mc donald's summer internship pune


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‘’Customer dealing &service management’’








I felt honored to be a part of it as a summer trainee. This project on

“McDonald’s” would have been not possible without help of

Mr.Sachin Tambe, Mr.Daji Dore & some people. Each has

contributed views, fact, experience, & personal support &

encouraged me during the training.

Finally, I wish to thanks Prof. VIJAY PHALKE I.M.E.D PUNE.

For his support to complete my summer training in McDonald’s.


BBA 3rd Year


(Re-Accredited By NACC with ‘A’ Grade)




This is to certify that Mr. Kuldeep Balasaheb Lamkane is a bonafide student of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Programme of the University in this

institute for the year 2011-2015.

As a part of the University curriculum, the student has completed the project

report titled Study on customer dealing & service management.

The project report is prepared by the student under the guidance of

Prof. Vijay Phalke Prof. Shivali Ingawale Dr. Sachin S. Vernekar

(Project Guide) (Class Coordinator) (Director IMED, Pune)





Page no.

1. Executive Summary 5

2. McDonald’s Background 7 3. International Operation 9

4. McDonald’s Strategy & Structure 12 5. Product Development & Marketing 16

6. SWOT Analysis of McDonald’s 19

7. McDonald’s in India 21 8. Goals & Objectives of McDonald’s 22

9. Customer Service & Importance 24 10. The McDonald’s Promise & Location Strategy 27

11. McDonald’s SRO 36 12. Observation &Learning 39

13. Suggestion 40 14. Conclusion 41

15. Questionnaires 42 16. Bibliography 48


Executive Summary

McDonald’s Corporation is a “Centralized, International company”, which competes

in the fast food industry supplying hamburgers, French fries and other consumable

items using standardization, heavy expansion and branding as the driving force.

McDonald’s operates in over 121 countries and has over 30,000 restaurants worldwide.

McDonald’s utilized an intense, rapid expansion into foreign countries through

three primary methods, franchising, company owned restaurants, and joint ventures.

With the majority of international restaurants stemming from franchising agreements,

McDonald’s management relied on this method to aid in the acceptance of a new style

of eating into unfamiliar markets. With minimal risk and maximum gains, franchising

continues to contribute heavily to McDonald’s international success.

With a centralized, international structure, McDonald’s keeps a tight grasp on

operations, cost and quality. With an ethnocentric management

strategy, McDonald’s relies on domestic based logic and attitudes and transfers them to

their international outlets and restaurants.


In order to control its overseas operation, McDonald’s uses a combination of two

approaches. The majority of control would fall under the rules approach, meaning that

control lies with headquarters creating procedures and policies for the subsidiaries to

follow. However, there is also a little of the cultural approach that has

surfaced and is being utilized judging by the adaptation that has occurred in some of the

overseas restaurants. This has occurred even with the tight internalized norms that are

constantly presented and enforced by headquarters.


McDonald’s Background

With operations in over 121 countries and over 30,000 restaurants around the

globe, McDonald’s Corporation is the largest fast food service and supplier in the

world. To serve all of the their customers and demonstrate the incredible size of the

company, McDonald’s has more than one and a half million employees and serves more

than ninety-six percent of the world’s population at least once a year. McDonald’s

operates in the fast food industry and its core product lines include hamburgers and

French fries, but the chain also sells chicken, salads, and fish products among others.

Since the first restaurant operations in the early nineteen fifties, McDonald’s has

grown at an incredible pace through an internal philosophy of “expand at all costs.”

What this philosophy means is open as many stores as possible as fast as possible. At

the peak of the company’s growth, this rapid pace had a new McDonald’s outlet

opening every four hours every day of the year. Management instilled the idea that as

more restaurant locations are opened the more customers will be served, and this leads

to higher profits that would be realized across the board. Since the beginning,


this intense expansion plan has been successful, both in the domestic and

foreign markets abroad.

However, recently there have been issues developing with saturation across the globe

that have had an impact on sales, which will be discussed later in the paper.

The company has always utilized four major principles throughout its history to

expand rapidly, increase sales and remain the market leader. By leveraging their

enormous cash flow, brand power, real estate and customer spending habits,

McDonald’s has not only emerged as the world-wide leader, it has also changed the

way the world eats. As the means to rapid expansion are not the focus of this paper,

altering the eating habits around the world represent a very significant topic and will

also be addressed later in the paper.


International Operation

McDonald’s first international expansion occurred in 1967 when the company opened

in Canada. The company’s international division was formed shortly after in 1969 and

has continuously grown since. Over the years, the international section of the

McDonald’s Corporation has become increasingly more important to the company’s

overall success. As of this past year, non-US based restaurants account for over half of

the company’s $40 billion in revenues . Even more critical than the amount of sales to

the company is the amount of profits of the overseas operations. Foreign restaurants

now account for about 60% of McDonald’s total profits. The difference between

revenues and profits of international operations is credited to McDonald’s immense

market share in off shore outlets. Currently, McDonald’s is the market leader in 96% of

the markets they do business in around the world and it is very common for

McDonald’s to hold over 50% of the fast food market in foreign markets. Unlike the

U.S., competitors in the past have not cut into McDonald’s market share as easily in

foreign markets, although that is beginning to change.

There are a few major reasons why McDonald’s not only chose to invest overseas

originally, but also continuously since. In the last ten years, almost 90% of McDonalds’


expansion occurred in countries other than the United States. During that time, the

1990’s saw an increase in international units from 3,600 in 1991 to more than 11,000 by

1998, largely in Japan, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, and France.

Additionally, the number of international countries nearly doubled from 59 in 1991 to

114 in 1998 . The rationale behind these important decisions stemmed foremost from

the increasing amount of saturation that had evolved in the United States. This

saturation was in the past, and is currently, forcing McDonald’s to slash prices and as a

result profits in its domestic market. To counter this trend, international restaurants

were franchised and invested in. As was mentioned earlier, foreign markets are

extremely more profitable for McDonald’s than U.S. operations. McDonald’s detected

this trend early as an opportunity through marketing research and the idea of utilizing

the heavily populated areas of focus to cut costs and increase profits. Second,

expansion in the U.S. has been taking place for the last 45 years, where it has only been

occurring heavily overseas for about 20 years, so there is more business opportunity.

McDonald’s serves over 43 million people a day, but that is still less than one percent

of the world’s population, so you can see how McDonald’s management could be so



International Expansion Through Franchising

Now that the international operations have been conveyed as an increasingly

important part of McDonald’s overall sales, it is vital to analyze how

McDonald’s entered into the foreign markets. McDonald’s entered into the

international markets utilizing three methods; franchising, joint ventures and

company owned outlets. Where McDonald’s had a choice, franchising was

not only favored, it dominated how the company expanded. Currently, 73%

of all McDonald’s restaurants across the globe are franchised16. When

entering into some of the countries, McDonald’s had to abandon its

philosophy of franchising and use the other methods. For instance, when

McDonald’s first entered into Mexico, the government did not allow

franchising from foreign countries. To work around this, McDonald’s

utilized company owned restaurants to enter the market until the laws

changed. In 1990, when the legislation went through legalizing franchising,

McDonald’s Corporation sold the company owned outlets to franchisees.


McDonalds Strategy & Structure

McDonald’s Strategy :-

McDonald’s is a “centralized, International Division” company composed of

franchisees and joint venture partners. McDonald’s utilizes a broad approach and

initially grew overseas by relying on transferring new products, processes, and

strategies from the United States to less developed markets. The idea has always been

to transfer the American tradition of fast food to other counties using the same real

estate principles, cost advantages, and new technologies that were so successful in the

U.S. McDonald’s has always exploited the corporate company knowledge and

transported and diffused it to foreign markets. Starting with the concrete supplier chain,

all the way down to the store design and implementation, differentiation is not

encouraged nor is it allowed.

With an Ethnocentric mentality, McDonald’s has constantly based the company’s

international operations on “home-grown” ideas and concepts. Corporate first places

the focus the domestic market, and then filters the functions to the overseas operations.


McDonald’s Organisational Structure :-


Company Control and Coordination

In order to control the thousands of franchises in the system, McDonald’s corporate

utilizes a combination of methods. Both the Rules Approach and the Cultural Approach

are applied by management in order to ensure that the international outlets maximize

their potential without disrupting the overall corporate plan. The reason for the

combination of control approaches stems from the nature of how the McDonald’s

system was built. By relying and building around franchising, a fine line has to be

drawn between keeping the franchises motivated and accomplishing the company


The elements of the Rules approach are very evident when magnifying the

requirements of the franchisees. Management requires continuous lines of reports and

paperwork to follow every move of the franchises. The extent of the requirements can

be seen in the following example. The McDonald’s operation-and-training manual is a

roughly seven hundred and fifty-page document that weighs about four pounds. It is

known throughout the company as “the Bible” and contains precise instructions

on how various appliances should be used, how each item on the menu

should look, and how employees should greet the customers. An example of


the extent of detail that is contained in the manual are hamburgers are always to be

placed on the grill in six neat rows; French fries have to be exactly 0.28 inches thick.

The regimentation and standardization of McDonald’s restaurants determines exactly

how every task is done and imposes rules about pace, quality and technique. The

McDonald’s Corporation insists that its operators follow directives on food preparation,

purchasing, store design and countless other minute details. Operators who disobey

these rules can lose their franchises and this has occurred in the past.

Through the years, McDonald’s management has realized that in the fast food industry,

more freedom is needed in order to prosper in foreign countries. There are two major

business functions that are dictated by the country’s local influence and symbolize the

Cultural Approach freedom; product development and marketing. These functions are

not only locally developed they are operational away from headquarters and are

represented in McDonald’s structure chart accordingly . By allowing the foreign

markets the autonomy to develop and market geographical specific menu items,

management is not compromising or deviating from internalized company norms or

standards. Instead, they are allowing for local adaptation that will not only benefit the

Franchise, but the corporation as well.


Product Development And Marketing

Product development and marketing can and do occur at a local level in

McDonald’s international countries. These are the only two major business

functions that McDonald’s Corporate allows some flexibility by deviating

from the tight grasp that they hold over international restaurants. Now,

that is not to say that the countries and local markets have complete

freedom to add to the menu and promote their products how they wish.

McDonald’s prides itself in the consistency of its products and taste around

the world and would not allow complete autonomy. Instead, it means that

some of the lengthy, tedious, and idea crushing control that corporate

normally holds over its franchises is lifted slightly and can occur at the

country level as opposed to corporate level . To look at the impact this has

on the international outlets, a closer look at product development and

marketing will each be analyzed.


Each local country has the autonomy and authority to develop its own products to

address unique tastes that their consumers have. It is the sole responsibility of the

individual country to complete the marketing research and develop new menu items.

Once that has occurred, the information is then studied and approved or rejected by the

corporate offices depending on the extent of favorable data available. Where there is

limited involvement from corporate in the development process, there is still heavy

involvement in the acceptance process. This involvement from corporate is only

increasing, as the international markets become more important to McDonald’s overall

business. However, according to Den Fujita, President of McDonald’s Japan, when

McDonald’s first entered Japan, corporate was relatively accommodating to the new

menu items that were presented to them, and as a result, acceptance in Japan was

expedited .

There are many examples of item adjustments that have been made around the

world over the years to address local tastes and preferences . The menu changes

resulted from many different reasons such as cultural, religious, taste preferences and

translation reasons. Some specific examples are in India, there are no beef items served

throughout the country, so McDonald’s added the “Maharaja Mac”, a lamb version of

the standard “Big Mac”. Other examples include Germany, where McDonald’s

serves beer with meals and in Cyprus, the McNistisima menu was adopted


for the lent period between Easter and Christmas and consisted of veggie burgers,

country potatoes, and shrimp and spicy rolls. Occasionally, new local menu items

might not seem like a logical choice for a country and are protested accordingly like

when McDonald’s was going to recently add meat bowls over rice. Heavy protesting

occurred until the launch of the items. However, on the first day the bowls were

available, they sold out entirely proving that local marketing research and flexibility can

benefit the company

The marketing of international restaurants is handled with the same process as

product development. Locally, the countries develop and test market ideas that differ

from the corporate worldwide message. Any differences in the core message are then

presented to the corporate office for approval. Marketing overseas, like product

development, is mostly handled away from the corporate office. There are many

reasons why the core marketing message would change, including; translation reasons,

cultural differences, customer target differences and the fact that the product itself being

marketed might not even exist in the company’s core message. A specific example of a

country differing the marketing message from corporate took place in different

countries that use the metric system. Instead of calling their burger the “Quarter

Pounder”, the European countries market their burger as either the “Royal Hamburger”

or the “Burger Royal.”


SWOT Analysis Of McDonald’s

A SWOT analysis of McDonald’s is an integral part of a marketing plan and can also be

part of a business plan.

There are two factors under which product exist.

Internal factors

o Strength

o Weakness

External factors

o Opportunities

o Threat


Strong group backing

Best training and skill development programs for the management

Popular brand market leader


Easily available in nominal prices

Most attraction for kids


Low market penetration in rural areas.


Increase of advertisement makes new customer in the market.

Kids attraction

Worldwide independent ownership


Challenges: A couple of the biggest challenges are maintaining a positive and

proactive approach and connecting to the evolving consumer

Newly open fast food chains are giving a good competition

As being independent franchisers difficult to maintain its brand name position.\


McDonald’s in India

McDonald's entered India in1996 through joint ventures with two Indian entities,

hard castle restaurant pvt. Ltd.

The company operates about 160 restaurants in India.

It developed a special menu with vegetarian selections to suit Indian taste and


In addition they have re-formulated some of their products using spices favored

by Indians.


Goals & Objective Of McDonald’s


The goal for McDonalds is to successfully communicate their new healthy alternatives.

After the movie “Supersize me” McDonalds experienced a lot of critique and has

therefore established a new strategy.


Awareness objective: - Increase awareness amongst the publics with the aim of

knowing that McDonalds offers healthier alternatives. Create awareness amongst

families with kids under 15 years old. (increase of 20 % within a year)

Acceptance objective:- Create a smooth transition when trying to increase

positive attitude towards the healthier new alternatives.


Action objective:-

- Opinion action: to have the customers who are fond of the changes spread the


- Behavior: To change the behavior of existing customers to also buy the new

options, and to attract new customers who are interested in the new products.

Most people can find a McDonald's in any metropolitan city anywhere in the world.

McDonald's global success can be attributed to company objectives. When consumers

are aware of McDonald's objectives, they better understood the value of such a large,

global franchise in helping people find employment and in offering a cheap, sustainable

product to their consumers.


Customer service

McDonald's India provides fast, friendly service the hallmark of

McDonald’s, which sets its restaurants Apart from others. At

McDonald's, the customer always comes first.

Every employee strives to provide 100 present customer satisfaction

for every customer every visit. This includes friendly and attentive

Service, accuracy in order taking, and anticipation of customer's needs

such as napkins or straws.

McDonald’s promise is “With a sense of fun and youthful spirit, we

will proudly serve an exceptional McDonald’s eating experience

that makes all people feel special and makes them smile – ever

Customer, every time.”


McDonald’s prides itself on delivering only the highest level of quality,

service and cleanliness to all of its customers in each and every


The key to our continued success is continually monitoring and acting on

the feedback given to us by our customers.

We strive to be a progressive market leader and we can only stay ahead of

the rest by listening to the most important ambassadors of our brand.


Importance of customer service

When used properly complaints can help us fine-tune our business and

meet our customers’ needs. It is these insights that help the Company

to keep moving forward.

Equally important is to hear and effectively manage complaints from


If the Company is not seen to be dealing with poor experiences then

disgruntled customers will vote with their feet and we will lose their



The McDonald’s Promise


When asked to explain McDonald's success, founder Ray Kroc used to say,

"We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else."

Kroc was a perfectionist. From the day he opened his first restaurant, he

vowed to give his customers high quality products, served quickly --and with

a smile, in a clean and pleasant environment, and all at a fair price. Quality,

Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSC&V) became the philosophy that drove

McDonald's business.


McDonald's India serves only the highest quality products. The

attention to food quality started long before the first restaurant opened.


McDonald's India has established close relationships with local

suppliers who provide McDonald's with the highest quality, freshest

ingredients to make its products.

All suppliers adhere to Indian government regulations on food, health

and hygiene while continuously maintaining McDonald's own

recognized standards. McDonald's has established an extensive "cold

chain “distribution system in India to ensure that the products, which

arrive at the restaurant from suppliers all over India, are absolutely

fresh. In the restaurants, products and supplies are used on a "first-in,

first-out" basis to ensure freshness. All McDonald's products are

prepared using modern, state-of-the-art cooking equipment to ensure

quality and safety.


McDonald's India provides fast, friendly service the hallmark of

McDonald’s, which sets its restaurants apart from others. At McDonald's,

the customer always comes first. Every employee strives to provide 100


present customer satisfaction for every customer every visit. This includes

friendly and attentive service, accuracy in order taking, and anticipation of

customer's needs --such as napkins or straws. The McDonald’s promise is

“With a sense of fun and youthful spirit, we will proudly serve an

exceptional McDonald’s eating experience that makes all people feel

special and makes them smile – every customer, every time.”


McDonald's restaurants provide a clean, comfortable environment

especially suited for families. McDonald's stringent cleaning standards

ensure that all tables, seating, highchairs and trays are sanitized several

times each hour. The attention to cleanliness extends from the lobby to

the kitchen to the sidewalk and immediate areas outside the restaurant.

In addition to urging customers to dispose of their litter properly and

offering a number of trash bins (both inside and outside the restaurants)

for their convenience, McDonald's "Litter Patrols" walk around the

restaurants several times each day picking up litter -- even if it isn't

from McDonald's.

Restaurant managers walk through the dining areas each hour, to

ensure that it is clean and well stocked. All restaurants provide a


variety of comfortable seating arrangements to accommodate anyone

from a single individual to a large family. The environment is warm,

inviting, and well lit.


McDonald's menu is priced at a value that the largest segment of

Indian consumers can afford. McDonald's does not sacrifice quality for

value rather McDonald's leverages economies of scale to minimize

costs while maximizing value to customers.

McDonald's definition of value is broader than most restaurants of its

kind it is more than price. Value at McDonald's is the sum of the

total McDonald's experience: quality food; fast, friendly service; a

clean and pleasant environment, and products priced at very

affordable prices for the largest segment of Indian consumers

possible. That is value at McDonald's.

Every Day Great Value at McDonald’s

McDonald’s worldwide stands for QSC&V, where the ‘V’ stands for value

and therefore the value propositions assumes special significance.


Explaining this, Mr. Vikram Bakshi Managing Director and JVP,

McDonald’s India, (North and East) says “McDonald’s success has been

built on commitment to the delivery of QSC&V (quality, service, cleanliness

and value) to customers, the expansion of restaurant numbers to improve

convenience and large scale investment in supplier development, training

and people. Getting QSC&V right consistently and overwhelming

appreciation of value keeps our customers satisfied and maintains our

competitive edge.”

Value as the Corner Stone of McDonald’s Strategy

The value initiative at McDonald’s is all pervasive. “Our strategy is to

achieve best value by enhancing experience (offering best quality),

while keeping prices reasonable. This applies to products we serve to

our customers and to every other aspect of the way we do business”. At

McDonald’s, costs are kept low by increasing efficiency and cutting

wastage at all levels. This is possible by advanced operations,

management and human behaviour skills tested over time in 120

countries across the world.


It is important to understand that delivering highest quality doesn’t

come easily. Customers, who walk into a McDonald’s restaurant,

expect to be served food that is hot and fresh, made from high quality

ingredients, served within minutes of placing their order and at a price

which is affordable. Such is the strength of the brand that they rely on

McDonald’s to do all this, without thinking about how it is actually

achieved “every day every time”.

McDonald’s has always believed in providing value to the customer.

McDonald’s menu has always been priced at a value that the largest

segment of the Indian consumers can afford. McDonald’s does not

sacrifice quality for value – rather McDonald’s leverages economies to

minimize costs while maximizing value to customers McDonald’s

embarked on a ‘Branded Affordability’ programme - a special value

offer, for the customer, with the objective of offering consumers

products at an attractive price point. The Branded Affordability

programme is not a discount or a price promotion. It is more on the

lines of providing products to the customer that are very affordable.


McDonald’s Value Offerings

Though all McDonald’s food products offer tremendous value, we

continually review and improve our menu offerings to make sure that we not

only meet our customers’ expectations, but also exceed them. Being

affordable to the largest number of customers is a driving force in our value



Location Strategy

McDonald’s opened its first outlets in Mumbai and Delhi due to:

These 2 cities have metropolitan culture and wide Western exposure.

There live the most of the Indian’s rich and upper middle class inhabitants

who were aware of McDonald’s food.

There were the 2 distribution centers of McDonalds.

Due to logistics play a critical role in McDonald’s location strategy, the first outlets

were opened only within a 500Km radius of its main distribution centers.

McDonald’s also made some partnerships in order to opened outlets besides the

petroleum stations, railway stations and drive-through in Delhi and along national




McDonald’s… A Socially Responsible Organization Corporate responsibility is a core value at McDonald's. It is a deep-seated tradition

dating back to our founder, Ray Kroc, and a key element in our business strategy today.

We know that our continuing success depends on our customers’ trust—in the quality

and safety of our food, in our business practices, and in our commitment to making a

difference on issues they care about.

In McDonald’s being a good corporate citizen means

doing what is right

Being a good neighbour and partner in the community

Conducting business with the environment in mind

What we do is because ‘we care’…

According to a study conducted by ORBIS international indicates that India shoulders

the largest burden of global blindness, with almost 52 million blind people. Of these,

more than 320,000 are


Children, making India home to one of the largest populations of visually challenged

children in the world. However, it is important to note that more than half of all

childhood blindness is avoidable

If trained paediatric eye care personnel and adequate facilities are available.

Acknowledging the fact that Paediatric ophthalmology is one of the least commonly

accessed speciality in India, McDonald’s India (North and East) teamed up with

prominent sight saving NGO, ORBIS International and reputed Dr. Sheriff’s Charity

Eye Hospital (SCEH) for their sight saving programs. Over 430 children economically

and visually challenged children have benefited from vision correction surgeries

through funds collected from this endeavour. Many more are likely to benefit from the

refurbished paediatric ward at SCEH. Another sizeable amount was recently donated

towards procuring paediatric state of the art eye care equipment’s for children OPD at


Through the Hand in Hand Saving Sight Programme, McDonald's is also

supporting an outreach programme in partnership with ORBIS and SCEH,

whereby satellite clinics were established in remote villages of Alwar to treat

villagers with eye problems.

The Managing Director continues to play a pivotal role in raising funds for the

Hospital-cum Elders Home to help the elderly lead a life with dignity.


Commitment to Children

McDonald’s in association with UNESCO, Readers Digest, and Ministry of Human

Resource Development and Walt Disney, organized “Millennium Dreamers” – a

nationwide search for child achievers who have contributed to the community,

humanitarianism and education for young people aged 8-15 years. The objective was to

highlight the achievements of children who have made a difference and dare to dream

for the future. The achievers represented India at the International Millennium

Dreamers Summit.


Observations & Learning

McDonald's posted better-than-expected sales results as dollar menu items

drove higher store traffic. But the headlines do not tell the whole story

regarding McDonald's long march towards increased global dominance in the

restaurant business.

McDonald's seeks to provide discounted items to drive store traffic but pivot

consumers towards more appealing (and higher margin) items such as specialty

menu burgers and salads.

They are committed to sell more coffee drinks at a discounted price relative

to Starbucks. Their shake and juice drinks seek to chip away share from Jamba


To learn from McDonald's strategic and operational efforts.

Change and evolution is necessary in a rapidly morphing consumer environment.

Sell what people want to buy.

Innovation is required and one should not be afraid to price products at a

premium if the differentiation is clear to consumers

Never underestimate consumer’s desire for a sale. Use sales to build traffic.

Global expansion matters as emerging market consumers become a bigger part of

the global economy. International efforts should not be a secondary business.

Keep it simple and avoid diluting brands with confusing offerings (Apple is also

an expert in simplification of product lines)



A system that helps people to order online and screen in the McDonalds restaurant

that show the place that the person order from which will help them to reduce time

by knowing people places and to deliver it from the nearest branch of McDonalds to

person house.

Mobile phone system, it is like your mobile have a menu of what McDonald’s meals

and you can choose your order from it and it will send your information to the

nearest McDonald’s branch and gives you the way to your nearest McDonald’s

location and you can go and pick it up.

A system about collecting customer’s feedback and suggestions and analyzing it to

make the customers more satisfied by fixing any problem that customers faced while

dealing with buying a meal or something.

A system for McDonald’s customers for who want to have his information

registered there and they can get McDonald’s card and use it whenever they buy

something from there and when they get into a buying for some amount of money

they are allowed to get promotions or discounts so that will make customers more

loyal for McDonald’s.



McDonald’s is one of the largest fast food companies in the world.

They continue their path for success by keeping their consumers in

mind regarding their product selection as well as their prices. They

encourage their employees to do a good job, usually promote from

within, and offers several scholarships to encourage education. Though

McDonald’s is a centralized,

‘‘ wait and see ’’company they find ways to use technological

products that will increase their productivity ,service ,and sales,

everywhere from using the Nintendo DS to train staff to using New

POS touch screen registers. McDonald’s will certainly be around for

plenty more years to come.



1. Name ------------------------------------------------------

2. Gender-----------------------------------------------------

3. ADD ------------------------------------------------------

4. Pho. No.---------------------------------------------------

5. Suggestion-----------------------------------------------

6. Job/student-----------------------------------------------

1. When you want to have a meal in a fast food restaurant, will McDonald’s come

to your mind as the first choice?

o Yes

o No

2. Which fast food restaurant(s) do you visit most frequently?

o McDonald

o Dominoes

o Pizza Hut

o Burger King


3. What time of the day do you prefer to eat at MCD?







4. Which type of McDonald’s promotional advertising catch your eye?






5. Which type of McDonald’s promotional advertising catch your eye?







Others, please specify_______________________________

6. Does the McDonald’s advertising influence you?



7. What’s the main reason(s) for you to patronize McDonald’s?

The delicious foods

The casual atmosphere both inside and outside of the restaurant

The convenience to find a chain restaurant

The affordable price

The gift

The availability of Wi-Fi


7. Others, please specify_____________________________________

8. If you chose McDonalds, which aspect attracts you?






9. What is your evaluation for McDonalds?

Have new good packaging for new product

Have Excellent Advertising

Good taste, accord for public



10. The unlimited refill of drinks, delivery and drive thru service in McDonald is

an advantage compares with others similar fast food.



11. Thinking about your most recent visit to McDonald's, to what level of

satisfaction do you rank that visit?*

1. Very poor

2. Poor

3. Good

4. Very good

5. Excellent


12. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree (SD) Disagree (D); Agree (A); Strongly Agree (SA).


Disagree) D(Disagree) A(Agree)



1. It is convenient and easy to

buy a meal in McDonald's

2. McDonald’s products have

a reasonable price.

3. McDonalds had good

service with customer.

4. McDonald’s promotion 12-

3pm (value lunch) attract


5. I believe McDonald's

sdeserves my loyalty

6. Over the past years, my

loyalty to McDonald's has

grown stronger

7. Promotional activities

stimulate me to go to


8. McDonald's provides good


9. I would not recommend

McDonald's to others

13. What factors do you consider important when visiting McDonald's? Please


Not Important Important



1. Product assortment 2. Price


3. Food quality 4. Discounts / coupons 5. Nutrition 6. Waiting time 7. Distance to McDonald's

14. Gender?

1. Male

2. Female

15. Age?

1. Below 18

2. 18 to 22

3. 23 to 27

4. 28 and above

16. Race?

1. Malay

2. Chinese

3. Indian

4. Others.

17. Occupation?



Public sector worker








18. Suggestion & Feedback?

