monetary theory reversed: virtual currency issuance and ...€¦ · monetary theory reversed:...

Monetary theory reversed: Virtual currency issuance and miners’ remuneration May, 2018 Abstract This study develops a cash-in-advance model featuring (i) ‘virtual’ goods, sold against virtual currency, and (ii) agents providing payment services (miners), remunerated with newly issued virtual currency. Virtual money growth may have effects opposite to those predicted by monetary theory. Declining virtual currency issuance raises the price of virtual goods, which counteracts the traditional impact of a reduced inflation tax. The paper also shows how fiat money growth affects the welfare effects of virtual currency creation. The model describes an economic environment where fiat money and a virtual currency, like Bitcoin, coexist. Keywords: Cash-in-advance; virtual currency; fiat money; money supply. JEL-Code: E41; E42; E51.

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Monetary theory reversed:

Virtual currency issuance and miners’ remuneration

May, 2018


This study develops a cash-in-advance model featuring (i) ‘virtual’ goods, sold against

virtual currency, and (ii) agents providing payment services (miners), remunerated with

newly issued virtual currency. Virtual money growth may have effects opposite to those

predicted by monetary theory. Declining virtual currency issuance raises the price of

virtual goods, which counteracts the traditional impact of a reduced inflation tax. The

paper also shows how fiat money growth affects the welfare effects of virtual currency

creation. The model describes an economic environment where fiat money and a virtual

currency, like Bitcoin, coexist.

Keywords: Cash-in-advance; virtual currency; fiat money; money supply.

JEL-Code: E41; E42; E51.

1 Introduction

The expansion of the Internet triggered the emergence of virtual currencies, of which the

most famous, Bitcoin, attracted a lot of attention recently.1 Bitcoin differs from a national

currency with legal tender status. It is not controlled by a monetary authority and an exoge-

nous rule determines the continuous issuance of bitcoins, which occurs at a decreasing rate.

The number of bitcoins issued is halved approximatively every four years and will never

exceed 21 millions (see figure 1). Bitcoin users do not need payment services provided by a

financial institution when selling or buying items with bitcoins. Transactions with bitcoins

are processed by private agents, miners, who are remunerated with newly issued currency

and transaction fees. One question raised by the Bitcoin payment system concerns the con-

sequences of the progressive fading out of newly created coins, which constitute, for now,

the biggest part of miners’ income, and, more importantly, of the eventually associated in-

crease in transactions fees required to keep miners recording the transactions. Indeed, the

original Bitcoin document mentions that “once a predetermined number of coins have en-

tered circulation, the incentive [for miners to process transactions] can transition entirely to

transaction fees” (Nakamoto, 2008, p.4).

Figure 1: Predetermined Bitcoin evolution

2009 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 20400





Bitcoins in circulation (millions)

2009 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 20400






3New bitcoins (millions)


This paper investigates the theoretical effects of lower money growth when this newly is-

sued currency serves to remunerate payment service providers like with Bitcoin. Higher

fees should compensate miners for the loss in terms of foregone earnings from newly issued

coins, as stated in the aforementioned quote. No research so far addresses the macroeco-

1Virtual currencies belong to the broader family of digital currencies, which can be defined as representing

any currency that is stored and transferred electronically. There is no single definition of ‘virtual currency’, as

these payment systems evolve continuously (ECB, 2012; IMF, 2016). The term virtual currency is meant here to

include any digital currency accepted as payment for real goods, like cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin). Moreover,

this paper adopts the convention in the computer science literature using capital-B Bitcoin to refer to the system

and lower-b bitcoin to refer to the unit of account.

nomic consequences of a such mechanism, which is, however, essential for the Bitcoin de-

bate. Bitcoin supporters praise the transparency of its issuance rule, which contrasts with the

unknown future evolution of “government-manipulated” fiat money. Moreover, the shrink-

ing growth in bitcoins endangers the currently low transactions fees, another beloved aspect

of this currency. Understanding the implications of lower issuance is also relevant for other

cryptocurrencies sharing similar features as Bitcoin. Indeed, since Bitcoin is open-source,

it inspired many alternatives, though Bitcoin remains the most important cryptocurrency,

representing more than one third of the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies.2

Finally, central banks are more and more interested by virtual currency payment systems

and the present paper also tries to understand how fiat money growth interacts with the

effects of virtual currency issuance.

This paper develops a cash-in-advance model characterized by the presence of (i) ‘virtual

goods’, which are consumption goods sold against an alternative currency to legal tender

money, and (ii) miners. Households need to hold fiat money, understood here as the national

currency, to purchase cash goods and virtual currency to buy virtual goods. Final goods are

obtained on a one-to-one basis from intermediate goods, except virtual goods, which result

from the combination of intermediate goods with payment services. This allows to intro-

duce miners, who validate the virtual transactions and who are paid with newly created

virtual money and transaction fees, i.e. the value of payment services. The approach taken

here is that consumers purchase virtual goods on a platform, which associates the (interme-

diate) physical goods produced by intermediate firms to the payment services provided by

miners. This is consistent with the fact that consumers cannot choose the miners that will

process their transactions.

The study focuses on the role of the remuneration of payment service providers when an-

alyzing the implications of virtual money growth as in Bitcoin. The main finding is that

virtual currency growth may have effects opposite to those predicted by standard theory

when miners are paid with newly created coins. When they are not, lower virtual currency

issuance reduces the inflation tax on virtual money, which raises the demand for virtual

goods without affecting relative prices. This standard inflation tax effect is counteracted by

what is called the reward mechanism, active when newly issued virtual currency accrues

to miners. Through this novel channel, lower growth raises transaction fees, which leads

to a rise in the relative price of virtual goods and depresses the demand. Model extensions

consider the effects of consumption taxes and of an insecure virtual currency system, in the

sense that ownership of virtual coins is not fully guaranteed. The presence of these ele-

2There exist several hundred alternatives, so-called ‘Altcoins’ (like Ethereum, Ripple or Litecoin) de-

rived from Bitcoin. Each introduces a change compared to Bitcoin, supposed to be an improvement over

it. Declining growth in “base money” issuance can be found in other virtual currencies (e.g. Ethereum).

The Bitcoin dominance stands at 36% (May 4th, 2018) and was never below 70% before March 2017, see


ments raises the demand for virtual currency, as more virtual money is needed to purchase

a given quantity of virtual goods, and strengthens the reward mechanism, which may even

dominate the inflation tax effect.

Another major finding is that the welfare effects of virtual currency issuance depend on

fiat money growth. Welfare displays an inverted U-shape with decreasing virtual currency

creation: welfare improves initially at high issuance rates, but deteriorates as virtual cur-

rency growth becomes smaller and smaller. The higher fiat money growth, the higher the

threshold level of virtual currency growth (above which lower issuance raises welfare). The

uniform tax theorem of Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976) provides some intuition for this result

(see Chari et al., 1996). In short, in a simple two-goods barter economy with standard util-

ity functions, optimal consumption taxes are set at the same rate such that one distortion

compensates the other, but optimal rates may differ as the model becomes more complex.

In the present model, there is an optimal wedge between money growth rates reflecting

the specific features of the goods.3 The model is also calibrated to illustrate the results for

various virtual payment system designs, differing in the share of new virtual coins used to

remunerate miners.

The economic literature on Bitcoin and similar virtual currencies is in its early stages, but

the interest in this topic is growing (see the discussion in Böhme et al., 2015).4 Studies so

far do not focus on the consequences of (declining) virtual currency issuance, though re-

lated issues have been addressed by several strands of the macroeconomic literature. Chari

et al. (1996) discuss optimal inflation in cash-credit models and, in particular, the condi-

tions under which the Friedman rule is optimal (i.e. a zero nominal interest rate implying

a negative inflation rate). Cooley and Hansen (1991) quantitatively evaluate the welfare

costs of inflation in a standard cash-credit model (Lucas and Stokey, 1983, 1987). These

are single-currency studies. Lucas (1982) and Svensson (1985) develop two-currency frame-

works but do not focus on welfare, while Guidotti and Vegh (1993) look at optimal inflation

in a model where foreign currency can be used to buy non-traded goods.5 However, few

3The welfare results explained here hold in the more likely situation that national currency growth is not

too low. Below a certain level of fiat money growth, which happens to be negative in the calibration, any

reduction in virtual currency issuance is welfare improving (in line with the intuition based on the Atkinson-

Stiglitz theorem).4Biais et al. (2017) analyze the strategic behavior of miners in a game-theoretical framework, while Houy

(2015) studies the economics of Bitcoin transaction fees and Chiu and Wong (2015) look at frictions involved

with e-money systems such as Bitcoin. Hendrickson and Luther (2017) and Hendrickson et al. (2016) employ

a monetary model to examine the conditions under which a government can ban an alternative currency like

Bitcoin because it favors illegal activities. Fernández-Villaverde and Sanches (2016) explore the theoretical con-

ditions under which multiple competing cryptocurrencies can co-exist. There also exist studies on other types

of digital currencies, like Barrdear and Kumhof (2016), who quantitatively analyze the implications of a hypo-

thetical introduction of central bank digital currency, a system that does not (yet) exist.5Guidotti and Vegh (1993) consider a small open economy where purchasing goods requires shopping time,


models consider the role of costly payment services. Gillman (1993) constructs a cash-credit

model where buying credit goods is time-costly for the consumer, who implicitly acts as a

‘banker’. Aiyagari et al. (1998) demonstrate that higher inflation makes cash goods more

expensive and thereby raises the demand for credit goods, which stimulates credit services

necessary to buy these goods. Unlike the latter two studies, the present paper highlights

a novel channel of currency issuance, which through miners’ remuneration affects relative

prices and demand. Moreover, the model features two currencies and shows how fiat money

influences the welfare effects of virtual currency issuance.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the model and section 3

discusses the steady state results of a reduction in virtual currency issuance. The model is

calibrated and simulated in section 4. Additional model features are introduced in section 5.

Section 6 concludes.

2 The Model

This section develops a cash-in-advance model featuring ‘virtual’ goods, which are final

goods bought with virtual currency, and miners, who are private agents providing pay-

ments services. The household derives utility from three goods: cash, credit and virtual

goods.6 A traditional cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint obliges the household to buy some

goods – cash goods – with cash only, while other goods – credit goods – can be purchased on

credit. An additional CIA constraint implies that virtual goods can only be acquired with

virtual currency, which is exogenously created. Intermediate firms produce intermediate

goods using capital and labor. Virtual goods result from a combination, in fixed propor-

tions, of intermediate goods and payment services provided by miners. These are rewarded

with newly issued virtual currency and transactions fees. As usual, the other final goods are

obtained on a one-to-one basis from intermediate goods.7

2.1 Households

There is a single infinitely-lived representative household (of size 1) deriving utility from

three types of consumption goods (cash consumption goods, c1, credit consumption goods,

while Lucas (1982) and Svensson (1985) develop two-country models with cash-in-advance constraints on do-

mestic and foreign goods. The latter two studies operate in a stochastic environment, while the other papers

mentioned here (as well as the present one) do not feature uncertainty.6As explained in the text, cash and virtual goods depend on money holdings accumulated over the previous

period and thus credit goods are introduced to assure the model’s forward-looking dynamics (but this does not

affect the main conclusions of the paper). Introducing leisure in the utility function would be an alternative to

credit goods but complicates the analysis.7Assuming that credit goods result from a similar production process as virtual goods, i.e. a combination of

payment services and intermediate goods, does not affect the main findings.


c2 and virtual consumption goods, c3). Every period, the household works a fixed number

of hours (normalized to one). The household maximizes expected utility over an infinite



βt [ψ1 ln (c1,t) + ψ2 ln (c2,t) + ψ3 ln (c3,t)] (1)

where ψ3 = 1 − ψ1 − ψ2. The household enters period t with nominal money balances,

composed of fiat money, Mt, and virtual currency, Vt. Fiat money is intended here as the

currency issued by the central bank (the terms fiat, national and government are used inter-

changeably to denote this type of money). The household’s purchases are subject to two

cash-in-advance constraints. Purchases of cash goods (respectively virtual goods) are lim-

ited by the holdings of government money (respectively virtual currency holdings) carried

over from the previous period:

Pt c1,t ≤ Mt

P∗t c3,t ≤ Vt

The latter constraint represents the fact that the household needs to hold virtual currency to

purchase consumption goods sold by internet platforms against virtual money. As is usual

in the literature, the analysis focuses on cases where both constraints hold with equality.8

The nominal income of the household comprises wage income, Ptwt, interest income from

capital holdings, PtrtKt, and lump sum transfers, Ωt. These transfers are made up of newly

issued fiat (and eventually virtual) money and are defined further below. The household’s

budget constraint, expressed in fiat money, requires that, each period, the income and the

money carried over from the previous period finances purchases of goods during the period

plus bond and money holdings for the next period

Mt+1 + QtVt+1 = Mt + Qt Vt + Ptwt + PtrtKt − Pt It − Pt(c1,t + c2,t)− QtP∗t c3,t + PtΩt

where Kt is capital, rt is the real interest rate associated with capital, wt is the real wage

rate, It is investment, Pt is the unit price of cash and credit goods in fiat money, P∗t is the

unit price of virtual goods in virtual currency and Qt is the nominal exchange rate i.e. the

price of virtual currency in fiat money. Superscript ∗ identifies prices expressed in virtual

currency. The budget constraint already incorporates two no-arbitrage conditions regarding

labor and capital income, i.e. each of these factors earns the same income across firms and

8For instance, it can be shown that the first constraint binds when the nominal interest factor is larger than

one: 1 + Rt ≡ (1 + rt − δ)(1 + πt−1) > 1 , ∀t. The intuition is that when the gross return from investing in

capital is larger than from holding cash (gross return of one), then money is held just to satisfy the consumption

of cash goods. In the steady state, the conditions for binding cash-in-advance constraints boil down to both

money growth rates exceeding β − 1, with β < 1.



From now onwards, the model is presented in real terms, starting with the budget constraint

mt+1(1 + πt) + qtvt+1(1 + π∗t ) = mt + qt vt + wt + rtKt − It (2)

−(c1,t + c2,t)− qt c3,t + Ωt

where real holdings of fiat money and virtual currency are respectively defined as mt ≡MtPt

and vt ≡VtP∗

t. The inflation rates of both moneys are πt ≡


Pt− 1 and π∗

t ≡P∗


P∗t− 1 and the

real exchange rate is qt ≡QtP


Pt, the price of virtual goods in terms of ‘real’ goods (i.e. the

other final goods, which are priced in national currency). The cash-in-advance constraints


c1,t = mt (3)

c3,t = vt (4)

Capital accumulates according to the standard law of motion

Kt+1 = (1 − δ)Kt + It (5)

where δ is the depreciation rate of capital.

The household maximizes (1) with respect to c1,t, c2,t, c3,t, Kt+1, mt+1, vt+1 subject to (2)-(5).

Combining the first-order conditions of the household maximization problem, yields:


c2,t= β (1 + rt+1 − δ), (6)




c1,t= (1 + rt − δ)(1 + πt−1) (7)




c3,t= (1 + rt − δ) qt−1 (1 + π∗

t−1) (8)

Equation (6) is the Euler equation, while equations (7) and (8) state that the mix of consump-

tion goods should be chosen so that the marginal rate of substitution equals the relative


2.2 Production

The production side of the economy consists of intermediate firms, final firms and miners.

Intermediate goods are transformed into cash, credit and investment goods on a one-to-one

basis, while virtual goods result from the combination of intermediate goods with payment

services provided by miners. A representative intermediate firm (z) operates under perfect


competition, implying that all goods sell at the same price. Moreover, cash, credit and in-

vestment goods are sold to consumers at the price of intermediate goods (from which they

are directly derived). The output of the intermediate firm, Yz, can be decomposed as follows

Yz,t = c1,t + c2,t + It + Yv,t (9)

where Yv are intermediate goods used in the production of virtual goods. The intermediate

firm uses a constant returns to scale technology with labor and capital as inputs

Yz,t = Az Kαt h1−α

z,t (10)

where α is the capital share in production, K capital, while Az is total factor productivity

and hz labor in the intermediate firm. The demands for capital and labor of the profit-

maximizing z-firm are

rt = αYz,t


wt = (1 − α)Yz,t


The representative (final) virtual firm can be seen as the platform on which consumers can

purchase virtual goods, which are a combination of intermediate goods and payment ser-

vices. The perspective adopted here is that consumers use digital wallets to purchase goods,

whose price includes ‘transactions fees’, i.e. the value of payment services that are part of

miners’ income.9 Thus the representative virtual firm produces virtual goods using inter-

mediate goods, Yv, and payment services, Yx, and operates under perfect competition.

It is assumed that one unit of virtual good output (Y∗) is composed of one unit of physical

good associated to 1/γx units of mining services, where γx represents the required units

of mining services for one unit of output. Similarly, but in a different context, Aiyagari

et al. (1998) assume that one unit of credit good results from the combination of one unit of

intermediate good and some units of credit services. The total production cost amounts to1qt

Yv,t + px,tYx,t, where 1/qt is the relative price of intermediate goods sold to the final virtual

firm, 1/qt ≡ Pt/(QtP∗t ), and px,t is the relative price of payment services, px,t ≡ Px,t/P∗

t . The

final firm minimizes the cost subject to the constraint

Y∗t = min




Combining the optimal input quantities Yv,t = Y∗t and Yx,t = γxY∗

t leads to

Yx,t = γxYv,t (13)

9As miners generally care about the fees associated to a transaction, fees help having a transaction quickly

included into a block. The study focuses here on fees implicitly included in transactions made through digital

wallets, rather than on fees added by customers on a voluntary basis.


The zero-profit condition yields


qt+ γx px,t = 1 (14)

As observed e.g. with the Bitcoin system, when the buyer of a good sends one unit of virtual

currency through the network (i.e. the ‘inputs’), the seller of the intermediate good receives

1/qt (i.e. the ‘outputs’) and the difference between the two represents the ‘fee’, γx px,t.

As mentioned above, the agents providing the payment services necessary to process virtual

transactions, miners, are paid with ‘transaction fees’, i.e. the value of their mining services.

An original feature of a virtual currency payment system like Bitcoin is that miners are also

granted newly issued virtual money, P∗t Γv,t. Miners are thought of private agents who may

work alone or together with other miners in ‘mining pools’ (and then share their revenues).

Though they require computers and special software to run their activity, they are free to

work from home without having to rent buildings, factories, warehouses etc. It is therefore

assumed here that miners do not need to rent capital and produce payment services accord-

ing to Yx,t = Ax hx,t, where Ax is productivity and hx,t is time spent validating transactions.

The zero profit condition yields the representative miner’s real wage

wx,t =1

hx,t( px,tYx,t + θ Γv,t ) (15)

where Γv,t is newly issued virtual currency in real terms, of which a share θ ∈ [0, 1] accrues to

the miner and the rest is retained by the developer of the system (and transferred lump sum

to households). The first term in equation (15) corresponds to the value of mining services

(transaction fees) and the second term to income from newly issued virtual currency (both

per unit time of labor).10 It is worth noting that parameter θ allows to study the effects of

money growth for different types of compensation of payment service providers. When θ

is 0, newly issued currency does not serve to remunerate payment service providers, like

for some ‘non-mineable’ virtual currencies (e.g. Ripple) or even local currencies. Mineable

virtual currencies may attribute the newly issued virtual currency partly (e.g. Dash) or fully

(e.g. Bitcoin) to miners.11

10Some argue that Bitcoin is not a sustainable payment system because its transaction validation system

through proof-of-work requires a lot of computer processing power and thus electricity. This issue is debatable,

as mining pools are often located in regions or countries where electricity is cheap (environmental costs are still

another issue). Moreover, the cryptocurrency payment systems evolve continuously and there exist alternative

transaction validation methods (such as proof-of-stake) that do not require solving computationally intensive

problems. The debate on the electricity consumption in Bitcoin is beyond the scope of this paper, which focuses

on the effects of virtual currency growth when newly issued currency remunerates payment services.11In the Dash payment system, miners are rewarded with 45% of newly issued currency, the rest being used to

fund its own development (10%) and to compensate owners of masternodes (45%), which are nodes responsible

for additional features that Dash offers compared to Bitcoin, such as instantaneous payments.


2.3 Monetary policy

Denote by gm the growth of the nominal money supply, Ms. Each period, the monetary au-

thority provides lump sum monetary transfers to the household, Pt Γm,t, where Γm,t ≡ gm,t mst

and mst ≡ Ms

t /Pt. The nominal money supply evolves according to Mst+1 = Ms

t + PtΓm,t,

and, in real terms:

mst+1 =

1 + gm,t

1 + πtms

t (16)

2.4 Virtual currency rule

The nominal virtual currency supply, Vs, evolves according to Vst+1 = Vs

t + P∗t Γv,t, where

Γv,t ≡ gv,t vst , vs

t ≡ Vst /P∗

t and gv is the growth rate of nominal virtual currency supply. In

real terms, the dynamics of virtual money are described by

vst+1 =

1 + gv,t

1 + π∗t

vst (17)

Virtual currency growth is assumed non-negative throughout this study, gv ≥ 0, since Bit-

coin (and other cryptocurrencies) does not envisage a decrease in the number of coins in


2.5 Government

Government revenue, Tt, is transferred to the household as a lump sum and financed through

the printing of fiat money. The government budget constraint is Tt = gm,t mst .

2.6 Market clearing conditions

The equilibrium conditions for government money and virtual currency imply

mst = mt (18)

vst = vt (19)

The no-arbitrage condition for labor income implies that miners are paid the same real wage

as other workers

wt = qtwx,t (20)

The equilibrium conditions in the labor and virtual goods markets are characterized by

hz,t + hx,t = 1 (21)

Yv,t = c3,t (22)


Furthermore, Tv,t represents newly issued virtual currency that does not serve as a reward

for miners and which accrues lump sum to the households

Tv,t = (1 − θt) gv,t vst (23)

When θ = 1, all the newly issued virtual money accrues to miners and when θ = 0 it goes

directly to households. Total lump sum transfers to households equal Ωt = Tt + qtTv,t.

The economy’s resource constraint is

Yz,t + qt px,t Yx,t = c1,t + c2,t + It + qt c3,t (24)

Equation (24) states that all output is consumed or invested. Finally, equations (6)-(12), (16),

(17), (20)-(24) characterize the economy.

3 Steady state analysis

This section provides analytical steady state results on the implications of virtual money

growth. It first analyzes the effects on relative prices, sectoral labor activity and consump-

tion before looking at the welfare impact.

Effect on relative prices

Before looking at the impact of virtual money issuance on the relative prices of mining ser-

vices, px, and virtual goods, q, it is useful to derive some intermediate results. In the steady

state, the Euler equation (6) implies that the interest rate equals r = 1β − 1 + δ. It follows

that the output-labor ratio in the intermediate firm is constant, as observed from rearrang-

ing equation (10), Yzhz

= Az(K/hz)α with Khz

= (Azα/r)1

1−α resulting from equation (11). The

real exchange rate, q, can be obtained from equation (14)

q =1

1 − γx px(25)

Virtual currency growth, gv, affects q through px. As explained below, when lower growth

triggers a rise in transaction fees, represented by the price of mining services, px, the real

exchange rate, q, increases.

Combining equations (4), (13), (22) as well as Γv ≡ gvv with equation (15) yields the follow-

ing expression for the representative miner’s wage

wx =Ax

γx(γx px + θgv)


The relative price of mining services can be obtained by inserting the above expressions for

q and wx in the no-arbitrage condition (20):

px =1


(1 − α)e − θ gv

(1 − α)e + 1(26)

where e is a combination of parameters, e ≡ Yzhz


Ax. From the above equation, it is straight-

forward to see that a decrease in gv has no effect on px when θ = 0, but raises px when θ > 0.

This latter case applies to currencies like Bitcoin, since a fading out of revenues from newly

created virtual currency must be compensated by higher ‘transaction fees’. Indeed, Bitcoin

foresees that transaction fees will constitute the only incentive for miners to validate trans-

actions once a predetermined number of coins has been attained (Nakamoto, 2008, p.4). The

proposition below summarizes this effect:

Proposition 1 Following a decline in virtual currency issuance, the price of mining services

(i) remains unchanged when miners are paid with fees only, i.e.,∂px

∂gv= 0, if θ = 0

(ii) increases when miners are also rewarded with newly created currency, i.e.,∂px

∂gv< 0, if θ > 0

The proof of Proposition 1 follows from equation (26). When θ = 0, a change in gv affects

neither px nor the real exchange rate, q, see equation (25). However, when θ > 0, a reduction

in virtual currency issuance reduces miners’ revenue from newly issued coins and thus fees

need to increase, which raises the real exchange rate, i.e. the price of final virtual goods

relative to other final goods.

Effect on the employment ratio

In the steady state, πm = gm and πv = gv (see equations (16) and (17)). The miner-to-worker

employment ratio, defined as n ≡ hx/hz, can be written as

n =a (1 − b) e

a + (1 + gv) q(27)

where a, b > 0 are parameter combinations (see Appendix A). Thus the impact of gv on n is

described by










∂gv︸ ︷︷ ︸≥0


Equation (28) indicates that virtual currency issuance affects labor reallocation through two

channels. The first channel, called inflation tax effect, is represented by the first term. A

decrease in virtual money growth, gv, reduces the inflation tax and increases the demand for


virtual goods. This stimulates the production of virtual goods and raises the attractiveness

of the mining activity (increase in n). The second term of equation (28) depends on∂px


constitutes an additional force called the reward mechanism. This channel is absent when

miners’ remuneration is based on fees only (θ = 0, see Proposition 1). However, when

newly issued virtual currency accrues to miners (θ > 0), additional price effects come into

play (as∂px

∂gv< 0). Indeed, a lower issuance of virtual money means less rewards for miners,

driving up the price of mining services and rendering virtual goods more expensive (higher

px and q). This depresses the demand for virtual goods and makes the mining activity less

attractive. It is worth noting that remunerating miners with newly created money acts like

a subsidy to the virtual sector and introduces a distortion in the reallocation of labor that

is reduced by a lower virtual currency issuance. To sum up, the inflation tax effect and the

reward mechanism act in opposite directions.

Equation (28) can be expressed as follows


dgv= −

n q

a + (1 + gv) q

1 − θ

1 + θ gv(29)

This result leads to the next proposition, with proof located in Appendix A:

Proposition 2 As a result of lower virtual currency creation, the miner-to-worker employment ratio

(i) increases, because the reward mechanism only mitigates the inflation tax effect when no or not

all newly issued virtual currency accrues to miners, i.e., ∂n∂gv

< 0, if 0 ≤ θ < 1

(ii) remains unchanged, since the reward mechanism exactly compensates the inflation tax effect

when all newly created virtual money goes to miners, i.e., ∂n∂gv

= 0, if θ = 1

It is worth noting that the size of θ measures the distortion in the reallocation of labor in-

duced by the reward mechanism. The higher θ the larger the miner-to-worker ratio.

Effect on consumption

It is possible to show that c3 depends on n, as explained in Appendix B

c3 =Ax


(1 −


1 + n


Equation (30) offers the following insight. When 0 ≤ θ < 1, a reduction in virtual money

issuance attracts workers to the mining activity raising thereby the production of virtual

goods. However, when θ = 1, reward mechanism offsets the inflation tax effect and c3

remains unchanged.

From equation (7), it can be observed that the consumption of cash goods moves propor-

tionally with the consumption of credit goods c2

c1 =ψ1



(1 + r − δ)(1 + gm)c2 (31)


Appendix B explains how c2 can be written as a function of n. The reaction of c2 to a change

in gv depends negatively on ∂n∂gv


∂gv= − ϑ ·



where ϑ ≡ ψ2(1+r−δ)(1+gm)ψ1+ψ2(1+r−δ)(1+gm)

Yz1+n (1 − b + 1

e ) > 0.

The implications of virtual money issuance on the consumption of the three goods are sum-

marized in the proposition below, with proof in Appendix B.

Proposition 3 Lower virtual currency creation induces

(i) a reduction in the consumption of cash and credit goods, c1 and c2, and an increase in the

consumption of virtual goods, c3, when not all newly created virtual money accrues to miners,

i.e., ∂c1∂gv

> 0, ∂c2∂gv

> 0, ∂c3∂gv

< 0, if 0 ≤ θ < 1

(ii) no change in the three consumption goods when all newly issued coins go to miners, i.e.,∂c1∂gv

= ∂c2∂gv

= ∂c3∂gv

= 0, if θ = 1

Effect on welfare

Inserting c1 and c3, written as functions of c2, in equation (1) yields the following formulation

for steady state welfare, W:

W =1

1 − β[ χ + ln c2 − ψ3 ln (1 + gv)− ψ3 ln q ] (33)

where χ is a collection of parameters (see Appendix C for details). The effect of virtual

money growth on welfare is depicted by:




1 − β

[− ξ


∂gv︸ ︷︷ ︸indirecteffects

≥ 0


1 + gv︸ ︷︷ ︸direct effect of theinflation tax (< 0)

+ψ3 θ

1 + θ gv︸ ︷︷ ︸direct effect of the

reward mech. (≥ 0)︸ ︷︷ ︸≤0


where ξ ≡ ϑ/c2 > 0. The inflation tax effect acts directly on welfare through the second

term of equation (34) and indirectly through the first term. Similarly, the reward mechanism

affects welfare directly through the third term and indirectly through labor reallocation ap-

pearing in the first term. One way to understand equation (34) is to interpret the first term as

a quantity effect, while the second term describes a tax effect and the third term a price effect.

As shown in equation (34), the indirect effects (first term) and the direct effects (combina-

tion of the second and third terms) work in opposite direction. Before stating the conditions

determining which of the two dominate, it is useful to define two threshold values (gm, gv)

and to discuss two special cases (when θ = 0 and when θ = 1).


X ≡(ψ1 + ψ2)(1 + gm)

ψ1 + ψ2(1 + r − δ)(1 + gm)

1 + e(1 − α δ



1 + e(1 − α)(35)


Then gv ≡ X−11−θ X and X > 1 ⇔ gm > gm, where

gm ≡ −(1 − δ/r)ψ1α e + ψ2[α e − r(1 + e(1 − α))]

ψ1[1 + e(1 − αδ/r)] + ψ2(1 − δ/r)[eα − r(1 + e(1 − α))]

The first polar case is when newly created virtual currency does not compensate miners,

θ = 0. The reward mechanism is then absent and a decrease in virtual currency issuance

has a positive welfare effect through a decrease in the inflation tax (second term of equa-

tion (34)) and a negative effect by stimulating mining activity (first term). As explained

below, the effects on welfare depend on the difference between growth in fiat money and

virtual currency, gm and gv, respectively. The intuition for this finding can be traced back

to the public finance result that in a non-monetary economy the optimal policy is to tax all

consumption goods at the same rate.12 This result is discussed in Chari et al. (1996) in the

context of a standard cash-credit good model. They show that, in a simple two-goods barter

economy, the optimal consumption taxes must be the same (one distortion “offsetting” the

other), but the tax wedge becomes positive as the model gets more complex (e.g. preferences

over the goods differ). In the present model with two currencies, there is an optimal wedge

between gm and gv (as the three consumption goods have different features). In particular,

when fiat money growth is not too low (gm > gm), there exists an optimal growth rate of

virtual currency, gv, above which any lowering of gv increases welfare. When fiat money

growth is below a certain threshold (gm ≤ gm), which turns out to be negative in the numer-

ical analysis in section 4, any decrease in virtual money issuance raises welfare (because gv

is negative and gv ≥ 0). Generally speaking, the analysis stops here for currency schemes

where new coins are not used as a remuneration, like ‘non-mineable’ virtual currencies (e.g.

Ripple) or local currencies.

The original cryptocurrency scheme, Bitcoin, stipulates that miners are remunerated with

newly issued coins, which introduces a new, additional channel by which virtual money

creation affects the economy. When θ > 0, less virtual money creation generates higher

transaction fees and raises the price of virtual goods. This renders the mining activity less

attractive and lessens the direct beneficial welfare effects from a reduced inflation tax. The

second special case arises when θ = 1, as the reward mechanism exactly compensates the

inflation tax effect and there is no welfare effect of a decrease in virtual currency issuance.

The rise in the price of virtual goods offsets the reduction in the inflation tax and there are

no labor flows.

The next proposition, with proof in Appendix C, explains how virtual currency issuance

affects welfare.

12This finding is known as the Atkinson-Stiglitz theorem (Atkinson and Stiglitz, 1976): If the utility function

is separable in leisure and the sub-utility function over consumption goods is homothetic, then it is optimal to

tax consumption goods at the same rate.


Proposition 4 Given the threshold values gm, gv and θ ≡ 1X , the following findings hold.

a. In a not too low fiat money growth environment, i.e. gm > gm, lower virtual currency issuance:

a1. deteriorates welfare if gv < gv and improves welfare if gv > gv when 0 ≤ θ < θ

a2. decreases welfare when θ ≤ θ < 1

a3. leaves welfare unchanged when θ = 1

b. In a low fiat money growth environment, i.e. gm ≤ gm, reduced virtual currency creation:

b1. enhances welfare when 0 ≤ θ < 1

b2. does not modify welfare when θ = 1

As mentioned above, the reward mechanism introduces a distortion attracting workers to

the mining activity. First consider the case where 0 ≤ θ < θ(< 1). The reward mechanism

is not too strong and a reduction in virtual currency issuance enhances welfare when gv is

sufficiently large, as in the special case θ = 0 discussed above. It can be remarked that a

higher θ raises the threshold gv, making the condition for a welfare improvement harder to

meet. Indeed, the reward mechanism becomes more important and a decrease in gv implies

larger foregone earnings from mining, while the benefits from a lower inflation tax remain

the same (second term of equation (28)). When 0 < θ < θ(< 1), the reward mechanism is so

important that lower virtual currency issuance induces an unambiguous welfare decrease.

In this case, a welfare improvement requires a sufficiently negative gv, which is not envis-

aged by a virtual currency scheme like Bitcoin. In terms of equation (34), the indirect effects

(first term of the equation) dominate the combined direct effects (second and third terms of

equation (34)). In the case where θ = 1, the reward mechanism exactly compensates the

inflation tax effect, directly and indirectly, and there will be no effect on welfare.

Finally consider the situation of low fiat money growth, gm < gm. When θ < 1, a reduc-

tion in virtual currency issuance never deteriorates welfare, because the inflation tax on fiat

money is so low that the direct impact of the virtual inflation tax dominates the other effects.

When θ = 1, the reward mechanism again exactly compensates the inflation tax effect.

4 Numerical analysis

This section illustrates different cases discussed in the previous section. First, it presents the

parameterization of the model and then it discusses the numerical results.


The model is calibrated for three payment system designs, differing only in the share of

transaction fees in mining revenue implying a specific θ associated to each design. Virtual


currency aspects are calibrated using data on Bitcoin.

Deep parameters. The initial steady state is calibrated to the year 2013, which is the year

when Bitcoin adoption rose considerably. One period is one quarter and the parameters of

the model are calibrated on a range of real-world data. The subsequent parameters are set

according to standard values used in the literature. The time preference parameter is set

to β = 0.99264 (which corresponds to an annual discount rate of 3%), the quarterly capital

depreciation rate equals δ = 0.0125 and the capital share in production α = 0.33.

Technology and preferences. Parameters Ax and ψ3 are used respectively to match the ra-

tio of mining revenues to GDP, MY ≡ (qwxhx)/Y where Y ≡ Yz + qpxYx and the ratio of

virtual good consumption to GDP, C3Y ≡ qc3/Y. These indicators are computed as follows

from available data on Bitcoin. The consumption value of virtual goods, C3, is measured

by the estimated transaction value with bitcoins (in USD), while mining revenues, M, com-

prise the total value (in USD) of coinbase block rewards and transaction fees paid to miners

(, 2017). These numbers are world aggregates and not available by country.

The US’s share of bitcoin downloads (Sourceforge, 2017) can be used to approximate coun-

try values for C3 and M.13 GDP is taken from the World Development Indicators (WDI,

2017). Since the creation of Bitcoin, the US are among the top nations in terms of down-

loads. In 2013, US bitcoin downloads reached 23% of the total, which yields C3Y = 0.025%

and MY = 0.078 ∗ 10−6.

Productivity in the intermediate sector, Az, is fixed to 1, while parameter γx is set to 1/1600,

which can be roughly interpreted as the inverse of the number of transactions per block (this

value only affects the initial level of px). The preference parameter ψ2 helps to match the

credit-to-cash good consumption ratio, c2/c1, computed from survey data as in Cooley and

Hansen (1991). Bagnall et al. (2016) report that for the US the share of payment transactions

conducted by cash, debit and credit correspond to 46%, 26% and 19%, respectively and thus

c2/c1 equals 0.19/(0.46+0.26)=26.4%. Finally, ψ1 can be calculated from ψ1 + ψ2 + ψ3 = 1

(with ψ3 used to target C3Y).

Money growth. The quarterly growth rate of fiat money is 0.249% corresponding to an

annual inflation rate of 1%, roughly the average figure for major economies over recent

years (1.3% in the US and 0.7% in the euro area over the period 2013-2016). The growth

rate of virtual currency is set to gv = 0.02988, which is the average over the four quarters

in 2013 and represents an annual inflation rate of 12.5%. The resulting threshold level for

the inflation rate of fiat money corresponds to an annual rate of almost −2% (for the three

designs, see table 2). The numerical analysis below focuses on examples related to the more

plausible situation where gm > gm, i.e. part a of Proposition 4.

13A country’s share in aggregate transactions made with bitcoins may be different from its share in aggregate

mining revenues. The fact that a country may have a higher share of virtual currency transactions than its share

of mining services is left for consideration in future research.


Table 1: Parameter values

Deep parameters Technology Preferences Money growth (annual)

β 0.99264 Ar 1 ψ1 0.79283 gm 1%

δ 0.0125 Ax 0.054∗ ψ2 0.20716 gv 12.5%

α 0.33 γx 1/1600 ψ3 1-ψ1-ψ2

∗The value of Ax corresponds to design 1 (Ax equals 0.055 in design 2 and 0.056 in design 3).

Changes in ψ1 and ψ2 (and thus ψ3) are small such that the values reported in the table hold

across the three designs (other parameters are unaffected). Parameter θ is shown in table 2.

Table 2: Different payment system designs

Design Fees-to- implied θ Cases of Proposition 4 implied critical values

Mining revenue θ gm (ann.) gv (ann.)

1 100% 0 case a1: θ = 0 0.9941 -1.97% 2.39%

2 33% 0.671 case a1: 0 < θ < θ 0.9942 -1.92% 7.37%

3 0.5% 0.997 case a2: 0 < θ ≤ θ 0.9943 -1.89% -30.8%

Calibration of θ (table 2). The welfare effects of a decrease in virtual currency issuance are

illustrated for three payment system designs. The payment systems are distinct in terms of

the share of newly issued money attributed to miners (θ), which is calibrated as follows.14

It is assumed that the share of fees to mining revenues, FeeM ≡ pxYx/(wxhx), is the only

difference across designs leading to θ = MY/C3Y(1 − FeeM)/gv. Table 2 highlights this

aspect of the three designs. In design 1, fees constitute all the mining revenue, which cor-

responds to θ = 0 in case a1 of Proposition 4. Design 2 also considers case a1 but with θ

strictly positive (0 < θ < θ), where one third of the mining revenue is made up of fees,

implying θ > 0.67. Design 3 relates to case a2 (0 < θ < θ) with fees representing less than

1% of mining revenue.

Steady state numerical results

Figure 2 shows the effects - on the main variables of interest - of a decrease in virtual cur-

rency issuance from gv = 2.98%, i.e. 12.5% in annual terms, to 0% (the x-axis is in reverse

order, from high to low gv values). Each row corresponds to a different design of the virtual

payment system.

14Note that, though other targets remain similar across designs, the general equilibrium effects imply that the

values of other parameters than θ can differ. This can be the case for Ax, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, while β, δ, α, h, Ar, γx, gm and

gv are constant across settings.



Figure 2: steady state effects of a decrease in virtual currency issuance

for three payment system designs (x-axis in descending order)








1.04D1: prices





q (lhs)px (rhs)







1.16D1: quantities







n (lhs)c3 (rhs)









1.4D1: welfare








1.04D2: prices





q (lhs)px (rhs)







1.16D2: quantities







n (lhs)c3 (rhs)







4D2: welfare








1.04D3: prices






q (lhs)px (rhs)



1.12D3: quantities







n (lhs)c3 (rhs)







0D3: welfare

The figure shows the effects of a decrease in the quarterly growth rate from gv = 2.98% (12.5%

in annual terms) to 0. The x-axis displays the annualized virtual currency growth rate in reverse

order. Prices px and q are normalized to 1 for the initial gv. n is the employment ratio (hx/hz) and

c3 is consumption of virtual goods. Finally, the last plot of each row is the consumption equivalent

welfare change (normalized to 0 for the initial gv).

In design 1 (θ = 0), the reward mechanism is absent and only the inflation tax effect is at

work. A decrease in virtual money growth does not have any effect on relative prices, px

and q, but the reduction in the inflation tax raises the demand for virtual goods (c3). This

stimulates the production of virtual goods, rendering mining activity more attractive (as

indicated by the increase in n). The last plot shows that welfare rises up to a certain value of

gv (2.4% in annual terms) and then decreases slightly.15

In design 2 (θ < θ), the reward mechanism comes into play. As virtual currency creation

fades out, transaction fees become more and more important in miners’ revenues, making

virtual goods more expensive (between the initial and the final gv, px almost triples while q

rises by 2%). Compared to the previous design, the employment ratio n is initially higher

but increases less because of the loss in terms of foregone earnings from newly issued coins.

Higher prices of virtual goods generates a lower increase in virtual consumption (c3) and

the peak in the welfare change occurs at a higher value of gv than in the previous setting

(the threshold value for gv is 7.4% in annual terms).

Finally, in design 3 (θ > θ), the reward mechanism almost fully compensates the effects of

a reduction in the inflation tax. Compared to the previous settings, labor allocation across

activities and consumption of virtual goods remain almost unchanged, while welfare deteri-

orates (though welfare changes are smaller). Obviously, a design where θ = 1 would imply

that both effects exactly compensate each other and virtual currency issuance only affects px

and q.16

5 Further analysis

This section presents model extensions considering consumption taxes and security of the

virtual currency system. It also takes a look at the model-based predictions for real and nom-

inal exchange rates under changes in issuance of a Bitcoin-like virtual currency issuance.

5.1 Additional model features

The subsequent paragraphs discuss the effects of virtual currency growth in the presence of

(i) consumption taxes and (ii) imperfect security of the virtual currency system, intended as

15The figure shows the consumption equivalent welfare change, which is the percentage change in consump-

tion that an individual would require to be as well off as under a virtual currency issuance of gv = 2.98%.

The consumption equivalent welfare change, µ, solves W(c′1, c′2, c′3) = W((1 + µ)c01, (1 + µ)c0

2, (1 + µ)c03), which

implies µ = exp(W ′ − W0)− 1 with W0 and W ′ being steady state welfare for initial gv and lower gv values,

respectively. Formally, W0 ≡ W(c01, c0

2, c03) where c0

1, c02 and c0

3 are the consumption levels when gv = 2.98%,

while W ′ ≡ W(c′1, c′2, c′3) with c′1, c′2 and c′3 are the consumption levels for lower values of gv.16Figures for a design where θ = 1 can be obtained upon request.


the degree to which ownership is guaranteed.

Consider first consumption taxes. There are discussions on whether virtual currencies should

be regarded as products or currencies. In this respect, the European Court of Justice (ECJ)

published a decision on October 22nd, 2015, stating that ‘transactions to exchange a tradi-

tional currency for the Bitcoin virtual currency or vice versa’ should be exempt from taxes

(ECJ, 2015). The judgment further states that the Bitcoin virtual currency ‘cannot be char-

acterized as tangible property’ and ‘has no purpose other than to be a means of payment’.

This decision also avoids concerns about the double taxation of Bitcoin transactions, i.e.

merchants being taxed once when they sell goods and services for virtual currencies and a

second time when they convert virtual currencies to fiat currencies. The focus here is not on

taxation of transactions across currencies but on commodity taxes.

A second aspect discussed here is the security of the virtual payment system. Virtual cur-

rency owners may be unable to use their virtual currencies because they lost or forgot the

key/password to access their account, because they died without passing on their password

or because the hard-drive containing the key failed (see e.g. Sparkes, 2015). In any case, the

non-accessible coins remain idle, i.e. visible in the system but non-spendable. This also

explains why the number of bitcoins in circulation always exceeds the effective, spendable

supply of bitcoins. Moreover, virtual currency accounts are also prone to hacker attacks or

fraud. A hacker may steal the secret key of an account to spend another person’s bitcoins.

A famous example are the February 2014 attacks against the then biggest Bitcoin exchange

platform, Mt. Gox, which led to the closing of the website and filing for bankruptcy pro-

tection. About 750’000 bitcoins belonging to customers and 100’000 belonging to Mt. Gox,

worth about 500 million USD, were stolen.

Let τ represent the consumption tax on cash and credit goods and τv the tax on virtual

goods. A share σ ∈ [0, 1) of virtual currency is assumed to be non-spendable on virtual

good consumption. Thus σ is an indicator of the safety of the virtual currency system, a low

σ indicating a high degree of system security. Introducing τ, τv and σ in the model implies

that equations (2), (3) and (4) change in the following way

mt+1(1 + πt) + qtvt+1(1 + π∗t ) = mt + qt (1 − σt)vt + wt + rtKt − It (36)

−(1 + τt)(c1,t + c2,t)− (1 + τvt )qt c3,t + Ωt

c1,t(1 + τt) ≤ mt (37)

c3,t(1 + τvt ) ≤ (1 − σt)vt (38)

Equation (36) shows that only (1− σt) vt of real balances in virtual currency are carried over

from the previous period in the budget constraint and equation (38) can be used to purchase

virtual goods (for simplicity, σt vt is rebated lump sum to households and included in the

term Ωt).


In equilibrium, combining Γv,t ≡ gv,tvst with equations (19), (22) and (38) gives

Γv,t = gv,tYv,t(1 + τvt )/(1 − σt)

Using this expression together with equation (13) in equation (15) yields the representative

miner’s wage

wx,t =1



hx,t(γx px,t + Θt gv,t) (39)


Θt ≡ θ1 + τv


1 − σt(40)

Equation (40) indicates that θ still determines whether miners are rewarded with newly is-

sued virtual money (θ > 0) or not (θ = 0). However, when θ > 0, the strength of the reward

mechanism, represented by Θ, depends also on the taxation of virtual good consumption,

τv, as well as on the security of the system, σ.

Equations and propositions of section 3 still carry through if θ is interpreted as Θ. Thus,

the impact of a virtual currency growth on the price of mining services is derived from the

steady state equation for px, which is equivalent to (26) but with Θ instead of θ


∂gv= −




1 + e(1 − α)

The higher τv and/or σ, the stronger the reward mechanism and the larger the reaction of

px to a change in gv. An increase in τv (and/or σ) raises the demand of virtual currency as

more virtual money is needed to purchase a given quantity of virtual goods. The response

of the employment ratio is analogous to equation (29) with Θ playing the role of θ17


dgv= −

n q

a b + (1 + gv) q

1 − Θ

1 + Θ gv

This equation shows that the reward mechanism may not only mitigate the inflation tax

effect (Θ < 1) or exactly compensate it (Θ = 1), but can now even dominate it (when Θ > 1)

implying dndgv

> 0. In this latter case, the loss in terms of foregone earnings is so large that a

decrease in gv discourages mining.

The effects on welfare when Θ > 1 can be seen from the next equation





1 − β

− ξ∂n

∂gv︸ ︷︷ ︸indirect effects

< 0


1 + gv+

ψ3 Θ

1 + Θ gv︸ ︷︷ ︸direct effects

> 0


17Parameter a ≡ Λ(1 − σ)a, where a is defined in Appendix A and Λ ≡ 1+τ1+τv .


When Θ > 1, the reward mechanism dominates the inflation tax effect. In the above ex-

pression, there is a switch in sign, compared to the situation when Θ < 1, in the first term

representing the indirect effects as well as in the combination of the second and third terms.

This means that a decrease in gv improves welfare through indirect effects, but deteriorates

it through direct effects as the strong increase in the price of virtual goods (third term) dom-

inates the direct effect of the inflation tax (the second term of (34)). It is worth mentioning

that the new thresholds Θ, gv and gm are based on X ≡ Λ(1 − σ)X, in an analogous way

than θ, gv and gm depend on X in section 3, see Appendix D for details. Of course, in the

absence of taxes (τ = τv = 0) and with a secure system (σ = 0), the model is back to the

benchmark setting, with X = X, Θ = θ, gv = gv, gm = gm.

The conditions that determine which effect dominates are stated in Proposition 5 and can

be summarized as follows. In a not too low fiat-money growth environment, gm > gm,

the distortion induced by the reward system is so strong that lower virtual money issuance

always improves welfare. The indirect effects implied by labor reallocation (first term of

equation (34)) are dominant as mining activity is relatively attractive (favored by the high

inflation tax on fiat money). In a low fiat-money growth environment (gm ≤ gm), two cases

need to be distinguished. When Θ is moderate (1 < Θ ≤ Θ), mining activity is relatively low

and there are few intersectoral labor flows: direct effects dominate and welfare decreases.

However, when Θ is large (Θ > Θ > 1), the loss in foregone earnings from new coins is

important and the indirect effects dominate if gv > gv. The proposition below, with proof in

Appendix 5, focuses on the welfare implications when Θ > 1.

Proposition 5 In addition to cases a1-a3 and b1-b2 from Proposition 4, virtual currency issuance

affects welfare in the following manner when Θ > 1.

a. For gm > gm, reduced virtual currency issuance

a4. improves welfare when Θ > 1

b. For gm < gm, lower virtual currency creation

b3. deteriorates welfare when 1 < Θ ≤ Θ

b4. reduces welfare if gv < gv and enhances welfare if gv > gv when 1 < Θ < Θ

(Note that case b3 applies for gm = gm whenever Θ > 1)

At last, table 3 summarizes the implications of a reduction in virtual currency issuance for

the variables of interest in all possible cases. The results in section 3 when τ = τv = σ = 0

correspond to the cases where Θ ≤ 1 interpreting Θ, Θ, gv and gm as θ, θ, gv and gm respec-



Table 3: Summary of the effects of a decrease in virtual currency growth

Cases px, q n, hx, c3 hz, c1, c2 W

gv ց

(a) gm > gm

(a1) 0 ≤ Θ < Θ +∗ + -+ if gv > gv

- if gv < gv

(a2) Θ ≤ Θ < 1 + + - -

(a3) Θ = 1 + 0 0 0

(a4) Θ > 1 + - + +

(b) gm ≤ gm

(b1) 0 ≤ Θ < 1 +∗ + - +

(b2) Θ = 1 + 0 0 0

(b3)∗∗ 1 < Θ ≤ Θ + - + -

(b4)∗∗ 1 < Θ < Θ + - +- if gv < gv

+ if gv > gv

The table indicates whether a reduction (ց) in virtual money growth, gv, decreases (“-”), in-

creases (“+”) or has no impact (“0”) on a variable. Θ ≡ θ(1 + τv)/(1 − σ), c1, c2, c3 are the con-

sumptions of cash, credit and virtual goods, respectively, px is the price of mining services, q is

the real exchange rate, hx is mining employment, hz is employment in intermediate production,

n ≡ hx/hz, and W is welfare. ∗In cases (a1) and (b1), the effect on px and q is nil when Θ = θ = 0.∗∗When gm = gm, case (b3) applies for any value of Θ > 1. In the benchmark model presented

in section 3, where τ = τv = σ = 0, only cases (a1) - (a3) and (b1) - (b2) arise and Θ = θ, Θ = θ,

gv = gv and gm = gm.

5.2 Dynamic simulation

This subsection illustrates the price effects of a virtual money supply that increases at a

decreasing rate. To do so, the model is applied to Bitcoin, but it is important to stress that

the aim is not to forecast the price of Bitcoin nor to analyze the determinants of Bitcoin price

formation (for such a study, see Ciaian et al., 2016). Indeed, the price of Bitcoin is volatile

and determined by factors that are not accounted for in this model.18

The simulation starts from an initial steady state in 2013. A conservative approach is taken in

setting zero taxation and σ = 0.03, which together with φ = 1 implies Θ = 1.0309 (note that

these values do not qualitatively affect the results discussed here). The rest of the calibration

follows section 4 with quarterly growth rates of virtual currency and fiat money of 2.988%

and 0.249%, respectively (12.5% and 1% on annual basis). One period is one quarter and the

model is simulated for 600 periods. During the transition to the new steady state, gm and

gv evolve. Between 2014 and 2017, fiat money issuance progressively increases to reach a

18For instance, the monthly average USD market price of one bitcoin climbed from 16 dollars on January,

2013, to more than 800 dollars one year later and then dropped to less than 500 dollars four months afterwards

(average across major bitcoin exchanges, see A variety of factors drive the price of Bitcoin, like

news about security breaches and hacker attacks, which affect Bitcoin adoption.


Figure 3: Model-based evolution of the real (q) and the nominal (Q) exchange rates

2020 2040 2060 2080 21001







1.035Real exchange rate (q)

2020 2040 2060 2080 21000





500USD price of 1 BTC (Q)

rate of 0.496% and remains at that level afterward, consistent with the 2% annual inflation

target common to major central banks. The growth rate gv replicates the evolution of virtual

money supply, Vs, such that newly issued virtual coins are halved approximately every 4

years to reach a predetermined total number of approximately 21 million around 2140 (see

figure 1 of section 1).

Figure 3 displays the effects of money growth on real and nominal exchange rates (q and Q,

respectively). The left panel shows that virtual money growth affects q, which is the case

whenever miners are also paid , see Proposition 1 in section 3. As gv declines, q increases

and eventually stabilizes after 2040 as virtual money growth approaches zero (fiat money

growth has no impact on q). The right panel displays the nominal value of virtual currency

against national currency, i.e. the Bitcoin price in US dollars, which can be written Q =

q Ms

Vsvm (see section 2.1 and Guidotti, 1993, p.119). The evolution of Q can be explained by

the changes that gm and gv induce in Ms and Vs, respectively. The price of Bitcoin falls

from an initial level of $ 493.9 (which is its daily average price over the last quarter in 2013,

see to hit a low of $ 22.6 in the mid-2020s and increases afterward as Ms

starts growing faster than Vs (virtual money becomes relatively scarcer). Finally, the above

projection (qualitatively) reproduces the observed decline in the Bitcoin price between 2013-

q4 and 2015-q2 (from $ 493.9 to $ 236.3) but not its increase since 2015-q2 (peaking at almost

$ 20000 end 2017). Many factors ignored in this study can explain changes in Bitcoin prices,

including speculation (Bolt and van Oordt, 2016) or Bitcoin adoption costs associated to

information search (Ciaian et al., 2016).

6 Conclusion

This paper analyzes the macroeconomic implications of declining virtual currency issuance.

A standard monetary model is extended with the introduction of virtual goods produced


by combining intermediate goods and payment services provided by ‘miners’, the private

agents validating ‘virtual’ transactions. Two effects are at work when virtual currency

growth declines: an inflation tax effect and a reward mechanism. The first effect implies

that lower virtual money growth decreases the inflation tax on virtual money, which raises

the demand for virtual goods and stimulates virtual sector activity. The second mechanism

is specific to virtual currencies, like Bitcoin, where miners get paid with newly created vir-

tual currency. When virtual currency issuance decreases, higher transaction fees are needed

to compensate miners. This leads to an increase in the price of virtual goods and to a reduc-

tion in the demand for these goods, which counteracts the effects of a reduced inflation tax.

A further analysis shows that the security of the system as well as virtual commodity taxes

affect this second mechanism. The study provides the conditions under which steady state

welfare improves.

The present analysis can be extended in several directions. Two of them are discussed here.

The first consists in studying the potential benefits of adopting a distributed ledger technol-

ogy, like the blockchain. Bitcoin has attracted a lot of attention because of this disruptive

technology, that is claimed to significantly reduce the costs associated with financial ser-

vices. Businesses and financial institutions deciding to adopt a distributed ledger technol-

ogy could lower costs associated with keeping two separate records (which implies recon-

ciling them at each step of contract execution). A possible extension could model inefficient

payment services and evaluate how a technology like the blockchain tackles these inefficien-

cies. Another issue ignored by the present study relates to the international implications of

introducing a virtual currency. In the case of ‘mineable’ virtual currencies, users and miners

may be located in a different country. A two-country model could examine the interactions

of two national currencies with a common virtual money. Future work should address these




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A Proof of Proposition 2

Equation (7) together with equation (8) leads to

n =ψ3



1 + gv


1 + r − δ





since πm = gm and πv = gv in the steady state (see equations (16) and (17)). Using equa-

tion (9) with c3hx

= Axγx

, obtained from equation (22), yields



ψ2(1 + r − δ)(1 + gm)

ψ1 + ψ2(1 + r − δ)(1 + gm)



[1 − b −




Equation (27) results from combining the above expressions for c2hz

and c3hx

with equation (A.1).

It is then possible to derive equation (29), where a ≡ ψ3(1+gm)ψ1+ψ2(1+r−δ)(1+gm)

and b ≡ δ αr . From

equation (29), it is straightforward to verify Proposition 2.

B Proof of Proposition 3

Using equation (21), intermediate sector employment can be formulated as

hz =1

1 + n(B.1)

Combining equations (13), (22) and Yx = Axhx yields

c3 =Ax

γxhx (B.2)

Inserting hx = 1 − hz and equation (B.1) in equation (B.2) results in equation (30). It can

be observed that virtual currency growth influences the consumption of credit goods, c2,

through n. With the help of equation (B.1), c2 = c2hz

11+n where c2

hzdepends on n as shown in

equation (A.2). c2 is inversely related to n, see also equation (32), and positively affects c1,

as evidenced in equation (31). Finally, the proof of Proposition 3 follows from Proposition 2,

since the three consumption goods can be written as a function of n.

C Proof of Proposition 4

The consumption of virtual goods can be expressed as a function of c2, which is obtained by

combining equations (7) and (8)

c3 =ψ3



1 + r − δ


1 + gv




Inserting this relationship and equation (31) in equation (1), leads to steady state welfare,

W, as formulated in (33), where χ ≡ ψ1ln (ψ1/ψ2) + ψ3ln (ψ3/ψ2)− ψ1ln (1 + gm)− (ψ1 +

ψ3)ln (1 + r − δ). Deriving (33) with respect to gv gives equation (34), where ξ is obtained

by using equation (A.2), ξ ≡ ϑ/c2 = 1+e(1−b)[1−b(1+n)][1+n(1+e)]


After some rearrangements, equation (34) leads to





0 ⇔ (θ − 1) gv (1 − θ X)<


(θ − 1) (X − 1), (C.2)

Part a of Proposition 4 considers that gm > gm, implying X > 1. Under case a1, when

0 ≤ θ < θ, it is straightforward to check that a decrease in gv improves (deteriorates) welfare

for values above (below) gv, i.e. ∂W∂gv

< 0 ⇔ gv > gv and ∂W∂gv

> 0 ⇔ gv < gv. Under case

a2, ∂W∂gv

> 0 as gv < 0. Indeed, with gv ≥ 0, it is impossible to have ∂W∂gv

< 0 which requires

gv < gv < 0. Case a3, where θ = 1, is verified by inspecting equation (34), where the second

and third terms cancel each other out, while the first term is zero, see equation (29).

Part b of Proposition 4 deals with the situation where gm ≤ gm, implying X ≤ 1 and thus

gv ≤ 0. Under case b1, ∂W∂gv

≤ 0 is always true. Since gv is assumed to be non-negative, it is

impossible to have ∂W∂gv

> 0, because this requires gv < gv ≤ 0. Case b2 is analogous to case


D Proof of Proposition 5

Rearranging equation (34) for Θ > 1 leads to





0 ⇔ gv (1 − Θ X)<


(X − 1), (D.1)

Note that X ≡ Λ(1 − σ) X, where X is defined in equation (35) and Λ ≡ 1+τ1+τv . Moreover,

Θ ≡ 1/X while gv ≡ X−11−Θ X


gm ≡ −1 +ψ1[1 + e(1 − α)]

(ψ1 + ψ2)[1 + e(1 − αδ/r)]Λ(1 − σ)− ψ2(1 + r − δ)[1 + e(1 − α)]

Under case (a4), X > 1, since gm > gm, and gv is always larger than gv implying that ∂W∂gv

> 0

is always true. Under case (b3), gv < 0 and thus gv > gv leading to ∂W∂gv

< 0. Indeed,∂W∂gv

> 0 requires gv < 0, which is excluded by assumption (see section 2.4). Moreover, when

gm = gm, X = 1 and thus ∂W∂gv

< 0. Under case (b4), gv > 0 for Θ > Θ. This implies∂W∂gv

< 0(> 0) when gv > gv(< gv).