eval 2 for media

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Research (Film Poster)

Before I could start even planning my own project I had to research already existing products and thanks to the Internet this task wasn't too difficult. I turned to the biggest search engine there is - Google - and of course wasn't disappointed. Even if I wasn't sure what kind of film poster I wanted to make as long as I had an idea about what genre I wanted my film to be I could look at already existing film posters and get inspired

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Research (Film Magazine)

I did the same when I was researching into existing film magazines as I did with film posters. I looked at past covers from Empire, Film, VUE and Entertainment. It seemed that all film magazines prefered showy blockbuster style covers but after digging a little deeper into the Empire Magazine I found out that about 10 years ago they kept their covers pretty chic. I was able to find out all of this thanks to the infinite archyves of Google.

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Research (Teaser Trailer)

The most convienient way to research already existing teaser trailers was to look on youtube. Youtube is the biggest video streaming website in the world and therefore if you want your video to be seen it's an ideal place for promotion. Romantic films don't do teaser trailers very often and tend to go straight to the 2-3 minute trailers so I had to look at any teaser trailer I could find and combine it with romantic trailers and see what I could come up with.

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All of my planning and research was recorded with the help of online diary - Blogger. This way I made sure that everything was in one place and it didn't recuire any printing, handwriting or carrying around. Also it reduced the chances of my work being lost - the minute I uploaded it to the internet it was archyved in it's infinite library and I could still possibly find it. By using blogger I also was able to analyse trailers which would not be possible if I tried to keep all of my planning in a skechbook - I could directly connect the two. And last thing but not least - my teacher could keep track of my work whenever they wanted because it is available at all times.

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Construction (Poster)

To create my film poster I used picture manipulating sofware Photoshop. At college was able to use newer Photoshop version but at home I have CS2 and it did it's job just as well. My film poster is pretty straightforward - two photographs and variations of text. I wanted to keep it simple and clean but still interesting. Everytime I didn't know how to do a certain action I would go on youtube and look for a tutorial.

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Construction (Magazine)

Just as I did with the construction of my poster I used Photoshop to create my Film Magazine. In my opinion it's the best picture manipulating software so far and it allows you to do pretty much anything you want with the image. The variety of fonts was very helpful as well because it meant I could express different articles better and also I could manipulate the titles in any way I wanted.

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Construction (Teaser Trailer)

I had a couple of choices when it came to filming my teaser trailer. I could use a professional filming camera, hand camcorder or a DSLR. It would make sense to use the professional camera that the college was able to provide but it was just so big, heavy and difficult to transport that I gave up on it. Another option I had was a hand camcorder but I just didn't like the quality of it. In the end I decided to try out a DSLR and altough they were not made for filming but rather taking photographs - the lenses were the turning point. Just by changing lenses I was able to experiment with different depths of field, aperture and angles.

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Construction (Teaser Trailer) #2

To put together all of the clips I filmed I used video manipulating software Final Cut Pro. Just like Photoshop it's one of the best softwares out there and thankfully the college had Macs that were equipped with it. Have to say it's a very complicated and confusing software but it can do pretty much anything you want with your footage. I can easily say that I didn't use it to it's full extend but I tried my best and I am quite pleased with the final piece.

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Evaluation Stages

For my evalu ation I used quite a few different ways to answer each quoestion. I answered the first question with the help of Prezi - fancy equivalent to PowerPoint. I made a good use out of PowerPoint as well and with the help of SlideShare was able to upload everything onto my blog. To answer the question about audience feedback I asked the audience first hand what they thought and filmed everything into a short clip. After that I wrote down everything that I learned from the feedback and presented it as a part of the 'Evaluation' page on my blog.