methods of dakwah(5)


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Page 1: Methods Of Dakwah(5)


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Page 2: Methods Of Dakwah(5)

1. The Prophet (a.s.w.) did as what he said.2. The Prophet (a.s.w.) did not compromise as far

as Islam was concerned.3. The Prophet (a.s.w.)’s approach was gentle

and full of love.4. The Prophet (a.s.w.) always thought of

lessening the burden for his Ummah.5. Disbelievers’ Bribes did not make the Prophet

(a.s.w.) stop his mission.6. The Prophet (a.s.w.) did not compromise as far

as al-Shari‘ah was concerned.


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The Prophet (a.s.w.) acts according to his words, and therefore, his actions reflect his words.‘Aishah (r.a.) said that every thing he said or acted is al-Qur’an. Thus, he demonstrated the highest moral and wholesome personality as a model for mankind.

وة ول الله�� أس�� )لقد كان�� لكم�� ف��ي رس��حس�نة لم�ن كان� يرج�و الله� واليوم� اآلخر

(21وذكر الله كثيرا( )األحزاب: “You have indeed in the Messenger of God, a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of God.” (al-Ahzab: 21)


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He is the most patient and most consistent of all prophets. He was one of the four prophets known as ulu al-’azm:

ل س� ولوا العزم� من� الر )فاص�بر كم�ا ص�بر أم...( )األحقاف: (35وال تستعجل له

“Therefore patiently persevere, as did (all) messengers of inflexible purpose; and be in no haste about the (Unbelievers)…” (al-Ahqaf: 35).

The burden of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.)'s responsibility was extremely heavy compared with other prophets.


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He has to guide all mankind until the Day of Judgment.

Allah has revealed to him, the teachings and methodology of all other prophets but his way of preaching and teaching were not revealed to other prophets.

The importance of the Prophet Muhammad's methodology lies in his status as the last and final Prophet and his finality of his message of Islam.


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When the non-Muslim asked him for compromise, offering to worship only Allah if Muhammad would worship their idols, then the Surah al-Kafirun was revealed.

ون�� ال أعبد م��ا *)قل�� ي��ا أيه��ا الكافر وال * وال أنتم� عابدون� م�ا أعبد *تعبدون�

وال أنتم� عابدون� م�ا *أن�ا عابد م�ا عبدتم� لكم� دينكم� ولي� دين�( )الكافرون: *أعبد


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◦ Once a Bedouin urinated in the Mosque and the companions of the Prophet (a.s.w.) were very angry and intended to chase him away. The Prophet (a.s.w.), however, asked them to let the boy finished first and then just washed it away.

◦ Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) was informed by the Revelation about the incident where Prophet Musa (a.s.) and Prophet Harun (a.s.) had to go and speak to Fir’aun softly.

* طغ��ى اذهب��ا إل��ى فرعون�� إنه��(ر أو وال له�� قوال لينا لعله�� يتذك فق

(44-43يخشى( )طه: "Go, both of you, to Pharoah, for he has indeed transgressed all

bounds; But speaks to him mildly; perchance he may taking warning or fear (God).” (Taha: 43-44)


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He had prayed to Allah to reduce the obligatory prayers from 50 times to 5 times only.

For sick people (Muslims), those who could not pray standing, they could pray sitting. For those who could not pray sitting, they could pray while lying down.

Islam forbids its followers to fast for the whole year.

It is Prophet (a.s.w.)’s Sunnah to get married based on mutual consent based on a moderate way suitable for all people.


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The Arab disbelievers tried very hard to bribe the Prophet (a.s.w.) by offering to him money, influential position and woman in order to abandon his mission.

However, the Prophet (a.s.w.) offered no compromise. قال رس�ول الل�ه ص�لى الل�ه علي�ه وس�لم

"والل��ه، ل��و وضعوا الشم��س بيمين��ي، والقم��ر بشمال��ي، عل��ى أ��ن أترك هذا األم��ر؛ ال أترك��ه حت��ى يظهره الل��ه أ��و

)اإلرشاد إل�ى ص�حيح االعتقاد والرد عل�ى أهل�ك دون�ه".أه��ل الشرك واإللحاد، ص��الح ب��ن فوزان ب��ن عب��د الل��ه آ��ل

فوزان( The Prophet (a.s.w.) said, “By Allah, even if they put the Sun in my right hand and the Moon in my left hand in order to quit this mission (propagating Islam), I do not leave it until Allah (s.w.t.) makes it (the Truth) prevail or I will perish (without it) in His service.”


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The theft done by Fatimah bint al-Aswad. As this lady came from royal family of Bani Makhzum and highly respected by the Quraish, some of the Companions would like her to be free from punishment.

None of them dared to speak of it. Finally, they sent ‘Usamah ibn Zaid to speak about this as he was loved by Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.). Then this was followed by other people.

The Prophet (a.s.w.) replied, "The people (before you) were destroyed because when important people stole, they were let off. If ordinary people did steal, then they were punished."


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The well-known command of Allah in al-Nahl: 125 is the foundation of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.)'s method of Da’wah.

بيل ربك�� بالحكمة�� والموعظة�� ) ادع�� إل��ى س��الحس�نة وجادله�م بالت�ي هي� أحس�ن إن� ربك� و أعلم�� بيله وه و أعلم�� بم��ن ضل�� ع��ن س�� ه

هتدين( (125)النحل : بالم The Prophet (a.s.w.)’s Methods of Da‘wah consist

of three components: 1. Wisdom2. Goodly Advise3. Arguing in the Gracious Manner


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Scholars unanimously agree that the Qur’an and the Sunnah (sayings, actions and tacit approval) of the Prophet (a.s.w.) are the most important sources of wisdom.

One of the names of Allah is al-Hakim. When Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) was a child, the Angel came and opened his chest after cleaning it filled it with Iman and wisdom.


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In the whole life of Muhammad (a.s.w.), whatsoever he said, did and approved all were done based on wisdom.

Thus, we could say that the preaching of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) is based on the wisdom and guidance of Allah.


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Based on (16:125) (26:24) (74:1-6) i) The wisdom of the Prophet

◦ Secret Preaching first 3 yrs only to his close friends and families (26:24) – Khadijah, ‘Ali, Zaid Harithah, Abu

Bakr, Bilal al-Rabbah, Uthman al-‘Affan, al-Zubair al-‘Awwam, ‘Abdul Rahman al-‘Auf and Sa’ad Abi Waqqas

Methods: - personal touch (wife and friends) - invitation to food - good listener and talk only when necessary Reason for adopting this strategy: the number of the earlier Muslims are too

small, weak and on the risk of being destroyed, therefore open preaching should be abandoned

◦ Open Preaching (15:14) the next 10 years in Makkah and another 10 years in Madinah the wisdom of the first strategy of secret preaching has proven successful when

the Prophet started his open preaching the challenges faced by the Muslims as a result of the aggression made upon

them by the Quraish can be handled effectively because of the large number of quality followers

as a result of a good foundation of ‘aqidah, Muslims are willing to sacrifice their livings, families, properties and then resulted to the establishment of the best Ummah in Madinah and Mecca

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◦ Respect to Abu Sufyan in the year of opening Makkah◦ Fair treatment to Kuffar, the hostages of Badr (17 Ramadan, 2nd

Hijrah) – release them provided they teach 10 Muslim children to read and write

◦ The Content of the Hudaybiyyah Treaties Suhail bin ‘Amr (chief negotiator for the Quraish) Changes : in Basmalah and in the Prophet’s name Agreement: i) cease fire for 10 yrs

ii) Quraish who run to Madinah – need to return them (apostacy)

iii) Muslim who run to Makkah – no need to return them (spread Islam)

iv) All the Arab tribes can now associate with the Muslim v) Muslim to perform Hajj on the next year (with a bigger

number of pilgrims (10 000)Wisdom: i) Muhammad has been recoqnized as a leader of a new group and no more aggression on him

ii) The recognition of an Islamic State in Madinah iii) The recognition of the right for the Muslim to visit Baitullah

for Hajj iv) The recognition of Islam as one of the religion

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ii) Mau’izatul Hasanah of the Prophet (9:128) (21:107)◦ he is the best advisor and counselor to all human

beings◦ he is kind and compassionate◦ he was asked to speak only the best word even to

enemy (17:53)◦ lesson: abstain in futile argument and quarrel in

the disputable issues in fiqh

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iii) Mujadillah billati hiya ahsan of the Prophet (20:49-51) (29:46)◦ he was exposed with the past experience of

Prophets such as Prophet Moses with Pharaoh, Prophet Ibrahim with King Namrod in da’wah

◦ demonstrate noble personality, character in argument

◦ not allow to baseless accusations, making fun of them for merely to win the argument

◦ should avoid unhappy conflict and to create peace

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Politeness in da’wah Using right method to the right mad’u

(study must be conducted earlier to determine the appropriate method to be applied)

By example (da’wah bi al-Hal) (the most effective method and can be demonstrated by each and every Muslim)

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The Prophet )a.s.w.(’s Wisdom of Preaching in Mecca:

a(Wisdom of his personal and secret preaching )Sirriyyah(.

b(Wisdom of open preaching )Jahriyyah(.


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The Prophet (a.s.w.) received the first revelation on the 17th of Ramadan, or 6th August 610 AC.

Then, he was commanded in another revelation to preach to his close relatives.

)وأنذر عشيرتك��������� (214)الشعراء: األقربين(

"And admonish your closed relative" (al-Shu‘ara’: 214.


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He also received the following revelation:

دثر * قم��� فأنذر * )ي���ا أيه���ا المر * وربك��� فكبر * وثيابك��� فطهر * وال تمن�����������ن جز فاهج والربر( تكثر * ولربك���� فاص���� تس����

(7-1)المدثر: “O thou wrapped up (in the mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning! And thy Lord do thou magnify! And thy garments keep free from stain! And all abomination shun! Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for thyself)! But, for thy Lord's (Cause), be patient and constant!” (al-Muddaththir :1-7)


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In the first early three years in Mecca, the Prophet (a.s.w.) preached personally and individually to his friends and family. To his wife Khadijah (r.a.) and friends, he used the personal touch to speak and to convey the message. To his relatives, he conveyed the messages after having invited them for food and after they had taken their food. Among the first new Muslims are: Khadijah Binti Khuwailid, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Zaid ibn Harithah, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq,’Uthman ibn Affan, Al-Zubair ibn Al-’Awwam, ‘ Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Auf, Sa'ad ibn Abi al-Waqqash and others.


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After the number of Muslims reached thirty, Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) chose the house of al-Arqam ibn Abi Arqam, who was his Companion to teach Islam to the new Muslims.

Wisdom in the personal and private preaching is that the conditions of the Jahilliyyah (pre-Islamic Era) did not allow him to preach openly.


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The Prophet (a.s.w.)’ Da‘wah is more effective through the individual and private ways.

His preaching was done face to face between the Prophet (a.s.w.) as a Da‘i and his wife or friends as mad’u of which the personality and sincerity of the Prophet (a.s.w) could move the hearts of the mad’u.

The mad’u also could ask any question from the da‘i.


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All Muslim scholars assert that when the number of the Muslims is too small and weak and there is the risk of being destroyed, open preaching should be abandoned as the Ummah has to look after the safety of Muslim. (al-Buti, Fiqh al-Sirah, 94)


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Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) invited the family of ‘Abd al-Muttalib to a feast in his house including Abu Lahab. After the meal, the Prophet (a.s.w.) was about to speak; suddenly Abu Lahab came up and said:"Here are your uncles and children from your uncles. Please stop the deviations. You have attacked the religion of our tribe. Please do not enrage the whole Arab tribes. Our tribe would not be able to fight with them. We know of your purpose to change our religion and ask us to follow the deviations so that we leave our traditional way of worshipping the great ancestors. =


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=Be careful of your safety and that of our generation. It is not hard for the Arab tribe to attack and kill you. They will not let you do this.Return to the religion of your ancestors or we will jail you until you are free from sickness. We must educate you until your thinking is healthy. It is rational for your family to educate you, to catch you, and to jail you when you continue with your stand. It is easier for us to do this than to let the Quraysh seizes you together with other Arabs. I have never seen any one who brought so much misfortunate to your own family…” (Trans. from Muhammad Natsir, 1978:160-161).


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Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) just kept quiet and let his relatives to go home. Then he invited the same group again including Abu Lahab for the second time.

He stood up and said:"I praise Allah. I praise Him and asked help from Him and

surrendered myself to Him. I witness there is no god but Allah and nothing associates itself to him. Verily, an uncle would not cheat his members, if you say I cheat the world, I would not do so to my family. By Allah, there is no god but He, verily I am the Messenger of Allah especially for you and for all men. Verily, Allah has ordered me to warn you according to His words "and admonish your nearest relative.“=


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=I am calling you to the two words, which are easy at your lips but hard to be weighted. That is, there is no god but Allah and I am His messenger. By Allah, you will die as when you fall asleep and wake up. Certainly, you will be responsible for your deeds. You will be paid rewards for your good deeds and punished for your bad deeds. Heaven and hell are eternal. O Bani ‘Abd al-Muttalib, by Allah, I know no man in the land of Arabia who can place before his kinsfolk a more excellent offer than that which I now make to you. I offer you the happiness of this world and that of the Next. Allah has commanded me to call you unto Him. Which of you, then, will help me in this, and be my brother and my successor among you?"


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After the third year, Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) turned to preach openly when Allah (s.w.t.) revealed to him:دع بم���ا تؤمر وأعرض��� عن��� )فاص���

(94المشركين( )الحجر: "Therefore proclaim openly that which you are commanded, and turn away from al-mushrikun.“ (al-Hijr: 94)

In obedience to this command, the Prophet (a.s.w.) gathered the Quraysh before the hill of al-Safa. Standing on the hill, he asked the people: “O people! If I inform you that there is a troop of soldiers coming to attack you from the yonder hills, would you believe me?" The people said, “We have never heard you telling a lie."


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Then, raising his voice he said: “I have come to you as a warner, and if you do not respond to warning, punishment will fall upon you”.

However, Abu Lahab, his uncle interrupted and said: “May you perish! Did you gather us only for this reason?” Then he went away.


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1. As the last Prophet, Muhammad (a.s.w.) has obligations to communicate the message openly after the followers of Islam had reached to a certain number.

2. His first call in the open was full of wisdom as he did not directly deliver the message, but firstly confirmed the people's trust in him before conveying the message.


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3. Throughout 10 years of open preaching, various persecutions, and sufferings had trained the Companions to become the best people, and they were willing to sacrifice their life, family, property and every thing for the sake of Islam.

4. Through these unending sufferings, the foundation of the khayr al-Ummah had been lain down in Makkah.


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Allah (s.w.t.) had chosen Muhammad (a.s.w.) as His Messenger and Prophet to warn the people of the Last Judgment.

People must accept God’s sovereignty over them and mend their ways.

They have to give to God the worship that was His due and to follow certain acts of ‘ibadah and moral instructions in both their individual and social lives.


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Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) was the last and the seal of the Prophets.

He was the best adviser and counselor for the whole of mankind.

He was just, kind and compassionate. He has been described as ra’uf (kind), rahim (merciful) and rahmatan lil-’alamin (a mercy for all creatures).

Throughout his life, he was deeply involved with calling people to the goodness of both worlds, Dunya (Earthly life which is temporary) and Akhirah (Hereafter life which is everlasting).


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س�كم عزيز عليه� ( ول من� أنف لقد جاءكم� رس�ؤمنين� رؤوف� �م بالم م�ا عنتم� حريص� عليك

حيم( )التوبة: (128ر"Now has come unto you an Apostle from among yourselves; it grieves him that you should perish, ardently anxious over you: to the believers, is he most kind )ra’uf( and merciful )rahim(. )al-Tawbah: 128(

Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) was asked to convey to the those who worship Allah alone to speak only best words. Allah (s.w.t.) says:ولوا الت�ي هي� أحس�ن ...( )وق�ل لعبادي يق

(53)اإلسراء: "And say to My servants (worshippers) that they should say those things that are best." (al-Isra`: 53).


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Allah (s.w.t.) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) the methods of previous Prophets while dealing with those who opposed them.

1. He was revealed to the argument of the Prophet Musa with Fir‘aun.

بكم�ا ي�ا موس�ى * قال� ربن��ا الذي� )قال� فم�ن رأعط�ى كل� شيء� خلقه� ثم� هدى * قال� فم�ا ا عند رب�ي ول�ى * قال� علمه� ون� األ ر بال� الق

(52في كتاب ال يضل ربي وال ينسى( )طه: “(When this message was delivered) (Fir‘aun) asked, "Who then, O Moses, is the Lord of you two?" He said: “Our Lord is He who gave to each thing its form and nature, and then guided it aright.“ (Fir‘aun) said: “What then is the condition of previous generations. He replied: "The knowledge of that is with my Lord, duly recorded. My lord neither errs nor forgets." (Taha: 49-51)


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Fir‘aun did not intend to submit to Allah, but wanted to trap Musa, and to make the whole audience reject Musa. So he asked him of the conditions of previous generations.

If the answer that they were idol worshippers, and to be condemned into hell. Then, the whole audience would be angered at Musa.

So Musa only answered, the records of previous generation is with the Lord. Allah never forgets and never make mistakes.

By this, Musa made it clear that he was concerned with the life of Fir‘aun and his salvation. Whatsoever was over was not his concern, and he could do nothing to undo it.


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2. Allah )s.w.t.( revealed to the Prophet )a.s.w.( the argument of Ibrahim )a.s.( with King Namrud. Allah )s.w.t.( says:

)ألم� تر إل�ى ال�ذي حآج� إبراهيم� ف�ي ربه� أن� لك�� إذ قال�� إب�راهيم� ربي� الذ�ي آتاه�� الله� المحي��ي وأميت� قال� يحي��ي وي�ميت� قال� أن�ا� أمس� من� المشرق� إبراهيم� فإن الله� يأت�ي بالشا من� المغرب� فبهت� الذ�ي كفر والله� فأت� به�

(258ال يهدي القوم الظالمين( )البقرة: "Had you not turned your vision to one who disputed with Ibrahim about his Lord because Allah had granted him power? Ibrahim said, "My Lord is one who gave life and death." He said, "I also gave life and death". But it is Allah who causes the sun to rise in the East and do you then cause him to rise in the west? Thus the disbeliever utterly defeated. And Allah guides not the people who are unjust.” (2:258)


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Prophet Muhammad )a.s.w.( was asked not to engage with futile arguments with People of Book but only argue with the best means.

)وال تجادلوا أهل�� الكتاب�� إال بالت��ي هي�� ولوا م�� وق ن إال الذين�� ظلموا منه أحس��ن�ا آمن�ا بالذي أنزل� إلين�ا وأنزل� إليكم� وإلهلمون( كم��� واحد ونحن��� له��� مس��� وإله

(46)العنكبوت: "Dispute not with the people of the Book except with means

better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury) but say, we believed in the Revelation which had come down to us and what came down to you. Our God and your God is One and it is to Him we bow." (al-Ankabut :46).


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The above Qur’anic verse shows us the right way how to deal with others and especially with Ahl al-Kitab. Thus, we Muslims should:1.avoid arguments that disrupt the harmony of Muslims and Ahl al-Kitab,2.avoid mere disputations as they create confusion only,3.adopt a way sanctioned by Allah. It is exceptional if the Ahl al-Kitab just wanted to harm us. 4.look for common points such as God is the Creator of every thing. We believe in the revelation they received. Our God and their God is One and we bow and submit.


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Term society means:a system in which people live together in organized communities

people in general a community of people living in a

particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, organizations, etc.

a club or an association an organization of people formed for a

particular purpose. Etc,

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Islam pays due respect of other’s faith, race and ethnic and promote a life of harmony with each other. Allah says ; “If Allah had pleased He would have created all human being a single nation but He did not do so in order to test them, that is to say whether they can live in harmony with each other despite of their differences in laws and ways of life (5:48)

Islam accepts the concept of dignity of all children of Adam (17:70) – irrespective of their race, tribe, nationality and languages.

Islam asserts the different beliefs and ways of worshipping God – does not insult those whom disbelievers worship their God. (6:108)

No religious place should be demolished. (22: 40).

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We Muslims have to preach Islamic values to others through inter-religious relations, like inter-faith or inter-religious dialogue. We have to bear in mind that:1.All men are equally the object of the Muslim’s Da‘wah2.The Muslim cannot rest until all men have achieved divine purpose related to their creation.3.Priorities: The nearer being always the first entitled to the Muslim’s efforts; but the most distant being finally just as entitled to those efforts as the nearest.4.The first condition Islam lays for such effort is that it involves no coercion or compulsion.


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5. The Qur’an specifies the means of persuasion to be used (Q 16:125), knowing the trickery of inter-human relations and the possibility of brainwashing, pressuring, etc.

6. If non-Muslims are not convinced, the Muslim will leave them alone. But certainly the Muslim is to try again and never give up.

7. As long as resistance is ideational, the Muslim is bound to respect it.

8. The recourse to violence is justified only to put an end to the violent obstruction, never to force the non-Muslims into conversion to Islam.


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9. All men are equal members of a universal religious brotherhood under the concept of din al-fitrah (original religion).

10. Rather than seeking to find out how much other religions agree with each other, if at all, let us see how far both religious traditions agree with din al-fitrah.

11. Seeking the historical development of religious traditions whether they are in agreement with din al-fitrah or not, rather than assuming that each religion is Divine.