media film clips

Cinematography The first shot in the film is a tracking shot which focuses in to the birthday cake and the child. The shot is a wide shot which then moves in to a close up shot.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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The first shot in the film is a tracking shot which focuses in to the birthday cake and the child. The shot is a wide shot which then moves in to a close up shot.

Page 2: Media film clips

The camera shot in clip 3 is a static POV shot which shows a girl (Jessie) blowing out candles, you can see it’s a static POV because it looks down at the cake while she blows the candle out.

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This scene is a close up shot of the character showing what she is like after the accident and that she was injured because she is in hospital but she is confused on where she is and why she is there. It then shows a mid shot of her getting out of bed and pulling all the tubes that’s helping her live.

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This shot is a cut away to a heart beat monitor which then adds tension to the scene because it makes the noise of having no heart beat

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This shot in the clip is a trombone shows which shows shock towards the audience it also shows the realization of the darkness coming for her and that is why she runs because she is scared and she doesn't know what is going on.

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This is a steadicam wide shot following the character as she runs away from the darkness because she is scared of what lurks in it. The next scene you see the darkness catching up to the character which makes it intense for the audience to watch.

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This is a two shot between both characters as one comforts the other it is also a 360 tracking shot going round the characters showing everything going on around them.

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In this scene there is a close up of a character crying because of what her friend has gone trough, this creates emotion and shows the audience that it has effected the characters.

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In this scene you see both characters in the middle of the floor as everything is going on around them its also a two shot wide shot of them two crying.

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