mobile. smartphone and tablets, part of my 2014-2015 lectures at the university of bergamo

Mobile. Smartphones and Tablets Roberto Peretta UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers #07 .:. Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Università degli studi di Bergamo. Area didattica di Lingue e Letterature straniere Progettazione e gestione dei sistemi turistici / Planning and Management of Tourism Systems Centro Studi per il Turismo e l’Interpretazione del Territorio (CeSTIT) Ifitt Italy

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Smartphones and Tablets

Roberto Peretta

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers

#07 .:. Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Università degli studi di Bergamo. Area didattica di Lingue e Letterature straniere

Progettazione e gestione dei sistemi turistici / Planning and Management of Tourism Systems

Centro Studi per il Turismo e l’Interpretazione del Territorio (CeSTIT)


Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsWhat are we talking about, today?

1. Desktop…

2. … vs. Mobility

3. Adaptive vs. Responsive

4. The same content?

5. Which quality requirements?

2UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and Tablets

Mobile phones are also called cellular phone or cellphones, because they

communicate through a radio network based on cells.

(Cells are land areas served by at least one fixed-location transceiver

belonging to a network.)

Cellphones, like computers, may

also use Wi-Fi connections.

Paradoxically, you can place a

mobile call without passing through

your telecom if you use a VoIP

or Voice over Internet Protocol

(Skype is a typical case) on a

wi-fi connected device.



Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsDifferent Needs?


Talking about tourism and mobility, let’s see now whether tourist needs

are expressed and addressed via a desktop computer

or through a mobile device, i.e. on-the-move.

We’ll see that mobile tourists have different needs.

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsFrom home


On a desktop computer

1. Information Search

2. Fore-Seeing

3. Customization

4. Information Comparison

5. Purchase of Products

6. Purchase of Personal Services

Before leaving

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsInformation Search


1. Information Search

on tourist destinations

on tours or routes

on accommodation

on airlines

on railways

on car rental

on packaged tours

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsFore-Seeing


2. Fore-Seeing

through pictures

through videos

through presentations

through virtual reality

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsCustomization


3. Customization


down to the single tourist

privacy – as we will see – is gradually disappearing

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsInformation Comparison


4. Information Comparison

User Generated Content (UGC)

Photo sharing

Video sharing

Are they reliable?

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsPurchase of Products


5. Purchase of Products, or e-commerce

from Travel Providers

through OnLine Travel Agents (OTA)

directly from destinations

from specialized publishers

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsPurchase of Personal Services


6. Purchase of Personal Services, or e-commerce again

local guides

guided tours

local courses (cuisine, arts & crafts etc.)

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsOn-The-Move


Now, let's take into consideration

which tourist needs are expressed

by mobile users.

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsThrough Mobile Devices


Through a mobile device

1. Local Information

2. Advice

3. Geographical Positioning

4. Information on Public Transport

5. Reassurance

6. Communication

While Travelling

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsLocal Information


1.Local Information.

“What can I do?”

“Will that venue still be open?”

“What is this building?”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsAdvice


2. Advice.

“Any good place to have a meal?”

“Any free toilets in the area?”

“Any affordable activities?”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsGeographical Positioning


3. Geographical Positioning.

“Where am I?”

“Which way to the main square?”

“Which way to my hotel?”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsInformation on Public Transport


4. Information on Public Transport.

“Which bus shall I take? And where from?”

“Shall I purchase tickets in advance?”

“It's late... Will the bus still be running?”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsReassurance


5. Reassurance.

“Is it going to rain?”

“Will I find a parking place for my car? Where?

And how much will they charge me?”

“Is this a dangerous area?”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsCommunication


6. Communication

“I need to make a phone call!”

“I need to send a short message!”

“I wish I could visit that webpage...”

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and Tablets

Webpages can be written in order to be visible through mobile devices – i.e.

with a reduced monitor size.

According to Wikipedia, “Responsive Web design (RWD) is a Web design

approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience

across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer


“Adaptive websites are designed to adapt to different User requirements.”

In other words, responsive means

one html page for any devices, while

adaptive means

different html pages for

different devices.

(BTW, tablets are more or less

like desktops…)

Adaptive vs. Responsive

20UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and Tablets

Apps, which are specifically designed for mobile devices – usually in the

iOS (Apple Operating System) or/and Android (Google OS) worlds – can

obviously be used by destinations for their “mobile tourists,” but…

if tourists have already installed the,

the TripAdvisor, and perhaps the Tripwolf apps,

why should take car of downloading

and installing the Stezzano local app?!?

Obviousky they are more likely

to download and install

the London or Venice

or Vienna local apps.

(By the way, the Vienna DMO

has taken the stance NOT

to deliver any apps…)

Apps for Destinations?

21UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsThe same content?


Should a destination provide the same digital services for desktops and

mobile devices?

Obviously, the answer is no.

It’s not only a matter of usability.

It’s also a matter of different needs

and of different band width…

This is why some destinations

choose the adaptive approach,

even if they decide

not to deliver apps.

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014

Mobile. Smartphones and TabletsWhich quality requirements?


What does all this mean for our quality evaluation?

Have you got any proposal?

Should we ask ourselves more questions

in our questionnaire?

Which questions?

UniBg 44111 2014-2015 .:. IT for Tourism Managers .:. Roberto Peretta .:. December 2, 2014