mobile multimodal service for a 3g- terminal · 2017. 1. 22. · mobile multimodal service for a...

June 2006 Lill Kristiansen, ITEM Narada Warakagoda, Telenor R&D Knut Kvale, Telenor R&D Master of Science in Communication Technology Submission date: Supervisor: Co-supervisor: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Telematics Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G- terminal Thormod Schie

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  • June 2006Lill Kristiansen, ITEMNarada Warakagoda, Telenor R&DKnut Kvale, Telenor R&D

    Master of Science in Communication TechnologySubmission date:Supervisor:Co-supervisor:

    Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Telematics

    Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Thormod Schie

  • Problem DescriptionMultimodal interfaces can drastically enhance the usability of mobile terminals. During the pastyears, Telenor R&D has developed a multimodal dialog system for small mobile terminals. Thishas a client-server architecture, where client runs on a small mobile terminal. The user caninteract with the system using pointing and speech, and the system response comprises graphicsand speech.

    The multimodal system comprise both a voice and a GUI channel for sharing information betweenclient and server. The voice channel transfer real-time speech, i.e. the user input commands tothe system by voice and the server output synthesized speech back to the user. The GUI channeltransfer data comprising user pointing on the touch-sensitive screen and graphic and text inresponse. The GUI data between client and server is handled over an IP connection. The voicechannel can be either a packet- or circuit-switched connection.

    The student will elaborate a solution based on certain requirements that applies a mobilewireless network to connect the multimodal client and server. Due to the characteristics of amultimodal interaction system it is crucial that the different input and output are treated withinthe same time window. The student will look at how QoS and especially delay in the mobilenetwork is handled and see how it affects the multimodal usage. Further the candidate will look atdifferent aspects around the multimodal solution, such as reliability, usability and openness of thesystem.

    Assignment given: 16. January 2006Supervisor: Lill Kristiansen, ITEM

  • Preface

    This thesis concludes my Master’s of Science degree in Communication Technology atNorwegian University of Science and Technology. The work has been performed throughoutmy 10’th semester, spring 2006 at Telenor R&D Fornebu. It has been a educational periodwhere I have gained knowledge first of all relative to the thesis performed, but also otherinteresting cutting-edge technologies elaborated at the R&D department.

    I would like to use this opportunity to thank professor Lill Kristiansen for valuable input in thestartup and finishing phase of the thesis work. A thank goes also to the people at Telenor R&Dand especially the supervisors Knut Kvale and Narada Warakagoda for valuable input and helpon implementation. I would also like to thank my fellow MSc. students and lunch mates atFornebu for sharing good ideas and relevant information.

    Fornebu, 16. June 2006

    Thormod Schie


  • ii

  • Contents

    Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

    Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

    List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

    List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

    Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

    Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    1.2 Scope and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    1.3 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    2 Background 5

    2.1 Multimodality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.1.1 What is multimodality? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.1.2 Why use multimodality? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2.1.3 Combining Multimodalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2.1.4 Fusion and Fission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    2.2 The MUST demonstrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    2.2.1 Different Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    2.2.2 Operating Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    2.3 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    3 Relevant Technology 17

    3.1 Mobile wireless networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


  • 3.1.1 GSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    3.1.2 GPRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    3.1.3 EDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    3.1.4 UMTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    3.1.5 A joint GSM and UMTS Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    3.1.6 Characteristics and Capabilities in GSM and UMTS . . . . . . . . . . 22

    3.2 QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    3.2.1 QoS in mobile networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.2.2 Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    3.3 Mobile Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    3.3.1 Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    3.3.2 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    3.3.3 Input and Output Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    3.4 Speech Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    3.4.1 TTS - Text-To-Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    3.4.2 ASR - Automatic speech recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    3.5 Relevant Web Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3.5.1 XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3.5.2 AJAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.5.3 SMIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.5.4 VoiceXML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    4 System Overview 41

    4.1 General Multimodal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    4.2 The MUST System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    4.2.1 Server Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    4.2.2 Client Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    4.2.3 Information and Communication Flow in the System . . . . . . . . . . 45

    4.3 Scenarios and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

    4.3.1 Retrieving bus information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    4.3.2 Retrieving bus information 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


  • 4.3.3 Mobile Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    4.3.4 List of Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    4.4 Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    4.4.1 Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    4.4.2 Conforming the System to the Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    4.4.3 Connection Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    5 Results 59

    5.1 Analysis of the Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    5.1.1 Connectivity requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    5.1.2 Multimodal requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

    5.1.3 User requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

    5.1.4 Usability requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

    5.1.5 General requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

    6 Discussion 65

    6.1 General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

    6.2 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    6.3 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    6.4 Availability and openness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    6.5 Usability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    6.6 Possible Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

    6.7 Future prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

    7 Conclusion 71

    Bibliography 72

    A Performance of System and Network 77

    A.1 Practical testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    A.1.1 Screen update rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    A.2 Network measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

    A.2.1 Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80


  • A.2.2 Throughput rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

    B Manual for the MustClient 85

    B.1 Install the MultimodalClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    B.2 Remove the MultimodalClient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    B.3 How to use the Bus demo application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    C Enclosed ZIP-file 89


  • List of Figures

    2.1 Illustration of different modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    2.2 Illustration of sequential multimodal interaction [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.3 Illustration of uncoordinated simultaneous multimodal interaction [7] . . . . . 10

    2.4 Illustration of coordinated simultaneous multimodal interaction [7] . . . . . . . 10

    2.5 Illustration of the fusion and fission processes in a multimodal system [7] . . . 12

    3.1 A logical GSM and UMTS network topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    3.2 Overview of a combined UMTS/GSM packet-switched domain . . . . . . . . . 23

    3.3 UMTS QoS Architecture [26] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.4 GPRS protocol architecture [12] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    3.5 RTT measurements for UMTS and GPRS with different payloads[28] . . . . . 30

    3.6 Latency for different mobile wireless networks [30] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    3.7 To the left is the Smartphone version and to the right a PocketPC version of theWindows Mobile operating system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    3.8 Illustration of the steps in a text-to-speech process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    3.9 Basic components of a speech recognition system [33] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    4.1 Simplified overview of a multimodal system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    4.2 Server architecture of MUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    4.3 Multimodal client architecture[37] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    4.4 Information flow through the system [37] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    4.5 Simplified sequence chart describing the interaction in the multimodal system . 48

    4.6 Coarse overview of the classes in the client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


  • 4.7 Client connect to server using packet-switched voice connection . . . . . . . . 57

    4.8 Client connect to server using circuit-switched voice connection . . . . . . . . 58

    5.1 Telenor’s UMTS coverage in Norway [21] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    A.1 Source code for measuring display update rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    A.2 Frequency of different display update rates divided in intervals of half a second. 79

    A.3 Obtained data rate during testing measured in kbit/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

    A.4 A coarse network setup overview for testing RTT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

    A.5 A coarse network setup overview for testing throughput rate. . . . . . . . . . . 82

    A.6 Average throughput rate for a UMTS data connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

    A.7 Result from testing the UMTS data connection with a simultaneous circuit-switched connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

    A.8 Result from testing the UMTS data connection without a simultaneous circuit-switched connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

    B.1 Application opened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    B.2 Frontpage of the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

    B.3 A sub-map marked with bus stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88


  • List of Tables

    3.1 Characteristics of different cellular technologies [38]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    3.2 GPRS classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    3.3 UMTS modes of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    3.4 QoS properties for GPRS [39] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.5 UMTS Traffic classes[26] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    3.6 Different methods for navigation on different screens on a mobile device . . . . 34

    4.1 Requirements for the multimodal system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    A.1 RTT delay for a packet-switched UMTS connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

    A.2 RTT delay for a packet-switched UMTS connection when the UMTS terminalis performing telephony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81


  • x

  • Abbreviations

    3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project

    AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

    ASR Automatic Speech Recognition

    EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for Global/GSM Evolution

    GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node

    GMSC Gateway Mobile Switching Center

    GPRS General Packet Radio Service

    GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

    HLR Home Location Register

    HSS Home Subscriber Server

    HTML HyperText Markup Language

    HTTP Hyper Text Transport Protocol

    ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network

    MMS Multimedia Messaging System

    MSC Mobile Switching Center

    MUST Multimodal, multilingual information Services for small mobile Terminals

    Node B UMTS Base Station

    PCM Pulse-code modulation

    PSAP Public Safety Answering Point

    PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network


  • RNC Radio Network Controller

    RTT Round Trip Time

    SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

    SMS Short Messaging System

    TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

    TTS Text-to-Speech Synthesis

    UE User Equipment

    UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

    URL Unified Resource Locater

    USIM UMTS Subscriber Identity Module

    VLR Visitor Location Register

    W3C World Wide Web Consortium

    WAP Wireless Application Protocol

    W-CDMA Wide Code Division Multiple Access


  • Abstract

    This thesis presents a mobile multimodal service platform, which enable users to interact withautomated services using a standard mobile terminal in a user friendly and efficient way. Theconcept of multimodality was introduced to the world of mobile devices and services becauseone saw the limitations that conventional interaction methods posed. There is a merging trendthat people want to be more mobile and have access to different services when on the move. Toadapt to the user needs, the service providers try to develop mobile services. The problem isthat these services are becoming ever more complex and requires more interaction from the user.The paradox is that the mobile devices these new services are accessible from has not evolvedin the same speed. Most of the mobile devices sold on the market today basically comprise ofa display and a simple keypad. Thus, to navigate in and operate a mobile service, requires bothpatience and handiness using a mobile handset.

    The multimodal system worked on in this thesis is a speech-centric multimodal platform basedon a client-server architecture. The user connect the multimodal client part with the multimodalserver part and can thereafter interact with a multimodal service using both speech commandsand touch-sensitive display to point at objects etc. in the graphical user interface. As a re-sponse to the user queries the system can present the results using both graphics and synthe-sized speech. This may not sound as a revolutionizing new concept, but what the multimodalinterface provides is the possibility to give simultaneous input. I.e. the user may point at a iconon the display while simultaneously input speech commands. These two inputs interpreted oneby one will give no meaning, but interpreted together they constitute a reasonable user query. Inthis way, the user can do interaction based on own preferences. The result of the query is alsomultimodal, i.e. the system present the results according to the user preference, and the userwill hopefully have a better user experience.

    The thesis look into multimodality and relevant technology. Further it specifies requirementsfor the mobile multimodal service. Based on the requirements, a mobile multimodal solution iselaborated. The implementation and the presented solution elaborated in the thesis is based upona multimodal platform which among others Telenor R&D has contributed to. The original mul-timodal platform base the communication between client and server on a WLAN connection.


  • To improve the mobility, functionality for connecting client and server using third generationmobile network technology referred to as 3G, or more specific UMTS, is implemented. Furtheran analysis on how well the implementation cover the specified requirements is performed.

    Finally, considerations about the multimodality and the presented solution is discussed, withemphasize on reliability, usability and openness.


  • Chapter 1


    Would it not be nice to communicate with a automated service through your mobile terminal inthe same way as you communicate with a human service agent? All the implicit information youcommunicate with a human agent is totally incomprehensible for a mobile service. When youtry to explain or ask the service agent something, you simultaneously point at objects etc. andmake certain gestures. For a mobile device to understand and comprehend these gestures maysound as a utopia today. Nevertheless, research are done to make this become a reality, probablynot tomorrow, but maybe in a distant future. To get there we need to take one step at a time.The first step on the way to a more user friendly mobile future, the concept of multimodalitycan be the answer.

    1.1 Motivation

    Today’s information technology devices are generally unimodal, i.e. users are restricted to asingle mode of interacting and inputting to them, restricting the value of the new communica-tions channels such as the web. Applications designed to be multimodal allow for much greaterfreedom of choice when interacting with these mobile devices, be it keystrokes, hand writing orspeech commands.

    There is a drive today toward more intelligent and user friendly interaction methods on mobiledevices. Mobile operators, service and content providers and mobile users want better optionsfor navigating and interacting with different types of services provided over a mobile network.For mobile users when applying e.g. a WAP service, it feels like looking through a keyholewhen viewing content. And when interacting with a mobile service it is painstaking to navigateand ‘surf’ between different sites, when the keypad is the only tool for giving input to the device.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Service and content providers are very restricted when they develop content and services formobile devices. This is because the mobile terminal and appurtenant technologies set restric-tions on how content can be displayed This is reflected in the content they provide. Often arethe WAP pages and mobile services out of date that the users instead go to standard web pages.Although this make the ‘keyhole factor’ even greater, at least the content are more up to date.Whether it because of the poor public interest or the low priority from the providers that causesthis vicious circle is unknown. But by introducing a more user friendly platform for providingcontent and services could improve the popularity of mobile services.

    The mobile operators have also incentives for providing a better platform for mobile services.A recent headache for the mobile operators have been to generate revenues from their largeinvestment in the new third generation mobile networks. The problem with the current 3Gnetworks are that they do differentiate themselves compared to the older GSM network. Thus,the customers do not see any good reasons for converting to the 3G network. Based on this theoperators need to develop attractive services which exploits the capabilities in the 3G networkto attract customers to change. Additionally, if mobile services becomes more attractive amongthe public, this will generate more traffic in the network, resulting in increased revenue.

    Another motivation factor is that new and more user friendly interaction methods can contributeto that certain user groups that currently can not benefit from services that should be publiclyavailable today. People with different disabilities may have different issues that prevents themfrom using these services. The concept of universal design [13] is very important in this context.The principles of universal design is that products, services and environments should be devel-oped with the aim to accommodate every people in the design phase, instead of doing necessaryadjustments to the service or product when it is finished. Universal design include the conceptof multimodal interaction, thus concept of multimodality can contribute to make the every daylife for many people easier than it is today.

    1.2 Scope and Limitations

    The thesis will focus on the concept of multimodal interaction and how this concept can beintroduced on mobile devices. It will be elaborated a solution for a mobile multimodal service.The scope of the thesis will be toward the multimodal platform and the infrastructure that en-ables the multimodal functionality. It will also be looked at different issues that can restrictand/or promote the usage of multimodal interfaces. It is out of scope to look at different ap-plications built upon a multimodal platform, however for illustrative purposes example serviceswill be explained. The multimodal platform introduced are quite extensive so to confine thescope of the thesis, elaboration attached to certain parts of the multimodal platform is left out.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Which parts and reasons for it will be explained when it is relevant.

    1.3 Thesis outline

    The thesis structure is divided in chapters. Chapter 2 introduce the concept of multimodalityand describes related work. In chapter 3, technology that is required to enable multimodalinteraction is described, but also technology that can improve the usability and performance ofa multimodal system is included. Chapter 4 is basically divided in three parts. First a generaloverview and a detailed description of a multimodal platform is given. Then requirementsset to a mobile multimodal service based on different scenarios given, are specified. As aresponse to the requirements, the last section is devoted to implementation details presenting asolution that will try to fulfill the specification. Chapter 5 presents results based on the specifiedrequirements. Chapter 6 will discuss the presented solution and issues in connection with thesolution. It will also discuss possible enhancements. Chapter 7 will conclude the thesis.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal


  • Chapter 2


    This chapter will go through different background information that is relevant for the thesis.The concept of multimodality is very central in this thesis and will be thorough explained in thefirst section. The subsequent section will give information about the system worked on in thisproject.

    2.1 Multimodality

    H. J. Charwat [8] defines modality as: “Perception via one of the three perception-channels.You can distinguish the three modalities: visual, auditive, and tactile (physiology of senses).”

    This section will discuss multimodality in general and reasons why the concept is interestingin advanced telecommunication services. Multimodality is a concept that allows humans touse different modes of interaction according to what is most suitable in different situations.To avoid mixing up the words, throughout this thesis the definition of ‘output’ is informationdelivered from machine to human and ‘input’ is information communicated from the user tothe machine. Multimodal must not be confused with multimedia. Media is defined as therepresentation format for the information or content that is to be conveyed. For example youhave visual media such as text and pictures and auditive media such as speech and music.

    2.1.1 What is multimodality?

    Multimodality means the use of more than one modality. This means that a user should beable to use more than one mode when giving input to a service. In the same manner shouldthe system be able to give output to the user using more than one modality. The definition


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    of multimodality sets no restriction on whether the modalities are applied simultaneously orsequentially. This will be described in more detail in section 2.1.3.

    It should be noted that multimodality is restricted to those interactions which constitute morethan one modality on either the input or the output side. This means that traditional user inter-action with a computer which comprise use of keyboard for input (tactile mode) and monitor(visual mode) for output is not considered as multimodal interaction. The different modalitiesis defined as communication channels between user and machine.

    The three modalities visual, auditive, and tactile is associated with three of the five humansenses. Visual corresponds to the eyes, auditive to the ears and tactile to the sense of touching.The two remaining senses are not adaptable for use in telecom services on small handhelddevices, at least today. The multimodal research in this project is constrained to speech-centricmultimodality with two input modes; speech and touch and two output modes; speech andvision.

    Figure 2.1: Illustration of different modalities

    2.1.2 Why use multimodality?

    Multimodality is a interesting concept with regards to mobile terminals such as PDAs and smart-phones. These terminals offer limited screen space and no mouse and/or full-fledged keyboardfunctionality.

    Services and applications developed for mobile terminals provides enhanced and complex graph-


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    ical user interfaces and require much input from the user. Due to the limited capabilities on ahandheld terminal, these services become difficult to use with current interaction methods. Witha multimodal interface new methods for interacting with services becomes available.

    When humans communicate with each other, we use co-ordinated speech, gestures, body lan-guage and facial expressions, and we combine different input senses such as vision and hear-ing. Communication between humans is by nature multimodal, and it is natural to use differ-ent modalities simultaneously. Monomodal communication restrict humans to communicate intheir natural way. When for example sending text-messages, typical gestures will not be trans-ferred to the other party and misunderstandings may appear. Different means is created to avoidthis problem. E.g. a currently popular feature in instant messaging conversations or SMS mes-sages are smiley’s expressing different moods and are sent together with text to show whetherthe person is e.g. ironic, happy or sad.

    Another monomodal service is plain old telephone service. When talking with a service agentof some kind one usually need to use pen and paper to write down information received. If thetelephone also had a visual mode, the agent and customer could share this interface to exchangeimportant information or be helpful when explaining something via the visual interface.

    There is several areas of application where multimodal interfaces could be very helpful and onlythe imagination sets the limit. Different users have different needs. The subsequent sections willillustrate the use of multimodal interface for different user groups. Usage for non-disabled persons

    There are many challenges today for accessing wireless content and applications. The usageof handheld terminals such as mobile phones and PDAs are increasing and the terminals areadded with ever more functionality. Mobile phones that at their beginning were restricted tomake phone calls, have now the possibility to send and receive small text messages (SMS),send and receive e-mails, browse web pages (WAP) and have instant messaging dialogs. Allthese services require output to the user and input to the terminal. But the keypad is a poorinput mechanism for typing, even though there have been developed different techniques suchas predictive text technologies; T9 or iTap to simplify the writing. To keep the mobile phone ata reasonable size the display is kept quite small which reduce the user friendliness of viewingtext, pictures and video. The exploding amount of content and information which are madeavailable for mobile terminals makes it difficult to navigate through and get a clear overview ofthe information browsed. In this way multimodal technology can improve the user interfaces forinput and output of data content to provide a faster, easier and more interactive experience formobile users. Multimodal interfaces allow users to select the most appropriate and suitable input


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    and output modalities for interacting according to user context and enhance the user friendlinessof telecom services. Usage for disabled persons

    There are quite different issues that appear for persons with different types of disabilities. De-pending on the disability, multimodal interfaces can help disabled person using teleservices.The authors of [18] did some research revolving this topic and they found that that map-basedinformation service on a mobile terminal was proved to be useful for severe dyslectic 1 and anaphasic 2 persons. A quotation from the conclusion of [18] reflects their discoveries:

    The severe dyslectic and aphasic could neither use the public service by speak-ing and taking notes in the telephone-based service nor by writing names in thetext-based web service. But they could easily point at a map while uttering simplecommands. Thus, the multimodal interface is the only alternative for these users toget web information.

    It is not fair to put this complex group of people in to one segment, but the important messagehere is that people with different handicaps need adjusted equipment fitted to their requirements.The concept of multimodal interface implemented into telecom services can help many of thesepeople to become more self-reliant.

    2.1.3 Combining Multimodalities

    Different input and output modalities can be combined in several different ways to create amultimodal interface. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has defined three differentways of combining multimodal inputs and outputs: Sequential, uncoordinated simultaneousand coordinated simultaneous multimodal input/output. It is important to distinguish the threescenarios because the complexity of each implementation is very different. In the followingsections the different ways are explained more thorough. Sequential Multimodal Input/Output

    This is the simplest form of multimodal interaction, where input and output from differentmodalities are interpreted separately. In sequential operation the input modes cannot be used

    1Having impaired ability to comprehend written words usually associated with a neurologic disorder2Partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from

    damage to the brain caused by injury or disease.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    simultaneously. Figure 2.2 illustrate that each interaction must be done stepwise and a explicitswitch is required when changing from one mode to another. This means that at any givenmoment only a single, designated input mode is active. But in the whole interaction more thanone input/output mode may be used.

    Figure 2.2: Illustration of sequential multimodal interaction [7] Uncoordinated Simultaneous Multimodal Input/Output

    This form of interaction is more complex than the sequential mode. In this situation severalparallel input modes are active at the same time. This means that the users can choose the inputmode they prefer at each dialog stage. But in each turn only one is selected for processing.Which mode is used at each turn can be decided according to different criteria, such as the firstmode to start or that one mode has priority over the other. Figure 2.3 illustrate the interactionform. Coordinated Simultaneous Multimodal Input/Output

    This is the most advanced form of interaction. Also here more than one input mode is availablesimultaneously, but in contrast to the uncoordinated simultaneous mode, here all inputs from thedifferent modalities are collected within a time window and interpreted. As figure 2.4 shows,the resemblance with the uncoordinated simultaneous mode form is striking. But the differenceis how the modalities are collected and interpreted. In the uncoordinated simultaneous modethe events are interpreted one by one. In the coordinated simultaneous mode the events arecombined to create a query to the multimodal system. The fusion process, which is described inthe next section, elaborate the partial information coming from the different channels and createa result.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Figure 2.3: Illustration of uncoordinated simultaneous multimodal interaction [7]

    Figure 2.4: Illustration of coordinated simultaneous multimodal interaction [7]


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    2.1.4 Fusion and Fission

    Fusion and fission are important concepts in the context of multimodal interaction. As figure 2.5shows, the fusion process is done at the input side of a multimodal system and can be explainedshort for several input channels to a single semantic stream. Fusion is defined in reference [7]and the reference gives a good explanation of the phenomenon:

    In the context of multimodal interaction fusion refers to the combination of sev-eral chunks of information, to form new chunks, possibly of a higher order. Theinformation chunks to be fused may or may not originate from distinct input chan-nels or from distinct contexts. For example, the sequence of events ‘mouse-down,mouse-up’ that occurs in the palette of a graphics editor comprises two informationchunks that originate from the same input channel and from the same context (i.e.,the palette agent). They are combined within the context of the palette agent toform a higher information chunk (i.e., the selection of a geometric class). Pointingwith a pen at a file object on the screen and the spoken word ‘open’ are an exampleof information chunks originating from different input channels. After fusion theinterpretation is ‘open file’.

    The fission process is not as advanced as the fusion process. The process is done at the outputside and is the opposite process of the fusion, i.e. a single semantic stream is split into severaloutput channels representing different modalities. From the same reference as for fusion, fissionis defined as:

    In the context of multimodal interaction fission refers to a kind of decomposi-tion of complex chunks of information into multiple chunks that may or may notappear to be simpler. The resulting chunks may be presented through different out-put channels (sequentially or simultaneously) or to a single channel (in which casesequential presentation is the only option). The ‘decomposition’ of the informationmay result in redundant representations. For example, the information chunk ‘TourEiffel’ can be rendered on a screen by displaying a picture of the structure accom-panied by a text label. The picture is rendered through the graphical channel, thetextual label through the text channel. The name may also be spoken, adding a thirdchannel with essentially the same information.


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    Figure 2.5: Illustration of the fusion and fission processes in a multimodal system [7]

    2.2 The MUST demonstrator

    The system and platform used in this assignment has been involved in different research projects.It started out as a project managed by EURESCOM 3.

    The project was called “MUST - Multimodal, multilingual information Services for small mo-bile Terminals” [11]. The project was a cooperation between Telenor R&D, France Telecomand Portugal Telecom. The aim of the project was to do research revolving the concept ofmultimodal services on mobile terminals.

    During the project a demonstrator was developed. The main purpose of the demonstrator wasto implement an experimental multimodal service in order to study and evaluate the interac-tion with and the appreciation of such a service by real ’naive’ users, hereafter called ‘Mustdemonstrator’ or just ‘MUST’. A framework for the backend server system and the client partfor providing a multimodal service was developed. Initially, the demonstrator provided a touristguide service for the city of Paris.

    The framework for a multimodal service developed in the EURESCOM project was continuedin the Norwegian ‘Brage Project’ [16] supported by the The Research Council of Norway.This project is still running4 and is a cooperation between Telenor R&D, SINTEF ICT and theNorwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU). The project’s main focus is speechtechnology and dialog-based human-machine communication.

    3EURESCOM, the European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications, performscollaborative R&D in telecommunications. The EURESCOM shareholders are mainly the major European networkoperators and service providers.

    4As of June 2006


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    2.2.1 Different Applications

    The ‘Must demonstrator’ has undergone different adjustments, changes in functionality and userinterface during its lifetime. But the underlying multimodal functionality has been the same.

    MUST is basically a framework, which different multimodal applications can be built upon.Several of the components in MUST can be reused to create new multimodal applications. Asmentioned two different applications has been tried out using the multimodal architecture, theEURESCOM and Brage implementation, which will be described in the subsequent sections.Note, this chapter will not go through details about the underlying architecture and technologyrunning the system. This will be presented in chapter 4. Paris Tourist Guide

    During the EURESCOM project, the system provided a tourist guide service for the city ofParis. More information about the tourist guide service can be found in reference [10]. Theidea was that for tourists coming to Paris, it could be difficult to orientate themselves. There areso many different tourist attractions in Paris, and to be able to locate and get information aboutthem, some help is needed. Of course, a map is a sufficient measure. But to present the city andit’s attractions in a more interesting way, new technology needs to be applied.

    A tourist is then equipped with a PDA connected to the MUST server. The tourist log in tothe service and is presented with a high level map of Paris, showing some of Paris’ attractions.The user may then make use of either pen, speech or both to navigate through the application.The user can click on the icon for the Eiffel Tower and ask simultaneously ‘What is this?’ Thesystem will then combine the two inputs, interpret it and generate an answer based on availableinformation. At last the system will present the information retrieved about the Eiffel Tower forthe user comprising graphics, voice or both. Bus Demo

    The service implemented in the Brage project differ from the EURESCOM project. In the Brageproject the service provided is a public bus information system, also called ‘Bus demo’. Theservice is based on a Norwegian public transport information service for the area in and aroundOslo called ’Trafikanten’ [35] The service is available on both web and WAP, in addition topublic information desks and a telephone service.

    What the application provide is a new mobile multimodal user interface to the existing web-service. When the user log in to the service, a map overview of Oslo is presented. The user


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    will then have different possibilities for using the application. For a detailed explanation of theservice, see appendix B.3.

    2.2.2 Operating Methods

    The multimodal system worked on in this project is a speech-centric system, i.e. it is speechcombined with input using a stylus pen on a touch-sensitive display that constitute the inter-action methods for navigation through the service. To describe the different options for userinteraction with a multimodal application, three different scenarios are illustrated in subsequentsection with basic in the Bus Demo service. The user has the possibility to use a interactionmethod that suits the environment and user preference for any given moment. Pure speech oriented

    When the user logs in to the service, the user is prompted with a welcoming message. The usermay then directly ask the service: “When does the next bus goes from Fornebu to Majorstuen?”The terminal will continuously transfer all sound to the multimodal server, but a voice activitydetector will sort out speech from general background noise. Next the voice query is interpretedusing ASR to deduce what the user asks. Based on this interpretation an answer is created inresponse based on available information. The information presented to the user comprise ofgraphics and text on the display which is at the same time read aloud using TTS, hence it ismultimodal output to the user. Pure pen oriented

    It is also possible to interact with the service using only the pen as input. In this scenario theuser zoom into a map-segment and clicks on the bus station he wants to leave from or go to.Next the user needs to find the station in which he wants to travel to or from. Whether it is a ’To’or ’From’ bus station can be indicated by pressing a ’To’ or from ’From’ button available in theuser interface. The user is then prompted with a question whether he wants to get informationabout the next bus or not. When confirming to this question by pressing ’Yes’ on a combo-box,the input is elaborated and an answer is presented to the user in the same manner as for purespeech.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal Combined speech and pen

    The last option is a combined speech and pen mode. This scenario is more advanced and itreally utilize the concept of coordinated simultaneous multimodal input as explained in section2.1.3.3. Using this approach to interact with the service can put the user up to some challenges.Normally, when a human interact with a machine of some kind it is done by only one modality.Therefore it may be awkward to use both speech and pen, especially simultaneous. Never-theless, in this scenario the user has several options for giving input to the server. The usermay now click into the map-segment where he wants to leave from or go to and do one of thefollowing:

    • The user can say: “When does the next bus go from ‘here’ to Majorstuen?” ‘Here’ thenrefers to the bus-station icon the user clicks while saying the sentence.

    • Or the user can say “When does the next bus go from Fornebu to ‘here’ ?” Then ‘here’ isthe same as the latter example except that now it is referred to as the destination address.

    In this scenario the result is also presented with text and speech, hence a multimodal output.The difference from the other user scenarios are that in this case the fusion process is different.That is because this interaction method is based on truly coordinated simultaneous multimodalinput. The fusion process is fed with both speech and pen input and needs to resolve an answerbased on the two inputs. It is in this scenario where the multimodal system is put up to the testto show its potential as a multimodal service.

    2.3 Related work

    There is at the time much research devoted to the area of multimodal interaction. As indicatedearlier, much of the standardization work in the area of multimodal interaction is done within theW3C organization. W3C elaborate and recommend standards to be followed by both researchdepartments and commercial companies.

    Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is a joint industry forum comprising both mobile systems manu-facturers, mobile operators and software vendors. The aim of OMA is to ensure service interop-erability across devices, countries, operators and networks. One example of such a interoperableservice is the SMS application or simply standard voice calls.

    Within this forum requirements regarding multimodal service has been elaborated. The scopeof the document ‘Multimodal and Multi-device Services Requirements’ [24] is to specify re-quirements for multimodal services that manufacturers and operators should follow. This will


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    help to ensure interoperability across devices and networks. History has told us that to achievesuccessful applications it is important to elaborate open standards that all manufacturers mustfollow. Using this strategy, the competition between manufacturers are focused on creatinggood products and services within the limits of the standards.

    In addition to the research work done in projects as mentioned earlier i.e. MUST project andBrage project, other research projects initiated by different commercial participants exist. Thecompanies Motorola, Opera Software ASA and IBM have worked out a proposal for a multi-modal markup language standard called XHTML+VoiceXML (X+V) [15]. This proposal pro-vides a way to create multimodal web applications, i.e web applications that offer both a visualand a voice interface. Their work is still on the drawing board, but some prototypes and demoshave been developed to illustrate the concept.

    The concept of multimodal interfaces have definitively reach beyond the research stadium.Different companies worldwide have released commercial versions of multimodal platforms.Among them are Nuance, which is a software company specializing in speech technologies.Nuance has developed a multimodal platform called Xmode [22], which has a client-serverarchitecture, where the client is installed on a handheld device. The system support differentoperating systems and different types of handheld devices. The communication between clientand server can be transferred over different packet-based mobile networks.

    The company Kirusa [17] has devoted their effort solely to the concept of multimodality. Kirusadevelop and sell multimodal wireless platforms that mobile operators and service providers canapply to offer multimodal applications to their customers. Their solution supports all majormobile networks.


  • Chapter 3

    Relevant Technology

    This chapter will go through different technologies relevant for this project. Some of the tech-nologies described has directly relevance with the project, but other a more general and is in-cluded for illustrative purposes.

    3.1 Mobile wireless networks

    There exist a wide variety of cellular technologies around the world, due to local regulationsand history. The author have constrained this section to look at some of the most popularcellular technologies. These standards can be defined under the collective term ‘GSM-family’,which comprise the standards GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS. The following section willdescribe some different mobile network standards available in the market today. A more detaileddescription where the characteristics of the different network are compared is specified in thefollowing subsequent sections.

    3.1.1 GSM

    GSM is called a second generation mobile systems (2G). It was one of the first digital mobilenetwork developed and thus has become a widely adopted standard across the world. The GSMstandard uses TDMA, which is a narrow band solution. The radio-interface is divided intofrequency channels and each channel is divided into time slots providing eight channels perradio frequency channel.

    GSM was originally developed to provide circuit-switched voice and data connections . TheGSM standard has been continuously developed, and new enhancements has been added. Among


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    them improvements for providing better data-rate capabilities. Original, the GSM technologyprovided poor data-rates. It was apparent that this had to be improved and new modulationtechniques and the possibility to use several time slots simultaneously provided better data-rates. Nevertheless, the utilization of the radio resources is poor, due to the circuit-switchedtechnology which reserves the full bandwidth during the lifetime of the connection.

    3.1.2 GPRS

    General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) was developed to provide packet-switched data serviceto the existing GSM network. GPRS is more efficient for data transmission than the circuit-switched GSM. This is because GPRS utilize the network capacity better by dynamically sharethe available bandwidth between multiple users. GPRS is given a lower priority than circuit-switched services in GSM network, thus in busy areas/cells GPRS may experience poor bitrate. Most GSM terminals sold today, support GPRS. Even though GPRS provides data ca-pabilities, the services available suffer from low bit rate. This is especially true when usingmobile Internet-services such as web-browsing and streaming multimedia. GPRS does not sup-port real-time services, thus real-time services such be handled by GSM CS. More on this issuein section 3.2.1

    3.1.3 EDGE

    Enhanced Data rates for GSM/Global Evolution, also called EGPRS (Enhanced GPRS) is anenhancement to GPRS, thus a part of the GSM standard, providing better data rates. EDGE isbasically an upgrade of the GPRS service, i.e. an upgrade to the air interface between the termi-nal and the network. EDGE can provide three times higher data rates than GPRS, using a moreeffective modulation and coding scheme. EDGE is currently being deployed on a high scaleat the moment and finally gives mobile users a satisfactory transmission capacity for advancedtelecom services and Internet-applications.

    3.1.4 UMTS

    Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is one of five candidates specified byIMT-2000 (International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 as a global standard for third gen-eration (3G) wireless communication, defined by the International Telecommunication Union(ITU). UMTS is standardized by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) [27]. UMTSis a multi service network with the possibility to provide TV, video, high-speed multimedia data


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    services and mobile Internet access.

    UMTS was developed with the aim to succeed GSM. As it will be explained later, GSM andUMTS use much of the same components. This is done to enable easy hand-over between thetwo networks in areas where one of the networks suffer from poor coverage. UMTS differsfrom GSM in that it employ a whole different radio interface called W-CDMA. This is very dif-ferent from GSM’s TDMA, in which it offers new features and better capabilities. UMTS is animmature network technology and continuous change is necessary. UMTS has been standard-ized by 3GPP in different releases. The first version called Release 99 is the version that is mostdeployed today, but the standard is ever evolving and new releases are set for the future. Release4, 5 and 6 has frozen, and is ready to deployed in new UMTS network equipment. These newrelease will provide better uplink and downlink data rates, voice over IP (VoIP) services andbetter support for multimedia services over the mobile network [27].

    3.1.5 A joint GSM and UMTS Network

    This section will describe the topology and characteristics of the networks belonging to theGSM-family. The network developers and manufacturers have made sure that much of theGSM equipments that operators have invested a great deal of money in could be reused whendeploying the UMTS network. This have resulted in that the current versions of the networks arecongruent and operators can take advantage of this by reusing many of the existing componentsin their GSM/GPRS/EDGE network when deploying UMTS.

    On this behalf the technical details about the mentioned networks will be explained in the samecontext. The joint network architecture is called 3GSM. 3GSM is the latest addition to theGSM family. The technology on which 3GSM services are delivered is based on a GSM systemenhanced with a W-CDMA air interface [38].

    Figure 3.1 shows a combined GSM and UMTS Release 99 (UMTS99) network architecture.The network provide services for the whole GSM family.

    The mobile network consist of three logical interacting domains; Core Network (CN), RadioAccess Network (RAN) and User Equipment (UE). As the figure shows, the CN is commonfor the both networks, the RAN is different for the two standards GSM and UMTS and mo-bile equipment can be common for both. The following sections will go through the specifieddomains.


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    Figure 3.1: A logical GSM and UMTS network topology Core network

    The core network (CN) for UMTS99 is more or less the same as for the GSM core network,though with some upgrades for supporting UMTS. The following nodes are reused in a commonUMTS and GSM CN:

    • MSC Mobile switching center

    • AuC Authentication center

    • HLR Home location register

    • VLR Visitor location register

    • SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

    • GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node

    The main function of the CN is to provide switching, routing and transit for user traffic. This ismade possible because UMTS99 and GSM are using the same signaling system and the sameprotocols for transmission of user data. Core network also contains the databases and networkmanagement functions. As figure 3.1 shows the core network is divided into two domains, acircuit-switched domain and a packet-switched domain.

    The circuit-switched (CS) domain is known to provide services such as voice calls. CS hasbeen the dominant technology for several years. The technology is well known and have beenpreferred when implementing real-time applications such as voice calls. This is because itpreserve resources before the connection is established, thus the connection is guaranteed a


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    minimum of resources. The telecom industry has used the experience acquired from developingand operating wire line services such as PSTN and ISDN when developing the GSM system,hence many of the standards are continued in the GSM specification.

    The packet-switched (PS) domain is known to provide services such as IP-based traffic knownfrom the world-wide Internet. With the increasing popularity of Internet-based services suchas WWW and email, the traffic pattern have changed. This has made the CS technology lessattractive for packet-based traffic, because capacity are left unused in periods when the user ispassive.

    For telephony over wireless networks, CS is still the preferred technology because it is moreeffective than packet-based technology. This is because of the overhead that comes with packet-switching technology. Telephony transferred over a packet-based network generates small pack-ets to deal with the real-time aspect of telephony. Hence, it is generated many packets each witha header resulting in much overhead data. Radio Access Network

    The Radio Access Network (RAN) part is where UMTS and GSM differs the most. Basedon the experience gained from deploying and operating the GSM network and due to the dif-ferent radio interface, it was made some changes to the UMTS RAN compared to the GSMnetwork. As figure 3.1 shows, the corresponding modules in the UTRAN has different namesand functionality compared to GERAN.

    • BTS - Base Transceiver Station is a two-way radio module with an antenna providingconnectivity for mobile phones.

    • BSC - Base Station Controller provides the intelligence behind several BTS’ and handlesallocation of radio channels, control handover between different BTS etc.

    • Node-B corresponds to the GSM’s BTS, but have a new name due to using a another radiointerface.

    • RNC - Radio Network Controller corresponds to GSM’s BSC but is more complex andprovides more functionality compared to the BSC.

    The original GSM Radio Access Network was built to support speech calls and slow data trans-mission using circuit-switching. The internal links in the network had a maximum bandwidthof 64 kbit/s. When implementing GPRS, the need for higher capacity became apparent, andupgrades to the network were added.


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    UTRAN was build from scratch with the aim to support both PS and CS technology. Using W-CDMA on a higher frequency than GSM, the cell-size of UMTS is smaller. This results in morehandover between cells. Due to this, more of the handover functionality was moved outwardsin the network providing better capacity and scalability. User Equipment

    Almost all UMTS-supported user equipment on the market today is so-called dual-mode UMTSand GSM compatible terminals. This means that a user will be handed over to GSM in areaswhich lacks UMTS coverage. Nevertheless, the GSM network will not be able to provide thesame range of services as UMTS. More details on the user equipment part will come in latersections.

    3.1.6 Characteristics and Capabilities in GSM and UMTS

    As mentioned earlier, the different networks are closely related. Basically, they utilize the samenetwork and the biggest difference is the type of radio-interface they use. This knowledge isimportant when discussing the different standards. GSM with it’s upgrades GPRS and EDGE,and UMTS all provide more or less the same services to the customers, but a few featuresdifferentiate them. It should be noted that while GSM provides circuit-switched services andGPRS/EDGE provides packet-switched services for GSM, UMTS is a collective term for bothcircuit- and packet-switched services. Table 3.1 shows some basic differences between thestandards.

    Table 3.1: Characteristics of different cellular technologies [38]. Handover

    Handover is a mechanism that ensures always connectivity for a mobile users. When a user isconnected to a base station and he moves away from that specific base station, the signal will getweaker, and at some point, the user needs to connect to another base station with better signalstrength. This action is critical when the user is connected via a CS or a PS connection, because


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    at a specific instance, the traffic needs to be routed a different path through the network. Thehandover mechanism is usual within a network, but when they started to develop the UMTSnetwork, they saw that it was necessary to develop handover mechanisms also between differ-ent mobile networks. To ensure full connectivity for 3G customers, a mechanism to hand 3Gcustomers over to a GSM network in areas where the 3G network still was not fully deployedwas develop.

    Handover needs to be performed when the user is connected to the CS domain or the PS do-main. But the characteristics of these two connections are different, thus the requirement set tothe handover in the two domains are different. Telephony are currently handled over a CS con-nection. For instance during a telephone call, the delay the user experience when being handedover within a mobile network or between e.g. a UMTS and GSM network should as short aspossible. Preferably without the user noticing it at all. For a PS connection, which usually isused for non real-time data transfers, the requirements set to the handover is less strict than forCS connections.

    Figure 3.2 shows how an example of a PS domain where the user can be covered by eitherUMTS or GPRS coverage or both. Typical in areas which is covered by both GPRS and UMTSdata, the subscriber will receive UMTS coverage because this is the preferred network. Whenthe subscriber moves out of an area of UMTS coverage, the network and terminal will performa seamless handover to the GPRS network 1.

    Figure 3.2: Overview of a combined UMTS/GSM packet-switched domain

    When the user moves from cell A to cell B, the terminal is handed over from one base station toanother, but the SGSN is serving both cell, so the terminal experience a so-called ‘Intra-SGSNhandoff’, meaning it is only changing base-station. When a user is moving from cell A to C, the

    1Assuming there is GPRS coverage available.


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    terminal must change SGSN, because the new cell is served by another SGSN. This is calleda ‘Inter-SGSN handover’. This is obviously a more complex procedure than the intra-SGSNhandover.

    As figure 3.2 shows, the two SGSN is served by a common GGSN. The GGSN functions as agateway between the two SGSNs and a specified packet-based network such as the Internet.

    As indicated in the CS domain section, more and more traffic is handled in the PS domain.Due to rapid deployment of IP and IP based services, wireless carriers consider the PS domainas a area with biggest potential for generating revenues in the future. The development in thePS area is also good news for the customers who are getting ever more dependent on IP-basedservices. Throughput

    As table 3.1 shows the different standards provide different transmission rates. Because thecircuit-switched technology is not very suitable for data transmission the GSM part will not bediscussed further here.

    The throughput for GPRS, EDGE and UMTS is generally asymmetric. The resources availableis limited, so the downlink direction has been prioritized. This follows of the typical trafficpattern for a regular user where applications such as WWW, email and multimedia-servicesrequire mostly downlink transmission.

    The quoted up- and downlink rates in the table only serves as an indicator on what the differentstandards can offer. The available rates depends on many different factors such as type ofterminal, infrastructure, network manufacturer, traffic in network, distance from base stationetc. Simultaneous circuit- and packet-switched connections

    As of today, very few services use simultaneous real-time flows over circuit-switched connec-tions and interactive flows over packet-switched connections. This is because no GSM terminalshave supported this feature. As table 3.2 shows, the feature is specified in the standard, in termof GPRS class A. But due to radio interface technicalities it would require two radio transceiversin the mobile device to support this feature. This is uneconomical and the market has not had ahigh demand for it.

    In recent years new promising methods has been discovered which could enable simultaneouscircuit- and packet-switched connections for GSM networks. The technology is called Dual


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Table 3.2: GPRS classes

    Transfer Mode (DTM) and much research has been put into the topic [23, 25]. The methoddoes not require two radio-transceivers, making it more rational and cost-effective.

    In UMTS, due to the radio interface used, it is fairly easy to implement support for multiple,parallel bearers over the air interface. This enables simultaneous circuit- and packet-switchedconnections. UMTS equipment is able to work in different modes of operations, see table 3.3.

    Table 3.3: UMTS modes of operation

    The advantage of having a simultaneous circuit- and packet-switched connections might not beclear. One reason for this is that this feature have been unavailable until the UMTS networkwas opened. Just recently it was released a service which require both switching technologiessimultaneous. The service is a automatic ‘Who is it?’ service delivered by a Norwegian ‘WhitePages’ service called ‘Opplysningen 1881’ [1]. The application is installed on your 3G mobile.When you receive an incoming call and the number of the caller is not stored in your of phonebook, the service looks up the name in a telephone subscriber registry using a UMTS packet


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    switched data connection and presents it to you in the terminal’s display.

    This simple application is just one example of a service that exploits this feature, and it willmost certainly be released other similiar or more complex services in the future based on thiscapability. One possible service is during a conversation you want to show to the other partya picture or similar. With the mentioned feature, you can transfer the picture over the packet-switched service, while still talking with the person. More on this feature can be read in thearticle [23].

    3.2 QoS

    The first packet-oriented network such as the Internet was merely meant for transporting datapackets. The only requirement was that the packets reached the correct receiver and that theywere free from error. The network was often referred to as a ‘best-effort’ network. With the everincreasing number of applications developed for the Internet, especially real-time applications,it is necessary that the network can give certain guarantees for the traffic handled. It is notnecessary that all types of traffic is getting the same treatment, i.e. different types of traffic mayhave different requirements. It is this context the concept Quality of Service (QoS) is relevant.

    QoS is most relevant in connection with packet-switched networks. For circuit-switched net-works, there is established a dedicated channel between two parties, hence such connections arewell protected and can provide a stable communication channel. Packet-switched networks onthe other hand, can experience different problems as the list below describes. These problemsshould be handled by certain QoS mechanisms.

    • Dropped packets - packets may be dropped en route when traveling through a network.

    • Delay - packets can experience delay because it gets held up in long queues, slow linksetc.

    • Jitter - packets can take different routes between two end-nodes resulting in differentdelays between each received packet.

    • Out-of-order delivery - because packets can take different routes they may appear in adifferent order to the one with which they were sent.

    • Error - packets can be corrupted during the transmission resulting in error in the packet.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    3.2.1 QoS in mobile networks

    The GSM and UMTS standard have different approaches for implementing QoS in the stan-dards. GSM was originally a pure circuit-switched oriented network. The introduction ofpacket-switched data services i.e. GPRS and EDGE, specific QoS requirements was defined,see table 3.4.

    Table 3.4: QoS properties for GPRS [39]

    When elaborating the UMTS standard, it was specified that the network should provided bothcircuit-switched and packet-switched services. This resulted in extensive focus on providingQoS [6]. Figure 3.3 shows the QoS architecture for UMTS.

    Figure 3.3: UMTS QoS Architecture [26]

    UMTS employs four traffic classes for data, see table 3.5.

    The different traffic classes have been given different priorities depending on the type of traffic.The classes streaming and conversational is vulnerable to delay. Thus applications belongingto this class are prioritized over less delay sensitive applications such as web-browsing and filetransfer.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    Table 3.5: UMTS Traffic classes[26]

    The QoS concept embraces many areas and challenges. The paper will therefore restrict itselfto cover the area of delay in mobile wireless networks.

    3.2.2 Delay

    Delay is a critical factor in many mobile applications especially for real-time services. Thefollowing references deal with delay in mobile networks [12, 28]. Delay is a complex subjectand is a result of different parameters such as: Packet loss

    Packet loss may result in retransmission of packets, hence the additional delay is added. How-ever, it should be noted that for real-time data traffic which is very sensitive to delay, it is notnecessary to retransmit each packet, because a random lost packet now and then can be compen-sated by the receiver and be unnoticeable for humans. For other traffic types such as file transferetc. it is necessary that all packets are correctly transfered or else the file will be corrupt. Propagation delay

    Propagation delay is the time the signal uses to traverse the media. This delay is dependenton the media in traverse, whether it is through the air or through a wire line such as copper oroptical.


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal Processing and routing

    As described in packets going to or from a mobile terminal needs to traverse severalnodes in the mobile network before it reaches its destination. Figure 3.4 shows the differentnodes that the data packets must traverse on its way through the packet switched domain. If thereceiver is also terminal connected to mobile wireless network, the packets will need to traversethe same modules. Otherwise the packets will be routed over a external packet-based networksuch as the Internet. The delay through a packet-based network such as the Internet the delaywill vary, depending on distance to the receiver, traffic, capacity and can therefore be difficultto specify.

    Figure 3.4: GPRS protocol architecture [12]

    Processing due to encoding and decoding of voice, music and video and packetization, segmen-tation, fragmentation and routing of packets also adds additional delay.

    The size of the packets is also an important factor which figure 3.5 illustrate. The graph showsthat UMTS handles larger payloads much better than the GPRS network.

    Delay has been devoted ever more research effort and it is realized that new mobile multimediaapplications require low latency to be user friendly. As figure 3.6 shows, for every new packet-based version of cellular network, the end-to-end delay has been reduced, and the aim is thatthe delay will be reduced even more with new mobile versions. This is essential to achieve ifnew mobile multimedia applications and services should be successful.


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    Figure 3.5: RTT measurements for UMTS and GPRS with different payloads[28]

    Figure 3.6: Latency for different mobile wireless networks [30]


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    3.3 Mobile Terminals

    There are several mobile terminals with different operating systems and connection options inthe market today. The most basic mobile phones has only a keypad, microphone and speaker,but this is changing today. New so-called smartphones and the convergence between PDA’sand mobile phones result in highly advanced terminals, capable of doing complex tasks. Thissection will look more into what options and possibilities customers may choose among today.

    3.3.1 Operating System

    In the beginning of the ’mobile age’ every handset-manufacturer delivered their advanced mo-bile phones called smartphones with a proprietor embedded operating systems (OS). Due tothe ever increasing complexity of new smartphones with ‘unlimited’ functionality and the jointeffort to have open standards, it is a trend today that the manufacturers are merging toward’sjust a handful different OS. There are mainly three OS’ that looks to be dominant in the futureof mobile terminals. That is Symbian which is owned by Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic andSiemens AG. Windows Mobile, which is developed by Microsoft. The third is OS’ based onLinux, such a Trolltech’s Qtopia [5].

    Until just recently the Symbian OS was the dominant operating system for advanced mobileterminals. This is because some of the worlds biggest mobile phone manufacturers such asNokia and Ericsson are using the OS in their smartphones. Despite the use of the same platform,every manufacturer use their own proprietary graphical user interface.

    When Microsoft, which we know as the manufacturer of Windows OS for PC decided to moveinto the mobile terminal market, it was obvious that they would be a strong competitor. MostPC users are familiar with the Windows OS. It is natural that many users would like to have thesame interface and access to the same services and applications on their mobile terminal.

    The release Windows Mobile 5 comes in to different versions, one version called Smartphoneand the other called PocketPC, illustrated in figure 3.7. The main difference between these ver-sions is that they are fitted to two different types of advanced mobile terminals. The Smartphoneedition is more like a regular mobile phone with a keypad and a screen. The PocketPC versionis developed for PDA’s with a touch-sensitive screen [31, 19].

    Linux OS has become very popular for PC, and especially servers which require stable . Nowhas the trend come to mobile terminals. Different companies are developing and selling hand-held devices using Linux as OS. Compared to the two latter OS’ Linux-devices are quite rare,but it is reason to believe that Linux will after some time become as popular for handheld de-


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    vices as it has become for PC’s and servers.

    Figure 3.7: To the left is the Smartphone version and to the right a PocketPC version of theWindows Mobile operating system.

    3.3.2 Connectivity

    There is a merging trend that new terminals released on the market comes with different em-bedded connection options. Earlier the mobile phones had just a voice line connection andPDA’s did not have any type of connection possibilities. Now both mobile phones and PDA’shas the most elementary connections such as circuit switched voice- and data connection. Butupgrades to the cellular networks have provided packet switched data-services which utilizethe network capacity better. This capability has made room for developing new services whichrequires always-on connectivity and relative big volumes of data transfered. The next sectionwill go through different relevant connection possibilities available, with emphasis on data con-nections. Cellular Technologies

    There has in recent years been developed several different cellular technologies. As alreadymentioned 2G systems like GSM and 3G systems like UMTS have been widely deployedin several regions throughout the world. But there are alternative systems like cdmaOne andCDMA2000 [2] which also have been widely deployed.

    GSM and UMTS are originate from Europe, while cdmaOne and cdma2000 originate mainlyfrom North America. But both standards are more widespread in that area. Cellular technology


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal

    is naturally the most common connection type used in mobile terminals today, but this maychange in the years to come. Wireless LAN

    There is a increasing trend that new mobile terminals come equipped with a Wireless LAN(WLAN) transceiver, usually based on the IEEE 802.11 standard [3]. The IEEE 802.11 fam-ily of technologies has experienced rapid growth, mainly in private deployments. In addition,operators, including cellular operators, are offering hotspot service in public areas such as air-ports, restaurants and hotels. For the most part, hotspots are complementary with cellular-datanetworks, as the hotspot can provide broadband services in extremely dense user areas, andcellular networks can provide near-broadband services across much larger areas. Various or-ganizations are looking at integrating wireless LAN service with GSM/UMTS data services,including the GSM Association which is developing recommendations for SIM-based authen-tication for hotspots and 3GPP which is developing an architecture where WLAN is includedas part of UMTS Release 6. WLAN is looked upon as a complementary technology to cellularnetworks, because it can provide high capacity connection in areas in dense populated areasand cellular technologies can provide connectivity in areas where it is not feasible to deployWLAN, though with lower data capacity. Satellite Technologies

    To provide connectivity in the most waste place on earth, satellite communication is needed.This option in mobile equipment is for people and businesses with special needs such as ex-plorers and ships. The solution is too expensive and not very flexible for ordinary people, whofor the most of the time can manage fine with a terrestrial system. The satellite technology hasbeen improved Wi-Max

    Wi-Max is a new emerging wireless communication technology standard which may providehigh-rate connectivity over relatively long distances. The technology is still quite new, but it isbelieved that mobile terminals may be equipped with this technology in a near future.


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    3.3.3 Input and Output Channels

    There exist different channels for input and output data to a mobile terminal. This section willdescribe the most common forms of interaction between human and machine. Typing

    To operate a mobile terminal and be able to use the different services provided, the terminalneed to provide some sort of typing methods. The most basic solution is a 12 digit keypad.Additionally the different keys have been assigned at least three letters each. Using these keys towrite text can be quite cumbersome and a trial of patience because selecting one letter requiresmultiple key presses. As a result, different methods for faster and easier typing have beendeveloped. Predictive text technology makes it easier to type text messages on small mobiledevices. The technology allows words to be entered by a single key press for each letter and thetechnology uses a embedded dictionary to predict the word the user is typing.

    To embed a full ‘qwerty’ keyboard is another approach to provide typing capabilities on amobile device. This is sometimes a good solution because many people are accustomed to aregular keyboard. But this involve a compromise, because most people want their mobile deviceto be as compact and portable as possible, but embedding a full ‘qwerty’ keyboard brings alongdifferent size and design challenges. Navigation

    To navigate through menus, applications and web-pages on a mobile device different optionsare available. All devices have a least one dedicated button or function for navigating throughdifferent screens. Table 3.6 shows some options for navigating on a mobile terminal.

    Table 3.6: Different methods for navigation on different screens on a mobile device


  • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal Display

    The display on a mobile terminal is mostly used for output to the user. But more and moreterminals comes with a touch-sensitive display, using a so-called stylus pen to highlight objecton the screen. This trend has emerged much due to the convergence of PDA’s and mobilephones and to provide better usability operating complex applications on the terminal. Thetouch-sensitive screen on smart phones also support writing letters which are recognized by theterminal and to create drawings.

    Due to the introduction of multimedia applications on mobile devices, the need for largerscreens with higher resolution has become evident. But the size and resolution of the display islimited by the consumers ‘size-acceptance’ of the terminal and what the consumers are willingto pay. The technology inventions are in progress and substitutes to the conventional display isunder research such as projected screens, roll-able screens and head-mounted displays. Audio

    The auditive mode consist usually of a speaker and microphone. These devices have usuallybeen implemented to use the terminal as a telephone holding the terminal close to the source,i.e. ear and mouth. For a while new ‘handsfree’ solutions have appeared, in which you can holdyour terminal at a arm length distance. The different options are ear piece which is connectedto the terminal with a wire or Bluetooth. Another option is to implement a highly sensitivemicrophone and a loud-speaker into the terminal. One of this solutions or similar is requiredwhen interacting with a multimodal interface, because one needs to simultaneous look andoperate on the display.

    But the microphone and speaker can also be used in other settings to provide both input andoutput. Communicating with a machine requires speech technologies, which are described inthe next section.


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    3.4 Speech Technologies

    Speech technology is an important topic in speech-centric multimodal interaction. In the nextsection some details about the technologies will be given.

    3.4.1 TTS - Text-To-Speech

    Text-To-Speech is defined in reference [14] as:

    Text-To-Speech synthesis can be defined as computer-generated speech used totranslate electronically stored text information into aural information.

    The field has been devoted much research over several decades and the first recognized devel-opment in to the area was done as early as 1791 by Wolfgang von Kempelen. Still there is agreat potential for improvements and currently the research and development within the areaare more extensive than ever.

    There are many areas of application for TTS, ranging from simple talking clocks to advanced3D generated talking heads with synthesis of unrestricted text and simultaneous synchronizationof mouth and head movements.

    When the first TTS systems became available, specially blind persons were eager to try out thetechnology, even though the quality of the first systems were quite poor. It is in the area ofhandicapped people TTS has proved its potential, but also for educational purpose, multimediaand in telecommunications areas are TTS often used. One well known example is related totelephony information services, where the user is met by an virtual assistant telling you whereyou are and which keys to press to make use of the service.

    The TTS process goes through several steps when translating written text into speech. Figure3.8 shows a high-level overview of the steps performed when translating written text to syntheticspeech. A TTS system is divided into two parts, a front-end and a back-end system. In the front-end system the written text is converted into their written-out word equivalents. Then phonetictranscriptions is added to each word and the text is divided into phrases (prosodic units). Thecombination these processes make up the symbolic linguistic representation which fed as outputin the back end which makes up the synthesized speech.


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    Figure 3.8: Illustration of the steps in a text-to-speech process.

    3.4.2 ASR - Automatic speech recognition

    ASR is very broad topic in the area of speech technologies and this section will barely touchthe surface of this highly complex process. The reference [33] gives a thorough introduction ofthe area. The basic idea of ASR is to transform human speech to a sequence of words. Thesewords are understandable for a computer and can, depending on the user context, be used adictation tool or a commanding tool. The former is used for transcribing text, while the later isused to give a system commands to perform certain tasks with speech. There is many degreesof complexity for a ASR system. The most basic ones implemented on mobile phones, whichgives the user the possibility to call up a contact by saying the contact’s name. To the morecomplex ones that understand natural speech and can understand the meaning of longer spokensentences.

    Figure 3.9 illustrate the different steps when analyzing speech. First the speech needs to beconverted into a digital representation. Then the computer can run through different proceduresto to accomplish the sound-to-word process. It is important that the speech input to the systemis as similar as the natural speech as possible. This is due the applied algorithms that is used onthe speech. It is a trend that different media are compressed via advanced codecs to generate aslittle data as possible. This can result in problem for ASR system, because characteristics in thevoice that the ASR process uses, can be removed, thus the recognition rate will fall.

    It is out of scope for this thesis to go into specific details in each step performed. But the figureillustrate the different procedures and modules that are involved in the ASR process.


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    Figure 3.9: Basic components of a speech recognition system [33]

    ASR has still not become a everyday application. There have been attempts to introduce thetechnology in different standard software applications. One example is Microsoft Office, whichboth provides a command tool, but also as a dictation tool. These tools have not become a‘killer-app’ among ordinary users. On the other hand certain disabled persons will very muchappreciate such tools. Another area of application is in call center systems where the caller isasked to instruct the system using his voice, why he is calling and who he would like to speak to.Based on the spoken in