michigan stale newsarchive.lib.msu.edu/dmc/state_news/1925/state_news...michigan stale news s u b s...

Michigan Stale News S u b scrib e - ! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 NUMBER 2 p iD lT NEW CO-EDS CREATE Jfr A ROOMING PROBLEM Dormitories Filled to Capacity; IDENT Rent Several New Howes. TURNS OUT ¿VOCATION )AY. LOCATIONS PYTHIANS IN SCHOLARSHIP LEAD, C 0 T c™ X c e s FRESHMEN CLASS BUT PHI KAPPA TAUS LEAD B R IcJS T .-Z TOTALS OVER 800 THURSDAY NOON 'ht b* Mit Although the l*y t li I hn Literary IO- •iety still uiaiiitainK it» loud tn so- y »chola Puh Ip. a Mirprising num- ber of rating changes arc In evidence t«n tin» official scholastic report for Michigan Hiatt* collegi- m rurltii'i unti fraternities. complied t»y tint regi# trar > office. Sororities again proved thnmselve» | l*yt lilati better scholastically than the metis 2 . T h e m ia n groups. 'I'his year ihere afe six ;{ Sesame »nmen'ii organisations ahead of ihe 4 hr <1 fraternity r. All-men's average . 'All-society average All-women’a society average .......... All -tnen’H society av> age ...................... J 'Ml HR ' 3148 !* ; Wolverine, Agriculturalist, State News, in Library. A puble lient ion library This contpIiHlied dur I lie sumiller ail Ml li** «Ini 1 .«« b..en 808 NEW STUDENTS NOW EN- Stale pul •f the lie j la Tl old R e iilw le * * * « « ■* b fk t O'clock Nut of Week. Several new ho leased off tampu* meet d*-mand for Kro Alphlati Alpha Phi . . Alpha tinnitila Imita Phi Kuppjm Tau Hororlan . . Al pita (ill III ma Itilo \V« ,,f u seres of «perirti fresh , 11 vocation a wan held tn the vmnasl ini at h o'clock \V ,,**d morn In s President Kenyon . i field h* I he chief apeak rpretlng 'he -plrlt of the col <1 lelllu-' freshmen what the Xpert- of I hem while here , umher of freshmen who af- rori«! !" d a feature in itself. iikes the flrsf^cm»' to enter .in State" the luPrefc''^ l*|e of thn college. limbering up with a •ad by I miwrence Hkellenger ! ' BIG SISTER WEEK STARTS AT COLLEGE Y. W. C. A. and ReH|iaw Coun- cil Sp am ri Gct-to-Gctkcr. Alpha Camma libo fraternity Iim Ii lias held the lead among the i-m’h s«m I• 11 «-s approximately as lofi).1 the Pythians have over the ww- en’s. has lie' ll nosed out of. first I«». Orphic ac»» this vear by tin P h i'Kappa 11 Ka'pptl Iletta i - 12 . Trlmolra Throughout the entire list, which 1:1 Vlywlan published below*, societies have ^ IMAH»Inla -4*hi Al|i •Teased and dropped in acholar-! I'lii U*4*w up The «timerii al ligures should 1,5 « '»luniWan '•interpreted ;,M follows All A" : iwr If" js three, "t!" Is two I lo- M b li 1,gnn <iff i of instructed rn i ult 11 r a l 1st •ge publicity 4 tin'» 1 444?«» 4 2 4 ti { pari meni are adjoining Ml of that Staff are to offer ud'-nf pllhlirat io h» ai ROLLED ACCORDING TO KFGISTRAR. MAY GET 1,000 Old Catalog May Have Confused Some on Registration Date. hi up« I pial ion* IP'- rhi« sting and adviHifu tiging informal Spoil sored A and the »tl - : pi id Bit -me Introductory remarks byj**,*n lSr* 1 . ,11 l.,hn l-hflun. I»r«ilil»nt Hutr..r ""'• •»»H'l ! made his first formal appear j. . t.efnre the class of lW2t* here are three aspocta of educa- . -that should be achieved by each ,n II** girls dent If he Is to get the most, out week t.v fh his college education, declared classmen wh resident Butterfield These are lead groups .rmtig to do, learning to think, and ’indents irnlng to feel the fluey things of religious nm in* Maid Bmmwtt We» Hv learning to do, the president lg»v«well wt dd. proficiency tn the chosen field »Ion to make 1-h as engineering oc let y rating, the id men's average ties the terms in :»r: rage . . 2 27461 crage 2.4X665 17 Union KB IH Kunomlun |!t. I terni iati 20. Phylcnn 21 lieiphic 2 2 l»vlja tflgihii Pi 23. dlympic 2 4 Ae Theon a a, ii ^spuriaa 2*1. K c le c t le I 7 ««* 1 Hi6n., II r. i 1 DORIS TAYLOR IS GREEN ONION CHIEF H. A. Hall G im Up Ediiorthip of Humor Minatine. Il, rlii-ri Alimi Unii. "li Ima li-n WIN D OT« FORMAL OPENING "WKAR S00N a \sm>m Siale Collefe Artillery Men Star tn Atkletica; Rig(i Editi Camp Book. AT FORT IBONRJ b ; I, Mi. it ifiii tally Collefe cull lire. nti. I low the student uses |,ls pfofes ..n was placed under ihe next di- ion My learning to feel the finer •igs of life, one comes to greater up rec fat ton of the best in litern- ire, art and science. The »plrlt «rf the college since the vs of Its founding centered about it* word "service." Mr Butterfield (plained The huge sums of money hat are being expended bere for re .1 1 - «»X*•■»«•••>*’ «* *««-e •»rn .fn P •* to the state > oncluslon. the president urged indents to put as much into studies as our feints put into tics, for the game of Ilf« is die important game inyone plavs «ring the rest of »H»* w*-*k die' men will meet at general «'in- ns every morning «• *> «• «!>• »• - by faculty and s?udent« will «n at these HC*«|on* EN S BOARDING CLUB OPENS MONDAY NOON Ihl-t I .-I Usili • m a .I«- hi BOARD APPOINTS WOLVERINE HEADS Tjrrtll CI wki Editar-ia-Ckief : Moak i» Buttarti Mauaftr. Hatirlman Radio S|SBI Broadratl Impoîïüat Garnet. | r . -I I '. r ADD EXTRA 0FFICER ri, T0 COLLEGE R. 0. T. C. npp 1 y cno Capi. P. W. Hardir Addrd; Thrrri of Former Cadrl Corpi Staff Rrplarrd. R. 0. T. C. SPONSORS TO Bt INSTALLED NOVEMBER 20 i New R— d Tabla* far Senior Rama. ih A. men'» dining room. I « * if Wells hall, will begin !. regular meals «ext .Monday hoard of me«»* m g ■ Added -ing : PU i«1•?n I « are served meals pract ie- ri «oat. In order 10 « at at Club i.irly, students ar** required tn tate y five-dollar ine.mbershtp .f f j}1. %*.,,« ,» . . . ; 4;, 'he college treasurer. urei oak tables hive replaced! f, a i .*r* ;v II .««ng tables in' the senior I former Alpha «èair.ma I* "* Service at these tables will h«>u**e iluring ih* m i ff - •<>| v. ,r t « ight. instead of the form er1 _. . _ !«'* of seating from ten to flf slmtm-l % tua«« %»tl«l tt*il«-gr no » f-»r Hfty jrsr*. ESTABLISH SCIENCE FELLOWSHIP HERE A. C. Burnkam, '93, Dauatet $5,000 Fellawtkip in Hanor •I Dead Saa. \instructive Forensic Program Outlined for Winter Term accepted a f» I- • In Mr \ -Igt -.ml his vv if*' Bu rii hum. u. i I D > ii. who dici I 'ffort Is being made at Michi- to put arroM a con- worth -while forensic pro- ' i iMiring the last four years the *nd uuailty of debating artivl- ve been, greatly lacreaamt. tpter of I'i Kappa ItHta, na- * onorary forensic fraternity. n '-»tabltshed during this time ’!'«• schedule has been enlarge«! I Miring each of the last four ' » traveling team has taken a nMi some other section of the tstry. where they have met i**ad "Beg*» and universities A cer- - per • ent of the student activity ■»* by vote of the ntude.nta and -Ity been set aside for financing ate Activities, which places debat> r on a permanent basis ^r«» ighoat tke pant four years Ln- r*‘*t ia debating ha» been greatly ' Imulated. Uompetiti >n for pla«e* the team in keener and the quality debating done baa been raised- The cully have given dabating their ap- oval and support. Special facilP *nch aa seminar room» and It* mr7 privilngan. have boon geoer- fly placed at the dlapoani of the i b*te tan— . Moat of tha debating 1» dona dur- { 1 via— — ■ and tho early * °f the sm tm tnrm. Tryoou _ Mold I— bo— e Chriotma» no ' man enn Mnrt tn— inton- tncntion. which enatlie* ’ heW, '«i ghfen up *«f e|*jdied — K lo e. Ha• tlMull«*- «>f l V a bit on tlIteir •ia*sr« --?n • hedub^s «• gtven to tlu* gradunto «»f during tne *easoa U > « i i« b >«wr. Is'gtnntng iv i»li The rypv* and -'vie d-.'-s' ng ''»• grS'PlSlles «■! ni ri b* *>r f* iiKite vary Whl Mst i.alf of b«“ tests ar*. >1**<-’ * « « Q -r.g a 1 f s "pen her i l»-«-* «luriit g t lie pro* **«hiig forum and part; am^nt ary - of tom w b Ile n «i« relltig « <»H« g«' ; «Iellate* V*lre eto-n Bïrcei,, •- J » Ith * h ' '1* .-sires tu r «m a iti ir. residon* »• f«n 1 i -1 1 1«g of di bb 11 * g.-ifiiMN u u iM lo t»M- (in«si Imporfrtot »¿lid. M r 11«I s.si iiiirtfi y t, y a .h- ar" in progr. 'for the i in g by W K \ ft ot i ho toot to*; w it h t hr* I in v. n ü v of u at Ann \ri««»r on i icio I k »ru» w in s from \nn Arhor >»•' t o b e I«< hm « i I f«»r Ih e «•«■ »nd a play by pin y i«p«.rt ihe Kast UíHHím* ’ «i o.i, i“ broadcasting w.iuld t«k** al development of tin* col ion will be in vogue, result ft previous exp« ri* fe e In 1*4 b r o a d c a s t in g Th» coni- Uiiis ti» shape H« plans f• »r «basting of better pro tin»I operation of the *tn- nder the direction r«f Mr K »ny. operator in «harg«- \\ « I* «mie \| w I I p|H-f >bi««. »•I». W iú ' glad (oli re I»«teli. Mio- Co-eds Run Restaurant at Interlochen Resene "I red pi Other thing# are se-.r g piann«Mi in order to .reprove 4 *nii -lt-ni ?*j;* activity In shon a for*sab- pro- gram is being «ha! »Hi i- worthy of the ronaidcratlon of every young per»on Bt'» ha# : .**re*» ¿*nd talent aiMng ?hi# Bne. IHMrtAti: \»U HtH RS S»w hour# h#ve -.^n announced by the college I - aff Th-y will go into effe. * at once Tha hours are fr«*m • ’ » 19 * m. and 4 to 4 p m froo- Monday to Friday On .Saturday u- boan» are from 8 to I** a cn Dr. R- M Olin. phy«i ~an in cbnrge. urges student* to come aa near the beginning of the hour aa poaelhle. For Sunday viaita. appoint- meats should be made with the- health office. ¿▼nomos. ntwMMKN! him« !,. nM*if I*« « * i isfittili -t«id\ ui uf r.-*»-«r»b ii> tb«- spi«)» il* ioti ««f (he km «un Itiinttl- .■••Iste **f . li» seta'«»** fO HllV «>f I be -..fp-tit' "f life. Il ml who will lí-ach heur« ¡s-r w*-*k III thrtt depart- rm iít in w bh h I.»« <> i her tiiftjor w««rk - «1 it«- •• i* givi-ti t«» that grufluiit«- * hij, in the j i«ig(m-iit ««I Ihe fuciiiiy. i:««r>4 tik ciji i<i -««M •«» t'h*; W itrld - km.wfede»- «.f the u-efnl nn<l |»ni« t1«nl i|.{.|»N'l«>na «-f <«ni MAetMs* to any «>f ?h«- f.r«*t*l«*tii*- *»f life. pr*-f*rn»il) •i ifi'MiM . -a UI. p-y* »•••bigetti or ¡ib | 4aNuitig prot.iem. ALTHA raiS, SORORIANS INSTALL DUONG RO M S Two more sororities have installed dining rooms In their homes. Word ; was received that the Alpha Phi» a ad the Sorortaas hare laid ia egmlp- i ment for dining room service. rtnrlag the last year, the Kappa > Delta sorority started the firm dm- i i room among women organisa- f tioaa. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA’S PURCHASE OWN HOUSE ' I«-fl«« '•nd Alpha Ufuiima Itelta sorority pur- S'n»*- haM'd »he ten-room house .k ] {u ^ ||IM Hailey street, formerly the residence1 All i*f |*rof (). M l<**bel Thi«* nv«-*- that «»*H*-x . organuatlon the distinction of b«*ing < »mp th* t r Ht Michigan Ktate sorority tojly •) p urf«»»• its own beme. ' |»k«- The bouse was put in order by Annabeile Mcflay, Margare» Kong- ne. g«*r and Meria GUI. who returned several days before Freshman week Th** Alpha Gamma Is-ltx «»rnrlty ; V(.f„. was 'he first of the women nati«»na!' -ji orgamxations to State •d prisln. »!«* fo -tii -rau rifili uh,. 1 11•—1 . fio ing i i Ilumlr«*«!* left »fe* lUftili lit. w hi« h. w «•penillg. 1» pus-iiig th »m» lu Mlrblmm j ulT A ug us1 j oionrh •*»< h Two Hu «I I«--nred "ling »«« «I b> r fid «h«« I amn uri*»« « re i r»s»«-r -T «TU KKWN KKPUHTCNft •H 111 tW i ir h.» aro tiHrr* «H fu *«H> S K r r la l <¡I mM ni Ih» tmot»if ni udì ut* w »rk«**l -King eoBege «-risilf ili iris! il uf i«>fiM| ma liage- , téfihtr bone- : •*(»«• nnaoh ! |»r«*f(***iional ment. A'Ij'dning fin* «wldn which v i« boili .. , entirely <»f rough pine lumU-r. tsuh M H ìm ntmlm l m mrmn , » w u < la . inaide and oiff. sw e «l«s*ptng tint« for «■.«■to Ito «Mito Hmn nflra, ÇM. 11 «, «Irla a tul f..r Mia. Itunla I During the find month of operation, ¡.more dornainIs were made f«»r Imknl product* and «Hiked f««ul for the camp had wd fwvirwi nowmny a«fv« rtls Ing. » fan tbe C w si | M i Iso » IM g MfbH'a * mM li I* Il(«flsinsster. ojf th«* ».fate I»»«rfc ' . • « ! » ( » was »<■»■> ' accifin* uoMiathig I * , n e liiiR th*- > .«»«in as 'l«r~ ifWsl nimI by t;>king «,*r«- of the . b«*avy w<«rk o f *>u|«(»l>ing fu e l f«»r the w« h«| rungo The girl* who took fimir suiikimt in* NtHtttkxial training at fh«* camp were Ml-* Marlon fb-gg. lMn»tr; Misa Verlyn MrM»re, iNdroif ; Mias Katharine Ilntdiard. Ma’tawan: 161ns Katharine Merrifield. Bangor ; Mian Genevieve Fa kins ; Mias Marjnrie Davie«, Iriuilngton : Mias Biia liar* wood. Ionia, and Mina Amy ImnÑlS» l.udington.

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Page 1: Michigan Stale Newsarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1925/state_news...Michigan Stale News S u b s c r ib e - ! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 NUMBER 2 piDlT NEW CO-EDS CREATE Jfr A ROOMING

Michigan Stale News S u b s c r i b e - !

FR ID AY, S EPT EM B ER 18, 1925 N UM BER 2


Dormitories Filled to Capacity;IDENT Rent Several New Howes.






A lth o u g h the l*y t li Ih n L i t e r a r y IO- • ie ty s t i l l u ia iiita in K it» loud tn so-

y »cho la Puh Ip . a M irp r is in g n u m ­ber o f ra t in g changes a r c In e v id en ce t«n tin» o ff ic ia l sch o las tic report fo r M ich ig an Hiatt* collegi- m r u r l t i i ' i unti f ra te rn it ie s . co m p lied t»y tint regi# tra r > o ffice .

S o ro r it ie s ag a in p roved thn m se lve» | l*yt lilatibe tte r s ch o la s t ic a lly th an th e m e tis 2 . T h e m iangroups. 'I'h is y e a r ih e re a fe six ;{ Sesam e»n m en 'ii o rg an isa tio n s ahead o f ih e 4h r <1 f r a te rn ity r.

A ll- m en 's a v e rag e . 'A ll- soc ie ty a ve rag e A ll- w o m en ’a soc ie ty

a v e r a g e ..........A ll -tnen’H soc ie ty av>

age ......................

J 'Ml H R ' 3148 !* ;

Wolverine, Agriculturalist, State News, in Library.

A puble

lient ion lib rary This contp IiH lied du rI lie su m ille r

ail Ml li** «Ini1.«« b..en 808 NEW STUDENTS NOW EN-S ta le pul•f the l ie j

laT l

old R e ii lw le * * * « « ■* b fk t O 'clock N u t o f Week.

S e v e ra l new ho leased off tam pu* meet d*-mand fo r

Kro A lp h la ti A lp h a P h i . .A lp h a tin n it ila Im itaP h i K u p p jm T au Hororlan . .Al pita ( il l III ma Itilo


,,f u s e re s of «perirti fresh ,11 vocation a wan he ld tn the vmnasl ini at h o 'c lo ck \V,,**d m orn In s P re s id en t K en yo n. i field h* I he c h ie f apeak rp retlng 'h e -plrlt o f the col <1 le lllu- ' fresh m en w hat the • Xpert- o f I hem w h ile here

, um her o f fresh m en w ho a f ­rori«! !" d a fea tu re in itse lf.

iikes th e flrs f^ cm » ' to e n te r .in S t a t e " th e lu P r e f c ' '^ l *|e o f th n co llege.

lim b e r in g up w ith a •ad by Imiwrence Hkellenger ! '


Y. W. C. A. and ReH|iaw Coun­cil Spam ri Gct-to-Gctkcr.

Alpha C am m a lib o f ra te rn ity Iim Ii lias held the lead am ong the i-m’h s«m I• • 11«-s ap p ro x im ate ly as lofi).1

the P y th ia n s have o v e r the ww- e n ’s. has lie ' ll nosed out o f . f irs t I«». O rp h ic ac»» th is v ea r by tin P h i ' K a p p a 11 Ka'pptl I le tta i - 1 2 . T r lm o lr aT h ro u g h o u t the e n t ire lis t, w h ich 1:1 V ly w la n pub lished below*, soc ie ties h ave ^ IMAH»In la -4*hi Al|i

•Teased and d ropped in acho lar- ! I ' l i i U*4*w up T h e « t im e r ii a l ligu res shou ld 1,5 « '» lu n iW a n '• in te rp re te d ;,M fo llo w s A ll A "

: iwr I f " js th ree , " t ! " Is tw o

I lo- Mb li 1,gnn< iff i of

instructed rn

i u lt 11 ra l 1st

•ge p ub lic ity

4 tin'» 1 444?«» 4 2 4 ti {

pari m eni a re a d jo in in g M l of th a t Staff a re to o ffer

ud'-nf p llh lira t io h» ai


MAY GET 1 ,0 0 0Old Catalog May Have Confused

Some on Registration Date.

hi up«I pial ion* IP'- rhi«sting and adviHifu

tig ingin fo rm a l

Spo il sored A an d the »tl - : pi

idBit -me In tro d u c to ry re m a rk s b y j* * ,* n lSr*1. , 1 1 l.,hn l-hflun. I»r«ilil»nt Hutr..r "" '• •»»H'l

! m ade h is first fo rm a l ap p ea r j. . t.efnre th e c la ss o f lW2t*

here a re th re e aspocta o f educa- . -that shou ld be ach ie ve d by each ,n II** g ir ls

dent If he Is to get the most, ou t w eek t.v fh his co lleg e ed u ca t io n , d e c la re d c lassm en w h

resident B u t te r f ie ld Th ese a re lead groups .rm tig to do, le a rn in g to th in k , an d ’ in d en ts irn ln g to fee l th e fluey th in g s o f re lig io u s n m

in* Maid • Bm m w tt W e »Hv le a rn in g to do, th e p res id en t lg »v«w e ll wt

dd. p ro fic ien cy tn the chosen fie ld »Ion to m ake 1- h as e n g in ee rin g

oc let y ra tin g , the id m en 's ave rag e ties the te rm s in :»r :rage . . 2 27461 c ra g e 2.4X665

17 U n io n KB IH Ku n o m lu n |!t. I te rn i iati 20. P h y lc n n 2 1 l ie ip h ic2 2 l» v lja tflgihii Pi 23. d ly m p ic 2 4 Ae Theon a a, ii spuria a 2*1. K c le c t le

I 7 ««* 1 Hi6n.,I I r. i 1


H. A. Hall G im Up Ediiorthip of Humor Minatine.

I l , rlii-ri A lim i U n ii. " l i Ima li-n


a \sm>mSiale Collefe Artillery Men Star

tn Atkletica; Rig(i Editi Camp Book.


ifiii ta lly


c u ll lire.• nti.

I low th e studen t uses |,ls p fo fe s ..n w as p laced un d er ih e next di- ■ ion My le a rn in g to fee l th e finer

•igs o f life , one com es to g re a te r up rec fat ton o f the best in litern- ire, a r t an d science.Th e »p lr lt «rf th e co lleg e s in ce the

• vs o f Its fou n d in g cen te re d about it* w ord " s e r v ic e . " M r B u tte r f ie ld (p la in e d T h e huge sum s o f m oney hat a re be ing expended bere fo r re

.1 1 - «»X*•■»«•••>*’ «* *««-e •» rn .fnP•* to th e sta te> onc lus lon . th e p res id en t urged in d e n ts to put as m uch in to stud ies as o u r fe in t s put in to

tics, fo r the gam e of I l f « is d ie im p o rtan t gam e in yo n e p lavs

«ring the rest o f »H»* w*-*k d ie ' men w il l m eet at gen e ra l « 'in ­

ns e ve ry m o rn in g «• *> «• «!>• »•- by fa cu lty and s?uden t« w ill ■ «n at these HC*«|on*


Ihl-t I .-I Usili • • m a.I«- hi


Tjrrtll CIw k i Editar-ia-Ckief : Moak i» Buttarti Mauaftr.

H atirlm anRadio S|SBI

Broadratl Im poîïüat Garnet. ■| r . -I I '.r

ADD EXTRA 0FFICER r i, T0 COLLEGE R. 0. T. C. npp 1 y cno

Capi. P. W. Hardir Addrd; Thrrri of Former Cadrl Corpi

Staff Rrplarrd.R. 0 . T. C. SPONSORS TO B t INSTALLED NOVEMBER 2 0

i New R— d Tabla* far SeniorRama.

ih A. m en '» d in in g room . I « * if W e l ls h a ll, w ill begin !. re g u la r m ea ls «e x t .Monday

hoard o f me«»* m g ■


-ing :

PUi «1 •? n I « a re se rved m ea ls p ract ie­ri « oat. In o rd e r 10 « at at C lu b• i.ir ly , s tu d en ts ar** re q u ire d tn

ta te y f ive-d o lla r ine.m bershtp . f f j}1. %*.,,« ,» . . . ; 4;,'h e co lle g e tre a su re r .

urei oak tab le s h iv e re p la ce d ! f, a i .*r* ;vI I .««ng tab les in' the se n io r I fo rm e r A lpha «èair.ma I * " *

S e rv ice at these tab les w il l h«>u**e ilu r in g ih* m i ff - • <>| v. ,rt « igh t. in s tead o f the f o r m e r 1 _. . _!«'* o f s e a tin g from ten to flf slmtm-l % tua«« %»tl«l tt*il«-gr no » f-»r

H fty j r s r * .


A. C. Burnkam, '93, Dauatet $5,000 Fellawtkip in Hanor

•I Dead Saa.

\instructive Forensic Program Outlined for Winter Term

accepted a f» I- • In M r \ ♦

-Igt -.ml his vv if*'B u rii hum. u.

i I D >ii. who dici I

'ffort Is being made at Michi- to put arroM a con-

■ worth -while forensic pro-' i iMiring the last four years the

*nd uuailty of debating artivl- ve been, greatly lacreaamt. tpter of I'i Kappa ItHta, na-

* onorary forensic fraternity.• • n '-»tabltshed during this time ’ !'«• schedule has been enlarge«!

I Miring each of the last four ' » traveling team has taken a nMi some other section of the

tstry. where they have met i**ad "Beg*» and universities A cer-

- per • ent of the student activity ■»* by vote o f the ntude.nta and

-Ity been set aside for financing ate Activities, which places debat>

r on a permanent basis ^r«» ighoat tke pant four years Ln-

r*‘*t ia debating ha» been greatly ' Imulated. Uompetiti >n for pla«e*

the team in keener and the quality debating done baa been raised- The

cully have given dabating their ap- oval and support. Special facilP

*nch aa seminar room» and It* mr7 privilngan. have boon geoer- fly placed at the dlapoani o f the i b*te tan— .Moat of tha debating 1» dona dur- {

1 v ia — — ■ and tho early * ° f the sm tm tnrm. T ryoou _ Mold I— bo— e Chriotma» no

' man enn M nrt tn— inton- tncntion.

w hich e n a tlie* ’ heW, '«i gh fen up *«f e|*jdied — K lo e. Ha • tlMull«*- «>f l Va b it on tlIte ir • ia*sr« - -?n • hedub^s «• gtven to t lu* gradunto «»fd u r in g tne *easoa U > « ■i i« b >«wr. Is'gtnntng iv i»li

T h e rypv* and - 'v ie d-.'-s' ng ''»• gr S 'P lS lles «■! ni ri b* *>r f* iiKitev a ry W h l Mst i.a lf of b «“tests ar*. >1**<-’*« « Q -r. g a 1 f s "p e n her i l»-«-* «luriit g t lie pro* **«hiigfo rum and p art; am ^nt ary • - o f tom w b Ile n « i « relltig « <»H« g«' ;«Ie llate* V * lre eto-n B ïrcei,, •- J » Ith * h ' '1*.-sires t u r « m a iti ir. residon* »• f«n

1 ■ ■ i -1 11 « g o f di bb 1 1* g.-ifiiMN u u i M lo t»M- (in«si Im porfrtot

»¿lid. M r 11 «I s.si iiiirtfi y t, y a .h- a r " in p rogr. 'for the

i in g by W K \ ft ot i ho toot to*; w it h t hr* I in v. n ü v o f u at A nn \ri««»r on i icio

Ik »ru» w in s from \nn A rh o r >»•' to be I«<h m «i I f«»r Ih e «•«■ »nd a p lay by pin y i«p«.rt ih e Kast UíHHím* ’ «i o.i,

i“ b roadcastin g w .iu ld t«k**

a l deve lopm en t o f tin* col ion w il l be in vogue, resu lt ft p rev io u s exp« ri* fe e In1*4 b roadcastin g Th» coni-U iiis ti» shape H« p lans f • »r ■ «b as tin g of b e tte r pro

t in » I op era tion o f the *tn- nd er the d ire c tio n r«f M r K »ny. o p e ra to r in «harg«-

\\ « I* «mie \| w I I p|H-f > bi««. »•I». W i ú ' g lad (o li re I»«teli. M io-

Co-eds Run Restaurantat Interlochen R esene

" I red pi

Other thing# are se-.r g piann«Mi in order to .reprove 4*nii - lt-n i ?*j;* activity In shon a for*sab- p ro ­g ram is being «ha! » H i i-worthy of the ronaidcratlon of every young per»on Bt'» ha# : .**re*» ¿*nd talent aiMng ?hi# Bne.

I H M r t A t i : \ » U H tH R S

S»w hour# h#ve -.^n announced by the college I - aff Th-ywill go into effe. * at once

Tha hours are fr«*m • ’ » 19 * m. and 4 to 4 p m froo- Monday to Friday On .Saturday u- boan» are from 8 to I** a cn

Dr. R- M Olin. phy«i ~an in cbnrge. urges student* to come aa near the beginning of the hour aa poaelhle. For Sunday viaita. appoint- meats should be made with the- health office.

¿ ▼ n o m o s . n tw M M K N !

him«!,. nM*if I*« « * i i sfittili -t«id\ ui uf r.-*»-«r»b ii> tb«- spi«)» il* ioti ««f (he km «un Itiinttl- .■••Iste **f . li» seta'«»** fO HllV «>f I be

-..fp-tit' "f life. Il ml who w ill lí-ach heur« ¡s-r w*-*k III thrtt depart-

rm iít in w bh h I.»« <>i her tiiftjor w««rk - «1 it«- •• i* givi-ti t«» tha t grufluiit«- * hij, in the j i«ig(m-iit ««I Ihe fu c iiiiy .

i:««r>4 tikciji i<i -««M •«» t'h*; W itrld -km.wfede»- «.f the u-efnl nn<l |»ni« t1«nl i|.{.|»N'l«>na «-f <«ni MAetMs* to an y «>f ?h«- f.r«*t*l«*tii*- *»f life . pr*-f*rn»il)•i ifi'MiM . -a UI. p-y* »•••bigetti or ¡ib |4aNuitig prot.iem.


Two more sororities have installed dining rooms In their homes. Word ; was received that the Alpha Phi» a ad the Sorortaas hare laid ia egmlp- i ment for dining room service.

rtnrlag the last year, the Kappa > Delta sorority started the firm dm- i i room among women organisa- f tioaa.


I«-fl««'• nd

Alpha Ufuiima Itelta sorority pur- S'n»*- haM'd »he ten-room house .k ] {u ^ ||IM

Hailey street, formerly the residence1 All i*f |*rof (). M l<**bel Thi«* nv«-*- that «»*H*-x

. organuatlon the distinction of b«*ing < »m p th* t r Ht Michigan Ktate sorority to jly •) p u r f «»»• its own beme. ' |»k«-

The bouse was put in order by Annabeile Mcflay, Margare» Kong- ne. g«*r and Meria GUI. who returned several days before Freshman week

Th** Alpha Gamma Is-ltx « » rn r lty ; V(.f „ . w as 'h e first o f th e wom en nati«»na !' -ji o rg am x atio n s to S ta te

•d prisln. • »!«* fo -tii

-rau rifili uh ,. 111•—1. fio ing i i

Ilumlr«*«!*left »fe* lUftili

lit. w hi« h. w«•penillg. 1»pus-iiig th

»m» lu M lrb lm m j ulT A ug us1 j oionrh •*»< h

TwoHu «I

I«- -nred " lin g »««

«I b>

r fid «h«« I

a mn uri*»«

« re i r»s»«-r


•H — 1 1 1tW i ir h.» aro tiHrr* « H fu *«H> S K r r la l <¡ImM n i Ih »

tmot»if ni udì ut* w »rk«**l -King eoBege «-risilf ili iris! il uf i«>fiM| ma liage-

, téfihtr bone- : •*(»«• nnaoh ! |»r«*f(***iional ment.

A 'Ij'd n in g fin* «wldn which v i« boili .. , entirely <»f rough pine lumU-r. tsuh

M H ìm ntmlm l m mrm n , » w u < la . i naide and oiff. sw e «l«s*ptng tint« for «■.«■to I to «Mito H m n n flra , ÇM. 11«, «Irla a tul f..r Mia. Itunla

I During the find month of operation, ¡.more dorna in Is were made f«»r Imknl product* and «Hiked f««ul for the camp had wd fwvirw i nowmny a«fv« rtls Ing.

» fantbe C w s i | M i Iso » I M g M fb H 'a

*mM li I* Il(«flsinsster. ojf th«* ».fate I»»«rfc ' . • « ! » ( » was »<■»■>' accifin* uoMiathig I *, n e liiiR th*- > .«»«in as 'l«r~ ifWsl nimI by t;>king « ,*r«- of the . b«*avy w<«rk of *>u|«(»l>ing fuel f«»r the w«h«| rungo

The girl* who took fimir suiikim t in* NtHtttkxial training at fh«* camp were Ml-* Marlon fb-gg. lMn»tr; Misa Verlyn MrM»re, iNdroif ; M ia s Katharine Ilntdiard. Ma’tawan: 161ns Katharine Merrifield. Bangor ; Mian Genevieve Fa kins ; Mias Marjnrie D avie«, Iriuilngton : Mias B i i a liar* wood. Ionia, and Mina Amy ImnÑlS» l.udington.

Page 2: Michigan Stale Newsarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1925/state_news...Michigan Stale News S u b s c r ib e - ! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 NUMBER 2 piDlT NEW CO-EDS CREATE Jfr A ROOMING



Michigan State Newsl'ublljib«! twice weekly during the College year by »be atudenla of the

Michigan State College. Entered aa aeeond eluaa niattiT at the poatolTlce, Eaat fainalng, Michigan. Advertising rates fur­

nished upon application lo the Ruslucas Malinger.

ED IT O R IA L ST A FFUOBEI1T M. POWBItS, *301, Ifermlan House, I 'It* ßltjft Editorr i t B I ) W. MAKE, '»¡a, Ilermlan House .................. Business ManagerA L IC E M. HANNEN, 'all, Woman's lllclir. Phone .'III fina l EditorU ro n Horton. TM............................................................... Sports EditorIt m J i ia T .* ' * . i Associate Sports EditorIt E Scofield i olumnlsta Bible E. Bucket!E rv . Praseolt, '27h 8(Ki„ ,

Assistant Editors Paul 11. Engle, O. W. Kletzman, I). It. tilson, (leorge Woodbury

I I.. I 'bristle, K llimelaiugh, Hamid Marsh

Jobo Itrlnt>ln N* if« Ila (hark K O. Ilnndoraon

RRPOKTKRNllelfio WoHt Mur dm <Jrisanili M hrinn lti*mi«*tf

Kichfliigi* .\filtlt t il T. I ’r iM ifr.H iltr Hues

J. Kelly 0 I .fnlm Moralin c iu m Inn Iw I I fr iiim i


h it h in e b h s t a f fAdvertising* fl. T Whlthurn. '27; L. Hynder, '2H, vie Anderson

ft Hrmfhworth, ’2R.W. Ulula, '28 ; 28 ;

m i m i : h m :u

M ic h ig a n

MI A Hi BUILDING l'Iin ii.' 2811.1

STATI-; M:\VM »ri­ho ¡in- si11111‘11iN. TI Ih* olTii'liil vi.*w(mini

8 fmHCH||»TlON- I2R4I T IIR flr||fM>f, VBAIt

Why Sla I«»?

yon rom« lo Mlchlgaa


Sfar College la Early Days; Birdi Made Famous by Poeti, |

Goreraor’i Pea.llllllM'Ilt* Sfl}«|«*r, '30

I had a l w ay h heard a lo t ab o u t i «•»«•■■m o i« h j uvitogo m m»-- i»u- M ich ig an S ta te a t school, m en from B ce r in g d ays is to be seen in p ir tu n s

to us and 1 *n exh ib itio n rases placed in the

Michigan State college in the pin

different colleges talked to US and ' iwtcn piui'.'U m m*the one from 211. S. C. gave the best main corridors of the college library talk and made me want to come! Pictures of collage buildings now more than ever. gone, photos of Michigan State's first

------ graduating class, first football squad.Mary fi. Itolin, '80 I and other queer but greatly < herish-

My two brothers always wanted ' cd pictures offer an interesting visu- nie to come here and talked so much j allsatlon of the college in the old about It that I couldn't stay aw ay., days.In , In lovo with the place already A picture of the drat board of and know I n going to like II more, publication« , called 'T h e Speculum ail me time. i tiogrd,” la another of the blta of hi»

Helen Itlali7.ii -on ,ory on On the board wereI came hncauae ofThe liberal arts I4* !1? ' nQ'| ■"'■""»«I

rourae. M S ( ' 1» nearer line... greatest living writer on aathan A n a d r llo r and “ ?STTk th .t i S S l K S “ ' WmJ * m Jhe university is too crowded any-1 Ithigan State m grand old man. how. Ho far I think Michigan'Blale I " ,'u, hotanh a! gar-

jual great and am certainly glad 11 a .H i! between the gymnaalum ruiiniy giaa 11 and the chemistry building; la. VV ,lieaumont and A. P. Howe.

fvovcrnor's Pen j Taking up the least spar»* of all the articles in the case, hut cherished as much as any. is a common black pen It is the pen used by Gov. Alex J . Groesbeck in signing the recent legislative bill which created th** name the college now bears.

In another rase are birds made famous by poets in literature. Prof.J. VV. Stark, director of the ornithol­ogy work at the college, arranged the unique collection, which ranges from Poe’s raven to Shelley’s skylark


Michigan State UK ge

w .a ine.


WELCOME HOME!Tn thnl »relit thron» of young collegians who nre now making

thi'ir sm.nd, thlrO. fourth, or even tenth appear«,,,-e on the earn- ! ,h*' *n«t»utlon. the MICMIOAN STATK NEW S extends ahearty weleome. To those of us who have been marooned for a summer on the forsaken streets of the eity, the huhhuh of re-i turnin» stiatents is like unto the music of Heaven

Invigorated in mimi ami hotly, we fate the new schm,I year with an Optimism that is neither dimmed by the experiences o f1ne past or ciotti Imi |,y the forecast of the distant future. We are l'"1" «»arewtee «.................. . h.

imn» in Hie »leal 11 Kith: ami NOW From time ¡„.o,. I 12 1,1111 '" “"I'UAhr „wx.nenl Inthe •'present” a»e'has du o I Z . . mm" rm,rl1'1' , " " t, h„,co,mì, ,'Vft u \Mllcctimh tir I I, * * |frt»at«»sf JIM**- We Aliti fr« rolle««* cl«v«*n. 0’Milu lin i,. We ruMÍeve the year 1925-26 will »>«* the most moment-^ 0pnd th.Otis III the histof’v of the « « • 11 « * t* « • j e M<*lirtiinK 17 "* pomels. Jgi*' •”** '

» .........................a rriYiHit | *»Mkjr ' «

Ms* Goodwin, *30 eryon« I talked to about Mlcti- Statc had a good word for it,

and I hk '.I the. spirit that the stu­dents had on th«* visits I mad** lust year.

Walter Riinnow, '30 All through high school I had I

Michigan State in mind because of th« wonderful agricultural course iti iffered.

W IN IM sT IV fT I,,N AT H IR TM O M u.K CA VA I,KV Mt h im ,I.- — i(Continued from png« l>

m«*nd tills Mprltig. was the otttstand- lug allibi«* lo the camp. II, starlisl ! In bam-ball and track, rating »s th.. ' rastest man in th.. s4-hno| Van Sim |s•» and Higgs won honors f..p them- wives in swimming, and Van .\’optN*ti shared honors with Plewr in track 1 lllggs, who edited the 11*25 Wolverine. ! s«*tv.*d in tin* sain« ca|wi«*itv on Jin* camp pa|N*r. The llonn* Ram."

Midi.* at camp tile laitt«****'***• of (lie tornati, pistols, rifle*.« nMHly will In* anti

The poetic mystirism of th«* night Ingale, so colorfully depleted by John Keuts in his "Ode to th«* Nightin­gale," the blithe, optimistic skylark which caused Sh«*ll»*y to writ.* his beautiful, airy poem "To a Mkvlark Poe’« raven, the meado noasiblewren, robin red h- j* <r

• 8iof*‘ '»t f ' i^ . f r k Je n n y I for song spar-

row.M. ai bird»«*. gel lias r.um ertm s o th e r fam ous


had to say the cas.* dir«*«

>Schnl«at icall>»•ra in (he life meni in view, prns|H'i Is nf ih

IIII v - neially, it With a

‘ III 111 II I hem orti hri

« us line as i, is IIml :i I illiyp Jjy V1 'Mich', r, ft VICKlit An. Tins* ,

san Slat,


ar»t*. athli olii» that she

•I ie

-at hlet a of the rvitle»!'. i Freshman el« hi»hest onler,

reviilulinnize the social strata ret I in» un I he top of the worh

Ihlt asiile from these mat we are Impin» that who

«’. H. H tN M u g V g lliiv and Niitl-ml indications " f a college last "A ” has heen him» up in the

lle»mOar,s ^^.ImTr'tTie"!“ -, footRSU »ame has »he,m won. and the last social event has passml into history, there will have heen Ingrained Into the lives of the men anil women of Michigan State something of that IKvine ntdiilily "f character ultimate justilicalion of a college education.

i tin* hr**

■: t y

• 12- .iini

and «ai** • center *»f inlets were ills r I) in to Norfolk ship yard, rg, J » liles

lÌK iirat ive ly ,


vhifh i** the

rfillerv iinent r*'

I i, (M .iion i • <t !. \i*w|sirt New t, id W IIIIh iiis I <,. ,<i gefowtl H -d tlia t in I!O f. i.,t M i l Torni li.'*Iti.I ..gent frolli M•i. timpfiotti here wie* in.»:, v.*re as follows :.■i-, J. It Hiehsnsi. U A

II . ,I«*S. I» \V Kl.-wvr, M Il II Fr«*»-tuon, \ M

I F Hoiiler. F •' Jew»*« '• 11 *<. m. F. W Kictxmnn. it ii \V M* « '«»luilina. T i Hilen { ich V I VV R.M.ks, r K V

\ Mti.lth It Thiiver. \ A .* VV K VAU'«* N I, I» Me

•ratur«* Iure th«* casual ding what thè great

ahouf theni dly opposit«* 1« a

uy of Mi«v.higi«n minerais. ar >1 hy Prof H G Rerqulst >'f «he

geoiogv department. Among th** nutner<HiM pleis*« «>f metal are **op |M*r nematite, gypatim. «alt. sand- »tonc IVtnskcv «tane ‘iati sliiclnlStolli*


E invite you to v ill our store and maki this your head quar­ters while in the city. Always glad to show you the latest things in m e n ’ s clothing, hats, caps and fur­nishings.

Igw is RfotherS'Inp.distributors of-0tratford C loth»

IMS. Wnkmiton Ave |t costt no more to bov (He best at Lewi* Broi,

Store For College MenJT» .»r .'Mi■silks o ft

elid'il the I »,

A.'ddltig took piar, part of th«* sum

Vliss .Marjoro* ltd I, Alfred Il**p0is *»f re marritsd In th** home of r f S Hh a w.>pkins has acted as |>ean rotary for the past thr**e

iV ll*

"VO I K SI Its« K irriO N . I'I.KASK !"Ill lilis day ami atntospiicce ,,f million dollar stmlmms and five

thousand dollar professors, the Imsmcss of managing a college new -paper resolves itself into a “ vicious circle" of news, suhscrip- Mlions, and advertising. it

Obviously, the thief ohject of a ne«-p:iper is to print “ all the « -news fit to print” hut siali ali altruisti, motive is always tempered **

and many times himlered hy the sul,script inns on file and the advertising space on contract in the husiness manager's office.If the sul,script ions are at a low eW>, the sheet must Is- loaded with mis to make up the definì and n e w s storie«, fit or unfit, are left to mold III the printer's galley. Hut. theoretically at least, advertising rales are hased on circulation figures and «pace ¡« "old in direct propm'tion to the rcatlcrs of the ptihlicatioB.

Thus it »tas, around and around, no subscription»— no adver­tising No advertising no news. No news -no subscript ions anti the MU 111. ; AN STATK NKWS goes to the dogs and the Michigan State College »■«** with it.

If there is a flaw in that logic, the business manager's Itook* don't show it. Figures don't lie ami "we did it with our little hatchet." It i- l'inanetally impossible to publish the MlCllltiAN STATK NKWS without the support of the student body. We must have subscriptions in order to -ell advertising in order to print news in order to - - ad infinitum!

Today and tomorrow, you will Is' asked to subscribe to the M 'W S for the coming schtsd year. It’s no joke. It may Is' a tragedy. When the little girl with the "What have you" expres­sion a, ■ oats you, step up, dig deep, and I. A I 1,11 IT OFh.

sol.v i m ; t h a t ih v i m ; I’Ro h i.kmKvery advertiser in the STATK NKWS is a high class business

man! Th is tail has lassi a source of gratification to the business stall bo years.

This veai when ear regular advertisers were informed of the proposed in c re a s e m size of the college paper, they were sincere and hearty in their enthusiasm over its success. Actual proof of this is to Iw found throughout the columns for they have l>ack- *‘»l up thi’ir word* with Mdwrtinitijf!

This is the time of year when YOU are going to select your merchant-. For anyone n*>t acuoainted with the stores of 1-an- sing and East Umsing. it Ts quite a problem to find a store that suits your jmrticular need.

The advertisers of the STATK NKWS specialise in meeting the demands of college men ami women. We guarantee that you will he greeted courteously and receive the greatest attention when you vail oil STATK NKWS advertisers.

Tell them that you have read their ad in the college paper. It will identify you as a Michigan State student, and it will create a greater husiness fellowship for the paper.

it ten.I'd the < mul» in ,

V I-' ItiM'tifin H w Huxcar<t. Ft ’Inrk It «’nlhniti. « 'V «iohr. H flrahaM t ** H lire»*i», \V V

mi \l <1 llmi«Ht«»ti. I 8 K«*ll«*r.\ I . it II •; I (hr. Frisi w Mar«*.

A Ih. iu m U l l R im « . I. J Hiuith.I T t l ln i. it U H W a lke r. K I*

Il 11 /. \ 'it Nttj'Ifti

Extending Our Welcome

East Lansing Dry GoodsHoover Dresses

Hose NoveltiesIM K. l.rsiM, Nlvsr I v s H .

An inatitution that has eitdured through periods of develop-1 mant has a number of traditions. We urge you to carefully read; Michigan state tradition«. They are printed in the Eroah hand» book. I


VouTI bc glad tu know that we are stili on thè Jtdt with thè finest of hats ami capa, prieed tu suit you.

l is i. Et "se C* I i»>'»i>- *- n. sa *s,

Sole iigciu v L'unlap Hata and celebratod liciti t'apa.

Toggery, Suits and Top- coat«, too. Smartest of style ard well within the means of alL Any upper das« man can tell you about “ May*» Fitting Ser­vice"— it puts the atyie on you ami the responsibility

MAYBRÍIh e Hat SUM« o f « tt *


M. S. C. Studentsand





The Campus PressLA» K ( ¿ R A N D R I V in e AY H M K

The M icM jn State N«wa

The Michigan Agricnltnriat The M. 8 . G > — P <

vH H

Page 3: Michigan Stale Newsarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1925/state_news...Michigan Stale News S u b s c r ib e - ! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 NUMBER 2 piDlT NEW CO-EDS CREATE Jfr A ROOMING

'y - . NT



¡¡1H South Wanhlntrton A n South of Arrodo


Waste Paper n*kets Book Ends

Ash T ra p Stationery Blotters

A nd (M iter Supplies

31 jp v j f t ® i f t ^ I f o pp U iH ite lloilM* KftM lltlllil- llu lld iltg


SOMETHING NEW t Chartered Bus Service

I V * w 20 I W n i N t Sed an T yp e llusscs \Y««ndPVfr 1 •»•tv«*ul«*nt ft•»• college iiifti m ill women fur :»1 1*-f)• lintr o f loW B ' r*l***f cVenta, p iirtie* ¡uni other ftu id ln h s . M ake up

I turfy. *' ,“ ,H *••**' ,Mr h ire by day. hour or tr ip . W e go any* ri, y W nut To g« at tin* tim e you w an t to go ¡iiu l re tu rn at tho

V<W * M ACKEY CAB COMPANY71.» Klver Street

P ro f. J . T . H o rn e r and O. P it te ll o f ' tin* college economic»« departm ent at*| tc in lc ii th e In a tltu te o f Cooperation I held in Ph ilad e lp h ia du rin g the aum* iner.

I P ro ftw to r I lo rn c r attended iih a lee- j ; H ire r and M r. Pa tch as a student. ___j o v e r 4,000 m iles o f sum m er tra ve l |( comprise«! an lnterrH tiiiK vacation fo r I P ro f. C. W . t'hap m an and h is fa m ily

! w ho m ade a tour to the N ew En g lan d 1 I states.| T h e au to tr ip w as by w a y of"China* 'I da. The Chapm an 's v is ited m any hia- 1 to rlc and fatuous place» In C anad ian

and I 'n itcd H tates history..W h ile a t Am herst, they v is i t » ! M r.

and M rs. W il l ia m Tides, fo rm erly of ! M ich igan State .

P ro f. K. A. T cu n y o f tin? Eng lish departu ie iit, s|M*ut h is honeytuoou iu

I Kurotsv

' l» r. 1..* H Sho ll. uni mat pathology l departm ent, w as iu churge o f the uni* imiI disease exh ib ition at th e M lcbt* j gnu stat<‘ fa ir .

M r. H o w ard Koch, P ittsb u rgh , a ] g raduate o f Penn S ta te , w il l w o rk for I h is m aster's dt*grt*e as g radua te assis-

tant in bacterio logy th is year.

I T h e ve te rin a ry d lv is lo u in tro d u ce d ! a b rief course in discuses o f ftir-ltear* | tug an im a ls last year. T h is has prov*| • ■d very i>opulur and bus uroused I some in terest o iitau li' tb«* state. H r. > W . I. « hand ler is iu charge.

H ill I f It 11 It 111II11111111 l lt lf tü t | Ml II | { 111 It l Lit 1! 1111 i I It I It 111111111111111 It I It 1111111111 »i

l»r. H a rve y J . F iege, " A w ho re ­ceived the M ich igan S ta te V e te r in a ry M ih I ic u I ussfN-iatioti prize fo r the la*»t senior in the ve te r in a ry d iv is ion , has located lit ltuy lic ld , W isconsin .

iHrlrnmr to ’29

| Mr. W a y n e P lu strid g e . -*». w ho re* j I re ived the S a y re prize in bacterio logy

**1!. >var w ill study for b is doctor*» ' degree í¡}*Y ferio Íogy a t Val«* uidver* ; s ity .

P ro f. F . W . K d u rin g August.

toured F lo ridu

2l|p B u n t jiu u d, H r. T ru m an U . Yu i.— » ,'14' v M lw l1 ihi* . . . l u w M 'V IT III t l u í « " «um mi'r.I H r V u m k i'r I» IU.. «»or!1 • u lh o r t ly , j on p a ra s it ic llow e riu g J®**» l “ ** j I Hslders.

«»wing to tin* crow ded coiM.wn ü I the departm ent o f botany, the '*’*** j labora to ry room am i sm a ll g i ,

F irs t o f the fa c ilit ie s o f the Ctdotit M em oria l bu ild ing to In* o|»»n I«» re- tu rn in g M le lilg an S ta te students is tin* Cn Ion ca fe te ria w h ich opened its d«»««r* again Septem ber s. A p re llt iiin a ry t r ia l run o f 40 d ays w as made during the sum m er to iicroniiniHtiito the sum­mer school students

A lthough lack of finances has pre­vented the entire completion o f the build ing, tli«* w ork on construction to date has Im'CII such tha t n il the un its o f scrvic«* and accomm odation for student a c t iv it ie s an* a ll rotnplete

T h e «'itfeteria on the first Ihm r is eonipl«*ti* in e ve ry de ta il, <*ontaitiing a k lV h e ii th a t is abso lu te ly modern and iMpinl t«» flu* best in th»* state. T h is k itchen w i l l pn*pare a ll foo«!s served in the huih ling. as it has a bakery in

| connect bin. T h e rcfrig«*rntloti plant in | the bas«*metit w ilt take ear** o f a ll the j m iá is fo r such servio«» In the Huiblim* i in c lud ing the needs o f the »«»da foun | ta i#

T h e sfsla room, w h ich ad jo ins the

ca fe te ria , w ill Is* open at a ll hours that the build ing Is o|M*n, so th a t on p arty n ights th is type of service w ill lie a va ilab le ill tin* build ing. I l l lid d itlo ti to regu la r soda orders, light lum bes w il l also be obtah iab le at th is counter a t a ll Ilmen.

The po»»| and b illia rd room cannot h<* completed u n til iibotlt the m iddle boat of O ctober as d e live ry on the tab les part eantiot Is* mad*- until that date. T h is want is the on ly delayed project in the eii week

Srlrphunr -3137

house t urn I the

attach ed ill the o ld b o r th .i bu ild ing has Im*«*u assigned to nit a n leal depart meiit These w ill is* used mu I u ly fo r class

in p lant pathology and office

I IH r. II w ho w as loaned last

l llt lK tH M H tr ii i l l t tn H H n U il l lH H il l l l lM ll l lH H IH II Iir iM II IM IH IH H IW H M H IM

We Extend Greetingst o the Freshmen, Upper Classmen and Co­

eds o f Michigan State College ¡it East Lansing

When you visit Lansing, drop into Knapp’s f o r men’s furnishings and women’s apparel, accessories and novelties.

J. W. Knapp Co.Th* Ktliable Department Store




B r Urn m y. SVwk or Month. Term« Reononable.

Rudd’s Music House“BVKRYTMMG IN MUSIC"

21* & W M k h «taa A rc. l a n m n g , m ic h .

m m m nsem t

i¿ A p r il to lile I s. •b'partineiit o f ugri- I ! cu ltu re i «»r one y e a r is in Eu ro |ic at

prcMciit looking up the v. lid form s of tin lieet ill iTiiN'ctiori w ith the office o f sugar isM't disense investigation"

a note receive«! from him from lit* stilt«*" that he is hav ing ii

: line tune l«ut that the language is te rrib le"' M rs f«»«ms and ch ild ren ae-l cotiipanied H r Coon» to F ran ce nnd w ill r«*main in ilit* v ic in ity o f I 'u rU u n til nt*\t summer.

! H r It I ' m illia rd w ho is head of ' the plant physiology work in the tie* j partinetit " f iHitnny w as c lrrtt« ! pr»*»l- ; dent o f tb«* A m erican S '* defy o f I ’lant, |*b>siologists th is summer

J F Co*, pr«f«**Mor **f farm < r«»i*e. la u d H o w ard Uut Iter. l-xtrnuliia apt.**j ■ d a list o f fa rm crop«, accom pan ied

K«‘d«*rafe«| K«-ed N r r v lr r p a rty <«n t h e i r 1 tour through th«* a lfa lfa a»«e*| s«*etloti | o f I ta ll. Idaho, and other w«'Ntem state* during August

M iss |h »rot by Vake ley w ill b w ve j e a rly In the fu ll It Is .-\|ie«ted| that she w ill n in t lin w her in terest in ' i ui iu tin« dogv and serology an tb»* 11 f ■ p artn er <>f H r A Copland. Ht lirtw w i I'rdnt, I tetrolt.

H r Copland, w ho gradual*-«! . from tb«* v»»terina r> « llils lon in '24, baa*

[ sfudl«-«! w ith H r .1»din Adam«». n«-wly •d»s f«sl president ««f th** A V M. A. j

: ¡it tb«« I n iv e n d tr of l*enro«ylvanla

j ’I'll«* v e te rin a ry detmrtment haa l«een j v is ited this last week by l*r« f T . i lilbson. * olb-ge " f A g rtru ltu re , Eb len

Í burgh ' S« <gland II»* «tat»** th a t tb e i ‘ «Iraft lo r"« ' is ««anitig bn« k In It r lta ln ! I to rep lace the jess c< i motil I» at tra c to r '

j T h e labors o f l»r. I I J Mtafnetb. wh<> is on l**ave f-*r a t e a r ’s atttdy In

' Ib idaIs-*t. Ilu n g a rv a t llie Hot ill ! Vvet»»rIliary «"»liege, w ill la* »a rrled nn j «in«l»T the Hiipervlakun *<f l*r»»f. M a ll* i man w ith the aasisfam-e «»f H r J F . M iner. 17. and l»r E P. .I«*bns«»n Jft l*r««f M a ilm an apent the la tte r l»ari " f tla* Nummer ms a graduat»*

¡ «rtid«*nt in i a< f*-ri«»b»gv a t the I niver- . " itv o f < hbag««

K C Ha lula II o f the Eng lia tl «I**¡a«rm otif baa a baby g irl.

H r ( i« 'H I v i s i t i n g p rn few o r In the U ita n b a l departm ent from Hud«* j»*st, H u n gary . r«*|v»rta a safe a r r iv a l home l ie re ta in « a l iv e ly internal In • A m erica and In p a r tb i i la r th la Ad* l*^e

c H Idbble. "A . i « r t tim e a n in t iM i In the «ntvn io logy defmrtmen* w o rk ­ed on the problctn «»f forant fna t-ta a t : Iz 'tum aw. IV n n a y lva n la . i____________ i t a m a g m — — a ¡

Wolverine Typewriter . Company

1» ar. la t a P k a a m n j


¿ 5 n r v » 3 .1 1 $


B l o c k “ S ” S e a l

Student SuppliesToastee Sandwiches and Good Malted M ilk


Passing Back’s Alongl . i f c could be no sw eeter fo r sonic fo lk s than to spend the u ln

old .1 r»»ty ijtimc o f " passm if the h m k ” , yet here's me " l^ u s im f

and i/fttins/ pa id fo r it

It 's been rufttored there 's a couple new studes <it the o ld fon t

on the off ehanee that one >>f them fo n jn t to pack \n n e tro la

le f t home, it s m y job to ye ll Hut It’s at h im 1 ell tin mime


/‘lease don 't th ink me m ercenary Hoiks, but if an y f \>>h /.<

table, th a ir , o r m irro r in yo u r nett’ room , or if la te r on ltf< <j

an d you decide to s tud y a b it anti need a lam p or some offn . e

i f you kntnv w h a t I mean, meet me at

M J & H M Ituck Fu rn itu re t o.

Phone * 1-304

BUCK’S I iirnitu

,'t.l X '- rth ll 'a s k iw it i in I: n i l -

m ,

Page 4: Michigan Stale Newsarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1925/state_news...Michigan Stale News S u b s c r ib e - ! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1925 NUMBER 2 piDlT NEW CO-EDS CREATE Jfr A ROOMING


Ualiel datila Illo ra i« lliaauui

m. t



Sixty 1111iitilea of bitter m rim mi ji blocked 1»■ mf for Iht* *cr«nd mug.* uiin tin* done h i 11 >I• il mil to i tonujutowh of IiIm ***•!••M ich ig an H lnte fo o tb a lle r* Ml I II«» p e rry t 'ro n o in l «cored for th e npflr*i o ffic ia l |»rnrl!«•«• MONNion o f Mo-j ,M,*m on w h i n he b roke th ro u gh lh " ««■mho 11. he ld T « M # y •iflornoon on n „ ,, „ .,n«Mk p lay and ra v o r i . i tI ho old a th le t ic Hold ; ah«Mri 35 yards to the goal F red

i andtdiiioN liHd boon a r r iv in g fo r ! o r lrk* tinbhed a cve ra l n ro t ly pan«» a rtovoml day* . toll T iie a d a y ’* acrlm fo r tho twriwid loam w hen v ir tu a lly niiiR i1 u iih llo* Ill’s! 11111 o I ha! a «••m I b locked l«v llo* opposing hack* V a I p le le i.iNtor o f M ifii a iin on tIn- Held ' inno- iind N .‘«’dha iii a lso xthrrod on U p w a rd * of MO tnoft \%•»r*• m il, w il l i def«*ti*lVo play10 o f 1.» m ore o ip o rtod when *rh o o l j f*oa« h Young plan« to havo tw o opi'iiN ¡w o rk o u ts d a lly u n til *i hoot open*

lo o l i - s Vo ill I t and T a i lo r t»*»*d *&••»» Ho* work M ill bo crow ded into n e a r ly four i «itnpl« I«* team * Tuom fay | 0,,,‘ "*’"« lo ti S l a r i ln t T h u rsd ay . no


A d rian « «.II« g«- * Ito.v Scout lUI.VL liifi- rd lY «»f'M b higitn ill A im Arlmr.

•IN't l*> laik*. f-.ri’Al I ’i i l N i '* IM I ? DV-ntr*- I ’d l H fi»«t 'J t IV n n Slut»- IVAk-ip*, I'«

•o« t :: i i '«»Italo I n l m d f y i Ifim iccom lng).•Nov. » T"l»'«lo I niv«-r«oty ilb tre n t’* l»n y i.

I ) I i i i ’ »*r»ity «.f W iw onw in. M ad ro n W in

*lf«.in«* in«


m i i t N .oi h t T i Allm i :(! i m


r « llv o f M h h ig a ti al Ann Arbor I Non**. Sial«- I nl.-i« "IN imi lc

N.o i t Atar.|tN-ri*. I nlx«*r»ify. M ilw m ikoc, W'l*N«*a 1*1 W . «(i i« * 'oftfiT.-n« •- Itun a l loWM 6 "If y . laNot L’** fief ro ll 'V Annual ' Knn



i l l I«- adn >«| ilo- Molti

I h. miaI'd I0IHM.I IMI II. SV II IIIII.-ni body


In th e ir «»norm in d i'i«*nn ln i' w Ii» i l l i. pr. seni ilio U f i 'i 'n and W HH d u ritiK (llo • om ina n k h m iIi .

IT»* - Mnal reuttlt totaled I lo 7 I favor or what m ight Im mtHod Hi vn ra lty . If t'aptaln Ita s k ln * ' pro*.Ulti »« Ind i, fill s an y th in g Van Haro■" " " • 'I i " i Mi.- Ilr .i tu rn * ...... h. » .illin l jn ln lli h) I I I* I nkni ;iml Ih r S r v r a ly - f iv * F ru i t * A n tw e ri»ii in . line fo r a aborl ta in and sind« »»! I m oo li. In now oM n iiiaM r •!ilo 'ii i 't i 'i ' n il'll a long run f'*r f 11 * - lb«- ina io «lesi» ,i* u d ì a» Un* l im a im a rke r (« ili» in Ih«* gam e Homi f»dl lluiullMnilt uf b ) lau*» am i l»iu»**r rule«*.■'■■■ 1 1 ' ' ' i .i... .............. M n hi

foo tb a ll

Ready for YouW c w e l c o m e y n u M . S . ( ' . m e n v v i l h t h c g r e a t -

o s t s h o w i n g n f 2 - P n n t s S u i t s i'V«»r

(» tb ’ i 'c i l in l < u n s i n g

FALL 2-PANTS St'ITS al $2:» hi S.'.11


Harry SuffrinM m llh '« h lit I« «'»».. S h i ■ ..■tr.

A H H h . lh K O K II i lS U . « M l l . t M . 'M » A l l IM « » ;! r « « n * i i i m o k » *

Welcome Students!Eat at The



The Wolverine LunchM il IIH . \N



Shipment Arrived





rMrtjr-fivr F r n W a Am «***E a r ly C a ll f a r G r id L o r t * « # » r ( * n 1 M a ,0 * ‘ * * f

Staff is Welcome Addition toSlate Coaching Staff.

M i.'li I Kan Slat»* co llege w il l p lay v ir tu a lly an a ll fe a t»(re Mchedtlle d u r ­ing i Im MMuaoit o f 1935. acco rd in g to I'oin-h Ralph II. Youtitf.

Th«* A «tritt n Kamt» on Sep t. 25 w ill tm p layed before an au d ien ce t»f 3,600 Hoy Seou l* , w ho w il l bo Ilio , Klient* o f M ich igan S ta lo co lleg e oft th in dale .

Tilt* M b h iaa t i Kamo on O rt. 3 la ; a fea I uro ill Ifnelf, belnK oil», o f lIlO ) m ain Kit men w ltlrh the S ta l« ir r id - ! dor* an n u a lly point tow ard .

Th»* L a k e Korea! gum o oil O ct. 10 ! «vili Im* K id * ' «lay T li la i* an u n n u n l Kam o at w hich a ll o f Ih n hoya o f i lu m a io * and P 'h n I I «u i i m I i i k a ro ! KUi'Mla o f H ie co llege.

Oct 17 hrltiga I ho K»*n tu rky Col-1 onola o f C on tro ro llo go lo tho Plant j I.HiiHlug Miadium . i tu r .n g th«* pn*t ; i .ui yen i’H C on tro co llogo ha* ro- ¡ .c lv e d m ore n o to rlo ty and • fo o tb a ll, p u b llr l ly . duo to Ha g ro at fo o tb a ll: teauiH. than an y o th o r «'olloga* in tho

24 Michigan Statu main attraction for

day at Ponnaylvn Un thoir annual big

I United in tii. They were ch/i piona of he Southern Intorcolb uto laut ' ai*.

On Oc furniaH^i Ponnayi Stale, at Stato

On C which I one of t rail, will tlon at

Nov. 7 I State colli will play date.*t udente to In ncqualntlni (urea of Mirhf

Tho Michlga I heir *eaaon on of Wlnconnin only hoity» date •Iii*-ii»ly much Mlgtil to thla game.

*11 frodi

p ri* In »' reportedK"h* an« hlKh < H« of th.' fr-


? andavi«■ >rk for f ta «•i i » mag«’ »

«•trui ib c «•i i a Id «« i l

rea l foot H a rr. '

latmdng i n i i n i f «>r

Celt, fo r -k inner'*I 'lu r te t h

5" * fb


( 'H att Gawd Material la P ar t lap

Wmninf T ra n Tilts Sanaa.

Sii» I.. . r . rn . ..»n irv can d id a te«'.O P ! dril ! iti it mda-r • e guid• r», e *»f th.«ir n- * ..»* h W eon Ma

•i .*««d ire . .*«1» ronn.i ng int«-

ha* b*‘«'n ap- V coach and an- MMhlg.il» Stalo!

-,/ '^.ii j » »regoli

Curvali!*. I dilated lard ; o m agrie ul- ;

P.iMiidciia. Cal high neh not lille he W.IH on ! f«»ur venrn and 1

» ni in I % ||«> wa*> i ir«'g<*n Stale ero**

.Linn».' in* four v«‘nr* d load Hie team laat » r*M(»rd in Mio NNO of ! l ie « m e m i l e . :» n d !» 31»

ul«* F.«r i ti** laut two horn « member «*f tho re!.«v team whl«h in

«»n Mie four mile K.m- br.ik. the r«*c«ird both

/ In.Mt of th«- pn*l 'w.. ir mile r»day team ha*i » t ho drake relay*•e \grb iillliral collegeii * croni con lit rv and

o k '«*:imm d u r in g I he ptiMl i (mi H f. i bey I a»«' wovi n ine »tute I ruck an» plough ip* dregon Sial** I* a. hrd itv Mb baci M (dad» Hutr i veteran roach ■»■ho form»»rlv i * dire.'ior ..f athletic* at the C h i go V«bielle cinti HnM«*r\* *p»“'Ih I •» were Ih«» d is i ni» ce .•«•••nt» Lila? ring Im men «ucce«Nlmt n cnp in r

n I lege »hi* . on.ing «.■.«• tl«» .< • vr-. old * H feel Mir*-e inch«’* 111 « and Weigh* 175 pound*


*.r up I he

r H a n k , rnev. Honk Arman .ire

r «ho « ill all S**»* n.«I i

eteranw. <'«»»a. I» Mamin will !»«»».' * verni vii tua bl** men from !a*i vear* r«'*h «.» lad He|| and XX »!»*• two %• optional half m lirr« M.ndrv « ¡«••■It and Tui*ki are i| pr"*pec<* n.| .Mitili i.. *trength«n the varsity

I d “ »«!

..,1 r tn n » \ i/ > x m a tu x f iit in f k n


SLICKERS - POLO COATS - JACKETS All Style« and Color* and Price*

J . W . K E L L YH t.lW rH N W S»;


a r t

Perpetually and unconditionally guaranteed




BOORS, ETC.» j t _____

M. A. C. Book Paying A—oriutina


Colgate uni ver « ir raark* of In

team« In thè eanf t homo ciitnIng alti

jtnnlng.i* day at M idiu .

Toledo uni ver ' un State on th |ie day aet for m taln thelr par.

wlth thè tc State college te grlddem cl<» 14 at Ilnlver >

lo W ìmcoii ovember. con ■ ance la uttud..


R P E C I A L R A T E S For Mrah. for A ll

1‘rofpNiutr'. and M. S. (!, Hludanta MW

BERTH A RYAN . Manager





Special Prices to M. S. C. Students

HarkymaN« u n w t * 1it* S H O E S

aVMMUNBIWILansing. Michigan

Your story in pictures k irn nothing untolda


I ’irlurrM help to 1*11 your Mtory to your proopor- tive ruKloinar. I.r l un rrprodtfr* your ilh latra- I hhw hv Ih e l.in a o r H alftone prorom in one or (nor* rokira.


l .« » IM . «HCHMAN


Welcome Students!Back to


Yomro forA Successful Year

Mills Dry Goods