mobility in france


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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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Best moments in Bollène, France.




On Monday we arrived at school at 8 o'clock, we had breakfast at the canteen, we listened to the welcome speech of the Headmistress and took note of the activities for the week.

MONDAYThen we went to a cannery factory Les Mets de Provence. We saw all the production phases, though we had tout we had to put a mask and coif on.

At 12.00 we went back to school where we had lunch in the canteenIt was unusual to eat at school because in Italy we always have lunch at home.

In the afternoon we took part in a treasure hunt in Bollne to discover the local products and tradition. During the hunt we were divided into groups of four or five people, one from each country, and following a map we solved riddles.

It was a fab way to see different parts of the town. We had fun looking for the clues which led to the treasure.Afterwards we went to our host family and in the evening we went out with our new friends.

On Tuesday Spanish attended a Spanish lesson with French students, and Italian students had an Italian lesson. Later, we ate lunch at the canteen and we had some free time to visit the school. After that, we received the German team and we all together went to the school where we enjoyed a show of the school band, and then we had a traditional French snacking.

TUESDAY In the afternoon we made the market research presentations, and finally we had a party with families and the headmistress as well as other teachers from the school.

On Wednesday we were in school from 8 a.m. until noon. There we had a short breakfast with great croissants and some other typical French breakfast snacks.WEDNESDAY

Afterwards we presented our business plan Greenies and the French people showed us their business idea. After these short presentations we listened to two presentations about French local companies ICKO (Mr. Pierre Ickowitch , director & Hubert Bonillo, logistical director) and Chteau de Gourdon (the daughter of the owner). These presentations were about their business strategies and their marketing plans. They told us how to organize and how to promote a business successfully presenting many examples.

After this working period we could enjoy some free time. Some of us visited local sights and others stayed at home with their host families having great cultural experiences.

On Thursday we worked hard on the collection of every groups ideas. At ten oclock we left to Orange and Avignon. In Orange we had one hour free time and went into the city center. After this we went up a huge flight of stairs to have a breathtaking view over the whole city. Although it was quite windy and cold (German are too accustomed to it) we took a lot of pictures and then we had a little picnic to eat lunch. THURSDAY

In Avignon we went through the historic city and enjoyed many wonderful sights, for example, the house of a former pope. He must have had a beautiful view over the city, which we were able to enjoy as well. Afterwards we had two hours to visit Avignon in groups and the most of us went shopping or got some typical French food.

After an exhausting day we drove back to school and said goodbye to the others. At home we had to pack our things and had our last night with our families before we had to bid our farewells.

On Friday we travelled to Lyon to visit the city.First we visited Roman ruins and the cathedral of the city paying attention to the history teachers explanations.

FRIDAYAfter saying goodbye to the French people, Spanish and Italian went to the hotel.At night Spanish and Italian people went out to dinner all together.

The next morning Italian and Spanish came back home.