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Post on 28-May-2020




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Mobikul- Hyperlocal Marketplace | 2

What Does Hyperlocal Actually Mean?Hyperlocal = Local Community

Hyperlocal means a very particular area or locality where everyone else within walking or driving distance to a particular destination or one

identifiable distance. For example: A locality around 10 km radius.

The simplest meaning of hyperlocal is the local community. When we talk about the hyperlocal commerce then it means to deliver the goods

and services in the shortest possible time and in the specific local area.

Hyperlocal makes thing easy and convenient for us. We can shop from our nearest store and products get delivered within a couple of hours

or minutes. We don’t need to wait for 1-2 or more days to get the products.

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Hyperlocal vs Hyperlocal MarketplaceHyperlocal Marketplace

One of the most important factors is the geographic area that you are targeting a commu-

nity for the hyperlocal business. Hyperlocal connects the local community to your business

platform. The local retail stores also doing the hyperlocal business when they are delivering

the kinds of stuff or products to the door to door on customers’ demand within the short of

time of period. Every retail store doesn’t follow this model because sometimes they can’t

afford more employees, logistic partners, good technologies etc.

Hyperlocal Marketplace connects these retail stores or locally established stores of that

geographical area so that they can grow their local businesses with the help of hyperlocal


The retail stores are still dominated by brick-and-mortar stores. To give them an exposure

of having an existence in the eCommerce world, the hyperlocal marketplace is contributing

to a huge role.

Nowadays everyone wants that they can easily shop and get delivered the products at their

doorstep within the minimum time.

It’s a good way to target your local community which may not be aware of the retail store earlier.

Hyperlocal marketplace gives a single platform to the locally es-tablished retail stores to earn more revenues.

A time-saving platform where a consumer can save his/her maxi-mum time and can get fast delivery at the doorstep.

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Some Online Stores Based On Hyperlocal MarketplaceThese are some online stores which are currently

running their business model based on hyperlocal


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Can Hyperlocal Retail be the next big thing?Yes, the Hyperlocal Marketplace will contribute a tremendous role in the eCommerce industry.

The increasing demand of the competitive

eCommerce world to fulfill the customers’

need in every possible way. We can say that

the Hyperlocal Marketplace can be the next

big thing or next big change in this eCom-

merce world. We are in the age of eCom-

merce businesses where every business

needs an online platform from a small re-

tail store to the big one.

The Hyperlocal Marketplace where a small

retailer can become a seller to sell online

and can also run his/her physical store in

the particular locality or area. After becom-

ing part of the hyperlocal marketplace, the

online retailers have a great physical vicini-

ty to the customers.

Everyone wants a hassle free shop and

wants to save the maximum time by avoid-

ing to go the physical store to purchase.

Hyperlocal Marketplace businesses deliv-

er the products like daily basis products,

foods, medicines, grocery products, con-

sumer goods, services etc. to you. A unique

aspect of this is that their whole supply

chain is located pretty close to the buyer as

well as the seller.

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Just in 4 StepsConvert e-commerce store into Mobile AppCreate and Publish an App for your eCommerce Store in just few steps.

Create API KeyThe first step is to create the API Key for the

mobile application from the store backend panel.01

Configure App with API CredentialsBy using the API credentials, we will configure

the mobile app with your web store.02

Customize App and export APK/IPAWe customize the app as per business needs

and export in .apk or .ipa files.03

Publish App Mobile appAfter exporting the .apk & .ipa files, the app is ready

to publish on Google Play store and iTune store.04

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The Mobikul Hyperlocal Marketplace Mobile Application has the exceptional and unique features for the sellers as well as the customers.

These splendid features will help you to take your business to next level in this growing hyperlocal market era.

Mobikul Hyperlocal Marketplace- Features

Add New Product

Now it is not necessary to have web panel for the sellers. The sell-

ers can easily add new products by using the mobile application.

Even though seller can also edit the product details.


Delivery Time (Max)

The seller can set the maximum delivery radius to reach the maxi-

mum customers. The radius will define the seller’s targeted cus-

tomers to deliver the products within a specific region.


Location Base Stores

The app will have the feature like customers can see stores ac-

cording to the location that they will choose. This feature will

show you N number of stores around you. Also, the seller can set

location for his/her store.


Delivery Radius (km)

Now the sellers can set their maximum delivery time so that cus-

tomers can see the maximum promising time to deliver the order.

It will help to provide the better shopping experience to the cus-



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Buy Product From Nearest Store

The customer can buy the products from his/her nearest store.

They can choose any store that is available according to their



Customer Can Check Seller’s Availability

The customers can easily check the seller’s availability within the

range or region that they have chosen.


Seller Can Add Multiple Locations

The app has the unique feature that sellers can add multiple loca-

tions of their stores as they are having the more than one store in

different area or region.

09 Individual Seller Information

The customers/buyers can see the separate seller’s information

like about the store, products, store location, contact info. and

many more.


Customer Can Change Their Location

The App will have the novel feature that it auto detects the cus-

tomer’s location. Also, the customers can change their location as

per their needs.


Customer Can Check Product’s Availability

The customers can check the product’s availability according to

their deliverable location.


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