mcccd interview question bank categorized by … interview question bank categorized by competency...

MCCCD Interview Question Bank Categorized by Competency Revised Hiring Process Sept 2013 page 1 of 24 Index Customer Service 2-3 Communicate for Impact/ About Change 14 Accountability 3 Performance Management 15-16 Foster Teamwork / Build Partnerships 4-6 Institutionalize MCCCD’s Vision and Values 17 Initiative / Drive for Achievement 7-8 Innovation and Creativity 18 Exhibit Technical or Functional Knowledge 8 Analytical Skills and Decision Making 19 Adaptability 9 Supervisory / Management Relationships 20 Integrity 10 Timelines and Deadlines 21 Conflict Management 11 Candidate Self-Appraisal / Goals / Professionalism / Workplace Success 22-23 Encourage Diversity of Thought and Actions / Encourage Inclusiveness 12-13 Faculty / Instruction 24 Project Management 13 Adapted from: A Manager’s Guide to Hiring The Best Persons For Every Job, Deanne Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Behavior Based Interviewing, Terry L. Fitzwater, Crisp Publications, 2000. Search Committees: A Tool Kit for Human Resource Professionals, Administrators, and Committee Members, Christopher D. Lee, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, 2000. Various websites with sample behavioral questions

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Customer Service 2-3 Communicate for Impact/ About Change 14

Accountability 3 Performance Management 15-16

Foster Teamwork / Build Partnerships 4-6 Institutionalize MCCCD’s Vision and Values 17

Initiative / Drive for Achievement 7-8 Innovation and Creativity 18

Exhibit Technical or Functional Knowledge 8 Analytical Skills and Decision Making 19

Adaptability 9 Supervisory / Management Relationships 20

Integrity 10 Timelines and Deadlines 21

Conflict Management 11 Candidate Self-Appraisal / Goals / Professionalism / Workplace Success


Encourage Diversity of Thought and Actions / Encourage Inclusiveness

12-13 Faculty / Instruction 24

Project Management 13

Adapted from: A Manager’s Guide to Hiring The Best Persons For Every Job, Deanne Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Behavior Based Interviewing, Terry L. Fitzwater, Crisp Publications, 2000. Search Committees: A Tool Kit for Human Resource Professionals, Administrators, and Committee Members, Christopher D.

Lee, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, 2000. Various websites with sample behavioral questions

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Customer Service


1. Describe the customer service expectations in your past jobs. Describe what you specifically did to meet them.

2. Tell us about a time when you provided customer service beyond the basics. What did you do? What prompted you to do more than was expected?

3. In past jobs, who have been your customers? How did you know what they wanted and whether you were providing it?

4. Describe a situation when you anticipated a changing need of a customer. How did you pick up on the need? What did you do to address it?

5. Tell us about a customer situation where the customer was choosing the wrong product or service. How did you influence the customer to make a better choice?

6. Internal customers are people you provide service to within the organization. What have you done to provide service to internal customers on your other jobs?

7. What do you do to demonstrate to customers (internal or external) that your role is to provide service to them?

8. Talk about some situations in which you became frustrated or impatient when dealing with a customer. How did you handle your reaction?

9. What is your approach to establishing rapport with customers? Describe a time when you used that approach.

10. Have you had interactions with customers who became difficult or angry? If so what was your reaction and what was the outcome?

11. Describe a situation in which you were able to turn a negative customer around. What was the issue? How did you accomplish the turnaround?

12. Have you dealt with a situation when the customer’s perception of what occurred was clearly wrong? If so, were you able to resolve the situation? How did you do it?

13. What have you done in past positions to positively impact service levels?

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14. Please share with us your philosophy about customer service in an academic environment and give examples of service that would illustrate your views.

15. What is an acceptable level of customer dissatisfaction for the work we do?

16. Research shows that for every customer who complains up to 18 others will go away dissatisfied, saying nothing. How can a customer-service representative encourage the silent dissatisfied customers to speak up?



17. Drawing from your work experience most related to this position, which job challenged you the most and why? What made it a challenge? How did you respond? What was the outcome?

18. What do you think being accountable at work means? Give examples that demonstrate your accountability.

19. Describe a time when you took initiative and independent action to accomplish something valuable at work.

20. What experience do you have with not meeting individual or group work goals? How did you respond?

21. Tell us about a time when you observed co-workers using improper procedures. What did you do?

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Foster Teamwork / Build Partnerships


22. How have you been a valuable team member in your past work experiences? Describe what you did to be of value and how you supported the team.

23. Give an example of when you have fostered teamwork. What did you do? How did others respond?

24. In your experience, what kinds of problems is a team likely to experience when one member is excessively late, absent, or does not carry his or her own weight? How were those issues dealt with? What was your role in the situation?

25. Tell us about the most creative challenge you were involved with in a team setting. How were you and/or the group motivated?

26. Tell me what you like most/least about working in a team setting and explain why.

27. Do you have an example of building partnerships to achieve work goals? What was the partnership? What did you do to make it successful?

28. Tell us about a time when you dealt with disagreement among team members. How did you react? How did the situation turn out?

29. Give an example of a time when you established and maintained a trusting and positive work relationship.

30. Describe a time when assertiveness was important to getting your point across. How did you communicate without being offensive?

31. What have you found to be the particular challenges when attempting to build and maintain relationships across organizational lines? Have you been able to accomplish this? How?

32. What type of person have you found is most difficult to work with? What have you done to work successfully with such a person?

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33. Discuss a time when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was that person difficult? How did you handle the work relationship?

34. How do you go about building relationships with co-workers and supervisors?

35. What have you found to be the most important factors in establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your immediate supervisor?

36. What have been the most serious problems you’ve had with co-workers or a supervisor? How did you handle the problems?

37. Discuss an example of when you and your supervisor didn’t agree on how a situation should be dealt with. How did you resolve your differences?

38. How have you gained support for your goals from your present or previous supervisors?

39. Discuss a work situation when you needed critical information from another department in order to complete your work but the other department did not think the information was a priority. How did the situation turn out?

40. Do you have an example of working on a team project that ran into significant problems? If so, what happenend, what was your role, how did the project end up?

41. Discuss a time you worked on a cross-functional team. Did you experience different challenges compared to a departmental-task team?

42. When groups work together, conflict often occurs. Tell us about a time that conflict occurred in one of your work groups and what you did about it.

43. Discuss a time you pitched in to help a team member finish a project even though it “wasn’t your job.” What was the result?

44. Talk about a situation where political power plays affected team dynamics. How did you, or could the team have, overcome or avoided this situation?

45. Describe a time when you were a part of a great team. What made it great? What was your part in making the team effective?

46. Discuss the most effective contribution you have made as part of a task group or special project team.

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47. What do you consider to be the main attribute of a good supervisor whose people work in teams? Why?

48. What is your idea of a good team player?

49. What some differences between being an effective employee and being an effective team member?

50. Based on your experience so far, what is the key to successful teamwork?

51. Are there times you have not been a team player? If so, what were the circumstances?

52. Think about a coworker from the present or past whom you admire. What is it about the person you admire and why?

53. What do you think are the best and worst parts of working in a team environment?

54. What do you think makes a team of people work well together? What gets in the way of working well?

55. If we asked past team members about your greatest strength is as a team member, what would they say?

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Initiative / Drive for Achievement


56. Tell us about a time when you were involved in solving a problem or working on a project that resulted in a true sense of accomplishment. What was your role? What gave you the sense of accomplishment?

57. What have you done in past jobs to make yourself, or how the job was done, more effective?

58. Describe a time from your past work experience when you encountered obstacles while pursuing a goal. What did you do?

59. Give two examples from previous jobs that demonstrate your willingness to work hard.

60. Tell about a time when you sought out additional job responsibilities. What prompted you to do it? What was the result?

61. Tell us about when you have demonstrated initiative at work. What prompted your initiative? What were the results of your initiative?

62. What self-development have you been involved with to prepare yourself for future opportunities? Why did you choose those activities and what have been the results?

63. When you have started in new jobs, how have you determined what changes need to be made? How did you go about implementing them?

64. Describe a work situation in which you felt really motivated.

65. Give an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the call of duty at work, and discuss why you did.

66. What is your work-related greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?

67. Give an example of a time you did something wrong at work. How did you handle it?

68. Talk about your proudest work-related achievement.

69. What are the strengths you will bring to this position?

70. What work performance goals have you achieved in your most recent job or two?

71. Discuss ideas you have had to improve something at work. How did you suggest it and was it implemented?

72. What have you done in your current position to meet your department/organization’s strategic goals? What were the goals? What was your role in achieving the goals?

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73. When is it risky to take initiative at work? How do you decide whether or not to take initiative?

74. On the basis of the information you have received so far, what do you see as the major challenges of this position and how would you meet them?

75. Grade yourself on initiative and taking action.

76. Describe the amount of structure, direction, and feedback you need in order to perform weel at work.

Exhibit Technical or Functional Knowledge


77. What skill or ability is your greatest asset? How did you develop this expertise?

78. Describe a time when you were most successful in applying your skill in /knowledge of ____________________________.

79. What technical ability or knowledge has been most important to your professional development so far? Why? When were you most successful applying it?

80. Talk about how you stay on the cutting edge of technology improvements/trends in your discipline.

81. How do you use technology to be more productive in the day-to-day activities of your job?

82. Drawing from your past experience, when have you applied knowledge of business metrics to solve business problems?

83. Give examples of (insert technology or technical expertise) and how you adopted it in other jobs.

84. Describe a situation in which you did “all the right things” and were still unsuccessful. What did you learn from the experience?


85. Discuss your ideas about the most important elements of a good _____________________ (service, activity, product, class, etc.)

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86. Reflect on a situation where you were asked to do something unexpected or to change the planned course of action. How did you respond? What was the outcome?

87. Give an example of a time you were put on the spot by a customer, co-worker, or supervisor. What was the situation and how did you handle it?

88. Describe a situation in which you dealt successfully with unwanted changes that an organization thrust upon you.

89. Describe a work situation that demonstrates your ability to be flexible when it is in your best interests or those of your work group.

90. Under what circumstances have you needed to adapt your approach, style, priorities, preferences, etc. to accomplish important work? Explain how you adapted.

91. What's the most difficult work-related decision you've made in the last two years and how did you come to that decision?

92. Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the end of the day, and there was no reasonable way for you to finish them.

93. Discuss ideas you have had to improve something at work. Was an idea implemented? How did you go about suggesting it and getting it implemented?

94. What is your style in managing a department’s shortcomings such as budget restraints, inconsistent processes, insufficient resources, or staff development needs?

95. What was a difficult ethical decision you’ve made at work? How did you approach the decision? What was the outcome?

96. How have you added value to your work in your two most recent positions?

97. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being highest, on you capacity for analytical thinking. Problem solving.

98. How do you grade your listening skills? Verbal communication skills as needed for this job? Written communication skills as needed for this job?


99. On a scale of 1 to 10 how adaptable would you say you are at work? What influences your adaptability?

100. People react differently when job demands or department priorities are constantly changing. How do you react to this?

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101. Talk about a work situation that you believe demonstrates your sense of integrity or ethics. What makes it a good example?

102. Have you experienced a work situation when you were expected to lower your standards? How did you handle it?

103. How do you model integrity through your everyday actions at work?

104. Tell us about a time when your integrity was challenged.

105. Describe a situation in which you had to challenge someone who was not acting in the best interests of the organization and its guiding values/principles.

106. Have you had to make a risky decision at work? Why? How did you handle it?

107. Have you dealt with workplace policies you weren't in agreement with? What did you disagree with? How did you deal with it to maintain ethics and integrity?

108. Discuss a time when your work was criticized. What was the criticism? What was your reaction?


109. In a normal, everyday working situation, what actions or behaviors show others that a person has integrity?

110. Suppose a coworker told you something critical and swore you to secrecy. You think it is important that your supervisor have the information. What would you do?

111. Suppose the organization had a rule that prohibited gambling on the premises. You are a new supervisor with an inherited staff of great employees who organize and bet on a sports pool every week. This practice has been going on for years. What would you do?

112. Give an illustration of unethical behavior on the part of an employee. Why do you believe that behavior is unethical?

113. Suppose you were pressured to make a decision that was outside the normal limits of your authority and your supervisor was unavailable. What would you do?

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Conflict Management


114. about a situation when you and a peer from somewhere else in the organization were in conflict over some interdepartmental work situation. How was the conflict handled? What role did you play? Do you think the outcome was what it should be?

115. Describe a time when you and your boss didn’t agree on how a situation should be handled. How did you manage the difference and what was the outcome?

116. Have you experienced having your work priorities in conflict with those of your supervisor? If so, what did you do about the conflict?

117. Discuss a common type of conflict situation you have experienced in other jobs. What approach did you take to manage the conflict? How often were you successful.

118. about a situation when you and a peer from somewhere else in the organization were in conflict over some interdepartmental work situation. How was the conflict handled? What role did you play? Do you think the outcome was what it should be?

119. Have you been involved in managing conflicts that arose between staff members? If so, what was your role? What were the outcomes?

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Encourage Diversity of Thought and Actions/Encourage Inclusiveness


120. What is your experience with managing a diverse workforce? Describe the extent of the diversity and the impact it had on your work unit.

121. Describe what you have done to gather diverse opinions and ideas among your staff or between departments.

122. What is your experience working with diverse populations in high schools, community colleges, and transfer universities?

123. Describe your work experience involving people from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.

124. Tell us about a time that you adapted your work style in order to work effectively with colleagues who were different from you.

125. Have you been in a situation when you needed to give feedback to a colleague who was not accepting of others? How did you go about it? What was the result?

126. Discuss whether there has been a time when a person’s cultural background affected your approach to a work situation. Describe the situation, your reaction, and what you learned from the situation.

127. Describe a time when you said or did something that may have been offensive to a colleague. How did you realize it, how did you address it, and what was the outcome?

128. What does it mean to you to have a commitment to inclusiveness? How have you demonstrated that commitment on other jobs? How do you see yourself demonstrating it for this position?

129. What efforts have you made, or been involved with, to foster multicultural understanding, inclusiveness, and cultural competence?

130. Describe the culture for inclusiveness at your past two employers. What impact did you have on that culture?

131. Describe the culture of inclusiveness in your classroom. How has it impacted student learning outcomes?

132. What is your experience accommodating students with learning disabilities?

133. Please about a unique program that you have designed or coordinated for under-represented or disadvantaged students. What were the outcomes and how were they measured and assessed?

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134. What is your definition of diversity? How do you apply it in your work?

135. In your experience, what are the challenges faced by members of historically underrepresented groups in the workplace? What strategies have you used to address those challenges? How successful were you?

136. What have you done to further your knowledge/understanding about diversity needs in the workplace?

137. What philosophy of diversity do you believe is needed to be successful in today’s workplace?

138. How do you work with people to create or foster inclusiveness in the workplace?

139. about how you have integrated multicultural issues as a part of your professional development.

140. What do you see as the most challenging aspects of a diverse academic community? What steps have you taken to meet those challenges?

Project Management


141. What have you done on past jobs to ensure you have enough time to follow through on set objectives?

142. Tell us about a time when you eliminated or prevented a problem before it happened. How did you anticipate the problem?

143. Describe how you plan ahead for projects/assignments. Include how you identify and allocate resources. Give an example from your recent work experience.

144. Tell about your approach to project management. How do you develop timelines, assign staff, track progress, and manage changes?

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Communicate for Impact / About Change


145. Think of a situation when you have had to communicate for impact, either with customers, fellow workers, or supervisors. What needed to be communicated? How did you do it with impact? What was the result?

146. Describe a situation where you got an idea for a new product, service, procedure, or technology and implemented it successfully.

147. Describe a time when you seemed to be on the wrong side of an issue and what you did or did not do to deal with it.

148. Tell us about the best presentation you made or report you produced to communicate your ideas successfully. What made it successful?

149. Describe a situation when you had to introduce an unpopular change to your staff. How did you break the news? What did you do to minimize the negative impact?

150. In previous jobs, how did you typically introduce significant changes to your staff? Please give specifics about the change and how you communicated it. How did you gauge if you were successful?

151. What example(s) do you have of your ability to facilitate progressive change within an organization?

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Performance Management


152. What type of relationship do you work to establish with your staff? Describe specific actions you take to develop that type of relationship.

153. Describe a situation when timely feedback had an impact on the development and growth of someone who worked for you.

154. Have you had experience with managing an employee who changed from a reliable, hard-working employee to a problem employee? What was your role? What did you do and say?

155. Describe a time when someone reporting to you was not performing satisfactorily and what you did to rectify the situation.

156. When have you coached and developed others? What was your approach? How did you gauge your effectiveness?

157. Describe a situation when you met with an employee on a performance-related issue and what you did to resolve it.

158. Tell us about some of the people who were promoted as a result of your development efforts and how you helped them.

159. Tell us about some of the people you have worked with who later became successful as a result of your efforts.

160. Give examples of how you have developed your staff to assume positions of greater responsibility.

161. Give an example of a major issue/crisis and the person you assigned to resolve the issue. Why did you choose that person? What was the outcome?

162. Describe the circumstances under which you have supervised most effectively.

163. In the past, how have you recognized your staff for their contributions?

164. Tell us about a time when you were supervising a mediocre performer. What strategies did you use to motivate that person to increase his or her effectiveness?

165. Have you had to give difficult feedback to an employee or group of employees? If so, what were the circumstances? What was your approach? What was the result?

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166. Describe for us the process you have used for reviewing employee’s progress toward the achievement of their individual goals. We’re interested in learning how often you reviewed their progress and how you documented results.

167. What is your approach to developing performance goals with or for employees?

168. Describe a time when you knew that one of your staff was suffering burnout. How did you identify the problem? What did you do to help the person?

169. What strategies have you used to maintain a strong relationship between yourself and each of your staff members?

170. How have you established a relationship that encourages your staff to give you the bad news when they make mistakes?

171. Please describe your philosophy regarding management of other people and how it guided some of your decisions on other jobs.

172. How have you built and maintained an atmosphere of trust in your department?


173. How often and under what circumstances should a supervisor engage in a formal coaching session with an individual employee?

174. How would you determine that one of your people was ready to assume a leadership role?

175. Suppose you had an employee who totally resisted all efforts at development. What steps would you take to change his or her attitude?

176. What kinds of things demotivate employees?

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Institutionalize MCCCD’s Vision and Values


177. Talk about how education and society trends have influenced strategies you have developed in the past five years.

178. How have you prepared for and responded to societal changes or technological advances? Give specific strategy examples.

179. As a manager at other organizations, how have you institutionalized organization values or performance expectations through your own behavior?

180. Tell me how you have acknowledged and rewarded desired organization behaviors and attitudes in your staff?

181. Describe how you have held your staff accountable for high levels of performance related to organization values, competencies, or performance standards?

182. Tell about a time when you were involved in institutionalizing organization expectations with your staff. How did you convey the message of what was expected? What did you do to motivate staff and achieve consistent behavior to meet expectations?


183. How would you ensure that MCCCD’s (or the college) vision, mission, and purpose were reflected in goals set by your for you and your staff?

184. What organization culture are you looking for in terms of structure and style?

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Innovation and Creativity


185. What methods have you used to encourage risk taking among your staff?

186. Describe a time when you came up with a creative solution to a problem between two employees.

187. Give an example of when you influenced your department or campus to implement a creative or innovative solution. What did it take to make it fly?

188. Discuss techniques or strategies you have found most helpful in encouraging the creativity of your staff.

189. What has been your most innovative/creative achievement at work?


190. How would you encourage an employee to be innovative?

191. What does creativity or innovation in the workplace mean to you?

192. What kinds of things tend to kill creativity and innovation in the workplace?

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Analytical Skills and Decision Making


193. What methods have you used to encourage risk taking among your staff?

194. Describe a time when you came up with a creative solution to a problem between two employees.

195. Describe a situation in which you had to be analytical and thorough in making a critical decision. Walk us through the process you followed.

196. What has been the most difficult staff decision you have ever had to make? What made the decision difficult for you?

197. Tell us about a decision you made where things did not turn out as well as you had anticipated they would? How did you rescue the situation?

198. When you are making decisions, how do you go about determining how those decision will impact other parts of the organization?

199. In your present position what problems have you identified that had been previously overlooked?

200. What do you do when something you are working on isn’t working out?

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Supervisory/Management Relationships


201. Tell us about a situation when you believed your supervisor was about to make a very serious error in judgment. What did you do?

202. We’re interested in how you and your previous supervisor kept each other informed and what methods you used for information exchange and tracking.

203. On previous jobs, when you inherited a staff, how did you go about establishing your leadership role?

204. Discuss a time when you had an idea that would solve a serious department or organizational problem but you knew your supervisor was not interested in putting any new ideas to work. How did you handle the situation?

205. Talk about a time when your work was criticized. What was the criticism? What was your reaction?

206. If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do?



208. What are the characteristics you prize most in an employee? What behaviors or characteristics do you find intolerable?

209. It’s been said that managing others is a skill but that functioning as a subordinate is an art. What do you think are the major challenges in functioning as a subordinate?

210. What do you think are the most important factors in establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your immediate supervisor?

211. What will the employees who report to you say about your strengths and weaknesses?

212. In your opinion, what are the essential qualities and behaviors of an effective supervisor/manager/leader?

213. Paint a picture of the work culture you will create if offered this position.

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Timelines and Deadlines


214. What examples from past jobs illustrate how you had to be highly tuned in to timelines and timeliness?

215. What is your method for managing yourself and your workload when timelines are critical and others are depending on you? Give an example.

216. Tell about a time when a short-term crisis clashed with long-term and important responsibilities. How did you determine which took priority?

217. Describe a work experience when you had a limited amount of time to make a difficult or important decision. What was the decision about? How did you manage it?

218. Discuss an actual experience to describe the process you use when balancing the need for information or input versus the need for a quick decision.

219. Tell about a time when you were unable to complete a task in the allotted time. What prevented you from completing it and what did you do about not meeting the timeline?

220. Interruptions are a fact of life at work. What strategies have you used in the past for dealing with them in order to get your work done?

221. Discuss whether you have had a workload that required finishing multiple tasks by the end of the day and there is no reasonable way to complete them.


222. What is your strategy for approaching a huge workload that is to be accomplished within an inadequate time frame?

223. How do you determine your priorities?

224. How should an effective employee determine her or his priorities?

225. Suppose you were involved in a task that was estimated to reach completion with one week’s worth of effort. Halfway through the week, you realize that even with three weeks of effort, the project can not be accomplished. What options might be available to you? Which would you choose and why?

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Candidate Self-Appraisal / Goals / Professionalism / Workplace Success


226. What qualities made you a valuable employee on your last job?

227. What skills, knowledge, and personal resources do you feel have been the major contributors to your success up to now?

228. How do you evaluate your effectiveness?

229. What factors motivate you the most in the workplace?

230. What would you say are your most important contributions to a job?

231. If hired, what would you contribute to this job that other candidates could not?

232. What do you hope to find here that you isn’t available at your present job?

233. Workwise, what do you not want to be doing in five years?

234. What two or three things have you learned about yourself from your last position?

235. If you could write your own job description, what would it include?

236. What does a job need to entail in order to satisfy you?

237. How do you quantify your effectiveness as a manager?

238. How do you know when you’ve done a good job?

239. What would your coworkers or your supervisor say about your strengths and weaknesses?

240. What do you believe is the biggest work related misperception about you?

241. What kind of management style or supervisory techniques do you find are the most motivational for you? Why?

242. What are a couple accolades or compliments people you work closely with will have about you?

243. Describe your work style and how you believe it demonstrates professionalism.

244. What has been your favorite position, and what role did your supervisor or co-workers play in making it your favorite?

245. What is your concept of professional behavior in the workplace?

246. What have you done on past jobs to show consideration and respect for others?

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247. What responsibility, if any, do you believe you have towards people in other areas of the organization? How should those responsibilities be carried out?

248. What makes for a conducive work environment for you?

249. What might your current supervisor say makes you most valuable to the department? Your co-workers?

250. This is a high pressure job with demands that change daily. Discuss your experience with similar jobs and how you handle the pressure.

251. What are one or two of your proudest professional accomplishments?

252. Thinking about the difference between a big picture person or a detail oriented person, which one are you more like? How does it help in how you do your job?


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Faculty / Instruction


254. Describe your teaching style and how you believe it is well-suited for your students and the subject matter.

255. Describe your teaching philosophy and how it fits with MCCCD’s mission and values.

256. What technology applications are you utilizing for content delivery and/or student engagement?

257. How do you engage students, particularly in a course for non-majors?

258. Share your ideas about the role of professional development for faculty.

259. In your opinion, how should the workload of a faculty member be split and into what areas?

260. What changes have you brought to the teaching of ____________________________?

261. How would you go about being an advocate and resource for the use of technology in the teaching and learning process?

262. What courses have you created or proposed in the past five years?

263. What do you think are the most important attributes of a good instructor?

264. Where does this position fit into your career development goals?

265. How do you define quality teaching?

266. What do you think are your greatest strengths as an instructor? In which areas do you believe you can use some further development?

267. How can your teaching style serve our student population?

268. In what professional development activities have you been involved over the past few years?

269. What pedagogical changes do you see on the horizon in your discipline?

270. How could your background and experiences strengthen this academic department?

271. What do you think is the key to connecting with less-motivated or under-prepared students?

272. What are your research interests? Have you involved your students in research? If so, how?

273. What is the most recent book and article you’ve read related to your discipline?