midterm exam review (m.3)


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Page 1: Midterm Exam Review (M.3)


Page 2: Midterm Exam Review (M.3)

Part 1: Conversation

Part 2: Infinitive with to

Part 3: Match words with the definitions (celebration)

Part 4: If-clauses

Part 5: Prepositions &Nouns

Part 6: Reading

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PART 1Conversation

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Sale Assistance


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Assistant: Welcome Madam, can I help you?

Kathy: Yes, thanks. _____________.

A. How are you? B. How much is this blouse?

C. How is everything?

Assistant: It’s $50.

D. How will it be?

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Kathy: Can I ______ it on?

A. try B. eat

C. walk

Assistant: Yes, you can. What size are you?

D. am

Kathy: I don’t know.

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A. bathroom B. bedroom

C. restroom

Assistant: Well, I think you should try size 15. The ____________ is over there.

D. changing room

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Kathy: Wow! It fits me perfectly.

Assistant: Sure. Here you are.

Kathy: Do you have a bigger size?

Not too big and not too small

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It fits her.

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It doesn’t fit her.

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It doesn’t fit him.

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It doesn’t fit them.

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It fits him.

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Assistant: Do you like it? I think __________. You are beautiful in this blouse.

Kathy: Thanks. I’ll take it.

A. I hate it B. you’re ugly when you wear it

C. it suits you D. it’s too small

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PART 2Infinitive with to

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Infinitive with toPage 148

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What is infinitive?

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It is a base form of a verb.

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There is no change in a verb at all.

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No –ing, no –ed ?

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Of course, that’s right.

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Let’s guess which one is infinitive.

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Exercise 12

to goto buyto fixto maketo fit

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Guideline for Midterm Exam

1) We’re really happy __________ in your team.

2) Don’t forget __________ the windows.

3) I’m sorry __________ that your son is sick.

4) She decided __________ in New Zealand.

5) He always encourages his friends __________ their dreams

reach close study be hear

to be

to close

to hear

to study

to reach

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Don’t for get to write “to” in front of a verb in the exam paper

Be Careful !!

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1) We’re really happy __to be__ in your team.

reach close study be hear

2) We’re really happy __be__ in your team.

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Match words with the definitions


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There are 5 words from unit 5 “Celebration”

p.156 for you to match with the meanings.

Be Careful !!

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What is Easter?

a Christian religious holiday that celebrates Jesus Christ’s return to life.

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Decoration and Presents

Page 177

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Pumpkin Soup

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Roasted Chicken

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Fried Prawns

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Custard Cake

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Soft Drinks

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Fried Rice

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Egg Tart

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Mixed Salad

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French Fries

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Kinds of Food Names of Food1) Appetizer2) Entrée 3) Salad4) Dessert5) Beverage

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A small amount of food eaten before a meal. It is the first

part of a meal.

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AppetizerPumpkin Soup French Fries

Fried Prawns

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The main dish of a meal

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EntréeRoasted Chicken Spaghetti

Fried Rice Steak

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SaladMixed Salad

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DessertJelly Egg Tart

Custard Cake

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A drink of any type

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BeverageSoft Drinks

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PART 4If-Clauses


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First conditional

True in the present or futurePossibly happen in the present or


If+ simple present, S+ will+ v. infinitive

S+ V.1

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Exercise 10

If I save my pocket money, I will go to see Carnival in Brazil.

If I save my pocket money, I will go to a music festival.

If I save my pocket money, I will visit Brazil.

Page 162

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Exercise 10 Page 162

If I save my pocket money, I will join Bonfire Night.

If I save my pocket money, I will celebrate New Year in China.

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Second conditional

Untrue in the present or future

If+ simple past, S+ would+ v. infinitive

S+ V.2

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won werewould travel

would go seewould joinflew

had would buybecame would be

Exercise 11Page 162

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Third conditional

Untrue in the past

If+ past perfect, S+ would have+ past participle

S+ had+ past participle (V.3)

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hadn’t rainedwould have gone

had hadwould have joined

hadn’t broken up would have celebrated

Exercise 12Page 163

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Midterm Guideline (If-Clauses)

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1) If I had had enough money, I ________ that car.

A. bought B. would buy

C. would have bought

D. had bought

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2) If we love teaching, we ___________ teachers.

A. will be B. would be

C. were D. would had been

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3) He would go jogging if he __________ exercising.

A. will love B. enjoy

C. enjoyed D. likes

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4) The tree __________ if you had watered it.

A. would died B. will not die

C. would have died D. would not have died

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5) It ___________ difficult to be able to speak other languages if you learnt and practiced.

A. would not be B. will not be

C. would have been difficult

D. is not

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6) If you watch this comedy movie, you __________.

A. will happy B. would have been happy

C. will laugh D. would have laughed

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7) Your mother ____________ if you were a good child.

A. would be proud of you

B. will be proud of you

C. would have been proud of you

D. are proud of you

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8) If it __________ I would not go out.

A. raining B. rained

C. will rain D. would rain

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9) You will pass the exam if you ___________.

A. studied B. study

C. will study D. would study

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10) If he ______________hungry, he would have had some snacks.

A. would had been

B. was

C. had been D. will be

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Page 172

Show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence

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Guideline for Midterm Exam

5) She will go to Phuket ______ her friends.

2) We should be good children ______ our parents.

1) I’ll take care ______ you.

3) Did you draw this picture ______ yourself?

to of from with by for





4) I want to cry. Now I don’t have anything ______ eat. to

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Guideline for Midterm Exam

to of from with by for

6) Ann knew this news ______ TV. from

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Page 182

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Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

We can count

We can’t count

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Countable Nouns

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Countable Nouns They can be singular or


Singular a/an/the


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I have one/a car.

The car you drove is mine.

This/My car is very old.

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Countable Nouns

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Countable Nouns

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Uncountable Nouns Milk

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I drink one/a milk.

I drink (some/little) milk.

I have one/a glass of milk.

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Uncountable Nouns

No a/an

But we can say- a glass of milk- A bottle of water

some, any, a little, much

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Uncountable Nouns


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Uncountable Nouns Money

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Uncountable Nouns News

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Uncountable Nouns Information

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Uncountable Nouns Happiness

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Uncountable Nouns Love

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Guideline for Midterm Exam

1) Do you have _______ problems?

2) I add _______ sugar in my coffee.

3) She likes _______ colors, such as blue, red, and grey. 4) He won the lottery, so now he has __________ money.

some any much many





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The reading is about “Tibetan Costume”

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Tibetan Costume