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M!*!*® W m m Ê Ê ^ /&)&&*%**$I ’ .-." ~f'h s / f IflHMBY 1 MCHMA* «tate cnturac w assur a ATr.acmws wBBogg$&.¡Kdiyup .:■ Subscribe! $111 Michigan Slate News Subscribe! VOLUME 18 STATE UMON OPENS DOORS I TO COLLEGE U f ETERIA OPEN SINCE SEPT. 8 AFTER SUCCESSFUL TRIAL RVN. HOLD PARTY SOON mU R om Will B* Op— All H mm . rir.i .,f III* fm-Hlrt*« "t **> '• ••in<.r:itl htiltollng f#» I"* #»!*’»* f,‘ irnlnif Mktolg»» 8 »nf* •»wlent« »• ’ b* l.if.M t ;i f>f « f iH whll-h '•»*»«*d II* «I«»*#-' tain K>> |(**in!<or H prellmlnary Ih I r»*»i o f M» *1» V» a h » i*»n«1«* d u r i« « I if «iiiidiifr In it* *;oii»ino<!tt»‘* II*'- **«m r •*-lifpol *»till»*»*»« Ml'litiwn H**’ ■ niViri of whirl» • wry *t«d»riif 1» •* Iim» for if*» fmr!****“ * G"* u.l-i|rtM»ni of »II reentir«'»» of «tu rtf frtl'fit nifi Hwrtk fhtm ih.- .mll«olnf of jtlnv and «- 0 »#*#»a lb in e « * f * * |i n« ih*- —»rlou« dtftjr of «her U r building » rid «*** li» I *l*'vHo|»#ni*»»! In * hi t*f vi-»ri tiw I ' r*!•*•» Ii«» !»•«•« ttffy haN*tt*'8ppri| nuotigli Ir*«'h **f , 1.1* i|onrt *r* for f f u r » heran#«• iir**gr»m V**»', with th*- M**«» alibiing ready for th«- |*ro • ilw of gnrilMi I toil In ih** t#*«1»» » it * vpanrdon in I Ih- futur** >iri*filo room for i*ifir**«**l»»f» n In th«* in-* building 'finirm I »M rrU STUDENT COUNOL PLANS ACTIVmES QUESTIONARE Will Re Circolato^ al Wadaatday 11 CsoTscati— to fmd Taleal. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, IMS . Welcome %MicMgan State ’2 9 ” M IL LOOT MOVED AFTER MUCH DELAY M MBKR I In f hr »»ttetnpt to *Jl«* ovrr ability ;in<l ri«-vlre for partlclpati»»»! Ip thr vano-» -impili a'-Mrlllwi Infr, tha! ■tiolm i 'oiinHI plan* to -if* •»!»'•• an arti vlt tea questional fé arnotiit th* prteuhfnteft at Wednesdays mmvara- > i ion Hf orient« «Ili ti«* a*k*d to fill out 4 /lu«-«* lofielre» I'c'/fi1>ng to nions I» 1* thought that in «4 y •»ii ritenta » ill be uble *0 1 »ntrenfte ¡in«, ac-tivt1«#*» »hey ri»* by v ir’ '««* '»f pus» «-*j/«-fi<i-n»-te sn«l leeAgft.»#» be a rtIV» in *'.fir.te phaw t'FM rurrfr-ijlar w'«rr ipirtstl ••#«".» " « M 'f ' - i Ie«t ion *.,| t»«- r»«teti pubi ' .«»I'.un. ri#* inr ifi -I 'JramaH'» Voti li»vi* fhr *|l«*f in* fiori «rf M if t!m fiPVf rtatNi Ir» — trf "M k lilfIR Mille." Yovir |irto|«in(i«irM all rtiM'taJ MH 1 IR8 I Agrittsllttrat f'olltfp," VifPi'liHa» I tiofa- yo«j —III noi ihat itola «edleg» Martari Ita is n rr irs H f «-vb »y yeers ;ig<» a« ari ngrlr-tilfijral ««rilege and thftf Ha «irlftiw I fa no- «nd »’Murili«« tn*rr ••»rtn-‘l on itiat ha*»* f botte >'*1 tetti Inani, If f(Nf do*»'» « In i* !1 kn*m ttoat <«'II<ko agri#«iltural *«nir— art» ria a por «ritto all attowr «'«orm* In In» portnn«*' »mi «Il golf) ami tlial ttor agrl»tflt«tral protri»!« aftoulri tir otr «rf tir malti «on» i*iri* of «*ry M|iimtw| «-itimn Ito» of «-mirar, « oh h owr of tetti ctoMite tota own parti*alar Hd of «orli bere »mi tb«* i«ron«l *«««|ir «rf Ito« Inalltullon giara a rtsam# fot a tei»!*- «li v*-r*l» > of Riffa A» ibi* «rifinir. It apfa—ra ttoat ytiur tiara «rfll tor ttor largest uno "rlrallv •lo«» hit* «*v<-f ««uteM-d thla »«»litui fon We tif ttor fa<ulty arr boftlnr If teli) I h iìih la—t <«nr 'o n uri- no» only #-r« »«-r )»«** a m H rp MjI y«#u ara joirtltiR a gr«o»t fello. »hip of trn*i»rra. »»u«l«-»»** ami altrmnl I Itili VOI A IIHAHTY fRt/'riMRi KKto'YON 1« IH TTHHnKI'ft I»h -»|**i «' Ua«|ktljr C ia p a Car L • • p Maim Way far Fonati Cal- ice* Eatraacc. m Ml'Htgan Klertrlr ita) way * ’ «•# minai loop 'tu- of a long d r a w n o u i c o n t r o v e r s y r.«-’ «*•<-« «ol- btgr ani railway off»#.»l* ha« a» :*«* barn from th** '»m pu» Tb«* old loop «a* un jrmlRtotlf affalt und wr«plori *hr epa'«* now i»ki-fi up hy »he n«-w formai rntpam-r to tb«* «amplia No «il*#l»iotj ha* -miti* t y rail- way -.ffl'lal* rteffarril» r -h* «-r«-» ’ «'**» MAKE J. PHELAN DEAN OF COLLEGE Sis An aciato Mad* Fall Praia*. «art by Baard’« Artiaa. if ti rutti1 * »-* tin« pr« a ll «•*«•<u '-««ni|ritet I'.ti «'f ih* F rvaihittHf, t '»#• * n ’bui f" th«* •• «11*-| h th»t nil »]»'■ uni»« jw-rtwdiii 1 m •iiifiiri<ta|;it i'. ii f*»r w b " «#«• ar#* ciII >-"HI|ritette 'b*- "irfteit 1 »bte fir*» finnr »* \HUiti »«-•all 'ijf «-ly «-•mlalning a firii"« ing r»i'ta|«-rri hu «I l/T'.f«— "f the «fut«- 77i»- n u n ’ n in It r f: m -ill (.Uri f.tawl« ta-rvteri » lankt-r- it. r.u Son f»lnrit in rar** of alt th.- ■1 t |h* tonttolinr he .«tala foi io- li Hawm irtf •»* A nomlr-r -<f a«lv»»»««-ff.'tija w*te marie •.ffir ..11 hr a« Hon -f »•«- teatr iri.iir*| of agrlr uffiire .u ««tie o f th«- regular ■nninirr n»e«-t iig* |*r*»feaat»f Johto I'taelan. «to#» for 'Ih- {»ate >ear hi«* Iriri-f|»tarilrifritl» lo Ih»’ ¡lf‘ * -h ot of the > olpge ta» mMlte 'lear» of I he »'»»I lege |a art 1 'heInn who—- ..ff!*-« ar»* In »ho ol«i libra r . Millriiitg <* handling work in '««nner-tSon teltb -ek lli« work will bring , < (iriw r **«*#*».««■» w ith the «Irma *.f '«»liege tenden»* >o>i» fit mu k- t|»e teal «rf I * 1«*« '«ffeyt-d f beta 1 I»«# • «fcf'ti to make the -filler* of 1 be »««ff full their wwper'ttre «|«*]»«rt it lea 'o > or r«-**|e»fp*l llii«ton. «hen»i*»rT , ftr «a.ila frof I. f Km on« rio«»h* m at 1 «« l*r h II f 4 «H«ti* Many l*rof A *» HU beHe, «Irawing ,'l '!*~*tgfi I*r«f i T Horner CLASS ADVISORS FOR STUDENTS WILL ASSIST STUDENTS WITH COLLEGE AND VOCATIONAL PROBLEMS. A »«Ite i< m-** In the »«lot on «if teo- 'i-tif problem« I« given to MU blgati 1 M* ile *fii«|«-nla li| la** ailtlwiu teliti alMt .«NMlat in making up «tipjy «arda Kor t Ih* -" m m * r*««lb‘g» r Uh* f«»||owing « lana .«<lv (««»r« bare l«*en « |»o«en Agrtwdtwral f w ra . H«-nh»r* Itean li M Kbate, r«H»m 1IH, »igronliarai building Junior « f*rnf J K Humttl, aee- <*nd floor «latry hull«!log Mnpbormrr*** l'rnf. Il K Ma ruba II. hortb ufi orai Imlldlng. F rr-bmet» |*r««f f K Millur rrnmi 212 agri#-hltutal imlldlng Kr« nbMteW Prof (|. A Nfowtt, T'Hita lift. «grUuIfrlal bnlbllng NEW COURSES BEING GIVEN get pr«- pa*>. At • Ire. 1 l*ar Of ah' tin ri un» ar«- '«rrtnul HOMO r eoi re an ri ma - a I R * ri FROSH ARRIVE FOR INAUGURAL FRESHMAN WEEK START TO CLASSIFY TUESDAY MORNINC IH /,$ BUILDINn GIVE EXAMINATIONS Firtt Daily Conorialion Bryuii Wed«ri«day Me.n,ai> in Cul- Itft Gym Emmmm, md Farm Craps h y i W t e Lite N*w ATE CO-EDS IN c~~ * SCHOLARSHIP LEAD new '««unto** la toertt ma aka '-arr* of »ade by J. S. Menantr Only Mai ti Get Si I “ AY* Last Sprint T ifi. Ml* tor Kl BIG RIFLE TROPHY WON BY STATE MEN Adriaca R. 0. T. C. S tiA iti At Cnter Wia Mack Ditliaclioa. Ail inw Irian il. W Hiririll 11 fiiu I <i|, tibia ball Y ri**bim*r» l*nrf. II. B Idrka. r'ri.m 1 »hl« ball. Kr««bmen |»rof €!. II fade, room 3fi. t »!«!■ hull Marne KeanaraAra fawn. All t lata-* I lean Jean Krmrger home t«'»nomi' « Imlldlng. F r«*«hinten Ml»« Kta Bradley, gym- An nowarament eoi lega« riepa r ' marl)' Tha m Mwaa aim fo Im mad riemaad* growing rilvialons In Bagflth. »toe »llwwinr «m n are Hated for ttoa # liage year rey #»cn» of Kagt to literature • qulred of liberal fc’tg eludenti rr jorlag la Kngttall» I . Helfaan teruttor; Milton. ba fhRtltof,' Moral. I* P Waif .; Vietarla» *■ f^oilemporary I'm -, ft A Tenn* Ufaratnra of ftoa tvp fdfe. A Melano, Adranreri Campo«iturn M DeVrlea and K C« fianriall f!ourae la neat writing hat be- greatly egponried. Prof A Ff N« •an tefll teaeh • naw iwo-hmt weeto nawrwe on y aaae of n * * » m warll« throughout Ifte eoi lege ye I i ttoa agrfenit .nil dfritu«ti v -ral eaerrat in av'»enlt«rai puhiu for estenaton wo* aere hare m «blad. Tbbri ye*' enrk arili le- "ff» ri Preneh and .*rtr «n, «eeonri y» ,» aaaai»* ; tebuM. Jk lr~??tea riUMy.-» of M »I '»e rr ♦l/i f • .ri*» * Me*ri f«tf' ! ir g ì irg -li Ka«* I» •ab;»«’ -!•»• élM.b : K •»! i"A In llng k tri IW2 Il iy l'rtrfff« lite '.Via k Ti**- rj il tiulua fielen Hrlnw-t, j yntkrat- Mira gNdNlilitf Kr--hi/H-n MI*« Mnry F. Hh«lb-n r ìt'iiit*- -« on orni* » liulhllng \ rtrrkwry I eurae. A il f|»aate* leu. W ir ri trllfner \pplieti «rlugr I «Hirae. P Editar Hi|biy Comarindt Prof. L. C. Faiait n «ad Taiaaa Initrac- tar far Maik. Baal r> G L I TWO APPOINTMF..NTS f ROM A AR DEPARTMENT -.f P«M»| Nantn laltr. In-."l pr».)e .tu dale To n».- I.» g hl«il go Tr Sh -»fi ip h* rri iti Thu tltning.ru»»«*« • -'M-. om i w e|j ,.ff.*r .b-i.l ri»rr«nimllnga f«.r Th** ......... •? W - -r.-in h.i« • fl.- ii -l \|. • . i-.i . nri ** r M hign rilteg«- Iji I. iheral Irla I «rame « ;.***- iH-an K fl II: hr II" Mgrbultnral r-nUi.r.g ■him n Ji « i/n oiiM,, I nlon uiiding Prof Ji H Union, »iri y Imiklirtg GREEN KEY” MEN GUIDES TO FROSH Maat Naw StadiH i at Traiat aad Dirad Tkaaa Qa Ciapa •*-1» Ml If ,.o h •h *iA«g** WM - , tew •rIIIt .am ,ty •* ».'«lern •*. nt •' -h-* ada[ fxbiltty. he *• ri dit'/t "gnriH-f*'l« 1 fit wrttert MEMBERSHIP CARDS Every «Itim i -heilt He *ure ’« top al tfte tMMti drab in the I riv' ».•I'lrinr fee hi* » «ember»Fite *»rd« TVp will Imrara* yaeful u toe '»tr** of I niew art«« it »e* th h-Bt'-il on *P**- ¿r-iuntl 1 - <}!•(.iri'«-«l 77; T r i i . » .«:#• . up * I College Publications Offer Field for New Freshmen <ir*—n K* • iu*-B ir*- a'tit.g /..'i— »Ii- new Mkn.gan Mfn»# F'r— rim* n during M"«h- *r* •he F r»-«!«UH*!» ,iml -«»"* f»**on how ¿t-i •*. •f««- aHi|rfi*. -ittv-m I r* >| .ri;r.’ ng th»- !» « arrivai'-* *-fh '«*•># ••*- Mohigriii M»«!«- I'nUm »««wlrimg '* '*..*• jriari» :* 'h*- -» nt rai je»inf ih** r.. *p ol ortray j A a editor-in ger and an art { Ol .« -f ?bte Th- **•«'»a een K- •f 'fe rguFii wel- idenu of the ’ne Mi« b.*«n um *?a forth » «tear ne wa •he id F*r It on Tu-»«I *y ita oiemn» II ad- up ** of eri J ma .«aaiunal te.! f m«intM.hinR a ! In control of n hi-f. a bu ..»•eri teduor, e nature anri ««Iditi'.n to oriaJ p"l.' y Newa ìr an -dftur- <»» m a iu a rr and a »re elected annuai- ung edi' dent» print hief »nri a i>u.aine«a man« , à dt-j.’ .n.te* y, ,n th- apr.ng ’he «lu-, the ?ur*-»T/ i-partment : mprehenaiv* newa bulletin- «rh of ita memoera during , the ye^r lt. a»*». « -,n r...eri by an editor and a buainew» manager Th- M 8 . C He« ord :» the ofieiai j ->rgan of tne M 6. C aaexiatioB and*; La mailed *e**k»y to the alumni of! the college A move ia now on foot, to cha&ge it lo a monthly public»-' lion The secretary of the M 8 . C. I aaeoctatio» ia alao editor of the Ree- j ord Tiie board of publication» act» ia , an adviaory rapacity to tbe above ( .. ___ _______ ______ named organ». lu membership 1» d»r»- Th* W alw l»« la wuaed co«»om4 of tb» li»»d» of all tb* *»*- bBii rttior and • bulinata u u ttcntlon*. M»«rnl »»m b«» of th* tac- tArho nr» nino nlatfled by th* ».a- nlty. **d 1. B. H .M .I*u , colli** 14 at U.« r«*ular coll*** «loc- »abllclty director. tu\ I Men.ben ol Ih* cl*** of M M an la th* publication* Mold tat or(rid to aiutata ttaaaaloaa «Uh tha * 'V*et to ih* Ilf* ol Ita coll***. : "** of tahUcalie*. V' lr*«D Oaioa, w ’hly huaor of ttaa olon tha l«*/hld itev which waa foaad*d M M * of dote* aoaM hlu : »»T ia It* ahort raraar R ha* I to« ita colta«* aad ••carta* m I* r a vbolMOB* trb* of bn- pwtaar* alata tanHWR 0*1 t* aRfii if — ‘ *-— - *—— ly by tbe itudtent» in the spring elec- 1tiofi* . The Wolverine i* the official col- li g»- ..ii,-.umI Miel ».« generally In fb- hands of the x udents at fommenre- ment time. It record* the achieve- |tnent» uf the elapved year and acta re fervere t*«-k f"f •■uUrp- actlvl- [: lea. It is bound in a han4*ome at her cover, la printed on a high >4» of paper, and eervea aa a benu- |i reminder of your undergrade -eM ’ Pie «r-i/iteflf* if» e*Tef»dl»g -.¡Hr '•> d.f*<r* It «**• -.rgaiii/e«l ¡r. h«. «|*rii«g f IU JB and ha» •••r’ed u, fmuximi a it* "ffn -•! raimrliy Mernt«-r* are «4e« *'-d th*- f*»-*- **f ¡er«<Mii*5 ni«*! « illir.gr»*"w* **• *i**Ur ’Htie M ?a*k f**r »h/'b *he i i4U|*'li*i- - i«.n largely in the ««rì«f»«-t**»n «f •h- twiividoal »• • *mpli»I«*ng it I’* m e rut*-™ are w .-ii a><|naiAt*il w .tb rie- k. hi.-rv -«ittifirafit ami retain rev» of *tte !l-w II Wstermsn. 7T » ‘«ritira- I, , .* ¡rf«tajderif -»f *h— «ifeer» Merutwr«» >f th- lirevn K* ■ '' are ri/e f*»IP.wtng: F L. Im n M * . R K ïM-«ker. G inriu. IT. R In .m e . c, •t Eddy. M II F'ran». II. H. lllart. R T lvrry. H A Nvarae, H. raiter- TMD. It J. IVttita; K. iKririfin*. L c lirie»- M G F'arlteflian. H. Ilnflkn. ri If‘>p|H*r. II A. Ilnmptorey. W l B Ireland. R. B- 8c«»Ärid. H. ® ttraAt. FKKHHMA* l.RPKH A ll Frmtomna girl» are required to board at the Worn»» » Gommone, located oa tfte foartli ftoor of tfto Woman a building, begtoulug Two* day. teptemftar If. Illra Iraftg jft Bornia, divietar of tfte Common, aaunaorau tftat tfto Aoord win fto I4.M o wooft. Mo ftp k1eot w ill fto »dm It tad to tfto Coon- mo wltftovt a moftl tieftot ftftar tfto ¡•tee* i.d :''» «»«»» "f ' .'tti'ia n » w a -, ,it -er* -ifteier»'»ndar * *be '<***■ frvehmaa J'* *f ' * •a>« «t w.-r« .*• new ;*»•«'' ? ' /, *«..» «dl *rita|'»*1 ,lilt» " -'iWgte tee/k -«li hr I fig fte» life »#. a .acM *-ra wemed *'« he n « r a ri»«r.g- -f --Xdihg «» f.Sftel .» »he ; f», e - rnayierti 'lev r * r». " .JitJ'Si •d'jra»i''rt f*f* l*«nr ••» w»* ¡cc«w’" l full f*MN-'«k p tn :i»*’i.tet£.»f. r - ■priii^ f«y *'#«'»«i of ’be •- ’* ’* '*»*.• ’ ,*.f ii. Mvilfi.r»- ADDNEWTEM3HS TO EDUCATION STAFF Practin Turk*» E iw M ta Faw Kfk SAtati, Say* Dmi p ira Great eipamloa ¡1 noted t tfc*, work of practice tear ft ¿ag wbicft under tfte dlr«ctlea of Ihak Jo;.b pktUs Tbe work of practr* 'raffi- ng started at tbe Kaat Laasiag high school and will be extended to fo*# sc. boola tlila year. Lgtaaing Cefttfftl. Henry fl Pa** («agili . OfteOM« and Haalett high As are tfte «rlamria «bere •• «•*«•■ » and ngricnltare wiD be taught b# Mtchigaa State ita fr« » prepar- iti fat ftigft rabool uacbera. Deaa Pftelan an «oua. ee tbe fof- iwiag iaatrectors and sepervieed 1 4||tkft wfto aro added ta tfte do*' STRENGTHEN TEACHING STAFF IN COLLEGE DEPARTMENTS •4 Vi- li* iwft. pr<«***nr ot •*•- L Xtahtar. Mtaac*. fro* 41a J. Wa— » »i h» D. torii*. hraM tawnm. ■nr Fgiiewtf wlmO « »r>.« * AdditK/B !o the *** »rio a.* tratioa *o*r»e baa r.*4e *. a*e«s*a/f to pr<Kare aew prof#raers .» ’he de- partoeat vf «eoa /».-'» Thee*- are Prof Allea B FonbrrtL M. A . , Aseoc Prof rieede ^iaytoo M. A.. G A. MofthTail «uteoetoa *#«-< Laliet. B K Roea aad L. 5* *tev.>fn»»»i as graduate a w ltsata Sew gradarne u a a u s u to the , efttemiacry department are Joseph A. tkermaa. Alata*» Pelytachakcal la- atiLata. Clopft O. ftseld r. Mlrftkgaft lo o Ta«i ■ a tg .♦».*«»*:» s »;p«.iaf-f»i :? ‘te «tat* *->r • ti 'e»? '•'..»*>» £P/ft--laa. Sor »ay : FCasfma* t'osvermty af A.te-.i**, * B A s i «e». Mmauk- «.ppt tei^risseet *t»:aou Ta T Ri-« T emeii as »»rttij iM been sd«t«4 to ‘ he teec : taft staff of r*e .itepartaaeat of efttTWUlsgy. Ta«rr ar* asmerua* otftev addF* tkras to »he H ;«lLiia ÜUU ta staff watch w ill he A V

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IflHMBY1 MCHMA* «tate cnturac w assur a ATr.acmws

wBBogg$&. ¡Kdiyup .:■



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V O L U M E 18




HOLD PARTY SOONmU Ro m Will B* Op— All

Hm m .

r i r . i .,f I I I* fm-Hlrt*« " t **>'•••in<.r:itl htiltollng f#» I"* #»!*’»* f,‘irnlnif Mktolg»» 8»nf* •»wlent« »• ’b* l.if.M t ;i f> f « f iH whll-h '•»*»«*d II* «I«»*#-'tain K>>|(**in!<or H prellmlnaryIh I r»*»i of M» *1» V» ah » i*»n«1«* d u r i« «

I if « iiiid iifr In it* *;oii»ino<!tt»‘* II*'- **«m r •*-lifpol *» till»*»*»« Ml'litiwn H**’ ■

niViri o f whirl» • w r y *t«d»riif 1» •* Iim» for if*» fmr!****“ * G"*

u.l-i|rtM»ni o f » II reentir«'»» o f «tu rtf frtl'fit n if i H w rtk fhtm ih.- .mll«olnf of jtlnv and «-0 »#*#» alb ine«*

f * * |i n« ih*- —»rlou« dtftjr o f «her U r bu ild ing » rid «*** li» I *l*'vHo|»#ni*»»! In * hi t*f vi-»ri t iw I ' r* !•*•» Ii«» !»•«•« ttffy haN*tt*'8ppri| nuo tig li Ir* «'h **f

, 1.1* i|onrt*r* fo r f f u r » heran#«• iir**gr»m V**»', with th*- M**«» a lib iin g ready for th«- |*ro • ilw of gnrilMi I toil In ih** t#*«1»»

» it * vpanrdon in I Ih- futur** >iri*filo room for i*ifir**«**l»»f» n In th«* in-* bu ild ing

'f in irm I » M r r U


Will Re Circolato al Wadaatday11 CsoTscati— to fmd Taleal.


Welcome %MicMgan State ’29 ” M IL LOOT MOVEDAFTER MUCH DELAY


In f h r »»ttetnpt to *Jl«* ovrr a b il ity ;in<l ri«-vlre for partlclpati»»»! Ip thr vano-» - im pili a'-Mrlllwi In fr, tha! ■tio lm i 'oiinH I plan* to - if* •»!»'•• an arti vlt tea questional fé arnotiit th*prteuhfnteft at Wednesdays mm vara- >i ion

Hf orient« « Ili ti«* a*k*d to fill out 4.» /lu«-«* lofielre» I'c'/fi1>ng ton io ns I» 1* thought that in

«4 y •» ii ritenta » ill be uble *01 »ntrenfte ¡in«, ac-tivt1«#*» »hey ri»*by vir’ '««* '»f pus» «-*j/«-fi<i-n»-te sn«l

leeAgft.»#» be artIV» in *'.fir.te phaw• t'FM rurrfr-ijlar w'«rripirtstl ••#«".» "« M 'f ' -i I e«t ion• *.,| t»«- r»«teti pubi ' .«»I'.un. ri#*i n r i f i -I ' J r a m a H '»

Voti li»vi* fh r *|l«*f in* fiori «rf M i f t!m fiPVf rtatNi Ir» — t r f "M k l i l f I R M il le ." Yovir |irto|«in(i«irM a ll rtiM 'ta J M H 1IR8 I A gritts llttra t f 'o l l t fp , " V i f P i ' l i H a »I tiofa- yo«j —III noi ih a t itola «edleg» M artari Ita i s n r r i r s H f «-v b »yyeers ;ig<» a« ari ngrlr-tilfijral ««rilege and thftf Ha « ir lftiw I fa no- «nd »’ Murili«« tn*rr ••»rtn-‘l on itia t ha*»* f botte >'*1 tetti In an i, I f f(N f do*»'» « I n i * ! 1 kn*m ttoat <«'II<ko agri#«iltural *«nir— art» ria a por «ritto a l l attowr «'«orm* In In»portnn«*' »m i «Il golf) am i t lia l ttor agrl»tflt«tral protri»!« aftoulri tir o tr «rf t i rmalti « on» i*iri* o f « * r y M |iim tw | «-itimn

Ito» o f «-mirar, «oh h owr of tetti ctoMite tota own p a r t i* a la r H d o f«o r li bere »m i tb«* i«ron«l *«««|ir «rf Ito« In a lltu llo n g ia ra a rtsam # fot a tei»!*- «li v*-r*l» > o f R iffa

A» ibi* «rifinir. It apfa—ra ttoat ytiur tiara «rfll tor ttor largest uno "rlrallv•lo«» hit* «*v<-f ««uteM-d thla »«» litu ifon We tif ttor fa<ulty arr boftlnr If teli)Ih i ì ih la—t <«nr

'o n uri- no» only #-r« » «-r )»«** a m H r p M jI y«#u a ra joirtltiR a gr«o»t fe llo . » h ip of trn*i»rra. »»u«l«-»»** am i altrmnl

I I t i l i V O I A I IH A H T Y f R t / ' r i M R iKK to 'YO N 1« IH T T H H n K I ' f t I»h -»|**i «'

Ua«|ktljr C iap a Car L • • p Maim Way far Fonati Cal­

ice* Eatraacc. m

M l'H tg a n K le r t r l r ita ) way * ’«•# m in a i loop 'tu- o f a longd raw n ou i co n tro ve rsy r.«-’ «*•<-« «ol- b tg r a n i ra i lw a y off»#.»l* ha« a» :*«* barn from th** '» m p u »Tb«* o ld loop « a * un jrm lRtotlf a ffa lt und w r« p lo r i *h r epa'«* now i»ki-fi up hy »he n«-w fo rm a i rntpam -r to tb«* «am plia

No «il*#l»iotj ha* ■ -miti* t y r a i l ­way -.ffl'lal* rteffarril» r -h* «-r«-» ’ «'**»


Sis An aciato Mad* Fall Praia*. «art by Baard’« Artiaa.

if ti rutti1* »-* tin« pr« a ll «•*«•< u'-««ni|ritet I'.ti «'f ih* F rvaihittHf,t '»#• * n ’ bui f " th«* • • «11*-|h th»t nil »]»'■ uni»« jw-rtwdiii 1m • iiifiiri<ta|;it i'. i i f*»r w b " «#«•ar#* ciII >-"HI|ritette 'b*- "irfteit

1 » bte fir*» finnr »* \HUiti»«-•all 'ijf «-ly

«-•mlalning a f ir ii" « ingr»i'ta|«-rri h u «I l/T'.f«— " f

the «fut«- 77i»- nun’ n i n It

r f: m-ill(.Uri

f.tawl« ta-rvteri » lankt-r- it.

r.u Son f»lnrit in rar** of alt th.-■1 t |h* tonttolinr he .«tala foi io­

l i Haw mi r t f •»*

A nomlr-r -<f a«lv»»»««-ff.'tija w *te marie •.ffir ..11 hr a« Hon -f »•«- teatr iri.iir*| o f ag rlr u ffiire .u ««tie o f th«- regular ■nninirr n»e«-t iig* |*r*»feaat»f Johto I'taelan. «to#» for 'Ih- {»ate >ear hi«* Iriri-f| »tarilrifritl» lo Ih»’ ¡lf‘ * -h ot o fthe > o lp g e ta » mMlte 'lear» of I he »'»»Ilege

|a art 1 'h e In n who—- ..ff!*-« ar»* In »ho ol«i l ib ra r . M illriiitg <* hand ling

work in '««nner-tSon teltb-ek l l i« work w ill bring, < (iriwr **«*#*».««■» w ith the «Irma *.f '«»liege tenden»* >o>i» fit mu k- t|»e te a l «rf I * 1«*« '«ffeyt-d f beta 1 I»«# • «fcf'ti to m ake the-filler* of 1 be »««ff fu ll

the ir wwper'ttre «|«*]»«rtit lea 'o > or r«-**|e »fp*l llii« ton . « hen»i*»rT , ftr «a.ila f r o f I . f Km

on« rio«»h* mat 1«« l*r h I I f 4«H«ti*Many l*rof A *» HU beHe, « Iraw ing ,'l '!*~*tgfi I* r« f i T H o rn e r



PROBLEMS.A »«Ite i< m-** In the »«lot on «if teo-

'i-tif problem« I« given to MU b lg a t i1 M* ile *fii«|«-nla li| • la** a i l t lw iu teliti alMt .«NMlat in m aking up «tipjy «arda

Kor t Ih* - "m m * r*««lb‘g» r Uh* f«»||owing « lana .«<lv (««»r« b are l«*en « |»o«en

A grtw d tw ra l f w r a .H«-nh»r* Itean li M Kbate, r«H»m

1IH, »igronliarai buildingJunior « f*rnf J K Hum ttl, aee-

<*nd floor «latry hull«!logMnpbormrr*** l'rnf. Il K Ma ruba II.

hortb ufi orai Imlldlng.F rr-bmet» |*r««f f K Millur rrnmi

212 agri#-hltutal imlldlngKr« nbMteW Prof (|. A Nfowtt,

T'Hita lift. «grUuIfrlal bnlbllng



pa*>.A t •Ire. 1l*ar O f ah ' t in ri un» ar«- '«rrtnul

HOMO r eoi re an rim a - a I R * ri



GIVE EXAMINATIONSFirtt Daily Conorialion Bryuii

Wed«ri«day Me.n,ai> in Cul- It f t Gym

Emmmm, md FarmCraps h y i W t e Lite N*w ATE CO-EDS IN

c~ ~ * SCHOLARSHIP LEADnew '««unto** la toertt ma

aka '-arr* of » a d e by

J . S. Menantr Only M ai t i Get SiI “ AY* Last Sprint T if i.




A d r ia c a R . 0 . T. C. S t i A i t i A t C n te r W ia M ack D itliac lioa.

A il • in w Irian il. W Hiririll11 fiiu I <i|, tibia ball

Y ri**bim*r» l*nrf. II. B Idrka.r'ri.m 1 • »hl« ball.

Kr««bmen |»rof €!. I I fade, room3 fi. t »!«!■ hull

Marne KeanaraAra f a w n .All t lata-* I lean Jean Krmrger

home t«'»nomi' « Imlldlng.F r«*«hinten Ml»« K ta Bradley, gym-

An now ara ment eoi lega« riepa r 'marl)'Tha m Mwaa aim fo Im m a d riemaad* growing rilvialons

In Bagflth. »toe »llwwinr «m n are Hated for ttoa # liage year rey #»cn» of Kagt to literature • qulred of liberal fc’tg eludenti rr jorlag la Kngttall» I . Helfaan teruttor; Milton. ba fhRtltof,'Moral. I* P W aif .; Vietarla» *■ f^oilemporary I'm -, ft A Tenn*U faratnra of ftoa tvp fdfe. A Melano, Adranreri Campo«iturn M DeVrlea and K C« fianriall

f!ourae la neat writing hat be- greatly egponried. Prof A Ff N«•an tefll teaeh • naw iwo-hmt weeto nawrwe on y aaae of n * * » m warll« throughout Ifte eoi lege ye

I i ttoa agrfenit .nil dfritu«ti v -ral eaerrat in av'»enlt«rai puhiu for estenaton wo* aere hare m • «blad. Tbbri ye*' enrk arili le- "ff» ri Preneh and .*rtr «n, «eeonri y»,» aaaai»* ; tebuM. Jk lr~??tea riUMy.- »

of M »I '»e

rr ♦ l/i f • .ri*» *

Me*ri f« tf ' ! ir g ì irg -liKa«* I» •ab;»«’ -!•»• élM.b :

K •»! i"A In llng k tri IW2

Il iy l'rtrfff«

liteM» '.Via k


rj il

t i u lu afielen Hrlnw-t, jy n t k r a t - Mira

gNdNlilitfKr--hi/H-n M I*« M n ry F. Hh«lb-n r ìt'iiit*- -« on orni* » l iu lh l ln g

\ rtrrkwry I eurae.A il f|»aate* le u . W ir ri trllfner

\pplieti « rlug r I «Hirae.

PEditar Hi|biy Comarindt Prof. L.C. Fai ait n «ad Taiaaa Initrac-

tar far Maik. Baal r>G LI TWO APPOINTMF..NTS



P«M»| Nantn laltr.

In - ." l pr».)e.tu dale To

n».- I. » g h l« il go Tr


ip h*

rri iti


tltning.ru»»«*« • - h» 'M-. omi we|j,.ff.*r .b-i.l ri»rr«nimllnga f«.r Th** ......... •? W - -r.-in h.i«

• • fl.- ii -l \|. •. i-.i. nri ** r M hign

rilteg«- Iji

I. ihe ral Ir la I «rame « ;.***- iH-an K fl II: hr I I " Mgrbultnral r-nUi.r.g

■him n J i « i / n o iiM ,, I nlon uiiding

Pro f J i H U n io n , »iri y Imiklirtg


Maat Naw StadiH i at Traiat aad Dirad Tkaaa Qa Ciapa


I f ,.o h

•h ■ *iA« g** WM-, tew • r II It .am

,ty •* ».'«lern •*. nt • ' -h-*a d a [ f x b i l t t y . h e *• ri

dit'/t "gnriH-f*'l« 1 f i t wrttert

MEMBERSHIP CARDSE v e ry « I t i m i - h e i lt He *ure ’«

• top a l tfte tMMti drab in the I r i v ' ».•I'lrinr fee hi* » «em ber »Fite *»rd« T V p will Imrara* yaeful u ♦ toe '»tr** of I niew art«« it »e*

th h-Bt'-il on *P**- ¿r-iuntl 1 -<}!•(.iri'«-«l 77;

T r i i . » .«:#• . u p *

I College Publications OfferField for New Freshmen

<ir*—n K* • iu*-B ir*- a 't it .g / . . ' i— »Ii- new M k n .g an Mfn»# F'r— rim* n du rin g M"«h- *r*

•he F r»-«!«UH*!» ,iml -«»"* f»**on how •¿t-i •*. • f««- aHi|rfi*. -ittv-m I r* • >| .ri;r.’ ng th»- !» « arrivai'-* *-f h '«*•># ••*-

M o h ig riii M»«!«- I'nUm »««wlrimg '* '*..*• jriari» :* 'h*- -» nt ra i je»inf ih**

r.. *p ol ortray

j A a ed ito r- in ger and an art{ Ol .« -f ?bte

T h -**•«'» a

een K- •f 'fe


wel-idenu o f t h e

’ ne Mi« b.*«n um *?a fo rth

» «tear ne wa• h e

id F*r Iton Tu-»«I *y ita oiemn»


ad-up **

o f

eri Jm a .«aaiunal te.! f m«intM.hinR a ! In co n tro l of

n • h i- f. a bu. . » • e r i t e d u o r , e

nature anri ««Iditi'.n to oriaJ p"l.' y

Newa ìr an -dftur- <»» m aiuarr and a »re elected annuai-

ung edi' dent»print

hief »nri a i>u.aine«a man« , à dt-j.’ .n.te*

y, ,n th- apr.ng ’he «lu-, the ?ur*-»T/ i-partment : mprehenaiv* newa bulletin- «rh of ita memoera during ,

the ye^r lt. a»*». « -,n r...eri byan editor and a buainew» manager

Th- M 8 . C He« ord :» the ofieiai j ->rgan of tne M 6. C aaexiatioB and*; La mailed *e**k»y to the alumni of! the college A move ia now on foot, to cha&ge it lo a monthly public»-'lion The secretary of the M 8 . C. Iaaeoctatio» ia alao editor of the Ree- j ord

Tiie board of publication» act» ia , an adviaory rapacity to tbe above (

. . __________ ______named organ». l u membership 1»d»r»- Th* W a lw l» « la w u aed co«»om 4 of tb» li»»d» of a ll tb* *»*-

bBii r tt io r and • bulinata u u ttcntlon*. M »«rnl »»m b «» of th* tac- tA rh o nr» nino nlatfled by th* ».a- nlty. **d 1. B. H .M .I* u , co lli** 1 4 at U.« r«*u lar co ll*** «loc- »ab llc lty director. tu \ I Men.ben o l Ih * cl*** of M M a n

la th* publication* Mold ta t or (rid to a iu ta ta ttaaaaloaa «U h tha * 'V * e t to ih * Ilf* o l Ita co ll***. : " * * of tahU ca lie*.V ' lr*«D Oaioa, w ’h ly hu ao r of t ta a o lo n tha l« */ h ld i t e v which waa foaad*d M M * of dote* a o a M h lu: »»T ia It* ahort raraar R ha* I to« it a colta«* aad ••carta* mI * r a vbolM O B* trb * of bn- pw taar* a la ta t a n H W R 0 *1 t* a R f i i i f — ‘ *-— - *——

ly by tbe itudtent» in the spring elec-1 tiofi*

. The Wolverine i* the official col­li g»- ..ii,-.umI Miel ».« generally In fb- hands of the x udents at fommenre- ment time. It record* the achieve-

|tnent» uf the elapved year and acta re fervere t*«-k f" f •■uUrp- actlvl-

[: lea. It is bound in a han4*ome at her cover, la printed on a high >4» of paper, and eervea aa a benu- | i reminder of your undergrade

- e M ’ Pie «r-i/iteflf* if» e*Tef»dl»g-.¡H r '•> ■ d.f*<r* I t «**• - . r g a i i i / e « l ¡r.

h«. « | * r ii«g f IU JB and ha» • • • r’ e d

u, fmuximi a it* "ffn -•! raimrliyM e r n t « - r * are «4e« *'-d th*- f*»-*- **f

¡er«<Mii*5 ni«*! « illir.gr»*"w* **• *i**Ur ’ H t ie M ? a * k f**r » h / ' b * h e i i 4 U | * 'l i * i - - i « .n . « l a r g e l y i n t h e « « r ì « f » « - t * * » n «f

• h - t w i i v i d o a l »• • * m p l i » I « * n g i t I ’ *m e r u t * -™ a r e w . - i i a > < | n a iA t * i l w . t b r ie -

k. hi.-rv - « i t t i f i r a f i t ami r e t a in rev» of *tte • ! l - w I I W s t e r m s n . 7 T » ‘« r it i r a -

I , , .* ¡ r f « t a jd e r if -» f *h— « i f e e r »

K «Merutwr«» >f th- lirevn K* ■ '' are

r i/ e f * » I P . w t n g : F L . I m n M * . R Kï M - « k e r . G I « inriu. I T . R I n . m e . c , •t Eddy. M I I F'ran». II. H. lllart. R T lvrry . H A N varae , H. raiter- TMD. I t J. IVttita; K. iKririfin*. L c lirie»- M G F'arlteflian. H. Ilnflkn.

ri If ‘>p|H*r. II A. Ilnmptorey. W l B Ireland. R. B- 8c«»Ärid. H. ® ttraAt.

FK KH H M A * l.R P K H

A ll Frmtomna girl» are required to board at the Worn»» » Gommone, located oa tfte fo artli ftoor of tfto Woman a building, begtoulug Two* day. teptem ftar I f .

Illra Ir a ftg jf t Bornia, d ivie tar of tfte Com m on, aaunaorau tftat tfto

Aoord w in fto I4 .M o wooft. Mo f t p k1eot w ill fto »dm It tad to tfto Coon-

mo w ltftovt a moftl tieftot ftftar tfto

¡•tee* i.d : ' ' » «»«» » " f ' . 't t i'ia n »w a -, ,i t • -e r * - i f t e i e r » ' » n d a r • *

*be • '<***■ frvehm aa J'* *f ' *• a > « « t w . - r « .*• n e w ;* »• « '' ? ' /,*«..» «dl *rita|'»*1,lilt» " -'iWgte

tee/k -«li hr I fig fte» life »#. a.acM *-ra wemed *'« he n « r a

ri»«r.g- -f --Xdihg «» f.Sftel .» »he ;f», e - rnayierti 'lev r *r». " . J i t J 'S i •d'jra»i''rt

f* f* l*«nr ••» w»* ¡cc«w’" lfull f*MN-'«k p tn :i»*’i.tet£.»f. r -■priii f«y *'#«'»«i of ’be •-’* ’* '*»*.• ’

,*.f ii. Mvilfi.r»-


Practin Turk*» E iw M taFaw K fk SAtati, Say* Dm i

p i r aGreat eipamloa ¡1 noted t tfc*,

work of practice tear ft ¿ag wbicft • under tfte dlr«ctlea of Ihak Jo;.b p k tU s Tbe work of practr* 'ra ffi­n g started at tbe Kaat Laasiag high school and will be extended to fo*# sc. boo la tlila year.

Lgtaaing Cefttfftl. Henry fl Pa** («ag ili. OfteOM« and Haalett high

As are tfte «rlamria «bere •• «•*«•■» and ngricnltare wiD be taught

b# Mtchigaa State i t a f r « » prepar- i t i fat ftigft rabool uacbera.

Deaa Pftelan an «oua. ee tbe fof- iwiag iaatrectors and sepervieed

1 4 ||tk ft wfto aro added ta tfte do*'


•4 V i ­l i *

iwft. pr<«***nr ot •*•- L Xtahtar. Mtaac*. fro *

41a J . Wa— ■ » »i h» D. torii*. hraM

t a w n m .


F g iie w tf wlmO « »r>.« *AdditK/B !o the *** »rio a.*

tratioa *o*r»e baa r.*4e *. a*e«s*a/f to pr<Kare aew prof#raers .» ’ he de- partoeat vf «eoa /».-'»

Thee*- are Prof Allea B FonbrrtL M. A ., Aseoc Prof rieede ^iaytoo M. A.. G A. MofthTail «uteoetoa *#«-< Laliet. B K Roea aad L. 5* *tev.>fn»»»i as graduate a w lt sata

Sew gradarne u a a u s u to the , efttemiacry department are Joseph A. tkermaa. A la ta *» Pelytachakcal la-atiLata. Clopft O . fts e ld r. Mlrftkgaft lo o

Ta«i ■ a tg ■ .♦ ».*«»*:»s »;p«.iaf-f»i :? ‘ te «tat*

*->r • ti 'e»? '•'..»*>» £P/ft--laa.Sor »ay : FCasfma* t'osvermty af A .te- .i** , * B A s i «e». Mmauk-«.ppt tei^risseet *t»:aou

Ta T Ri-« T emeii as »»rttij iM been sd«t«4 to ‘ he teec : taft sta ff o f r*e .itepartaaeat of efttTWUlsgy.

Ta«rr ar* asmerua* otftev addF* tk ras to »he H ; « l L i i a Ü U U ta staff watch w ill he



P t l* TwoMICHIOAN KT.VTK N W W TIW W »A% 8H*T. Ä I***

Michigan Stale NewsPnhlUhnd tw liw w .- k ly (liirliiK Ibo rollo*.- y m r t.v Ilo- «Uultinl« »1 II»*

Mi<tiigHH Htm « i'o llugu Knl«*red un h*m«ui*I Humh ninttur e t Lue puNtodl«'«*. K n it («minili*, Mmhlgiin A ilvurllM ln* r*M«e f 'ir

ulnll«*«! Il poli H|»|ill< Il liuti II» II"* BUmIIH'IW M.«liugfr

K lilT O K IA I. ST A FF H O ftR K T I I P o W M U H . ’2»II, l l ir rn ln n lloueft, t i lt * «MAR BJdttor K I lH I i W . M A K K , Il**iutlitv*• litui*** Huelnea* M h ìiii*« tA I- I' K M IIAN-M '.N . 'V9il, W on inn ’M Midi; . W w iiu ii**. r«»«««l !•>!«I«»rU v o n Il«»rt«>n. 2*1 . J p o r » Ed ito rII . I. Tintimi*'. ’liMii*It K Menili lil x f n l uniti lui*K rva l ’ri'fci uM, *71»

A a* Intuii! Editore l ‘atiil || . IC'iglu. <’ W K 1**1/imiti, I» It (»non. f to o r jr W um llm ry

■r i ...................................... ” “ ‘

Ahm.h Ini«« H p o iti KdH«»f llll.l.- K Hm kutl

Mo<*t(*tJ HMItor

li* Ih K . 11lue rii. I lm n lil Mm i I i

Jo h n Mi lutiloNate u h m «»R il lIomltMiioii

KKIMIKTKKM floli-u WomI J K e llyMni (lui fi ri« Mold I,«onii MurantiMiti imi Mi no« il riarttlttiilitw ll«*rtmfti

Rwhnoi* M IM noi T funk Pru«.fr»*»id«*r U iim m *

I I I NINFAN ST A FF A i l f r r l l n l o * #1 T Whitburn, 27. I«. Hyndor, ’28; Vie Arni«m on. '2*

W Rluto *28 ; IL Mntithwnrth, *28

M iliti j ! \n i\i i ; vi .\i \a li r. UA.it v iti u i » i n * ; _T l'iIntf.l lit the l ‘rtminm I*. - f'Iiotie 2*M1R

K«l It orlili» mi|«4iirlttir III t In MM IIMJAV HTATK VRWH ai. «IIMui

MITIM* I t l I ’T I* >N |2 RU T I I K H t 'IH tu l, Y FI A IC


Campu* Traditio* Buda Smolda* Ab**Be*»*Ifi*» Be Eipluntd »*' On Campu; Map Smake la Ewmaiaf Officer*.

Stadium Daring Game.'N o MinokltiK nit th-„ ---- --- - --

the niUHt iJlMllnttlV« ImtlllInn of Mm iittbiidur» ■ o! lui* «- limi nil MtudentN of Ilm trim H very h MWUU’-in Htftl« Hplrir rigidly nbrntrve

K n h in n i m ust nruHtom them1 V«'N to ih ro w iiiK timuy tb e lr rlKttr-(«•g l»"fl r«* Ht upping un 1 h«- cam pusIH ta i nut ce fr«* II Hlliuk iriK un ili«-HI pli 1Oft* H way w it It huviriK Hi«-A UM IIIH lYII Ik ' Iflttuvit up n id i un» h tty • tu r*-11 *• rem muí I h,7'illM«- ;M U- < dunKur f»f KtrtrliriK• . ihr« Ugll III • tra dl Hun's «»t«H«*rv.• • hi u li*nU i» irn iu *mitr«il tnu irguret • tr illili, nd ih " •nmpUH pr«*II (H II » «-lu • r mi mor • dlnfliiitiv«*;-<• Ilf U i nh<»«)(•ini r in g Kr«-nhi i (i ri y/f«. k. Hinco th*‘•i< r hi -1I« nt» It ivi! not ys*t ru iu rnod1 IIKI ;H« fru:i* Ih pi;.«-« «1 upon th "i •••<hini-r ' i.if i • •y a h i ruyu lato 11»Im

ih tl n<>«o 1 in ►’ i«i Mi- in ifaii .Stat»*’Hfi.i* h '.i „r.-d r.u tlllon Hi uiti-nl• iitii-iliii •ii Hr« •n K« y ill*-nibiTH ami)ir*r «•«»|. /«• Hi 'lfi«‘ll 1 M w ill rum i nd

. <• thlfl« l r ih • trnrlM Oil Hhould

Z k h u -N h rmltff-d a r- fd l *»fh—

I la'^n in r a l fendu tiri* of • h| **»*»• I* it N trlft r it| ic ln iin nt at . « <»i i« *«- t on

rein pun" to iln u a l "« u lt ln a of «lim-*«**’ or non* w ithout ponti rumipn nniKf-«, improtodofi w it h •la»'“ |»fo

funKOr* tu . ti reailltlnp iti 4ow grnüui« ( In I’ln l i dfvlalftn *»f ' I " ' roll«**** *

mninficr *»f d»»* fn»'till> «♦•'* »* *'x* '1 ; itip ofTitor. A ll ah-« n< nr«- it* port «-«I ( l.y ItiMfriit f in r «*h* h «lu.' tn till# ofTi oh A nftpli’til who linn l«**«-n ah-ont fr«nii H uhh for any «aiu h * d n a iM ♦**«- il»'*«lato* ofTlit-r at otiti-. uxpli» itilo * the m iiH iit f«»r li Ih iilitM’iift*.

Hilft I- In rimimi yon tl.at Ihn et- eilHin« offlt-era ar«- a- ftillow

A irrletilf tirili iflviMloti. P t " f W I : I W11*. I

Imi Itilo «.IVfe-rlf»..-

tnèt hi»H»*rlol«t«y l»t«f 1*1l.llM-ral Art- «tivimini

II*. «1er, room II'« '«ti«' Ih

I 112, Mirri« ril t unit l iiiii'i

«li*, il p»; r

ii«-«- «liii«i- h

prüf .1 W nil

**■-<", '' s1 fl« rai lu: ilomIm !

«.fri« «u. MI-- Mudi

Hx i-?«ni I n•:.u \v i;,;-


(C on tinued frutti pinco ! ;,.r II«« Imii-iui«. W ill In* atl'lt-il ai « tari

ilo- well .|«-|M«rle I

Mill lwiili-«*m •

«I f.

iiif u•i follo« i i ; i* lui!«il.-* i». will Im- «híihr««!

i- . n »ln - i» « i*m«

ut t in**f k » I»

IIO W D Y * I•RO SII!Don't In* I mi'k ward. T h e rumpus is yours Hus week Walk

all over th r phirr, rxrept «in our lawn«; look over our IttuidlnifM,! ami sprnk up with a henrfy "hollo," "how dy," or "foolin' fino." Wo won't stop to fit »lid* the pfammnr, for wo’ro lonkitiif at tho, smilo on your faro.

Now that you an* horo, it is \’o r that ititorontH ovoryetu» at Mithipan State. There wil tie I* »t h nf at I vice, a few don't’ an ii a lot nf more do's. I,el’s stop npht here a mtunenf ami condd« o a hit nf thin now lilt* \«*ii are ofitorinfT

M»»st likely you have rttati IVroy «Mark’s "IMaatie A|fo". N >u mHouIH read it if you haven’t. Then you have Hoard aland the hoaiitifiil idealism of rotloiro life. A a result you art* pretty much disillusioned. Yotl export to find things murh better anti miichj worse than they are. That comes when an illusion is shatter«d.'

Yniir four years of oolleg«* aims tn give y*»u Iti»* truth. S< iem«*, literature, husiness, religmn will he miked m large doses. Y«»»| may slip toward agmtstieism, hr oVerrome hy tin* futility nf it all,| hut you'll not Inst* heart in the pi m'ons of n e t iu l aud »h.4|*ail§

i £ ¿< 4 ,4 **

I»» In iipfi;

-Ml! Imri<|l.<«.l( •«I« -k ut ti«.- I..I.

ill Si » !«* i Imi f In* i-* i »i u| ««• 11 i««n «ff 'Il • I. |,r.,L-t;.u, ,.f Hl.- I i • ' fllffhefttlM'«* "f III

A I'n ln n vmnl«-«

1.1 «if

MOMRTHING NKW A Chartered Bus Service\l*Vt *?• I*;|n*SI|W Hiwlttft Tv|M* Hil**e*

\\. I. f i i l l t .»h h .silent r..r m«-li nml v-m . i. f.«r n ll.un lin i

. |i;i tv Mn»-« N iir. f- i liiri* h« «!iiv Mmr • i nip W. «••w . -«I mt tr** nt »1«* tin.«* v«>«» *««" ’*• «>• t n-inrn -* tie



Michigan State College

K invite you to visit our .store and make this your head qua''- t«*rs while in the city. Always «lad to show you the latest things in m e n ’ s cloth in«,hats, caps nishinjrs.

and fur-


/M r.

11.7 **. M;i«liinirh»n A»‘*.

tore for College Mit

, -------- — --------------- ear's THand work hen*. It works to iuluiite advaidug«* m ail fihase** of«.-.ill.-K«' rout ill.-,

C t.ll.-y.* ItnMnf is -...m.-thiilK «».Hi k.-.-|w y.m from > h.-jitIMJ, nr '■.•rililiinu" m< .-XNmiiiiifion litn.-. Tn .-hrnt itml l.i.h. al a l. a.-h.-r It- >'.|IIhIIy ii.h Ian I

Sunn- nl I li.- IhinitH nf yniir pa--l lift- will h«vn In In- .lin anli'.l h.»n-. Iml many ntv ntill vrrv murh worthwhile.

What )iui ha«.’ .Intl.- ill I III- past will la- mitumi/.-il, I'nr WI- ar--I.M>klf«K for irr.-ati-r Ihllipa frmn M il l al mllrK«'.

Ii> lii-.'onuittt wi ll mk ¡ali/i-il. h i - ilnii't nn-aii that you shnulitau|i|irraa yniir iiulivnliialily. If you tan exploit il I........tr filial!Ifooil, spn-ail il In tin- la-at nl your ailvantaK**-

fasti- if n -m ii 'I nnl.v ri-lVt to riot him. art, liti-raturi-, ami musir.l you must Imvi- yiHiil moral taati- as wnll, if you am In «.-t out .fj rulli-iri- tin- lifr's liappini'sa you am sm-king.

Hi- sipiam Hith \niirsrlf. aiul. strivi- to l.-au- JilirliiKan Statr *nll.-K«- four yi-ars from now a latter plum than you fnuml It, ami ynii'll ham inilhi-m.1 untn you «hr fnrlitu.l.- and knowli-ilai- that is to curry you through life.

INVKMT IN TIIK SfATK NKWS ..... . 1» On- ImyliiK -if i-ssrtitials. rtith.-r than t o t a l ali-

siiiii'iiii- from l.uyniK. This last is hardly posad-lr, hut many nf Us drill ourM'Iwa ttunas h i - mally lits'd.

I f h i - iiiuld show you a way to lla lif.* ami work nf Mirhifan Stall- t-nll,-nr. I,-II you h hat »-vents Hill take plait- within the week, inform you nl the latest thaiiKes, nii|uaint you with tin- life nl ymir enlli-ae. and tell you what students here are thinking wouldn't yen mnsider that prodnot \»-ry worthwhile?

All that exists her.- is new in you. Naturally you want In he- »"tn. .1 pall nl till-. gr»ut instllulinn. Your assm-iates will go a king Hay in putting ymi at ymii ease, hot your need is greater than that. -

The Mil HU-AN STATK MANS win, I, ,-xisls y„ uj«A- you P. make an investment It is ..irrynig mi in a higg,-r Way tills year than . yer hefnie. We have dendtsi in enlarge this ».nn weekly m-Ws|W|N-r tsxalis»- th. eollege and iou deserve In haVi a pajs-r that ian dn jusli.e tn Is,Ih. {

" .... ,h'‘, »»TATK NKWS costs n.nre { print, t a k e s

m- v. etlnrt tn Is puhlislu-,1. an ,I n.a-.ls lim itle ss s t\ |e n t support Add »Hadent iuo km g \

All duritvg thi> wt.k sul^iipti lim! that y-ou Hill get more fnr your f-V.V) l.y subscrthitw for thesi A I K Nl WS, than you have ever gotten l-et- re.

At tin- same time, you will do mu. Ii toward maintaining this large si,,- n<Hspa|H-i KemeniU-r you are not tilVINU this amount h,sause ,i ts ex,as t.-.l of ,ou. You am making a pim hase

H,n u" h >■'"» tw" <"»«> '« week throughout the eollegey« h i

It you want something for ymtr money, something to fantiliar- I*. you with your own environs, m.methmg that wiU take vou away irom your stud.,-s. .insulate vision, thought, and enable you u> keep pAigrcKHive, 1N\ E.sr in the STATK .NEWS,

The tag you get with your subscription is recognixed as a badge ol g<nn) judgment. t

Lh" ! Wt‘ “ re ," |KVuU1-v l ,n,u‘* » f ¡s the one prohibit- mg uaakmg on the campus. Be sure , that you observe it both day and night.


Geography Is Sometimes In The Den

theclipthatcan islip



■ ' f i "


lions ud ì W soli, i t e i You h ill


Quit* pltcn a n ta n h as been convicted of ca- ciygraphv because he couldn't make a legible mark w it h th e p e n he was using. Your Conklin EnJura says what you mean. Try one at your favorite store.Conklm Erulura. u ft •u-t $7, In text, hU* k, ■tahufany; k»t .g »*? •noit; clip or nn| tip, A * i J t vancfy *'• e«Kcf Conklm pen«•»»J pem da. In rubber and all ntrtili— rrwrd aa low a* $1«» fiW prnvil* and 92.V

, IxH j'rnv Conklm l|ualit > tn «very ooc,

Th V-.'XANIOJN f e n MFvJ/ a.


orld > thitA m o n g *hr I w f r t t ^ n r -m n n s h n vtls in thr* w .• ¡e c tn c « n l r n « . , r - . l in - | . n i , l n . i r . r , . „ IMC

M ra a h t Kangr- .n tK .rt lK 4tv M »n n . t o t« . I t p icks u p e ig b t cuts, y .f.l, uf IIUU His at a .aj|>, whlOí it mW• «Muling c«u.

In every branch of mining operation a O-K equipment ta very much in evidence. And there are engineert of the Oencral, Electric C >mpax»y eapeeially aaaigned to mining pmblema end reguirvmenfa, ju*t aa there are «>thrr« spei.iai. te»ag in all m*«jor appk.atiuoe of elgctricity.A new aerie a of G-E advertiee* mrntaahc wing whet electricity ia doing in many Aclda will be •ent on request Aak for book.» let O S K 4

A day’s work in a minuteMtsabi Range, renowned iron ore deposit, is yield­ing its snincral wealth at the rate of 16 tons for evety bite of an electric scoop.A man with a shovel would work a whole day to mine and load eight cubic yards of iron ore which «»«* 300-ton electric giant move* in one minute.Of course, all mining is not done on the surface. But there are many mines in which electricity has changed our conception of mining operations. Wires, pene- trati: g even to the deepest shafts and galleries, ha»r brought light, power, ventilation and added safet those who must work in the very bowels of the iElectricity’s contribution to mining may be of ( ular interest to the student of mining ,n |iw »«- it is of general interest to all coUege men as still i example of bow electricity is «m niifai«g the ’« fo rk .

G E N W 'A L E 'A i m i a « -

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4JIMIW I), ■ ' ■/ ' -¿ ’’j*' tías---—

N. ..... r T . '...

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M1CHV0AN STATE NEW S, T O *l> Af, SEPT . 1S.19S5 Pai?«* Tbr*1**

Lansing Cafe



i oupon book a, food f i t guy ncrvirs rendered In the building up 1« ttvr dol

*n amount, are obtainable a l I hr main «Irak uf I hr Union. Five dollar m M ~ 1B M _ * * _ .. . >)>hooka win in- Mdd for him . Dr. R. M. OKa, College PhysKiaa, Ntw Buying I# Be Dedicated jjj








Uvr|et Obiervancc of Hoari. Tbit I ter; Have $350,000 , la Faads.A ll .VII« h lgati Htnte attalt-fit * uro on-

tItl«**l to tiiiliiiilf«N| tiM'dW nl N(|vf«*r andin ;t fluent hf tin- ««dl.-g. -koNpltiil «ihfr 11 H tu d r n h lo f M h h ig H n S ta te co l;In under the «II re#'t Ion -f h r . it M I r g r h ave A,. p r iv ile g e o f a t te n d in g ^ «il.n « «itumi**!ofi»*r iff the amt# «le- the n o o t •/ .o e ra t lr and u n iq u e m u - {((,partiuenf uf health dent and 1!®.^/,uni»y ch u rch lu th e ^

Fo llo w in g the fre-lm on mmlleal w orld . I .rxnrtilnntlon. ut - fro entitled to T h e «‘Ok # <i # « im m u n i'v « hur«-h «iffrit- tin-li# ni nervi#*!» «luring the day a t Kant I* a jn r , ha« been c ited as ah'#urw |»r#-««rlla*#| Im*|«,w 1 lin»•**- m odel c fc#h * by th e fo rem o st re-whiefi #«n»fi«ff ,># t reale«! at the bon lig lou s l<U«-r»M in the U n ited S ta te s •»•tnt free fron« «hargi* f«»r *ltt> d ay» T h e nv rh lt i f e h ed ifice , on th e

A«« l*ting h r «tlln. are ¡, i,tjgil*er o f co rn e r of#j,, * L Kan and <iran«l Itlv# r »ini n n ¡nei I »f *ie#»rjfe I I (Kofri — y uv<*fiuea, . i-l|il#ll.v it# firing ««»ni

r** ' i ° "U •‘•'bool «l.ty. p le tion a n u i k plàtine«! to d e d ica te 12:Ub it in ■ 2 '«ni I«« » L** build ikr H y . fi ret of next y e a r

■I H iititHax frit:it l 't.fN ' T h e »hur«T* ill h ave a pr;»y»*r room lou n g e ro it i ; in lo r »ha pel, ra in e

ili*, efela ti U ««!!«•«! rnom h r j <1 |l< n#t«hip fov« r a- n p e rla I »an, a fit- o f i w r o t in i To- u a ito r lu m w il l N<*atfor a «a ll I r t u w n j j t0b peopl. A jar|f. * ng a NmaSI

I« m ¡tii'l three d in in g roo i| a ru la l«o Io ra le d ,n the •elween .1 :0 0 p til b u ild in g

Freshmen and StudentsBring Your Clothes for Dry (leaning,

¡»rearing and Repairing to

SCHRAM t h e t a i l o r

otfbi- h Pi »*»12


nini •; Iti , F o u r

p i N. Washington \tenue Turing liuilding ICOLLEGE SUFFERS LOSS


Id . » f;.

fund« h Jfng »'■••• ! I fu n d Hi

•* he en a », o ld pipe or* ,d and

lount ii «1 it )M ild'fi V

r | fr ie r





K See

! voung Brothers’ Hardware

n the Th»

til fire «.f u n i 1¡. X n w l i . »

hi gin«*erlng )){• r «-building

I hi in g not h»

harn there

if tin

d H> tu.« «»v-r*»d b j

p e d . W t ) |

mb«« rib ,the •*«.

, iV 'U n r •

I'ro f H I I u Jtu ra l eti reefed the

, r»|J t'1«* ve yr. t L i i«* r . iV d i t iV lu g «• alumV 'ren a »>f l?li t iatneaa rnen th f,J »'*■ R e g u la r co lleg e wl

i S tu d en t* w ho n * t V Ulhi

NKU M i l HHTS I lF IM t I . IY K S

(Continued from page 1r

i\fIIiv "


tually and unconditionally guaranteed

r i We also have WATERMAN IDEAL PENS

Assortment of



M. A. C. Book Buying Association

the fo llo w in g n ew - t r ia l re la tio n * lab o r i. ind re tr ia l re fo rm in

n lc u io n co-operative 'th irds, ru ra l r re d lt and A four-fo ld g ro u p in g o

■ -.ffered ¡r, economi»

••nera! Mcfytj'in n h and ' « ■•rtlnlrir. including 14 «our*»«** i-ines* <.r agrfeultural ••-«.»,' '• i . > • «'iigirieeTlftf admiDl<,r, . rlit courses gradúa»«- «

iling »luring 11 • »

igh t hy IT «f J 1 »»rrnany and Pi

ill erat ur*s < ourn*s m i' «ed > v \ *«*h«rol »#f re lig io n In the , w « f i le co m m u n ity «h u r« '

The « hur« h maintain«« an tr.f'« m ent bureau for • .dent* » !*at 2.000 “ tu d en t* v.«-r> assisted in V •mg work last year


Hie new ML In ran stale I niofi pit»* are a I mi at the main det»k. New 'lit «lettl* age gitetl their pjfi« free ..f »barge, while old -toileitf* tun «.ht nr (Item at root.

%« I be MjriaJ »•iianMlee will not permit (HI* >enr the liifiotoal ilatoe follow in y tlie rerrfruoty of tire Irr-talla t'on of qsMiw ir* o«i a week da« if * irtnnuiwted that thi* i « re»»i«*o> arid Lt formal Hatwo will lake place ««rt I ri •lay. N iw em ber ‘iu

The K. O. T. • . iHTLer*' I lull


THEWesson & Simmons’

HM IIM II. o f

H k lJ.F T ( I.A H N K , IN T H tl'K F T IA F . It\ l I ItOOM AM» "T H '

D-A-N-C-l-N-Gt \ M I I S ( K« W IT H l:\ C M 3 H M i I ’l K W I K# I f - I M l «»•*» M M .


\. (». A A K ssffN . li lr e e io r

Adult Beginners’ ClassOpen« Tuesday, sept. là. • t«» k I » U 'I

t Ihm» tie**» « i»r> T«|e«ila) arid Tbur**l.i)Itndntelhm I« demoted t*« U w '*••*•* l ,,x Lc«»i .umI M«elerw

W a lt/ . Fr<edom Inwi rftrf»i*rra«^irierit »• a^«tr»rl.Term , s la-oMMt«. I ee. »M»

ADULT ADVANCED ( LASSOpefl« TtP**da). Sept. ."» K: ’4» to I«» ••«• I’ d

It Ml ru»t ««>•« I-* «leyot*«! I«» tbe I b;»H»*t«»n I arel ' f W a l l / .

II» Hof» Mop Walt/


WMh Moni» Irti *• rei Ili- Or»ba*tra Will Fon tifate on tarli I rida) arai **aiur«la> I ber« all» r

A R ( A I ) I A RALLROO.M-T K \M> «H. »«* » •»' " MM M

,'IUIbH \K K I\ , «UNINAI 0 1 ICU. t lU A lU L k N U M J>

We Are Not Satisfied Unless You Are


CLEANERS2M Aliha« Kaad

VA/ E L C O /V\ E M. S. C. S fJD K N T S

We Are at Y«»ur ScF u't'Ifa


f»ppo*ite (ifatlmer I beater


yidd-c v e ry

i mine i this

. But meedpene-luur

VI»'—- IL-hr i »«rìriM » Si r< sbel- l«ir»«f’ .- r \* v*i Hnolh-y

V g rk jiiu rt* . M »«*r- Hr«.we 1 Mil-U*r ; ¡fppiiHi - ¡«*11« . . M* b-r- K-xpii.r an.l Sia« h : HU thI .rt- M«--r- l it!

. furi ai»*J tU k«*rtn«n * ng.n-t-ru **, Vfewxr. * ad* and l» lrk .* ’ »••»-rtimrN

i uadi» ire, l*r I ’ltMtnlerin.nKa«h etinh-nt »• e»|*« red •-« meet

hi* i <i»ih*d'»r th** t r»t day a n«J t- « rcr.g*- f*«r i e«#n fere rev ►*»rn«*t»rjn- n r mg the w«**-k.1»

Tbe Froth man «la», r «x t.«en «In. uf• -i ¡uto «-«rum* S»«nl« t, « « i l l ’ ;-•«» ;«t the tine- *• heduL «I f«»r th«*if tu ia fur nut U rt i and |»h.»i«*u! » »» rui­nation« arel f««r the pattfi**m ««f f«*» M«-»L«ní ei/tbinaiinrr« f• *r v. •..• i. •* i fbmta w ill U* h«-i«| la te r In fhe '*-rrn Tir«* |»»«>gtam fur phf*>« « van, r,.i tioftM w hi « »rrl* «l • «' On H« IimIuT«*«!

K reali men «•«• t* * r»j»».rt for t>T'»tr.« •?Mt. T l ' -• 1h Selg«nnle*r I*. S!u«lel|!» Will, adror»«v « r#«liti. r«*j*. rr S* j.». n,f« r 1*

Tb«* f!r«t • •».-■• -«L-.l* "f « ‘ «uOhtvwill le held n>l"»*«|,r -o.^n r.g s« premb»*r in. . • ••♦*».* «» . i««h i•“'i* h mortithg »luring fh- w»v« afr»»r

|re-"tniiig h r’ ^him n *.V»uid :1 liejx.r? 1 -a* agri« altura) Lujld

fng a» *> #«»!«» k Tue*ala> Sef,iet„r»'f I.'*, f'-r ri gi.r r-! r Jon

2 U»v f.-«-» a -•.•riling ' • #*-*»i«-n ¿ 1»* » ».»»? «» firm- of r**gi«*rari •♦* i The •r.uh n:* h ».* I — i, « . »i. n»*d •■» ar««d > «>nge«'i»ai ¡r. »)h- fWjir/**iil f f«**w »

Me«? « .oiiMeior i/i * i«l libraryhmiding

4 lt**f««rt «»ri Tuvartai • ,rf* ftcer «lu i wUI arnuun* « ¡«eriod f««v• laK«ihea»toii

5 F»diOW the »< pedule a* «'UtltnerJ f»*r g»-fe*r«l » iel i iv la b 'o a l *««ei»'»a- tion« arel («byakal ao«l u»ed-«ii ex-*m ina ' Ioni

For Inf«>imat]At* «rudent« are refer­red the '*(fi«v t f the dean ot He*. «.liege, «»id lib ra ry bu ild ing, o r *Jke •fflce of the dean »»f the <11 vie loa.


The Campus GrillConfectionery and Restaurant

at 1 3 5 Eaftt Grand River, Hast I.ansm^

Starting on or about

September the 18thWILL SERVE

Breakfast, Dinner & Supper------------- also

A la Carte Serviceand

East Lansing Electric

Wh«**r In Need o f An Appotaf- atout tor Your Hair

FM0WK SMSI The Maw N umher o t tha


After-Dance Special Parties or Night Lunches

at Popular PricesQUALITY and SERVICE is our First Consideration


Also a large variety of Hot and Cold indwfches and Hot and Cold Drinks


■ J f

fiÉ i■ fil

l ’Aire Fourm a m a * sta1

i ii ? * » TI KN IM V HKTT. IS. I!«S

L. E. HORTON Sports Ed ito r A PAGE/ OF SPORTS


M a I n ‘ 1 ! Je t t i r

lloruc«* Tliomas


Schedule Include« Five Game« of First Magnitad.'; Three Stiff In tenectional Buttle«.

B a r d o t of Retj Shoulder« of

pin‘«Ailitjr On

■u hi Ticklei

T h e b ark fie ld , a lth o u g h wri;< by graduatlO RN , In not ujtpftetc.c present a g reat m a n y w o rrie s 4 1 b a rk s m in in g up trorn th e F t- s L l m an squali, (« r im . Kb-.bler and m ont re m a in from last y e a r ’« k«j J ohnson . Fo u ta , itu h l, K uhmo,

M , «*• n I B *• »O il V a n llU fe n a re Hnphoniore-Thirteen Utter Men Misting; Tutors to Bear Down In Preparation * h » m a p art « ! th e co m b in a tio n

for Opener Willi Adrian College, Sept. 26. hown. i:<*o. «e, * tmirback.




V t l In I’. O. I tiller Marilù*

With thA Mp ig k III t«M' 'ball «•limpf l e e , t h e H I ! ’grill lean* « «a pleasure t<> the Mtafe « ranks as piet in k le d by 1.1Five g:illM-‘ • ami three • f •' seefbvfial II -to look fotwar«! nl'/e«| us nnh-iiii other hand »•« nf'/etl the prowess, mi < s o n o f t h eo f lb «- « o n i

Adrian < fl it* «»|ien«»i • ii .* (toy S e o u l !• * ' m e e t s m a i l the slate I A A ai l

fla t on to the Mi hi gun S ta te ath letie fields were th row n ope« till m orn ing In w elcom e som e e igh t] p rospective g rld d er* fo r the Staf*

: e leven th is- fa ll in the in it ia l ; out o f the season. M iss ing from th

a rra y o f huskies w ho are p u tting i a hid for a berth w ith th*- Clree« an w h ite e leven are th irteen o f las

, y e a r 's le tte r manf ’ap latn I ton Mask ins. s ta r tack I

o f the e leven U *t fa ll, heads the Ii* «if re tu rn in g le tte r men. I ton wan s tu m b lin g bloek in the w ay o f *• y r 1 option«nt He far«-«l Ias i fa ll ;*• V the lea ib Tsh lp o f th«- .1«, w\\should»'

k p.

u l.ling of Ii a ll H a sk in s

and eonsidera

lin e i«ir co n s id e ra t io n i f he * the stu ff h«- iifp o ve re d in th e .*•

shaft* r«*«| fo rw a rd p ra c t ice session, id Hph’k e rm an ca re d A d r ia n I». «; ;s in the w ay r» •s in a eo tnm endab le Stati* no-ntor >ut 111n>* flays nw »

;tnd .»i*l w e ll to re- no l it t le pr* :r«- m ust he bri op!.«»mor«- lin em en to b ear to round th e e leven Need am e sp ec ia lly , sh ap e to r the first b a ttle . VV p erfo rm an ce o n he the in se rtion *f an y rest, i -f fa ll thr« atepi» To rS H tt* w ill pr« ss on to th e Ml.

f ra ca s '“ ( U m b er

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| V W I t t t l t l V l l f l l f f ■ l l t l l l M l l l K I I K V t f W W V f V l l l *»»••*»•»•***••* •*•***•


Barratt Shoe Repairlliiseiitetif I mb r F**bl«»ii sli'H

« Mb th e - S ir i , ,f gj

•n *••«- |«roM«.WM ltf ■ Vftf.kogon l , H r .

|K«H mid

ile«1*2 % tool ball •e in helng puf

ut Mit*kio* of nt t9ie li «Ini of

< 1 th!* yeiir. ilaied a tackle Iterili f»*t l«*ar* and ha* heett «me

Vita n ira««iii» for tli«* line f flie Mtafe lltie for ihe

| n r * Me Ita* *t*eilf III* *ltin*■e affemltvig lite Mlcltliuui Mtafe he groonie»

•II* f«- -iioooor «ceion NiiBs'orkinu i.*, | ha* sei

h e k p e rd

U stem honors«ian> Ite g u ia r* M l**lttg

j faro ld K rk e rn a n fo r th ree e Minuti« li de fender of .he i-th, w ill have t.» be rep laced eins I«« be the lik e ly gru id or me tlie burden mi the tir*.»


ir»st fa ll ,



Towle Optical Co.»MahlMm l in Ijunln« Mot« Than TwciMp Venn

f ititeli* I'tlolM- .'»I .'««!!

(A M ,’ l > / taK \c;KH«y

i »i * r .\l> SERVICE

«lier»* al Id) f ina­

i li! V and N iu h l S r r t i i tI. M IIIN

T -

Don’s Campus Barber ShopFrosh Headquarters

for 15 Years---------------D O N ------------------


Peoples ChurchSUNDAY, SEIT 20, 10:30 A. M.

Mr. McUune Speaks

Welcome Freshmen..................I ’ j »j K‘i" Classmen Exisvted



Fresh Gapsf Army Shoes$ 3 . 5 0



Fashion ShopAHWIT and «.KAM» k i t K it

You Must Be Satisfied

COLLEGE ELECTRICf«i%c* \<tn a I b im «- (hi a

CROSBY SUPER TRII With Every Dollar Pun

Lamps Radio FixturesI nrta-r l»r;»n«l K ir r md 'I. I. I*. A

t («rami Iti» er


The W olverine]i.ixMVi. «niin.es






Waste Paper Baskets

Ash Trays Stationery

\ imI fffht-r ^upfdlai

u>Iif tfarirtij anh S iltpfrt*ite ILnnr Fiuttonti« > I lot tiling

U. S. Regulation A R M Y S H O ESFor R. O. T. C.

These shoes have been approved and adopted, hv Col. Sherburne, as the stan­dard shoe for the Students of the R. 0. T.C.

It is desired that all Students o f the R. O. T. C. wear these standard uniform shoes. No shoes should be purchased except Regulation Uniform Shoes as recommended by the Military Dept.

SPECIAL PRICE TO R. O. T. C. STUDENTS . . . » 4 .0 0

Luring, Michigan

M 1