· vladimir mayakovsky. russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet...

A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer cuidadosamente y EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las siguientes preguntas. On the day that I left Saturn, one of my fellow prisoners told me that since she had known me; her opinion of “Greens” had fallen even lower than it had been before. This hit me especially hard because she was a woman whom I deeply respected and also because I had secretly imagined myself to be living life as a “Green” witness among the rebels. She said that when I decided not to speak about my prison experiences because of the risks involved, she was hardly able to speak to me. She condemned me for professing to be a “Green” without having the courage to act like one. It was then that I conceived that I owed it to the members of the camp to speak for them and against Saturnian’s dictatorship. It became clear to me that, whatever the diplomatic or personal repercussions, I had to speak the truth quite openly to those who were prepared to listen. These words, then are written as the final stage of the fulfillment of a pledge* made to the women of Alamet prison on Saturn. These women are now free or living in exile, but other Saturnians have taken their place. I will write a story of what happened to me in a spirit of love and hope, for my experience has convinced me of the incredible and unconquerable goodness in people. Sheila Cassidy “Audacity to Believe” (Adapted) *A formal promise to do something. 1. - What is the main idea of the text? a) One shouldn’t keep silence for personal security b) It is important to listen to other people’s opinion c) It is fair to denounce brutality d) One can’t always speak the truth 2. - Which of the following statements is present in the text? a) Freedom turns into exile after jail b) Honesty doesn’t bring on diplomatic troubles c) Rebel prisoners do not respect “Greens” d) Human beings are worth loving and believing in 3. - According to the text, the author changed because she: a) Discovered she wasn’t the acting like a real “Green” b) Made a pledge to the other women in prison c) Didn’t believe in the goodness of people d) Was respected by her fellow prisoners A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer cuidadosamente y EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las siguientes preguntas. When the world was still young, according to the Bible, the Tower of Babel rose above the Plain of Shinar, and in it lived the descendents of Noah, all that were left of the world’s people after the Flood. The Lord came to them, caused a confusion of tongues, and spread them over the earth. They could then no longer understand each other. The world is no longer young, but its people, still plagued by a confusion of tongues, seem to have just as much difficulty understanding each other. Besides that, the world has grown smaller. A person can now circle the planet earth in 36 hours. Telstar and other communication satellites beam television programs simultaneously to earth’s not-so-far corners. But, how universal is reception of those programs when the people of the earth speak some 3,000 different languages? Many linguists, anthropologists, and other experts feel that the answer to such lack of communication is some kind of international language. It might be an artificial language a natural language, or a simplified version of a natural language. But the time is now. Taken from The People’s Almanac , By Irving Wallace 1. - Which of the following statements expresses the main idea of the text? a) God himself caused the confusion of languages b) Man’s incommunication started in the Tower of Babel c) It is clear that the world’s population needs to understand all existing languages d) It is necessary to create a universal language in order to improve man’s communication 2. - Satellites have made human communication easier; however: a) Incommunication reflects man’s lack of knowledge b) The problem of incommunication is a natural language c) The problem of incommunication continues to be a serious matter d) Incommunication is caused by disagreement among linguists an other experts 3. - Which of the following expressions taken from the text is used in a figurative sense? a) “…the world has grown smaller” b) “A person can now circle the planet earth in 36 hours” c) “…communication satellites beam television programs…” d) “It might be an artificial language…”

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Page 1: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer cuidadosamente y EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las siguientes preguntas.

On the day that I left Saturn, one of my fellow prisoners told me that since she had known me; her opinion of “Greens” had fallen even lower than it had been before. This hit me especially hard because she was a woman whom I deeply respected and also because I had secretly imagined myself to be living life as a “Green” witness among the rebels. She said that when I decided not to speak about my prison experiences because of the risks involved, she was hardly able to speak to me. She condemned me for professing to be a “Green” without having the courage to act like one.

It was then that I conceived that I owed it to the members of the camp to speak for them and against Saturnian’s dictatorship. It became clear to me that, whatever the diplomatic or personal repercussions, I had to speak the truth quite openly to those who were prepared to listen. These words, then are written as the final stage of the fulfillment of a pledge* made to the women of Alamet prison on Saturn. These women are now free or living in exile, but other Saturnians have taken their place. I will write a story of what happened to me in a spirit of love and hope, for my experience has convinced me of the incredible and unconquerable goodness in people.

Sheila Cassidy“Audacity to Believe”

(Adapted)*A formal promise to do something.

1. - What is the main idea of the text?

a) One shouldn’t keep silence for personal securityb) It is important to listen to other people’s opinionc) It is fair to denounce brutalityd) One can’t always speak the truth

2. - Which of the following statements is present in the text?

a) Freedom turns into exile after jailb) Honesty doesn’t bring on diplomatic troublesc) Rebel prisoners do not respect “Greens”d) Human beings are worth loving and believing in

3. - According to the text, the author changed because she:

a) Discovered she wasn’t the acting like a real “Green”b) Made a pledge to the other women in prisonc) Didn’t believe in the goodness of peopled) Was respected by her fellow prisoners

A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer cuidadosamente y EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las siguientes preguntas.

When the world was still young, according to the Bible, the Tower of Babel rose above the Plain of Shinar, and in it lived the descendents of Noah, all that were left of the world’s people after the Flood. The Lord came to them, caused a confusion of tongues, and spread them over the earth. They could then no longer understand each other.

The world is no longer young, but its people, still plagued by a confusion of tongues, seem to have just as much difficulty understanding each other. Besides that, the world has grown smaller. A person can now circle the planet earth in 36 hours. Telstar and other communication satellites beam television programs simultaneously to earth’s not-so-far corners. But, how universal is reception of those programs whenthe people of the earth speak some 3,000 different languages?

Many linguists, anthropologists, and other experts feel that the answer to such lack of communication is some kind of international language. It might be an artificial language a natural language, or a simplified version of a natural language. But the time is now.

Taken from The People’s Almanac,By Irving Wallace

1. - Which of the following statements expresses the main idea of the text?

a) God himself caused the confusion of languagesb) Man’s incommunication started in the Tower of Babelc) It is clear that the world’s population needs to understand all existing

languagesd) It is necessary to create a universal language in order to improve

man’s communication

2. - Satellites have made human communication easier; however:

a) Incommunication reflects man’s lack of knowledgeb) The problem of incommunication is a natural languagec) The problem of incommunication continues to be a serious matterd) Incommunication is caused by disagreement among linguists an other


3. - Which of the following expressions taken from the text is used in a figurative sense?

a) “…the world has grown smaller”b) “A person can now circle the planet earth in 36 hours”c) “…communication satellites beam television programs…”d) “It might be an artificial language…”

Page 2: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

I want to say a few things about the development of the contemporary theatre: the type of drama associated with the names writers in France, Britain, Italy and elsewhere.

Studies on theatre subjects tend to the ephemeral; in most book shops the autobiographies of star actors and collections of last year’s hits on the shelves have a tired look. I should not have written this if I had not been convinced that the subject has an importance transcending the somewhat confined world of theatrical literature. The theatre, in spite of its operant eclipse through the rise of the mass media, remains of immense and grousing significance precisely because of the spread of cinema and television. These mass media are too ponderous and costly to allow much experiment and innovation. No métier how restricted the theatre and its audience may be, it is on the living stage that the actors and playwrights* of the mass media the trained and gain their experience, and that the material of the mass media is tested. The theatre of today is perhaps the main influence on the mass media of tomorrow. And the mass media, in turn, shape a great deal of the thought and feeling of people…

Martin Esslin“The Theater of the Absurd”


* One when writes plays dramatist.

1. – Which of the following sentences expresses the main idea the text?

a) Theater could be overcome by mass mediab) There can be a natural relation between theater and mass mediac) People don’t read much literature about the subject of theaterd) Theater’s importance hasn’t been overshadowing by movies or T.V.

2. – Which of the following statements is present in the text?

a) New authors always experiment and innovateb) Playwrights can influence the thought of peoplec) Actors of the mass media get practice on the living staged) Theater’s are restricted because of the rise of mass media

3. – The author wrote this because he feels that:

a) Theater is still more important than T.V. and moviesb) The subject of mass media goes beyond the topic of theatrical literaturec) Theatrical audiences have a great influence on innovationd) The best contemporary theater is that of Ionesco, Beckett and Genet

I have the audacity to believe that people everywhere can have three meals a day to satisfy their bodies, education and culture to satisfy their minds; and dignity, justice and freedom to satisfy their spirits… I still believe that some day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and that non-violent goodwill will proclaim the rule of the land. The lion and the lamb shall then lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and done shall be afraid. I still believe that we shall overcome.

Martin Luther KingNobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech.


1. – The main idea in the text states that men:

a) Are able to dismiss warsb) Must pursue social wealthc) Will eventually find equalityd) Can receive cultural instruction

2. – Which of the following statements is present in the text?

a) A free mind needs three meals a dayb) Violence will be overcome by goodwillc) The strong and the weak must become friendsd) Wars and bloodshed are generated by violence

3. – According to the text, if all men were equal, they:

a) Would have no fearsb) Could give thanks to Godc) Could maintain their dignityd) Would deserve a peaceful life

Page 3: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution period of the 1920s. (He and rival Sergei Esenin contended for the role of spokesman* for the proletariat and the new order). Although never a member of the Communist Party, Mayakovsky became the troubadour of the Revolution and Bolshevism, and he was a superb propagandist, creating thousands of poems, advertisements, posters, and slogans to sell Lenin and the Soviets to the masses.

Matching the age in which he lived, Mayakovsky was dramatic and demanding. His emotions-his love of women, his need for love, his need to belong, and his loneliness were, like his physical presence, larger that life.

Taken from Short LivesBy Katinka Matson

Spokesman: A person chosen to speak on behalf of a group.

1. – Which of the following ideas is present in the text?

a) Mayakovsky didn’t agree with Sergei Eseninb) Mayakovsky wanted to denounce Lenin to the massesc) The goal of Mayakovsky was to proclaim the Russian Revolutiond) Stalin didn’t hesitance to call Mayakovsky a saint of Revolution

2. – According to the author, Mayakovsky was a:

a) Lonely manb) Ladies’ manc) Strong persond) Political publicize

3. – When the author says that Mayakovsky was “demanding”, he means that he?

a) Gave ordersb) Was rigorousc) Asked questionsd) Showed impatience

The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right – handed. Up until recently, people who were left – handed were considered abnormal, and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today, left – handedness is generally accepted but it is still a disadvantage in a world where most people are right – handed. For example, most tools and implements (scissors, tin openers, etc) are still designed for right – handed people.

In sports, by contrast, doing things with the left hand (or foot) is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the “wrong” side may disconcert opponents, who are more accustomed to dealing with the majority of players who are right – handed. This is why, in most ball games at a professional level, a higher proportion of players are left – handed than in the population as a whole.

Taken from Contemporary EnglishBy R. Rossner, P. Shaw, J.

Shephend and J. Taylor.

1. – According to the author, left – handed people were considered to be:

a) Peculiarb) Singularc) Extraordinaryd) Unconventional

2. – According to the author, the use of the left – hand within a right – handed world is:

a) Damagingb) Detrimentalc) Troublesomed) Contradictory

3. – Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

a) Most professional ball players are left – handedb) Left – handed players confuse right – handed adversariesc) Ball players prefer to have left – handed opponentsd) Players often use the wrong hand to distract their opponents

Page 4: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

“Everything enjoyable in life is illegal, immoral, or fattening.” Moan those who are overweight. To help take the derivation out of dieting, the American food industry has produced several kinds of dietetic foods for people who want to take off excess weight. Why all this emphasis upon staying thin? It is partly because doctors say that extra weight decreases life expectancy. It is also vanity; a slim figure is basic to the American ideal of feminine beauty, and a “potbelly” detracts from a man’s appearance, too.

Taken from the USA, Customs and InstitutionsBy Ethel and Martin Tiersky.


1. – Dietetic foods are elaborated by the American food industry in order to:

a) Prevent dieters from losing weightb) Lessen the effects of extra weightc) Offer dieters a rich variety of productd) Emphasize the American ideal of beauty

2. – According to the doctors, fat people:

a) Are vainb) Live lessc) Enjoy lifed) Are expectant

3. – The word “moan”, may be substituted by:

a) Criticizeb) Predictc) Supposed) Lament

President Kennedy once called American Indians “the least understood and most misunderstood Americans of us all.” Legends of the “Wild West” have often Distorted the role of the Indian in the development of America. The American Indian is frequently depicted as a cruel and ignorance savage. True, some tribes did react violently to the Europe invasion of their land, but that is only half of the story. Will friendly and eager to teach the new – comers how to get along in a strange land. For example, without Indian assistance, the Pilgrims in Massachusetts might not have survived.

Taken from the USA Customs and InstitutionsBy Ethel and Martin Tiersky.

1. – Indians are remembered as cruel and headless however, at the beginning they were:

a) Kindb) Eagerc) Savaged) Violent

2. – The word “depicted” can be substituted by:

a) Enduredb) Describedc) Criticizedd) Recognized

3. – Which of the following titles best suits the text?

a) “The Invasion of North America”b) “The Survival of the American Indians”c) “The Europeans in North America”d) “The Truth about the American Indians”

Page 5: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

Football is played with a ball that is approximately oval. The football field is 120 yards long and 160 feet wide. The first ten yards at each end of the field are called and zones. Each contains two goal posts connected by a horizontal bar ten feet off the ground. The object of the game is either to carry the ball into the other team’s end zone without being knocked to the ground or to kick the ball between the other team’s goal posts. Football is a rugged sport involving much physical contact between players. But there are rules prohibiting certain connect likely to lead to injuries, and a team is penalized if a player breaks any of the rules. Also, to prevent injures, players wear protective clothing. Nevertheless, football players do get hurt, but far less often than one wouldn’t pose from watching the game.

Taken from the USA, Customs and InstitutionsBy Ethel and Martin Tiersky


A major reason for conflict in the animal world is territory. The male animal establishes an area; the size of the area is sufficient to provide food for him, his mate (or mates) and their offspring. Migrating birds, for example, divide up the best, territory in the order of “first come, first served.” The late arrivals may obtain larger territories, but less food is available, or they are too close to the habitats of the enemies of the species. If there in really insufficient food or the danger is very great the animal will not mate. In this way, the members of the species which are less fit will not have offspring.

When there is conflict over territory, animals will commonly use force, or a show of force, to decide which will stay and which will go.

Taken from Contemporary EnglishBy R. Rossner, p. Shaw,

J. Shephend and J. Taylor

1. – According to the authors, football players get hurt:

a) Less frequently than people tend to thinkb) More easily when there is physical contactc) Less seriously than those who watch the gamed) More severely when they are in for positions

2. – The word “rugged” can be substituted by:

a) Dynamicb) Intensivec) Violentd) Exhausting

3. – Which of the following ideas is true according to the text?

a) The goal posts are ten feet tallb) The players principal objective is to knock down their opponentsc) The end zones are ten yards highd) The rules are intended to prevent may possible damage to the players

1. Which of the following ideas is true according to the text?

a) Migrating birds prefer to settle in large territoriesb) Mate animals select their territory according to their sizec) Large territories are the main source of trouble for migrating birdsd) The amount of available food animals need determines the territory

they choose

2. – What does the word “they” refer to?

a) Large territoriesb) Best territoriesc) Migrating birdsd) Late arrivals

3. – The word “mate” can be substituted by:

a) Settleb) Couplec) Huntd) Eat

Page 6: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

Many devout Christians believed that the world would come to a sudden and just 1,000 years after Christ. This prospect of the “millennium” brought relief to many a weary person. Many journeyed to Palestine to be present in their Holy Land when the end of the world came.

But the end of the world did not come, and the thousands of pilgrims who had journeyed to Jerusalem were ill-treated by the Turks. They returned to Europe full of anger and humiliation, and spread the story of their offerings in the Holy Land. One famous pilgrim especially, Peter the Hermit, went about, staff in hand, preaching to the people to rescue their Holy City Jerusalem from the Muslims. Indignation and enthusiasm grew in Christendom, and seeing this the Pope decided to lead the movement.

In 1095, a great Church council decided to proclaim a Holy way against the Muslins for the recovery of the Holy City of Jerusalem. Thus began the Crusades – the fight of Christendown against lalam, of the Cross against the Crestar.

Taken from The People’s Almanac (Adapted)

1. – Which of the following titles best suits the text?

a) “How the Crusades Began”b) “A World Which Didn’t End”c) “The Preach Age of Peter the Hermit”d) “New Expectation for a Better World”

2. – In the express on “when about” the world “about” can be replaced by:

a) Onb) Overc) Here and thered) To the Holy Land

3. – Which of the following ideas is true according to the text?

a) The pilgrims got sick and tired in the Holy Land.b) Angry and number lasted pilgrims proclaimed the Holy Warc) The Turks dominated Christian pilgrims in Jerusalemd) Humanity thought the world would and before the year 1,000 after Christ.

Page 7: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

1. - Her hands are __________ because she was playing with clay and mud.

a) Hardyb) Stickyc) Bitterd) Thrifty

2. - The __________ for small cars is increasing together with the price of gas.

a) Fareb) Profitc) Deviced) Market

3. - Our country’s industrial __________ is very slow if compared to that of agriculture.

a) Incomeb) Platformc) Advantaged) Development

4. - This book __________ with the economic problems in Latin American countries.

a) Labelsb) Dealsc) Breedsd) Faces

5. – Depend__________ on drugs is a way to madness.

a) Ionb) Encec) Anced) Ment

6. – He struggled desperately and survived __________ his age.

a) Invoiceb) Beneathc) Despited) Distress

7. – Mr. Smith __________ his children to study more.

a) Achievedb) Advertisedc) Realizedd) Encouraged

8. – Our country’s __________ with Europe was much higher last year.

a) Invoiceb) Foreign tradec) Developmentd) Natural resource

9. – The __________ declared bankrupted because of a lack of raw materials.

a) Libraryb) Enterprisec) Advertisingd) Merchandise

10. – Eddie has been __________ around instead of studying.

a) Blowingb) Foolingc) Fillingd) Breaking

11. – Were you __________ leave when Karen arrived?

a) About tob) By way ofc) In order tod) All at once

12. – Jennifer was punished because of her __________behavior.

a) Unb) Inc) Disd) Mis

13. – First I wished to marry her, but now I have __________.

a) Made a dealb) Talked overc) Seen her offd) Changed my mind

14. – The teacher __________ all the mistakes we committed.

a) Broke inb) Caught upc) Pointed outd) Named after

15. – They were not able to __________ the orders they had been given.

a) Carry outb) Break inc) Turn offd) Bear up

16. – The inspector __________ all the points of the case before giving his opinion.

a) Help onb) Kept upc) Left outd) Went over

17. – Your children are playing near the pool. You’d better __________ them.

a) Bring aboutb) Put on withc) Keep an eye ond) Look forward to

18. – She should study harder ________To get a good mark in the exam.

a) As yetb) By wayc) All overd) In order

19. – I don’t like novels excessively descript__________.

a) Iveb) Ionc) Ousd) Ize

20. – I always __________ to finish my homework as soon as possible.

a) Tryb) Thinkc) Believed) Propose

21. – Will you remember ___________?

a) To your friendsb) Me when you’re awayc) Me to finish the reportd) Your father about the gas


22. – The fans __________ for Jake Mason outside his hotel.

a) Hopedb) Waitedc) Desiredd) Expected

23. – Will you remind Mother _______?

a) With loveb) To go to the bankc) Everyday mored) When you are away

24. – I __________ my best _____ make her understand but failed.

a) Tried / tob) Wished / toc) Planned / ond) Intended / on

Page 8: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

25. – I will remind you __________.

a) About our dateb) To your brotherc) A little everydayd) When I listen to this song

26. – She reminded me __________.

a) Just vaguelyb) My Mother saidc) Every day of yourd) About my medicine

27. – Bob should have __________ harder to finish his projects.

a) Triedb) Desiredc) Plannedd) Intended

28. - Our product was sold on the forcing __________ last year.

a) Rangeb) Marketc) Incomed) Sample

29. – I’m __________ a letter from Barbara these days.

a) Hopingb) Waitingc) Expectingd) Thinking

30. – Please, sharp_____ all my colors pencils.

a) Enb) Alc) Ived) Ise

31. – The new technology will bring addition _____benefits.

a) Alb) Ivec) Mentd) Ance

32. – Liz was shocked at John’s refuse_____ to divorce her.

a) Anceb) Ionc) Ingd) Al

33. – They discussed the plans for more than four hours. At last they came to an agree_____.

a) Alb) Ancec) Fyd) Ment

34. – The measure_____ of the area is wrong. Check it out.

a) Mentb) Ousc) Fyd) Al

35. – Jane never __________ how much her husband loved her.

a) Grabbedb) Struggledc) Achievedd) Realized

36. - __________ their effort, that didn’t get to the airport on time.

a) Beyondb) Despitec) Beneathd) Although

37. – We have sold all our goods. The new __________ will arrive next week.

a) Packingb) Platformc) Procedured) Merchandise

38. – Has your uncle ever _______ a liver operation?

a) Receivedb) Undergonec) Producedd) Diminished

39. – My brother was __________ considered one of the best painters in the country.

a) Agob) Beforec) Wheneverd) Formerly

40. – Pete __________ his new product in the local paper.

a) Advertisedb) Collectedc) Labeledd) Hired

41. – You must __________ your students to work hard.

a) Argueb) Focusc) Provided) Encourage

42. – The English __________ in the American Colonies were hardworking people.

a) Trampsb) Incomesc) Settlersd) Arrivals

43. – They’re trying to find out what the main __________ of employment is in this country.

a) Sourceb) Pathc) Goald) Fare

44. – He needs a __________ climate to recover.

a) Minorb) Stickyc) Lovelierd) Healthful

45. – When I was a child, my ______ were very strict: Mother used to punish me and Dad agreed with her.

a) Fathersb) Parentsc) Familiesd) Relatives

46. – John misses Mary a lot. He’s __________ to date her again.

a) Thriftyb) Willingc) Pursuingd) Relentless

47. – Has your favorite hobby ever __________ with your profession?

a) Researchedb) Embarrassedc) Interferedd) Provided

48. – Our History teacher gave an original __________ on Greece last night.

a) Sampleb) Lecturec) Readingd) Subject

49. – We’ll have to postpone our lunch because the __________ is full right now.

a) Dining carb) Resort placec) Self relianced) Reserved seat

Page 9: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

50. – Hamlet and King Lear are two of Shakespeare’s __________ works.

a) Brineb) Sparec) Majord) Barely

51. – I can see the other room through that __________.

a) Rootb) Whirlc) Ranged) Crevice

52. – I read two __________ novels last month; the best of the year in my opinion.

a) Burglaryb) Remarkablec) Compulsoryd) Advertising

53. – A __________ involving a police car and bus occurred this morning.

a) Weaponb) Disgracec) Menaced) Collision

54. – I saw the thief __________ the briefcase from the man.

a) Breedb) Reachc) Graspd) Search

55. – Our factory’s __________ has been continually increasing.

a) Crewb) Outputc) Purposed) Procedure

56. – Dad wants to _____ my baby sister _____ Grandmother.

a) Look / forb) Talk / overc) Name / afterd) Take / apart

57. – The action of Tom’s new film __________ an African village.

a) Focusesb) Portraysc) Works outd) Takes place

58. – Tom wants to rob the big store, but he’ll never __________ with it.

a) Come upb) Run awayc) Get awayd) Make over

59. – She will help us with the plan, if she doesn’t __________.

a) See us offb) Come in handyc) Have time offd) Change her mind

60. – Betty went into business by __________ with the New Import Bank.

a) Figuring outb) Making a dealc) Standing in lined) Taking into account

61. – The players will feel better if they __________ the captain of the team.

a) Keep in touch withb) Look forward toc) Bring aboutd) Drop by

62. – I _____ my typewriter _____, but I couldn’t find the electrical failure.

a) Set / upb) Blew / outc) Tore / apartd) Put / together

63. – The last soldier had to __________ when he ran out of bullets.

a) Ask forb) Give upc) Die downd) Leave out

64. – The Government should give more assist_____ to the victims of the flood.

a) Ionb) Encec) Mentd) Ance

65. – The teacher _____liked your son’s behavior.

a) Inb) Unc) Disd) Mis

66. – I kept on __________ for Jack till midnight, but he didn’t show up.

a) Hopingb) Waitingc) Wishingd) Expecting

67. – You must always __________ that you are a soldier.

a) Rememberb) Recallc) Remindd) Record

68. – Engineer Smith is in charge of the mainten_____ of the computer.

a) Ingb) Ancec) Ized) Ence

69. – Louse is __________ on taking a long trip to Germany.

a) Tryingb) Wantingc) Planningd) Intending

70. – I don’t consider Terry a reliable __________ of information.

a) Sourceb) Branchc) Incomed) Output

71. – Don’t tell me I have to _______ with Mr. Nolan. I hate him!

a) Put upb) Take upc) Put apartd) Take apart

72. – The farmer had a good ______ of apples this year.

a) Goalb) Mistc) Fueld) Crop

73. – Our boss stimulates us by __________ our new projects up.

a) Sweepingb) Backingc) Pullingd) Bunging

Page 10: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

74. – Alex __________ for Rose at the entrance of the store.

a) Hopedb) Wishedc) Waitedd) Expected

75. – We don’t put much __________ on Fred. He never keeps his promises.

a) Invoiceb) Reliancec) Enterprised) Confidence

76. – The students are __________ forward _____ having vacation.

a) Going / tob) Going / forc) Looking / tod) Looking / for

77. – Rachel is __________ with her boss about some items in her contract.

a) Arguingb) Reachingc) Searchingd) Struggling

78. – Do you have a __________ pencil? I can’t find mine.

a) Shovelb) Resortc) Pursued) Spare

79. – I have to remind ____________ _________________.

a) When my boss comes backb) To call you tonightc) My appoint meant at sixd) You to come a five

80. – Candles are made of _____.

a) Waxb) Pipec) Brined) Speek

81. – Betty used to drop _____ my house once a week.

a) Inb) Byc) Aboutd) Around

82. – Mr. Prior should _____ a new secretary. Miss Jones’ typewriting is terrible.

a) Hireb) Pursuec) Achieved) Provide

83. – Clark and I are companions in _____fortune.

a) Disb) Unc) Misd) In

84. – The ants entered the kitchen through small __________ in the well.

a) Pegb) Crewc) Screend) Crevice

85. – The boys were so tired that they could __________ walk.

a) Hardyb) Barelyc) Stickyd) Bitterly

86. - __________ the adverse weather conditions we were able to land safely.

a) Mineb) Beneathc) Despited) Diminish

87. – One of our library’s latest __________ is the new edition of The Cambridge Anthology of English Literature.

a) Purposeb) Acquisitionsc) Raw materialsd) Subject matters

88. – Rita got her job by __________ of her father’s influence with the director.

a) Meansb) Devicec) Advantaged) Advertising

89. – Silvia doesn’t like to speak in public. It __________ her.

a) Impoverishesb) Embarrassesc) Menacesd) Mingles

90. – Maggie is __________ on her wedding gown. She looks pretty.

a) Takingb) Gettingc) Tryingd) Keeping

91. – The man at the entrance gave us a __________ that describes the different areas of the museum.

a) Packb) Layerc) Weapond) Booklet

92. – Mr. Adams has to keep _____ touch _____ us.

a) In / forb) In / withc) On / ford) On / with

93. – Linda makes a _____ of 5 dollars on every cake she sells.

a) Fareb) Tradec) Ranged) Profit

94. – The excess of gas caused the balloon to __________.

a) Grabb) Trampc) Burstd) Whirl

95. – The show was __________ off because the singers had an accident.

a) Setb) Blewc) Calledd) Picked

96. – Sam is __________ to start working, but he hasn’t found a job yet.

a) Willingb) Thriftyc) Compulsoryd) Outstanding

97. – The teachers let the children go home early because the __________ was terrible and the air conditioning system was out of order.

a) Hotb) Heatc) Hotterd) Heating

Page 11: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

98. – The thief ran away when the __________ alarm started ringing.

a) Trapb) Trampc) Menaced) Burglary

99. – The children stood there looking at the airplane as it __________ from sight.

a) Focusedb) Graspedc) Vanishedd) Portrayed

100. – The National Bank has opened a new __________ near my office.

a) Branchb) Marketc) Profitd) Purpose

101. – The __________ by airplane will speed up our deliveries.

a) Diningb) Packingc) Shippingd) Advertising

102. – You __________ many important details in your monthly report.

a) Left outb) Caught upc) Turned offd) Dropped by

103. – Mother __________ on the light as soon as she heard me crying.

a) Setb) Keptc) Turnedd) Brought

104. – The town was evacuated because of the __________ caused by the hard rain.

a) Waxb) Goalc) Cropd) Flood

105. – If Mr. Smith is not able to attend our meeting, it will have to be __________.

a) Called offb) Filled outc) Turned offd) Taken place

106. – The rain dripped through the __________ in the roof.

a) Departuresb) Crevicesc) Devicesd) Sources

107. – It’s time for you to study harder. You have been __________ too long.

a) Going overb) Thinking upc) Leaving outd) Fooling around

108. – The new __________ will be sold tomorrow.

a) Merchandiseb) Reliancec) Shippingd) Packing

109. – Sally can’t afford the __________ for the train.

a) Profitb) Goodsc) Meansd) Fare

110. – Cindy should _____ cut _____ strangers when she goes out at night.

a) Run / forb) Look / forc) Look / tod) Run / to

111. – Tony __________ on to his mother’s skirt to remain standing.

a) Turnedb) Pickedc) Heldd) Had

112. – The airplane __________ is chess.

a) Fareb) Incomec) Profitd) Enterprise

113. – Did you __________ how serious his mistake was?

a) Lookb) Grabc) Realized) Advertise

114. - __________ lets you introduce your product to the consumers.

a) Antiquityb) Advertisingc) Self – relianced) Subject – matter

115. – The manager wants to __________ a fanatic singer.

a) Hireb) Arguec) Provided) Struggle

116. – I didn’t remember _________

a) You to phone herb) What did are wantc) What she told med) Anne about the milk

117. – Elizabeth found the box after dinging through __________ of rock and soil.

a) Pegsb) Padsc) Brinesd) Layers

118. – Alice likes to have modern __________ in her house. She’s just bought an exotic arm-chair.

a) Furnitureb) Timetablec) Libraryd) Menace

119. – Mr. Williams was seen _____ by all his students at the train station.

a) Outb) Offc) Overd) Away

120. – We’re __________ forward to moving to our new house.

a) Goingb) Tryingc) Lookingd) Keeping

121. - __________ by airplane will speed up our deliveries.

a) Diningb) Packingc) Shippingd) Advertising

Page 12: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

122. – It is advisable to __________ the bottle explaining its contents.

a) Searchb) Portrayc) Faced) Label

123. – Don’t __________ around with Jim; he gets angry easily.

a) Pullb) Foolc) Taked) Bear

124. – You shouldn’t be destruct_________ when you criticize other people.

a) Iveb) Ousc) Ingd) Ise

125. – The __________ description Pete gave us of his town helped us on our visit.

a) Outputb) Overallc) Invoiced) Despite

126. – Cindy had a red sweater _____ this morning. She was also wearing a blue skirt.

a) Putb) Setc) Ond) In

127. – During the trip, all the plane’s __________ took care of the nice old lady.

a) Crewb) Branchc) Settersd) Immigrants

128. – Jane couldn’t defend herself against the burglar. She didn’t have a __________.

a) Layerb) Samplec) Weapond) Furnace

129. – Jill __________ up gymnastics when she broke her leg.

a) Droppedb) Caughtc) Pickedd) Gave

130. – Debbie was __________ at the sight of her messy kitchen.

a) Outstandingb) Relentlessc) Disgustedd) Harmless

131. - __________ out this form and deliver it to Mrs. Wells.

a) Completeb) Answerc) Haved) Fill

132. - __________ is one of the principal problems in African countries.

a) Famineb) Disgracec) Distressd) Collision

133. – Mr. Joyce’s guid__________ is still necessary for his two sons.

a) Ionb) Ancec) Mentd) Ence

134. – Gary never arranges his books. He just _____ them _____ on his desk.

a) Takes / upb) Piles / upc) Takes / overd) Piles / over

135. – Roger has better animals on his farm thanks to his new __________ process.

a) Vanishingb) Refiningc) Minglingd) Breeding

136. – I really _____ in _____ cooking. I think it’s fantastic!

a) Go / forb) Turn / forc) Go / aboutd) Turn / about

137. – I couldn’t see who was walking in the garden. The __________ was very thick.

a) Aweb) Fuelc) Mistd) Spare

138. – Use the net to __________ the butterflies.

a) Grabb) Graspc) Flapd) Tramp

139. – The plane began to __________ when its engine exploded.

a) Heatb) Whirlc) Struggled) Diminish

140. – Don’t __________ of the dog! It might hurt the children.

a) Let gob) Set outc) Carry outd) Let alone

141. – Lucy didn’t know the legal __________ for adopting a child.

a) Bookletb) Tonnagec) Compoundd) Procedure

142. – Mr. Bates needs water for his cattle. He’s going to __________ a well.

a) Seepb) Drillc) Undergod) Diminish

143. – Your calculations are very __________. You don’t have any errors.

a) Hardyb) Willingc) Thriftyd) Accurate

144. – The train __________ is cheap.

a) Fareb) Incomec) Profitd) Enterprise

145. – The __________ of the student’s visit to the plant is to learn the manufacturing process.

a) Statusb) Lecturec) Purposed) Advantage

Page 13: · VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post-Revolution

146. – We’d better __________ something fast. The policeman will want to know what we are doing here.

a) Bring aboutb) Leave outc) Think outd) Run away

147. – We must leave at once. Everything’s __________ for the trip.

a) Way ofb) All setc) Back upd) Let alone

148. – I don’t trust Bill! He never __________ out his plans.

a) Setsb) Keepsc) Makesd) Carries

149. – The tickets are sold out. We cannot call the show _____ now!

a) Forb) Offc) Downd) Over

150. – African life has not been well __________ by western writers.

a) Labeledb) Menacesc) Refinedd) Portrayed

151. – Cultural activities should be __________ and directed to the provinces.

a) Pursuedb) Collectedc) Portrayedd) Decentralized

152. – The boy scattered his clothes all __________ the room.

a) Setb) Overc) In alld) At once

153. - __________ by my house someday to listen to my new records.

a) Dropb) Pullc) Cutd) Set

154. – The cattle were __________ on the farm experimentally.

a) Bredb) Grabbedc) Refinedd) Undergone

155. – It’s dangerous for an industry to run out of __________.

a) Raw materialsb) Foreign tradec) Subject matterd) Natural resources

156. –I must ______ she pieces of the motor ___________ before having dinner.

a) Hold / onb) Work / outc) Let / aloned) Put / together

157. – The manager and I talked __________ the workers’ demands for two hours.

a) Atb) Overc) Tod) Along

158. – Mrs. Collins’ sad life made her a very __________ woman.

a) Barelyb) Despitec) Bitterd) Compound

159. – Do you think Frank wills __________ my advice into account?

a) Putb) Lookc) Keepd) Take

160. – I have always tried not to __________ in other people’s business.

a) Diminishb) Interferec) Encouraged) Impoverish

161. – Vicky __________ with strangers at parties.

a) Burstsb) Refinesc) Whirlsd) Mingles

162. – Joan is __________ at her husband’s laziness.

a) Pursuedb) Vanishedc) Disgustedd) Encouraged

163. – Dan had always __________ for power and fortune. Finally, he has succeeded in his efforts.

a) Arguedb) Grabbedc) Struggledd) Advertised

164. – Don’t cry after my __________. I’ll come back soon.

a) Departureb) Shippingc) Distressd) Arrival