mcp application amy ho


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Page 1: MCP Application Amy Ho

ApplicAtion for

Mcp 2016-2017of AiESEc US

Amy Hoplatform:

Page 2: MCP Application Amy Ho

I’m incredibly excited to introduce my platform!The link above is to a website that outlines my background and motivation for applying to the MCP position; my vision for AIESEC US; the ideological framework I have used to create my main strategies and projects; and a few specific projects. There is also a five minute TL;DR video at the end, where I go through the main pieces of my platform that are covered in the website.

Please enjoy, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have! (I prefer email, but Facebook or text message will also work.)

General Information1. Name: Amy Ho2. LC: Yale3. Email: [email protected]. Phone number: (848) 565 · 89455. Nationality: USA6. Birthdate: 17 · 09 · 19947. Address: 111 Bishop Street, New Haven, CT 06511

Logistical Information1. Will you be able to attend WNC in Fort Worth, Texas from December 29th to the 4th of January? Yes2. Will you be able to attend International Presidents Meeting from the 19th of February to the 2nd of March? Yes3. When is the soonest you could begin transition full time in New York after your election? I could spent 2-3 days a week in New York immediately after my election for transition purposes. I should be able to begin full time transition starting May 1, excluding a few days for finals and graduation.4. As of right now, are you legally allowed to hold a CEO position in the United States? Explain why? Yes; I am a United States citizen

See my platform

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My Background My parents are Chinese immigrants, and I was mostly raised by my maternal grandparents, who are well-known professors in China. Because both of my parents had parents who were professors, they suffered a great deal during the Cultural Revolution, and came to America disillusioned with communism. My parents and grandparents taught me to love and respect my culture and my people, to understand that wanting to change something for the better means believing that it can change for the better, and that loving your country does not equate to loving your government. In college, I’ve majored in chemical engineering while taking classes in gender studies, public policy, literature, and more. Not only was I a part of AIESEC, but I have also been part of the journalism community for years; led part of the social design community; and sang Bollywood songs in a South Asian a cappella group, without knowing any South Asian languages (the videos are online somewhere, if you’re curious). I’ve intentionally sought out diverse experiences so that I can learn more about different situations and different people, to add more tools that I can use to deal with all of the strange things life throws at you.

My Motivation After I was raped during the first month of my freshman year at college, I lost all faith in humanity. I did not trust people and did not ever think I would again. A few months later, I ended up attending Winter National Conference 2012-13 in Indianapolis, because I couldn’t face being home for winter break. At the end of the conference, all the delegates walked around a room lit by candlelight, reading EBs’ visions and inspirational words stuck up on the wall on butcher paper. I cried, because I had never thought that hope could be a tangible thing, and because I suddenly wanted to live again if it meant meeting and connecting with more people like the AIESECers I met at that conference. Throughout my AIESEC career, I have continued to meet more amazing people. I have grown frustrated with AIESEC, with our outdated systems, with our confusion, and have thought about leaving the organization many times. I didn’t have enough time; going to conferences cost too much; the work could be tediously repetitive; and when I was proud of something I did, the wheel was just reinvented again the next time. Each time, however, I have been pulled back by the people. AIESECers are driven and compassionate, a combination that is rare. I am applying for MCP because I don’t want future AIESECers to experience the kind of frustration with the system that I did, to the extent where it drives them to leave the organization. I want all AIESECers to be able to take full advantage of our most precious resource—each other—for personal development and change that can revolutionize the world. I want to remove the barriers that are currently preventing AIESECers from getting everything they can out of the core of what makes AIESEC great.

About Me:Background and Motivation

I am the MCP that can maximize all that is good about AIESEC US, to the benefit of

AIESECers and everyone we impact.

*Note: this can also be found on my website at

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About Me:Current and Past Achievements/Roles

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About Me:Current and Past Achievements/Roles (cont.)

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About Me:Strengths and Weaknesses

According to, I am an ENFJ-T (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, Turbulent). This personality is described as “The Protagonist”.

According to the Belbin Team Roles framework, in a team environment, I tend to be a Resource

Investigator and Implementer.

According to Dey Dos’ Leadership Styles questionnaire, I am a Synergist.

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About Me:Strengths and Weaknesses (cont.)

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The AIESEC Way The most important part of the AIESEC Way, for me, was the How. I find it incredibly important that we affirming our trust in and focus on youth, not just as a general “our children are our future” statement, but as future leaders. This is especially relevant, given the disconnect today between youth and the current systems the world runs on: there are articles everywhere about how our generation haven’t developed perseverance or grittiness, that we’re being coddled and cannot face life’s challenges; in the meantime, there are also many articles about young people who strike out on their own by dropping out of college and/or starting their own businesses because they are tired of a system that doesn’t value or expect them to contribute in meaningful ways. I’ve seen this reflected in the creation of Design for America, another organization I’ve spent a lot of time working for. The idea behind DFA was essentially that colleges were not teaching us the skills necessary to solve social issues, nor allowing us to apply the abstract skills we did learn in class. I truly believe that AIESEC is the world’s best hope. Can you imagine what will happen to the world when we engage and develop every single young person?

The AIESEC US Manifesto When Dey Dos sat those of us in the LCP track down that fateful SNC and impressed upon us how vital it was that AIESEC US get its act together, both as an entity and as an exchange body, we knew something had to be done. AIESEC had never felt so urgent in the US, and we had to make sure that that national plenary felt the same way. And it needed to happen immediately, or the momentum would be lost. From that moment, the AIESEC US Manifesto was created. The statement that resonates most with me is the idea that the quality of our members’ experience is directly tied to whether or not we fulfill our mission as

an organization. This is related to the AIESEC Way statement above, but this is AIESEC US saying it with one voice. AIESEC’s greatest strength is our people, but we under-utilize this precious resource. I believe that providing our members with the tools and opportunities needed for development is key to growing our entity and exchange results. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh talks about this in his book Delivering Happiness, but essentially it comes down to this: “It’s about giving employees permission and encouraging them to just be themselves... There’s a lot of talk about work-life separation or balance and so on, whereas our whole thing is about work-life integration. It’s just life.” AIESEC is about doing work that impacts people’s lives and that, in the process, impacts ours as well. My platform centers on making the member experience better by giving our members more tools—data, education, communication systems, other people—and opportunities, so that they can love what they do and do it better.

Our Relevance:The AIESEC Way and the Manifesto













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iGIP Target the cities where we have the most alumni. Our biggest market is people who already know about and believe in our mission. Some of our biggest contracts in the past have come from alumni referrals, current partners, or partner referrals. If we can capitalize on relationships with a few large US-based companies, this could be a gamechanger for us. Our brand would increase significantly in the professional world if we could connect ourselves with and be endorsed by these companies, which would lead to fewer “Have you heard of us?” questions during cold calls and meetings in the long run.

How?1) By working more in tandem with AIESEC Life2) By starting IGs in markets with large numbers of alumni where we do not have an LC3) By creating a framework for LC-LC co sales; schools such as Yale, Cornell, and Berkeley, just to name a few, have strong alumni networks in many of our City LCs, such as Dallas, Boston, and New York City, just to name a few4) By utilizing the Regional Committee structure to coordinate sales nationally/regionally

iGCDP Apply for support from foundations. We can leverage our partnership with the United Nations in order to get our name out there in the non-profit world. This can help us later on because many non-profits do not have the funds necessary to pay for our TNs; by using foundation grants, we not only have brand legitimacy, but we also have revenue while still providing a meaningful product.

How?1) By tapping into AIESEC alumni who work for non-profits or foundations2) By training Finance to apply for such grants; my MC VP Finance will have dedicated time to do just that on a national level

Our Relevance:The Market in 2016-2017

ICX Market AnalysisoGIP Undergraduate seniors. Our youth unemployment rate is currently 11%, which means that many college students are graduating without knowing what their next steps are. We can tap into this market and provide a meaningful experience for students that will also increase their professional skills.

How?1) By holding our own career fair, just as bigger, better-branded companies do; we could perhaps even bring in our global partners to represent their companies, if we’re looking at a GIP with a global partner2) By partnering with other organizations to teach students the skills they need to be competitive for many GIPs. Students do not necessarily want to do GIP Teaching, but often this is all they are qualified for. By partnering with design organizations and tech startups, we can make students into competitive candidates for GIP Marketing and GIP IT.

oGCDP Trimester schools. Students at schools with a trimester system, such as Dartmouth, Union College, CalTech, and Lawrence University, have more relaxed schedules, allowing them to potentially take a trimester off during the winter to participate in oGCDP Winter Peak.

How?1) By starting IGs at trimester schools where we do not have an LC2) Sending out newsletters of opportunities as soon as we find them; even if the deadlines/dates do not match, it gives people a taste of what’s out there3) By partnering with Buzzfeed and other LCs; we can provide a network of information about cultures and communities for articles, thus boosting our brand with youth

OGX Market Analysis

Literally everyone. How?1) By partnering with our global and national partners, such as PwC, who can put our members on their hiring short lists; this can increase our brand as an organization that provides professional experiences2) By continuing to write our own content on forums like Medium and partnering with up-and-coming online media such as Vox and Slate

Global Leader Market Analysis

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Our Contribution to the Global Network Companies around the world are looking for American talent, and students are looking for opportunities in America. If AIESEC in the US were to reach .001% penetration of our corporate and student markets (we’re not even talking about iGCDP here), we would have respectively 6,300 iGIP TNs and 20,200 OGX EPs. This would revolutionize AIESEC. However, our current state of operation simply does not allow us to reach those numbers. We are a global bottleneck in ICX and oGIP. Indirectly, we are also a bottleneck in branding: if the AIESEC brand were strong in the US, it would spread, both for students (think Buzzfeed) and for companies (mainly through the endorsements of large multi-national corporations). Beyond the issue of exchange, we are also AIESEC International’s biggest financial contributor. This means that if we are unable to keep our budget in the black, then AIESEC International is also unable to operate. On the flip-side, paying so much for AIESEC International means that we also want to hold them more accountable for what they have promised to do. After all, we’re paying 50% of their salaries. As for our membership, if we can develop our members’ know-how, we can create opportunities for them in the form of CEEDerships around the world. We need more opportunities in Western Europe? Let’s send a CEED over to show them how to do it. We need better analytics from EXPA? Let’s send a CEED to AI to take a look.

Partner EntitiesAfrica: Nigeria, Tanzania, and Kenya Africa is home to some of the fastest-growing economies. While quality is definitely a concern, taking EPs from Africa, who could return to their home countries to prevent brain drain and possibly help their companies start offices there, and sending EPs to Africa would go a long way towards purpose and relevance on a global scale. Nigeria, Tanzania, and Kenya in particular have had successful TNs in the past, and currently offer Global Entrepreneur.

MENA: Turkey and Pakistan With everything happening globally, it is important to have cultural understanding between the Middle East and the US. Turkey and Pakistan specifically have Global Entrepreneur programs, although again, quality is a concern.

AP: China and India China and India are the largest-growing countries in terms of population, and two of the fastest-growing economies as well. They are and will continue to be important players on the world stage in the future.

IGN: Mexico Cultural understanding between the US and one of its neighbors is crucial, particularly considering the dialogue surrounding illegal immigration in the US today.

Our Relevance:The Global Network and Partner Entities

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Increasing focus on IT Effect on iGIP: There is a massive need for IT talent in companies, to the extent where IT staff is the fourth hardest job to fill. There’s massive potential here to tap into for our iGIP program, particularly if we partner with WENA, AP, and other countries that companies are looking to hire from.

Effect on our customer service: Projections currently indicate that online sales will jump to $3.2 trillion dollars by 2017. Our customers, companies and students alike, are looking for better service and support in a more easily accessible manner. We need to further develop our current online platforms and begin to develop our mobile platforms.

Effect on TMP/TLP: We need to increase our emphasis on learning IT skills in AIESEC. We offer professional development in sales, marketing, finance, and talent development, but we are missing a key component that has become essential to a millennial’s resume: understanding of technology. This lack will hurt our members and our brand; we cannot be the voice of the future if we cannot communicate in the language of the


Increase in study abroad Effect on OGX: 290,000 college students studied abroad in 2012-2013, and that number is only growing. Moreover, study abroad and AIESEC are not mutually exclusive; rather, students who study abroad are likely to want to go abroad again. We need to capitalize on this demand, particularly in the middle of the country where opportunities for such international experiences are in shorter supply than on the coasts.

Increase in the value and number of thought leadership conferences Effect on TMP/TLP: As conferences like TED, Inspire, and AdobeMAX increase in number, AIESEC can tap into this trend in two ways: 1) to provide our members with opportunities to attend and benefit from these conferences, and 2) to provide thought leadership during these conferences ourselves. (More on this last trend later, in the Blank Page Challenge.)

Our Current State

External Analysis: TrendsTrends holding us back Decreased communication: There is a significant lack of communication not just between LCs and the MC, but between LCs. Increasing the number of regions also means decreasing the size of reigons, meaning that LCs only interface with one or two other LCs. The loss of a regional structure decreases the number of times LCs interface as well.

Focusing on short term goals instead of building a foundation for long term growth: Our rapid turnover means that each team is focused on its successes, rather than on paving the way for future successes. The question, especially on a national level, should not be “What are we achieving tomorrow?” but rather “How do we achieve in ten years?”

Relying on individual stars to grow programs: This is not only unsustainable because of our turnover rate and lack of knowledge transition, but also deprives our members of a meaningful membership experience.

Financial instability: AIESEC US lacks financial understanding and know-how; while this has always been a problem, this turned into a crisis for many LCs when financial sustainability was tied to the membership model.

Trends for growth More intentional TMP/TLP: With the development of the LDM and emphasis on fully fleshing out LEAD and the Global Leader program, we are now poised to deliver membership experiences that are meaningful and useful.

Greater focus on exchange quality: The introduction of Standards and Satisfaction, Net Promoter Scores, and more indicate that AIESEC US is moving towards not just a higher number of experiences, but a higher number of meaningful experiences so that we can deliver on our promises.

Greater urgency for AIESEC’s purpose in the US: The Manifesto and recent tragic national news have shown that not only is AIESEC still relevant needed in the US, but that our members recognize it. While this is not a trend I am necessarily happy about, as it comes because of sadness, it is one that we can help with.

Internal Analysis: Trends

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My Vision for the Future of AIESEC United States as a Unified Entity

As a national entity, we collaborate within a system that allows us to support each other and build off of each other’s work. We look at not only problems, to fix them, but at solutions, to expand their scope, and at results, to maximize them. We feel

connected, strong together, supportive, and supported.

My Plan and Direction:Looking to the Future

*Note: this can also be found on my website at

My Vision for the Future of AIESEC Membership

As AIESECers, we will feel supported and valued through continuous touchpoints on a local, regional, and national level. We will feel confident in our ability to learn and grow, building on the wisdom of AIESECers past. We know that we can figure out how to do

something, and how to do it right; we know that someone always has our back, and that our voices are being heard and being used to craft national strategy.

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MC 212°’s contributions· Creation of AD as a separate function· Creation of IM as a separate function· Emphasis on Podio and information management: “if it’s not on Podio, it didn’t happen”· Beginnings of real finance· Beginnings of usiness-to-business marketing· First ever OGX country partners· Growth model

MC Beyond’s contributions· Piloting of Regional Support Team· Manifesto creation· Leadership Development Model· Membership model· First ever targeted IGs· HappyFox· Piloting of MC-LC co-sales· International SOS· Fluid Review

MC Rise’s contributions (thus far)· Launch of Global Entrepreneur· Beginnings of sustainable, national corporate sponsorship· Launch of iGCDP

My Plan and Direction:Building from the Past

MC 212°

MC Beyond

MC Rise

AIESEC International has suggested this number based on market research and potential as an entity. In order to reach

this exchange goal, I plan on building off of each of these contributions, particularly the growth in finance, internal

structures (namely MC-LC co-sales and the Regional Support Team), and knowledge management. For more

information, please see my platform.

2,000exchange goal for


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How will I accomplish this?1) Shifting financial and educational burdens away from LCs2) Focusing on building tools and creating opportunities for member development3) Implementing a system that allows members to get the most from each other

Which needs will I address, and how?1) Physiological needs, through increased regional support and better knowledge retention2) Safety needs, through financial reallocation3) Love/belonging needs, through integrated communication and more touchpoints4) Esteem needs, through regional leadership opportunities and value recognition

My Plan and Direction:Entity Growth

By the end of my term, 100% of LCs will be General Members, and there will be an

established IG Growth Model for turning an IG into a General Member within a year

*Note: this can also be found on my website at

I plan on developing entities by addressing basic needs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes the stages of human psychological development. What happens when we apply the ideas of his hierarchy to AIESEC, for organizational development? The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called “deficiency needs”. If these “deficiency needs” are not met – with the exception of the most fundamental (physiological) need – there may not be a physical indication, but the individual will feel anxious and tense. Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. In AIESEC, our members’ experiences are being compromised because their deficiency needs in the organization are not being met. If an LC or member’s four basic needs are not met, that member will not be able to fully achieve the Inner Journey, and the entity will not grow. So, to encourage growth, we need to take care of the deficiency needs first. This involves providing financial support, education, a communications system to connect the network, and respect for all members and entities within the network.

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Scrum Master: Removing Barriers to Completion Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development methodology for managing product development. A key principle of scrum is its recognition that unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional predictive or planned manner. As such, scrum accepts that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team’s ability to deliver quickly, to respond to emerging requirements and to adapt to evolving technologies and changes in market conditions. While AIESEC does not do software development, we are in the business of product development, where our products are the experiences we provide our members, our exchange participants, and our partner companies/organizations. My key takeaway from the scrum methodology is the role of the scrum master, who is accountable for removing impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the product goals and deliverables. The scrum master is not a traditional team lead or project manager, but acts as a buffer between the team and any distracting influences. If we consider AIESEC’s hierarchy of needs as the impediments to the ability of our members and LCs to deliver on their goals, we now need a scrum master. I believe that the MCP is the scrum master for the MC, which as a whole is the scrum master for the RCs (Regional Committees, which I’ll get to later), which are in turn the scrum master for the LC EBs, who are the scrum masters for their members; and so on, with each level being the scrum masters for the next level(s) they’re managing. This allows us to continuously remove barriers to delivery, so that the team as a whole can reach its goal.

My Plan and Direction:Leadership

*Note: this can also be found on my website at

proposed MC structureproposed flow of

information structure

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Address the biggest opportunity facing AIESEC US today

The biggest opportunity facing AIESEC US today is the prevalence and value of thought leadership. Thought leadership

conferences are up and coming in the corporate world. CVent hosts one every year for event management; AdobeMAX for design; Better World by Design for social design; TED talks; SXSW for tech; and more! How can we get in on the action?

Conference attendance This past summer, I attended CVent Connect, an event management conference in Las Vegas. It completely revolutionized the way that I understand conferences, delegate experience, and sponsorship. In addition to educating me on new techniques and introducing me to the world of corporate conferences, the conference also linked me with many key players in the industry, ranging from hotels to event planners and other non-profits. One person I met at the conference ended up helping me develop new sponsorship tiers, based on industry standards and our market potential. Another person actually happened to be a past AIESECer from Japan.

Attendance to these conferences could give our members incredible learning and networking opportunities, which will help both our ICX exchange numbers and our TMP/TLP product. We can tap into this trend by utilizing our alumni network, many of whom attend these conferences, and also by simply reaching out and asking for donated delegate spots (which is how I was able to attend CVent Connect).

Meaningful sessions at AIESEC conferences More than just attending other people’s better conferences, we can make our own conferences better by bringing in thought leaders from different industries to educate and talk to our members at conferences. For example, have Goldman Sachs and Deloitte come talk to our finance tracks. This not only decreases the educational burden on AIESEC leadership, but also increases the quality of our education and, in doing so, improves our members’ experiences.

Receiving Thought LeadershipSpeaking at other conferences We as AIESEC should brand ourselves as thought leaders in youth leadership and cultural awareness. Our alumni have spoken about AIESEC at local TEDx conferences (Cole Wirpel); have led panels on skill transferrability and marketing (Kristen Hwang); and more. Why shouldn’t we be speaking at recruiting conferences, and entrepreneurship conferences? Unfortunately, it’s really hard to make this step happen in a big way without first receiving thought leadership through conference attendance. However, TEDx talks are something anyone with a local TEDx can apply for. In addition, we can talk to alumni who have spoken at conferences and ask them to name-drop AIESEC and also to put our names in the ring for youth thought leadership. It’s all about the referrals!

Turning our conferences into thought leadership conferences: Y2B Our very own Youth to Business conferences are also great opportunities for thought leadership. Currently, the main problem with them is a lack of external awareness that they exist. Here agin is where first receiving thought leadership becomes key: during conferences we attend, we can advertise our own Y2B, perhaps with a discounted delegate fee for people we have met at thought leadership conferences.

The upcoming event with the UN is a fantastic way for us to get our names out there, but the key is not to let that momentum wane: we will need to continue to output content on multiple platforms that demonstrates our thought leadership.

(Why is becoming a thought leader valuable?)

Becoming a Thought Leader

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Endorsement from home entity

Dear AIESEC in the United States,

We are writing this letter to endorse Amy Ho’s candidacy for the Member Committee President of AIESEC in the United States for the term of 2016.2017. We have had the distinct privilege of working with Amy over the last few years and her burning passion and unyielding commitment to the organization have really made a difference for our LC and will make a difference for this entity if she is selected for MCP. There are very few people in AIESEC in the US today who have the same kind of determination that Amy has, something she is very well know for.

Amy’s experience in AIESEC in the US dates back before she even started college, when she went on a traineeship to Hungary. It was there she fell in love with the organization and immediately joined during her first semester at Yale. She very soon stepped up and took charge of a struggling function, Marketing, and brought a revolution to how the team operated. She launched new innovative marketing initiatives to get our name out to campus and really held her team responsible for making a real change in the way marketing was run. Upon the completion of her role she then moved on to become a regional coordinator for the North East Beast Region, as well as facilitate at many conferences. Her work as a regional coordinator was immensely helpful for the north east LCPs and making sure responsibility was shared evenly between the LCs. She has also been involved in many Board of Directors initiatives on the national level and has an acute understanding of how AIESEC functions beyond the local level.

In our LC, Amy is a source of knowledge and inspiration. She understands the history of the organization, its mission, and its role in the future. Members at all levels of the LC frequently come to Amy for coaching on finances, strategy, and marketing, because she is always able to offer ideas and support. Amy is also eager to hear others’ ideas. Her leadership style is non-hierarchical. She creates a team culture where all ideas are heard and respected. She frequently asks others for feedback on ideas, and often sends along documents and data to others when they are in need of help. Overall, Amy’s AIESEC career has been marked by dedication and passion. It is clear that this organization and its future, are of utmost importance to Amy.

With confidence and pride, we endorse Amy for Member Committee President. We believe that her dedication, determination and love of AIESEC will help her carry AIESEC United States forward into a strong future.


Rachel Prince Nancy Wang Local Committee President 2016 Local Committee President 2013 AIESEC at Yale University AIESEC at Yale University

Attila Yaman Linda Sewnarine Local Committee President 2015 Local Committee President 2012 AIESEC at Yale University AIESEC at Yale University

Ling Li Kevin Ho Local Committee President 2014 Local Committee President 2010-2011 AIESEC at Yale University AIESEC at Yale University

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Endorsement from an affiliated person or entity within AIESEC

To whom it may concern,

My name is Bogdan Manea, current MCP of AIESEC in Romania for the term 15.16 and I’m writing this letter to endorse Amy Ho in her application for the MCP of AIESEC for US, for the term 2016-2017.

In the term 2014-2015, I was MCVP Operations of AIESEC in Colombia and I got the chance to work with Amy in February 2015 while I was chairing RoCKs NorthEast Beast and she was conference manager. From early on I was definitely impressed with the way she was managing everything because until the very start of the conference, many external things were going against her. But the way she carried herself through, being on top of everything, it showed amazing core behaviors that impressed me about her. Because at the end of the day, the behaviors of a leader will carry the organization and the vision further.

Speaking of her vision for AIESEC for US, I could easily grasp it, even from an external perspective, which talks about the clarity and simplicity with which she is running for MCP. Even though not coming from an MC experience, I admire her pure will and determination to shoot for the top and coupled with her core behaviors, make Amy one of the most interesting contenders for an MCP applicant.

I think the phrase to describe Amy’s working style is “Work hard, play hard. Be proud of what you are doing and let the results make the noise”. Seeing her work in the conference really stuck this to my mind and she was a constant source of inspiration for me during my chairing experience.

She is smart, goals oriented, structured and deadline oriented. What a great combination.

All the facts mentioned above, I endorse Amy Ho for her application as MCP of AIESEC for US, 2016-2017 and I’m looking forward to her process.

Kind regards,

Bogdan Manea

MCP 2015-2016

AIESEC in Romania

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Endorsement from an external

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Endorsement from an external (cont.)

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Amy Ho [email protected] Haven, CT


Mandarin Chinese (native)French (basic)Danish (basic)PythonHTML/CSSCSQLPHP


Work Experience

10 Speed LabsIT Project Management Intern

· Developed, built, and launched a system on a new softwareplatform for a client, which increased efficiency and reducedemployee man hours by 6 hours/week/employee

· Managed integration, employee onboarding, and quality assurancefor system sustainability

ExxonMobil Chemical Co.Business Intern, Basic Chemicals Department

· Built interactive dashboards for advanced data analytics capability,which significantly improved employee productivity

· Researched and reported on market and technical trends in thebasic chemicals industry

NYSE EuronextBusiness Intern, Office of the US CIO

· Wrote tutorial for Microsoft Access for employee onboarding· Analyzed information technology tickets, change tasks, and

monthly billing data using Excel and Python programs

Activities and Leadership

Yale UniversityEngineering Sciences (Chemical)B.S., 2016GPA: 3.2/4.0

Relevant Test ScoresSAT (2370)Math: 770Verbal: 800Subject SATs in Chemistry (800), Math Level II (800), & Literature (800)

May — September 2015

May — August 2014

May — August 2013

AIESEC in the United StatesEntity Control Board Education Manager

· Helped develop the new AIESEC US Exchange Program Policies· Created educational content as well as surveys for the website and for broader dissemination

· Drafted a quality tracker/educational tool

Northeast Regional Coordinator· Coordinated a five-person team to provide financial and

management coaching for five chapters· Organized and executed a conference for 100 delegates

VP of Marketing, AIESEC Yale· Improved local and national marketing practices to provide

increased sales support, resulting in a 2x increase in conversion rate

Design for America at YaleStudio Leader (President)

· Set organization vision and led through the first two founding years· Mentored and trained 50 students in human-centered design· Created local partnerships and developed 10 project proposals

CFO· Drafted budget proposal of $5000; proposal was later used by the

Yale School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as a template forall future budget proposals submitted by student organizations

Sur et Veritaal (South Asian a cappella)· Organized inaugural tour to Boston· Helped compose and transcribe Bollywood and Western pop music

August 2015 — Present

January — June 2015

January — December 2014

January 2013 — May 2014

January 2013 — October 2014

FacilitationAdobe SuiteMicrosoft OfficeTableauMatlabRPodioSolidWorksMachining


MusicCooking3D printingEnergy policyEducation theoryHuman centered design
