monaco actif engage gb 2012

Monaco – active and committed

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Monaco – active and committed

Page 2: Monaco actif engage gb 2012

Welcome to Monaco.

The Tourist and Convention Authority hopes you will find this guideuseful throughout your stay. It has been prepared to give you all the information you need on the environmental commitments of Monegasquetourism professionals and favour a ‘greener’ stay.

We aim to introduce you to a destination that is becoming ever more efficient while respecting the environment. With this guide, you willdiscover the Principality in a different way and it will show you howprotecting and preserving the environment and biodiversity, saving waterand combating global warming are at the heart of its actions.

When you read our guide ‘Monaco – active and committed’, you willdiscover a country that has joined forces with Prince Albert II to becomeirreproachable in sustainable development and, in particular, in the fightagainst climate change.

For more information, consult our website‘Responsible Tourism’. In line with our eco-friendly policy, free informationbrochures on Monaco are available in several languages in an on-lineversion or on recycled paper.

‘The real voyage of discovery’, said Marcel Proust,

‘does not consist in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.’


Because you would like to support a destination actively committed tosustainable development and eco-friendly actions!

Protecting the environment and eco-friendly policies are not choices forus but realities that guide all our initiatives in the Principality.

Enjoy reading the guide!


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• By plane: ‘Nice-Côte d’Azur’ airport linksthe Principality of Monaco to over 86destinations in the world. It takes 30minutes on the motorway to reach theairport. There is a regular, direct bus lineor you can go by helicopter, which coversthe distance in 7 minutes.


Since it started running the ports in 2006,the ‘Société d’Exploitation des Ports deMonaco’ (SEPM) has been responsible fora great many environmental initiatives aimed at reducing pollution from whateversource.

Below, you will find some of the mainactions:

• Guaranteeing the cleanliness of thestretch of water all year round by a specialist SEPM team.

• Training staff to fight against pollution.

• Providing toilets and showers for users.

• Setting up an ambitious project for recuperating grey and black water.

• Requiring users to use products thatrespect the environment.

• Collecting household waste up to 3times a day in the port area.

• Installing containers for collecting batteries, used oil and oil and fuel filters.

• Following a policy of reducing energyand water consumption.

During the recent renovation of the Port

Hercule outer harbour and jetty, an eco-friendly wood composite rather thana tropical hardwood was used for the duckboards.


The Principality of Monaco is consciousof the threat that climate change posesfor future generations and is anxious torespect its undertakings vis-à-vis the KyotoProtocol. It has decided to implement anenergy policy incorporating the aims ofsustainable development.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, Monaco hasundertaken to reduce direct greenhousegas emissions by 8% between 2008 and 2012 compared with 1990.

Moreover, during the Copenhagen ClimaticConference, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince announced his wish to reduce the Princi-pality’s emissions by 30% in 2020 comparedwith 1990 and by 80% in 2050.

In addition, residual emissions must beoffset so that the Principality of Monacocan become carbon neutral by 2050.

With these undertakings in mind, a ClimateEnergy Plan has been introduced. It aimsto develop an irreproachable energy policythat will allow these objectives to be metor even surpassed. This plan focuses onthree key elements:

• Controlling the demand for energy: improving energy efficiency and limitingconsumption, in particular, at peak hours

• Choose a digital camera and rechar-geable batteries.

• However, don’t get caught out! Youmust wear suitable clothing in all publicbuildings and, in particular, in religiousones. You are not allowed to walk inthe streets in Monaco in a swimmingcostume and/or bare-chested.


• By car: If you are arriving in Monaco bycar, you can park your vehicle in one ofthe many public car parks when youarrive and then use public transport. It isworth noting that you can rechargeelectric vehicles free of charge at mostof the 45 public car parks.

• By bus: There is an extensive bus network on the French Riviera, and numerous buses from Nice and Mentonto Monaco.

• By train: all trains stop at Monaco/Monte-Carlo station.


On the Tourist and Convention Authoritywebsite, you can plan your cultural visitsand choose exhibitions and walks in ourgardens, where you can marvel at theolive trees, hundreds of years old or evena thousand. However, there is no needto print all the information you find. It isavailable on recycled paper at your hotelor the Tourist Authority’s Office. In thisway, you can pack your bags keeping inmind some simple ‘green’ rules:

• Don’t weigh down your luggage withbooks you might not read. Get rid ofthe unnecessary packaging, on yourbeauty products, for example, as themore weight you carry, the greateryour carbon footprint.

• You can buy shampoo and ‘organic’beauty products in most shops. Usethem as sparingly as possible to reduceyour impact on water sources and theMediterranean Sea.

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of May and the end of September, basedon weekly sampling and analysis at eachbathing area (Pêcheurs, Solarium and Larvotto beaches). Besides, a declarationof conformity is prepared at the end ofeach bathing season. During the summerseason, from June to September, thepublic can see the recorded values at theLarvotto Beach monitoring station andon the screens at the entrance to Monaco.

Source: Department of the Environment,Monaco


No matter when you go on holiday, CO2

will be released into the atmosphere: theemissions come from the means of trans-port you use to get to your destinationand your activities and accommodationduring your stay. Even an ‘eco-friendly’holiday, a holiday for underwater diving,for example, can give out as much CO2 asan individual emits in a whole year.

To combat the global effects of climatechange, it is very important for everyoneto participate in the reduction of CO2

emissions. Monaco Carbon Offsetting (MCO2),set up by the Prince Albert II Foundation,offers you the possibility of offsettinggreenhouse gas emissions arising fromyour activities. MCO2 is a non-profitmaking, voluntary programme for reducingand offsetting greenhouse gas emissions.It is aimed at individuals, businesses, orga-nisations and communities.


The Prince Albert II of MonacoFoundation works to protectthe environment and promote sustainable development on aglobal scale.

The Foundation’s activities focus on three main areas: climatechange and renewable energy, biodiversityand water and desertification.

The Foundation supports projects in threemain geographical areas: the Mediterraneanbasin, the Polar regions and developingcountries.

With your carbon offset, you finance aproject approved by the UNFCCC (UnitedNations Framework Convention on ClimateChange) and chosen by the Prince AlbertII of Monaco Foundation.

For more information about the Founda-tion, please visit the website:


At the beginning of December 2007, theMonegasque Hotel Industries Associationsigned an environmental charter. The bighotels have all set up ‘Green Teams’, developed in-house charters and introducedinitiatives to reduce the negative impactof their activities on the environment, forexample, controlling water use, energysaving, recycling, etc.

of Monacoprotectand

• Mastering the production of local energy:using urban waste to create energy, developing renewable energy sources

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions:direct emissions (Kyoto) and indirect(electricity and travel).

For each of these elements, technical,regulatory and financial initiatives as wellas activities for raising the public’s awarenessare being carried out in the areas of landimprovement, the State’s property assets(new and old buildings), private buildings(new and old) and energy supply.Source: Department of the Environment,Monaco


To avoid health and environmental problemsand hazards, an automated network ofsix air-quality monitoring stations has beenoperating in the Principality for nearly 20years. It provides continuous measurements,allows pollution warnings to be preparedand monitors changes in air-quality in thelong-term.

This network consists of two differenttypes of station: local and backgroundstations. The first are located near pollutionsources (road traffic), the second are positioned away from all noticeable pollution sources and measure the generalatmosphere.

The recorded values are compared withthe limits fixed by European directives inthis matter.

The public can see the results on thescreens located at the entrance to Monaco.Source: Department of the Environment,Monaco


The Principality undertakes the physicaland chemical monitoring of the quality ofcoastal waters, based on repeated measurements of all the components ofthe marine environment (bodies of water,sediments and living organisms). It alsouses data on activities and natural andhuman input likely to have an influenceon the quality of the environment.

Besides this local monitoring, the Department of the Environment takespart in the RINBIO (Biological IntegratorsNetwork) campaign, organized every 3years by the Rhone-Mediterranean andCorsica Water Agency and IFREMER(French Research Institute for Explorationof the Sea).

The research is based on the use of bioaccumulators (mussels) which characterizean environment and its evolution by theirpresence and demographic, morphologicaland physiological behaviour. This networkhas the advantage of providing homoge-nous information on contamination levels observed throughout the WesternMediterranean (European programme MYTILOS).

Finally, health monitoring of bathing wateris also carried out between the beginning

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Monaco shopkeepers are continually onthe lookout for environmentally friendlyproducts and now stock ‘green’ gadgetsand presents, as well as eco-friendly solutions in the professional and privatedomains, including off-the-peg clothes inorganic cotton


A new trend is developing - Slow Travel,or taking your time. It means spendinglonger in your chosen destination: beingwith the people who live there and discovering its heritage without being ina rush. In this way, you will get the mostout of beautiful walks in our gardens,museums and on the shores of the Medi-terranean.

Smart and responsible tourists

The area of the Principality of Monaco isonly 2.8 km2. Out of respect for the envi-ronment, you are advised not to use yourprivate vehicle for getting around. As soonas you arrive, park your car in one of thenumerous public car parks and use publictransport, taxis or simply walk.

Car Parks

In Monaco, it is preferable to leave yourcar in one of the numerous public carparks. They are the best solution forparking your vehicle; they are all under-ground, supervised, secure and inexpensive.

The hourly and fixed rates are displayed atthe entrance to each car park:

1st hour free

60 to 80 min: ¤2.40

80 to 260 min/each 20 min: ¤1.00

260 to 300 min/each 20 min: ¤0.70

300 to 600 min/each 20 min: ¤0.20

600 to 660 min/each 20 min: ¤0.10

7 pm to 8 am/each 20min: ¤0.10

Daily flat rate ‘Lost ticket’: ¤20.00

Practical Information:

On Foot

Walking is still the best way of seeing thePrincipality. You can reach every district ina few minutes by using the numerouspublic lifts and escalators. Crossing thePrincipality from East to West takes just45 minutes on foot!

On the Little Train

Monaco Tours: Climb aboard the little redand white train and set off on an outingaround the Principality, with a simulta-neously translated commentary in twelvelanguages. ‘Monaco Tours’ will take youpast Place d’Armes, to Port Hercule, theFormula 1 Grand Prix circuit, Monte-Carlowith its Casino and luxury hotels and theOld Town with the Prince’s Palace andthe Cathedral.

Departure and arrival opposite the Ocea-nographic Museum

The circuit takes 30 /40 minutes

Hotels in Monaco are firmly committedto protecting the environment and theylook for your support for their eco-friendlyinitiatives. They are taking all steps to minimise the impact that running theirhotels has on the environment.

• Minimising the waste stream and preserving natural resources throughenergy and water saving

• Highlighting the natural and cultural heritage of the hotels to enable clientsto enjoy an authentic local experience

• Giving environmental considerations animportant place in decision-making

• Taking clients’ views and comments intoconsideration

• Identifying potential areas for improve-ment and innovation

Today, 61% of all hotel rooms in the Principality have eco-certification: ‘La ClefVerte/Green Key’, ‘Earth Check’.

Learn about the commitments and initiatives of each hotel on our ‘Responsible Tourism’.


Our head chefs prepare local specialitiesand dishes using products from suppliersand farmers in the region.

Several Monegasque restaurants evengrow their own organic fruit and vegetablesnear Monaco, in the hills behind Nice, forexample. This reduces CO2 emissions fromimported products and supports the localeconomy. It means less transport andmore taste and a real commitment topreparing tasty gourmet menus that aregood for the health and protect the envi-ronment.

You will find a list of restaurants servingorganic dishes and local produce at theend of this guide to enable you to expe-rience unforgettable culinary moments.

All the restaurants in the Principality areworking alongside Prince Albert II to protect biodiversity by supporting the initiatives of his Foundation, for example,by removing the red tuna from theirmenus.

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Today, the fleet includes 4 hybrid buses.Their performance, associated with DIESTER, allows a reduction of 40% intheir CO2 emissions.

Day buses (1, 2, 4, 5 and 6)

The Monaco Autobus Company operatesfive bus services between 7 am and around9.30 pm. On weekdays, buses run every 8min 30 sec on average and from 13 to 20minutes on Saturday and Sunday.

Rates on board the bus: 1 trip: ¤2 / 6–tripcard: ¤10. The 24-hour unrestricted passallows you to use all the lines, includingthe boat bus, for 24 hours after its firstvalidation for only ¤5. Children under 7travel free.

Rates at the automatic ticket machines(consult for their location)and the main agency:1 trip: ¤1.50 / 12-trip card: ¤10 1-day pass (24 hours): ¤52-day pass (48 hours): ¤83-day pass (72 hours): ¤114-day pass (96 hours): ¤13

Evening and night buses (N)

The Monaco Autobus Company also ope-rates an evening bus service every dayfrom 9 pm to 2 am. One line runs throughthe whole of the Principality in 45 minutes,with a bus every 30 minutes. On Fridays

and Saturdays, the night bus extends theservice from 1 am to 4 am, with hourlydepartures.

Electric boat-bus

The solar-powered boat-bus, which formspart of the transport network, is not justa tourist shuttle but a successful, concreteexample (over 120,000 passengers in 2011)of an eco-friendly means of transport,appropriate to the ‘Soft and gentle modesof transport’, initiated by the MonegasqueGovernment.

Every day, the electric boat-bus operatesa service between the two shores of PortHercule, from Quai Kennedy to the FortAntoine esplanade, every 20 minutes from8 am to 7.50. In case of bad weather, theservice is suspended.

Boarding: Quai des Etats Unis or QuaiRainier 1er (Cruise Terminal)

You like driving?

MC ECO RENTAL is the first rental company for 100% electric, 4-wheeledvehicles in the Principality of Monaco.You can rent the Estrima Biro, a small,two-seater, 100% electric urban vehicle,with a range of up to 45 km and a maxi-mum speed of 45 km/h. Another 100%electric vehicle is the Renault TWIZY.With its ultra-compact dimensions, it isperfect for town use and is able to taketwo people one behind the other in absolute safety. It has a range of up to 80km and a maximum speed of 80 km.These vehicles can be recharged free ofcharge in all Monaco’s car parks. Rates:1 hour ¤25 Extra hour ¤10

Panoramic roofsOperates every day (depending on theweather) from 10 am to 5 pm Rates: adults, ¤8; children from 2 to 8years old, ¤4 Website:

‘Monaco Le Grand Tour’

Explore the Principality on the open-topped bus, ‘Monaco Grand Tour’ andenjoy amazing viewpoints. Thanks to dis-posable individual earphones, you can listento the commentary in your own language.With the 1 or 2-day pass, you can get onand off the bus as you wish at each ofthe 12 stops and visit the numerous inte-resting sites all along the circuit, includingthe Prince’s Palace, Casino, museums...

These vehicles run on Diester and areequipped with an engine meeting theEuropean standard ‘EURO 5’ to reducethe atmospheric pollution caused by trans-port!

Operates every day (except during specialevents): 1 April to 31 October from 10 am to 5.45 pm; 1 November to 31 March from 10 am to5.30 pm.First departure of the day at 10 am fromthe boat-bus stop on Quai Kennedy

Trip lasts about 1 hourFrequency: every 15 min from April toOctober and every 30 min from Novemberto March Rates: adult pass, one day ¤18 / two days¤21; seniors and students (reduced rate),one day ¤16; children from 4 to 11 yearsold (accompanied by an adult), one ortwo-day pass ¤7 InformationE-Mail: [email protected]

Public Transport

The Monegasque Government has takena great many initiatives to promote publictransport in the Principality, such as theevening bus (every evening), the night busat weekends, the boat-bus for crossingPort Hercule, attractive rates and a morefrequent service, etc.

The Monaco Autobus Company (CAM) fleetof buses runs on 30% DIESTER (30% bio-diesel and 70% petro-diesel), the firstFrench ‘biodiesel’. However, the CAMdoes not exclude emerging technologiesand sustainable development as a way ofreducing its greenhouse gas emissionseven further. To this end, it regularly teststhe performance of electric and hybridbuses on the Monegasque hills.

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• Observe fishing regulations with regardto the minimum size for keeping fishand the ban on fishing for protectedspecies such as the grouper.

• Don’t take sea urchins outside the authorized periods.

• The Larvotto area is an underwater reserve, delimited and regulated for theprotection of plant and animal species.

• Respect the flora and fauna. Don’t feedthe fish or move the rocks or the speciesattached to them.

• Use water-soluble sun lotion rather thanoil. This avoids a film forming on thesurface, which reduces the amount oflight, essential for marine life.

• Sailors: check your engine is workingproperly every year and use a four-strokeengine, which is more economical andproduces fewer discharges.

• Use eco-friendly products like Marseillesoap for maintaining your boat. Be carefulhow much water you use.

• Drop anchor in a sandy area. Raiseanchor from directly below the boat.


The Principality of Monaco has alwaystaken care to nurture its open areas andgardens.

Today, they cover 470,000m2, over 20%of the country. In the Japanese Gardendown by the sea, ‘Little Africa’, the PrincessGrace Rose Garden, St Martin Gardensand the Exotic Garden you will find a remarkable biodiversity. An outstandinggeographical location looking out overthe blue vastness of the Mediterraneanand a mild climate with an exceptionalamount of sunshine (over 300 days ayear) have encouraged the creation ofsplendid gardens for many years.

Monaco’s plant biodiversity boasts 350indigenous species, including 6 that areendemic in the Alpes-Maritimes and Liguriaas well as 5 habitats of natural, historicaland cultural interest. The Rock has thegreatest biodiversity, with over two thirdsof Monaco’s plant species.

1/2 day ¤50 Day ¤70 24 hours ¤90 Weekend ¤140 Week ¤320 Month on request Card for 10 hours ¤150 MC Eco Rental:Rental Point Stars’N’Bars, 6 quai Antoine 1eTel: 06 80 86 54

‘Princess Grace of Monaco Walking Tour’

The ‘Princess Grace of Monaco WalkingTour’ is the perfect way to rediscover thework of the Princess in the Principalityand throughout the world. It also demonstrates the Principality’s commitment to the protection of theenvironment. Users of mobile phoneswith NFC technology can receive detailedinformation and explanations by simplybringing their mobile phone into closeproximity with the ‘tags’ located at eachstop on the walking tour.


Every year, five million visitors come toour 2.5 km2 country, whose history anddevelopment are closely linked to theMediterranean Sea. The underwater Lar-votto Beach Reserve, created in 1976, andthe Coral Reserve are proof of the envi-ronmental initiatives undertaken by Monaco.Thanks to these actions, some species,such as pinna nobilis (the noble pen shell),have reappeared, testifying to the excellentquality of the water!

The Larvotto Beach monitoring stationuses 100% solar energy. Two photovoltaicpanels produce enough electricity to coverall the cabin’s electrical needs. Besides,surplus electricity is sent into the Mone-gasque Electricity and Gas Company’s network.

Likewise, the public Larvotto beach meetsthe requirements of the ‘Handiplage’ labelfor people with disabilities. From the endof June to the beginning of September,three amphibious buoyant beach chairscalled ‘tiralos’, with assistance provided byspecialized ‘handiplagistes’, are availablefor people with reduced mobility.

Toilets, showers, a concrete slope and carparking facilities have been adapted toaccess for people with disabilities.


• Don’t throw any rubbish on the beachor in the sea. Use the bins provided inthe ports and on the beaches.

• Sort out your rubbish on land and at sea

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Let’s act today for tomorrow! Here and elsewhere!

It’s up to you!

We are pleased to be able to show you concrete results with regard to sustainable development in Monaco, in particular, in tourism, as numerous schemes have successfullybeen set up (partnership for the protection of whales in the Mediterranean, ‘PlagesPropres’ - Clean Beaches in Monaco, etc. …).

The Principality of Monaco aims to be irreproachable in matters of environmentalprotection. In this spirit, the Monegasque Government and tourism professionals areworking more actively every day on all aspects of sustainable development.

‘Our Principality is proud of being active and present in all the combats for protecting the planet. From the first expeditions

of my great-great-grandfather, Prince Albert I, to the Monaco Blue Initiative, including the setting up of the PELAGOS sanctuary, protecting the blue fin tuna

and our commitment to protecting forests, our marine initiatives have been known and recognized.

For many years, Monaco has looked outwards to the sea, the oceans and other people.Every day, it proves its deep commitment to the service of the future of humanity.’

Albert II of Monaco

Created in 1916 by Prince Albert 1er, thePrincess Antoinette Park has traces offormer olive culture in the Principality.We invite you to explore this tranquil garden in the middle of 157 olive trees, ahundred (or even a thousand) year’s old.Today, this park is a model of 100% eco-friendly management.

Trees are focal points in our gardens andhave prompted us to produce the ‘TREECODE’* in order to strengthen our policieswith regard to the ‘Green Heritage’ ofthe Principality. It aims to establish theinitiatives needed to manage and conservethe arboreal heritage of the Principality.For details of the commitments and actions, log on to our website Responsible Tourism.

*Sovereign Ordinance n°3.197 of 25 March2011… stipulating the measures for protectingtrees and some plants.


Ballets, operas, theatre, exhibitions, tradefairs, sporting events, concerts… Outstanding cultural and sporting eventspunctuate the calendar in Monaco throu-ghout the year.

Monegasque and international organisersand managers are firmly committed torunning eco-friendly events!

They set an example through their initiativesaimed at raising awareness and motivatingparticipants and organisations to maketheir activities ever ‘greener’ by organizing‘carbon neutral’ events.

Pedestrian rallies and photographic com-petitions are an amusing way of discoveringlocal products and the destination.

The local destination management companies show great imagination in organizing incentive and team-buildingactivities.

For several years now, trade fairs such as‘EVER MONACO’, the ‘Monaco YachtShow’, ‘BATILUX’ and ‘LUXE PACK’ havebeen committed to sustainable develop-ment. They demonstrate the involvementof all the professionals and the latest innovations.


The Grimaldi Forum conference and culturalcentre was founded on eco-friendly prin-ciples.

Its design and management system includeinitiatives for reducing the impact of itsactivity of hosting, organizing and managingcommercial events such as conferences,exhibitions and trade fairs and culturalevents like ballets, operas and exhibitions.

It was the first centre of this type toobtain the environmental certification ISO14001! It also offers practical ideas for organizing your ‘Green Events’!

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Memorables MomentsEco-responsable

Tables and Restaurants 2012

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ADAGIO (L’) 1 rue Biovés 15-45 ¤

10.30pm 97 98 15 56 Jardin Exotique

ALEXTONY 23 boulevard Princesse Charlotte 10-18 ¤

1am 97 98 32 62 Monte-Carlo

BILIG CAFE 11 bis rue Princesse Caroline 18-22 ¤

10.30pm 97 98 20 43 La Condamine

COSMOPOLITAN (LE) 7 rue du Portier 15-30 ¤

11pm 93 25 78 68 Monte-Carlo

DA SERGIO 22 rue Basse 8-20 ¤

6.30pm 93 30 34 15 Monaco Ville

ESTRAGON (L’) 6-8 rue Emile de Loth 15-25 ¤


93 30 46 11 Monaco Ville

MARATHON (LE) 47 rue Grimaldi 15-20 ¤

11pm 93 30 42 17 La Condamine

MONTE CARLO BAR 1 avenue Prince Pierre 13-16 ¤

3am 92 05 73 80 La Condamine

PASTA ROCA 23 rue Comte Félix Gastaldi 8-20 ¤


93 30 44 22 Monaco Ville

PIZZA DU STADE (LA) 11 avenue des Castelans 15-20 ¤ 10.30pm 92 05 22 55 Fontvieille

PLANET PASTA 6 rue Imberty 9-14 ¤

93 50 80 14 La Condamine TONY (CHEZ) 6 rue Comte Félix Gastaldi

10-30 ¤ 10.30pm 93 30 81 37 Monaco Ville VECCHIA FIRENZE Hôtel le Versailles 4 av Prince Pierre

12-60 ¤ 11pm 93 30 27 70 La Condamine VECCHIA FIRENZE 2 25 boulevard Albert Ier

20-60 ¤ 11pm 93 30 99 10 La Condamine

AURORE (L’) 8 rue Princesse Marie de Lorraine 20-60 ¤

3.30pm 93 30 37 75 Monaco Ville

BISTROQUET (LE) Galerie Charles III 16-35 ¤

1.45am 93 50 65 03 Monte-Carlo

BRASSERIE DU MYSTIC (LA) 1 rue Princesse Florestine 25 ¤

11pm 97 98 20 42 La Condamine





at. ��

ECO-RESPONSABLE TABLES AND RESTAURANTS 2012 Restaurants Address Type of Food ¤ Special features

Type of Food

Classified restaurants

Special features

Gastronomic food

Mediterranean Food

Italian Food

Food from other Countries

“Fusion” Cuisine




Organic Food

Health Food

Local Products

Traditional FrenchFood

Disabled Access

Time of last order

Indicative pricesà la carte/set menu

� to �����L

Ministerial Order n° 2011-39 of 25 January 2011 laid downthe standards for the classifica-tion of the Principality’s restaurants, dividing them intocategories which take accountof the amenities and level ofcomfort of the establishment.

Each of these categories is represented by a certain num-ber of lozenges, from one tofive, in ascending order - fivebeing luxury - according to thecomfort of the establishement.

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Restaurants Address Type of Food ¤ Special features

Type of Food

Classified restaurants

Special features

Gastronomic food

Mediterranean Food

Italian Food

Food from other Countries

“Fusion” Cuisine




Organic Food

Health Food

Local Products

Traditional FrenchFood

Disabled Access

Time of last order

Indicative pricesà la carte/set menu

� to �����L

Ministerial Order n° 2011-39 of 25 January 2011 laid downthe standards for the classifica-tion of the Principality’s restaurants, dividing them intocategories which take accountof the amenities and level ofcomfort of the establishment.

Each of these categories is represented by a certain num-ber of lozenges, from one tofive, in ascending order - fivebeing luxury - according to thecomfort of the establishement.

CAVAGNETU (U) 14 rue comte Félix Gastaldi 22-28 ¤

10pm 97 98 20 40 Monaco Ville

DAUPHIN VERT (LE) 20 rue Princesse Caroline 9-25 ¤

10.30pm 93 30 86 30 La Condamine

FREDY’S INTERNATIONAL 6 rue de l’Eglise 30 ¤

10.45pm 97 98 20 41 Monaco Ville

GIARDINO (IL) 29 boulevard d’Italie 20-40 ¤

11pm 93 50 12 50 Monte-Carlo

LOGA (LE) 25, boulevard des Moulins 14-45 ¤

11pm 93 30 87 72 Monte-Carlo

MACIOTA (LA) 4, rue Baron Ste Suzanne 10-23 ¤

10pm 97 77 14 64 La Condamine

MIAMI PLAGE (LE) Promenade du Larvotto 25-50 ¤

11pm 93 50 94 16 Monte-Carlo

MICHELANGELO 8, quai Jean-Charles Rey 45 ¤

10pm 92 05 77 33 Fontvieille

P&P Hôtel Ambassador - 10, av. Prince Pierre 15-30 ¤


97 97 93 93 La Condamine

PIAZZA (LA) 9, rue du Portier 18-45 ¤

11pm 93 50 47 00 Monte-Carlo

PINOCCHIO (LE) 30, rue Comte Félix Gastaldi 35-40 ¤

11.30pm 93 30 96 20 Monaco Ville

POLPETTA 2, rue Paradis 30 ¤


93 50 67 84 Monte-Carlo

PULCINELLA 17, rue du Portier 11pm

93 30 73 61 Monte-Carlo

ROSE DES VENTS (LA) Avenue Princesse Grace 10-42 ¤

11pm 97 70 46 96 Monte-Carlo

SAKURA (LE) 1, avenue Henry Dunant 5-45 ¤

10pm 93 50 89 33 Monte-Carlo

SEM-ART 20 avenue de la Costa 28 ¤ 5pm 97 70 50 70 Monte-Carlo

SFIZIO (LO) 27bis rue du Portier 30 ¤ 11.30pm 93 50 17 14 Monte-Carlo

TERRAZZINO (IL) 2, rue des Iris 20-45 ¤

93 50 24 27 Monte-Carlo






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Restaurants Address Type of Food ¤ Special features

Type of Food

Classified restaurants

Special features

Gastronomic food

Mediterranean Food

Italian Food

Food from other Countries

“Fusion” Cuisine




Organic Food

Health Food

Local Products

Traditional FrenchFood

Disabled Access

Time of last order

Indicative pricesà la carte/set menu

� to �����L

Ministerial Order n° 2011-39 of 25 January 2011 laid downthe standards for the classifica-tion of the Principality’s restaurants, dividing them intocategories which take accountof the amenities and level ofcomfort of the establishment.

Each of these categories is represented by a certain num-ber of lozenges, from one tofive, in ascending order - fivebeing luxury - according to thecomfort of the establishement.

AMICI MIEI 16, quai Jean-Charles Rey 20-50 ¤

10.15pm 92 05 92 14 Fontvieille

CASTELROC Place du Palais 40 ¤

10pm 93 30 36 68 Monaco-Ville

CHAUMIERE (LA) 60 boulevard du Jardin Exotique 20-40 ¤

10pm 97 70 04 92 Jardin Exotique

FUJI (LE) METROPOLE Le Métropole - 4 avenue de la Madone 40 ¤ 10.30pm 93 30 40 11 Monte-Carlo

HORIZON-DECK Fairmont Monte Carlo 35-70 ¤

midnight 93 50 65 00 12, av des Spélugues - Monte-Carlo

HUIT ET DEMI (LE) 4, rue Langlé 25-40 ¤

11pm 93 50 97 02 La Condamine

MAISON DU CAVIAR (LA) 1 avenue Saint Charles 25-45 ¤

10pm 93 30 80 06 Monte-Carlo

MIRAMAR Hôtel Miramar 20-40 ¤

11.30pm 93 30 86 48 1 bis, av. Prés. J.-F. Kennedy - La Condamine

MOZZA 11, rue du Portier 17-65 ¤


97 77 03 04 Monte-Carlo

MYSTIC CAFE (LE) 16-18 rue Princesse Caroline 25 ¤ 11pm 97 77 15 80 La Condamine

PACIFIC MONTE-CARLO 17, avenue des Spélugues 25-85 ¤

11.30pm 93 25 20 30 Monte-Carlo

RAMPOLDI 3, avenue des Spélugues 60-80 ¤


93 30 70 65 Monte-Carlo

ROMANTICA (LA) 3, avenue Saint-Laurent 20-50 ¤


93 25 65 66 Monte-Carlo

£ ROYAL THAÏ 18 rue de Milo 9-22 ¤ 10.30pm 93 30 16 14 La Condamine

SAINT BENOIT (LE) 10 ter, avenue de la Costa 22-60 ¤

10.30pm 93 25 02 34 Monte-Carlo

SALIERE (LA) 28 quai Jean-Charles Rey 17-55 ¤ 11pm 92 05 25 82 Fontvieille

SANS SOUCI 42, boulevard d'Italie 25-50 ¤

10pm 93 50 14 24 Monte-Carlo






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VILLA (LA) 4, rue Suffren Reymond 15-39 ¤

10pm 97 98 68 28 La Condamine

VIRAGE (LE) 1 quai Albert 1er 20-60 ¤ 11.30pm 93 50 77 21 La Condamine

AVENUE 31 31 avenue Princesse Grace 17-75 ¤ 11pm 97 70 31 31 Monte-Carlo

BEEFBAR 42 Qaui Jean-Charles Rey 17-75 ¤ 11pm 97 77 09 29 Fontvieille

BLACK LEGEND 18 Route de la Piscine - Quai Albert 1er 12-38 ¤

midnight 93 30 09 09 La Condamine

BRASSERIE COLUMBUS Hôtel Columbus - 23 av. des Papalins 14-49 ¤ 10.30pm 92 05 90 00 Fontvieille

CAFE DE PARIS Place du Casino 40-50 ¤

2am 98 06 76 23 Monte-Carlo

EXPLORER’S 30 Route de la Piscine 16-23 ¤ 5am 97 98 70 70 La Condamine

GRANDES ONDES (LES) Hôtel Novotel Monte-Carlo 12-27 ¤

10pm 99 99 83 20 16, bd Princesse Charlotte - Monte-Carlo

INTEMPO (L’) Le Méridien Beach Plaza 30-60 ¤

24/24 93 15 78 88 22, av. Princesse Grace - Monte-Carlo

LORENZO 7, av. Princesse Grace 40-50 ¤

11pm 97 70 34 80 Monte-Carlo

MAYA BAY 24 avenue Princesse Alice 60 ¤ 11pm 97 70 74 67 Monte-Carlo

QUAI DES ARTISTES 4, quai Antoine 1er 21-60 ¤

11pm 97 97 97 77 La Condamine

ZELO’S Grimaldi Forum Monaco 40-70 ¤

midnight 99 99 25 50 10, av. Princesse Grace - Monte-Carlo

ARGENTIN (L’) Fairmont Monte Carlo 60-85 ¤


93 30 93 30 12, av. des Spélugues - Monte-Carlo

BLUE BAY (LE) Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel 27-65 ¤

10.30pm 98 06 02 00 40, av. Princesse Grace - Monte-Carlo

COTE JARDIN (LE) Hôtel de Paris 28-44 ¤

10.30pm 98 06 39 39 Place du Casino - Monte-Carlo






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Restaurants Address Type of Food ¤ Special features

Type of Food

Classified restaurants

Special features

Gastronomic food

Mediterranean Food

Italian Food

Food from other Countries

“Fusion” Cuisine




Organic Food

Health Food

Local Products

Traditional FrenchFood

Disabled Access

Time of last order

Indicative pricesà la carte/set menu

� to �����L

Ministerial Order n° 2011-39 of 25 January 2011 laid downthe standards for the classifica-tion of the Principality’s restaurants, dividing them intocategories which take accountof the amenities and level ofcomfort of the establishment.

Each of these categories is represented by a certain num-ber of lozenges, from one tofive, in ascending order - fivebeing luxury - according to thecomfort of the establishement.


Page 14: Monaco actif engage gb 2012

Restaurants Address Type of Food ¤ Special features

Type of Food

Classified restaurants

Special features

Gastronomic food

Mediterranean Food

Italian Food

Food from other Countries

“Fusion” Cuisine




Organic Food

Health Food

Local Products

Traditional FrenchFood

Disabled Access

Time of last order

Indicative pricesà la carte/set menu

� to �����L

Ministerial Order n° 2011-39 of 25 January 2011 laid downthe standards for the classifica-tion of the Principality’s restaurants, dividing them intocategories which take accountof the amenities and level ofcomfort of the establishment.

Each of these categories is represented by a certain num-ber of lozenges, from one tofive, in ascending order - fivebeing luxury - according to thecomfort of the establishement.




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EMPIRE (SALLE) Hôtel de Paris 38-55 ¤


98 06 89 89 Place du Casino - Monte-Carlo

HIRONDELLE (L’) Les Thermes Marins de Monte-Carlo 58 ¤


98 06 69 00 2, av. de Monte-Carlo - Monte-Carlo

MANDARINE Port Palace Monte-Carlo 50-100 ¤

9.30pm 97 97 90 00 7, av. Prés.J.-F. Kennedy - Monte-Carlo

TRATTORIA (LA) Le Sporting Monte-Carlo 75-100 ¤

2am 98 06 71 71 26, av. Princesse Grace - Monte-Carlo

GRILL (LE) Hôtel de Paris 68-120 ¤

2pm (noon) 98 06 88 88 Place du Casino - Monte-Carlo 10pm (evening)

JOËL ROBUCHON Hôtel Metropole Monte-Carlo 51-199 ¤

10.30pm MONTE-CARLO 4, av. de la Madone - Monte-Carlo

93 15 15 10

LOUIS XV (LE) Hôtel de Paris 140-280 ¤

9.45pm ALAIN DUCASSE Place du Casino - Monte-Carlo

98 06 88 64

VISTAMAR (LE) Hôtel Hermitage 39-125 ¤

10.30pm 98 06 40 00 Square Beaumarchais - Monte-Carlo

YOSHI Hôtel Métropole - 4 av. de la Madone 32-195 ¤

10.30pm 93 15 13 13 Monte-Carlo

BAOBAB (LE) Esplanade du Larvotto 10-30 ¤ 10pm 93 50 86 90 Monte-Carlo

BOUCHON 11 avenue Princiesse Grace 17-55 ¤ 10.30pm 97 77 08 80 Monte-Carlo

CREMAILLERE (LA) 31 boulevard Princesse Charlotte 30-50 10.30pm 93 50 66 24 Monte-Carlo



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Monaco Governement Touristand Convention Authority

2a, bd des Moulins - Monte-Carlo

98000 Monaco


Tel: +377 92 16 61 16

Fax : +377 92 16 60 00

Information :

Tél. +377 92 166 166

E.mail : [email protected]

Web :

Design : Monaco Tourist and Convention AuthorityGB 5000 - 01/2013

Photos : J.M. Solichon, Bazzoli, Centre de Presse,Miti, SBM, F. Pacorel, DR.