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  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence



    No Subtopics Page

    1 Introduction to Medical Adherence 2

    2 Method In Improving Medical Adherence 3

    3 Discussion 9

    4 Summary 10

    5 e!erences 11


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence



    "he #ene!its intended through the use o! medications are not !ully reali$ed #y millions

    o! people due to non% adherence that&s largely undetected' Medical adherenceis

    de!ined #y the (orld )ealth *rgani$ation +()*, as the e-tent to .hich a person/s

    #ehaviour in terms o! taing medications ! diets or e-ecuting li!estyle

    changes corresponds .ith agreed recommendations !rom the healthcare provider' In

    short medical adherence can #e understand as

    Adherence = Compliance (patients behaviour coincides with medical or health

    advice +medication consumption as instructed, % pills taken) + Persistence

    Medical adherence issue gained signi!icance since the last 40 years' )o.ever

    research in this area is still lacing .ith limited !indings' omplicating the issue o!

    adherence is the !act that the volume o! medications used today in health care .hich

    is !ar greater than that o! 40 years ago maing the !undamental issues underlying

    adherence more di!!icult to reach' (hilst the pro#lems created #y non%adherence

    progress to .orsen .ith more ris and cost'

    In the current study medical adherence as proposed #y Morisy .as

    operationali$ed to mean the e-tent to .hich patients tae prescri#ed medical

    regimens .ithout having the our issues of carelessness, problem in


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    rememberin! takin! medications, stop takin! when eelin! better and stop

    takin! when eelin! worse due to dru!s side eects.hich !ocus on patient%

    related !actor'"he #arrier in achieving medical adherence in a larger scope ho.ever

    is generally classi!ied #y ()* into " dimension

    1' Socialeconomic !actors

    2' "herapy%related !actors

    3' atient%related !actors

    4' ondition%related !actors

    5' )ealth system and healthcare team !actors


    1. Evaluation of Medical Adherence

    6valuation on ho. .ell a patient is adhering to pharmacotherapy and identi!y ris

    !actors that may predispose the individual to non%adherence is crucial #e!ore

    e!!ective customised strategies can #e devised to counteract non%adherence'

    )o.ever there is still a#sent o! gold standard method to measure medication taing

    #ehaviour in .hich #oth direct and indirect methods are temporarily in use to assess

    adherence' Direct methods involves directly o#served therapy .hich include #lood%

    level monitoring and urine assay !or the measurement o! drug meta#olites or marer

    compounds' Indirect methods o! assessing adherence on the other hand include

    patient intervie.s pill counts re!ill records and measurement o! health outcomes'

    hysicians are encouraged to try more than 1 strategy in detecting adherence in



  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    . Strategies in I!proving Medical Adherence

    Strategies to improve adherence should target the speci!ic ris !actors and causes

    identi!ied during the patient assessment' Adherence strategy may #e used alone or incom#ination #ut should #e tailored to the individual patient' Strategy #ased on !our

    Morisy elements and SIM76 intervention are among the strategies availa#le in

    improving medical adherence'

    .1 Moris"#$s %our Ele!ents Strateg#

    Adherence is 8udged #ased on !our main elementsin Morisy Medication Adherence

    Scales' "he !our elements includes !orget!ulness carelessness stop taing .hen

    !eeling #etter and stop taing .hen !eeling .orse due to drugs/ side e!!ects'


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    #$$ &or!etulness

    orget!ulness in taing medication can #e corrected #y using adherence tools such

    as compartmentali$ed pill#o-es medication calendars post%it note reminders timers

    and even high tech taling devices that sound an alarm .hen a dose is missed'

    Adherence tool though relia#le have chances o! mal!unction' Manual alertness #y

    the patient hence is the most practical' atient alertness can #e instilled #ysetting up

    a strategy in .hich medications is designed to #e taen at the same time every day

    .hich !it to their daily routine' "he ey here is to set up a cloc.or pattern o! daily

    repetition !or taing medication'

    orget!ulness can also #e prevented or improved #y involving the !amily mem#ers'amily mem#ers can #e educated .ith regimen as .ell as the techni:ue o!

    administration' ;eing the closet person to patient they can help #y reminding the

    patient .hile ensuring patient administer medicine in the correct .ay'

    #$$# Carelessness

    "o prevent carelessness in patient medical provider involved must spea in a

    simple and clear manner .hile emphasi$ing the in!ormation necessary !or

    compliance early in the communication and then repeat the same in!ormation #oth

    orally and in .riting' It is important !or medical provider involved to avoid 8argon and

    al.ays #eing alert o! the term used even simple language' "erms common to the

    practitioner such as


    A!ter the #rie!ing it is encouraged to assess patient on understanding .here#y

    patient .ill #e re:uired to descri#e their regimen as .ell as the techni:ue involved

    ver#ally or through .riting' Any misunderstanding spotted should #e highlighted and


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    corrected' I! the patient remain con!used a!ter multiple #rie!ing patient/s !amily

    mem#ers should #e ased to #e #rie!ed instead'

    #$#$' nauthorised ermination o *e!imen hen -mptoms *esides

    "he =I/m ured> Syndrome is common among patient .here#y they discontinue the

    drug prescri#ed .ithout any medical advice once their symptom remit'

    "o cur# this issue patient should #e alerted #y the e!!ect o! sel!%termination o! drug

    #y physician or pharmacist upon dispensing o! drug' atient need to #e reminded

    that they shouldn/t tae this matter into their o.n hands as there is a standard

    procedure in terminating the drug and they shall al.ays re!er to their physician or

    pharmacist !or recommendation and advice to prevent adverse e!!ect !rom theiraction' harmacist or physician should o!!er a convenient .ay !or patient to reach

    them either #y calling or through mail'

    #$#$. nauthorised ermination o *e!imen in Preventin! ide /ect

    "o prevent sel!%termination o! regimen #y patient due to side e!!ect it is important !or

    physician or pharmacist to #e honest .ith patient a#out side e!!ects' "ry to point out

    to patient that every drug has side e!!ects #ut many o! them are short%lived' Discuss

    the typical side e!!ects o! the medications that the patient is taing and suggest .ays

    !or com#ating them' or e-ample drugs .ith the side e!!ects o! an-iety and

    sleeplessness are #est taen in the morning' Sedating medications should #e taen

    at #edtime and those lined to nausea are to #e consumed on a !ull stomach'

    . SIMP&E Intervention Method

    =SIM76> intervention involves a set o! procedure .hich is designed in a .ay that it

    includes all !ive ()* dimension maing it one o! the most e!!ective intervention in

    com#ating medical non%adherence'



    impli!y the egimen

  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    In simpli!ying a regimen physician should

    ad8ust timing !re:uency amount and

    dosage o! regimen in a .ay that it is

    convenient and match to patient/s activities

    o! daily living' "o avoid missed doses

    patient should #e recommended to tae all

    medications at the same time o! day and to consider the use o! adherence aids 'I!

    medication is availa#le in simpler dosage !orm medications .ith special

    re:uirements should #e avoided and customi$ed pacaging !or patients could #e

    dispensed up to patient convenience'




    "o improve patient adherence physician should !ocus on patient%provider shared decision

    maing #y encouraging the patient to have discussions .ith physician nurse and

    pharmacist a#out the dou#t they have' It is also important !or physician or pharmacist to

    provide clear instructions +.ritten and ver#al, !or all prescriptions' or #etter grip in

    patient limit instructions to 3 or 4 ma8or points .hile using simple everyday language'

    ?se .ritten in!ormation or pamphlets and ver#al education at all encounters and al.ays

    attempt to involve !amily and !riends in the discussion .hen appropriate' rovide :uality

    .e# sites !or patients .ishing to access health education in!ormation !rom the Internet and

    #rie! them on computeri$ed sel!%instruction availa#le online !or comple- chronic

    conditions' It is also important !or physician to provide concrete advice !or ho. to cope

    .ith medication costs' ein!orce all discussions o!ten especially !or lo.%literacy patients'

    mpart @no.ledge

    hysician or pharmacist should patients to sel!%manage their condition #y

    asing patients a#out their needs' "o understand their need create an open

    dialogue .ith each patient and as a#out his or her e-pectations needs and

    e-periences in taing medication' Al.ays ensure patients understand they .ill #e at

    ris i! they don/t tae their medication #y re:uesting them to re%descri#e the

    conse:uences o! not taing their medication' e.ard system could #e considered to

    odi!y atient ;elie!s and ;ehaviour

  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    7"o prevent !rom #eing #ias in maing decision physician should learn more a#out

    lo. health literacy and ho. it a!!ects patient outcomes e-amine sel!%e!!icacy


    Modi!ying patient #elie!s is only possi#le i! a high level o! patient trust e-ists' A

    physician/s communication style is one o! the strongest predictors o! a patient/s trust in

    his or her physician' It is hence important !or a physician to ac:uire good

    communication sill' A physician .ith good communicating sill has a !e. :ualities

    .hich includes good sills practice active listening provide emotional

    support provide clear direct and thorough in!ormation elicit patient/s input in

    treatment decision%maing as .ell as allo. ade:uate time !or patients to as


    rovide ommunication and "rust

    eave the ;ias

  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    regarding care o! ethnically and socially diverse patient populationsand to

    acno.ledge #iases in medical decision%maing' It is also important !or physician to

    !re:uency revie. their o.n communication style to see i! it is patient%centered'

    6"he act o! measuring adherence is crucial in deciding the e!!ective .ays that lead to

    #etter patient compliance' "here are 2 .ays in measuring adherence .hich are direct

    and indirect methods' Direct method includes directly o#served therapy

    measurement o! drug concentration in #lood and measurement o! #iologic marer in

    the #ody' *n the counterpart indirect methods include patient sel!%report pill countspharmacy !ill data electronic medication monitoring and assessment o! patient/s

    clinical response'


    "he (orld )ealth *rgani$ation +()*, states that

  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


    e!!ects not ho. to tae or use the medication previous unpleasant

    e-periences .ith medications comple-ity o! medication regimens cognitive

    impairment and !orget!ulness' ersonal !actors including li!estyle culture and #elie!

    system is also the main contri#utor to non%adherence in patient as adherence rates

    and !actors are al.ays !ound vary in di!!erent places'

    ood adherence to.ards medications as .ell as medical advice can help people to

    control their health conditions especially those .ith chronic diseases .hich can/t rely

    on their impaired natural homeostasis to put them #ac to normal' Despite

    that adhering to prescri#ed medications are necessary to control health conditions

    medical non%adherence remains a ma8or pu#lic health pro#lem that that has #een

    called an ' Malaysia .hich has hypertension as top iller have

    seen .ith e-ceptionally high rates o! non%adherence among patient to.ards anti%hypertensive regimen .here#y !rom studies among BC o! hypertensive patients

    .ho .ere receiving treatment only 2E'3 o! their hypertension .as under control'

    Medical non%adherence causes treatment !ailure .hich increase disease mor#idity

    and mortality' (ith every treatment !ailure additional e-penditure and resource

    .astage in the area o! health care is at cost' It is estimated that total health care cost

    increase t.o !old .ith non%adherence in taing medications' (ith non%adherence

    remain unsolved medical resources .ill continue to #e under%utili$ed including

    hospitali$ation o! non%adherent patients .hich increase #urden on health care

    .orers' harmacies also lose revenue #ecause patients o!ten !ail to re!ill

    prescription medications especially !or chronic disease


    6!!ective prevention and solution are al.ays lined to ho. highly customised or

    designed the steps taen are' 6valuation o! adherence hence play a crucial part in

    the e!!ort o! improving patient/s medication adherence as it lead physician or other

    healthcare pro!essional involved to the #est patient% customised strategies' Among

    the strategies availa#le are Morisy/s !our element #ased !actors .ith corresponding

    solution and SIM76 intervention' SIM76 intervention .hich is a set o! procedure

    involving all !ive ()* dimension is .idely used !or its high e!!ectiveness in improving

    medical adherence in patient' It is al.ays important to note that one%si$e%!it approach

    is not the #est option .hen e!!ectiveness is the aspiration'


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence



    1' Million )earts +, Improving Medication Adherence Among Patients with

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    2' hangF'"anG' Isha' +, "eview of the fo#r item Moris$y Medication

    Adherence Scale %MMAS&'( and eight item Moris$y Medication Adherence

    Scale %MMAS&)(,Availa#le


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    at http://wwwacademiaed#/0.-)0/Medical!Adherence!in!Malaysia +Acce

    ssed 15th Fanuary 2015,'


  • 7/25/2019 Medical Adherence


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    epdf+Accessed 15th Fanuary 2015,'11' )onig#erg orden M ( A' +2011, S#pporting Patient

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