media eval 2

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media conventions. Technical.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Media eval 2

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media conventions.


Page 2: Media eval 2

Camera shots.To use forms and conventions of real soaps we used camera shots that are regularly used in all soaps.

The use of a close up shows the emotion in the face so the audience can understand the situation and the mood the character is on. Here Kieran is seen to be upset and confused.

We used medium shots to show the character and to show the scene. But by only using a medium shot instead of a long shot doesnt give too much detail or too much away. E.g emotion in characters face.

To mimic a typical soap we used over the shoulder shot to make the audience feel like they are in the shot and to show location and emotion.

Whereas using the long shots enable the audience to see the mise en scene.

Page 3: Media eval 2

Similarities, differences and subverting media in our trailer compared to other existing products.

Used-Over the shoulder shots-Gives the audience the feeling that they are there-Shows what character is looking at-Use of props (Coffee mug)

Developed-No soundtrack in the background to create emotion- Props used in every day life- shows working/middle class.

Challenged -Props looks less glamorous and expensive. For example, In my soap Northern Rock the characters look like they are in a cafe, whereas in Towie they look like they are in a expensive bar.

Page 4: Media eval 2

Used, developed challenged - Costumes

Used-All characters are on the billboard.-All looking directly at the camera, and portraying the moods of the characters and the storylines.

Developed-Characters are not on a background, but placed in front of a red background, red being a uni sex colour with connotations of danger and love, which are in the storylines.

Challenged-The stars in Northern Rock are wearing casual clothes, showing that they are middle/working class, and reflecting its target audience, unlike Made in Chelsea who are in ball gowns and suits.

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Used, developed, challenged – Locations.

Used-Northern Rock has used Piccadilly Train station, Made in Chelsea has used Heathrow airport, both recognisable to their audience, creating brand identity.

Developed-Northern Rock used a train station to represent a working/ middle class audience. Also this looks less glamorous than a airport.

Challenged-Characters still look they have made an effort, for example with their make up, hair and clothing, yet it is clear to the audience they are working/middle class by the use of locations such as a train station instead of an airport, and a cafe instead of a bar, challenging the codes and conventions of a soap such as Made in Chelsea.