migrants organise - membership pack

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum has become Migrants Organise.Migrants Organise is a platform where refugees and migrants organise for power, dignity and justice. We develop leadership and open up spaces for relational, organised participation of migrants and refugees in public life. From our two decades as the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum, we know that migrants and refugees make a positive contribution to our country. Migration is fact of life, instead of resisting it – let’s organise it.www.migrantsorganise.org


  • Our story starts in 1993, when communities of migrants and British citizens came together to create the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum.

    They were frustrated by how their communities struggled to get support and advice, and they wanted to do something about it. They chose to work together, with one starting point:

    All human beings should be treated with dignity and respect

  • We know this works because we have seen it work and we have made it work. In our two decades we have seen more than 3,500 migrants and refugees become doctors and dentists again in hospitals and GP surgeries across the UK. We have taught English to thousands of people who now study and work as our fellow citizens.

    People coming to the UK as migrants and refugees may

    need a helping a hand to start

    a new life. They are not victims, they are survivors.

    If given a chance they

    will make positive


  • To this day, our membership brings together diverse, progressive people who are committed to positive social change for equal, fair and just Britain.

    If you share this commitment, we would like you to join Migrants Organise.

    We worked with hundreds of organisations to affect change and achieve justice for thousands of torture survivors, refused asylum seekers, the destitute and detained. We always speak truth to power and we need you to join us in that quest.

  • By becoming a member you will

    work with us to help ensure that migrants

    and refugees are

    treated fairly with respect and

    dignity,according to their

    needs, regardless of background or status.

    By becoming a member you will join

    a movement to change negative

    perceptions and we will stand up to

    xenophobia and

    racism stronger together.

    By becoming a member you will change lives of individuals and communities and transform your neighbourhood, your city and your country by learning to work together in an organised way.

    You will never stand alone.

  • By becoming a member you will have access to training; mentoring; leadership development; advocacy and networks.

    By becoming a member you will have your say in the future of Migrants Organise and how we contribute to

    change in society and world at large.

    Migrants Organises power comes from its membership: those who work with us to achieve this change - from individuals to

    community groups, to large institutions and organisations.We work with members directly, and also connect different

    members so they can better achieve this change.

  • Our vision is a movement of leaders and organisations from diverse backgrounds who work together to create a world in which migrants and refugees, and their communities are seen and accepted as a valuable, essential part of our society.

  • .Migrants Organise is a platform where migrants and refugees organise for power, dignity and justice. What do we do?

    We organise: we work with communities to act for change. We develop leaders to understand their power, their issues, and how to build actions for change.

    We mobilise: we bring people to strategic actions and campaigns. We urge and support people to take action on the issues affecting migrants and refugees.

    We mentor: we support and advise people, and connect people with others who can provide support and advice on the journey to integration. We connect people with others who can share knowledge, experience or friendship.

    We train: we develop peoples skills, confidence, experience and capacity to act. We use workshops, training sessions, action and experience to help people to develop.

    We celebrate: we find and create platforms to recognise people. We celebrate migrants and refugees and their contributions.

  • Our core members, at the heart of our work, are

    community organisations run by and for migrants and refugees.

    You can also join Migrants Organise as an

    individual supporter or as an institutional supporter: school, university, trade union or business, faith institution

    everyone is welcome. Membership is open to organisations across the UK.

    If you are unsure, call us and we can talk you through all the different ways you can get involved and contribute.

    Initial membership of Migrants Organise will last for a year. After that, we will review membership every two years.

    To become a member of Migrants Organise you, as an individual, or a representative from your organisation will need to sign a membership declaration form and pay a relevant membership fee. Please get in touch for more details about how to join.

    Membership rules

  • You will be joining a movement for dignity and justice for all migrants and refugees. In order to build that movement we will provide our members with:

    1. Leadership or development support tailored to your needs, interests and ambitions, with priority for migrants and refugees in greatest need and according to Migrants Organisesresources.

    2. Opportunity to shape Migrants Organise work and strategic directions.

    3. Priority access and tickets to Migrants Organise events and meetings.

    4. Opportunity to contribute to Migrants Organises blog, publications or research.

    5. Opportunity to nominate a representative to the Board of Trustees, steering groups and committees.

    6. Opportunity to participate, volunteer and mentor and directly contribute to our work.

    What you get with your membership?

  • Migrants Organise sees all our members as equal participants in this movement.

    We need you to work with us and to:

    1. make an active commitment to our values.

    2. work with staff, volunteers and members to achieve our vision and aims.

    3. participate in planning meetings, actions and events.

    4. connect with other members, and to support new members who join.

    5. pay annual dues.

    Migrants Organise could not create change without our members. If you have any suggestions to improve membership, please let us know.

    What do we ask of you? How do we work?

    We speak out. We make our voices heard, we tell our stories, and we take a stand on the issues that affect us.

    We connect people. We act relationally, to help people belong. People need connections to thrive.

    We grow power. We recognise and use power to make change. We provide a platform for people to be powerful and develop skills, leadership, confidence and their connections.

    We build common ground. We bring diverse people together around shared issues, on a shared platform.

  • Recruiting MembersMigrants Organise is open to all members who commit to our values, including a wider range of individuals and groups. We will reach out to those who are particularly disadvantaged to enable them to participate.

    AgreementMembers may not always agree with all the policy positions or statements taken or made by Migrants Organise or its members. We will aim to manage disagreements through dialogue and compromise.

    Ending MembershipMigrants Organise will review membership each year, before our AGM. Migrants Organise or any member may choose to end membership if the agreement is broken. We may also end the agreement if a member harms our reputation, works against our values and principles, causes damage to our property or is found to have been fraudulent. This process must be transparent, fair and provide the chance for members or Migrants Organise staff to present their reasons for breaking the agreement.

    Migrants Organises membership is underlined by our values and by principles of fairness, equality transparency, accountability and empowerment

  • Membership fees:

    Migrant and Refugee Community Organisations30 per year for constituted groups.10 per year for unconstituted community groups.5 per year for individual members from migrant or refugee communities

    Supporters From 100 per year for for-profit organisations.From 50 per year for NGOs and not-for-profit organisations. From 30 per year for individual members

    Fee waivers are available for those who are on low incomes or are receiving direct support from Migrants Organise. Please ask for more information when applying for membership .

    Want to join?

    Become a member today!

  • To join Migrants Organise or for details about advantages of membership contact:

    Jessica KennedyDevelopment Director

    Tel. 020 8964 4815 Email: [email protected] our website:www.migrantforum.org.uk

    Registered name: Migrants Organise

    (formerly Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum)

    Registered address: 2 Thorpe Close

    London W10 5XL

    Registered Charity No. 1077116A Company Limited by Guarantee No. 3673737

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