meeting emily emily lott 2/18/15 period 1 main menu

Meeting Emily Emily Lott 2/18/15 Period 1 Main Menu

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Page 1: Meeting Emily Emily Lott 2/18/15 Period 1 Main Menu

Meeting EmilyEmily Lott


Period 1

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Page 2: Meeting Emily Emily Lott 2/18/15 Period 1 Main Menu

Main Menu

My Family

My Hobbies

My Future

My Goals

Meeting Emily will introduce you to me, Emily. I will tell you about my four hobbies. I will also tell you about my family and background and even my future plans. In addition, you will read about my personal goals in life. Basically everything about me you want to know, you will find out!

Page 3: Meeting Emily Emily Lott 2/18/15 Period 1 Main Menu

My Family

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My family consists of my dad, Tony, my mom, Kimberly, my little brother, Justin, and, as I am often called, the guinea pig, Emily. I got that nickname by being the first grandchild, niece, and daughter on my mom’s side of the family. On my dad’s side, I have one older cousin, Nye. He is my only male cousin out of four and the only one older than me.

On my dad’s side of the family, there is a history of being English. My grandfather was the first one on that side to leave England, where he was born. He took my grandmother and went to Canada. While they were there, my grandmother gave birth to my uncle. They then made their last big move and moved to San Bernardino. There, they had my dad. My dad grew up friends with James Peters, who happens to be my current uncle. James had a little sister named Kimberly, who is my mom. I do not know much about that side of my family, other than my grandpa was a farmer’s son and my grandma grew up in Oklahoma.

Sadly, in the past 14 years my family has shrunk. On my dad’s side, we have lost 4 people. My great grandmother was the first to go of a heart disease in 2002. My grandmother followed due to lung cancer in 2005. She also had breast cancer but that was long before then. My great grandfather passed in 2005 as well due to the same heart disease as my great grandmother. Then, in 2014, my grandfather passed away of Alzheimer's. That shook my family because it was 10 days before his birthday and 7 before mine.

On my mother’s side, we have lost 1 close person and about 4 not-so-close people. The main person we have lost is my grandma. We lost her on November 29, 2013: the day after Thanksgiving. She fought hard against ovarian cancer and leukemia. She fought for 4 and a half years before her body gave in. I do not know much about the other four, seeing as my mother was not close to them and neither was I.

Some of my favorite memories with my grandma are the two cruises I went on with her. In total, I have been on 4 cruises: 1 with grandparents, 1 with family, 1 with family and grandparents, and, the most recent one, with my family and a grandparent. We took that one over Christmas of 2014. We went to Mexico! It was lots of fun to be with my last living grandparent for a week. If I were to rank the cruises I have been on from favorite to least favorite, there would be a three way tie between the one with my grandparents, the most recant one, and the Disney cruise with my family. I do k=not remember the other one well.

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My Hobby Menu

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My Music


LGBTQ Nation


I have four main hobbies: listening to music, reading, participating in the LGBTQ nation, and watching and playing sports. While I enjoy reading to be alone, my family shares my interest in watching and playing sports. My friends share my interest in the LGBTQ nation. Many of my favorite books and sports teams are the same as my friends and family. Collectively, my friends and family get me books, albums, or sport tickets for my birthday or other events. They always see me reading or singing and know how often I go to sports games.

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My Music

Hobby Menu

Music is probably my number one hobby. Some of my favorite bands are Halestorm, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead, Pretty Reckless, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, and many more. Nickelback is probably my favorite. They are a Canadian rock band. They formed in 1995 and have since released 8 total studio albums. I am also a fan of country music. Some of my favorite country artists and bands are Lady Antebellum, Miranda Lambert, Hunter Hayes, Blake Shelton, Brad Paisley, Tim McGraw, and several other ones.

Majority of my friends share my taste in music in some way or another. During eighth grade, my friend Kaley and I would always be singing Hunter Hayes, Lady Antebellum, or Tim McGraw. My other friend Natasha and I would always be singing Nickelback, Three Days Grace, or Halestorm during our classes together and during the passing periods. During my first semester of ninth grade, the tradition continued. Music brought my friends together and quickly became the number one thing we did together.

Eventually, it became the number one thing I did period. When I get home, I turn my music on. When I am cooking, cleaning, or doing any chore, I am singing. I cannot fall asleep with music playing in the background. It drives my family up a wall because they do not like my taste in music. However, they have gotten used to my constant singing. Only my dog complains now. It took my family years to get used to it, it will take her awhile too.

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Hobby Menu

My second favorite hobby is reading. I do this almost as much as a listen to music. I do not have any particular genre I read. For the most part, I will like any series or book with a good plot and good characters. I have read books about Guardians, serial killers, witches, vampires(not Twilight), and so many more.

My favorite series is Half Bad. I have only read the first book, seeing as it is the only book out so far, and it sucked me in. Half Bad is about a boy named Nathan who is a half blood. That term means he is a half white witch and a half black witch. His father is the most powerful black witch alive and that causes lots of trouble for Nathan. His mother is a white witch who was forced to kill herself after the birth of Nathan. Nathan himself shows the qualities of both type of witch. However, the Ministry does not trust him and tests him every year for 14 years before taking him from his family and sending him to a powerful white witch who has to watch over him. From then on, he is tested every 3 months. On top of it all, he has to escape the Ministry to get 3 gifts and become a true witch. He has to do this on his 17th birthday. This starts a war where he is being hunted and cannot escape. Somewhere in this mix, he also falls in love with a white witch but she is not very present in the book. A male black witch falls in love with him but he never gets his chance.

Some other of my favorite series include the I Hunt Killers trilogy, the Nightshade series, and Harry Potter.

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LGBTQ Nation

Hobby Menu

The LGBTQ Nation is the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning/Queer Nation. My friends and I keep up with what goes on in the fight for homosexual rights. Many of my friends identify themselves as bisexual. I personal identify myself as human but most would just say I am bisexual. My friends are constantly planning trips to go to the gay right parades and other events like that. Often times, we are not able to go do to school, extracurricular activities, or our parents saying no. However, we always try to. Three of my friends have two moms. This is probably on of the reasons we stay so active. A few of my friends have parents completely against the idea and we spend lots of time trying to convince them otherwise.

My family is a mixture of support and hate. My cousin Hannah has told mew that she would hate any family member that liked the same sex while my cousin Madison is still too young to be able to figure out what we are talking about. My brother does not care about it: he thinks I am a weirdo no matter what. My parents, whose opinion matters most to me, are very supporting of me so long as I stay safe and play smart. Their only comment is that I am not allowed to go on dates with anyone even if I have been on several movie dates, double dates, and more.

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Hobby Menu

In my family, sports is a big thing. My brother has been playing soccer since he was 6 and I have been playing since I was 5. Because of my family’s obsession with sports, going to sports games has become one of my favorite things and something I do quite often considering. My father works for a company that sponsors the LA Galaxy soccer team. Because of this, I attend several home games. Sadly, I did not get to attend the game were LA Galaxy won the MLS title last year. However, I have attended games where they have basically gotten revenge. The Real Salt Lake City kicked them out of the finals in 2013. Last year, LA Galaxy beat the RSL City 4-1. Landon Donovan scored a hat trick in that game. In other words, he scored 3 goals in a single game.

LA Galaxy has been in the news for several other reasons. One of these reasons is on of the teams players came out as gay. He did something very few people have did in major league sports. Robbie Rogers, the one who came out, said he was happy to continue to be accepted on his team and around the country. He also said that the only thing he wished had happened was that more people would follow his lead.

Another sport my family follows is hockey. I have gone to several Ontario Reign games. I have also been to 1 Anaheim Ducks game. My 8 year old cousin Madison is often inviting me to go to Reign games with her and her dad. On February 4, 2015, I went to a game with her. Ontario Reign won 7-1. She was very excited, seeing as she follows sports like my family does. She said the only thing she disliked was that there were no fights during the game. The fights are our favorite part so I cannot blame her.

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My Future

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I have many aspirations in life. Many of those things fall under the category of college and jobs. When I get older, I would like to attend UCLA due to their med school. Also, my uncle went there and it would be amazing to do the same as him. Other schools I would like to attend would be UC Santa Barbra, University of Oregon, or University of Alaska.

There are many careers that interest me. One of those is being and ER doctor. This one is the one I am aiming for but I also have others that interest me. One of those is zoo keeper at the San Diego Safari Park. I have been there several times and really enjoy going. I have done some safaris there before as well. One of the safaris was the Roar N’ Snore. During this one, a person and their party literally spend the night at the park. I did this one with my father. We went on a night tour and got to see the lion cubs and the tigers at their most active time. In the morning we woke up to the lion’s roar. Then we got 2 hours to roam the park before anyone else got there. My dad and I took this time to go on another safari, the caravan one. I had been on it before but who could resist feeding giraffes? It was tons of fun and we are planning to do it again.

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My Goals

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I have many personal goals in life. Some of them are dumb or obvious, like getting a decent job to help pay for college. Others are true goals, such as visiting all 50 states. Many of my goals have been goals for awhile now. I have wanted to visit all 50 states since I was 3. So far, I have visited Hawaii, Virginia, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, Maryland, and California. Over spring break of 2015, I will be going to Oregon and in the summer of 2016, I will be going to Alaska. Another place I have wanted to visit for awhile now is Rio de Janeiro. I think this is because of the Rio movie. One of my mom’s old students is going to be in the Olympics there so we might be going soon. This would check two things off of my goals.

Other goals include visiting England, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, and many more. As I get older, I am aware that I will get opportunities to visit some of these places. One of my neighbors visits Japan every year! She said when I got older she would take my brother and I with her if we paid for our tickets. My father is planning on taking me to England so he can show me where my grandfather grew up. My other friend is says she will be taking me and some other friends to South Korea with her. Hopefully these opportunities become a reality. I would love to see the different types of culturesand traditions there are.