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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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This section includes the methods, the samples, the sampling procedures and data gathering procedures that the researchers used. It also includes the description, construction, validation and administration of the instrument used. In addition, it presents the statistical procedure used to interpret data.

Method of research

Descriptive Survey Research states the findings of the current condition of the study at a specific point of time. It simply seeks the respondents experiences or perspective on a certain subject related to study. It is concerned not only with the characteristics of individuals but with the characteristics of the whole sample thereof. It provides information useful to the solutions of local issues (problems). Survey may be qualitative or quantitative in verbal or mathematical form of expression; such studies are factual and hence supply practical information. The survey research employs applications of scientific method by critically analyzing and examining the source materials, by analyzing and interpreting data, and by arriving at generalization and prediction. Since, the present study was undertaken to study the administrative success of secondary school principals. Hence, the descriptive survey researchThe group formulated a Focusing Question: Does the Students Portfolio ..Furthermore, they also formulated Subordinating Questions: (1) (2)..By using Descriptive Survey Method the group guarantees that this design is really appropriate in gathering adequate answers to the said questions.There are several advantages of using Descriptive Survey:Ease: Questionnaires are relatively easy to administer.Reliability: Using fixed-response (multiple choice) questions reduces variability in the results that may because by differences in interviewers and enhances reliability of the responses.Simplicity: It also simplifies coding, analysis, and interpretation of

Samples and Sample Procedures The researchers used Convenience Sampling A non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher. Researchers use convenience sampling not just because it is easy to use, but because it also has other research advantages. Inpilot studies, convenience sample is usually used because it allows the researcher to obtain basic data and trends regarding his study without the complications of using arandomized sample. This sampling technique is also useful in documenting that a particular quality of a substance or phenomenon occurs within a given sample. Such studies are also very useful for detecting relationships among different phenomena. Researchers choose this type of group to gain information without having to travel extensively or build a pool of wide-ranging subjects. This often saves both time and money, which can make a tremendous difference while performing research and the availability of such a population. Also all the students were using students portfolio which is the topic of the researchers. To get the sample size the researchers used the Slovins formula, n= N/(1 +Ne^2) where n= total samples, N= Number of population and e= margin of error. They used 0.05 as the margin of error. The total population of grade 7, 8 and 9 students is 784.Sample FrameGrade 7SECTION










Data Gathering Procedure The researchers had 784 population from the grade 7 8 9 students for their research paper. The respondents have been chosen randomly; consist of 265 students who will answer their survey questionnaire. The researchers gave the questionnaires to the class president or at least officer of each class and gave them a day to answer the questionnaires. They collected the questionnaires the same day from the class president or officer. Aquestionnaireis a means of eliciting the feelings, beliefs, experiences, perceptions, or attitudes of some sample of individuals. As a data collecting instrument, it could be structured or unstructured. The questionnaire is most frequently a very concise, preplanned set of questions designed to yield specific information to meet a particular need for research information about a pertinent topic. The research information is attained from respondents normally from a related interest area. The dictionary definition gives a clearer definition: A questionnaire is a written or printed form used in gathering information on some subject or subjects consisting of a list of questions to be submitted to one or more persons. There are several advantages of a questionnaire through: Economy - Expense and time involved in training interviewers and sending them to interview are reduced by using questionnaires.Uniformity of questions - Each respondent receives the same set of questions phrased in exactly the same way. Questionnaires may, therefore, yield data more comparable than information obtained through an interview.Standardization If the questions are highly structured and the conditions under which they are answered are controlled, then the questions could become standardized.

Description of the instruments The researchers used survey method to gather data. Survey is a method of gathering information from individuals. Using its standardized procedures, every respondent was asked the same questions on the same way. The survey consists of four parts. The first part is about the experiences of the students on using a portfolio while the second part is about rating the given uses of portfolio from 1 to . And the third part is focusing about the effects of using portfolios in high school students and for the last part the researchers made an essay part asking the respondents Do you believe that the Students Portfolio is a highly effective evaluative tool in learning? Why? The advantages of using surveys to conduct a research are that it can represent large number of population and it less costly that it can be gathered shortly and in a short period of time, it can also be a help to the group to observe the direct opinions of the respondents. Using a survey is really the best instrument to be used in gathering data. Construction and Validation of the Instruments Before the researchers achieved the success of their instruments, first they gathered information; they researched information through web and notes and shared ideas about their topic Students Portfolio as a highly effective evaluative tool in learning They consulted their Research adviser and English consultant for the checking of their surveys grammar, appearance, legend and letter. After checking their surveys questions, they revised then work and computed the number of respondents by using convenience sampling and having 0.05 as their margin of error. After all of the revisions in their questionnaire they finally distributed their questionnaire.Administration of the instruments The researcher gave questionnaires to the selected grade 7, 8 and 9 students by means of randomly selecting them. They chose grade 7, 8 and 9 students because these students were the first batch of K to 12 that were experiencing Daily Learning Program which involves Students Portfolio. The researchers went to different classrooms of grade 7, 8 and 9 students and gave the surveys/questionnaires to the class president or officers of each class because they know that president and officers of the class is responsible and mature enough to guide his/her classmates so that he/she can help the researchers in distributing the surveys in their free time and get them back after answering it or on their lunch time and they tally the gathered data.Statistical TreatmentStatistical treatment of data is essential in order to make use of data in the right form To facilitate the interpretation of data, the gathered data were tallied and tabulated. These were statistically treated by getting the mean and the use of liker scale. The researchers used the weighted mean to know the verbal interpretation of the respondents.