advev..e to elie Rail

A memorial was preeetntl asking remo-val of the political disabilities of a. - I eintendi•ns of Insane Asylums in the ,"uuth.Referred.

Sherman. from the finance Committee, re-ported a bill lCalisang coin contracts. Thesecond sectina appropriates $140,0tO,0)O fromthe customs receapts naneally to pay aterestand reduce the principal of the publie debt.It is said the amount is to be is lieu of the

inoking fund, provided in the act of Feb. 25,1862. Section three provides for the exchangeof greebecks i. sarm of not less thas $60 forboeds payable is cosi, redeemable in tea, andpayable In forty years, bearng Are per ce•t.

tetrest and exemlpt from taxation. Sectionfour provides for the iaus of gold notes, bear-ing interest payable ca demand. Section ivese4hrise the National manks to slse anyamouni ot ootes wishost interest, payable tacila, not so ecned 65 pr cet or tbe gov-ernment heds deposited as secerity for theircirculation.

meru• which were ,rdered printed with thebill.

Washington, Jan. I8.-The Preident sntSthe Senate to-day, hie reply to the resolu-tion requesting a ooy of any amnsty proc-m-tioa issued since the lst meeting of Con-rw: also to state by what authority of lawa was made. lie says the authority is set:t forth in the proclamation itself, whichdeclarec it was issued by virtue of the powerand authority vested in the President by theCo'•-tution, article 2, section 2.

Washington, Jan. 18.-Uovsa.-Amongbhe bill introduced was one by Pollard, pro-viding for the isse of United States bondsad for a free system of National banking.

- Van Horn, a bill for the constructionf a line of telegraph between Boston, New

York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washig-to, auder direction of the P. O. lepart-meat.By Beaks, the exemptio of the manutfac

ur•er of printed uawspapoer from tax.By Bibgham, to admit Mssissippi to repre-itation in Congrfs.My Garteld, Axing the number of Brigadiermerals at cirgt.

rvilege after March 4th, next.Holman ofered a resolution that o far-

her subsidi.- ought to be given by Congress,either in bunds or money, to r.ilroad or othercorporatluns. or to promnote local Pantrpri-e.;, but that the whole reources of the

country ought to be applied to pre at necastiee isn uch manner as will relieve the peo-

pl* from the burtheau of taxation. iteolved,hat "*gaata of Phblic land to curporations

rouht to be discontinued, and the whole faach lands ought to be held as a sacred trest,o secure homesteads to actual ttlers, and

for no other purpo•w whatever. lHolmanuoved the lrpritp qu.etion, which was

secondJe. Tlr first reolution was 90, says 67. T'e recond resolution war

id on the table, ye10 a, ~ . 4 nays, as it.ould interfere with soldier's bounty.The apprupriatiou hill was pa-ed with the

amendment rporte.l by the committee..'GATR.-llirlan mnde a lengthy prsuonal

explanation in reply to chargot in nwcpaperrby a correspondent.

The Senate coonidered the bill to regulatehe duty on copper. Adjourred.

Boutwell gave notice that on next Satur-lay he would call no the proposed Consitta-ioual aleundmment in relation to uffrage, andry to bring them to a vote on the following

Tuediay.Butler, from the Committe on Approp-ai-

tious, report~l the Indian appropriation bill.It was made the o!wcial order for Mondaynext.

1louse went into Committee of the Wholion the Leislative, Executive, and Judicialappropriation bill. After coutideration forsome tiume the Committee rose and Farnsworthmade a personal explanastian in regard itewspapwr strictures on his course in rel.tion

to the payment of Wells, FPrgo A Co. on theirmail contract.


••a-ingtu, Jan. 'v.- ••ate.-4.oro•tpr.eused a memorial of citisuns of Wa•ting-tow Territory agliain the submwieon of theownership of dan Juan Island to arbitration.

Abbott introduce.l a bill to grant land inaid of the cos.struction of a railroad throughMissouri anl Kansaal to the Pacific.

Thayer oE•red a constitti iional ananudmentto prevent the daefranchisement of any citi--en on accomat of color. iReolutiun laid onthe table.

llaoue.-- li offered a rwolution to printthree hundredl thouLandu capirs of Cultllisa-sioaer Weller' report.

Kelley opposed the r.slution, anil de-nonucedl Welles' stateLiUents a falsed , delulve,and damabing to the country. The debatewas continuedl by talrirell, Jeacks, Butler,Morehead and Eli. The reaolutioa was anallyadped, and

IThe lase reuamed causll•dratiui of thebill to preserve the pacrity of electlons in theTeritoiies.

Phelps offered an amendment providing forthe represetation of minoritie. Rejected.48 to 116.

After considerable debate, the bill peated61i to 66, and the Honse p.roeeded to deposeof the buians on the pSpeaker's table.

The Senate bill graIting lands and right ofw-ay to the Denver Pacific Railroad was ta--ken up.Price offered an amendment, that no subsidy

in bondb be .ined for .nore than fifty-fourmilee of roadwt.

Maynard inquired whether the bill could beconsidered under the resolution adopted ye-tirday.The speaker said that was a matter for the

House to decide.Pric- remarked the House might as well

IAht a battle as to sulidies on this bill as onany other.

Srevral otheraamendments were offered, in--eluding two providsag the lands should be

sold only to actual ettlerm.Washbbrne of Illinois, made an elaborate

I spech iu oppuLition to the bill, alter which,without turtiher action adjourned.

The bill finally pa~-ed illd the Senate wentinto executive s.etonuzs atd soon afer adjourned

armwau armwwwu amwrw rqwawuUwsy.New York, Jan. l14.-liv order of FsLke,

Lb. l.rg.r Sabbath School whicb 6aJ lat fora long timr at 'kikes Qera Hlom e. wita

lock'ed uut ya..arJ..y. Con 1.iniiaitory reacotu-liuns were l:t--a I y tioe schuo4 whall &a-em-blodi on thte de.walla.

Geerarl .'', Jun. 19.-ih"" throe Ark insa

LUldLler en couccLted bly C')U't Itrtial .,foutraging a white woman, K -re .h',t by Mu-ZPOLce ot the court rinrtial ti-dtay.

Lnnci-a,.r Janl. 1'.-TI.,' fall MJall r(ilr-ttehoj..- tha Enehi-b 1'arliamet.t will not i.utfythe Alabam:a treaty it lth (.f therecognition of the Soubthrn C.nfed-ra cy Ita bhllheerent is to be opt-ned.

Mr. Stt~vrvua I"id sat in tl. icHuusaebaas user. reizularly assigned to li.nerauButler. i 1, " ia!ttmr (6ccu1JirN. it ablt-ter nlet i..i la,.t seeajou, leul Mr. Stevebsalv r" , .cfuull,..4 a it s ntar the speak-era t k but it is said that Mr. Stevruu,on Ider death- bedl. rtequested Mr.iBlutler nigtht retain the seat, aud hiswishes have lbert rericrt4d

Photographing on enaweled leatherhas bet-n successfully accomplished inl'kiladellphiY.


The L.onintille ('ouri'r-J.,,,rnl callscold-biloo, d murders in Kentukv "un-'!appy affairs."

The "ilachelor's Roost" is the namegiven to a Lousekeeping society in theWest.

Hnrace (reelev toiWl an aulience inMontreal that "tiere wasone thing inthe U'nited States he had no desire toite, and that was President."

An exchange says tersely ot a notedTexan rudian, that. " Through the en-ergy of a sheriff he now ornaments arustic graveyard."

Mr. B. Carpenter is painting a por-trait of Horace Greeley, as he appearsin the editorial room. for the TribuneAssociation.

Benjamin Monroe, of Waterbury, Ct.,quietly adds to the published warningagainst harboring his wife, that he lefther to save his life.

Lorenzo Dow defined death bed re-pentance to be burning out the candleof life in the service of the devil, andblowing the snuff in the face of heaven.

Mr. Jenckes proposes as extension oftime for the operation of the bankruptlaw, and hopes to get it through Con-gres. by the aid of Slouthern members.

Adams county. Illinois, with a votingpopulation of ten thousand, has beengranted ninety-six divorcee within amonth.

John Paul calls bootblacks "those lit-tle sons who shine for all; and answersthe query. What are the wild wavessaying V with "Let us spray.'

Aggassiz's lectures at Cornell Univerlity next year will be upon geology. Mr.

Cornell think* the 'niversity will finish5,000 students in the next twenty years.

Pattsburg and its " suburbs," one ofwhico contains fifty-six thousand in-habitants, has a population of one hun-dred aud ninety two thousand.

From 1777 to 106, 10..577 criminal re-aeived executive clemency in New YorkState. We are afraid that the qualityof this mercy has been struined a gooddeal.

To make little boys' trowsers tlat,when you isake a suit of clothes forthem. fintish the coat first, and by sodoing you will make the trousers last.It is the only way the thing can bedone.

lMrs. Aiken. of Iowa, has just ihead ofher husband. for the first lime in fifteenyears. lie went to Calitornia, leavingan Aiken void. which he now proposesto come beck and till.

Iondon is growing so rapidly that itspopulation will is,n 1w 4.000.000. Themetropolitan polico, of 7.800 members.have to control and patrol a district ofthirty wiles in diametei.

BrtIk I'omeroy thus compliments theeditor of the Siun: "Mr. Dana is not ofour Ib*lief. but he is a good neighbor, agood rilizen. a good editor, and the bestvel.cilweitiit in the city."

Maoby Clarl, born I Jun.e, i•4, iteL,in Richmond. recently. aged one huasdred and twenty-one years aid sixnonthc. li wia a wagon driver duringtie Revolutionary war.

In velocipeding, as n skating. he whohesitktes is l, t. The secret of safety isequilibrium. and that. at first.r only to be gained by boldanes and

speed.Motley lives in Dr. Warren's odd

house on Park street, Boston. He hasceferred finishing his "Thirty YearsWar," and is engaged in lecturing andthe writing of historical paperl .

'iThe Empenl'rr of Rusda looks moreolese than two or three years ago. Hiscrlule.ncy is attributed to the coat ofcmail which hi. is said to wear con-stantly since BIerezowskv ttempted toshe|.t f!hi1t.

'T'he greatest grain growing State inthe, Southweet will ew, in five yeors, sayIts feruers, Missia.silgi. They are near-Iv all determin'ed to ablcndoa cottonP;lant i ng.

Mr. e.'tz'. iropriet,,r of a hotel inZanee•rille, Ohio. died suddenly of apteplexy, lately, while chamtieinr, with hicane, an old vagrant who had stolenhis overcoat

A Washington correspondent says thePresident is in favor of immediate spe-

ie paynnents. Wihen the trumpeteras desired to, play loudier, he replied,'Yu1 otSv 'louder. I•suder.' hut var is

the rind.' "--fLr•At, Pst.-•hen the announcement of the re-

sult of the Pr.sidential ele tion wasmad.e in Egypt. it was in this wise:(ieneral (irant has been named Preasi

dent, to-wit: of the Shieks.. AndAlcafaks has been named Second Preei-lent."

The battle ground of Spottsylvania Isnow overgrown with rough underbrushand scrub pine, which is fast coveringtie marks of war. The long successionof earthworks traon which tirant's armyforced General Lee, hardly 300 feetp)art. ant nearly ,lliterated.

A .Miines~ta lPosttmaaster. wLo wishedto retain his office, :on being asked byP-stm•ate-r cIgeneral landall whether hehad not ,,•j*No'd Mr. J"hanson's "policy."*rplied: "'No sirer.e, and I want you tounderstanl that I can change my poli-tic. as tast as you. and when I can'tkeep up, I'll resign."

Th' '. lebrated artesian well of S-.Louis has reached a depth of unearly.OKN) tee.t, and is still going downward.No one knows whlt n the chase will,*l: it ha. ,•eru k:-p.t up -orrather d cwn- •ay a and night, for two

e' ars an- i ',or., :. th,. rate' t thlreefet p'r dsy.

Se,lil blocii ot Italiian ruijidl tir Coe4rt Lull. ueveu tent oue iucL long. an.1

thrre1 tle-t \V-u incl~ea w.Ue, with iteavvziacuuldinga at the t/.+, aril bottuul. anda ric carved wreath of oatken leaves, isthe naonututnt which is p'iaced uver thtgrave of Jatrme Buchanuan.

Yehico ,:.b u h'r like :x bow,At.-I lookL. % Lrel .tiP:i. 'e' i U on ed,

Like bump 'of buff 11."

It fIIl xwjh r bzliud .m rlioot,Itfl w bhud dywun .he goes fora. to -chlool, 'And unxk the children laugh mad play t

To fled her tach a fool.Tn. teaclhr, chocked. ir -ildeac tureu,His bluhbuig face he wails,And Mary then ho wvxcked learns

It i- to bear tatee tales.

IB f kruptcy Notice.Case No. 39.

111l~ is tb, Ive Notier that on the 5th day ofSJameary A.

. It*1. a Warmrat i Bakkruptcy

Mw Ihsued iagasit the rtate of J. I Oallowy,.I in tlli Co•ntv of Lewis & Clarke, andiTerr•*ory .,f Mtu.ea. who has been adjdgedl aI;nakrupt un hi ow| petition; that the paymentof any .. bts and telivery of Ian property to mseb Itakrnpt. to him. r for his ass.ald the transfer of any tinr•erty by him ar fr. i

•idden by law: that a meeting of bhe creditors ofbe amid Bnkrupt. to prove their debts and tohLooo one or • Assieaes of his estate, will be

bell ai a I'ourt of aakruptey. to be holIeo at the iU' ort room, in Virgiala C'tv, Montms.

-for- Theo,. Muly. Regisr. on the .?lh day ofVoblruary A. .I). Ii. at 10n 'clak. A. M-

NSil. IIOWIF.U. . Marshal (as Messeger) for the

Istriel t n Montam• Ttrritnry.tWu. Chumaonruo H•liitoo fr Petitioner. Ja!l

Baurrrumptey Netlcr.Case No. 43X)

'lS is to give Notte that on the 7th day ofSJasuary A. D. Itti, a warrant is Beakreptey

wa isued agailut the estat of Mun e Heesebmaof ll-hIra. i the Coasty of Lewis & Clarke. adITerrit.ory of Montama. who be beas adjldld aBankrupt n his one petitltkm that the paymeut ofsay debts Lad delivery of any property belsmgingto su.b Bmkrnptl to him, or for his us, aud thetrasfer of say property by hi awre forbiddl b Ilaw; that a meetilg of the ceed.Itors of the sad Bi krupt, to prove t heir debtsa•d to ehouso uns or mor Aslg•es of hi estate.will be held at a P.ert of Bankruptcy. to be holdsaat the U. t. Court room ls Virginia City. l.oltan:aIwtore The,. Masly. IReq. Rl. Reg e. the .wl-lay of Marub A. D. I;.I, at :t o'clock A. M.

NEIL HOWIS,IU. 8 MaMsal (as M• g ) for the

District omoasto TerritorT .Wo., & T,oole IolitorM for Petwtomer. J'l

Bamunrruptr Notice.Cae No. 22.

In the .HStpem Couart o. the Territory of Moutam-I.n Itakrulptry

Ia the mtter ol Samuel Aehwrb,-Bakrupt.P.ku•sTho Muay, .. E., Register.rfo the Creditors of the ahive name!l Bankrupt.1 Thk. Notine; tha tko imai Bekrpt Mb tIed

hi Pitition in id Supreme Court fkr a diseharefmron ll bhi drbt., adl that msai Court h appolatre the fret day of May. A. D. 160., aM .0'elouok a. . .. if Itha day, hakme the mid Regteisr,

at the Court Klom. un Wallae street, s the Cityof Viriela, Cousty o(Mtadi•m. i msid the time ad plae whom awd w s you mayafnrm and show ause, if any you habe. why theprayer of amid ipjtitum sholul ot be granted.

By urder ot the Court. made the 7th day of Jan-nary. A I) 1M. LIUCIUS R. PBCK. Cl'k.

mid slepr*m Court.W F. Chadwick. sulieitr fr e I'tiioer Ja2I

Oan krupery NWefee.Cae No. t3.

In the l•preme Ceort of the TerrHrity of Mouta-In laakrutcty

In thl mattr of (ilom R. Thomas-Baukru|t.rItefoe be,. Moly, Ieq.. RgIlCter.

T I the Crleditio of the abue namie Bnkrupt ;Take Noteie; that the said Bakrupt ba filed

his petifion in sail Supreme Cort. ftr a dierbarefrnmw all his *tebe. and that sd4 Cort h ap-

isntel the third day .o May. A LD Itlt. at 10I,'nloek A M. ,of that day. belure the said Refr the tourt rnio. on Walleae reteet is the City ofVirgiuia. County ol Madlia*. In sid. Territory, athe time and pl.. whbe and where, you may at-trnm. asm show oause, if any yo have, why theprayer If sali IPeri•u ..ould not be grumtel.

l•y .nlter ,ofth Co.nrl mal the 9th day of Jannary. A DI IWOll. l.UCIUt . PECK. CIk.

said lSureme Court.W. F Chadwick. Att.wmnev f.r Petitioner. Ja4I

Ca.. No. 32.Im the Supreme Cert of uthe Territcry .t Mu'

tmsa-la Bankrupeey.

Im the maser td TheL. P. Ames.--amLkrusjs"fnie Theu. meay. Kq. Regieer.

-p) the Crdilsa of the alr.e sameol BaLkrep.I Take NuMes, that the aid B1ekrLpt has /Jle

his petit•um i said Sapreme Comt ta a dis.rge-bu. all his debhts ad that said Coast hem ap-puted the 6th day of May. A. D. 1019 at 10*iuetk A. M. *o that day hbaoes the said tihe Curt rouem on Wallase treet. ia tae 'ity ofVfrgiata. C.etmt , ..If Mais Is amd Territory, asth timu alnd p . whoe and wher, yao myaatteed and show emase if any you have. why theprayer of said petti.n should ,t be graAed..

*By rde r ua the Couer made the 9th day d Jan.-ar y A, D. Ile0. LUCIUS 5. PECK. C'k,.

said Seuprmse Court.W. '. Chadwlk sodtlit*.r Sar Petristia. J1lt

iBakru'pte NotSee.Case No. 3d.

In the Sul.remta .art .I the Territory of Mum-twese-l Iansirullty.

In the wealter of Lmuis Iteusijh, and Eugrne e.

thne Tb".. M•tmy. Not. Rgi.ter:

iN) the ('r• of th* nharve .ameut BeaskSru|e.; Tlak N.So*r•. that the t sa1. akrtpts

have. tiled their Iwtiti".u inll *•l laprertu. O•mrt fra dirhu*arg ftam a I their lebtb. andl tuhat wiCourt hasm Iapltuatl th 5Jth day ia May. A. II.I4, % at lo 'e.urk A. M. of that 'lay labefre thesaitd kl ter. lat the, ct.ert rom, aon WallaesStreet. aI the O(ty of 5 irgiuia. Couely of Mealiseein said Territoery, a tim.. aid place whet, andwhere. ron may attend ml wndl sbw Manse. if amyyou have, abhy the*prayert 4said shoulnu ha e grantel.

t•y order of the Court smae the :bh day of Jam.,a•ry A. l). l#t LUCIIl~- 4. PECK. CI'k.

said 8tlaen.. CeourtW . F Cho k. ali, itr f..r I'rtitmhrnr. J~il

iammkrpter N.tlkee.Case No. 26.

In the rtuprenat*e Caourt otf the 'Territory ol M eetaca-inu lankrupl•cv.

In tlw •eatter .,f s.hml.tan Star Bankrupt.

Itef."e. The... Bufmy , E. Regester.

T ) them 'vedlitors .( tlhe hnae nametl Ntkrept ;Tale Noti•e, tiha the said ejt Ilkrat has i1ed

his Petitin.. in said lulreme C"uart, for a dischargefhm all his debts, ald the' said Court hem appulated the fourth day of May AD I 11tt, at 10 u o'l.k,A M. of that day, lefore the said tRegter, at theCourt ras. um Wallaee stree. is the City of Vir-gitnia C•a.ty Madwlison. in said Territory, as thetime mud place, wheerad abe .bse, you may atteel,aml show c•usoe. if amy you have, why the prayerof s•il Petitiao should a no t.e ranted.

By order of the Coaurt. nmal the 9th toy ,of, AD L t :rt LICIUtI8 S. PECK. C01',

said lulre.s Court.lHenry N. Il•k.*. s.lilitor tor Petitloner. J2l1



)~,s rn u.


A well l..te l.t t K. k .f (ir•rerir.,


A:'. :.- - t.w 1. T t r. "" y PI'r, o'.,.r-

OUTFITTING ls p.r ;.",r l..l*.. VCl.hly. Jal:slitwet

Miners' Exchange SaloonLOU:IS CLS.iRF.Y,

F.oruLer.:y ., tle. Latayette Brewery.


Next Lu r above the, Crystal Pi l:ee. MIain :.

rT ll E 1 u b 'rr it e r 'iw* - ii , r. a h, i t -,ld t -n d a . tSeastuuers

l, a I the ilblie .e.. erally s ."" o-i me. ,t hat litweral .err. me t.m m ':.a whi., " .

was taturtn l rat tiln t ,l| dstant 1, I. -:.q :hatlhey ay lwayms mn4tia. at Lis tlw rstabli•hbraut,the beat ciars. u , In *r atnd 1i -or .,t ,t* ry

leser •Ftion t", bte ..uL. I the e.i•U or-.iotr sl:lto ._ tL In •_LA RIY.

Statutes of Montana,Fn K.:e at thi . -



February J. 1 LR(D.




i" K as *M-.............iN

es a s ...............l MN " " a.............. ie

7. Prim... *5,ee


This Lottey is a pmmmmmwt Iu.6uletmm, ande dummdmg tb.. - .wY inm. .say,

5... ofm~ prim .. .we., drew log.


I. 6 redmd fmas tesh Priub to defaypm.... mmd the duawlag tab.. plumpinmm..e of slit .6mm. md I. pehm. For fur.thu fp.tb i seduce LEON LOS.Geminl Agmct. Hle.m H. T. Puet 06.. m.:

Wish pwmhiuu. w. rukiro H Ikum &t b urioia& GlI.Sm4 Jb H MI r. PayM Hasadim- NishStglr; Mali & ! t. al ml Ha.l.m.

Tlmhimkto be W l Dner Leftu at tim SmuttBminui VIHaa rmC11 IT. smpl & Coit 3!.

m C. J.hem; 3m 0mb-. Week-y3gw,.. O6m; Ummume. Smit & Gmuemur; Dom."inmClty. Iimvh &sris & Dimmmud CtY. W.

GR$UAL OWPIC5-Opera. Wmil Purde &Cue .6... Hldem.. H. T *.mtldmwtd


=p I

1 .tI I Iai'fI I! Iti 4-

*r u 0atJgIi S * -r U,

N. N U~Ii Ic*fA *m1

N ~-IsE 1 0

.; u

HAIR RESTORATIVE.,I /ElSVlt FIIIANIb. tOw FP'n,"h Barrh-. at I):.&-

PJn,.nd City. :s a r."rpr..l .I rr.l.r* lair I., th...atatl an will tire scurity tha L. air, will .(raw

n all it. naturtrl btaaty maut I:tla r. r ui.. chasrta ill be :nua. Ier.iv idialg .u.t..'r.. r ill iv.*- rwlttcity that t'." w.,g* tRill be paidt 6.r it ta." hair isreeturla. Mr F. Wiil give "urr3y trtu fifty ti.iw." tb..uusae l ultar, tMa urli:. "., i:e rise ct**abe hair will ae in all it. '.atmral lnuzria,-

y.. d ia raera wueld Only ask aeeI.t, tciat L*.'*:rrc h a Iay if tba jIob is aatlss. .. ry All kind... t a-rh Ieloagiag ta the trad.e will t "" ... mte iu a,

mWanner o wal-eat the aim *-.t a.. 3. I did net wia ti pt h i-ti Itty b.t" itwas to

Lb. public anti I had aaciafa'tu. ,v ide :c.* that Iruhid accompaha what I claia.,l Hat it.g in saomt extreaw eases I man . r reed.- wito y-ad to tamintw sad would eak the ai.M~.ia 4t

ro ate with acadl. nest d.a.r r. tin What CiwearHotel. J'itlPUI FRLANI

Diamn M T. pA.i.: : wly

sltnrWpt N.t6ee.CAes No. 423.

e Oems of thl Tstmsey of Maims.- Is

Is the satter of IM3 sad rtee•s.-Uakrupts.r.rNesr sad 3alrksl of measa. Ce,

'ru is to give Nottee that - the 4th day ofSJamry A. D. Idl, a wmenmt is Baakrptrya ised .me of the Sevenm Co•rt of the Terri

try of Montaam against the tatse of Ellis aadBuhbs,, a .- paetamemblp eempeand o James K.I1I, d f met ms t eseary of Lewis an

Clarke. and Triinry f Morueas: te..e 3lli,t thacty of Usr Ftmese in te atsrLof Call.

ilthis the paymsn ot say de bes, amd the_•seery of aey property belo•gisg to said fank.pts. to them, or bs teir me. mad the trams of

ay po y by said Uakm p. are fMblddaa by-:aw asd tht a meeting of the Creditors of mra

-bcrpts. to prove their dehbs aml to oboosemie or m•i• easiises of their • sate, will be boldat a Court of Dakraptey, to be bolm at theCert Hrs, i i thCie s Virgilsa. Cuoaty ofMadison and Territory eo Meaml beee LTho.

sy. eg Pminer -i MDsarptsy er mid T• lb ith day e PFmebrary A. D. 18U. at 1I".leak A. M. NEIL HOWIr.

U. 8. Moshsal (as Messege) Ir said T't'y.Davis, & It emer,. ad Woolbhk &Teele Asys yef Potitleemr. Jaidwtt

Boots and h oes


Leather FindingsAND

watse... DsS, verse cu, W•T.

.. wly D. H WSTroW.L ook at these Pricees

For Usele.m

WALTEAI WATCEI !The P. . Bartleft me.wmet. with gutr jewels.

-eem.meer Dle.., Paseut a ent r p. PawelaMyt Pi.s m.. and all other cale improveimestia mseld 3 s. Cle Silver HetI O Car with

The same to 4 em. ee 30. In 1 us. eas.e 33 eoi.

The Walthm Wealh CA mwome.t, with eontJewek. ChLuromgmr Dales... Patest Dut Cap•Palest Ishaty P lais. e . . 3 os. am.s, withGadJelets. Seet.

The -a. I 4 e( a Is 3•u. ease ~3Seoia.

The Appleoes. Taey & Co. m•emet. with eatraJewel., Chrmemeier BaLes., Patee Duest cpPaet Saty Paiu.k, a. is 3 o3 rm, GoloJoits @31 egls.

The samelb 4 ai. me, 837. Is5 a. $40 ela.

P. i. artlet( Watdb i Ii o. 18 kalrt GOe.lMeuadi C.r UA rei

Wa•tham W.erk m WY a he ti Is haretGeld MeetIle emse 64 "as.

A I l.y 4i+ Ct. Waeh, le21 a. It karat

A-y addi weight at $1 pe pwo., or e0 perm.o extra.

We will tem aoy . the abeve by Wells PeFrgoe C.o. apeem, wiih bll to ealltt on deliveryan d p. er lbe pivilege c ezamlarthe Wath beforet exprew chairgehowever, beb pa1( by the paeha.s r. Bot if theaemamt of the prie oft the Waieh i remitted toas with the oder, we will prepay the exprereebsrgre to Sa hrroser ereege. In Sendilgmoney, draft a. Wells Farge Ce. are preferred

We wnh it ditietly eaderseut that theeWa B!oe are the very bert, with all the lates l.provemes'. aml that they sare I. ierfet rmeaiag

will eheeange it, or etued the meey.1'lem Utabi thaSt yes sw this is the MOSTA" A

HOWARD & CO.,S Jewel.e all d t veremiths,

619 e Broadway N. Y.One Block above the Metropolitaa Hotel.

Every cue visittig New York bs invited to callat our etablish menrt.

I" order that all may ddreill hase with ulldecwe io it atteati. tC. the lollowD ig:

Oe of Well. Fargo l CI..H4 Broadway Now. YorkaOct. t. It.

We an. cheerfully cummeud Miner.. Howard &Cu., No 619 hlreadway Now York, is oar friends,as a reliable sad treetworthy drm, with aweuraecethat all orders eat them will have faithful landprompt atteetlos. C. GODDARD, Trees.

For Wells Fargo & Co.And we al.o refer to

I W Raymoml. Esq. Va. C loward Esq. time VrasieeoeT Beattler esq. U 8 Mist. See Franciseo.W 8 H•hart Esq. V irgisia City. Nevada.



W ATC0HES!The Oroidw Watcb


lb R411) Ciars a n .ly-dwtuverei, known naly to wlrrwrrw. preriirly liik

1c.-id in .I'earaa. krcring it. ruin, a+ Irno .aoesn, and am wil flninh..tas t(n' ber C(..l.t ,.n-.

Ttee. Watch.. art in llntitn:, ct.n.. toad, at ourown Facrtoy. Rum thhI..t In.ttrinal. of lb latIe.:and mead .ayle.. are je.weied and wI:Snaibed. with a view In th. heet resuit in regardto wa ned tihee. For Apwptae durability andtime. they bhre ovetr Inen aquahewi by Watch..cseting fiv tina .. uan."h. E.u h ntt watrasster lby spwcial ecrr?.flctw t, I..ap PCPIIralt( lim. prin.*15 U".ettemen. end L..wnie' Dire. Y."r thisemall aum ano nm.- .m. h...ean e...Ilet Watch.qaw in epreerans. ans a. au n .4o tone as n.11

laln'Etrtin liSl)i). Al... sa Watcbhof xtrstne auA

Saupeaior Ieii"A, for $20.E'1.i.I is nMearaurtra m .ui. t .'.ti C g Ei "

Al..... I r .2bainrl, as w.'tll ,.,.d ... :n.., of i, , 1tro"m JIt..i_' w.tus. andi 1',. .lii. t :silia tltt

ninvlv. r t is.v part of the luitr I

trtw ha ':AIrrs. II~tlu .".t n".t }r" sr )C: withi

theold r a ti.; ril'i IU teri.:rl Le th g ."1ar.-,ls' I by thos Iatprin.. I' trtotaier t u'ts'

p~'' allthe bIxjrs-oc..nhT' m- JA~&.

l-~ 1' t''" fR$

At ... r t ..r w, twgtes Wat. vrn

v. f"r cdcrty.1 "

"I' -'Sui . rL.L~rtyd Vatrn. sh~

...... "1 ..", g!, .. r u :a'. ..",n at: 'I " 6 'rlufan l.t t"t!h."I Io'S gVettit~ . ntlioa psru...n. atsitt. ... .s,,s,.i, u asnl sm-.o:, lio '..:eb... I.r nl,-rrlre r..tlug tbru, t., . tirm.tle 'a atcli.m. iu n ill' ! t.'tey are soi A{"t '..i a state. In...! l.aitivaiy that w." ewpuin.

A ealt .,:.. t t:.' %o . ne ,S5. ! .s *.r tan no.+"i lrsu ... i .,.-,.rty 'be-. rrr.f-- ,tS!iIn. art

fatle. '('ha r .. ,Loin-- O t1 1r:. teesa"r. .n. !.."utbiatnuil h. ..'-'i r".u. ,...s iar

E. F. PIHELPS,AUterney at Law. Inamaacek, MW. T.,

W ILL praetice iail thernu atrt ols therrritur,.anl pay epecial attenti n t lith ruInIsrOtio.

atv.' i t4-LiL

108 WORK (W I[VERY I)1''IIIPTII)Nft neatly ans E&Hzraititaluy en.! MM at 1!-ifti...