measurement of body temperature, fat and movement


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A temperature is a degree of hotness or coldness of a body. It is measured, typically by a thermometer through the bulk behavior of a thermometric material, detection of heat, radiation or by particle velocity or kinetic energy. It may be calibrated in any of various temperature scales E.g. Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

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WHAT IS A FEVER?In most adults, an oral temperature above 37.8°c (100°f) or a rectal or ear temperature above 38.3°c (101°f) is considered a fever. a child has a fever when his or her rectal temperature is 38°c (100.4°f) or higher or the armpit (axillary) temperature is 37.4°c (99.3°f) or higher.

What is normal body temperature?

Most people think of a "normal" body temperature as anoral temperature of 37°C (98.6°F). This is an average ofnormal body temperatures. Your temperature mayactually be 0.6°C (1°F) or more above or below 37°C(98.6°F). Also, your normal body temperature changes byas much as 0.6°C (1°F) throughout the day, depending onhow active you are and the time of day. Normal humanbody temperature, also known as normothermia oreuthermia

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Mercury Thermometers are very consistent and theyhold their readings. If patients are too busy to read theirthermometers (while driving, for example) when it’stime, they can take the thermometers out and read themlater.

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Liquid metal thermometer (notmercury). We think they’re betterthan mercury thermometers ever were.For one thing, they provide accuratereadings in only 3 minutes

Glass Alcohol thermometers are veryconsistent but frequently don’t hold theirreadings. They usually contain a red liquid.These thermometers are fine as long asyou read them right away.

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Diurnal variation in body temperature, ranging from about 37.5 °C from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and falling to about 36.4 °C from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.

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Hyperthermia:- Occurs when the bodyproduces or absorbs more heat than it candissipate. Hyperthermia at or above about40 °C (104 °F) is a life-threatening medicalemergency that requires immediate treatment.Severe hyperthermia is called heat stroke.Hypothermia:- Body temperature drops belowthat required for normal metabolism andbodily functions. Symptoms usually appearwhen the body's core temperature drops by 1-2 °C (1.8-3.6 °F) below normal temperature

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SKINFOLD THICKNESS:- This is measuredto obtain the estimate percentage fat inthe body

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CALIPERS1. The calipers are placed along the foldand 1 cm below the point of grip2. Do NOT let the fold go, but wait 2-4seconds and NOTE the reading obtained.3. The result should be recorded4. This should be taken from 4 SITES

-Biceps site-Triceps site -Subscapular site-Suprailiac site(prustration of the hip bone)

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There are two commonly usedinstrument for the measurement ofbody movement.



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A goniometer is a device used in physicaltherapy to measure the range of motionaround a joint in the body. The wordgoniometer is derived from the Greek termsgonia and metron, which mean angle andmeasure, respectively.

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Goniometers come in different sizes. Smallgoniometers are available to measure rangeof motion around the joints of your fingers,thumbs and hands. Large goniometers areused to measure the range of motion aroundyour hips or knees. There are alsogoniometers that strap to your body partthat can measure range of motion while youmove. Digital goniometers are also available,but these are rarely seen in a typical physicaltherapy clinic as they are quite expensive.

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Accelerometry offers a practical and lowcost method of objectively monitoringhuman movements, and has particularapplicability to the monitoring of free-livingsubjects. Accelerometers have been used tomonitor a range of different movements,including gait, sit-to-stand transfers,postural sway and falls. They have also beenused to measure physical activity levels andto identify and classify movementsperformed by subjects

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