microsoft powerpoint - the long beach int'l beauty expo ppt


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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT
Page 2: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

ecnalG A tAwohS edarT

0102 opxE ytuaeB lanoitanretnI ehT

rezinagrOopxE ytuaeB l’tnI hcaeB gnoL ehT

euneVhcaeB gnoL

retneC noitnevnoC

sruoH gninepO & etaD1102 ,42 & 32 rebotcO

nuS - 00:9 - mp00:6 noM – 00:01 - mp00:5

srotibihxE detcepxE+002

srotisiV detcepxE+000,02

81 segA - 45

su dniF ,rettiwT koobecaF , ecapsyM

Page 3: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

weivrevO opxE l’tnI hcaeB gnoL ehT

eht si opxE ytuaeB eht ni noitibihxe pot

scitemsoc dna ytuaeb detinU eht ni yrtsudni

.3002 ecnis setatS

l’tnI hcaeB gnoL ehT sah opxE ytuaeB

daor eht emoceb - pam eht fo rotacidni dna

,erutuf s’yrtsudni pot gnitneserper

tsettoh dna sdnert.seuqinhcet ytuaeb

l’tnI hcaeB gnoL ehT sreffo opxE ytuaeBitlum euqinu a uoy -

gnitekram tecaf siht hcaer ot mroftalp

.tekram tsav

Page 4: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

rof ytinutroppO na hcaer ot srosnopS

suoicsnoc tneulffa:tekram

latigid hguorht gnidnarbegangis

remusnoc rof htoob tcudorp dna noitcaretni

yalpsidno ,aidem lanoitidart -

laicos ,aidem enilkrowten

,senizagam ,sreylf ssamsesaeler sserp

ytuaeB lanoitacude yb detneserp sranimes

eht ni strepxe elbatuperyrtsudni

tuo hguorht segnuol PIVtneve

,sledom lanoitomorp elbaliava elamef/elam

tcudorp rof tnemesrodne

noitargetni tcudorp*wohs ytilaer hguorht

dlos tneve eht ot noisnetxe nA*)3VTM YTUAEB OT DAOR( yletarapes

Page 5: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

tnevE yaD owT

sranimeS lanoitacudE s’yrtsudni no gnissap

dna sdnert tohseuqinhcet

teG edarT - rehtegoT rehtegot gnignirB

ytuaeb lanoisseforp ytuaeb pot ,snolas

ytuaeb pot dna sloohcssreilppus

sehcnuaL tcudorP wen gnitneserP

tsrif eht rof stcudorpemit

swohS gnilytS tsetal eht gnitneserpeR

seitlevon lian dna riahsredael s’yrtsudni yb

ecnerefnoC sserP PIV htiw sweivretnI

s’yrtsudni ,tseugsthgisni dna sthgilhgih

Page 6: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT


lanoitidart ni detsevni k03 .xorppA:sa hcus aidem

noitatS oidaR 6.39 onitaL aL azaR noitatS oidaR

06: lla ni deggat eb lliw rosnopssomorp

noitatS VT 3VTM 03: lla ni deggat eb lliw rosnops


nO k5 .xorppA - :aideM enil enilno rojam no sngiapmaC CPP

steltuoskrowteN laicoS poT

sda srennaB tnemeganam gnitekram esabataD

slennahc liam tcerid/txet/liamE decalp eb lliw knil/ogol s’rosnopS

steltuo aidem tenretni lla ni

Page 7: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

gnitekraM’tnoc seitinutroppO

: tsgnoma ecneserp ruoy yfisnetnI

lla no ogol dna eman s’rosnopSta etubirtsid eb ot seceip laretalloc

• sloohcS ytuaeB poT 053• snolaS ytuaeB lanoisseforP 001• serotS ylppuS ytuaeB yllaS 003• 007 forpomsoC serotS

no decalp ogol dna eman s’rosnopS ta etubirtsid eb ot ailibaromem lla

tneve ytirbelec ot nevig sgab stfig ni stresnI


ytuaeb ot flesruoy esopxE:hguorht slanoisseforp

sreylF serotS ylppuS ytuaeB yllaS srebircsbus 000,57:noitalucriC

ylhtnom :ycneuqerFenizagaM sulP nolaS

000,001 :noitalucriCylhtnom :ycneuqerF

enizagaM nolaS nredoM000,52 :noitalucriCylhtnom :ycneuqerF

Page 8: Microsoft PowerPoint - The Long Beach Int'l Beauty Expo PPT

euneV ehT

eht fo noitacol eht no ,2691 ni tliub saw retneC noitnevnoC hcaeB gnoL ehT gnidliub eht yaB yawsneeuQ no detautis muirotiduA lapicinuM hcaeB gnoL dna cificaP eht fo muirauqA eht ,llam gnippohs egalliV enilerohS eht sniojda

htiw sllah noitibihxe 3 serutaef retnec ehT .pihs yraM neeuQ cirotsih eht edart ,snoitnevnoc fo epyt lla rof ecaps fo teef erauqs 000,412 ot esolc

ssalg yranidroartxe na sah tI .stneve laiceps dna swohs remusnoc ,swohs yltsoc rieht dna ,tnorfhcaeb elbidercni eht skoolrevo ybbol dna kcart

eht fo muirauqA ,yraM neeuQ ehT fo sweiv didnelps ecudorp swodniw .enilyks nwotnwoD eht dna cificaP