may/june together 2019 - the church of the holy...

TOGETHER Dear Friends, Alleluia! Christ is risen! Easter is not just a day, but a season. In it, we celebrate not merely our memories of Jesus or the ideas that we might have about him. No, were not keeping Easterde because of our memories or ideas, but because Jesus himself, personally, was raised from death. He is risen! Jesus has defeated death; he has come forth from the tomb. But whats going on in the Resurrecon is not merely a resuscitaon of his prior life. The Easter life is a transformed life—even for our Lord; and also, in him, for us. In Pauls Leer to the Colossians, we read, So, if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.(3:1-4) So Jesus is changed in the Resurrecon, and so are we. In the cross and in the resurrecon, we are told that we have already died, contrary to what seem to be the simple facts of our existence. We have died, and our real life—the life that energizes us now, but also leads beyond the froners of our mortality—is hidin Christ. So we are to be good seekers (and sharers) of hidden treasure. Its not Gods intenon that it stay hidden. We are to be part of the revelaon of Christ; we—personally, and together, as The Church of the Holy Spirit. So in our Easterde journey, lets not be in too much of a hurry to get back to normal.In Jesus Christ there is a new normal into which we are meant to grow. And we really need it, as does our world…... Urgently! So, once again, Easter was not just a day, but a season. And to take it yet another step, Easter is not even just a season—but a whole life. So then, dear sisters and brothers: through the grace of Christ, by the power of the Spirit, and to Gods glory, lets live it! Blessings always, Adam + THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 204 MONUMENT ROAD, ORLEANS, MASSACHUSETTS 02653 May/June 2019 PENTECOST SUNDAY - JUNE 9TH The day of Pentecost is the celebraon of the beginning of the modern church, one in which the Holy Spirit was sent. When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they began to speak many languages. This miracle was given so that the disciples could spread the word of Jesus to many people throughout many different lands and these people would understand the word of God given to all by Jesus. It is also the 86th birthday of The Church of the Holy Spirit and will be Youth Recognion Sunday and our annual Parish Cook-In”. So wear your RED and come celebrate with us.

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Page 1: May/June TOGETHER 2019 - The Church of the Holy · 2020. 4. 21. · 4 FOOD FOR KIDS -VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -IT’S SIGN UP


Dear Friends,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Easter is not just a day, but a season. In it, we celebrate not merely our memories of Jesus or the ideas that we might have about him. No, we’re not keeping Eastertide because of our memories or ideas, but because Jesus himself, personally, was raised from death. He is risen!

Jesus has defeated death; he has come forth from the tomb. But what’s going on in the Resurrection is not merely a resuscitation of his prior life. The Easter life is a transformed life—even for our Lord; and also, in him, for us.

In Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, we read,

“So, if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.” (3:1-4)

So Jesus is changed in the Resurrection, and so are we.

In the cross and in the resurrection, we are told that we have already died, contrary to what seem to be the simple facts of our existence. We have died, and our real life—the life that energizes us now, but also leads beyond the frontiers of our mortality—is “hid” in Christ. So we are to be good seekers (and sharers) of hidden treasure. It’s not God’s intention that it stay hidden. We are to be part of the revelation of Christ; we—personally, and together, as The Church of the Holy Spirit.

So in our Eastertide journey, let’s not be in too much of a hurry to get back to “normal.” In Jesus Christ there is a new normal into which we are meant to grow. And we really need it, as does our world…... Urgently!

So, once again, Easter was not just a day, but a season. And to take it yet another step, Easter is not even just a season—but a whole life.

So then, dear sisters and brothers: through the grace of Christ, by the power of the Spirit, and to God’s glory, let’s live it!

Blessings always,

Adam +











































The day of Pentecost is the celebration of the beginning of the modern church, one in which the Holy Spirit was sent. When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples,

they began to speak many languages. This miracle was given so that the disciples could spread the word of Jesus to many people throughout many different lands and these

people would understand the word of God given to all by Jesus.

It is also the 86th birthday of The Church of the Holy Spirit and will be Youth Recognition Sunday and our annual “Parish Cook-In”.

So wear your RED and come celebrate with us.

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The May Garden Party will be Friday May 10th and the June Garden Party on Friday June 7th. Both will be from 9-12. Come join us. We will have plenty for you to do.

Coffee, water and donut holes will be provided. Contact Gilbert Merritt if you have any questions. 508-360-1125

YOUTH SUNDAYS May 5th and June 2nd

BRUNCH—After the 10:00 Service on May 5th and June 2nd

please join us in the Parish Hall for another wonderful brunch

prepared and served by our youth group.

CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS It was time to fill the Easter eggs... and you did! THANK YOU!! We hope that you were able to see delighted Church School children, visitors and friends find your filled eggs on Easter Sunday!

May 19 - Coffee hour will be in the Church School! Take the stairs or take the elevator and join the children for coffee and treats, open classrooms, Godly Play stories and art! Church School children will greet you, guide you and be so happy that you have come! There will be places to sit, places to walk, much to see, lots to hear!

May 26 - Children's service in the Gathering Room - Gail+ will celebrate this last service and last classes for the 2018-2019 Church School calendar year!

June 2 - Youth Sunday - Youth Brunch - Veggie Tales Preview in the Church School.

June 9 - Pentecost - This is a REALLY BIG SUNDAY including Youth Recognition Sunday, the Church School will present a Pentecost play during the 10:00 service….followed by the Parish “Cook-IN” and the 86th CHS birthday celebration!!!

June 16 - Veggie Tales (Summer Church School) begins in the Creation Room for ALL AGES! Nursery Care offered for infants and toddlers.

LADIES’ LUNCHEON - SEE YOU 12:00 Noon — MAY 9th and JUNE 6th Fay Cole

Due to the Rummage Sale Parish Hall use on the 1st Thursday of May, the date for our May Ladies Luncheon is May 9th, the second Thursday in May.

Bring your sandwich and come enjoy good conversation with good people! The May committee is: Table decoration, Georgia Schneider; Paper goods, Barbara Mahoney; Juice, Nancy Ludwig and Marge Farrell; Chips, Betsy Mason; Dessert, Shawn Bossung and Dilys Smith. Look for news about our June 6th meeting in the Sunday Bulletin.


Our Labyrinth Walk in May will take place on Friday May 17 at 10:00 in the Parish Hall. We will be exploring

and Celebrating the Easter season and spring.

Our Labyrinth walk in June will be on Friday June 14th at 10:00 in the Parish Hall. The Rev. Bill Heuss will be leading a

Celtic walk.


Due to a schedule conflict, this is a combined two month edition of Together. Additional announcements of events during May and June will be available in the weekend Blue Bulletins. Send your announcements to Debbi Manning no later than 11:00 the Tuesday prior to each weekend. Thank you.

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THE FREE SHOP— Sharyn Laughton and Suzy Gray Thoughts from a faithful Wednesday volunteer…”It was fun! I asked a friend to join me. We talked and worked the whole time...had people drifting in and out all morning.......several people brought in donations and left with some new was fun to talk with them and along the way they were helping others who can't visit the shop on their own. Thank you for helping the Free Shop to help others.”

We are gladly and gratefully accepting Spring/Summer clothing for men, women & children! The Free Shop is open every MONDAY - Noon to 3 and every WEDNESDAY - 10 to 1. If the shop is closed, there is a container outside the Free Shop door for your donations. WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF VOLUNTEERS - a few of our volunteers are no longer able to work. PLEASE consider working in the Free Shop ONE DAY each month. Talk to Sharyn or Suzy. It’s easy, fun and you meet great people!

RUMMAGE SALE— Melissa Keefe

Friday, May 3rd 3:30* pm - 7:00 pm Saturday, May 4th 9:00 am - Noon


THERE ARE MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP! You don’t need to sign up; just stop by and help out during any of the scheduled times, there is plenty to do! Sort and price donations on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; work at the actual sale on Friday evening & Saturday morning; and clean up on Saturday at noon.

Questions? Call Melissa Keeffe (607) 426-0916 or email [email protected]

DROP OFF DONATIONS and WORK (sort & price) SCHEDULE at PARISH HALL Wednesday, May 1st Set-up ONLY 8:00 am – 10:00 am Drop off donations & Volunteer to Work 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Thursday, May 2nd Drop off donations & Volunteer to Work 9:00 am – 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm -7:00 pm

Friday, May 3rd Drop off donations & Volunteer to Work 9:00 am – Noon (firm deadline) SALE 3:30* pm - 7:00 pm

*3:30 – 4:00 early admission for price of $20. All other times are FREE admission. Saturday, May 4th Organize 8:30 am – 9:00 am SALE 9:00 am – Noon Clean up Noon – 2:00 pm

Please only bring donations during the specified times and DO NOT leave donations outside !!

We need CLEAN adult & children's clothing, shoes and boots in wearable condition. White Elephant items such as small appliances in WORKING order, small furniture, books (no mold), DVDs, CDs, children's toys, art, frames, linens, tools.

We CANNOT accept TVs, computer equipment, luggage, LP records, food, golf or ski equipment.

New this year – since our sale is in May, we will be able to accept donations of live outdoor plants in containers. Please, no live indoor plants.


May 12th— Mother’s Day

May 27th—Memorial Day .

June 14th—Flag Day

June 16th—Father’s Day .

ORLEANS SHEPHERD GROUP will meet on Sunday May 19th at the home of Ann and Rick Paris, 57 Woodsneck Road, E. Orleans. Please call to confirm 508-255-3583.

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This summer, our 7th, we will be serving free meals to 400-500 children daily in 16 different community programs on the Lower/Outer Cape Monday thru Friday from June 24 – August 23. All of our sites from last year are returning. Plus, we have added Eastham Library and Kings Landing Brewster as new sites and Harwich Jr. Theatre is back after a one summer absence.

As many of you know, we make and distribute meals with a very small paid staff and the generous efforts of more than 100 volunteers from the communities we serve. All preparation work takes place here at The Church of the Holy Spirit. Whether you are an experienced hand with us or a newcomer, we hope you will sign up to help.

The volunteer roles include: FOOD PREPARATION from 7:30 – 9:30 am: Work in the kitchen preparing the lunches. PACKING LINE from 9:30 – 11:00 am: Work in assembly line fashion to fill lunch bags and pack them into

sanitized coolers. MISCELLANEOUS PREPARATION from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm: Help prepare for the following day. We can

always use those wanting a more “relaxed” task (like washing/cutting fresh fruit and vegetables or dividing bulk packs into single-serve) and those wanting something a bit more robust (like breaking down boxes and cleaning coolers).

DAILY DUMP RUN: Help keep the area clear by taking flattened card board boxes and other recyclables to the dump in the afternoon. Timing can be flexible.

We will again offer the ability to sign up online with SignUpGenius beginning May 1. TO SIGN UP ONLINE visit our website at and click on Volunteers. You can choose the days and roles you would like... As many or as few as you want.

If you find a slot you want is full, we hope you will try another one. If you would like to do more than we have openings for, jot a quick email to us and we'll work with you to find a job and time that works for all of us!

NEED HELP SIGNING UP? Members of the F4K Steering Committee will be in the Reception Room/Gallery every Sunday morning in May to assist you OR email us at [email protected] OR call Brenda Ridgeway at 1-207-557-3478 with the dates and roles you would like and we will sign you up.

DRIVERS – We haven't forgotten you! We know we will need drivers to deliver meals to Provincetown (6/24-8/23), Truro (6/24-8/23), Eastham (7/12-8/9) and Harwich (7/2-8/17). We may need drivers for Orleans (7/1-8/9) and Chatham (7/1-8/15).

If you would like to deliver coolers to one site, preferably on the same day each week (like every Tuesday to Eastham), email us at [email protected] or call Anne Koehler+ at 1-973-879-5986 and let us know the sites and days of the week you would prefer.

Childhood hunger is a hidden reality on Cape Cod. We are thrilled you would like to help make a difference by supporting Food 4 Kids with your volunteer time this summer!


Please come to the Reception Room in May and enjoy the “Food 4 Kids Display”. We have many wonderful pictures and information to share…. Most importantly. Sign up to be a volunteer!!!!

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~Elizabeth Andrew

“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”

~Erma Bombeck ————————————————————————————————————————-

JUNE In June, we will again have the ever popular annual display of our Parish Artists and Crafters. If you would like to show some of your work, please contact Jan Roberts at 508-255-6281 or [email protected]

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Our group is currently reading The Delight of Being Ordinary by Roland Murillo, an entertaining and spiritually uplifting novel. We meet the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Parish Library from 10 a.m. to noon to discuss books related to our spiritual journeys. Our time together includes worship and “checking in” on what’s going on in our lives while nurturing our spiritual gardens, weeds included! Come join us .

CHS HEALTH MINISTRIES— Ann Pike-Paris and Meg Nemitz, co-chairs

Summer is fast approaching and outdoor safety precautions are back. Be it protecting yourself with sunscreen, wearing your helmet when cycling or swimming and being mindful of the area you are in, please protect your self and those around you.

Over the past several months, 4 CHS parishioners have taken a free class offered by the Orleans Citizen Forum called “Stop the Bleed”. Started in 2013 in response to the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, this national effort offers free classes to communities with trained professionals to learn methods to stem bleeding until help can arrive. These methods are meant to increase the likelihood of survival, and give you skills to be used in any crisis involving bodily injury with bleeding.

If you are interested, please contact The schedule of FREE classes is posted and as of 4/5/19, spots are still open for June 11th and 18th. Trained Orleans fire and rescue staff teach the techniques. Among the things you will learn is how to create your own emergency kit.

Here’s to a safe summer!

Contact information for more local help and support:

Barnstable County Human Services A comprehensive web site with access to multiple resources on the Cape. Councils on Aging Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190 Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319 Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462 VNAs of Cape Cod Hyannis: 508-957-7400 Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400 Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501 Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: go to this link:


Galley West Shop - Open weekdays during the Summer

Tentative starting date for Summer Hours will be Monday, July 1st through August 29th, Mondays through Thursdays, except the days the church office is closed for official holidays. Hours are 10-3, with the volunteer shifts 10-12:30 and 12:30-3:00.

Please consider saying yes when called to help with the shop hours. Simplified pricing starting this summer will include tax! Also, remember to bring your house guests to tour CHS and stop in at Galley West to purchase some special or one of a kind gifts.

ALTAR FLOWER DONATIONS— Marty Williams As we enter the Easter Season, our Altar Flower Guild will resume creating wonderful altar flower arrangements for our weekend services. Have you picked up an Altar Flowers Request Card at one of the church entrances?. For a donation of $50, flowers will be purchased and arranged for your chosen weekend by the Flower Guild. You may choose to do this to remember someone or perhaps to celebrate a special occasion such as an anniversary/ birthday.

The name of the loved one(s) being honored will be noted in the service bulletins of the weekend services of the chosen date.

Questions or want to join our Altar Flower Guild? Contact Marty Williams at 508-255-8730.

BIBLICAL GARDEN - Page McMahon Check out The Biblical Garden in front of the Galley West Shop. It has been tidied up after a long hard winter. There are the miraculous signs of rebirth as the garden comes to life again. We worked on our plans for the 2019 season during April and the real work of planting and moving the tender perennials back into the Garden will take place in late May. Watering, weeding, and on-going maintenance will take place weekly during the growing season. We are in desperate need of volunteer gardeners; please contact Page McMahon at 508-255-0831 if you are interested in helping keep this special garden thriving.

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ABOUT US “About Us” will return in July featuring an interview with Bonnie Snow, the first child baptized at CHS by Rev. Kimball.

In July, we will also begin sharing excerpts from “Of Ghosts and Angels”, a memoir by Doris Cheney Whitehouse who spent summers as a child and young adult in Orleans and became a close friend of Richard and Florence Kimball. We have received permission from Doris’ daughter, Kimball Whitehouse Rice, to share these wonderful and funny memories of the early days of CHS and the Kimballs. Stay tuned!!!


CONCERT TO BENEFIT HOMELESS AND AT-RISK YOUTH Friday, May 17, Youth Outreach and Hospitality (YOH) an action team of the Nauset Interfaith Association, is sponsoring another BENEFIT CONCERT at 7 pm in the CHS Parish Hall. CELTIC ROOTS, a band of talented Middle and High School musicians will perform a Concert To Benefit Homeless and At-Risk Youth on the Lower and Outer Cape. Please come and support this work! For more information, contact Brooke Eaton-Skea at [email protected] or 774-279-3453.

CAPE PILGRIMAGE TO NEW NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE. October 18-20, 2019. This pilgrimage is motivated by a desire to take a positive individual and communal action fostering understanding, justice and reconciliation that moves us toward the healing of our country and ourselves. The pilgrimage is by charter bus and perhaps train too! If you are interested in attending please email or call Ken Campbell+ at [email protected] or 413-478-5719.

Free tickets are limited, so an early tentative sign-up is recommended. The main costs will be travel, accommodations and food for two nights (single or double) in Washington, D.C. When we have the estimated costs, will we share them with all those who have made a tentative reservation. This event is sponsored by the Martin Luther King Action Team of Nauset Interfaith and co-sponsored by Pilgrim Landing Inter-spiritual life center on Cape Cod with a bookstore in Chatham.

THIRD ANNUAL SUMMER CAPE COD WEEKEND FOR REFUGEES. (NEW AMERICANS) If you might be willing to host a family on July 12-14 or August 9-11, please contact Ken Campbell+ . This program has been

highly successful and has led to new permanent friendships in some cases. It includes a festive meal and music for hosts, refugee families and members of the Refugee Support Team of Nauset Interfaith at the Community of Jesus in Rock Harbor on Sunday afternoon.

Nauset Interfaith has formed a new action team, the Beloved Community Land Trust, which is seeking to purchase a house in Orleans for transitional housing with a residential spiritual leader couple ( Heidi Scheffler and Stephane Ruault ) and a commitment to permaculture. The hope is that this model can be replicated in each town on the Cape as long advocated by justice and peace advocate Alan Burt. The new team is supported by the YOH (Youth Outreach and Hospitality Team) of the Nauset Interfaith Association and chaired by Brooke Eaton Skea.

Please note the additional upcoming Nauset Interfaith events:

Holocaust Memorial Service, 2nd of May, 7 PM at the Nauset Regional Middle School;

“ This is Home,” a moving film about 4 Syrian refugee families who relocate in Baltimore. Saturday, June 1st at St. Joan of Arc, Orleans at 10 am in the Parish Hall. There will be a discussion following the film.

More information is available about Nauset Interfaith Association at our website:

RE-IMAGINING UPDATE: What are Affinity Groups? Melissa Keeffe

As you know, CHS has been going through a Re-Imagining process which you all have contributed to over the past two years. In response to the initial parish input, we formed a Re-Imagining Task Force (“RTF”) that spent much of 2018 interviewing all of the CHS ministries, groups and committees (“ministries”).

A key message to the RTF from these ministries during the interviews was the need to have more consistent interaction and communication between the Vestry and the ministries. Since there are more than 50 ministries and only a dozen Vestry members, the RTF and the Vestry grouped the ministries into nine Affinity Groups based on the similarity of their activities.

All of the individual ministries still exist, but they are now also part of a larger Affinity Group. The Affinity Groups are: Administration, Buildings & Grounds, Creative Arts, Education, Fundraisers, Hospitality, Outreach, Pastoral Care, and Worship.

Each Affinity Group has been assigned a Vestry liaison who will help the ministries in their Affinity Group continue the conversation the RTF started between the Vestry and the ministries. The Vestry liaison will also be convening Affinity Group meetings from time to time, to help the similarly themed groups communicate with each other, brainstorm ideas, and perhaps hold joint events. The Vestry liaison will also work to ensure the Vestry is doing what is necessary to support the great work done by our ministries. Check out the new bulletin board in the parish hall showing these new Affinity Groups and their affiliated ministries.

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PARISH OFFICE CORNER All emails to the CHS office should be sent to [email protected]. -SUNDAY BULLETIN DEADLINE—All Sunday Blue Bulletin items must be sent to Debbi by Tuesday 11:00 a.m. FIRM! -PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday -Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The office is closed Fridays and Memorial Day, May 27th. -PARISH USAGE REQUESTS: Arline Consiglio manages Parish space requests and is in the Parish Office on Monday and Wednesday mornings. If you plan to use any part of the Parish for any event or meeting, please complete a Parish Usage Form available in the Parish Office. New Forms for 2019 need to be submitted to Arline. -NO TOGETHER EDITION IN JUNE—JULY DEADLINE IS MONDAY JUNE 17TH. Send your material to Sue Sasso at [email protected] .

BETTER STEWARDSHIP: Rethinking how much material we send by USPS mail

In April, we began using your email address on file and our website as the primary way to deliver Together to you. Periodic

Giving Statements will also be emailed to you. Remember to send us changes in your email address. If we do not have an email address on file for you, you will continue to receive Together editions and your Giving Statements by regular mail.

If you start to receive Together and/or your Giving Statement by email and would prefer to receive them by regular mail, simply contact the Database Team at [email protected] or (508) 255-0433 and let us know. Thank you!

Education for Ministry (EfM) Education for Ministry (EfM) is an exciting program for anyone interested in exploring their faith and deepening their knowledge of

the Bible and Church history. We have room for 2-4 new members starting in September 2019. Join us for an Open Meeting on

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 1 p.m. in the Fireplace Room to experience what an EfM session is like and have your questions

answered. (There will be refreshments to further entice you!)

Please contact Wilma Morris at (508) 432-6733 or [email protected] or Nancy Barrington at (508) 255-0536 ([email protected]) for more information or to let us know that you will be there.

Cape and Islands Deanery Assembly in Provincetown, March 14, 2019 at St. Mary’s. Minutes of the Cape and Islands Deanery Assembly January 2019 can be found at the Deanery website:

We were given an update on the last Diocesan Council meeting. They are working on Leadership development: how to build leadership, how do people know how they can help. On Compensation and Benefits: a recommendation has been made. They are looking at ways the Diocese can engage with Youth. They are preparing for the Presiding Bishop’s visit to Boston and MA parishes on 4/27 and 4/28. They are in communication with Deaneries and want to hear back from them to raise up issues, particularly with a focus on climate change.

On Sunday May 19th at St. David’s in South Yarmouth from 1-5 p.m., there will be a gathering of science and faith communities with a panel from 2-4 p.m., including The Rev. Deb Warner, looking at how trees impact the climate, etc.

At St. David’s on Tuesday afternoons in May there will be training on Healing Prayers. There were 6 spots available.

The Building Our Relationships through “Endaba” program, (Endaba is an African word meaning coming together for purposeful conversation leading to deeper understanding) has been put into operation and two Cape parishes have been chosen to be involved (St. David’s and Wellfleet) along with parishes from “across the bridge”. The sessions will be March, June and October.

Celia Calhoun, Deanery Rep. For Rick Paris and Jack Gentile, Diocesan Delegates and Deanery Reps.

News From TANZANIA - Cheryl Kyle The little yellow “miracle in the bush” in the Maasai Steppe in Tanzania, Endupoto Primary School, has grown since the first class-room was built in 2008 and 98 students showed up the first day of school. Presently we have:

572 Maasai students in grades Nursery through Standard 7. 49 Standard 7 students received Certificates of Completion. 24 Standard 7 students passed the national exam and are attending Oljoro Secondary School. Projects completed in 2018 include: A new Teachers’ Kitchen, a Rain Water Harvesting Tank, and a new classroom.

Our work continues now that our Endupoto Primary School graduates are attending Oljoro Secondary School. There were 74 students when we first started providing assistant. Presently there are:

252 Maasai students enrolled in Form 1-4. 30% are students from Endupoto.

Projects Completed: New classroom, completion of Science Lab and all lab equipment and furniture. Other news: We have received a Challenge Grant for a second teachers’ house

THE NEXT SAFARI IS ANTICIPATED FOR OCTOBER 2020. Stay tuned for details or talk to Cheryl Kyle.

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The Church of the Holy Spirit 204 Monument Road Orleans, Massachusetts 02653-3512 508-255-0433 [email protected]

Vestry Officers:

Cynthia Murray, Warden

Melissa Keefe, Warden

Steven Koehler, Treasurer

Jack Gentile, Clerk

Vestry Members:

Chris Crighton

Thomas Dewing

Brooke Eaton-Skea

Doug Fromm

Gilbert Merritt

Kate Paradise

Meredith Perkins

Brenda Ridgeway

The Rev. Adam S. Linton, Rector

The Rev. Gail Smith, Assisting Priest

Joan Kirchner, Minister of Music

Debbi Manning, Assistant

Wayne Currey, Property Supervisor

Tony Johnson, Weekend Sexton

Sue Sasso, TOGETHER Editor


Or current occupant


MAY May 3 –4— Rummage Sale

May 5th—Youth Sunday and Brunch May 9th—Ladies’ Luncheon

May 10th—Garden Party May 12th—Mother’s Day

May 17th—Labyrinth Walk May 19th—Church School Open House

May 27th—Memorial Day—CHS Office CLOSED

JUNE June 2nd— Youth Sunday and Brunch

June 6th—Ladies’ Luncheon June 7th—Garden Party

June 9th—PENTECOST— Wear Red to church Youth Recognition Sunday, Parish “Cook-In”, CHS 86th Birthday

June 14th—Labyrinth Walk June 16th—Father’s Day

Our mission as The Church of the Holy Spirit is to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, welcome all people, and serve one another with love.


Did you know that CHS has a Facebook page with lots of good information and posts about our parish life?

Search for “The Church of the Holy Spirit” and add CHS to your Facebook friends. You will get notifications whenever something is posted on our page.

To stay current, Visit our parish website And click on “calendar” for the

full parish calendar