mikey scott responsive report


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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Responsive report


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BACARDI //CUBAN BACARDSTHE BRIEFCreate a product or a range of products that will attract males of the age 18 -25 to start drinking Bacardi Rum.Bacardi is commonly seen as a “girly” drink, so they have set the challenge of trying to attract a young male audi-ence who are most commonly interested in cheap lager or Bacardi competetors.

Bacardi also wanted to remind people of their Cuban heritage as they have found that not many people know they are a Cuban company

THE CONCEPTWhat are the most common items that are associated with Cuba? - Old YankTanks and Cuban Cigars as well as a bit of revolution thrown in there.

So for this concept I chose the one of those items that I thought I could link with a drink related product.

And so the Cuban Bacards was born which is a play on the name ‘Cuban Cigars’ and Bacardi.

The test tube Bacards carry a shots worth of rum in each container, the product also comes with a drink recipe guide to help inspire the new Bacardi customer.

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THE BRIEFTHhis was the brief that we chose for the collaborative part of this module, I was working with Josh and I think we put ourselves out of our comfort zones by picking this brief but I am glad we did, the results we got were not what I first expected when we decided to be partners.

The brief was set by Churchill insurance to think of a campaign that would educate 11-18 year olds who Winston Churchill was and what he did for Britain and the World.

Surveys showed that more very few 11-18 year olds knew who winston Churchill was when they were showed a picture, but nearly all 11-18 year olds know who Church-ill the Insurance dog is...and thats not right.

THE CONCEPTThe concept ended up being quite complex and our hand-ed in article was a proposition rather than a finished designed article..

I came up with the concept ‘Does your grandad look like Winston Churchill’ as a way to relate to a younger audience, who more than likely will still have their grandparents and will be able to link Winston’s face to that of their Gran-dad’s which will hopefully stick in their head after this experience. It also creates an opportunity for people who do not know about Winston Churchill to ask their Grandparents or Parents about it.We proposed a range of products that would be the basis for the competition entry as well as promote the competition directly to the required audience.

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MARK WEBSTER PHOTOGRAPHY// LOGOTHE BRIEFThe challenge was to create a logo for the Photographer Mark Webster, he deals with mostly Lifestyle Photography, Which entails alot of pho-tography form magazines as well as digital media.

He gace a few example of existing logos and fonts that he liked.

THE CONCEPTThe concept here, hopefully you can see that the M and W of Mark Webster have been formed out of the shape of a folded publication, as this is where a lot of his pho-tography ends up I thought it would be an appropriate con-cept t go with. especially as many of the examples he had given were all heavily based around geometric shapes and simplistic style.

I gave a choice of 2 designs as I thought they both were stronger in different aspects. One was more aesthetically pleasing while the other con-ceptually works a little better in my opinion..

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JAMIE JOOSTE// ALBUM COVER AND BANNERSTHE BRIEFJamie came to me and asked to help start her self promo-tion for her new up and com-ing EP - ‘The Man Is Always Right’. She has a theme for the EP based around 5 different personalities

As she had already proceed-ed to go to a photoshoot in london, she wanted to use the photography she had got as a basis for the design of the album cover and banners.

She also wants to maintain a consistent colour scheme throughout all the products that will be created to pro-mote her EP - Black White and Red.

THE CONCEPTThis isn’t so much a concept but a variation of ideas that follow the guidlines set by Jamie. The photography does a lot of the work, but I do enjoy photo editing and de-signing eith photography so it was a fun little brief. The red aspect was an element that I suggested and as she liked it everything that she wants producing must follow the similar colour scheme which helps boost your confidence when other people have confidence in your ideas and designs.

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HAIM - BETTER OFF // SECRET 7”THE BRIEFThe Secret 7” Breif is a really fun and quite challenging brief, it gives you an oppor-tunity to have some fun with your design - you are also able to link music with design which makes up the two most important elements of my life.

The aim of Secret 7” is to listen and choose a track out of a selection of 6. You must then design a 7” album cover for your chosen song and you must express the personality of the band and their music but you are not allowed to use any text on the cover.

The best designs are voted for and the winning designs are printed and sold for charity.


THE CONCEPTThe concept behind this secret 7” design for HAIM’s track ‘Better Off’ originated from a simple notation of the drum beat which I consider to be the essence of the song, the notes then developed into pixelated heads to represent both the members of the band and the people / person they are ‘Better Off’ without.

I used colour to capture the emotion of the song, violet to represent the band members and luxury which is a rep-resentation of being ‘Better Off’.

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ECLECTIVE// BAND LOGOTHE BRIEFEclective is a Jazz band based down in london, and they came to me after seeing one of my designs for Design Principles in first year and asked if they would be able to use it for their band logo.

The logo went through a few different stages but it seems they are happy with it now..


THE CONCEPTThe concept started off being revolved around funk drumming, and the colours were following the colours of George Clintons dreadlocks, The music that Eclective play is quite a unique style of Jazz that is quite complex, which doesn’t really link with the funky essence I was trying to capture in the original imagery.

However I think the logo has worked out nicely and it is always good to design for music / musicians.

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