mineral point tribune (mineral point, wis.) 1873-10-16 [p ]

BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. P. NMKLKEK, A TTOREKAT LAW AND ■\TOTAKV I'CRI.IC, Highland, lowa County, W!s. Conveyancing and collections promptly alt end- ,d 10vol-xxY-no2B-tf HEKSii A: ( .UITEU, \TTORNK VS AM) COUNSELLORS, Dodgeville, Wis. Will practice in all the Courts of this State. volixv -noau-ly corn 111; N A LAOOJN, VTTORXKYS AND COUNSELLED!, over the Hoot utlice. Mineral I'olnt, Mia. 52 ALEX. WILSON, Attorney and counsellor at law, and Agent for N. W. .Mutual Life Insurance Company and Republic Fire Insurance Company. Office oppo- ile the City Hall, up-aiahs, -Mineral Foiut, Wis. xxi-48 W. W. Likens. John Likksb, XV. XV. X JOHN LIKENS, Attorney and counsellors at law, Mineral I'oint, Wis. i'raclice in the L. S. and State Courts, and aCeud lo agencies and col- lections in all parts of tlic -t rie. Ollice in Leualians’ dock, opposite the Post Otter! W G- MOSKS M. STRONG. E- *’• WEBER. VntONO A. WUBUtj Attorneys & Counselors at Law, Office —First dour above \ iviaa’s Blo.e. a J. 15. MOFFETI'j M. 11. 1)11 VSICIAN AND 81 lie EON. Office in Moffetts’ Drug Store, High Sired, Mineral Point. xxx-8 <;eo. i>. wilugk, yi. 0., PRACTICING A CONSULTING PHYSICIAN AND SI KCHON. a. Daltok, m. t>. s. a. rt-Kiux, m. n. DALTON A FIvIIKIN TjiiYSICIANS AMI SURGEONS,—Office No. 1. I Coad’a Block, (Up Stairs) over Dellcr’a ctore, corner of 11.gU and Chestnut Streets, Miner.tl Point, Wisconsin. Particular attention given to Operative Surgery. S. A. Perrin's Residence on Doty St , recently oc- cupied by Dr. Cronin. JOSEPH C. .lIITCUELLE. ■a * ANUPACTUREK of all kinds of Ornamental sAA, Hair Work, such as .Jracele’s, Itreast-Pins, Watch-Guard*, Necklaces, Finger Rings, Ear t.iugs, Charms, Ac. Also Curls, Waterfalls, Switches, La- dice' Prout Pieces, Gents' V\ig., and everything in his line. Cash paid lor raw hair. P. U. ib*x 21 o‘ Mineral Point, w is. xxn-8-ly. TEIO.II.IS THOMAS. I UNITED STAPES HOTEL, ( Watki.v Watkins’ J Oil) iTASIi.) Dodgevillc, n isconsin. Having taken charge of this hotel ior a term of j ears II propose lo keep it lor the special accommodation of the traveling public. i h tv. a large barn, and keep attentive hostlers.— I propose to set. a good table, and &eep the bar at all times supplied with the best of liquors. By alien i deserve, and receive a lair share of the public patronage ■ixiu-12-tI iiiuAlAS IHuaIAS. SMALLEY HOUSE, MUSCODA, WISCONSIN. Well furnished. Airy rooms. Veil Spread tables. Good Stables. Reasonable charges, JOHN S.ualley, PropVr. August Olh, WE—tf Wisconsin hotel, DODGEVILLE, WISCONSIN. TWa well known ami inquibir hotel, in the north- f.-n part i f ihe v illage r le, has beei en- i ii getl and improv'd, and a m.w f*y far iL* largest t*Ll best huuoe in cvei j respect in the place. WINES AND LIQUORS of the very best h. and only ~re k pt in the bar foi the accommodation of customers. TIIK TABLES are always kept supplied with the very best the market allot’Js, prepared in the very beat siyle. Tll /; UOO M s comfortable and well furnished as any house ui ihe county. (Jool> STAR UN (! AND ATTENTIVE HOSTL Mix, and everything elae calculated l conduce the comlurt and pleasure of gue.-ts. JONIiPii HOCItIaG, July 11, A -71. -'"if PKorKifcToß. LAMAR HOUSE, DARLINGTON, WES. 11. LA jI.UL Lropriclor. fJ'IUS IDtU'E has lately been rkhttkd throcoh- * r, i I is now second to none in coulhwestera t\ isconsin. rS A M P la E U OO M For ommercial Tourists. GQ UD STA BL US ATTA t 'll ED. Attentive flerk< anil ll>t!cr> llwaj'tiu Hand. ■he | a) lie. hu \vil> snare no pains lo satisfy his guests, tiiv-llily TiETAIJAt I*AI\T WOKiv. GEO. J. GOLirniOßl*, Manufacturer of PUREST WHITE, And all (Colors. t®r-OF!'ICE, 91 Main Street, GALEN t, II V.jSJ JAMES HUTCHISON. MINERAL POINT, WIS., Dealer in all materials usually found in an Extensive Lumber Yard! INCLUDING LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS. BLINDs. EC. i~.- ’Office r rth of the railroad depot, Coin ncrc St. MUSICAL HALL CAGTWRuThT k DAVIS ARE NOW BUYING PIAA’OS, 01U1AXS AND— M EEODEONS Direct from the manufacturers, and are able to sell at as \v price, a* the large dealers in CHICAGO OR MILWAUKEE! Ag- i- x iV>TU •MI NTS always on hand, enibra r.g ail t lot made, among them U coil s, rdoiiluM and Emv. and other Organs, besides THE BES T MA KE OF PIANOS AND MEL ( )DEONS. all an>l examine instruments and learn fig. ' fanoidor to oil Oppo- ite I’m: rd's, High Street, Mineral Point. Wis. J. H. CA UT WRIGHT, ALEX. DAMS. April I sth, W3—l Gtf tiumlry X Gray. Sole Ag< nta lowa mtj for E. But- ter wick ,v Co.’s Paper Pattern for Ladies Misses and Boys garments and under clothing. Also Agents for J. Roberts’Celebrated Uaaor S'.eel Seisivi;. Local Intelligence. Alex. Garland’s store at Mus- coda was burglarized to the extent of 8100 in money and goods a short time ago. The product of the Centerville mines last year was: lead 300,000 pounds, dry bone 10,000 tons, black- jack 10,000 tons. Alfred Jen*kin’s hotel is offered for sale. This is the best paying and most desirable hotel stand in the city. Any one who can run it as well as Alfred has done can make money rapidly by purchasing. From the Chronicle we learn that Hon. L. W. Joiner, of Wyoming, was thrown from a colt one day fest week, having his shoulder dislocated, and being otherwise injured. Under care of Dr. Burrall he is recovering. Ot'R country is having one of the most delightful autumns it has ever known. The equinoctial disturb- ances were comparatively moderate and of short duration, and every- where the exclamation now is, “What beautiful weather 1” May it continue. Tm; convention which nominated Mr. Robinson did nut deem it nec- essary to pass any resolutions pledg- ing him to the cause of the fanners, as the candidate being a regular hard-working, hard-listed farmer, is not likely to “go back” on his own interests. The first installment of John Horn’s apples arrived on Monday, and were taken off as fast as they could be opened and examined. We saw a dozen barrels opened. It is the best lot wo ever saw in this city. Fresh supplies are constantly com- ing, but are taken as fast as opened. Don’t delay in making selections, or you may be too late. At 3 o’clock on the morning of (he 13th nit. Garland’s plaining mill at Muscoda was discovered to be in llames. The alarm was given too late to save anything except the en- gine and boiler. The loss was be- tween 81.100 and 81,300, with no insurance. Garland promptly or- dered new and improved machinery, and is again running. The staunch old Galena Gazette comes to us enlarged and grcatlv improved. It is now one of the largest as well as bc<t M eekly papers that comes to our table. Its local department, as heretofore, is superi- or to that of any paper in this min- ing region. We are pleased to note our neighbor's prosperity. The Democrats of La Fayette county seem to have as little regard for the ‘’eternal fitness of things” a* their brethren of this county; they have gone and nominated Jim. Knight for County Superintendent of Schools. W ith Knight in La Fayette and Peck in lowa county, to superintend tfi,* training of the young,wouldn’t Democracy flourish? A- -o Piano Tuning.— Mr. 1). Jenkin, who has opened an office in the Ross building, has had considerable experience in tuning and repairing Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments, and is unquestionably capable of performing that duty for any one needing it. Owners of in- struments that are out of repair or tune, will find it to their interest to secure his services. We have received, the prospectus of anew paper to be started at Galena, of which Mr. G. J. Gold- thorp, late of this place, is one of the publishers. The new paper has our best wishes but wc apprehend that will not prevent its being a failure, and an unfortunate specula- tion for the publishers. There is no undertaking more full of risk than establishing' a newspaper. The following are the officers of the tN W. Wis. I. A. for the uext year, elected at the meeting of the association held October 4th: Pn-MJcnt—John H. Vivian. Vice-President—N. K. Van Metre, C. De- long, 1. 1 . Comfort, John ( , >wnej) aud Wn*. Bii'kimrham. Secretary—T. S. Ansloy. Treasurer—Thomas Priestley. Executive Committee—John J. R vss. John Mortin i Oli\ r, E. J. < j raid K. D. Pulfold. James Toay positively declined to accept a renomination for the Pres- idency, which many regret, as he Luis been -o faithful and efficient in the years pa-4 as to receive the ap- probation of the association, and aided largely iu making the fairs successful. The society resolved to lease the grounds formerly occupied for five years, with privilege of ton, at a rentage of 8300 per year. There is in the treasury some seven or eight hundred dollars, which will be ex- pended iu building anew house for displaying the liner articles before another fair is held. County Convention of the Patron* of Husbandry. Pursuant to notice given, the Pat- rons of Husbandry of lowa county met in convention in the village of Dodgeville on Friday, Oct. 10, 1*73. All the Granges in the county were represented, and after preliminary proceedings the convention proceed- ed to organize a County Association, or council) and the following officers were elected: Worthy Master, Bro. James Ilird, of Hope Grange, Mif- flin ; Recording Secretary, Bro. Jno. C. Martin, of Waldwick Grange; Treasurer, Bro. Benjamin Elam, of Dodgeville Grange. The following resolution we unan- imously adopted: Resolved Ist, That we, as Patrons of Hus- bandry of lowa county, arc in favor of pay- ing the lowa county indebtedness at the rate of fio cents on the dollar, in six annual install- ments i and that for every 05 cents paid on the judgment against us there he one dollar of the debt cancelled. •2d, Tiiat we will encourage and support home manufactories. 3d, That we believe in a tariff for revenue only ; and that salt, iron and lumber be placed on the free list. 4lh, That we will not pledge ourselves to support any political party. sth, That we are lit favor of dealing with manufacturers directly, and opposed lo the present system of dealing with their agents. Council adjourned to meet the second Friday in December next. It is manifest to every farmer in the country of the rapid progress the “farmers’ movement” through- out the Union, and of the great ben- efit it has effected for the producing class generally; and let us hope that monopolies and corruptions wall eventual!) give way in obedience to its just demands. We particularly appeal to our brother farmers in this county to go to work and organize new Gran- ges iu their respective localities, and where it is convenient, jointhose already formed. By so doing they will not only be individually bene- fited, but will give more effective and working strength to our newly organized county association. R. T. Parry, Seretary pro tern. Washburn’s Speech.— With this paper is issued a supplement con- taining the great speech of Governor Washburn delivered at Fond du Lae. This is the opening gun of the campaign in Wisconsin, and judging by the general attack made upon it by the Democratic sharp- shooters, they regard it as a danger- ous one. Every voter in the State ought to carefully read this speech, for in it is found unanswerable rea- sons why the Republican party should be continued at the head of affairs in this State. The Governor clearly shows that all the good there is iu the Dolly Varden platform is copied from Republican doctrine and practice. Read the speech care- fully, and remember it when you come to deposit your ballots. Tin-: decease of Mr. Eden leaves the City Treasurer’** office vacant. Mr. E.’.s election was l*y so large a majority, that we must conclude it to have been the wish of the people that he and his lankily should re- ceive the benefit of the oliiee, and it is suggested to the Council, that to carry out as far as possible the wishes of the voters, it would be but justice that Mr. Eden’s son be ap- pointed to fill the vacancy, that the proceeds of the olfice may go to the family of the deceased. Mr. John Eden is well (qualified to perform the duties of the office, and can un- doubtedly give a satisfactory bond. Mixekae Poixt has done and is stid doing a great deal to improve tire Linden road; before long the three miles nearest this city will be in fair condition. At this time the worst part of the road is from Lin- den village to the old Paddock pltu —indeed that part of the road is now as bad as the south end has ever been. As from Linden has come most of the complaints con- cerning this road, we hope the peo- ple of that town will have the con- sistency to see ilvat their part of it is put in at least as good repair as Mineral Point’s part. $25 Rewakd. —Two huh, named George A. Harrington and Philip F. Collbeek, left their homes in East Boston on the 4th of July last, and a reward of $25 is offered for any information furnished Ebenezer Har- rington, concerning them. Young Harrington is 10 years old, five feet 2 inches high, weight about fid pounds, fair complexion, dark brown hair and eyes, sear on his cheek, large white teeth. Young Collbeek is 15 years old. 5 feet 0 inches in height, slim build, dark brown hair, blue eyes and fair complexion, front teeth wide and protruding. The boys came west. S. Doppler, has now on hand the great- est assortment of imported and native wines, containing different brands of California and Ohio wines, Champagne red French wines, and the most cele- brated brands of Finnish wines, which he will sell by the glass, bottle or gallon, at very low prices. Always on hand the choicest eatables of the season. The combined Piano A Organ for sal; by Cartwright A Davis is a marvel of perfection, beauty and sweet sounds. The Assembly District Conven- tion wa not largely attended last Saturday. Very few regularly elect- ed delegates were present, but citi- zens from every town being there were allowed to vote, and thus a fair expression was arrived at. Dr. Vivian acted as Chairman, and W. 11. Bennett as Secretary. On mo- tion of John J. Davis, Mr. Robinson was renominated by acclamation, without a dissenting vote. The old district committee, with John 11. Vivian as chairman, was continued for another year, and convention adjourned. The Commercial Hotel at Dodgeville, under the proprietorship of Win. J. Thomas, is improved in appearance and management, and rapidly gaining popu- iariry. Mr. Thomas possesses the en- terprise and tact to make a No. 1 land- lord, and cannot fail to secure a good run of custom. Daily stages between Mineral Point and Arena, and a daily back from Dodgeville to Mineral Point, returning after the train arrives here each evening, stop at the Commercial House. BIJSIXIISS NOTICES. Magnificent. —The new stock of boots and shoes just arrived at Schneberger’s. The City Store’s display of dress goods is grand; but that is not all; the proprietors guarantee that they are as cheap, and some a little cheaper than can be had elsewhere in this city. Bradley it Metcalf. This is the firm that makes*the best custom made boots and shoes in U boons in. To prove the I truth ol this statement try a pair. For sale at 11. T. Usburne’s. A fine assortment of the Seth Thomas, Ansoanian, U aterbury and Terry clocks, warranted to give satisfaction; also a nice lot of plated castors, children’s dtps, napkin rings 'to., at Davey’s. The crowd on Heller’s corner J.d many to suppose the other day that there was a disturbance of some kind ; but on rushing there we found all quiet. The crowd gathered to see and admire the beautiful new goods just being opened at the Emporium. Gold is only I.S^ —and Cartwright has reduced the price of his jewelry accord- ingly. Now is the time to purchase gold, silver and platedware. Among the many attractive things this fall, Clauer has some of the finest and best. In dress goods and trimmings, he is not excelled by any house in the city. Clicmtclcs and Pure Drug*. Pulford is just opening the finest stock of pure drugs and chemical, direct from first hads, ever brought to this city. Call and price them. His motto is, pure goods and low prices. Vea Ladies!— Your attention is in- vited to the magnificent >tock of novel- ties just received at Sherwood Bern's. Call and be convinced that our styles are the latest, and terms not to be got under. Don't fail to call and examine Grass & Scliillva’s new Hats, Collars and Ties; just received from the manufactories. Onk of the best stocks of whips in the county can be found at T. I’iiestlev’s Harness Store. He has also a full line of Trunks, Valises, Fly Nets, Summer Horse Clothing, Ate. 27m3 Piles of New (loot's daily arriving at Heller s Emporium. He has bought the hrgest stock this fall ever brought to Mineral Point. Charley Paumele is so accmmodating and the goods from his house always found so satisfactory that his express wagon is kept moving pretty regularly. Fchnederoer's boots and shoes never tail to give satisfaction. They always fit and wear well. He is closing out his stock of ready made work at reduced prices. Gentlemen see Clauer s cloths and ready-made clothing before making se- lections. He guarantees a good £c and satisfaction every time. Boots and Shoes.—At the City Store there is one of the finest assortments of boots and shoes to be seen in lowa coun- ty, and the cost thereof is reasonable. IT. I. Osborne lias a fine stock of dress goods of every variety. The prentest variety and best styles of Hals and Caps, for young and old, will be found at Grr-s & Schillen’s AVic Hal &/ore. Millinery.—Mrs. B istian s display of Millinery goods is one of the finest ever seen in this city. Her stock of hats, bonnets, trimmings, ribbons, flowers, and other millinery articles is of the latest styles and chiocest varieties, and her long experience in the business enables her to suit all customers. Call and see me at my store on High street. It is alwavs a pleasure to show goods to tut customers. Miss Agnes F Strong will resume her music class on Monday, Oct. sth, and would be happy to receive applications from old pupils or new, on or before that date. She will guarantee satisfac- tory instruction in the branches of piano, organ, thorough bass and cultivation of the voice. Piano or organ furnished for practice for a small extra charge per term. For terms apply at her residence, or send for circular. Listht! .viure Light! Greater Light I Pulford has just returned from the East, and has laid in the largest stock of lamps ever brought to this market, which he sells at very low figures. Call and see them. The new improvement on our Air Tight Collins puts us in a position which enables us to sell coffins lower than any other firm in this place. Satisfaction given or money returned. AH our coffins are air-tight. 32m5 ELLIN GEN' BROTHERS. The celebrated Rogers A Bros double plated spoons, forks, sugar shells Ac. All goods warranted as represented at Davey a All the year round—the celebrated Richardson a boots and shoes fur sale at iT- i: P.'s Anew stock just received. TAKEX IP—COW, I P by the subscriber, rcsi iing on 3eeth n 1 IS, Town ft, Range 1, town of Mifflin, lowa Cos., on or about the 27th day of September, 1373, one cfow, red arfd white, speckle !, supposed to be three years old last spring, and when said cow came npon my premises she was tied head and foot with a leather strap. The owner is rqa sted to call, pro\ ff property, pay charges, and t .ke said stray away. ED. U. DIXON. Mifflin, Oct Oth, 1373—10 r4* TAKE.\ H’-POW. r I I AKEX UP by the Subscriber, on lands occupie 1 .1 hy him—Section 28, Ton i E, 1! mge 1, east—town of Milflln, lows cmnty, Wi>., on ttie doth day of September, 1-73, one m use colored mire pony, supposed to lie 7 years o and. with \V. F. toad •t o i the left hind hip or Hank. The owner will please call, prove property, pay charges and tak- said stray away. RICHARD JOHN’S. Mifflin, Oct. S, 1373—42w4* TA !i Is \ I P- hTi: Is a. f|' AKEX TP by the sutiscriber. On or about the 1 24th of September, 1373, one white steer, neck and ears speckled ; supposed to he three years old ast spring. I reside on Section I'd, Town 5, Range 2, T wn of Linden. The owner of said stray is re- quested to prove property, pay charge?, arid take it away. HENRY WILSMAVfIMZ. Linden, Oct. 3d, 1373.—41w4. TAKEA IP-BILL. r l"'A*f EX I’P by the undersigned, residing on lands 1 owned by him, in Section :>•>, Town 5, Ranges, east, one mite and a half north of the city of Min- eral Point, on the loth day of September, 1373, a fed hull, supposed to be from 3 tc years old, with a patent hull ring in his nose, and has a bill on with a chain and lock. The owner will please call, prove property, pay charges, and take said stray away. JOSEPH L. JACKSON. September 43, 137-3—33w4 STRAYES> OSS STOLE*. From the undersigned, a white and red speckled four year old cow. The cow strayed or was stolen from a pasture in section 2, town 4, range 3, lowa county, She was purchased from Alfred Davis, of Mifflin. For informaCon as to her whereabouts. I rhall be under great obligations, and am willing to give a liberal reward for the recovery of the sahfe. Intfuire of Mr i’n! or? the described prem- ises, or of me at Mineral Point, Wis. CiIAS. 11. RUSSELL. July ffth, 1373 23tf riim A LECTURE TO YOXJISJ O MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price sim cents. A Lccltiro on flic Nature, Treatment cure of Spermatorrhoee or Seminal Weakness. Invol- untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Consumpsicn, Epilepsy and Fils; Mvntal and Physical Incapacity, resulting frouiSelf. Abus-, etc.—By ROBERT ,t CUL- YEHWEi.L, SI. D., Author of the “'lireeft Book,"Ac The world-renowned author, in this admirable lec- ture, clearly proves from Ms own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he effect- ually remove without medicines, and without dan- gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing exit a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by whieh every sufferer, no matter hat his comdition mav be, may cure him- self cheaply, privately and nviicallv. THIS LEC- TURE WILL PIMV t ; a INJON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any arhfrecs. to a plein 'ea'ed envelope, on Site receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell’s “Marriage Guide, pr 00 ctr Address the Publishers, OJAS. J. C. RLI\F. i. CO., 127 Broadway, New York, P. O. Box 458C. no-30-ly P. ALLEN k CO., —FOR— James AVarrack's AMERICAN &EUROPEAN .'STEAMSHIPS, f-ifc~Sellinir through tickets form Mineral Point to any point in Europe. FOR THE MADISON MUTUAL INS UR AX CE COMPA X }'. FOR THE MSOM & HAMLIN ORGANS & MEL ODE OXS. WAGON & CARRIAGE building-. PAINTING and REPAIRING Done promptly and satisfactorily hf HARVEY KEYES, At the old Rock Shop' on Fountain St., Mineral Point. I <lm prepared to build any kind of Wagon, Buggy *’ r CariiaaO tint will hear comparison lu every re- spect with any work in the market. CARRIAGE PAINTING & TRIMMING Done to the satisfaction of every customer. tti The tn"t experienced Painters, Wood Work- ers and Blacksmiths employed. II S KEYES. Slln’l Pt., Wis., Aug ffrh, !s7d. —'iJt ? DO YOU KNOW that at the CITY BAKERY, Third door above Pulford's, you can get A WARM LUX CM I WITH HOT tea and coffee At acy hour In the day for 10 to 25 cents? 1 also have a full stock of GBdt M Ei I E S ! Including the best Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Ac , and sell the same as cheap as any dealer. FRESH BREAD. CAKES, PIES, &c„ Always on hand. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY of-every description. Of Toys and Fancy Articles! 1 have the most complete and varied assort nfenl in lowa County. GEORGE carter, Dec. 10, 1572—50-tf BOOTS | SHOES. P. ALLEN 8l CO., Have a large ami complete slock of Hoots ami SEoes, including till grades, sizes, styles and prices. LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN can lie fitted at all times. C. C. Moore & Cos., AGENTS FOR THE Sandwich Wind Mills! Warranted in all respects. Mrnef.il Point, ’.Vis. —dune IS to Jan’y 1‘ ’T4 1. H. VIVIAN, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, Offers to the citizens of Mineral Point and vicinity a carefully select- ed stock of strictly PURE DRUGS! Also a full stock of BRUSHES. PAINTS, 01L3, VARNtSTiES. DYE STUFFS, Patent Medicines, LAMPS AND SHADES, SOLID & FLUID EXTRACTS, HERBS, PERFUMERY ol the FIRST-CLASS, SOAPS, Hat and Hair Brushes, COMBS. ETC., and a host of other things belonging to a Drug Store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. It is mv aim to keep on hand at all time a full stock of everything appertain- ing to the drug trade. J, 11. VIVIAN. ClFfoirtßPßlSE Tfe 5Lj BehVle Gif! Bbtntef.w is ihe Cwaly! $75,000.00 hi I jlu ih'.e difir.' To be Distributed iri L. D. SINE’S lollh Reirnlar MwntlilT GIFT ENTERPTISE! To Le drauu tfaudar, Nov. 2lih, ISU. ONE GRAND CASH PRISE OR $5,000 IN CrOLD t ONE GRAND CASH PRIZE OF $5,000.00 13NT SIILYTEIt, Two Prizes si .000 each Greenbacks 6 PRIZES soo EACH GPENNBACKS 10 Prizes SIOO each Greenbacks 1000 ol>l I Sifrrr Leerr /hintin'/ WtitoAe* {in nt ! north from S'JO to f:l'll mch. Chin Silver Vest Chains So'iil and Double-plated Slvtr-ware, Jewelry, Ac. No. Gifts 10,001). TlrWets liinitiated In 7.>,04)0 1 Wnnted to m II Tlrkoln, whom will tie paid Liberal Premiums. Sljlglt* Tlt kels si. Six Tlt-ketw *.>, 1 J Tielteh *l4). -2S TtcheU **o. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a des, Orlptlon of the maniitr of drawing, and other Infor- hiation In reference to the Distribution, will he sent fo any <>KC Ofdering them. All letters mast be nd- drnwdtn 1.. I* *.i\K, Main Office 101 W Fifth A CINCINNATI, O. ©OB W STEPHENS & RICKARD! We nr- hitter than tvor before prepared t*f aceommodale residents of this City af.J the (raveling public with the best of LIVERY Accomodation We are constantly adding to our already large line, a fresh supply of new and easy We have the best and largest stock o RELIABLE HORSES To be found In South-Western Wisconsin. We shall furnish, with or without drivers. Double or Single Teamd FOS BUSINESS TRIPS, —PLESURE PRT SES, OR HUNTING EXCURSIONS, It the most reasonable rates. Draught. Teams fur- nished for heavy wink when desired. Our Office and Ptahles are situated in Ihe rear of Pisiutl'ii Batcher Shop, and VarTLll'i Leather 'tore, t','?’ Turn North ’round corner of High and Chestnut Streets,—Can’t help finding our tdore and business. tlf Hot era In attendance, NIGHT and DAT. JOHN STEPHENS. Sampson rick are). Mineral Point, Wisconsin, 'iri LIFE /v I* Site ut in 1501. Y’ou can get the most cOmfm t by using PETERS’ IMPROVED WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS, An Improvement over All Others. Sold by Dealers In Fornilnre and Bedding. WHITTLESEY & PETERS, 139 LaSalle-SI. -.• n CHICAGO - DT. t r r—, ,rlv With \ V 11, T. HELMIioLD.) trade Myitis;. jpjreV A At? FLU ED EXTRACT BUCHU. Is the riniy Kn -vn Remedy for RCg.'its. Dia- and bn* c-tt-nd every ease <>l Diah.-tew in .vlili.hit. has 'tei-n riven. Irritation of the 'feck, ft B idd i Inflammation ofthe KUaejn- ■cratb.n ol’ti Kidney- and Bladder, J.’ettn ;on off rt; i■ iti-<-i>. -of the In -tnle (Hand, '•’ono in f o ilia el -r, Gravel. Rrir.k T ie-kJt* iic>w), id ilr-i'e nr Aid!; Iji-char'ee. at irfor ki> eWerland Del Cot itlooe f both Sens, I follow rmpti I . . of PoI Lost of HI . It Ulof B> .’h- ' : W eak verves, VI al fulness, I’.dn in the Ba -.1 •t I ' Bt ly, Kmpfkm on tbo F.e.-e. Ihuli'l Countenance," Latitude of tho System, efe. I—J by ,wreora in the d"r ’ine op change of df". alt ii (tufliii-nte.ni or labor pains, bed-wc-L- --.ug in children, efe. In many ; !1 r tjon® perr.Har to ladies, the Ex-- ■-a-t Biehu i- nneijnahd by any of her r< nied y Asia Chhtr'—:- or Retention. !n<;'-ilrity, Pain-- tilness or Sr ; - -hm oft ’u-iomary Hiamationa- iterate.) or - rirru-; state <f the I’terns. Leu-- •rh;e i r,r Whir , S; ility, and f<-r all com 1 1: it- incident to theses! It is prescribed \t. naively by the most endrent Physiciunts and i Iw-iv f'-r enfi bh-d and delii ata coubUu- ,s < f both sexi s anu all ages. ir:A;"LY’3 rzrp.Arr ltjchtt, f '‘ ' .bn ff 1re,” i’V f'r'i<irt>t\ , in j, ; tie .; stages.-; e n. . mor noehangt-in cr>< ?. a>. fi,, tad > ;,- it *■ Bod Elves gt:csgHi o •hereby r. :i rov!-tg Ob-trucr-00-. i’revet f>g and ■'i'”' -*tr|f!|.i c-f the ? r , '>l ivhvv Rain ' ItiT i r .in <.fr! .uewtin fM'■•i-Hcfclia- ■i;' -'i had e..|i.-iiii" ait ihiisonotw witter KLAivirri’A rxTHACi buciitj. boOperhotf! or ;s tor f-'i 00. delivered ° ony addrers, K-rero from oli-rve!ion. Sold s> dniguifi- evt r-uiiere. lirepar-il by KKAKNEV A ( Ci.. tof TMane 'f. NT. T. to whom ail ietu-rs io: informal ioa should bo . -ire-. wed. .void Quacks r.ncJ imposters. No C’h. :in f' i Adviccatid Con.-'ilatien. J. B f, Gnu . Mfy&eat Pi.-, at e ; iiia. authorof MtA-erttl valuable iks. car c<•*'•* ted on ail discaeus- of the or Lrii.k.-r (which ho has made •apeeial itrbt i ei’hrr in male or female, n •ter from what ratt- c originating or of hour ir;_ A practice of 30 year* enabltt) <ti l Kly \rO with sncicrs Cures etux- <l. t 'ha.vn ,-.t-..r.able. ’i Aon- a; a dis. -•anfi,-ward letter iescribing symptoms X {tnmi> to prepay postage. . id- is (■ o t- to J/r.uh. Frir 10Cents, ii iTT. M.n . I’livsic ian tud Snigecu. i: 1 DRut)•- NvV(k Hoim* and Lot for Sale. Lot No do, Taylor’s addition to the city, with good, comfortable dwelling and out houses. Premises consist of olie acre is good order Enquire of Alex Wilson, Agent. Oct. 2, 1873—40tf Gold niid Wutrlirsßt DarrrV A fresh arrival of gold and silver watches, also a handsome lot of fine jewelry fresh from the importers, and at lowest living prices Come and see. All goods warranted. l*flnarj music Instruction. A class for beginners will be formed of children under 14 years, on the plan of class teaching used in musical con- servatories. Tuition •■?<'). for 24 lessons. Attention is called to this class as j re- senting the best and cheapest opportu- nity ever offered here for obtaining thorough instruction in music. Apply before October 20tb, to Miss Agnes F. Strong, at her residence. SILK HATS. Of the latest pattern—Broadway, Trade and others—lor sale Cheap by Grass A Schillen. 17 A. R RIZ 3D. REW L\—DOBSON.—At Dodgeville, Oct. l.jtii. 18715, hy Rev. Charles Dawson, Mr. M. F. Rewey, of Ilia town of Linden, to Miss S. J. Dobson, ot the same place. IMLU. EDt.N.—ln tins city, of consumption, on the IHh inst., Mr. Ptiilip Eden, aged (50 years. Mr. Eden had been a resident of Mineral Point about years, and as a neighbor, man and citizen, he was honored and esteemed by the entire community. The past two years he had been elected by large majorities to the respon-ible office of City Treasurer, which at- tested the great respect and contideucc in which he was held. -*II\ EBAli 18A.KKKT. Mineral Point, Wis. Oct. 10. 1S:. The figures given below are the highest that are paid up to tile hour of guing to press (fold. In New York f isj Flour—best—per 100 3 05 tVheat—No. 1 $S do No. 2 go Corn —35 Oats 20—25 flax 1 si Barley 70—90 Potatoes 50 Onions 75 11ay—pr tun 7 00 Butter—best—pr lb 20 Eggs—prdoz. 15 Beef, Mutton and vea! in marhits—pr lb S 12 Lead Ore—pr 100t}... 42 00 Dry bone—pr ton 17 0d Bltckjack—pr tun 1C 50 Beef—>lve 3 50—4D Hogs, alive ....... j.... 3 25 do ufeased 4 ‘25

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Page 1: Mineral Point tribune (Mineral Point, Wis.) 1873-10-16 [p ]



■\TOTAKV I'CRI.IC, Highland, lowa County, W!s.Conveyancing and collections promptly altend-

,d 10.



\TTORNK VS AM) COUNSELLORS, Dodgeville,Wis. Will practice in all the Courts of this

State. volixv-noau-ly

corn 111; N A LAOOJN,

VTTORXKYS AND COUNSELLED!, over theHoot utlice. Mineral I'olnt, Mia. 52


Attorney and counsellor at law, andAgent for N. W. .Mutual Life Insurance Company

and Republic Fire Insurance Company. Office oppo-ile the City Hall, up-aiahs, -Mineral Foiut, Wis.


W. W. Likens. John Likksb,XV. XV. X JOHN LIKENS,

Attorney and counsellors at law,Mineral I'oint, Wis. i'raclice in the L. S.

and State Courts, and aCeud lo agencies and col-lections in all parts of tlic -t rie.

Ollice in Leualians’ dock, opposite the PostOtter! W G-



Attorneys & Counselors at Law,Office—First dour above \ iviaa’s

Blo.e. aJ. 15. MOFFETI'j M. 11.

1)11 VSICIAN AND 81 lie EON. Office in Moffetts’Drug Store, High Sired, Mineral Point. xxx-8

<;eo. i>. wilugk, yi. 0.,PRACTICING A CONSULTING

PHYSICIAN AND SI KCHON.a. Daltok, m. t>. s. a. rt-Kiux, m. n.

DALTON A FIvIIKINTjiiYSICIANS AMI SURGEONS,—Office No. 1.I Coad’a Block, (Up Stairs) over Dellcr’a ctore,

corner of 11.gU and Chestnut Streets, Miner.tl Point,Wisconsin.

Particular attention given to Operative Surgery.S. A. Perrin's Residence on Doty St , recently oc-

cupied by Dr. Cronin.

JOSEPH C. .lIITCUELLE.■a * ANUPACTUREK of all kinds of OrnamentalsAA, Hair Work, such as .Jracele’s, Itreast-Pins,Watch-Guard*, Necklaces, Finger Rings, Ear t.iugs,Charms, Ac. Also Curls, Waterfalls, Switches, La-dice' Prout Pieces, Gents' V\ig., and everything inhis line. Cash paid lor raw hair. P. U. ib*x 21 o‘Mineral Point, w is. xxn-8-ly.


I UNITED STAPES HOTEL, ( Watki.v Watkins’J Oil) iTASIi.) Dodgevillc, n isconsin.Having taken charge of this hotel ior a term of j ears

II propose lo keep it lor the special accommodationof the traveling public.

i h tv. a large barn, and keep attentive hostlers.—I propose to set. a good table, and &eep the bar at alltimes supplied with the best of liquors.

By alien i deserve,and receive a lair share of the publicpatronage

■ixiu-12-tI iiiuAlAS IHuaIAS.


Well furnished. Airy rooms. Veil Spread tables.Good Stables. Reasonable charges,

JOHN S.ualley, PropVr.August Olh, WE—tf

Wisconsin hotel,DODGEVILLE, - WISCONSIN.

TWa well known ami inquibir hotel, in the north-f.-n part i f ihe v illage r le, has beei en-i ii getl and improv'd, and a m.w f*y far iL* largestt*Ll best huuoe in cvei j respect in the place.

WINES AND LIQUORSof the very best h. and only ~re k pt in the bar foi

the accommodation of customers.

TIIK TABLESare always kept supplied with the very best the

market allot’Js, prepared in the very beat siyle.

Tll /; UOO M scomfortable and well furnished as any

house ui ihe county.


and everything elae calculated l conduce thecomlurt and pleasure of gue.-ts.

JONIiPii HOCItIaG,July 11, A -71. -'"if PKorKifcToß.


11. LA jI.UL Lropriclor.fJ'IUS IDtU'E has lately been rkhttkd throcoh-* r, i ■ I is now second to none in coulhwesterat\ isconsin.

rS A M P la E U O O MFor ommercial Tourists.


Attentive flerk< anil ll>t!cr> llwaj'tiu Hand.

■ ■he | a) lie.hu \vil> snare no pains lo satisfy his guests,tiiv-llily


GEO. J. GOLirniOßl*,Manufacturer of

PUREST WHITE,And all (Colors.

t®r-OF!'ICE, 91 Main Street, GALEN t, II V.jSJ


Dealer in all materials usually found in an

Extensive Lumber Yard!INCLUDING


i~.- ’Office r rth of the railroad depot, Coin ncrc St.




M EEODEONSDirect from the manufacturers, and are able to sell

at as ■ \v price, a* the large dealers in

CHICAGO OR MILWAUKEE!Ag- i- x iV>TU •MI NTS always on hand,

enibra r.g ail t lot made, among them

U coil s, rdoiiluM and Emv.and other Organs, besides


all an>l examine instruments and learn fig.' fanoidor to oil Oppo-ite I’m: rd's, High Street, Mineral Point. Wis.

J. H. CA UT WRIGHT,ALEX. DAMS.April I sth, W3—l Gtf

tiumlry X Gray.

Sole Ag< nta lowa mtj for E. But-ter wick ,v Co.’s Paper Pattern for LadiesMisses and Boys garments and underclothing.

Also Agents for J. Roberts’CelebratedUaaor S'.eel Seisivi;.

Local Intelligence.Alex. Garland’s store at Mus-

coda was burglarized to the extentof 8100 in money and goods a shorttime ago.

The product of the Centervillemines last year was: lead 300,000pounds, dry bone 10,000 tons, black-jack 10,000 tons.

Alfred Jen*kin’s hotel is offeredfor sale. This is the best payingand most desirable hotel standin thecity. Any one who can run it aswell as Alfred has done can makemoney rapidly by purchasing.

From the Chronicle we learn thatHon. L. W. Joiner, of Wyoming,was thrown from a colt one day festweek, having his shoulder dislocated,and being otherwise injured. Undercare of Dr. Burrall he is recovering.

Ot'R country is having one of themost delightful autumns it has everknown. The equinoctial disturb-ances were comparatively moderateand of short duration, and every-where the exclamation now is,“What beautiful weather 1” May itcontinue.

Tm; convention which nominatedMr. Robinson did nut deem it nec-essary to pass any resolutions pledg-ing him to the cause of the fanners,as the candidate being a regularhard-working, hard-listed farmer, isnot likely to “go back” on his owninterests.

►The first installment of John

Horn’s apples arrived on Monday,and were taken off as fast as theycould be opened and examined. Wesaw a dozen barrels opened. It isthe best lot wo ever saw in this city.Fresh supplies are constantly com-ing, but are taken as fast as opened.Don’t delay in making selections, oryou may be too late.

At 3 o’clock on the morning of(he 13th nit. Garland’s plaining millat Muscoda was discovered to be inllames. The alarm was given toolate to save anything except the en-gine and boiler. The loss was be-tween 81.100 and 81,300, with noinsurance. Garland promptly or-dered new and improvedmachinery,and is again running.

The staunch old Galena Gazettecomes to us enlarged and grcatlvimproved. It is now one of thelargest as well as bc<t M eekly papersthat comes to our table. Its localdepartment, as heretofore, is superi-or to that of any paper in this min-ing region. We are pleased to noteour neighbor's prosperity.

The Democrats of La Fayettecounty seem to have as little regardfor the ‘’eternal fitness of things”a* their brethren of this county;they have gone and nominated Jim.Knight for County Superintendentof Schools. W ith Knight in LaFayette and Peck in lowa county,to superintend tfi,* training of theyoung,wouldn’t Democracy flourish?

A- -o

Piano Tuning.—Mr. 1). Jenkin,who has opened an office in theRoss building, has had considerableexperience in tuning and repairingPianos, Organs and other musicalinstruments, and is unquestionablycapable of performing that duty forany one needing it. Owners of in-struments that are out of repair ortune, will find it to their interest tosecure his services.

We have received, the prospectusof anew paper to be started atGalena, of which Mr. G. J. Gold-thorp, late of this place, is one ofthe publishers. The new paper hasour best wishes but wc apprehendthat will not prevent its being afailure, and an unfortunate specula-tion for the publishers. There isno undertaking more full of riskthan establishing' a newspaper.

The following are the officers ofthe tN W. Wis. I. A. for the uextyear, elected at the meeting of theassociation held October 4th:

Pn-MJcnt—John H. Vivian.Vice-President—N. K. Van Metre, C. De-

long, 1. 1 . Comfort, John ( , >wnej) aud Wn*.Bii'kimrham.

Secretary—T. S. Ansloy.Treasurer—Thomas Priestley.Executive Committee—John J. R vss. John

Mortin i Oli\ r, E. J. < j raid K.D. Pulfold.

James Toay positively declined toaccept a renomination for the Pres-idency, which many regret, as heLuis been -o faithful and efficient inthe years pa-4 as to receive the ap-probation of the association, andaided largely iu making the fairssuccessful.

The society resolved to lease thegrounds formerly occupied for fiveyears, with privilege of ton, at arentage of 8300 per year. There isin the treasury some seven or eighthundred dollars, which will be ex-

pended iu building anew house fordisplaying the liner articles beforeanother fair is held.

County Convention of the Patron* ofHusbandry.

Pursuant to notice given, the Pat-rons of Husbandry of lowa countymet in convention in the village ofDodgeville on Friday, Oct. 10, 1*73.All the Granges in the county wererepresented, and after preliminaryproceedings the convention proceed-ed to organize a County Association,or council) and the following officerswere elected: Worthy Master, Bro.James Ilird, of Hope Grange, Mif-flin ; Recording Secretary, Bro. Jno.C. Martin, of Waldwick Grange;Treasurer, Bro. Benjamin Elam, ofDodgeville Grange.

The following resolution we unan-imously adopted:

Resolved Ist, That we, as Patrons of Hus-bandry of lowa county, arc in favor of pay-ing the lowa county indebtedness at the rateof fio cents on the dollar, in six annual install-ments i and that for every 05 cents paid onthe judgment against us there he one dollarof the debt cancelled.

•2d, Tiiat we will encourage and supporthome manufactories.

3d, That we believe in a tariff for revenueonly ; and that salt, iron and lumber be placedon the free list.

4lh, That we will not pledge ourselves tosupport any political party.

sth, That we are lit favor of dealing withmanufacturers directly, and opposed lo thepresent system of dealing with their agents.

Council adjourned to meet thesecond Friday in December next.

It is manifest to every farmer inthe country of the rapid progressthe “farmers’ movement” through-out the Union, and of the great ben-efit it has effected for the producingclass generally; and let us hope thatmonopolies and corruptions walleventual!) give way in obedience toits just demands.

We particularly appeal to ourbrother farmers in this county togo to work and organize new Gran-ges iu their respective localities,and where it is convenient, jointhosealready formed. By so doing theywill not only be individually bene-fited, but will give more effectiveand working strength to our newlyorganized county association.

R. T. Parry,Seretary pro tern.

Washburn’s Speech.—With thispaper is issued a supplement con-taining the great speech of GovernorWashburn delivered at Fond duLae. This is the opening gun ofthe campaign in Wisconsin, andjudging by the general attack madeupon it by the Democratic sharp-shooters, they regard it as a danger-ous one. Every voter in the Stateought to carefully read this speech,for in it is found unanswerable rea-sons why the Republican partyshould be continued at the head ofaffairs in this State. The Governorclearly shows that all the good thereis iu the Dolly Varden platform iscopied from Republican doctrineand practice. Read the speech care-fully, and remember it when youcome to deposit your ballots.

Tin-: decease of Mr. Eden leavesthe City Treasurer’** office vacant.Mr. E.’.s election was l*y so large amajority, that we must conclude itto have been the wish of the peoplethat he and his lankily should re-ceive the benefit of the oliiee, and itis suggested to the Council, that tocarry out as far as possible thewishes of the voters, it would be butjustice that Mr. Eden’s son be ap-pointed to fill the vacancy, that theproceeds of the olfice may go to thefamily of the deceased. Mr. JohnEden is well (qualified to performthe duties of the office, and can un-doubtedly give a satisfactory bond.

Mixekae Poixt has done and isstid doing a great deal to improvetire Linden road; before long thethree miles nearest this city will bein fair condition. At this time theworst part of the road is from Lin-den village to the old Paddock pltu ■—indeed that part of the road isnow as bad as the south end hasever been. As from Linden hascome most of the complaints con-cerning this road, we hope the peo-ple of that town will have the con-sistency to see ilvat their part of itis put in at least as good repair asMineral Point’s part.

$25 Rewakd.—Two huh, namedGeorge A. Harrington and PhilipF. Collbeek, left their homes in EastBoston on the 4th of July last, anda reward of $25 is offered for anyinformation furnished Ebenezer Har-rington, concerning them. YoungHarrington is 10 years old, five feet2 inches high, weight about fidpounds, fair complexion, dark brownhair and eyes, sear on his cheek,large white teeth. Young Collbeekis 15 years old. 5 feet 0 inches inheight, slim build, dark brown hair,blue eyes and fair complexion, frontteeth wide and protruding. Theboys came west.

S. Doppler, has now on hand the great-est assortment of imported and nativewines, containing different brands ofCalifornia and Ohio wines, Champagnered French wines, and the most cele-brated brands of Finnish wines, whichhe will sell by the glass, bottle or gallon,at very low prices.

Always on hand the choicest eatablesof the season.

The combined Piano A Organ for sal;by Cartwright A Davis is a marvel ofperfection, beauty and sweet sounds.

The Assembly District Conven-tion wa not largely attended lastSaturday. Very few regularly elect-ed delegates were present, but citi-zens from every town being therewere allowed to vote, and thus a fairexpression was arrived at. Dr.Vivian acted as Chairman, and W.11. Bennett as Secretary. On mo-tion of John J. Davis, Mr. Robinsonwas renominated by acclamation,without a dissenting vote. The olddistrict committee, with John 11.Vivian as chairman, was continuedfor another year, and conventionadjourned.

The Commercial Hotel at Dodgeville,under the proprietorship of Win. J.Thomas, is improved in appearance andmanagement, and rapidly gaining popu-iariry. Mr. Thomas possesses the en-terprise and tact to make a No. 1 land-lord, and cannot fail to secure a goodrun of custom. Daily stages betweenMineral Point and Arena, and a dailyback from Dodgeville to Mineral Point,returning after the train arrives hereeach evening, stop at the CommercialHouse.


Magnificent. —The new stock of bootsand shoes just arrived at Schneberger’s.

The City Store’s display of dressgoods is grand; but that is not all; theproprietors guarantee that they are ascheap, and some a little cheaper thancan be had elsewhere in this city.

Bradley it Metcalf. —This is the firmthat makes*the best custom made bootsand shoes in U boonsin. To prove the Itruth ol this statement try a pair. Forsale at 11. T. Usburne’s.

A fine assortment of the Seth Thomas,Ansoanian, U aterbury and Terry clocks,warranted to give satisfaction; also anice lot of plated castors, children’sdtps, napkin rings 'to., at Davey’s.

The crowd on Heller’s corner J.dmany to suppose the other day that therewas a disturbance of some kind ; but onrushing there we found all quiet. Thecrowd gathered to see and admire thebeautiful new goods just being openedat the Emporium.

Gold is only I.S^ —and Cartwright hasreduced the price of his jewelry accord-ingly. Now is the time to purchase gold,silver and platedware.

Among the many attractive things thisfall, Clauer has some of the finest andbest. In dress goods and trimmings, heis not excelled by any house in the city.

Clicmtclcs and Pure Drug*.

Pulford is just opening the finest stockof pure drugs and chemical, direct fromfirst hads, ever brought to this city. Calland price them. His motto is, puregoods and low prices.

Vea Ladies!— Your attention is in-vited to the magnificent >tock of novel-ties just received at Sherwood Bern's.Call and be convinced that our styles arethe latest, and terms not to be got under.

Don't fail to call and examineGrass & Scliillva’s new Hats, Collars andTies; just received from the manufactories.

Onk of the best stocks of whipsin the county can be found at T. I’iiestlev’sHarness Store. He has also a full line ofTrunks, Valises, Fly Nets, Summer HorseClothing, Ate. 27m3

Piles of New (loot's daily arriving atHeller s Emporium. He has bought thehrgest stock this fall ever brought toMineral Point.

Charley Paumele is so accmmodatingand the goods from his house alwaysfound so satisfactory that his expresswagon is kept moving pretty regularly.

Fchnederoer's boots and shoes nevertail to give satisfaction. They always fitand wear well. He is closing out hisstock of ready made work at reducedprices.

Gentlemen see Clauer s cloths andready-made clothing before making se-lections. He guarantees a good £c andsatisfaction every time.

Boots and Shoes.—At the City Storethere is one of the finest assortments ofboots and shoes to be seen in lowa coun-ty, and the cost thereof is reasonable.

IT. I. Osborne lias a fine stock of dressgoods of every variety.

The prentest variety and beststyles of Hals and Caps, for young and old,will be found at Grr-s & Schillen’s AVicHal &/ore.

Millinery.—Mrs. B istian s display ofMillinery goods is one of the finest everseen in this city. Her stock of hats,bonnets, trimmings, ribbons, flowers, andother millinery articles is of the lateststyles and chiocest varieties, and her longexperience in the business enables herto suit all customers. Call and see meat my store on High street. It is alwavsa pleasure to show goods to tut customers.

Miss Agnes F Strong will resume hermusic class on Monday, Oct. sth, andwould be happy to receive applicationsfrom old pupils or new, on or beforethat date. She will guarantee satisfac-tory instruction in the branches of piano,organ, thorough bass and cultivation ofthe voice.

Piano or organ furnished for practicefor a small extra charge per term.

For terms apply at her residence, orsend for circular.

Listht! .viure Light! Greater Light I

Pulford has just returned from theEast, and has laid in the largest stockof lamps ever brought to this market,which he sells at very low figures. Calland see them.

The new improvement on our Air TightCollins puts us in a position which enablesus to sell coffins lower than any other firmin this place. Satisfaction given or moneyreturned. AH our coffins are air-tight.


The celebrated Rogers A Bros doubleplated spoons, forks, sugar shells Ac.All goods warranted as represented atDavey a

All the year round—the celebratedRichardson a boots and shoes fur sale atiT- i: P.'s Anew stock just received.

TAKEX IP—COW,I P by the subscriber, rcsi iing on 3eeth n1 IS, Town ft, Range 1, town of Mifflin, lowa Cos.,

on or about the 27th day of September, 1373, onecfow, red arfd white, speckle !, supposed to be threeyears old last spring, and when said cow came nponmy premises she was tied head and foot with aleather strap. The owner is rqa sted to call, pro\ ffproperty, pay charges, and t .ke said stray away.

ED. U. DIXON.Mifflin, Oct Oth, 1373—10 r4*

TAKE.\ H’-POW.r IIAKEX UP by the Subscriber, on lands occupie 1.1 hy him—Section 28, Ton i E, 1! mge 1, east—townof Milflln, lows cmnty, Wi>., on ttie doth day ofSeptember, 1-73, one m use colored mire pony,supposed to lie 7 years o and. with \V. F. toad •t o ithe left hind hip or Hank. The owner will pleasecall, prove property, pay charges and tak- saidstray away. RICHARD JOHN’S.

Mifflin, Oct. S, 1373—42w4*

TA!i Is\ I P- hTi: Isa.f|' AKEX TP by the sutiscriber. On or about the1 24th of September, 1373, one white steer, neckand ears speckled ; supposed to he three years oldast spring. I reside on Section I'd, Town 5, Range

2, T wn of Linden. The owner of said stray is re-quested to prove property, pay charge?, arid takeit away.

HENRY WILSMAVfIMZ.Linden, Oct. 3d, 1373.—41w4.

TAKEA IP-BILL.r l"'A*f EX I’P by the undersigned, residing on lands1 owned by him, in Section :>•>, Town 5, Ranges,east, one mite and a half north of the city of Min-eral Point, on the loth day of September, 1373, afed hull, supposed to be from 3 tc .. years old, with apatent hull ring in his nose, and has a bill on with achain and lock. The owner will please call, proveproperty, pay charges, and take said stray away.

JOSEPH L. JACKSON.September 43, 137-3—33w4

STRAYES> OSS STOLE*.From the undersigned, a white and red speckled

four year old cow. The cow strayed or was stolenfrom a pasture in section 2, town 4, range 3, lowacounty, She was purchased from Alfred Davis, ofMifflin. For informaCon as to her whereabouts. Irhall be under great obligations, and am willing togive a liberal reward for the recovery of the sahfe.

Intfuire of Mr i’n! or? the described prem-ises, or of me at Mineral Point, Wis.

CiIAS. 11. RUSSELL.July ffth, 1373 23tf


Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Pricesim cents.

A Lccltiro on flic Nature, Treatmentcure of Spermatorrhoee or Seminal Weakness. Invol-untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedimentsto Marriage generally; Nervousness, Consumpsicn,Epilepsy and Fils; Mvntal and Physical Incapacity,resulting frouiSelf. Abus-, etc.—By ROBERT ,t CUL-YEHWEi.L, SI. D., Author of the “'lireeft Book,"Ac

The world-renowned author, in this admirable lec-ture, clearly proves from Ms own experience thatthe awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he effect-ually remove without medicines, and without dan-gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments,rings or cordials, pointing exit a mode of cure atonce certain and effectual, by whieh every sufferer,no matter hat his comdition mav be, may cure him-self cheaply, privately and nviicallv. THIS LEC-TURE WILL PIMV t; a INJON TO THOUSANDSAND THOUSANDS.

Sent under seal, to any arhfrecs. to a plein 'ea'edenvelope, on Site receipt of six cents or two postagestamps.

Also, Dr. Culverwell’s “Marriage Guide, pr 00 ctrAddress the Publishers,

OJAS. J. C. RLI\F. i. CO.,127 Broadway, New York,

P. O. Box 458C. no-30-ly




.'STEAMSHIPS,f-ifc~Sellinir through tickets form MineralPoint to any point in Europe.





WAGON & CARRIAGEbuilding-.

PAINTING and REPAIRINGDone promptly and satisfactorilyhf

HARVEY KEYES,At the old Rock Shop' on

Fountain St., Mineral Point.I <lm prepared to build any kind of Wagon, Buggy

*’ r CariiaaO tint will hear comparison lu every re-spect with any work in the market.

CARRIAGE PAINTING & TRIMMINGDone to the satisfaction of every customer.tti The tn"t experienced Painters, Wood Work-

ers and Blacksmiths employed.II S KEYES.

Slln’l Pt., Wis., Aug ffrh, !s7d. —'iJt ?

DO YOU KNOWthat at the

CITY BAKERY,Third door above Pulford's, you can get

A WARM LUX CM I WITH HOTtea and coffee

At acy hour In the day for 10 to 25 cents? 1 alsohave a full stock of

GBdt M Ei I E S !Including the best Teas. Coffee, Sugar, Ac , and sell

the same as cheap as any dealer.

FRESH BREAD. CAKES, PIES, &c„Always on hand.

FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARYof-every description. Of

Toys and Fancy Articles!1 have the most complete and varied assort nfenl in

lowa County.GEORGE carter,

Dec. 10, 1572—50-tf


Have a large ami complete slock ofHoots ami SEoes, including till grades,sizes, styles and prices.

LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENcan lie fitted at all times.

C. C. Moore & Cos.,


Sandwich Wind Mills!Warranted in all respects.

Mrnef.il Point, ’.Vis. —dune IS to Jan’y 1‘ ’T4



DRUGGIST,Offers to the citizens of MineralPoint and vicinity a carefully select-ed stock of strictly

PURE DRUGS!Also a full stock of




Patent Medicines,LAMPS AND SHADES,




Hat and Hair Brushes,


and a host of other things belonging to aDrug Store.

Prescriptions CarefullyCompounded.

It is mv aim to keep on hand at alltime a full stock of everything appertain-ing to the drug trade.

J, 11. VIVIAN.

ClFfoirtßPßlSETfe 5Lj BehVle Gif! Bbtntef.w is ihe Cwaly!

$75,000.00hi I jlu ih'.e difir.' To be Distributed iri

L. D. SINE’Slollh Reirnlar MwntlilT

GIFT ENTERPTISE!To Le drauu tfaudar, Nov. 2lih, ISU.



$5,000.00 13NT SIILYTEIt,Two Prizes si .000 each Greenbacks6 PRIZES soo EACH GPENNBACKS10Prizes SIOO each Greenbacks1000 ol>l I Sifrrr Leerr /hintin'/ WtitoAe*

{in nt ! north from S'JO to f:l'll mch.Chin Silver Vest Chains So'iil and Double-plated

Slvtr-ware, Jewelry, Ac.

No. Gifts 10,001). TlrWets liinitiated In 7.>,04)0 1

Wnnted to m II Tlrkoln, whomwill tie paid Liberal Premiums.Sljlglt* Tlt kels si. Six Tlt-ketw *.>, 1 J

Tielteh *l4). -2S TtcheU **o.Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a des,

Orlptlon of the maniitr of drawing, and other Infor-hiation In reference to the Distribution, will he sentfo any <>KC Ofdering them. All letters mast be nd-drnwdtn 1.. I* *.i\K,

Main Office 101 W Fifth A . CINCINNATI, O.

©OB WSTEPHENS & RICKARD!We nr- hitter than tvor before prepared t*f

aceommodale residents of this City af.J the (ravelingpublic with the best of

LIVERYAccomodation We are constantly adding to our

already large line, a fresh supply of new and easy

We have the best and largest stock o

RELIABLE HORSESTo be found In South-Western Wisconsin.

We shall furnish, with or without drivers.

Double or Single TeamdFOS


EXCURSIONS,It the most reasonable rates. Draught. Teams fur-

nished for heavy wink when desired.

Our Office and Ptahles are situated in Ihe rear ofPisiutl'ii Batcher Shop, and VarTLll'i Leather'tore, t','?’ Turn North ’round corner of High andChestnut Streets,—Can’t help finding our tdore andbusiness.tlf Hot era In attendance, NIGHT and DAT.

JOHN STEPHENS.Sampson rick are).

Mineral Point, Wisconsin, 'iri

LIFE/v I* Site ut in 1501.

Y’ou can get the most cOmfm t by using


An Improvement over All Others.Sold by Dealers In Fornilnre and Bedding.


- DT.t r r—, ,rlv With \

V 11, T. HELMIioLD.)

tradeMyitis;. jpjreV


Is the riniy Kn -vn Remedy for RCg.'its. Dia-and bn* c-tt-nd every ease <>l Diah.-tew in

.vlili.hit. has 'tei-n riven. Irritation of the 'feck,ft B idd i Inflammationofthe KUaejn-■cratb.n ol’ti • Kidney- and Bladder, J.’ettn;on off rt; i■ • iti-<-i>. -of the In -tnle (Hand,

'•’ono in f o ilia el -r, Gravel. Rrir.k T ie-kJt* iic>w),id ilr-i'e nr Aid!; • Iji-char'ee. at irfor ki>eWerland Del Cot itlooe f both Sens,

I follow rmpti I . .

of PoI - Lost of HI ■ . It ■ Ulof B> .’h-' : W eak verves, VI al fulness, I’.dn in the

Ba -.1 •t I ' Bt ly, Kmpfkm on tboF.e.-e. Ihuli'l Countenance," Latitude of thoSystem, efe.

I—J by ,wreora in the d"r’ine op change ofdf". alt ii (tufliii-nte.ni or labor pains, bed-wc-L-

--.ug in children, efe.In many ; !1r tjon® perr.Har to ladies, the Ex--

■-a-t Biehu i- nneijnahd by any of her r< nied yAsia Chhtr'—:- or Retention. !n<;'-ilrity, Pain--tilness or Sr ;- - -hm oft ’u-iomary Hiamationa-iterate.) or - rirru-; state <f the I’terns. Leu--•rh;e i r,r Whir , S; ility, and f<-r all com

11: it- incident to theses! It is prescribed\t. naively by the most endrent Physiciunts and■ i Iw-iv - f'-r enfi bh-d and delii ata coubUu-

,s < f both sexi s anu all ages.ir:A;"LY’3 rzrp.Arr ltjchtt,f '‘ ' .bn ff 1re,” i’V f'r'i<irt>t\

, in j, ; tie .; stages.-;e n. . mor noehangt-in cr>< ?. a>. fi,,

tad > ;,- it -- *■ ■

■ ■ ■ Bod Elves gt:csgHi o•hereby r. :irov!-tg Ob-trucr-00-. i’revet f>g and

■'i'”' -*tr|f!|.i- c-f the ? r , '>l ivhvv Rain

' ItiT i r.in <.fr! .uewtin fM'■•i-Hcfclia-■i;' -'i had e..|i.-iiii" ait ihiisonotw witter

KLAivirri’A rxTHACi buciitj.- boOperhotf! ■ or • ;s tor f-'i 00. delivered° ony addrers, K-rero from oli-rve!ion. Sold

s> dniguifi- evt r-uiiere. lirepar-il byKKAKNEV A ( Ci.. tof TMane 'f. NT. T.

to whom ail ietu-rs io: informalioa should bo. -ire-. wed..void Quacks r.ncJ imposters.

No C’h. :in f' i Adviccatid Con.-'ilatien.’ J. B ■ f, Gnu . ■ Mfy&eat

Pi.-, at e ; iiia. authorof MtA-erttlvaluableiks. car • c<•*'•* ted on ail discaeus- of the

or Lrii.k.-r (which ho has made■ •apeeial itrbt i ei’hrr in male or female, n•ter from what ratt- c originating or of hour

ir;_ A practice of 30 year* enabltt)■ ’ <ti l Kly \rO with sncicrs Cures etux-<l. t 'ha.vn ■ ,-.t-..r.able. ’i Aon- a; a dis.-•anfi,-ward letter iescribing symptoms• X {tnmi> to prepay postage.. id- is (■ o t- to J/r.uh. Frir ■ 10Cents,ii iTT. M.n . I’livsic ian tud Snigecu.

i: 1 DRut)•- NvV(k

Hoim* and Lot for Sale.Lot No do, Taylor’s addition to the

city, with good, comfortable dwellingand out houses. Premises consist of olieacre is good order Enquire of

Alex Wilson, Agent.Oct. 2, 1873—40tf

Gold niid Wutrlirsßt DarrrVA fresh arrival of gold and silver

watches, also a handsome lot of finejewelry fresh from the importers, and atlowest living prices Come and see.

All goods warranted.

l*flnarj music Instruction.

A class for beginners will be formedof children under 14 years, on the planof class teaching used in musical con-servatories. Tuition •■?<'). for 24 lessons.Attention is called to this class as j re-senting the best and cheapest opportu-nity ever offered here for obtainingthorough instruction in music.

Apply before October 20tb, to MissAgnes F. Strong, at her residence.

SILK HATS.Of the latest pattern—Broadway, Trade

and others—lor sale Cheap by Grass ASchillen. 17

A. R RIZ 3D.REW L\—DOBSON.—At Dodgeville, Oct.

l.jtii. 18715, hy Rev. Charles Dawson, Mr. M.F. Rewey, of Ilia town of Linden, to Miss S.J. Dobson, ot the same place.

IMLU.EDt.N.—ln tins city, of consumption, on the

IHh inst., Mr. Ptiilip Eden, aged (50 years.Mr. Eden had been a resident of Mineral

Point about years, and as a neighbor, manand citizen, he was honored and esteemed bythe entire community. The past two yearshe had been elected by large majorities to therespon-ible office of City Treasurer, which at-tested the great respect and contideucc inwhich he was held.

-*II\ EBAli 18A.KKKT.Mineral Point, Wis. Oct. 10. 1S:.

The figures given below are the highest that arepaid up to tile hour of guing to press(fold. In New York f isjFlour—best—per 100 3 05tVheat—No. 1 $S

do No. 2 goCorn

... —35Oats 20—25flax 1 siBarley 70—90Potatoes 50Onions 7511ay—pr tun 7 00Butter—best—pr lb 20Eggs—prdoz. 15Beef, Mutton and vea! in marhits—pr lb S 12Lead Ore—pr 100t}... 42 00Dry bone—pr ton 17 0dBltckjack—pr tun 1C 50Beef—>lve 3 50—4DHogs, alive .......j.... 3 25

do ufeased 4 ‘25