michigan department of education update maeds 46 th annual conference - esc october 14, 2010 barb...

Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant Michael Andrews, E-Rate Consultant

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Page 1: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Michigan Department of Education


MAEDS46th Annual Conference - Esc

October 14, 2010

Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech ManagerRon Faulds, MDE ConsultantMichael Andrews, E-Rate Consultant

Page 2: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Update 2010

• State Tech Plan

• Federal Data Points

• Title II D Federal Funding

• Online Learning/Seat Time Waivers

• Michigan Learns Online

• E-Rate

Page 3: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant


Page 4: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Time for an Update

2006 State Educational Technology Plan

2010 State Educational Technology Plan

Page 5: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Teaching for LearningLeadership

LeadershipDigital Citizenship

School and CommunityRelations

Professional Learning

Data and InformationManagement

Aligning with the MichiganSchool Improvement Framework

2006 Ed Tech Plan 2006 MSIF

Student Learning

Data Driven Decisions

Professional Learning

Broadband Access

Shared Resources



Teaching for Learning

Data and InformationManagement

Professional Learning

School and CommunityRelations

2010 Ed Tech Plan

Page 6: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Federal Data Points for Educational Technology

• 8th Grade Tech Literacy 6th-8th Grade METS

– MEGS for FY2011 (June 30th)

• Personnel Skilled in Technology

– REP (Registry of Educational Personnel) for FY2011 (December 1st)

– 21 Things for Educators (REMC/RITZ)

Page 7: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Federal Data Points for Educational Technology - Ron

• Integrated Curriculum

– Collected in MEGS for FY2011 (June 30th)

– State-approved technology plan =integrated curriculum

– Plan integrating/piloting technology planning in MDE school improvement planning tool

Page 8: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Federal Data Points for Educational Technology

• Instructional Computers

– Collected by building in the School Infrastructure Database (SID) for FY2011 (June 30th)

– Number of instructional computers

• Not connected to the internet

• Low-speed connection (56k to the building)

• High-speed connection (+56k to the building)

Page 9: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Michigan Title IID Federal Funding 2010-2011

• Legislative Commitments

– eLearning Consortium (MVU) $1,000,000

– Education Data Portal (D4SS) $850,000

• MDE Priorities

– Regional Data Initiatives ~$1.6 million

Page 10: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

State Cyber Schools

• Two Legislated Charter Cyber Schools

– Grand Valley – K12

– Ferris – Connections Academy

• 400 K -12 Students 1st year

– 2nd year may expand up to 1,000 via 1 dropout/1 non-dropout

Page 11: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

• 19 Individual District/ISD Waivers

• Genesee ISD Statewide Waiver

• 5-0-B of the Pupil Accounting Manual– Sent to All District and ISD Superintendents

August 5, 2010

– Implementation 2010-2011 School Year – 2nd semester for some

Seat Time Waivers

Page 12: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

• Method of Delivery

– Offline and online

•Teacher-Facilitated Instruction

– Delivery inside an LMS by a HQT

•Class Schedules

– Full year schedule with anticipated credits for each student allows students to take 1 or 2 courses at a time

5-0-B Seat Time Waivers

Page 13: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

5-0-B Seat Time Waivers

• Students with 12 or more credits must take the MME

• Participate in MDE Evaluation

• District to provide computer and broadband connectivity

Page 14: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

5-0-B Seat Time Waivers

• Full-Time Pupil Requirement

– 20 Logins within 30 day count period

– An email from STUDENT to MENTOR may count as a login if student is not yet in the learning environment by count day

Page 15: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

5-0-B Seat Time Waivers

• Teacher of record must be identified

• An on-site mentor must be assigned

Page 16: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Resources for STWs• GenNET Portal via GISD Statewide Waiver

– Aventa

– Michigan Virtual High School

– Florida Virtual School

– K12

– Lincoln Interactive

– Northwestern University

– University of Nebraska

– Virtual Greenbush

– Widening Advancements for Youth -


Page 17: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Resources for STWs

• District delivered instruction

– Michigan Digital Content

•32 Online Courses

– Blackboard or Moodle

•No cost to ANY Michigan school

•Can be changed

•Cannot be resold

Page 18: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Michigan Learns Online

• Funded through the Michigan Learns Online Grant and REMC

• MLO Portal

Page 20: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

E-rate Project Management

Michael [email protected]


– Focusing on closing the gap

– Organizing and scheduling trainings

– Developing recommendations for improving statewide support

– Trouble-shooting (call your consultant first!)

Page 21: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Recent FCC Order

• Streamline the application process

– Eliminate tech plan requirement for P1 (?)

– New form 470, 471, 486?

• Allow applicants to lease fiber from any provider (dark & lit)

• Allow community to use services outside hours at the school.

• Allow internet services in residential locations that serve unique populations.

Page 22: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Recent FCC Order (continued)

• limited pilots for off campus wireless campus connectivity ($10 Million)

• Increase cap to inflation.

• Codifies requirement of open and fair bidding process

• Make E-rate gift rules same as federal agencies

Page 23: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Recent FCC Order (continued)

• Reinstates dark fiber to the list

• Maintains webhosting as eligible service

• Unbundled Warranties are ineligible

• Criteria for post-commitment SPIN changes has become stricter

• Adopted eligible services list for 2011

Page 24: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Anticipated Filing Window

• Opening mid-December

• Closing end of February

• Given FCC changes and new forms

– Expect changes throughout the window

– Keep up with E-Rate notifications

– Don’t wait to the last minute

Page 25: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Experienced E-Rate Trainings

• Two Days of training w/Linda Schatz

– Cover key program components

– Understand SIGNIFICANT FCC changes

– Review revised forms

– Obtain input & insight

• October 25/26 Lansing

• October 27/28 Gaylord

Page 26: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Newbie E-Rate Training

• December in Lansing

• Intended for filers with less than 4 years experience

• Detailed filing walk through

• Hope to utilize new forms on training site (depends on timing)

Page 27: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

Additional Briefing/Training

• Planning meeting with E-Rate consultants in December

• Planning follow up training in spring

Page 28: Michigan Department of Education Update MAEDS 46 th Annual Conference - Esc October 14, 2010 Barb Fardell, MDE Ed Tech Manager Ron Faulds, MDE Consultant

ContactsBruce [email protected]

Barb [email protected]

Ron [email protected]

Michael [email protected]

Wanda [email protected]

Dwight [email protected]

Jan [email protected]

Karen [email protected]

Ann-Marie [email protected]

