model based full body human motion reconstruction from...

Model based Full Body Human Motion Reconstruction from Video Data Hashim Yasin Department of Computer Science II University of Bonn Bonn, Germany [email protected] Björn Krüger Department of Computer Science II University of Bonn Bonn, Germany [email protected] Andreas Weber Department of Computer Science II University of Bonn Bonn, Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper introduces a novel framework for full body hu- man motion reconstruction from 2D video data using a mo- tion capture database as knowledge base containing infor- mation on how people move. By extracting suitable two- dimensional features from both, the input video sequence and the motion capture database, we are able to employ an efficient retrieval technique to run a data-driven optimiza- tion. Only little preprocessing is needed by our method, the reconstruction process runs close to real time. We evaluate the proposed techniques on synthetic two-dimensional input data obtained from motion capture data and on real video data. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—animation ; H.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval Keywords Motion reconstruction, motion retrieval, data-driven opti- mization 1. INTRODUCTION Human motion reconstruction and analysis from video data is a current field of research in the scope of computer vision, computer animation and computer graphics. Over last few decades, an increasing interest has been appeared in the areas of human motion understanding, reconstruction and analysis. Thus, the demand of high quality motion cap- ture is increasing and new applications for everywhere mo- tion capture based on various consumer electronic devices are emerging. On one hand, marker-based optical motion capturing has become a standard technique to record human motions for Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Mirage ’13 June 06 - 07 2013 Berlin, Germany Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2023-8/13/06 ...$15.00. movie industry, computer games, sports and medical sci- ences. Therefore, there is a growing pool of high-quality motion capture data which can be used for scientific stud- ies [10, 2, 5]. On the other hand, the reconstruction of hu- man motion from a single video stream is still a current strand of research. In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct full body human motion on the basis of a video stream and pre- existing knowledge available in a motion capture (MoCap) database. Our work is inspired by the work of Chai and Hodgins [3] where human motions are reconstructed on the basis of few optical motion capture markers and the work of Tautges et al. [17] where the control signal is replaced by only four accelerometers. We adapt their techniques to work with even more sparse input signals. We only use two dimensional information of five specific joints to reconstruct human full body motion sequences. To access relevant information from the database, a kd- tree based retrieval technique is employed. Here, in this paper, two-dimensional feature sets are derived from three- dimensional motion capture data at different viewing direc- tions and are compared against two-dimensional feature sets obtained from the input video. One strength of our ap- proach is that only the positions of hands, feet and the head are needed to search the database. These features are de- tected and tracked from input video with standard feature detection techniques like Maximally Stable Extremal Re- gions (MSER) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). Based on the information retrieved from the database and the control signal obtained from the video, three dimensional poses can be reconstructed by solving an energy minimiza- tion problem. 2. RELATED WORK Chai and Hodgins [3] classify motion reconstruction re- search into three types; constructing human motion model, reconstruction with utilization of motion graph and motion interpolation. They utilize the neighborhood graph to find similar poses and motion interpolation for motion recon- struction. Park et al. [12] describe a novel method for hu- man motion reconstruction from the inter-frame feature cor- respondence in case of video streaming by employing some motion capture library. They reconstruct the human motion using time-warping, joint orientations and root trajectories. Rocha et al. in [14] present the motion reconstruction using the invariant moments with a set of ellipses and matching is

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Model based Full Body Human Motion Reconstructionfrom Video Data

Hashim YasinDepartment of Computer

Science IIUniversity of BonnBonn, Germany

[email protected]

Björn KrügerDepartment of Computer

Science IIUniversity of BonnBonn, Germany

[email protected]

Andreas WeberDepartment of Computer

Science IIUniversity of BonnBonn, Germany

[email protected]

ABSTRACTThis paper introduces a novel framework for full body hu-man motion reconstruction from 2D video data using a mo-tion capture database as knowledge base containing infor-mation on how people move. By extracting suitable two-dimensional features from both, the input video sequenceand the motion capture database, we are able to employ anefficient retrieval technique to run a data-driven optimiza-tion. Only little preprocessing is needed by our method, thereconstruction process runs close to real time. We evaluatethe proposed techniques on synthetic two-dimensional inputdata obtained from motion capture data and on real videodata.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsI.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphicsand Realism—animation; H.3 [Information Storage andRetrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval

KeywordsMotion reconstruction, motion retrieval, data-driven opti-mization

1. INTRODUCTIONHuman motion reconstruction and analysis from video

data is a current field of research in the scope of computervision, computer animation and computer graphics. Overlast few decades, an increasing interest has been appearedin the areas of human motion understanding, reconstructionand analysis. Thus, the demand of high quality motion cap-ture is increasing and new applications for everywhere mo-tion capture based on various consumer electronic devicesare emerging.

On one hand, marker-based optical motion capturing hasbecome a standard technique to record human motions for

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.Mirage ’13 June 06 - 07 2013 Berlin, GermanyCopyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2023-8/13/06 ...$15.00.

movie industry, computer games, sports and medical sci-ences. Therefore, there is a growing pool of high-qualitymotion capture data which can be used for scientific stud-ies [10, 2, 5]. On the other hand, the reconstruction of hu-man motion from a single video stream is still a currentstrand of research.

In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct fullbody human motion on the basis of a video stream and pre-existing knowledge available in a motion capture (MoCap)database. Our work is inspired by the work of Chai andHodgins [3] where human motions are reconstructed on thebasis of few optical motion capture markers and the workof Tautges et al. [17] where the control signal is replacedby only four accelerometers. We adapt their techniques towork with even more sparse input signals. We only use twodimensional information of five specific joints to reconstructhuman full body motion sequences.

To access relevant information from the database, a kd-tree based retrieval technique is employed. Here, in thispaper, two-dimensional feature sets are derived from three-dimensional motion capture data at different viewing direc-tions and are compared against two-dimensional feature setsobtained from the input video. One strength of our ap-proach is that only the positions of hands, feet and the headare needed to search the database. These features are de-tected and tracked from input video with standard featuredetection techniques like Maximally Stable Extremal Re-gions (MSER) and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF).Based on the information retrieved from the database andthe control signal obtained from the video, three dimensionalposes can be reconstructed by solving an energy minimiza-tion problem.

2. RELATED WORKChai and Hodgins [3] classify motion reconstruction re-

search into three types; constructing human motion model,reconstruction with utilization of motion graph and motioninterpolation. They utilize the neighborhood graph to findsimilar poses and motion interpolation for motion recon-struction. Park et al. [12] describe a novel method for hu-man motion reconstruction from the inter-frame feature cor-respondence in case of video streaming by employing somemotion capture library. They reconstruct the human motionusing time-warping, joint orientations and root trajectories.Rocha et al. in [14] present the motion reconstruction usingthe invariant moments with a set of ellipses and matching is

performed on the basis of these ellipses. They exercise thebsp-tree as data structure. Wu et al. in [19] describe thecombination of adaptive cluster method and sparse approx-imation in order to extract the character pose from a largemotion database. Kruger et al. [8] elaborate pose-by-posematching and then global matching for motion using thelazy neighborhood graph for similarity search. The authorscompare feature sets of different dimensions and found thata 15-dimensional feature set can describe human poses accu-rately. We take into account this significant fact and buildup our system on the basis of similar feature sets. Tautgeset al. [17] enhance the Chai and Hodgins [3] technique andreconstruct human motion using the sparse accelerometerdata with the help of online lazy neighborhood graph.

3D pose retrieval from 2D video streaming is ill-posedproblem and has been tried to resolve by using some priorknowledge. Chen and Chai in [4] reconstruct the 3D humanmotion as well as skeleton model from uncalibrated monocu-lar video by nonlinear optimization technique with the helpof generative models. They solve the motion, skeleton andcamera parameters with gradient based optimization. Theyemploy a small set of 2D image features tracked from amonocular video sequence in order to reconstruct the 3D mo-tion. Wei and Chai [18] model human motion from monoc-ular video using full perspective model. First, they estimatecamera parameters, human skeleton size and 3D pose; calcu-late in-between poses from 2D images; and then interpolatethem in reconstruction process. Baak et al. in [1] developthe real time 3D full body pose estimation from 2.5D depthimage with the help of some pose database. Hornung in [6]reconstruct the 3D model from the single uncalibrated videosequence and presents the synchronized multi-view settingby employing the actor’s pose synchronization. Park andSheikh [11] make the 3D articulated trajectory reconstruc-tion from the collection of 2D image sequences by taking 2Dprojections of trajectory, 3D trajectory pose and capturedcamera time as prior information. In [16] the novel methodfor 2D-3D matching problem has been described using thekd-tree based approach and 3D points are represented bytaking mean of SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)feature descriptors. Visual dictionary of the visual wordsis developed, and from this dictionary they have searchedfor correspondence of the 2D-3D points. Ramakrishna et al.present in [13] an activity-independent approach for 3D posereconstruction from 2D positions of anatomical landmarksin an image. They estimate the weak perspective cameraparameters by considering it as Orthogonal Procrustes prob-lem. Roodsarabi and Behrad [15] describe 3D human mo-tion reconstruction by employing Taylor method. They uti-lize Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) as descriptors in theprocess of matching. Jain et al. [7] develop three level 3Dproxies (single point proxy, the cylindrical shape model, andthe joint hierarchical model) from 2D hand drawn characterswith the help of user input hand annotation.

3. OVERVIEWThe first step towards the full body human motion re-

construction is the selection and extraction of feature setswhich are not only of low-dimensions, but can also representthe high dimensional motion without losing significant in-formation. 3D positional information of the hands, feet andhead are used in order to extract 15-dimensional feature sets.These feature sets are projected into 10-dimensional feature

Figure 1: System overview diagram

sets containing two-dimensional points at different elevationand azimuth angles, using an orthographic transformation.The extracted 10-dimensional feature sets are used furtherin order to build a spatial data structure, in our case we usea kd-tree .

As query motion sequences we consider two scenarios inthis paper: First, synthetic examples, where the feature setsare computed from an input motion capture sequence frompredefined viewing directions. Second, video motion clips,where the recorded motion has to be reconstructed. In thiscase, the relevant two dimensional feature sets have to bedetected and tracked before they can be used as query forthe similarity search.

With the feature sets, extracted from the query motionsequences, a k-nearest-neighbor (knn) search is performed.These nearest neighbors are used as prior information tosynthesize poses, that are known from the database andare close to the input signal. The motion synthesis or online motion reconstruction is implemented as energy mini-mization, considering different energy units like control unit,prior knowledge unit, smoothness unit and pose adjustmentunit. The overall system flow has been expressed in Figure 1.

The remainder of this work is organized as follows: In thefollowing sections 4 and 5, we describe the details of thesteps mentioned above. In section 6, we present the resultsof our evaluations and we conclude this work in section 7.

4. MOTION RETRIEVALFor our data-driven motion reconstruction scheme, we

have to search the motion capture database for motion se-quences that are similar to the input motion. To this end, weadapt the motion retrieval technique from Kruger et al. [8]to work with feature sets based on two dimensional inputdata. The authors conclude in their work, that the featureset F15

E is the one for choice especially for real-time appli-cations. Thus, we develop feature sets F10

2D which is derivedfrom feature sets F15

E and feature sets F10videoobtained from

video data for our scenarios.

4.1 Feature Set Extraction from MoCap-DataTo compute the feature sets F10

2D, first step is the ex-traction of the feature sets F15

E along the lines of Kruger

Figure 2: 2D feature set extraction model

et al. [8] for all frames of the motion capture data. Thisfeature sets include the three dimensional positions of thehands, feet and the head in a normalized pose space. Asnormalized pose space, we consider the joints’ positions inthe root nodes coordinate system. In this representation,we discard information of the orientation and position in theglobal system—poses might be similar independent from theactual place where they are performed at.

The second step is the projection of the points includedin F15

E to a plane, that is parameterized with elevation andazimuth angles. Similar to the pinhole camera model, wemake use of an orthographic projection and ignore all intrin-sic camera parameters as sketched in Figure 2. As a resultfrom this projection step, we obtain temporary feature setsdepending on the viewing directions that are specified bythe angles the plane is parameterized with.

Finally, in the third step, the feature sets F102D are com-

puted by an additional normalization step. We translatethe two dimensional feature points to have their center ofmass in the origin of the 2D coordinate system. This stepis needed to get the feature sets comparable to the laterdescribed feature sets F10

video from video data where no ar-ticulated skeleton exists. An illustration of multiple posesunder various viewing directions and the resulting featuresets F15

E and F102D is given in Figure 3.

4.2 Feature Set Extraction from Video DataIn order to retrieve poses based on video data, we devel-

oped a feature sets F10video that are comparable to the feature

sets F102D extracted from motion capture data.

Camera Parameter Estimation.We have recorded our video sequences for input query us-

ing a Kinect RGB camera and have used Kinect 3D skeletoninformation of a first couple of frames for camera calibrationonly. In the process of calibration, the variables involved arecategorized into intrinsic camera parameters and extrinsiccamera parameters. In case of kd-tree construction, we onlyconsider the extrinsic camera parameter as mentioned inSubsection 4.1, while in case of video data as query input, weneed intrinsic as well as extrinsic camera parameters. Thetransformation between 3D feature sets [XwYwZw1]T ∈ R4

and 2D image feature sets [uivi1]T ∈ R3 in homogeneous co-ordinate system has been done by the projective Equation 1

Figure 3: 3D and 2D feature sets when elevationangle is fixed to 45 degree and azimuth angle are0 degree for(a)-(b), 30 degree for (c)-(d), 60 degreefor (e)-(f) and 90 degree for (g)-(h).

given as follows;uivi1

= Cm[R(α,β,γ) | tx,y,z

] XwYwZw1


Where[R(α,β,γ) | tx,y,z

], expressed as extrinsic camera pa-

rameters, involves the 3 rotational parameters (α, β andγ) and 3 translational parameters (tx, ty and tz) and Cm isthe camera matrix which represents the intrinsic or internalcamera parameters and is explained in Equation 2.

Cm =

sx µ ix0 sy iy0 0 1

fx 0 00 fy 00 0 1


The notations fx and fy are the focal lengths in pixel sizeunits, µ is the skew coefficient between x-axis and y-axis andits value is set to be zero, sx and sy are the scaling factorsin x and y-directions respectively, ix and iy are the principalpoints which are ideally considered as image center. In thispaper, we are dealing with the single static camera and the

performing actor perform actions at his place, so we onlyconsider the intrinsic camera parameters and need not tofind out the extrinsic camera parameters. In this way, onlythe focal lengths (fx and fy) and scaling factors (sx and sy)are the unknown parameters which can be computed by thealready known 2D and 3D information of a first few frames.

Feature Detection and Tracking.A video .avi file is given as input and the first task to-

wards the feature tracking is the detection of the features ofthe hands, feet and the head. For that purpose, MSER,colorMSER and SURF feature detection techniques havebeen utilized. At start, the positions of the hands, feet andhead in first frame are annotated manually and draw boxesaround the hands, feet and head. 2D image features aredetected and extracted by using MSER, colorMSER andSURF techniques. The extracted features are tracked innext frames by matching them with the already extractedfeatures of the previous frames. In case the features are notmatched with previously detected features, the box movesaround (left, right, up and down) to find new features untilfeatures are matched with previously extracted features. Af-ter getting the features matched, the box shifts to the newposition and updates its position. This process is carried outfor all frames in the video. Like bags of words model, a dic-tionary of features (DOF) has been developed which main-tains all the extracted features of the previous frames. Thedetected features of the all new frames are added into thisdictionary of features. In this way, DOF has complete recordof features of the hands, feet and head at different positionsand orientations and we can deal properly with the problemof matching in case of different positions and orientations ofhands, feet and head in different frames. Otherwise, in caseof mistracking, positions of boxes are corrected manually.

Normalization Step.Normalization step is necessary here in order to match the

2D image coordinate system of the feature sets extractedfrom the video data with the 2D motion capture coordi-nate system of the feature sets extracted from the motioncapture database. We consider center of the mass as originof 2D coordinate system and translate 2D image features bycomputing mean value as described earlier in Subsection 4.1.

4.3 Nearest Neighbors SearchWith the previously described feature sets at hand, we are

now able to search for similar poses in the database.We want to make no assumptions about the direction at

which our input motion sequences are recorded during thereconstruction process. For this reason we sample the wholedatabase from different viewing directions and obtain mul-tiple feature sets F10

2D for each pose stored in the database.Based on all these feature sets, we construct a kd-tree thatis used later for k-nearest neighbor search.

Depending on the considered scenario, we extract the fea-ture sets F10

2D and F10video for the input sequences respec-

tively and search for the k-nearest-neighbors for every singleframe. Due to the sampling of the database from differ-ent directions, the same frame of the database might be in-cluded to the neighborhood of a query frame multiple times.This doesn’t mean a disadvantage—these frames contributestronger in the later reconstruction process. If one wants toavoid such a stronger influence on the result, duplicates can

be easily removed from the neighborhood. In our experi-ments, we have not found this additional step necessary. Inthe result section, we report on some experiments, concern-ing the parameters (size of k and sampling of the database)for the knn-search. We use ANN (Approximate NearestNeighbor searching) C++ library [9] in order to search fornearest neighbors.

The time complexity for k-nearest neighbor search usingkd-tree is represented as O(km log(p × n)), where k is thefixed value for k-nearest neighbors, n is the size (total num-ber of frames) of the query, p is the number of 2D projectionsand m is the size (total number of frames) of the database.

5. ONLINE MOTION RECONSTRUCTIONIn this section, we describe in detail how the resulting

motion sequences are synthesized. The motion is recon-structed frame by frame by computing joint angle config-urations Q = ~qt, . . . , ~qT for all frames of input signal.The goal is to reconstruct the human motion as close aspossible to the original motion independently the used two-dimensional input, and to have the motion similar to theexamples stored in the motion capture database. We for-mulate the process of reconstruction as energy minimiza-tion problem where different units in the optimization en-sure that the result fits the sometimes contradictory require-ments. The optimization process itself is implemented usingthe gradient decent method. The process of optimizationfor reconstruction is the bottleneck in the performance ofthe system.

5.1 Local Model for Pose SynthesisAccording to Chai and Hodgins [3], low dimensional local

models are adequate in order to develop the global modelof high dimension. The key idea behind the local model isto synthesize and reconstruct human motion pose by pose.The poses’ information are accumulated for all frames of2D input query in order to reconstruct the complete hu-man motion. The local model is based on mean vector Mt

of kq-examples (the joint angle configuration of k-nearest-neighbors obtained from database) at current frame t, prin-cipal component coefficients Ωt of kq-examples and low di-

mensional vector Υt of current synthesized pose Prt . Prin-cipal component coefficients are the eigenvectors relevant tolargest eigenvalues of covariance matrix of kq-examples andare calculated with the help of Singular Value Decomposi-tion (SVD).

Prt = ΩtΥt + Mt (3)

5.2 Energy Minimization FunctionWe formulate the energy minimization function in the

same direction as Chai and Hodgins have done in [3]. Weoptimize pose by pose reconstruction by using a set of fourenergy units; control unit, prior knowledge unit, smoothnessunit and pose adjustment unit. These energy units are com-bined to generate the energy minimization function for mo-tion synthesis,

Erec = argmin[wcEc + wpkEpk + wsEs + wpaEpa] (4)

Where, the terms wc, wpk, ws and wpa are the weights forcontrol unit, prior knowledge unit, smoothness unit and poseadjustment unit respectively. These weights are consideredas user defined constants. Moreover, each energy unit is

normalized with normalization factor Nt at frame t whichrepresents the number of elements in the energy unit as de-scribed in energy Equations 5 to 8.

Control Unit.Control unit computes the distance or deviation between

2D projections of reconstructed pose P r,2Dt and 2D featuresets of estimated pose P e,2Dt at current frame t. The recon-structed pose is the normalized 2D projected locations ofthe current pose obtained from synthesize pose Prt of the lo-cal model after the process of forward kinematics. Whereasthe estimated pose is the 2D feature sets obtained from thequery motion directly. Mathematically,

Ec = [1√Nt

(P r,2Dt − P e,2Dt )] (5)

Prior Knowledge Unit.This unit compels the system to produce acceptable re-

sults according to database, with the help of prior knowl-edge. It measures a-priori likelihood of the current synthe-sized pose into the knowledge base developed from motioncapture database and restricts the results according to thepre-existing knowledge in database. The prior knowledgeunit is calculated by employing Mahalanobis distance as,

Epk = ‖ 1√Nt

(Prt − Mt)TC−1(Prt − Mt)‖2 (6)

Where Prt is the synthesized pose, Mt is the mean vector ofkq-examples at frame t and (Prt − Mt)

T is the transpose ofthe difference between them. The term C−1 is the inverseof the covariance matrix which is calculated with the helpof SVD as mentioned earlier in Subsection 5.1.

Smoothness Unit.Smoothness unit is necessary in order to impose smooth-

ness on reconstructed pose otherwise high frequency jitter-ing and jerkiness effects may arise. To avoid these jerkinesseffects, previously two or three reconstructed poses can beutilized in a way that newly reconstructed pose have an im-pact from the already reconstructed poses,

Es = [1√Nt

(P rt − 2P rt−1 + P rt−2)] (7)

Where P rt , P rt−1 and P rt−2 are the reconstructed poses atframes t, t− 1 and t− 2 respectively.

Pose Adjustment Unit.This unit is entertained only when the video signal is given

as input query. It minimizes the distances between the 3Dreconstructed pose and 3D pose information obtained fromnearest neighbors through database. We assume that in caseof 2D image feature sets F10

video extraction and normalizationprocess, we may get some pose information which causesback and forth unnecessary movement. To avoid this situa-tion, we introduce pose adjustment unit which compels the3D reconstructed pose according to the k-nearest neighborsin Principal Component Analysis (PCA) space,

Epa = ‖ 1√Nt

(P rt −Mt)TC−1(P rt −Mt)‖2 (8)

Where P rt is the reconstructed pose, Mt is the mean vector ofknn-examples at frame t, C−1 is the inverse of the covariance

Table 1: Databases for experimental scenarios.

Databases DetailsDBcomp It contains HDM05 with elevation angles (0-30-

90) and azimuth angles (0-30-360).DBcomp It includes HDM05 while elevation angles are (0-

15-90) and azimuth angles are (0-20-360).

DBcomp It contains HDM05 with elevation angles (0-10-90) and azimuth angles (0-10-360).

DBactor This database contains all motions of just oneperforming actor. e.g. DBmm

DBactorMin It contains all motions of HDM05 excluding mo-tions of one actor. e.g. DBmmMin

DBactorMirr It contains only one actor’s motions with mirror-ing copies as well. e.g. DBmmMirr

el=25, az=25 el=25, az=35 el=25, az=45 el=25, az=550






Elevation and Azimuth anglesA


ge r




n er




Database with angles=(0−30−90)(0−30−360)Database with angles=(0−15−90)(0−20−360)Database with angles=(0−10−90)(0−10−360)

Figure 4: Average reconstruction error fordatabases with different viewing angle step sizes,when walking motion is given as query motion.

matrix and (P rt − M)T is the transpose of the differencebetween extracted pose and the mean vector.

6. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONWe elaborate the performance of our proposed approach

by modeling a variety of databases as described in Table 1with respect to different experimental scenarios, using mo-tion capture database HDM05 [10]. This is heterogeneousdatabase which is consisting of 70 different motion classesperformed by five different actors and thus resulting intomore or less 1500 motion clips, 381,157 frames at 30 Hz and50 minutes motion capture data. In order to evaluate perfor-mance of the method, the Euclidean distance in centimetersbetween each frame of original motion and reconstructedmotion has been calculated and then accumulated by takingaverage, referred as average reconstruction error.

Before going into detail for evaluation, we have performedsome pre-experiments in order to set the suitable value forparameter k. After setting the various values of k like (64,128, 256, 512) at different combination of viewing angles, weobserve that when the value of k is kept 256, best results interms of reconstruction error have been executed. The valueof k may vary depending on the size of the database. In ourcase, the value of k is set to be 256 for all other experiments.

6.1 Evaluation based on Synthetic DataWe have tested effectiveness of our approach on 2D syn-

thetic data. We refer the 2D information that were obtainedfrom motion capture data by projection as synthetic input

Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (a) When query motion is "walking 4 steps in straight".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180



Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (b) When query motion is "walking 4 steps in circle".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180










r (c











Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (c) When query motion is "jumping jack motion".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180



Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (d) When query motion is "cartwheel motion".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180










r (c












Figure 5: Average reconstruction error graphs fordifferent types of motions: (a) Walking in straight;(b) Walking in circle; (c) Jumping jack motion; (d)Cartwheel motion.

data. The experimental scenarios used for evaluation basedon synthetic data, have been decomposed into two cate-gories: First, diversity of elevation and azimuth angles andsecond, diversity of database in terms of performing actor.

Diversity of Elevation and Azimuth Angles.In this experimental scenario, we demonstrate that how

the databases with diversity of elevation and azimuth anglesimpact on system’s performance and also elaborate the factsthat how the elevation and azimuth angles affect the resultsin case of different types of motions like walking, jumpingjack, and cartwheel motions.

In the first part of the experiment, different databaseswith various step sizes like with step sizes 30, 20, 15 and 10degree for viewing angles have been developed as describedin Table 1 to check the performance of the developed algo-rithm. From the experiments, we discover that whenever thedatabase with reduced step sizes has been used, system per-forms more efficiently as shown in Figure 4. The databasewith reduced viewing angle step sizes, no doubt, gives betterresults but also cover more memory space. So, consideringboth, performance and memory space, the database with el-evation angles (0-15-90) and azimuth angles (0-20-360) hasbeen selected in this paper for further experiments.

In the second part of the experiment, we have testified our

Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (a) Database includes all motions (HDM05) except motions of actor "mm".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180



Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (b) Database contains all motions (HDM05) including motions of actor "mm".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180










r (c












Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (c) Database contains only the motions of actor "mm".

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180



Azimuth Angles (0−5−180)



n A


s (0



) (d) Database contains only the motions of actor "mm" with mirror copies.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180










r (c












Figure 6: Average reconstruction error graphs forwalking in straight motion, when databases are (a)DBmmMin (b) DBcomp (c) DBmm (d) DBmmMirr.

approach on various kinds of motions like; walking straight,walking in circle, jumping jack and cartwheel motions, andhave found some interesting and significant facts which aredescribed in detail as follows.

For walking motions, it has been discovered from exper-iments that at top view, best results have been obtained interms of reconstruction error due to the reason that for walk-ing motion, top view executes more clean and clear viewinginformation as compared to other viewing angles. Similarly,side view also shows some optimum results but on the otherhand, when there is front view, reconstruction error seems tobe highest due to the fact that at front side it is difficult tocapture detailed information of the hands and feet’s move-ment precisely. As a conclusive remarks, the best suitableview in case of walking motion of all types is the combina-tion of top and side views and the worst is when it is viewedat front side at lower elevation angles. All these significantconclusions are quite obvious in average reconstruction errorgraph in Figure 5 (a) and (b). In this graph, we representazimuth angles from 0 to 180 degree with step size 5 degreealong x-axis and elevation angles from 0 to 90 degree withstep size 10 degree along y-axis. The error in the corre-sponding reconstructions is color coded.

In case of jumping jack motions, an opposite behaviorto walking motions has been observed because movement ofhands and feet are just opposite to walking motion. From

(a) Jumping Jack motion (b) Jogging on Spot motion (c) Grabbing Top motion

Figure 7: Reconstruction results of different types of motions with extracted k-nearest neighbors from motioncapture database in case of video input query: (first column) shows video input with 2D feature set detectionand extracted k-nearest neighbors; (second column) represents relevant reconstructed motions with extractedk-nearest neighbors; (third column) demonstrates reconstructed motions at some other viewpoint.

the top view and side view, poor results have been executeddue to the deficient captured information of hands and feetbut when there is front view, best results in relation to re-construction error are obtained as obvious in Figure 5 (c).

For cartwheel motions, no such type of behavior like inwalking motions or jumping jack motions has been observed.For all viewing elevation and azimuth angles, approximatelysimilar results in the context of average reconstruction errorare found as shown in Figure 5 (d).

Diversity of Databases in terms of Actors.We have also evaluated our proposed system for differ-

ent sorts of databases with reference to performing actor asexplained in Table 1. To carry out the experiment, we de-ploy databases with different sizes like DBcomp, DBmmMin,DBmm and DBmmMirr. The database DBcomp consists ofcomplete motion capture database HDM05 while DBmmMin

includes motion capture database HDM05 excluding all mo-tions of performing actor mm. The database DBmm con-tains only the motions of the actor mm and the databaseDBmmMirr also has the mirror copies of the motions of theactor mm. From various experiments, it has been noticedthat our system performs well even in a situation when theperforming actor is not the part of database as shown inFigure 6. From results, it is quite apparent that when thedatabase DBmmMin is exercised, the worst results in terms

of reconstruction error have been obtained because the rel-evant actor mm is not the part of database. For databaseDBcomp, the results are quite better due to the reason thatthe motions of the concerned actor mm are now included indatabase. When the database DBmm is employed, even bet-ter results are observed because now the database has onlythe motions of the relevant actor mm. For the databaseDBmmMirr, the best results are obtained due to the rea-son that the database has not only the motions of the con-cerned actor mm but also the mirror copies of the motions indatabase. Similar behavior has been observed for all typesof motions and other performing actors too.

6.2 Evaluation based on Video DataThe proposed algorithm’s performance is tested on vari-

ety of uncaliberated video streaming too, like jumping jackmotions, grabbing motions and jogging motions etc. TheDBcomp database is deployed as knowledge base in case ofvideo data as input. The video data is first pre-processedas mentioned above in order to get relevant information re-quired for input query. Some results of reconstructions basedon video data are presented in Figure 7 and in detail in thesupplemental video. The results are quite acceptable even incase of noisy input data. The noisy data is because of somemissing and deficient information in detection and trackingof 2D image feature sets F10

video. The deficient information

in detection and tracking may be due to the reasons: in afew frames, the features cannot be detected at all as a resultof some illumination, occlusion or blurring effects; sometimehands and feet’s movements are inconsistent e.g. hands orfeet move very fast in a frame as compared to the movementin previous frames; hands’ and feet positions and especiallyorientations vary continuously. All these factors may leadto problem in feature detection and tracking and as a solu-tion, user annotations are employed where needed to acquireaccurate 2D image feature sets from video data signals.

7. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORKIn this paper, we present an efficient model based ap-

proach to reconstruct human motion from different typesof 2D input data signals. Our developed system can recon-struct full body human motion efficiently in a real time evenwhen a low-dimensional 2D feature sets are given as inputquery either in the form of 2D synthetic data signals or 2Duncalibrated monocular video sequences. We have testifiedthe effectiveness of our system on wide variety of databasesand various types of human motions like walking, cartwheel,jumping jack or jogging motions. Our system performs re-construction approximately 5-8 frames per second.

In future work, the feature detection and tracking tech-nique can be made more robust using previous frame infor-mation and 3D knn obtained from the database. The visualcues like silhouette extracted from input video might be in-corporated in energy function in order to improve the poseby pose motion reconstruction process. The weak perspec-tive camera model can be extended to full perspective modelwith all intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters with 11degree of freedom. 3D knn obtained from the databasemight be utilized in the process of estimation of orientationand translation (extrinsic camera parameters). Temporalinformation may be helpful to make the system more ro-bust and fast by employing online lazy neighborhood graphpresented in [17]. Moreover, instead of single static cameramoving cameras might be deployed as future work.

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