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Copyright © 2016 by Glynn Kosky

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away

in any form without the written consent of the author/publisher or the

terms relayed to you herein.


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Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Building a list

Chapter 3 - The funnel

Chapter 4 - Funnel offers

Chapter 5 - Email Marketing Systems & autoresponder

Chapter 6 - Landing pages

Chapter 7 - Website & email

Chapter 8 - Autoresponder email sequence

Chapter 9 - Traffic

Chapter 10 - Testing

Chapter 11 - Conclusion


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For the past few years we have been making serious money online

through numerous passive and active methods. This has allowed us to

live the life that we always wanted. We work when we want to, travel

the world and spend time and money on and with the people we love.

Making money online is not that difficult. It just seems that way at the

start or if you get overwhelmed. Well here is the news and it's not new.

You need to focus. This guide shows you in great depth how you can

create a simple system to make money online that can easily be scaled

up without any saturation to the market.


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Unfortunately there will be two types of people that read this guide.

First there will be shiny object seekers. People who will glance at this

book and either move on to something else as it presents itself or glance

at this and think they know it all. Either way they will not take action.

Secondly there are the action takers. These people will read and digest

the information we have provided and then put it into action.

It is important that you decide what sort of person you want to be, where

you want get to and how you want to live your life. If the answers to

those questions are something better, then you must take action. Better

still take action now!!!!!!!

In this guide we have put together the system to allow you to create

wealth online. Follow the steps in order. Re-read the sections over and

over as necessary. We have tried to get the photos as big as possible but

remember that you can zoom in if you need to!

This book

In this book we have put together the number 1 way that anybody can

start making $100 a day. $100 a day may seem somewhat daunting at

first, but it really isn't. Most people should be able to apply the

knowledge given in this book and achieve $100 fairly quickly if applied


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correctly with focus and drive. Within this guide we have combined the

theory of each element with step by step instruction and a number of

simple tutorials.

What i need to do

At the bottom of most of the chapters we have inserted a small section

called ‘what i need to do ’. This is small brief recap of what you need to

do following reading the chapter. It is not an alternative for reading the

contents of the chapter, just a friendly reminder of what to do next, so

read the chapters fully.


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Building A List

What is a list?

A list is a collection of email addresses that have been obtained by a user

subscribing, completing an opt-in form or purchasing a product. By

doing so we are building a targeted collection of people who have at

least one common and specific interest. Once we are in possession of

this list we can send them specific emails that may be of interest to them

that contain offers that will earn us money.


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Why build an email list?

First of all email is not going anywhere. Email has now become the

number 1 form of communication. We no longer communicate to any real

extent via traditional post methods. However remember that we always

seem open our post, even when we know it is trash. Why? because it is

personal. This has to some degree transferred onto email. Yes, we do

not open every email. I know people with thousand of unopened emails,

i’m one of them i currently have 81k unopened emails over numerous

personal accounts. But despite that hundreds of emails still pique my

interest daily.

The point is that social media has opened up a lot of ways to

communicate in the recent years. But think about this. How many social

media updates and statuses are put in front of you each day? How many

do you actually read? Then think about the amount of emails you get and

how many you read, The percentage will be massively in favor of email.

People just read email because it is more personal. It is directly sent to a

recipient. We feel obliged to check it out.

The beauty of the list as we have already established is that it is targeted.

We know who they are and what they like, therefore we can predict their

behavior. When we send an email it is effectively an advertisement.

There is no other advertising platform out there (Facebook, twitter,

google, bing etc) that can compete with a list in terms of targeted traffic


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to the right people. Compare monthly subscriptions charges for email

marketing services with ad charges and there is no competition.

Therefore it is the most economical way to advertise your offers.

Problems most people have in building a list

They give up at the first hurdle or set back. This is really relevant to life.

We all give up far too easy, regardless of the rewards. I can remember

watching the first episode of ‘The Walking Dead ’ and thinking it was slow

and not for me. Years later because I persisted it is my favorite tv show.

Not the best example granted, but I would have missed out. We do this

all the time.

When building business or trying to improve our lives we will experience

blocks in the road. It is how we meet these challenges. Every successful

person will have many failures. That’s life. Sometimes things do not

happen right away or the first time you try something. It is what we learn

from the failure and the commitment to keep trying.

Many people struggle to build a list and then maintain it, because they

have no strategy. They haven't planned their entire funnel of how and

why people joined their list and what their experience will be as they

move through their business as a customer. Everything needs to relate

to one another. If you want a productive list you need a strategy that links

the people on it with what you will promote to them and why.


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The lack of knowledge in what traffic converts is also an issue for list

builders. It’s slightly different for every market. Some convert well in ads,

some better on social media and some on video platforms. But then

sometimes it can really just be how a person utilizes the traffic.

Lastly it is a lack of investment capital to put forward to build the

business and pay for large amounts of traffic in order to build the

business quickly. This is usually the main stumbling block people face.

The confidence to invest. This is one of the reasons we wrote this book

to show people that there is a way to build list on a neutral investment



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The Funnel

A funnel is the journey a person experiences as they go through your

business from being on the outside all the way through your offers in

becoming a paid customer. Each element needs to complement each

other to ensure that the customer keeps progressing through the funnel.

A simple list building funnel is as follows; a person opts in to a list in

exchange for a lead magnet or having made a purchase of a product.

They receive the item. They then receive regular email correspondence

with updates or offers in order to increase the customer's lifetime value

to the company. I’m sure you will all be family with this process as we

have all bought hundred of things over the Internet. We need to replicate



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Our recommended funnel

As you can see from the above diagram there is slightly more to the

funnel. This enables us to have more opportunities and for the business

to be much more productive.

Please do not despair.

The funnel is very simple.

It works like this.

We drive targeted traffic to a landing page where we offer a simple

specific lead magnet or the opportunity to see an offer. If people are


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interested they will opt in and subscribe to receive their advertised offer

or incentive (lead magnet). By doing so they are added to our list. We

will then send them promotional emails as and when which will make us

money over the long run on a regular basis.

When someone click on the opt-in button they will be presented with the

offer. If they take advantage of this offer we will earning a commision.

Alternatively if we have promised the person a freebie, we will also

present them with the paid offer and merely supply the freebie by email.

Either way we have the opportunity to earn commissions by presenting

an enticing offer once they opt in. This gives us the opportunity to start

making money straight away! If we offer a freebie it must be strictly linked

to the following paid offer so that they are more likely to buy.

So let’s do some simple maths based on typical results.

You send 500 targeted visitors to your landing page.

30-60% opt-in rate. (150-300 opt-ins)

5-10% purchase paid offer (8-30 sales)

These are typical results. You will never get 100% because you will never

interest everyone, but can can achieve good results if you optimize what

you do. From this example you can see that we began to build a list of

targeted people that we can market to with further offers and start to

make a regular income. But we also made sales immediately!!! This is


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why this funnel works. Depending on the persuasiveness of the landing

page and offer will depend on the success of any campaign.


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Funnel Offers

As you can see from the funnel we need at least one offer to start with

that will be presented to the customer after they opt in. My favorite

starting point as an affiliate is to promote low paid CPA offers. Offers or

products that cost the customer around $5-$10. The magic to this is

these low value product typically have a deep sales funnel, if the product

we are promoting has a deep sales funnel, then we can make a lot of

money if the customers we send to the offer go onto purchase upsells in

the funnel. For example a customer may buy the front end offer for $5,

then go onto buy the first upsell of additional content for $27, then a

second upsell of additional content for another $27 and so on.


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What is CPA

CPA stands for cost per action. In simple terms this means that you

promote something and when somebody takes action you get paid a

commission. The action can vary but typically it is making a purchase.

Where to find offers

The following sites I highly recommend as starting points when becoming

an affiliate and CPA marketer:

Warrior Plus:

Warrior Plus has a variety of make money online courses all of which

have low priced (typically 100% commission) front end offers with

variable commission deep funnels. Therefore this is the place to start.


JVZoo has a mixture of courses and softwares that are slightly more

higher in quality but typically have more expensive front end offers. Good


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to get involved with JVzoo offer when promoting to you list later down

the line.

Click Bank:

Clickbank is also full of ebooks and courses, but are priced more

expensively. Good to get involved with Clickbank offers when promoting

to you list later down the line.

Other CPA networks:

The above sites lists a wide range of offers. There are offers that only

require leads to payout rather than sales but these typically have lower

commissions. A lot of the offers come via advertisers and therefore

admissions to the networks can be a more difficult process, so we

recommend joining the three recommendations above first.


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What to consider when selecting an offer

When selecting an offer to promote there are a number of things you

should consider. Firstly what is the quality of the offer? Are people

promoting it already (good sign) and has the product creator a track

record of producing products that sell. Secondly is the offer evergreen or

at least current? Check out the product and see if it's still relevant before

selecting. Lastly you need to know what the commission rates are. Two

factors here. What % do you get from the front end product ie. the initial

commission you get upfront when a sale is made and what the upsells

are and the % you receive if sales are made. Also consider whether there

are any recurring commissions, which means you get paid every month

for example from one sale.

Your Link

One thing to remember is that the affiliate link that is created is usually

the domain of the network plus a long list of letters and or numbers. This

is fairly long and unsightly. Not a major issue, but a lot of other websites

and email providers do not like affiliate links and block them. Therefore

we need to mask them. This is the process of hiding them behind

another weblink that automatically redirects people to our affiliate link

once it is clicked. The best way to do this is with your own paid hosting

and domain, by creating a redirect link as this will have your own domain

name and look great.


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For example;

As a starting point we recommend that you promote Million Dollar

Toolbox as it has one of the best converting sales videos on the network.

Find your link by registering at Warrior Plus and search for ‘Million Dollar

Toolbox’. We will accept all our student without any fuss.

How to mask links with your hosting tutorial

Firstly log into your hosting control panel and go down to domains.


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Choose ‘redirects’.

Next choose the domain name you wish to utilize, then fill in the details.

You will need to type in the page name which is what come after the

forward slash. So Then paste in the link

to where you want it to be redirected to.

What I need to do

1) Sign up for Warrior Plus.

2) Apply to promote the recommended offer.

3) Upon acceptance retrieve your personal affiliate link.

4) Mask your affiliate link (Also read chapter - Website and email ).


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Email Marketing Systems & Auto


What is an email marketing system?

Email marketing systems (EMS) are online services that allow you to

collate and store email addresses AKA your list. They then enable you to

manage the list and send email as you see fit to the list or parts of the



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You need to select you EMS to suit the level of service you require. Many

people decided to start off with Mail chimp ( This

decision is typically made due to the offering of a ‘forever free’ level of

service offered. For free they will allow you to create a list up to 2,000

people and you have the ability to send up to 12,000 emails (in total) per

month. On the face of it that is pretty impressive. If you want a free to

entry EMS this is the place to start. However the downside is that on the

free option you do not get the benefit of any autoresponder features.

You can send emails but can not create an autoresponder series,

something which is so powerful in converting leads into sales.

What is an autoresponder?

The autoresponder series is a series of emails that you have pre-written

that get sent to a customer at pre-determined intervals following their

opt-in to your list. As you can imagine this is a very useful feature. For

example you can immediately ‘remind’ them about the offer that was

presented at the opt-in stage. You can also immediately deliver the lead

magnet if you are offering one, which is the best tactic. Why? because it

makes the customer definitely read the very first email you send to them.

This helps us with future deliverability of emails as it helps the system see

that we are not spam.


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What are the options?

In terms of EMS that have autoresponders we have two options. We use

an online service or we use a plugin to create our own. There are many

services available. Such as Awebber, Get Response, Send Lane etc..

everyone seems to have their favorite. They do a similar job and are

priced very similar. Typically starting at approximately 20 dollars per

month rising as your list grows. Most give a month's free trial.

Alternatively you can purchase a wordpress plug-in than enables you to

create an EMS on your wordpress website. With this option you only pay

up front for the product, but in order for emails to be sent you need to log

in. So whilst you can create an autoresponder you have to physically log

in each day to send the days emails. As your list grows you will probably

need to upgrade your hosting package. Swings and roundabouts

depending on the control and budget you require. We typically

recommend starting with something like Awebber and trialling that.

Try Awebber for free


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Create a list tutorial

Firstly sign up to an EMS, take your pick. For the purpose of this tutorial

we will walk you through Awebber, but others are very similar.

Once logged in. Choose to manage your lists.

Next we need to just click create a list


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Once the list is created we need to fill in the information. First we decide

on the sender name (your name) the sender email address and our

physical postal address.

Next we have to input a name for the list and the a description. The

description will be see by a subscriber if they decided to unsubscribe.

The list is now created.


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What I need to do

1) Sign up or create an EMS

2) Create a list


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Landing Pages

What are landing pages?

A landing page is a promotional web page with the sole purpose of

obtaining or converting traffic.

Landing pages generally fall within 2 types, firstly a squeeze page where

we merely seek to obtain an opt-in to an email list or a sale page where

we look to sell something.

We need a landing page to pre sell our offer which will increase the

conversions of our traffic to sale.


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If you google landing pages you will be met with a plethora of solutions

for creating such pages. The high ranking sites will all be web based

subscription services. Services such as Lead Pages and Click Funnels.

Some of these services are incredible. Currently we are using Click

Funnels and it is working exceptionally.

What are the options?

There are other options. Firstly if you have the skills you can create a

page yourself. Alternatively outsource it. As it is a relatively simple

exercise it will not cost much to get an expert to put one together for you.

Just go on and search for someone suitable. Make sure you

speak with them first to get their experience and examples of their work.

Make sure they can integrate your autoresponder.

We also have wordpress plugins. There are many out there like Thrive

Landing Pages which work in a similar way to the web services options.

We like thrive, it is not as slick as Click Funnels, but what it does it does

very well. Plugins typically cost up front with no recurring fees.

Lastly if you want a totally free option you can create you own utilizing

free plugins within the wordpress platform. It is totally possible to

achieve decent looking landing page in this fashion without being a

whizkid web designer. But you just need to accept that it will definitely


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take a lot more time to get it together and ultimately will not be as slick

and easy as the other solutions other or be as attractive.

What needs to go on my landing page?

The landing page needs to pre sell the offer or gain an opt-in. Therefore

you need three key elements.

1. An attention grabbing headline

2. Persuasive sale copy or video

3. A call to action with an opt-in box

Fairly straightforward set of elements. Just remember to consider your

end goal. What is the purpose of this landing page. When putting a page

together the three elements to consider are; the customer's pain points,

the benefits of the offer and how this solves the problem. Remember you

do need to sell the offer to the reader. You need to get them to opt-in. If

they leave before opting in you have lost them for good.

The landing page will be promoting an offer, so ensure that you have the

link to where the landing page will send the viewer once they opt-in. Also

when designing you opt -in try your best to make it similar to the offer

page in terms of color schemes etc. You can also put similar phrases and

words in your landing page. For example if the offer specifies certain

earnings or results put these on your page.


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How to build the funnel

The initial funnel will comprise of two or three simple elements. These

are effectively two or three simple web pages that a customer will pass

through as they opt in to your list. The first page is the landing page

which we have discussed extensively above, but it is essential you

persuade people to input their email address in exchange for a lead

magnet or the opportunity to see and offer. Here is an example.

At this point there are two options. This will depend on whether you are

offering a freebie or are just pointing them in the direction of an offer.

Once someone clicks ‘get instant access’ their email address will join our

list. If you choose to send them to an offer we just need to make sure

that the ‘get instant access’ button will re-direct the person to our affiliate

link, this will differ depending on how you created your landing page, the


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initial funnel is over and we will then hopefully reconnect with them in the

future via email. Alternatively if we are offering a freebie (lead magnet) we

recommend a further 2 pages. The next page should be a landing page

which introduces the offer, but really only links to the offer page, see

below. But we add a no thanks link at the bottom which will redirect the

viewer to a page which advises that the freebie has been sent to their

email address.


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They then have two choices either they see what the offer is or continue

in the funnel. So we need the third page, which is the thank you page.

Keep this so simple. Also always deliver the lead magnet whatever form

it is in by email so they check your emails!!!

This system work well to ensure people read your emails from the start.

Alternatively we send people straight to the affiliate link from our initial

landing page.

What I need to do

1) Decide how you will create landing pages

2) Create landing pages

3) Build your funnel


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Website & Email

Having a website and email is crucial to any online business or money

making method and should always be your very first tools you purchase.

Some methods will tell you that they are not essential. Maybe they

aren't. But we always recommend that you jump onboard with a website

and email because of additional benefits they provide.

We need a website for the following

1. A domain name

2. Hosting

3. An email address at the above domain


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Why do we need this?

Firstly it is your home on the net. It is a place where you can store all of

your promotional material like landing pages, products or downloads. It

will look so much more professional than a free hosting option and will

give you continuity throughout your brand and message and elevate you

as an authority and a genuine expert in the chosen field.

We also get the opportunity to create email from the domain. This is

essential to anyone that wants to maximize what they are doing. Firstly

we have the first impressions. When we send an email the reader sees

who is it from. Always make great first impressions. For example

[email protected]

rather than

[email protected]

Secondly free email addresses like Gmail do not always make it to

someone’s inbox. They can hit the spam or promotions part of the inbox

and the majority of people do not check these boxes so we have

effectively lost that person on the list. Increase your odds with a domain

hosted email.


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The incredibly useful benefit of having a domain and hosting is the ability

to mask links by redirecting a webpage on our site to another site. This

means that when we publish links it initially appears to be from our

website. For instance we may have a link to an affiliate product on

Warrior Plus and that could be something like

Whereas if we set up a redirect link we could have a link like

What I need to do

1) Buy a domain with a hosting plan

2) Install wordpress

3) Create your own personal email with the domain name

4) Create re-direct links with your chosen offers


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The Autoresponder Email Sequence

What is an email sequence?

The autoresponder email sequence is a series of pre written emails that

get sent to a customer at predetermined intervals following subscription

to a list. We want to set this up so we can communicate with the list in

the early phase on auto pilot. We just have to create a system that

includes a series of emails that we always want to send to the list.

We can easily create email sequence within EMS that have

autoresponder features like Awebber. We just have to decide on the

content and the strategy and then draft out as many emails as we want

to be sent out on autopilot to the new subscribers


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Within the sequence we have to build a relationship with the list so that

they continue to open our emails. We have many options and many

opportunities. Feel free to experiment. Many people like to introduce

themselves whilst many like to go straight into promotion. Generally we

have 4 options;

● Talk to the list and introduce ourselves

● Provide content and information

● Sell our products

● Promote as an affiliate.

The whole mailing game is all about strategy, which i have alluded to

above. You need to work out how you want to tackle it. Do you want to

befriend the list? Do you want to just promote? Do you just want to give

content 100% and leave monetization to a later date. Initially we

recommend that you do the following regardless of your strategy.

Tip: Always deliver the lead magnet in first email

By delivering the lead magnet in the first email it forces people to

recognize your emails straight away. High open rates of rate first emails

will improve your chances of open rate as you continue mailing into the

future. In the same first email you have an opportunity to remind the

person about the paid offer your presented to them after they opted in to

you list. It is also a great idea to mail over the course of the week further


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tips and content relating to the lead magnet and/or the paid offer always

including a link to the offer. Once you have gone through this process

and ‘warmed up’ your list adopt whatever strategy you see fit.

Email sequence tutorial

Again we will be using Awebber, but other provider are very similar.

Login and select your list then from the message drop down menu chose


Next we must create a campaign and name it


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This bring up the campaign editor. Choose to start campaign ‘on

subscribe’. Which is self explanatory. Then begin building the campaign.

On the left hand side we can drag and drop element. Either emails or

wait. Think about your strategy and how frequent you want the emails to

be then drag them in. Them edit the wait times of the waits.


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We now to to start creating each email. Click on emails you have

dragged to the centre them choose ‘create a message’ on the right hand

side. This open the editor. Draft out an email and click save. You will be

returned to the campaign page where you can click save and exit and it’s


What I need to do

1) Define your strategy

2) Plan a series of email

3) Load the auto responder with emails


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This is where we find our customers. Free traffic strategies are very

useful, I know many people who use free strategies exclusively and it

works for them, however these are long term strategies. But most of

these guys also supplement them with paid methods. As we said free

methods do give longevity as we are leaving a footprint somewhere for

people to find today, tomorrow or next year. Paid strategies typically give

us quick results as we are getting qualified leads. This is because we are

paying for something to be visible for a period of time.


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In the online space paid traffic falls into three type;

1. Traditional ads

2. Modern ads

3. Email ads


By traditional advertising we are referring to search engine ads. Here we

promote websites at the top results of google or along the side column.

As search engines are used so extensively we can get good results. The

same goes for banner advertising on specific websites. Downside is that

this can be fairly costly and targeting can be hit and miss.


Modern advertising relates primarily to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Facebook has become an advertising giant. They have taken advantage

of their enormous user base and have cleverly utilized all of the data they

have for each user. We are talking about pages you ‘like’ or groups you

join. Your age, location, marital status etc.. The brilliance is in its

simplicity. But that works for us, we can utilize this data and target ads to

specific people. Works very well, buy can be expensive when working

out what works.


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Then we have email ads. This is what we love. The whole business we

are building is driven by email, so it make sense that our initial traffic

should come from email. That way we know the people coming on to our

list open emails!! The secret sauce. This really works for any type of

niche, fine people who already have list and negotiate a price to send an

email from their account to their list.

In the space we are utilizing which is internet marketing or making money

online, we have the benefit of have solo ad vendors. These are guys who

have built up and continue to build enormous lists of leads that are

favorable to the internet marketing message. The cost of solo ads is

priced by the estimated open rate. So typically you will put in an order for

say 200 clicks (opens). This helps us to asses the efficiency of the ads.

So let's just recap on solo ads, they work because;

● People read emails

● Very cost effective

● You get what you pay for

● The audience is already targeted

● The results are quick.


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So going back to the funnel we gave you and the example of how the

traffic can filter its way through into leads and sales. Which was as


• You send 500 targeted visitors to your landing page.

• 30-60% opt-in rate. (150-300 opt-ins)

• 5-10% purchase paid offer (8-30 sales)

So we if we consider that a click may cost us 50 cents. So that is 50

cents for a single lead. Some people will think this is expensive, but if

you consider that typically on average over the course of a year each

email address on your list should be producing 1$ per month you can

see how worthwhile it is. So at 50 cents the 500 clicks will cost us $250.

In exchange for this we will receive 150 - 300 leads, which as long as we

optimise our email effort will earn us the 1$ per month. But we also get

the 8-30 sales. What this equates to is hard to assess, as we will have

the front end price which could be 7$, but each offer will have upsell of

varying cost. On average we could take $15 of the average commission.

This means the 8-30 sale equate to approximately $120-600. Please do

not get down of the ad doesn't not make a profit or even come close.

Remember we are in it for the long game and want to make money from

the subscriber regularly!


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How to chose a solo ad vendor

Choosing a solo ad vendor should be no different to any other

investment you make. You need to do due diligence to make sure they

are capable to fulfilling the service you are in need of. First of all check

out the reviews. Here's a good tip for choosing anything. Make sure there

are a mix of good and bad. From experience if all reviews are 100%

good, something can't be right. If something is real, it will have ‘haters’

remember that. But assess what's on offer and make a balanced


We also need as much tier 1 traffic as possible. Our message is in

english, so we need, typical english speaking countries like USA, UK,

Canada, Australia etc.. There no point wasting money on people who

potentially can’t understand the message or haven't got the money to


Most vendors will provide statistic and so will the reviews of the vendor.

We need to check out the open rates and the opt-in rates to see what

vendor are proving quality traffic. Some vendor will guarantee opt-ins,

which is great, but may be slightly more expensive however they may

give you more guidance due to their guarantee.

Speak with the solo ad vendors and tell them about the offer you want to

promote. Many will give advice. Some will offer to write the copy in the


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email. Some will also produce the landing page for you. Why? They

want results too so you reccomend them, or continue to use them.

Find Solo Ad Vendors

There are numerous solo ad vendors.

First of all check out facebook groups that have solo ad testimonials,

there are many.

Some other great solo ad sources are

What to monitor

When you send a solo ad you need to monitor and track statistics. You

cannot just go by how many pole join your list despite that being the

keep metric. You need to monitor that you are getting tier 1 traffic and

whether you are getting the clicks you requested. We can do this with

link tracking software like Clickmagick. There are many alternatives out

there. The software tracks the links that you put in the email and how it is

exposed to other email boxes and whether it is read or clicked. Ask the

solo ad vendors how they prefer to track the solo ads.


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What I need to do

1) Research solo ad vendor and communicate with them

2) Track links

3) Make solo ad


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This an element of any business that most people do not consider

important. If we go back to the start where we spoke of the mindset and

also where people go wrong trying to build profitable lists it was that

people give up too easily. They hit a roadblock or something doesn't

work straight away and they then wave the white flag. This is life people.

Sometimes things don't go well the first time. If everyone gave up when

this happened nothing in the history of the world would have ever


When things don't go as smoothly as we thought or we want to improve

we need to makes changes. This is where testing can be great. In this

type of business what can we test?


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• Offers - some just suck

• Landing pages - Color, headlines, pictures

• Lead Magnets - Some will work better for different audiences

• Solo ad vendors - Some have better leads

• Emails - Headlines and content style

Trial and error. Mistakes and rewards. You will need to learn on the job in

many ways, but you can see there are many ways you test different

things to see if results improve. Just do not give up.


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When I set out to create this project I wanted it to be a guide that was

easy to follow with a clear message. I also wanted it to almost be a bible

for building an online business that ANYONE could do. I feel we

accomplished it here.

We've shown you the theory behind every element of an online business

and we've also shown you what YOU need to do. If you follow each

step you will struggle to fail.

Just remember if you send targeted traffic to carefully selected lead

magnet or offer you will build a list of targeted emails. This in turn can be

converted into sale after sale.


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Good luck and remember to check out the resources section at the end

of this guide, it’s gold.


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Below is THE ultimate list of the best FREE resources to help you be successful. This is genuine GOLD. Having tested thousands of websites, plugins and apps over the years we have compiled our bible of GO TO services that we must use and they are below. We have covered all the main areas in the business including websites, graphics, content and even productivity. Go through the list and test them out, i am convinced there are many here that you will start using and not be able to live without. If they have an app get that for your smart phone and utilize the cloud! Websites Strikingly - Build beautiful websites Layers - Wordpress site builder Logaster - Free logo creation Business Invoicely - invoice creator KISS - Free legal documents


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Germ - Idea management The name app - Search for available names on all platforms Writting Hemmingway App - Make it clearer Grammarly - Get your grammar right Egg timer Liberio - Make ebook with google Content & ideas Portent - Idea generator Google trends - what topics are current Buzzsumo - Find shared content Ruzzit - Find shared content


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Pixlr - Edit photos and picture easily Easel - Create easy visual and infographics Meme generator Pablo - Create images Email Management Hello Bar - Get more subscribers Sumo Me - Lightbox list builder CannedEmail Pre written responses Social Media Writerack - How to create a tweetstorm Later - Plan social content


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Hootsuite - Manager all social and plan Pin Button - Pintrest button on all images Filament - Get more shares Crowdfire - Automate direct messages after a follow Recrpost - Automate & recycle content Surveys Typeform create forms Tally - Create polls Survey creator Fonts Font combination - See what works


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Font Ninja - Find fonts Google Fonts Dafont - Free fonts 1001 Fonts - Free fonts Icons Font generator Productivity Noisli - Knockout distractions Coffitivity - Coffee shop sounds Selfcontrol - prevent distracting websites Cold Turkey - Block websites Trello - Organise and collaborate


Page 58: may not be reproduced or used in any manner · Chapter 8 - Autoresponder email sequence Chapter 9 - Traffic Chapter 10 - Testing Chapter Evernote - More than just a notebook, much, much more Dropbox - Cloud storage Yanado - Project management inside gmail Wetransfer - Transfer files up to 2GB Slack - Teamwork Google Hangout - Team or group platform Realtimeboard - Interactive whiteboard Skype - Video and text messaging Wunderlist - Create lists